コード例 #1
ファイル: fixXreacs.py プロジェクト: hrani/moose-core
def proxify( reac, reacc, direction, pool, poolc ):
    reacc_elm = _moose.element( reacc )
    reac_elm = _moose.element( reac )
    # Preserve the rates which were set up for the x-compt reacn
    #_moose.showfield( reac )
    dupname = pool.name + '_xfer_' + _moose.element(poolc).name
    #print "#############", pool, dupname, poolc
    if _moose.exists( reacc + '/' + dupname ):
        duppool = _moose.element( reacc + '/' + dupname )
        # This also deals with cases where the duppool is buffered.
        duppool = _moose.copy(pool, reacc_elm, dupname )
    duppool.diffConst = 0   # diffusion only happens in original compt
    removeEnzFromPool( duppool )
    disconnectReactant( reac, pool, duppool )
    _moose.connect( reac, direction, duppool, 'reac' )
コード例 #2
ファイル: fixXreacs.py プロジェクト: upibhalla/moose-core
def proxify( reac, reacc, direction, pool, poolc ):
    reacc_elm = _moose.element( reacc )
    reac_elm = _moose.element( reac )
    # Preserve the rates which were set up for the x-compt reacn
    #_moose.showfield( reac )
    dupname = pool.name + '_xfer_' + _moose.element(poolc).name
    #print "#############", pool, dupname, poolc
    if _moose.exists( reacc + '/' + dupname ):
        duppool = _moose.element( reacc + '/' + dupname )
        # This also deals with cases where the duppool is buffered.
        duppool = _moose.copy(pool, reacc_elm, dupname )
    duppool.diffConst = 0   # diffusion only happens in original compt
    removeEnzFromPool( duppool )
    disconnectReactant( reac, pool, duppool )
    _moose.connect( reac, direction, duppool, 'reac' )
コード例 #3
ファイル: fixXreacs.py プロジェクト: hrani/moose-core
def restoreXreacs( basepath ):
    proxyInfo = _moose.wildcardFind( basepath + "/##/#_xfer_#/info" )
    for i in proxyInfo:
        msgs = i.notes.split( msgSeparator )
        oldRates = getOldRates( msgs )
        #print( "Deleting {}".format( i.parent.path ) )
        #print msgs
        _moose.delete( i.parent )
        for j in msgs[1:]:
            if len( j ) > 0:
                args = j.split( ' ' )
                assert( len( args ) == 4 )
                #_moose.showfield( args[0] )
                _moose.connect( args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3] )
                #print( "Reconnecting {}".format( args ) )
                #_moose.showfield( args[0] )
        restoreOldRates( oldRates, msgs )
コード例 #4
def restoreXreacs(basepath):
    proxyInfo = _moose.wildcardFind(basepath + "/##/#_xfer_#/info")
    for i in proxyInfo:
        msgs = i.notes.split(msgSeparator)
        oldRates = getOldRates(msgs)
        #print( "Deleting {}".format( i.parent.path ) )
        #print msgs
        for j in msgs[1:]:
            if len(j) > 0:
                args = j.split(' ')
                assert (len(args) == 4)
                #_moose.showfield( args[0] )
                _moose.connect(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3])
                #print( "Reconnecting {}".format( args ) )
                #_moose.showfield( args[0] )
        restoreOldRates(oldRates, msgs)
コード例 #5
ファイル: fixXreacs.py プロジェクト: upibhalla/moose-core
def restoreXreacs( basepath ):
    proxyInfo = _moose.wildcardFind( basepath + "/##/#_xfer_#/info" )
    for i in proxyInfo:
        msgs = i.notes.split( msgSeparator )
        oldRates = getOldRates( msgs )
        #print( "Deleting {}".format( i.parent.path ) )
        #print msgs
        _moose.delete( i.parent )
        for j in msgs[1:]:
            if len( j ) > 0:
                args = j.split( ' ' )
                assert( len( args ) == 4 )
                #_moose.showfield( args[0] )
                #check to see if object exist before moose.connect, cases where object is deleted but
                #_xref_ annotation info field still holds the reference
                if (_moose.exists(args[0]) and _moose.exists(args[2])):
                    _moose.connect( args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3] )
                #print( "Reconnecting {}".format( args ) )
                #_moose.showfield( args[0] )
        restoreOldRates( oldRates, msgs )
コード例 #6
ファイル: recording.py プロジェクト: dilawar/moose-core
def record(obj, field=None, label=None):
    global _counter

    # Checking if object is an iterable like list or a tuple, but not a string.
    if hasattr(obj, "__iter__"):
        return [record(o, field, label) for o in obj]

    if isinstance(obj, str):
        obj = _moose.element(obj)

    if field is None:
        field = _defaultField(obj)

    path = _path.format(_counter)
    _counter += 1

    p = _Plot(path, obj, field, label)

    _moose.connect(p, "requestData", obj, "get_" + field)
    _moose.useClock(_tick, path, "process")

    return p