def test_app(): load_dotenv(override=True) # Create the new board & update the board id environment variable os.environ['COLLECTION_NAME'] = 'test-todos' # construct the new application application = app.create_app() # start the app in its own thread. thread = Thread(target=lambda: thread.daemon = True thread.start() yield application # Tear Down thread.join(1) mongodb = MongoDB() mongodb.get_collection().drop()
import time from mongodb import MongoDB from processfile import ProcessFile from watchdog.observers import Observer if __name__ == "__main__": #Connection with MongoDB mongo_instance = MongoDB("mongodb://", 27017) mongo_client = mongo_instance.connect() db = mongo_instance.get_db(mongo_client, "mydb") collection = mongo_instance.get_collection(db, "events") observer = Observer() event_handler = ProcessFile(db) # create event handler observer.schedule(event_handler, path='./SOURCE_FILES') observer.start() print("Waiting for File.") try: while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: observer.stop() observer.join()