def mark_attendance(target_url, session, headers) -> None: """Function that marks the attendance for every calender event.""" payload_instance = dict(payload) with RequestURL(target_url, session, headers) as soup: title = soup.title.string try: target = soup.find("a", text="Submit attendance")["href"] except TypeError: print(title) print("NO Submission Link") print("-" * 20) else: for key, value in parse_qs(urlparse(target).query).items(): payload_instance[key] = "".join(value) with RequestURL(target, session, headers) as soup2: present_value = soup2.find("input", { "name": "status", "type": "radio" })["value"] payload_instance.setdefault("status", present_value) with PostToURL(MARKATTENDANCEURL, session, headers, payload_instance) as responce: print(title) if responce.status_code == codes["ok"]: print("Submitted Attendance successfully") else: print("Error happend : " + responce.status_code) print("-" * 20)
def get_file_title(url): """Returns the file_title from google drive link""" with RequestURL(url=url) as soup: file_title = soup.find("meta", attrs={ "property": "og:title" }).attrs["content"] return file_title
def submit_attendance(session, headers) -> None: """Submits the attendance for every calender event if submit attendance link is found.""" clear_screen() print("Submitting attendance if any in calender") print("-" * 20) with RequestURL(CLNDRURL, session, headers) as soup: for link in links(soup): threading.Thread(target=mark_attendance, args=(link, session, headers)).start()
def calender_events(session, headers) -> None: """Shows the calender events""" clear_screen() print("Showing upcoming events") print("-" * 20) with RequestURL(CLNDRURL, session, headers) as soup: for event in current_events(soup): for row in event.find_all("div", class_=re.compile("^row$")): print(row.get_text().strip()) print("-" * 20) sys.stdout.flush()
def test_login(self): """tests login with RequestURL and PostToURL""" load_config() with requests.Session() as session: with RequestURL(URL, session, headers) as soup: config['logintoken'] = soup.find( 'input', {'name': 'logintoken'})['value'] with PostToURL(URL, session, headers, config) as response: self.assertEqual(response.url, MAINURL)
def test_requesturl(self): """tests RequestURL context manager""" with requests.Session() as session: urllib3.disable_warnings( urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) with RequestURL('', session, headers) as soup: response = soup.find( "meta", attrs={"property": "og:image"}).attrs["content"] self.assertEqual( response, '')
def login(cur_session): """logins to moodle""" with RequestURL(URL, cur_session, headers) as soup: config["logintoken"] = soup.find("input", {"name": "logintoken"})["value"] print("\nAuthenticating with Moodle...") with PostToURL(URL, cur_session, headers, config) as response: if response.url == URL: """Since on failed authentication page redirects to the login page we get status[200] in place of authentication failed status code . Therefore need to compare redirected URLS to check if we were authenticated against the platform or not""" raise FalseCredentialsError headers.update(cur_session.cookies.get_dict()) print("\nupdated cookies for moodle session...") return cur_session
def get_sesskey(cur_session): """gets sesskey for current session""" with RequestURL(MAINURL, cur_session, headers) as soup: sesskey = soup.find("input", {"name": "sesskey"})["value"] return sesskey
def subject_material( session, headers, selected_subject_info, sesskey, flagkey, ) -> None: """Prints the resources for a particular subject.""" with RequestURL(f"{SUBURL}{selected_subject_info[3]}", session, headers) as soup: links_data = soup.find_all( "a", href=re.compile(VIDEOURL_REG + "|" + ATTENDANCEURL_REG + "|" + RESOURCEURL_REG), ) datalist = [[ counter, title_string_solver(link.get_text()), link.attrs["href"] ] for counter, link in enumerate(links_data, 1)] datalist = type_parser(datalist) clear_screen() print( tabulate( [[data[0], data[1], data[3]] for data in datalist], headers=["S.No", "Title", "url", "type"], tablefmt="pretty", )) try: if flagkey == "list_subjects": choice = input("Enter choice [ q/Q to quit ] : ") if choice.lower() == "q": sys.exit(1) if (int(choice) not in range(1, len(datalist) + 1) or not choice.isdigit()): print(choice) raise UserChoiceError baseurl = datalist[int(choice) - 1][2] module_completion["sesskey"] = sesskey module_completion["id"] = baseurl.split("=")[1] mark_module_completion(session, headers, module_completion) if datalist[int(choice) - 1][3] == "resource": download_resource(baseurl, session, headers, selected_subject_info[1]) elif datalist[int(choice) - 1][3] == "video": play_video(baseurl, session, headers) elif datalist[int(choice) - 1][3] == "attendance": pass else: print("Something new just emerged . Contact the dev .") elif flagkey == "download_modules": range_list = input( "Enter modules to download [ q/Q to quit ]: ") if range_list.lower() == "q": clear_screen() sys.exit(0) range_list = modules_download_range_resolver(range_list) if range_list[-1] > len(datalist): raise UserChoiceError download_modules(session, headers, range_list, datalist, selected_subject_info[1]) except (UserChoiceError, ValueError): print("\nInvalid input. Check your responce.") except IndexError: print("value out of index") input("Press any key to continue...") # TODO: Addition of Quit statement and backspace for previous page subject_material(session, headers, selected_subject_info, sesskey, flagkey)