def handle(self, *args, **options): target = options['target'] target_dict = { 'type': 'postgres', 'cursor': connection.cursor(), 'with_indices': False } if target == 'mongo': target_dict = { 'type': 'mongo', 'db': get_mongo_db() } motu_args = ( COPERNICUS_SERVER['USERNAME'], COPERNICUS_SERVER['PASSWORD'], BaseConverter.full_input_path(), '' % str(uuid4()), ) motu_script = options['script'] # '-m -s NORTHWESTSHELF_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_BIO_004_002_b -d MetO-NWS-BIO-dm-ATTN -x -19.888889312744 -X 12.999670028687 -y 40.066669464111 -Y 65.001251220703 -t "2017-05-14 12:00:00" -T "2017-05-18 12:00:00" -z 0 -Z 3.0001 -v attn ' print('Downloading...') motu_download(('-u %s -p %s ' + motu_script + ' -o "%s" -f %s') % motu_args) print('Done.\n') cnv = NetCDF4Converter(motu_args[3]), stdout=self.stdout)
def generate_dataset(target, variable, sizes, index=False, stdout=None): target_dict = { 'type': 'postgres', 'cursor': connection.cursor(), 'with_indices': index } if target == 'mongo': target_dict = { 'type': 'mongo', 'db': get_mongo_db(), 'with_indices': index, } dimensions = { 'time': { 'unit': 'hours since 2016-01-01', 'min': 0, 'step': 1 }, 'lat': { 'unit': 'degree_east', 'min': -50, 'step': 0.2 }, 'lng': { 'unit': 'degree_north', 'min': 10, 'step': 0.2 } } total_items = 1 for idx, d_name in enumerate(['time', 'lat', 'lng']): n_of_steps = int(sizes.split(',')[idx].strip()) dimensions[d_name]['max'] = dimensions[d_name]['min'] + ( n_of_steps - 1) * dimensions[d_name]['step'] total_items *= n_of_steps cnv = RandomDataConverter(v_name=variable, dimensions=dimensions, title=variable) t1 = time.time() dataset =, stdout=stdout) t2 = time.time() return dataset, total_items, (t2 - t1)
def handle(self, *args, **options): target = options['target'] target_dict = { 'type': 'postgres', 'cursor': connection.cursor(), 'with_indices': True } if target == 'mongo': target_dict = { 'type': 'mongo', 'db': get_mongo_db(), 'with_indices': True } cnv = NetCDF4Converter(options['file']), stdout=self.stdout)
def prepare_queries(self, pg_datasets, mongo_datasets): queries = [ # simple select/filter { 'title': 'Simple select/filter', 'type': 'filter', 'postgres': """ SELECT * FROM ( SELECT <v1a>, <v2a>, <v3a>, value FROM <t1> WHERE <v1a> >= -9.8 AND <v1a> <= -9.6 ) AS Q1 ORDER BY value """, 'mongo': { 'collection': "<c1>", 'find': { 'lat': { '$gte': -9.8, '$lte': -9.6 }, }, } }, # paginated select/filter { 'title': 'Paginated select/filter', 'type': 'filter', 'postgres': """ SELECT * FROM ( SELECT <v1a>, <v2a>, <v3a>, value FROM <t1> WHERE <v1a> >= -9.8 AND <v1a> <= -9.6 ) AS Q1 ORDER BY value LIMIT 10000000 OFFSET 20000000 """, 'mongo': { 'collection': "<c1>", 'find': { 'lat': { '$gte': -9.8, '$lte': -9.6 }, }, 'limit': 10000000, 'skip': 20000000 } }, # strict join { 'title': 'Value difference in exact location & time', 'type': 'join', 'postgres': """ SELECT * FROM ( SELECT <v1a>, <v2a>, <v3a>, (<t2>.value - <t1>.value) AS difv FROM <t1> JOIN <t2> ON <v1a>=<v1b> AND <v2a>=<v2b> AND <v3a>=<v3b> ) AS Q1 ORDER BY difv """, 'mongo': { 'collection': "<c1>", 'aggregates': [ { "$lookup": { "from": "<c2>", "localField": "<v1>", "foreignField": "<v1>", "as": "c2" } }, { "$unwind": "$c2" }, { "$project": { 'lat': 1, 'lng': 1, 'time': 1, 'isLatEqual': { "$eq": ["$lat", "$"] }, 'isLngEqual': { "$eq": ["$lng", "$c2.lng"] }, 'isTimeEqual': { "$eq": ["$time", "$c2.time"] }, 'diff': { '$subtract': ["$value", "$c2.value"] }, }, }, { "$match": { 'isLngEqual': True, 'isTimeEqual': True } }, { "$sort": { 'diff': 1 } }, ] } }, { 'title': 'Value difference at the same time', 'type': 'join', 'postgres': """ SELECT * FROM ( SELECT <v1a>, <v2a>, <v3a>, (<t2>.value - <t1>.value) AS difv FROM <t1> JOIN <t2> ON <v3a>=<v3b> ) AS Q1 ORDER BY difv """, 'mongo': { 'collection': "<c1>", 'aggregates': [ { "$lookup": { "from": "<c2>", "localField": "<v3>", "foreignField": "<v3>", "as": "c2" } }, { "$unwind": "$c2" }, { "$project": { 'lat': 1, 'lng': 1, 'time': 1, 'diff': { '$subtract': ["$value", "$c2.value"] }, }, }, { "$sort": { 'diff': 1 } }, ] } }, ] for query in queries: # PG replacements q = query['postgres'] for d_id in (['a', 'b'] if pg_datasets[1] else ['a']): # replace table names q = q.replace( '<t%d>' % (['a', 'b'].index(d_id) + 1), pg_datasets[[ 'a', 'b' ].index(d_id)].variables.get().data_table_name) # replace column names for dim_id in range( 1, pg_datasets[['a', 'b'].index( d_id)].variables.get().dimensions.all().count() + 1): q = q.replace( '<v%d%s>' % (dim_id, d_id), pg_datasets[[ 'a', 'b' ].index(d_id)].variables.get().dimensions.all()[ dim_id - 1].data_column_name) query['postgres'] = q # MONGO replacements q = json.dumps(query['mongo']) c1 = get_mongo_db().variables.find_one( {'dataset_id': mongo_datasets[0]}) if mongo_datasets[1]: c2 = get_mongo_db().variables.find_one( {'dataset_id': mongo_datasets[1]}) else: c2 = {'name': ''} q = q.replace('<c1>', c1['name']).replace('<c2>', c2['name']) for idx, dim in enumerate(c1['dimensions']): q = q.replace('<v%d>' % (idx + 1), dim) query['mongo'] = json.loads(q) return queries
def handle(self, *args, **options): skip_mongo_joins = options['no_mongo_joins'] or False index = options['index'] or False skip_joins = options['no_joins'] or False if skip_joins: skip_mongo_joins = True v_name = 'rnd_%s' % ''.join( [str(random.choice(range(1, 10))) for _ in range(1, 5)]) # call for postgres pd1, p_size, p_time = generate_dataset(target='postgres', variable=v_name + '_1', sizes=options['sizes'], index=index, stdout=self.stdout) if not skip_joins: pd2, _, _ = generate_dataset(target='postgres', variable=v_name + '_2', sizes=options['sizes'], index=index, stdout=self.stdout) else: pd2 = None # call for mongo md1, m_size, m_time = generate_dataset(target='mongo', variable=v_name + '_1', sizes=options['sizes'], index=index, stdout=self.stdout) if not skip_mongo_joins: md2, _, _ = generate_dataset(target='mongo', variable=v_name + '_2', sizes=options['sizes'], index=index, stdout=self.stdout) else: md2 = None # print insert times print('') print('Data import') print('===========') print('\tDatabase\tDuration\t\t#Rows') print('\tPostgres\t%.3f sec\t\t%d' % (p_time, p_size)) print('\tMongoDB\t\t%.3f sec\t\t%d' % (m_time, m_size)) # print disk usage info stats = get_mongo_db().command("collstats", v_name + '_1') m_disk_size = (stats['size'] + stats['totalIndexSize']) / 1024.0 / 1024.0 cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute(""" SELECT *, pg_size_pretty(total_bytes) AS total , pg_size_pretty(index_bytes) AS INDEX , pg_size_pretty(toast_bytes) AS toast , pg_size_pretty(table_bytes) AS TABLE FROM ( SELECT *, total_bytes-index_bytes-COALESCE(toast_bytes,0) AS table_bytes FROM ( SELECT c.oid,nspname AS table_schema, relname AS TABLE_NAME , c.reltuples AS row_estimate , pg_total_relation_size(c.oid) AS total_bytes , pg_indexes_size(c.oid) AS index_bytes , pg_total_relation_size(reltoastrelid) AS toast_bytes FROM pg_class c LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE relkind = 'r' ) a ) a WHERE table_name = '%s'; """ % pd1.variables.get().data_table_name) p_disk_size = cur.fetchone()[4] / 1024.0 / 1024.0 print('') print('Disk usage') print('===========') print('\tDatabase\tSize (MB)\t\t#Rows') print('\tPostgres\t%.2f MB\t\t%d' % (p_disk_size, p_size)) print('\tMongoDB\t\t%.2f MB\t\t%d' % (m_disk_size, m_size)) # prepare queries queries = self.prepare_queries(pg_datasets=[pd1, pd2], mongo_datasets=[md1, md2]) # execute queries for q in queries: if skip_joins and q['type'] == 'join': continue print('') title = 'Query: %s' % q['title'] print(title) print(''.join(['=' for _ in title])) print('\tDatabase\tDuration\t\t#Results') try: t1 = time.time() cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute(q['postgres']) cnt = len([x for x in cur.fetchall()]) t2 = time.time() print('\tPostgres\t%.3f sec\t\t%d' % ((t2 - t1), cnt)) except: traceback.print_exc() print('\tPostgres failed') if skip_mongo_joins and q['type'] == 'join': continue try: t1 = time.time() f = get_mongo_db().get_collection(q['mongo']['collection']) if 'find' in q['mongo']: f = f.find(q['mongo']['find']) if 'aggregates' in q['mongo']: f = f.aggregate(q['mongo']['aggregates']) if 'skip' in q['mongo']: f = f.limit(q['mongo']['skip']) if 'limit' in q['mongo']: f = f.limit(q['mongo']['limit']) cnt = [x for x in f].__len__() t2 = time.time() print('\tMongoDB\t\t%.3f sec\t\t%d' % ((t2 - t1), cnt)) except: traceback.print_exc() print('\tMongoDB failed') # drop everything pd1.delete() if pd2: pd2.delete() for md in [md1, md2]: if md is None: continue db = get_mongo_db() variable = db.variables.find_one({'dataset_id': md}) db.get_collection(variable['name']).drop() db.dimensions.delete_many({'variable_id': variable['_id']}) db.variables.delete_many({'dataset_id': md}) db.datasets.delete_many({'_id': md})