コード例 #1
    def test_flattener(self):
        formatter = DocumentFlattener()

        # Flat already
        transformed = dict(
            (k, formatter.transform_value(v)) for k, v in self.doc.items()
        self.assertEqual(transformed, formatter.format_document(self.doc))

        # Nested
        transformed2 = formatter.format_document(self.doc_nested)
        constructed = dict(
            ("doc.%s" % k, formatter.transform_value(v)) for k, v in self.doc.items()
        self.assertEqual(transformed2, constructed)

        # With a list
        constructed1 = dict(
            ("list.0.%s" % k, formatter.transform_value(v)) for k, v in self.doc.items()
        constructed2 = dict(("list.1.%s" % k, v) for k, v in transformed2.items())
        constructed3 = dict(
            ("list.2.%d" % i, formatter.transform_value(v))
            for i, v in enumerate(self.lst)
        self.assertEqual(formatter.format_document(self.doc_list), constructed1)
コード例 #2
 def __init__(self, url, auto_commit_interval=DEFAULT_COMMIT_INTERVAL,
              unique_key='_id', chunk_size=DEFAULT_MAX_BULK, **kwargs):
     """Verify Solr URL and establish a connection.
     self.solr = Solr(url)
     self.unique_key = unique_key
     # pysolr does things in milliseconds
     if auto_commit_interval is not None:
         self.auto_commit_interval = auto_commit_interval * 1000
         self.auto_commit_interval = None
     self.chunk_size = chunk_size
     self.field_list = []
     self._formatter = DocumentFlattener()
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self,
        if 'mongoUrl' not in kwargs:
            raise InvalidConfiguration("The MongoUrl parameter is mandatory.")

        self.url = url
        self.unique_key = unique_key
        self.auto_commit_interval = auto_commit_interval
        self.chunk_size = chunk_size
        self._formatter = DocumentFlattener()
        self.pgsql = psycopg2.connect(url)
        self.insert_accumulator = {}
        self.client = MongoClient(kwargs['mongoUrl'])
        self.quiet = kwargs.get('quiet', False)

        mappings_json_file_name = kwargs.get('mappingFile',
        register_adapter(ObjectId, object_id_adapter)

        if not os.path.isfile(mappings_json_file_name):
            raise InvalidConfiguration("no mapping file found at " +

        with open(mappings_json_file_name) as mappings_file:
            self.mappings = json.load(mappings_file)

コード例 #4
    def __init__(self,
        if 'mongoUrl' not in kwargs:
            raise InvalidConfiguration("The MongoUrl parameter is mandatory.")

        self.url = url
        self.unique_key = unique_key
        self.auto_commit_interval = auto_commit_interval
        self.chunk_size = chunk_size
        self._formatter = DocumentFlattener()
        self.pgsql = psycopg2.connect(url)
        self.insert_accumulator = {}
        self.client = MongoClient(kwargs['mongoUrl'])

        register_adapter(ObjectId, object_id_adapter)

        if not os.path.isfile(MAPPINGS_JSON_FILE_NAME):
            raise InvalidConfiguration("no mapping file found")

        with open(MAPPINGS_JSON_FILE_NAME) as mappings_file:
            self.mappings = json.load(mappings_file)

コード例 #5
    def __init__(self, url, unique_key='_id', auto_commit_interval=None, chunk_size=100, **kwargs):
        print kwargs

        # if 'mongoUrl' not in kwargs:
        #     raise InvalidConfiguration("The MongoUrl parameter is mandatory.")

        self.url = url
        self.unique_key = unique_key
        self.auto_commit_interval = auto_commit_interval
        self.chunk_size = chunk_size
        self._formatter = DocumentFlattener()
        self.pgsql = psycopg2.connect(url)
        self.insert_accumulator = {}
        # self.client = MongoClient(kwargs['mongoUrl'])

        register_adapter(ObjectId, object_id_adapter)

        # TODO - remove mapping checks as we are just going to
        # translate to jsonb with an id column

        if not os.path.isfile(MAPPINGS_JSON_FILE_NAME):
            raise InvalidConfiguration("no mapping file found")

        with open(MAPPINGS_JSON_FILE_NAME) as mappings_file:
            self.mappings = json.load(mappings_file)


        # TODO - this should create a table with an id pk column and
        # also a jsonb 'jdoc' column only
コード例 #6
    def __init__(self,
        """Verify Solr URL and establish a connection.
        self.url = url
        self.solr = Solr(url, **kwargs.get('clientOptions', {}))
        self.unique_key = unique_key
        # pysolr does things in milliseconds
        if auto_commit_interval is not None:
            self.auto_commit_interval = auto_commit_interval * 1000
            self.auto_commit_interval = None
        self.chunk_size = chunk_size
        self.field_list = []
        self._formatter = DocumentFlattener()

        self._content_type = kwargs.get("content_type", None)
        logging.info("begin to init content_type args ,value is %s" %

        if self._content_type is None:
            logging.info("content_type args is none, will receive all type")
            self._receive_all_type = True
            logging.debug("begin to check content_type args")
            self._receive_all_type = False
            if isinstance(self._content_type, dict):
                self._content_type_list = dict(self._content_type).keys()
                logging.debug("the support type list is %s" %

                raise errors.InvalidConfiguration(
                    "args content type is not is dict")
コード例 #7
 def __init__(self, url, auto_commit_interval=DEFAULT_COMMIT_INTERVAL,
              unique_key='_id', chunk_size=DEFAULT_MAX_BULK, **kwargs):
     """Verify Solr URL and establish a connection.
     self.solr = Solr(url)
     self.unique_key = unique_key
     # pysolr does things in milliseconds
     if auto_commit_interval is not None:
         self.auto_commit_interval = auto_commit_interval * 1000
         self.auto_commit_interval = None
     self.chunk_size = chunk_size
     self.field_list = []
     self._formatter = DocumentFlattener()
コード例 #8
class DocManager(DocManagerBase):
    """The DocManager class creates a connection to the backend engine and
    adds/removes documents, and in the case of rollback, searches for them.

    The reason for storing id/doc pairs as opposed to doc's is so that multiple
    updates to the same doc reflect the most up to date version as opposed to
    multiple, slightly different versions of a doc.
    def __init__(self,
        """Verify Solr URL and establish a connection.
        self.url = url
        self.solr = Solr(url)
        self.unique_key = unique_key
        # pysolr does things in milliseconds
        if auto_commit_interval is not None:
            self.auto_commit_interval = auto_commit_interval * 1000
            self.auto_commit_interval = None
        self.chunk_size = chunk_size
        self.field_list = []
        self._formatter = DocumentFlattener()

    def _parse_fields(self, result, field_name):
        """ If Schema access, parse fields and build respective lists
        field_list = []
        for key, value in result.get('schema', {}).get(field_name, {}).items():
            if key not in field_list:
        return field_list

    def _build_fields(self):
        """ Builds a list of valid fields
        declared_fields = self.solr._send_request('get', ADMIN_URL)
        result = decoder.decode(declared_fields)
        self.field_list = self._parse_fields(result, 'fields')

        # Build regular expressions to match dynamic fields.
        # dynamic field names may have exactly one wildcard, either at
        # the beginning or the end of the name
        self._dynamic_field_regexes = []
        for wc_pattern in self._parse_fields(result, 'dynamicFields'):
            if wc_pattern[0] == "*":
                    re.compile(".*%s\Z" % wc_pattern[1:]))
            elif wc_pattern[-1] == "*":
                    re.compile("\A%s.*" % wc_pattern[:-1]))

    def _clean_doc(self, doc, namespace, timestamp):
        """Reformats the given document before insertion into Solr.

        This method reformats the document in the following ways:
          - removes extraneous fields that aren't defined in schema.xml
          - unwinds arrays in order to find and later flatten sub-documents
          - flattens the document so that there are no sub-documents, and every
            value is associated with its dot-separated path of keys
          - inserts namespace and timestamp metadata into the document in order
            to handle rollbacks

        An example:
          {"a": 2,
           "b": {
             "c": {
               "d": 5
           "e": [6, 7, 8]

          {"a": 2, "b.c.d": 5, "e.0": 6, "e.1": 7, "e.2": 8}


        # Translate the _id field to whatever unique key we're using.
        # _id may not exist in the doc, if we retrieved it from Solr
        # as part of update.
        if '_id' in doc:
            doc[self.unique_key] = u(doc.pop("_id"))

        # Update namespace and timestamp metadata
        if 'ns' in doc or '_ts' in doc:
            raise errors.OperationFailed(
                'Need to set "ns" and "_ts" fields, but these fields already '
                'exist in the document %r!' % doc)
        doc['ns'] = namespace
        doc['_ts'] = timestamp

        # SOLR cannot index fields within sub-documents, so flatten documents
        # with the dot-separated path to each value as the respective key
        flat_doc = self._formatter.format_document(doc)

        # Only include fields that are explicitly provided in the
        # schema or match one of the dynamic field patterns, if
        # we were able to retrieve the schema
        if len(self.field_list) + len(self._dynamic_field_regexes) > 0:

            def include_field(field):
                return field in self.field_list or any(
                    for regex in self._dynamic_field_regexes)

            return dict(
                (k, v) for k, v in flat_doc.items() if include_field(k))
        return flat_doc

    def stop(self):
        """ Stops the instance

    def handle_command(self, doc, namespace, timestamp):
        db, _ = namespace.split('.', 1)
        if doc.get('dropDatabase'):
            for new_db in self.command_helper.map_db(db):
                self.solr.delete(q="ns:%s.*" % new_db,
                                 commit=(self.auto_commit_interval == 0))

        if doc.get('renameCollection'):
            raise errors.OperationFailed(
                "solr_doc_manager does not support replication of "
                " renameCollection")

        if doc.get('create'):
            # nothing to do

        if doc.get('drop'):
            new_db, coll = self.command_helper.map_collection(db, doc['drop'])
            if new_db:
                self.solr.delete(q="ns:%s.%s" % (new_db, coll),
                                 commit=(self.auto_commit_interval == 0))

    def apply_update(self, doc, update_spec):
        """Override DocManagerBase.apply_update to have flat documents."""
        # Replace a whole document
        if not '$set' in update_spec and not '$unset' in update_spec:
            # update spec contains the new document
            update_spec['_id'] = doc['_id']
            return update_spec
        for to_set in update_spec.get("$set", []):
            value = update_spec['$set'][to_set]
            # Find dotted-path to the value, remove that key from doc, then
            # put value at key:
            keys_to_pop = []
            for key in doc:
                if key.startswith(to_set):
                    if key == to_set or key[len(to_set)] == '.':
            for key in keys_to_pop:
            doc[to_set] = value
        for to_unset in update_spec.get("$unset", []):
            # MongoDB < 2.5.2 reports $unset for fields that don't exist within
            # the document being updated.
            keys_to_pop = []
            for key in doc:
                if key.startswith(to_unset):
                    if key == to_unset or key[len(to_unset)] == '.':
            for key in keys_to_pop:
        return doc

    def update(self, document_id, update_spec, namespace, timestamp):
        """Apply updates given in update_spec to the document whose id
        matches that of doc.

        # Commit outstanding changes so that the document to be updated is the
        # same version to which the changes apply.
        query = "%s:%s" % (self.unique_key, u(document_id))
        results = self.solr.search(query)
        if not len(results):
            # Document may not be retrievable yet
            results = self.solr.search(query)
        # Results is an iterable containing only 1 result
        for doc in results:
            # Remove metadata previously stored by Mongo Connector.
            updated = self.apply_update(doc, update_spec)
            # A _version_ of 0 will always apply the update
            updated['_version_'] = 0
            self.upsert(updated, namespace, timestamp)
            return updated

    def upsert(self, doc, namespace, timestamp):
        """Update or insert a document into Solr

        This method should call whatever add/insert/update method exists for
        the backend engine and add the document in there. The input will
        always be one mongo document, represented as a Python dictionary.
        if self.auto_commit_interval is not None:
            self.solr.add([self._clean_doc(doc, namespace, timestamp)],
                          commit=(self.auto_commit_interval == 0),
            self.solr.add([self._clean_doc(doc, namespace, timestamp)],

    def bulk_upsert(self, docs, namespace, timestamp):
        """Update or insert multiple documents into Solr

        docs may be any iterable
        if self.auto_commit_interval is not None:
            add_kwargs = {
                "commit": (self.auto_commit_interval == 0),
                "commitWithin": str(self.auto_commit_interval)
            add_kwargs = {"commit": False}

        cleaned = (self._clean_doc(d, namespace, timestamp) for d in docs)
        if self.chunk_size > 0:
            batch = list(next(cleaned) for i in range(self.chunk_size))
            while batch:
                self.solr.add(batch, **add_kwargs)
                batch = list(next(cleaned) for i in range(self.chunk_size))
            self.solr.add(cleaned, **add_kwargs)

    def insert_file(self, f, namespace, timestamp):
        params = self._formatter.format_document(f.get_metadata())
        params[self.unique_key] = params.pop('_id')
        params['ns'] = namespace
        params['_ts'] = timestamp
        params = dict(('literal.' + k, v) for k, v in params.items())

        if self.auto_commit_interval == 0:
            params['commit'] = 'true'

        request = Request(
            os.path.join(self.url, "update/extract?%s" % urlencode(params)))

        request.add_header("Content-type", "application/octet-stream")
        request.data = f
        response = urlopen(request)

    def remove(self, document_id, namespace, timestamp):
        """Removes documents from Solr

        The input is a python dictionary that represents a mongo document.
                         commit=(self.auto_commit_interval == 0))

    def _stream_search(self, query):
        """Helper method for iterating over Solr search results."""
        for doc in self.solr.search(query, rows=100000000):
            if self.unique_key != "_id":
                doc["_id"] = doc.pop(self.unique_key)
            yield doc

    def search(self, start_ts, end_ts):
        """Called to query Solr for documents in a time range."""
        query = '_ts: [%s TO %s]' % (start_ts, end_ts)
        return self._stream_search(query)

    def commit(self):
        """This function is used to force a commit.

    def get_last_doc(self):
        """Returns the last document stored in the Solr engine.
        #search everything, sort by descending timestamp, return 1 row
            result = self.solr.search('*:*', sort='_ts desc', rows=1)
        except ValueError:
            return None

        for r in result:
            r['_id'] = r.pop(self.unique_key)
            return r
コード例 #9
class DocManager(DocManagerBase):
    """The DocManager class creates a connection to the backend engine and
    adds/removes documents, and in the case of rollback, searches for them.

    The reason for storing id/doc pairs as opposed to doc's is so that multiple
    updates to the same doc reflect the most up to date version as opposed to
    multiple, slightly different versions of a doc.

    def __init__(self, url, auto_commit_interval=DEFAULT_COMMIT_INTERVAL,
                 unique_key='_id', chunk_size=DEFAULT_MAX_BULK, **kwargs):
        """Verify Solr URL and establish a connection.
        self.solr = Solr(url)
        self.unique_key = unique_key
        # pysolr does things in milliseconds
        if auto_commit_interval is not None:
            self.auto_commit_interval = auto_commit_interval * 1000
            self.auto_commit_interval = None
        self.chunk_size = chunk_size
        self.field_list = []
        self._formatter = DocumentFlattener()

    def _parse_fields(self, result, field_name):
        """ If Schema access, parse fields and build respective lists
        field_list = []
        for key, value in result.get('schema', {}).get(field_name, {}).items():
            if key not in field_list:
        return field_list

    def _build_fields(self):
        """ Builds a list of valid fields
        declared_fields = self.solr._send_request('get', ADMIN_URL)
        result = decoder.decode(declared_fields)
        self.field_list = self._parse_fields(result, 'fields')

        # Build regular expressions to match dynamic fields.
        # dynamic field names may have exactly one wildcard, either at
        # the beginning or the end of the name
        self._dynamic_field_regexes = []
        for wc_pattern in self._parse_fields(result, 'dynamicFields'):
            if wc_pattern[0] == "*":
                    re.compile(".*%s\Z" % wc_pattern[1:]))
            elif wc_pattern[-1] == "*":
                    re.compile("\A%s.*" % wc_pattern[:-1]))

    def _clean_doc(self, doc):
        """Reformats the given document before insertion into Solr.

        This method reformats the document in the following ways:
          - removes extraneous fields that aren't defined in schema.xml
          - unwinds arrays in order to find and later flatten sub-documents
          - flattens the document so that there are no sub-documents, and every
            value is associated with its dot-separated path of keys

        An example:
          {"a": 2,
           "b": {
             "c": {
               "d": 5
           "e": [6, 7, 8]

          {"a": 2, "b.c.d": 5, "e.0": 6, "e.1": 7, "e.2": 8}


        # Translate the _id field to whatever unique key we're using.
        # _id may not exist in the doc, if we retrieved it from Solr
        # as part of update.
        if '_id' in doc:
            doc[self.unique_key] = doc.pop("_id")

        # SOLR cannot index fields within sub-documents, so flatten documents
        # with the dot-separated path to each value as the respective key
        flat_doc = self._formatter.format_document(doc)

        # Only include fields that are explicitly provided in the
        # schema or match one of the dynamic field patterns, if
        # we were able to retrieve the schema
        if len(self.field_list) + len(self._dynamic_field_regexes) > 0:
            def include_field(field):
                return field in self.field_list or any(
                    regex.match(field) for regex in self._dynamic_field_regexes
            return dict((k, v) for k, v in flat_doc.items() if include_field(k))
        return flat_doc

    def stop(self):
        """ Stops the instance

    def apply_update(self, doc, update_spec):
        """Override DocManagerBase.apply_update to have flat documents."""
        # Replace a whole document
        if not '$set' in update_spec and not '$unset' in update_spec:
            # update spec contains the new document
            update_spec['_ts'] = doc['_ts']
            update_spec['ns'] = doc['ns']
            update_spec['_id'] = doc['_id']
            return update_spec
        for to_set in update_spec.get("$set", []):
            value = update_spec['$set'][to_set]
            # Find dotted-path to the value, remove that key from doc, then
            # put value at key:
            keys_to_pop = []
            for key in doc:
                if key.startswith(to_set):
                    if key == to_set or key[len(to_set)] == '.':
            for key in keys_to_pop:
            doc[to_set] = value
        for to_unset in update_spec.get("$unset", []):
            # MongoDB < 2.5.2 reports $unset for fields that don't exist within
            # the document being updated.
            keys_to_pop = []
            for key in doc:
                if key.startswith(to_unset):
                    if key == to_unset or key[len(to_unset)] == '.':
            for key in keys_to_pop:
        return doc

    def update(self, doc, update_spec):
        """Apply updates given in update_spec to the document whose id
        matches that of doc.

        # Commit outstanding changes so that the document to be updated is the
        # same version to which the changes apply.
        query = "%s:%s" % (self.unique_key, str(doc['_id']))
        results = self.solr.search(query)
        if not len(results):
            # Document may not be retrievable yet
            results = self.solr.search(query)
        # Results is an iterable containing only 1 result
        for doc in results:
            updated = self.apply_update(doc, update_spec)
            # A _version_ of 0 will always apply the update
            updated['_version_'] = 0
            return updated

    def upsert(self, doc):
        """Update or insert a document into Solr

        This method should call whatever add/insert/update method exists for
        the backend engine and add the document in there. The input will
        always be one mongo document, represented as a Python dictionary.
        if self.auto_commit_interval is not None:
                          commit=(self.auto_commit_interval == 0),
            self.solr.add([self._clean_doc(doc)], commit=False)

    def bulk_upsert(self, docs):
        """Update or insert multiple documents into Solr

        docs may be any iterable
        if self.auto_commit_interval is not None:
            add_kwargs = {
                "commit": (self.auto_commit_interval == 0),
                "commitWithin": str(self.auto_commit_interval)
            add_kwargs = {"commit": False}

        cleaned = (self._clean_doc(d) for d in docs)
        if self.chunk_size > 0:
            batch = list(next(cleaned) for i in range(self.chunk_size))
            while batch:
                self.solr.add(batch, **add_kwargs)
                batch = list(next(cleaned)
                             for i in range(self.chunk_size))
            self.solr.add(cleaned, **add_kwargs)

    def remove(self, doc):
        """Removes documents from Solr

        The input is a python dictionary that represents a mongo document.
                         commit=(self.auto_commit_interval == 0))

    def _remove(self):
        """Removes everything
        self.solr.delete(q='*:*', commit=(self.auto_commit_interval == 0))

    def _stream_search(self, query):
        """Helper method for iterating over Solr search results."""
        for doc in self.solr.search(query, rows=100000000):
            if self.unique_key != "_id":
                doc["_id"] = doc.pop(self.unique_key)
            yield doc

    def search(self, start_ts, end_ts):
        """Called to query Solr for documents in a time range."""
        query = '_ts: [%s TO %s]' % (start_ts, end_ts)
        return self._stream_search(query)

    def _search(self, query):
        """For test purposes only. Performs search on Solr with given query
            Does not have to be implemented.
        return self._stream_search(query)

    def commit(self):
        """This function is used to force a commit.

    def get_last_doc(self):
        """Returns the last document stored in the Solr engine.
        #search everything, sort by descending timestamp, return 1 row
            result = self.solr.search('*:*', sort='_ts desc', rows=1)
        except ValueError:
            return None

        for r in result:
            r['_id'] = r.pop(self.unique_key)
            return r
コード例 #10
class DocManager(DocManagerBase):
    """The DocManager class creates a connection to the backend engine and
    adds/removes documents, and in the case of rollback, searches for them.

    The reason for storing id/doc pairs as opposed to doc's is so that multiple
    updates to the same doc reflect the most up to date version as opposed to
    multiple, slightly different versions of a doc.

    def __init__(self, url, auto_commit_interval=DEFAULT_COMMIT_INTERVAL,
                 unique_key='_id', chunk_size=DEFAULT_MAX_BULK, **kwargs):
        """Verify Solr URL and establish a connection.
        self.url = url
        self.solr = Solr(url, **kwargs.get('clientOptions', {}))
        self.unique_key = unique_key
        # pysolr does things in milliseconds
        if auto_commit_interval is not None:
            self.auto_commit_interval = auto_commit_interval * 1000
            self.auto_commit_interval = None
        self.chunk_size = chunk_size
        self.field_list = []
        self._formatter = DocumentFlattener()

    def _parse_fields(self, result, field_name):
        """ If Schema access, parse fields and build respective lists
        field_list = []
        for key, value in result.get('schema', {}).get(field_name, {}).items():
            if key not in field_list:
        return field_list

    def _build_fields(self):
        """ Builds a list of valid fields
        declared_fields = self.solr._send_request('get', ADMIN_URL)
        result = decoder.decode(declared_fields)
        self.field_list = self._parse_fields(result, 'fields')

        # Build regular expressions to match dynamic fields.
        # dynamic field names may have exactly one wildcard, either at
        # the beginning or the end of the name
        self._dynamic_field_regexes = []
        for wc_pattern in self._parse_fields(result, 'dynamicFields'):
            if wc_pattern[0] == "*":
                    re.compile(".*%s\Z" % wc_pattern[1:]))
            elif wc_pattern[-1] == "*":
                    re.compile("\A%s.*" % wc_pattern[:-1]))

    def _clean_doc(self, doc, namespace, timestamp):
        """Reformats the given document before insertion into Solr.

        This method reformats the document in the following ways:
          - removes extraneous fields that aren't defined in schema.xml
          - unwinds arrays in order to find and later flatten sub-documents
          - flattens the document so that there are no sub-documents, and every
            value is associated with its dot-separated path of keys
          - inserts namespace and timestamp metadata into the document in order
            to handle rollbacks

        An example:
          {"a": 2,
           "b": {
             "c": {
               "d": 5
           "e": [6, 7, 8]

          {"a": 2, "b.c.d": 5, "e.0": 6, "e.1": 7, "e.2": 8}


        # Translate the _id field to whatever unique key we're using.
        # _id may not exist in the doc, if we retrieved it from Solr
        # as part of update.
        if '_id' in doc:
            doc[self.unique_key] = u(doc.pop("_id"))

        # Update namespace and timestamp metadata
        if 'ns' in doc or '_ts' in doc:
            raise errors.OperationFailed(
                'Need to set "ns" and "_ts" fields, but these fields already '
                'exist in the document %r!' % doc)
        doc['ns'] = namespace
        doc['_ts'] = timestamp

        # SOLR cannot index fields within sub-documents, so flatten documents
        # with the dot-separated path to each value as the respective key
        flat_doc = self._formatter.format_document(doc)

        # Only include fields that are explicitly provided in the
        # schema or match one of the dynamic field patterns, if
        # we were able to retrieve the schema
        if len(self.field_list) + len(self._dynamic_field_regexes) > 0:
            def include_field(field):
                return field in self.field_list or any(
                    regex.match(field) for regex in self._dynamic_field_regexes
            return dict((k, v) for k, v in flat_doc.items() if include_field(k))
        return flat_doc

    def stop(self):
        """ Stops the instance

    def handle_command(self, doc, namespace, timestamp):
        db, _ = namespace.split('.', 1)
        if doc.get('dropDatabase'):
            for new_db in self.command_helper.map_db(db):
                self.solr.delete(q="ns:%s.*" % new_db,
                                 commit=(self.auto_commit_interval == 0))

        if doc.get('renameCollection'):
            raise errors.OperationFailed(
                "solr_doc_manager does not support replication of "
                " renameCollection")

        if doc.get('create'):
            # nothing to do

        if doc.get('drop'):
            new_db, coll = self.command_helper.map_collection(db, doc['drop'])
            if new_db:
                self.solr.delete(q="ns:%s.%s" % (new_db, coll),
                                 commit=(self.auto_commit_interval == 0))

    def apply_update(self, doc, update_spec):
        """Override DocManagerBase.apply_update to have flat documents."""
        # Replace a whole document
        if not '$set' in update_spec and not '$unset' in update_spec:
            # update spec contains the new document
			# Update the key in Solr based on the unique_key mentioned as parameter
            update_spec['_id'] = doc[self.unique_key]
            return update_spec
        for to_set in update_spec.get("$set", []):
            value = update_spec['$set'][to_set]
            # Find dotted-path to the value, remove that key from doc, then
            # put value at key:
            keys_to_pop = []
            for key in doc:
                if key.startswith(to_set):
                    if key == to_set or key[len(to_set)] == '.':
            for key in keys_to_pop:
            doc[to_set] = value
        for to_unset in update_spec.get("$unset", []):
            # MongoDB < 2.5.2 reports $unset for fields that don't exist within
            # the document being updated.
            keys_to_pop = []
            for key in doc:
                if key.startswith(to_unset):
                    if key == to_unset or key[len(to_unset)] == '.':
            for key in keys_to_pop:
        return doc

    def update(self, document_id, update_spec, namespace, timestamp):
        """Apply updates given in update_spec to the document whose id
        matches that of doc.

        # Commit outstanding changes so that the document to be updated is the
        # same version to which the changes apply.
        # Need to escape special characters in the document_id.
        document_id = ''.join(map(
            lambda c: '\\' + c if c in ESCAPE_CHARACTERS else c,

        query = "%s:%s" % (self.unique_key, document_id)
        results = self.solr.search(query)
        if not len(results):
            # Document may not be retrievable yet
            results = self.solr.search(query)
        # Results is an iterable containing only 1 result
        for doc in results:
            # Remove metadata previously stored by Mongo Connector.
            updated = self.apply_update(doc, update_spec)
            # A _version_ of 0 will always apply the update
            updated['_version_'] = 0
            self.upsert(updated, namespace, timestamp)
            return updated

    def upsert(self, doc, namespace, timestamp):
        """Update or insert a document into Solr

        This method should call whatever add/insert/update method exists for
        the backend engine and add the document in there. The input will
        always be one mongo document, represented as a Python dictionary.
        if self.auto_commit_interval is not None:
            self.solr.add([self._clean_doc(doc, namespace, timestamp)],
                          commit=(self.auto_commit_interval == 0),
            self.solr.add([self._clean_doc(doc, namespace, timestamp)],

    def bulk_upsert(self, docs, namespace, timestamp):
        """Update or insert multiple documents into Solr

        docs may be any iterable
        if self.auto_commit_interval is not None:
            add_kwargs = {
                "commit": (self.auto_commit_interval == 0),
                "commitWithin": str(self.auto_commit_interval)
            add_kwargs = {"commit": False}

        cleaned = (self._clean_doc(d, namespace, timestamp) for d in docs)
        if self.chunk_size > 0:
            batch = list(next(cleaned) for i in range(self.chunk_size))
            while batch:
                self.solr.add(batch, **add_kwargs)
                batch = list(next(cleaned)
                             for i in range(self.chunk_size))
            self.solr.add(cleaned, **add_kwargs)

    def insert_file(self, f, namespace, timestamp):
        params = self._formatter.format_document(f.get_metadata())
        params[self.unique_key] = params.pop('_id')
        params['ns'] = namespace
        params['_ts'] = timestamp
        params = dict(('literal.' + k, v) for k, v in params.items())

        if self.auto_commit_interval == 0:
            params['commit'] = 'true'

        request = Request(os.path.join(
            self.url, "update/extract?%s" % urlencode(params)))

        request.add_header("Content-type", "application/octet-stream")
        request.data = f
        response = urlopen(request)

    def remove(self, document_id, namespace, timestamp):
        """Removes documents from Solr

        The input is a python dictionary that represents a mongo document.
                         commit=(self.auto_commit_interval == 0))

    def _stream_search(self, query):
        """Helper method for iterating over Solr search results."""
        for doc in self.solr.search(query, rows=100000000):
            if self.unique_key != "_id":
                doc["_id"] = doc.pop(self.unique_key)
            yield doc

    def search(self, start_ts, end_ts):
        """Called to query Solr for documents in a time range."""
        query = '_ts: [%s TO %s]' % (start_ts, end_ts)
        return self._stream_search(query)

    def commit(self):
        """This function is used to force a commit.

    def get_last_doc(self):
        """Returns the last document stored in the Solr engine.
        #search everything, sort by descending timestamp, return 1 row
            result = self.solr.search('*:*', sort='_ts desc', rows=1)
        except ValueError:
            return None

        for r in result:
            r['_id'] = r.pop(self.unique_key)
            return r
コード例 #11
class DocManager(DocManagerBase):
    """The DocManager class creates a connection to the backend engine and
    adds/removes documents, and in the case of rollback, searches for them.

    The reason for storing id/doc pairs as opposed to doc's is so that multiple
    updates to the same doc reflect the most up to date version as opposed to
    multiple, slightly different versions of a doc.

    def __init__(self, url, auto_commit_interval=DEFAULT_COMMIT_INTERVAL,
                 unique_key='_id', chunk_size=DEFAULT_MAX_BULK, **kwargs):
        """Verify Solr URL and establish a connection.
        self.solr = Solr(url)
        self.unique_key = unique_key
        # pysolr does things in milliseconds
        if auto_commit_interval is not None:
            self.auto_commit_interval = auto_commit_interval * 1000
            self.auto_commit_interval = None
        self.chunk_size = chunk_size
        self.field_list = []
        self._formatter = DocumentFlattener()

    def _parse_fields(self, result, field_name):
        """ If Schema access, parse fields and build respective lists
        field_list = []
        for key, value in result.get('schema', {}).get(field_name, {}).items():
            if key not in field_list:
        return field_list

    def _build_fields(self):
        """ Builds a list of valid fields
        declared_fields = self.solr._send_request('get', ADMIN_URL)
        result = decoder.decode(declared_fields)
        self.field_list = self._parse_fields(result, 'fields')

        # Build regular expressions to match dynamic fields.
        # dynamic field names may have exactly one wildcard, either at
        # the beginning or the end of the name
        self._dynamic_field_regexes = []
        for wc_pattern in self._parse_fields(result, 'dynamicFields'):
            if wc_pattern[0] == "*":
                    re.compile(".*%s\Z" % wc_pattern[1:]))
            elif wc_pattern[-1] == "*":
                    re.compile("\A%s.*" % wc_pattern[:-1]))

    def _clean_doc(self, doc):
        """Reformats the given document before insertion into Solr.

        This method reformats the document in the following ways:
          - removes extraneous fields that aren't defined in schema.xml
          - unwinds arrays in order to find and later flatten sub-documents
          - flattens the document so that there are no sub-documents, and every
            value is associated with its dot-separated path of keys

        An example:
          {"a": 2,
           "b": {
             "c": {
               "d": 5
           "e": [6, 7, 8]

          {"a": 2, "b.c.d": 5, "e.0": 6, "e.1": 7, "e.2": 8}


        # Translate the _id field to whatever unique key we're using.
        # _id may not exist in the doc, if we retrieved it from Solr
        # as part of update.
        if '_id' in doc:
            doc[self.unique_key] = doc.pop("_id")

        # SOLR cannot index fields within sub-documents, so flatten documents
        # with the dot-separated path to each value as the respective key
        flat_doc = self._formatter.format_document(doc)

        # Only include fields that are explicitly provided in the
        # schema or match one of the dynamic field patterns, if
        # we were able to retrieve the schema
        if len(self.field_list) + len(self._dynamic_field_regexes) > 0:
            def include_field(field):
                return field in self.field_list or any(
                    regex.match(field) for regex in self._dynamic_field_regexes
            return dict((k, v) for k, v in flat_doc.items() if include_field(k))
        return flat_doc

    def stop(self):
        """ Stops the instance

    def apply_update(self, doc, update_spec):
        """Override DocManagerBase.apply_update to have flat documents."""
        # Replace a whole document
        if not '$set' in update_spec and not '$unset' in update_spec:
            # update spec contains the new document
            update_spec['_ts'] = doc['_ts']
            update_spec['ns'] = doc['ns']
            return update_spec
        for to_set in update_spec.get("$set", []):
            value = update_spec['$set'][to_set]
            # Find dotted-path to the value, remove that key from doc, then
            # put value at key:
            keys_to_pop = []
            for key in doc:
                if key.startswith(to_set):
                    if key == to_set or key[len(to_set)] == '.':
            for key in keys_to_pop:
            doc[to_set] = value
        for to_unset in update_spec.get("$unset", []):
        return doc

    def update(self, doc, update_spec):
        """Apply updates given in update_spec to the document whose id
        matches that of doc.

        query = "%s:%s" % (self.unique_key, str(doc['_id']))
        results = self.solr.search(query)
        if not len(results):
            # Document may not be retrievable yet
            results = self.solr.search(query)
        # Results is an iterable containing only 1 result
        for doc in results:
            updated = self.apply_update(doc, update_spec)
            # A _version_ of 0 will always apply the update
            updated['_version_'] = 0
            return updated

    def upsert(self, doc):
        """Update or insert a document into Solr

        This method should call whatever add/insert/update method exists for
        the backend engine and add the document in there. The input will
        always be one mongo document, represented as a Python dictionary.
        if self.auto_commit_interval is not None:
                          commit=(self.auto_commit_interval == 0),
            self.solr.add([self._clean_doc(doc)], commit=False)

    def bulk_upsert(self, docs):
        """Update or insert multiple documents into Solr

        docs may be any iterable
        if self.auto_commit_interval is not None:
            add_kwargs = {
                "commit": (self.auto_commit_interval == 0),
                "commitWithin": self.auto_commit_interval
            add_kwargs = {"commit": False}

        cleaned = (self._clean_doc(d) for d in docs)
        if self.chunk_size > 0:
            batch = list(next(cleaned) for i in range(self.chunk_size))
            while batch:
                self.solr.add(batch, **add_kwargs)
                batch = list(next(cleaned)
                             for i in range(self.chunk_size))
            self.solr.add(cleaned, **add_kwargs)

    def remove(self, doc):
        """Removes documents from Solr

        The input is a python dictionary that represents a mongo document.
                         commit=(self.auto_commit_interval == 0))

    def _remove(self):
        """Removes everything
        self.solr.delete(q='*:*', commit=(self.auto_commit_interval == 0))

    def _stream_search(self, query):
        """Helper method for iterating over Solr search results."""
        for doc in self.solr.search(query, rows=100000000):
            if self.unique_key != "_id":
                doc["_id"] = doc.pop(self.unique_key)
            yield doc

    def search(self, start_ts, end_ts):
        """Called to query Solr for documents in a time range."""
        query = '_ts: [%s TO %s]' % (start_ts, end_ts)
        return self._stream_search(query)

    def _search(self, query):
        """For test purposes only. Performs search on Solr with given query
            Does not have to be implemented.
        return self._stream_search(query)

    def commit(self):
        """This function is used to force a commit.

    def get_last_doc(self):
        """Returns the last document stored in the Solr engine.
        #search everything, sort by descending timestamp, return 1 row
            result = self.solr.search('*:*', sort='_ts desc', rows=1)
        except ValueError:
            return None

        for r in result:
            r['_id'] = r.pop(self.unique_key)
            return r
コード例 #12
# coding: utf8
from future.utils import iteritems
from mongo_connector.doc_managers.formatters import DocumentFlattener

from mongo_connector.doc_managers.utils import db_and_collection, ARRAY_OF_SCALARS_TYPE

_formatter = DocumentFlattener()

def _clean_and_flatten_doc(mappings, doc, namespace):
    """Reformats the given document before insertion into Solr.
    This method reformats the document in the following ways:
      - removes extraneous fields that aren't defined in schema.xml
      - unwinds arrays in order to find and later flatten sub-documents
      - flattens the document so that there are no sub-documents, and every
        value is associated with its dot-separated path of keys
      - inserts namespace and timestamp metadata into the document in order
        to handle rollbacks
    An example:
      {"a": 2,
       "b": {
         "c": {
           "d": 5
       "e": [6, 7, 8]
      {"a": 2, "b.c.d": 5, "e.0": 6, "e.1": 7, "e.2": 8}
コード例 #13
class DocManager(DocManagerBase):
    """The DocManager class creates a connection to the backend engine and
    adds/removes documents, and in the case of rollback, searches for them.

    The reason for storing id/doc pairs as opposed to doc's is so that multiple
    updates to the same doc reflect the most up to date version as opposed to
    multiple, slightly different versions of a doc.
    def __init__(self,
        """Verify Solr URL and establish a connection.
        self.url = url
        self.solr = Solr(url, **kwargs.get('clientOptions', {}))
        self.unique_key = unique_key
        # pysolr does things in milliseconds
        if auto_commit_interval is not None:
            self.auto_commit_interval = auto_commit_interval * 1000
            self.auto_commit_interval = None
        self.chunk_size = chunk_size
        self.field_list = []
        self._formatter = DocumentFlattener()

        self._content_type = kwargs.get("content_type", None)
        logging.info("begin to init content_type args ,value is %s" %

        if self._content_type is None:
            logging.info("content_type args is none, will receive all type")
            self._receive_all_type = True
            logging.debug("begin to check content_type args")
            self._receive_all_type = False
            if isinstance(self._content_type, dict):
                self._content_type_list = dict(self._content_type).keys()
                logging.debug("the support type list is %s" %

                raise errors.InvalidConfiguration(
                    "args content type is not is dict")

    def _parse_fields(self, result, field_name):
        """ If Schema access, parse fields and build respective lists
        field_list = []
        for key, value in result.get('schema', {}).get(field_name, {}).items():
            if key not in field_list:
        return field_list

    def _build_fields(self):
        """ Builds a list of valid fields
        declared_fields = self.solr._send_request('get', ADMIN_URL)
        result = decoder.decode(declared_fields)
        self.field_list = self._parse_fields(result, 'fields')

        # Build regular expressions to match dynamic fields.
        # dynamic field names may have exactly one wildcard, either at
        # the beginning or the end of the name
        self._dynamic_field_regexes = []
        for wc_pattern in self._parse_fields(result, 'dynamicFields'):
            if wc_pattern[0] == "*":
                    re.compile(".*%s\Z" % wc_pattern[1:]))
            elif wc_pattern[-1] == "*":
                    re.compile("\A%s.*" % wc_pattern[:-1]))

    def _clean_doc(self, doc, namespace, timestamp):
        """Reformats the given document before insertion into Solr.

        This method reformats the document in the following ways:
          - removes extraneous fields that aren't defined in schema.xml
          - unwinds arrays in order to find and later flatten sub-documents
          - flattens the document so that there are no sub-documents, and every
            value is associated with its dot-separated path of keys
          - inserts namespace and timestamp metadata into the document in order
            to handle rollbacks

        An example:
          {"a": 2,
           "b": {
             "c": {
               "d": 5
           "e": [6, 7, 8]

          {"a": 2, "b.c.d": 5, "e.0": 6, "e.1": 7, "e.2": 8}


        # Translate the _id field to whatever unique key we're using.
        # _id may not exist in the doc, if we retrieved it from Solr
        # as part of update.
        if '_id' in doc:
            doc[self.unique_key] = u(doc.pop("_id"))

        # Update namespace and timestamp metadata
        if 'ns' in doc or '_ts' in doc:
            raise errors.OperationFailed(
                'Need to set "ns" and "_ts" fields, but these fields already '
                'exist in the document %r!' % doc)
        doc['ns'] = namespace
        doc['_ts'] = timestamp

        #doc 提前进行扁平化
        doc = self._formatter.format_document(doc)
        for k, v in doc.items():
            if (k[0:3] == "tag" and v and isinstance(v, basestring)):
                doc[k] = v[0:9000]

        # 获取mongo表名称
        collecion_name = self._get_collection_name(namespace)
        # 处理用户行为表数据
        if ("b_dynamic" == collecion_name):

            logging.info("to process doc from b_dynamic ,the doc is %s" %
            return self._parse_user_dynamic_collection(doc)

        if ("T_USER" == collecion_name):
            logging.info("to process doc from T_USER ,the doc is %s" %
            return self._parse_t_user_collection(doc)

        #to process the content data
        logging.info("begin to process b_content ,the doc is %s" %
        doctemp = self._parse_content_doc(doc)

        if doctemp is None:
            logging.info("don't send doc to solr ,the doc is %s" % str(doc))
            return None

        if (isinstance(doctemp, list) and len(doctemp) == 0):
            logging.info("don't send doc to solr ,the doc is %s" % str(doc))
            return None

        if (isinstance(doctemp, list) and len(doctemp) > 1):
                "to process doc from b_content after it is a list,the doc is %s"
                % str(doc[self.unique_key]))
            flat_doc = []
            for docvalue in doctemp:

            return flat_doc

        if (isinstance(doctemp, list)):
                "to process doc from b_content after it is a one-value list,the doc is %s"
                % str(doc[self.unique_key]))
            return self._parse_doc_to_solr_doc(doctemp[0])
            "to process doc from b_content after it is a object,the doc is %s"
            % str(doc[self.unique_key]))
        return self._parse_doc_to_solr_doc(doctemp)

    def _get_collection_name(self, namespace):
        '''获取mongodb的collection 的名称
        coll = namespace.split('.', 1)[1]
        return coll

    def _parse_user_dynamic_collection(self, doc):
        if doc.get("content"):
            doc["detail"] = doc.pop("content")
        if doc.get("createUser.userId"):
            doc["author.id"] = doc.get("createUser.userId")
        if doc.get("createUser.userName"):
            doc["author.name"] = doc.get("createUser.userName")

        if doc.get("target"):
            doc["fkTag.0"] = doc.pop("target")

        doc["op"] = "LDEL"
        return self._parse_doc_to_solr_doc(doc)

    def _parse_t_user_collection(self, doc):
        nickName = doc.pop("nickName", None)
        if nickName:
            doc["title.0.name"] = nickName
            doc["tag.0.name"] = nickName
        description = doc.pop("description", None)
        if description:
            doc["title.1.name"] = description
            doc["tag.1.name"] = description

        figureurl40 = doc.pop("figureurl40", None)
        if figureurl40:
            doc["imgurl"] = figureurl40

        website = doc.pop("website", None)
        if website:
            doc["resurl"] = u"/u/" + str(website)
            doc["title.2.name"] = website
            doc["tag.2.name"] = website
        isLocked = doc.pop("isLocked", None)
        if isLocked == "N":
            doc["status"] = u"released"
        elif isLocked == "Y":
            doc["status"] = u"draft"

        doc.pop("password", None)
        doc.pop("salt", None)
        doc.pop("phoneNum", None)
        doc.pop("userName", None)

        doc["type"] = u"user"

        return self._parse_doc_to_solr_doc(doc)

    def _parse_doc_to_solr_doc(self, doc):
        # SOLR cannot index fields within sub-documents, so flatten documents
        # with the dot-separated path to each value as the respective key
        flat_doc = self._formatter.format_document(doc)

        # Only include fields that are explicitly provided in the
        # schema or match one of the dynamic field patterns, if
        # we were able to retrieve the schema
        if len(self.field_list) + len(self._dynamic_field_regexes) > 0:

            def include_field(field):
                return field in self.field_list or any(
                    for regex in self._dynamic_field_regexes)

            return dict(
                (k, v) for k, v in flat_doc.items() if include_field(k))
        return flat_doc

    def _parse_content_doc(self, doc):
        type = doc.get("type")
        if doc.get("releaseTime"):
            doc["createTime"] = doc.get("releaseTime")
        if (type == "product"):
            return self._parse_product(doc)
        # if (type == "explain"):
        #     return self._parse_explain(doc)
        # elif(type == "video"):
        #     return self._parse_video(doc)
        # elif(type == "picture"):
        #     return self._paser_picture(doc)
        # else:
        return [doc]

    def _parse_product(self, doc):
        spiltflag = False
        resultlist = []

        flat_doc = self._formatter.format_document(doc)

        adlist = []
        country = flat_doc.get("address.country.name")
        if country:
            self._add_list_with_not_empty_string(adlist, country)
        province = flat_doc.get("address.province.name")
        if province:
            self._add_list_with_not_empty_string(adlist, province)
        city = flat_doc.get("address.city.name")
        if city:
            self._add_list_with_not_empty_string(adlist, city)
        area = flat_doc.get("address.area.name")
        if area:
            self._add_list_with_not_empty_string(adlist, area)
        detail = flat_doc.get("address.detail.name")
        if detail:
            self._add_list_with_not_empty_string(adlist, detail)
        address_str = "".join(adlist)

        if address_str:
            resultlist.append("项目地址:" + address_str)

        dev_str = self._get_flat_array(flat_doc, "devBuilder.", ".name")
        if dev_str:
            resultlist.append("开发建设方:" + dev_str)
        design_str = self._get_flat_array(flat_doc, "buildingMainDesigner.",
        if design_str:
            resultlist.append("建筑主创设计师:" + design_str)

        buildingArea = doc.get("buildingArea")
        if buildingArea:
            resultlist.append("建筑面积:" + str(buildingArea) + "㎡")

        doc["detail"] = " / ".join(resultlist)
        return [doc]

    def _add_list_with_not_empty_string(self, v_list, value):
        if value:

    def _get_flat_array(self, doc, prefix, suffix):
        r = []
        i = 0
        while (True):
            value = doc.get(prefix + str(i) + suffix)
            if (value):
                i = i + 1
        return ",".join(r)

    def _parse_explain(self, doc):
        """parse the content explain to replace the resurl value to be composited of fkTag
        return [doc]
        ''' 不需要对explain即点评做特殊处理了
        if(isinstance(fkTag,list) and len(fkTag) > 0):
            logging.info("resurl is replace from %s to %s" % (doc.get("resurl"),resurl))
            logging.error("fail to change resurl(%s) ,because the fkTag(%s) is not valid" % (str(doc.get("resurl")),str(doc.get("fkTag")) ))
        return [doc] 

    def _parse_video(self, doc):

        return self._parse_content_list_to_serval(doc, "video", "video")

    def _paser_picture(self, doc):
        """parse the picture content to subdoc 
        logging.debug("parse picture ,the raw doc is %s:" % str(doc))
        if(isinstance(picture, list) and len(picture)>0):
            for index,value in enumerate(picture):
            #only picture is existed , to replace s_picture attr
        # !!!!!there is bug when update picture status  
        return doclist
        return self._parse_content_list_to_serval(doc, "picture", "picture")

    def _parse_content_list_to_serval(self, doc, fieldName, type):
        """parse the picture content to subdoc 
        doclist = [doc]
        logging.debug("parse %s ,the raw doc is %s:" % (fieldName, str(doc)))
        picture = doc.get(fieldName)

        if (isinstance(picture, list) and len(picture) > 0):
            s_field_id = "s_" + fieldName + "_id"
            s_field_name = "s_" + fieldName + "_name"
            new_type = "s_" + type
            for index, value in enumerate(picture):
                doctemp = doc.copy()
                doctemp[s_field_id] = u(value.get("id"))
                doctemp[s_field_name] = u(value.get("name"))
                doctemp["_id"] = u(doctemp.get("_id") + "_" + str(index))
                doctemp["s_parent_id"] = u(doctemp.get("_id"))
                doctemp["type"] = new_type
            #only picture is existed , to replace s_picture attr
            doc["s_" + fieldName] = picture

        # !!!!!there is bug when update picture status
        return doclist

    def stop(self):
        """ Stops the instance

    def handle_command(self, doc, namespace, timestamp):
        db, _ = namespace.split('.', 1)
        if doc.get('dropDatabase'):
            for new_db in self.command_helper.map_db(db):
                self.solr.delete(q="ns:%s.*" % new_db,
                                 commit=(self.auto_commit_interval == 0))

        if doc.get('renameCollection'):
            raise errors.OperationFailed(
                "solr_doc_manager does not support replication of "
                " renameCollection")

        if doc.get('create'):
            # nothing to do

        if doc.get('drop'):
            new_db, coll = self.command_helper.map_collection(db, doc['drop'])
            if new_db:
                self.solr.delete(q="ns:%s.%s" % (new_db, coll),
                                 commit=(self.auto_commit_interval == 0))

    def apply_update(self, doc, update_spec):
        """Override DocManagerBase.apply_update to have flat documents."""
        # Replace a whole document
        if not '$set' in update_spec and not '$unset' in update_spec:
            # update_spec contains the new document.
            # Update the key in Solr based on the unique_key mentioned as
            # parameter.
            update_spec['_id'] = doc[self.unique_key]
            return update_spec
        for to_set in update_spec.get("$set", []):
            value = update_spec['$set'][to_set]
            # Find dotted-path to the value, remove that key from doc, then
            # put value at key:
            keys_to_pop = []
            for key in doc:
                if key.startswith(to_set):
                    if key == to_set or key[len(to_set)] == '.':

            for key in keys_to_pop:
            doc[to_set] = value
        for to_unset in update_spec.get("$unset", []):
            # MongoDB < 2.5.2 reports $unset for fields that don't exist within
            # the document being updated.
            keys_to_pop = []
            for key in doc:
                if key.startswith(to_unset):
                    if key == to_unset or key[len(to_unset)] == '.':
                tmp_to_unset = "s_" + to_unset
                if key.startswith(tmp_to_unset):
                    if key == tmp_to_unset or key[len(tmp_to_unset)] == '.':
            for key in keys_to_pop:
        return doc

    def update(self, document_id, update_spec, namespace, timestamp):
        """Apply updates given in update_spec to the document whose id
        matches that of doc.

        # Commit outstanding changes so that the document to be updated is the
        # same version to which the changes apply.
        # Need to escape special characters in the document_id.
        document_id = ''.join(
            map(lambda c: '\\' + c if c in ESCAPE_CHARACTERS else c,

        query = "%s:%s" % (self.unique_key, document_id)
        results = self.solr.search(query)
        if not len(results):
            # Document may not be retrievable yet
            results = self.solr.search(query)
        # Results is an iterable containing only 1 result
        for doc in results:
            # Remove metadata previously stored by Mongo Connector.
            updated = self.apply_update(doc, update_spec)
            # A _version_ of 0 will always apply the update
            updated['_version_'] = 0
            self.upsert(updated, namespace, timestamp)
            return updated

    def upsert(self, doc, namespace, timestamp):
        """Update or insert a document into Solr

        This method should call whatever add/insert/update method exists for
        the backend engine and add the document in there. The input will
        always be one mongo document, represented as a Python dictionary.
        logging.debug("before insert the raw doc is :(%s)" % str(doc))
        docs = self._clean_doc(doc, namespace, timestamp)
        logging.debug("before insert the processed doc is :(%s)" % str(doc))
        if docs is None:
            return None
        if not isinstance(docs, list):
            docs = [docs]
        docid = doc.get("_id")
        #self.remove(docid, namespace, timestamp)
        #delete the child node about this file, TODO
        # if docid :
        #     logging.info("remove solr document which id is %s _* ,timestamp is %s" % (str(docid), str(timestamp)))
        #     self.solr.delete(q=u("_id:"+docid+"_*"),
        #                      commit=(self.auto_commit_interval == 0))
        # else:
        #     raise errors.OperationFailed("delete solr document error for the id(%s) is not valid" % str(docid));
            if self.auto_commit_interval is not None:
                              commit=(self.auto_commit_interval == 0),
                self.solr.add(docs, commit=False)
            logging.debug("insert into solr docs:(%s)" % str(docs))
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
                "Unable to process processed document for UnicodeDecodeError, %r "
                % str(docs))

    def bulk_upsert(self, docs, namespace, timestamp):
        """Update or insert multiple documents into Solr

        docs may be any iterable
        if self.auto_commit_interval is not None:
            add_kwargs = {
                "commit": (self.auto_commit_interval == 0),
                "commitWithin": str(self.auto_commit_interval)
            add_kwargs = {"commit": False}

        cleaned = (self._clean_doc(d, namespace, timestamp) for d in docs)
        if self.chunk_size > 0:
            batch = list(next(cleaned) for i in range(self.chunk_size))
            while batch:
                self.solr.add(batch, **add_kwargs)
                batch = list(next(cleaned) for i in range(self.chunk_size))
            self.solr.add(cleaned, **add_kwargs)

    def insert_file(self, f, namespace, timestamp):
        params = self._formatter.format_document(f.get_metadata())
        params[self.unique_key] = params.pop('_id')
        params['ns'] = namespace
        params['_ts'] = timestamp
        params = dict(('literal.' + k, v) for k, v in params.items())

        if self.auto_commit_interval == 0:
            params['commit'] = 'true'

        request = Request(
            os.path.join(self.url, "update/extract?%s" % urlencode(params)))

        request.add_header("Content-type", "application/octet-stream")
        request.data = f
        response = urlopen(request)

    def remove(self, document_id, namespace, timestamp):
        """Removes documents from Solr

        The input is a python dictionary that represents a mongo document.
        if document_id:
                             commit=(self.auto_commit_interval == 0))
            self.solr.delete(q=u("_id:" + document_id + "_*"),
                             commit=(self.auto_commit_interval == 0))
            raise errors.OperationFailed(
                "delete solr document error for the id(%s) is not valid" %

    def _stream_search(self, query):
        """Helper method for iterating over Solr search results."""
        for doc in self.solr.search(query, rows=100000000):
            if self.unique_key != "_id":
                doc["_id"] = doc.pop(self.unique_key)
            yield doc

    def search(self, start_ts, end_ts):
        """Called to query Solr for documents in a time range."""
        query = '_ts: [%s TO %s]' % (start_ts, end_ts)
        return self._stream_search(query)

    def commit(self):
        """This function is used to force a commit.

    def get_last_doc(self):
        """Returns the last document stored in the Solr engine.
        #search everything, sort by descending timestamp, return 1 row
            result = self.solr.search('*:*', sort='_ts desc', rows=1)
        except ValueError:
            return None

        for r in result:
            r['_id'] = r.pop(self.unique_key)
            return r