def db_growth(self): query = "set head off \n \ set feedback off \n \ column TOTAL_UTILIZADO_SIZE format 999999999999999 \n \ SELECT TRUNC(SUM((A.BYTES-B.BYTES))) TOTAL_UTILIZADO_SIZE \n \ FROM \n \ ( SELECT x.TABLESPACE_NAME, SUM(x.BYTES) BYTES \n \ FROM DBA_DATA_FILES x,DBA_TABLESPACES y \n \ WHERE y.CONTENTS <>'UNDO' \n \ AND x.TABLESPACE_NAME=y.TABLESPACE_NAME \n \ GROUP BY x.TABLESPACE_NAME) A, \n \ ( SELECT TABLESPACE_NAME, SUM(BYTES) BYTES \n \ FROM DBA_FREE_SPACE \n \ GROUP BY TABLESPACE_NAME) B \n \ WHERE A.TABLESPACE_NAME=B.TABLESPACE_NAME;" if self.user.lower() == 'sys': result = Utils.run_sqlplus(self.password, self.user, self.sid, query, True, True) else: result = Utils.run_sqlplus(self.password, self.user, self.sid, query, True, False) if 'ORA-' in result: print 'Erro desconhecido ao executar a query:' + result exit(3) try: self.growth_gather = int(result.strip(' ')) self.append_gather() except: print 'Impossivel tratar o valor da coleta' exit(3)
def main(sid, user, pwd, warning, sum, schemas): #args = parse_args() query = get_my_query(schemas,sum) result = '' if user.lower() == 'sys': result = Utils.run_sqlplus(pwd, user, sid, query, True, True) else: result = Utils.run_sqlplus(pwd, user, sid, query, True, False) perf_data = '' total = 0 if 'ORA-' in result: print 'Erro desconhecido ao executar a query:'+result exit(3) # Replace 4/3/2 whitespaces devido ao resultado do sqlplus, # split '' serve para criar a minha lista com cada coluna em um elemnto #strip para tirar os whites antes e dps. r = result.strip().replace(" "," ").replace(" "," ").replace(" "," ").split(' ') if sum: total = int(r[0]) else: it = iter(r) for count, schema in zip(it,it): perf_data += schema + '=' + count + ' ' total += int(count) perf_data += 'TOTAL='+str(total)+';'+warning if total > int(warning): print 'WARNING - Sobrecarga no banco, Sessoes:'+str(total)+' | ' +perf_data exit(1) else: print 'Total de Sessoes:' + str(total) + '| ' +perf_data exit(0)
def single_int_query(user, password, sid, query): """ Executa qualquer query que retorne 1 valor inteiro :param user: Usuario do oracle :param password: Senha do oracle :param sid: tnsnames de conexao :param query: Diskgroup dos archives :return: """ global r if user.lower() == 'sys': result = Utils.run_sqlplus(password, user, sid, query, True, True) else: result = Utils.run_sqlplus(password, user, sid, query, True, False) if 'ORA-' in result: print 'Erro desconhecido ao executar a query:' + result exit(3) try: r_aux = result.strip(' ').replace(',', '.') if '.' in r_aux: r = int(round(float(r_aux))) else: r = int(r_aux) except: print 'Impossivel tratar o resultado da query: %s' % result exit(3) return r
def asm_space(user, password, sid, diskgroup): """ Calcula o tempo de disco caso seja um diskgroup ASM :param user: Usuario do oracle :param password: Senha do oracle :param sid: tnsnames de conexao :param diskgroup: Diskgroup dos archives :return: Espaco disponivel em bytes """ global diskspace query = "set head off \n \ set feedback off \n \ col free_bytes format 999999999999999 \n \ SELECT free_mb*1024*1024 as free_bytes \n \ FROM v$asm_diskgroup \n \ where name = '%s' \n \ /" % diskgroup if user.lower() == 'sys': result = Utils.run_sqlplus(password, user, sid, query, True, True) else: result = Utils.run_sqlplus(password, user, sid, query, True, False) if 'ORA-' in result: print 'Erro desconhecido ao executar a query:' + result exit(3) try: diskspace = int(result.strip(' ')) except: print 'Impossivel tratar o valor de espaco ASM. Verifique o nome do diskgroup' exit(3) return diskspace
def open_gather_json(self): """ Abre o JSON das coletas radicais clean_time :return: """ gather_list = Utils.read_json(Utils.fullpath('dbgrowth_data.json')) self.gather_list = gather_list
def clear_old_errors(self): """ Remove do JSON todos os erros que ja passaram do tempo clean_time :return: """ if Utils.file_exists_not_empty(Utils.fullpath('alertlog_errors.json')): error_list = Utils.read_json(Utils.fullpath('alertlog_errors.json')) error_list = [error for error in error_list if not self.error_is_cleared(error['date'])] self.error_list = error_list else: self.error_list = [] self.write_error_json()
def clear_log_position(self): with open(Utils.fullpath('check_alertlog.tmp'), 'w') as f: try: f.write("0") except: print "UNKNOWN - Erro ao escrever check_alertlog.tmp. Verifique as permissoes." exit(3)
def read_partial_file(self): if Utils.file_exists(Utils.fullpath('check_alertlog.tmp')): with open(Utils.fullpath('check_alertlog.tmp'), 'r') as f: try: file_content = f.readline() self.last_position = int(file_content) except ValueError: print "UNKNOWN - Impossivel ler logfile." exit(3) else: with open(Utils.fullpath('check_alertlog.tmp'), 'a') as f: try: f.write('0') self.last_position = 0 except: print "UNKNOWN - Erro ao escrever check_alertlog.tmp. Verifique as permissoes." exit(3)
def write_gather_json(self): """ Escreve no disco o novo json de erros :return: """ with open(Utils.fullpath('dbgrowth_data.json'), 'w') as f: try: json.dump(self.gather_list, f) except: print "UNKNOWN - Impossivel gravar JSON." exit(3)
def write_error_json(self): """ Escreve no disco o novo json de erros :return: """ with open(Utils.fullpath('alertlog_errors.json'), 'w') as f: try: json.dump(self.error_list, f) except: print "UNKNOWN - Impossivel gravar JSON." exit(3)
def main(sid, user, pwd, warning): #sid, user, pwd, warning #parse_argsv2(sys.argv[1:]) result = '' query = "set head off \n \ set feedback off \n \ SET SERVEROUTPUT ON \n \ DECLARE \n \ begindate date; \n \ enddate date; \n \ beginval number;\n \ endval number;\n \ begin \n \ select sysdate, sum(value) \n \ into begindate, beginval \n \ from v$sysstat \n \ where name in ('user commits','user_rollbacks'); \n \ dbms_lock.sleep(5); \n \ select sysdate, sum(value) \n \ into enddate, endval \n \ from v$sysstat \n \ where name in ('user commits','user_rollbacks'); \n \ dbms_output.put_line( (endval-beginval) / ((enddate-begindate) * 86400)); \n \ end; \n \ /" if user.lower() == 'sys': result = Utils.run_sqlplus(pwd, user, sid, query, True, True) else: result = Utils.run_sqlplus(pwd, user, sid, query, True, False) perf_data = '' total = 0 if 'ORA-' in result: print 'Erro desconhecido ao executar a query:'+result exit(3) else: perf_data = 'TPS=' + result if float(result.replace(',','.')) > int(warning): print 'WARNING - Quantidade de transações por segundo acima no normal. TPS:'+result+' | ' +perf_data exit(1) else: print 'OK - Transações por Segundo:' + result + ' | ' + perf_data
def update_log_position(self, lines_read): """ :param lines_read: Numero de linhas lidas """ self.last_position = int(self.last_position) + int(lines_read) with open(Utils.fullpath('check_alertlog.tmp'), 'w') as f: try: f.write(str(self.last_position)) except: print "UNKNOWN - Erro ao escrever check_alertlog.tmp. Verifique as permissoes." exit(3)
def read_config(self, path): """ Realiza a leitura do JSON e adiciona a variavel config. :param path: Local do json de config. :return: None """ if Utils.file_exists(path): with open(path) as opf: try: self.cfg = json.load(opf) except ValueError: print "UNKNOWN - Impossivel ler arquivo de configuracao." exit(3) else: print "UNKNOWN - Impossivel encontrar o arquivo de configuracao."
def read_log(self): """ Realiza a leitura das novas linhas do log Procura pelos erros e faz a contagem de linhas para atualizar a ultima posicao lida do log. Caso ja tenha lido tudo faz sua saida padrao. :return: """ if Utils.file_exists(self.logfile): with open(self.logfile) as f: for _ in xrange(int(self.last_position)): next(f) for line in f: self.find_errors(line) self.lines_counted += 1 else: self.clear_log_position() print "UNKNOWN - Logfile nao encontrado" exit(3) if self.lines_counted > 0: self.update_log_position(self.lines_counted) else: self.exit_status()
def build_issues(self): json = Utils.read_json(self.config) self.warning = json['warning'] self.critical = json['critical'] self.ignore = json['ignore']
def __init__(self, db_name, module): self.read_config(Utils.fullpath("monitoramento.json")) self.config_database(db_name, module)