class BaseModel(db.Model): """A base model for other database tables to inherit""" __abstract__ = True id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) created_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=db.func.current_timestamp()) updated_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=db.func.current_timestamp(), onupdate=db.func.current_timestamp())
class SMS(BaseModel): __tablename__ = DB_PREFIX + "sms" direction = db.Column(db.String(1)) # I/O sent_by = db.Column(db.String(255)) sent_to = db.Column(db.String(255)) text = db.Column(db.String(255)) def __init__(self, direction, text, sent_by=None, sent_to=None): """Constructor""" self.direction = direction if sent_by is None: sent_by = "Mopa" self.sent_by = sent_by if sent_to is None: sent_to = "Mopa" self.sent_to = sent_to self.text = text def __repr__(self): """String representation""" return '<SMS %r %r %r %r %r>' % (self.direction, self.text, self.sent_by, self.sent_to, self.created_at) def send(self): """ Issues an HTTP request to Source Code Solutions end point which in turn will forward to destination number PS. This must use GET; the `from` param must be in small caps """ # probably save before sending if self.direction == 'O' and self.sent_to == 'Mopa': raise Exception("Invalid addressee for outgoing message" + str(self)) payload = { "to[]": self.sent_to, "message": self.text, "API_KEY": UX_SMS_API_KEY } response = None # Retry sending request 3 times if safe-retry ConnectTimeout exception is thrown and trap & report other errors try: response = retry_call(, fargs=[UX_SMS_END_POINT], fkwargs={ "data": payload, 'allow_redirects': True }, exceptions=ConnectTimeout, tries=3, logger=current_app.logger) except Exception, ex: ex_type, ex_obj, ex_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(ex_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] current_app.logger.error( "Error delivering SMS to SMSC.\nError message:{ex_msg}.\nException Type: {ex_type}.\nFile name: {file_name}.\nLine No: {line_no}.\nTraceback: {traceback}" .format(ex_msg=str(ex), ex_type=str(ex_type), file_name=str(fname), line_no=str(ex_tb.tb_lineno), traceback=traceback.format_exc())) return if response and response.status_code == 200:"SMS {0} delivered Successfully".format( self.__repr__())) else: current_app.logger.error( "Error while delivering SMS {0}. Status code: {1}, response text: {2}" .format(self.__repr__(), str(response.status_code), response.text))
class SurveyAnswer(BaseModel): """Represents a survey which is sent to every monitor in Mopa automatically""" __tablename__ = DB_PREFIX + "survey_answers" # actual unique identifier for the survey survey_key = db.Column(db.Integer, ForeignKey( survey_id = db.Column(db.String(255)) survey = db.relationship("Survey", foreign_keys="SurveyAnswer.survey_key", backref=db.backref("answers", lazy="dynamic")) answer = db.Column(db.String(255)) answered_at = db.Column(db.DateTime) answered_by = db.Column(db.String(255)) answer_sms_id = db.Column(db.Integer, ForeignKey(, primary_key=False) answer_sms = db.relationship("SMS", foreign_keys="SurveyAnswer.answer_sms_id", backref=db.backref("answer_smsz", lazy="dynamic")) neighbourhood = db.Column(db.String(255)) quarter = db.Column(db.String(255)) point = db.Column(db.String(255)) NEIGHBOURHOODS = [] def __init__(self, survey_id, answer, answered_by, answer_sms_id=None, survey_key=None): """Constructor. TO-DO: The logic to know from which neighbourhood is the monitor is faulty as sometimes a monitor is responsible for 2 points. Meaning that the logic here will get the first or last neighbourhood, completely ignoring the rest of the points""" self.survey_id = survey_id self.answer = answer self.answered_by = answered_by self.answered_at = datetime.utcnow() self.survey_key = survey_key if not self.NEIGHBOURHOODS: self.NEIGHBOURHOODS = Location.i().get_notifications_mapping() for district in self.NEIGHBOURHOODS["districts"]: for neighbourhood in district['neighbourhoods']: for point in (neighbourhood['points'] if neighbourhood.has_key('points') else []): for monitor_id in (point['monitors'] if point.has_key('monitors') else []): monitor = Location.i().get_monitor(monitor_id) if (monitor['phone'] == answered_by or "258" + monitor['phone'] == answered_by): self.neighbourhood = neighbourhood['name'] self.quarter = "" self.point = (point['name'] + " " + point['location']) break if answer_sms_id: self.answer_sms_id = answer_sms_id def __repr__(self): pass @staticmethod def get_survey_answers(survey_id): pass
class Report(db.Model): """Represents a issue that has been reported. Used for reporting purposes only, not operation. """ __tablename__ = DB_PREFIX + "reports" # _id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) id = db.Column(db.String(255), unique=True, primary_key=True) district = db.Column(db.String) neighbourhood = db.Column(db.String) location_name = db.Column(db.String) nature = db.Column(db.String) requested_datetime = db.Column(db.DateTime) updated_datetime = db.Column(db.DateTime) type = db.Column(db.String) status = db.Column(db.String) status_notes = db.Column(db.String) def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def get_summary_report(start_date, end_date, old_start_date, old_end_date): """Gets the report summary report Aka Louis' report 1""" sql = """ SELECT recent.*, recent.tempo_medio_resolucao - old.tempo_medio_resolucao as variacao FROM ( SELECT `type`, COUNT(*) as no_occorencias, ROUND((COUNT(*)/b.total_reports * 100),2) as `pct_do_total`, AVG(a.time_diff) `tempo_medio_resolucao` FROM mopa_reports JOIN (SELECT id, TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, requested_datetime, updated_datetime) time_diff FROM mopa_reports) AS a ON JOIN (SELECT COUNT(*) as total_reports FROM mopa_reports WHERE requested_datetime BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1}') b WHERE requested_datetime BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1}' GROUP BY type ) AS recent LEFT JOIN ( SELECT type, AVG(a.time_diff) `tempo_medio_resolucao` FROM mopa_reports JOIN (SELECT id, TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, requested_datetime, updated_datetime) time_diff FROM mopa_reports) AS a ON JOIN (SELECT COUNT(*) as total_reports FROM mopa_reports WHERE requested_datetime BETWEEN '{2}' AND '{3}') b WHERE requested_datetime BETWEEN '{2}' AND '{3}' GROUP BY type ) AS old ON recent.type=old.type """.format(start_date, end_date, old_start_date, old_end_date) keys = [ "type", "no_occorencias", "pct_do_total", "tempo_medio_resolucao", "variacao" ] query_result = db.engine.execute(sql) rows = [] for row in query_result: rows.append(dict(zip(keys, row))) return rows @staticmethod def get_summary_by_district_report(start_date, end_date, old_start_date, old_end_date): """Gets the report summary broken down by district according to the provided mode: Weekly or Monthly Aka Louis' report 2""" sql = """ SELECT recent.*, recent.tempo_medio_resolucao - old.tempo_medio_resolucao as variacao_do_tempo_medio FROM ( SELECT district, neighbourhood, COUNT(*) as no_occorencias, ROUND((COUNT(*)/b.total_reports * 100),2) as `pct_do_total`, AVG(a.time_diff) `tempo_medio_resolucao` FROM mopa_reports JOIN (SELECT id, TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, requested_datetime, updated_datetime) time_diff FROM mopa_reports) AS a ON JOIN (SELECT COUNT(*) as total_reports FROM mopa_reports WHERE requested_datetime BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1}') b WHERE requested_datetime BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1}' GROUP BY district, neighbourhood ) AS recent LEFT JOIN ( SELECT district, neighbourhood, COUNT(*) as no_occorencias, ROUND((COUNT(*)/b.total_reports * 100),2) as `pct_do_total`, AVG(a.time_diff) `tempo_medio_resolucao` FROM mopa_reports JOIN (SELECT id, TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, requested_datetime, updated_datetime) time_diff FROM mopa_reports) AS a ON JOIN (SELECT COUNT(*) as total_reports FROM mopa_reports WHERE requested_datetime BETWEEN '{2}' AND '{3}') b WHERE requested_datetime BETWEEN '{2}' AND '{3}' GROUP BY district, neighbourhood ) as old ON recent.district=old.district AND recent.neighbourhood=old.neighbourhood """.format(start_date, end_date, old_start_date, old_end_date) keys = [ "district", "neighbourhood", "no_occorencias", "pct_do_total", "tempo_medio_resolucao", "variacao_do_tempo_medio" ] query_result = db.engine.execute(sql) rows = [] for row in query_result: rows.append(dict(zip(keys, row))) return rows @staticmethod def get_by_problem(start_date, end_date): """Gets the report summary broken down by district according to the provided mode: Weekly or Monthly Aka Tiago's report """ sql = """ SELECT neighbourhood as bairro, nature as problema, SUM(CASE WHEN status='Registado' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS registado, SUM(CASE WHEN status='Em processo' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS em_processo, SUM(CASE WHEN status='Resolvido' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS resolvido, SUM(CASE WHEN status='Arquivado' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS arquivado, SUM(CASE WHEN status='Inválido' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS invalido, COUNT(*) total FROM mopa_reports WHERE requested_datetime BETWEEN '{0}' AND '{1}' GROUP BY neighbourhood, nature; """.format(start_date, end_date) keys = [ "bairro", "problema", "registado", "em_processo", "resolvido", "arquivado", "invalido", "total" ] query_result = db.engine.execute(sql) rows = [] for row in query_result: rows.append(dict(zip(keys, row))) return rows @staticmethod def get_worst_critical_points(neighbourhood, start_date, end_date): """Get the worst critical points for a certain neighbourhood. The worst point will be the one with more reports during the period. """ neighbourhood = ustr(neighbourhood) sql = u""" SELECT a.*, @curRank := @curRank + 1 AS rank FROM ( SELECT location_name, COUNT(*) as count FROM mopa_reports WHERE neighbourhood='{0}' AND requested_datetime BETWEEN '{1}' AND '{2}' GROUP BY district, neighbourhood, location_name ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 5) a, (SELECT @curRank := 0) r """.format(neighbourhood, start_date, end_date) keys = ["location_name", "count", "rank"] query_result = db.engine.execute(sql) rows = [] for row in query_result: rows.append(dict(zip(keys, row))) return rows
class Survey(BaseModel): """Represents a survey in the Mopa ecosystem.""" __tablename__ = DB_PREFIX + "survey" survey_id = db.Column(db.String(255)) survey_type = db.Column(db.String(1)) # S(ingle)/G(roup) district = db.Column(db.String(255)) neighbourhood = db.Column(db.String(255)) point = db.Column(db.String(255)) question = db.Column(db.String(255)) def __init__(self, survey_type="I", district=None, neighbourhood=None, point=None, question=None): """Constructor""" self.survey_id = self.get_next_survey_id() self.survey_type = survey_type self.question = question if survey_type == "I": self.district = district self.neighbourhood = neighbourhood self.point = point def __repr__(self): """String representation """ return "<Survey> " + str(self.survey_id) def get_next_survey_id(self): """The survey id is daily auto-incremental, meaning that each day it will reset to 1 and keep counting till next reset.""" last_survey = self.get_last_survey() today = if not last_survey or ( < today): return 1 else: return int(last_survey.survey_id) + 1 def get_last_survey(self): return self.query.order_by(desc( @staticmethod def todays(): """Gets the today's survey""" sql = "SELECT id FROM mopa_survey WHERE survey_type='G' AND DATE(created_at) = DATE(NOW()) LIMIT 1;" results = db.engine.execute(sql) survey_id = None for row in results: survey_id = row[0] survey = Survey.query.filter_by(id=str(survey_id)).first() return survey @staticmethod def get_by_id(id): """Get the survey survey_id as given. Note that this is the day ID""" sql = "SELECT id FROM mopa_survey WHERE survey_id = %s AND DATE(created_at) = DATE(NOW()) LIMIT 1;" results = db.engine.execute(sql % (id)) survey_id = None for row in results: survey_id = row[0] survey = Survey.query.filter_by(id=str(survey_id)).first() return survey def get_by_key(key): """Gets the survey with id as given. Note difference w/ get_by_id""" survey = Survey.query.filter_by(id=str(key)).first() return survey @staticmethod def get_stats(): """Get the stats representation of the surveys""" sql = """ SELECT CONCAT(a.neighbourhood, ' - ', a.point) as area, question as message, CONCAT(SUM(CASE WHEN LOWER(answer) IN ('yes', 'y', 'sim', 's') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),'') as count_yes, CONCAT(SUM(CASE WHEN LOWER(answer) IN ('no', 'n', 'nao') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),'') as count_no, LEFT(CONCAT(a.created_at,''),10) as date FROM mopa_survey a LEFT JOIN mopa_survey_answers b ON = b.survey_key WHERE a.survey_type = 'I' GROUP BY a.question, a.neighbourhood, a.point; """ keys = ["area", "message", "count_yes", "count_no", "date"] results = db.engine.execute(sql) rows = [] for row in results: rows.append(dict(zip(keys, row))) return rows @staticmethod def get_answerers(key): """Gets the phonenumbers of monitors who answered the given survey""" sql = "SELECT answered_by FROM mopa_survey_answers WHERE survey_key = %s" % ( key) rows = [] results = db.engine.execute(sql) for row in results: rows.append(row[0]) return rows @staticmethod def get_todays_answers(): """Gets today's answers""" sql = """ SELECT a.* FROM mopa_survey_answers a JOIN mopa_survey b WHERE b.survey_type = 'G' AND a.survey_key = AND DATE(a.answered_at) = DATE(NOW()); """ keys = [ "id", "created_at", "updated_at", "survey_key", "survey_id", "answer", "answered_at", "answered_by", "answer_sms_id", "neighbourhood", "quarter", "point" ] query_result = db.engine.execute(sql) rows = [] for row in query_result: rows.append(dict(zip(keys, row))) return rows @staticmethod def get_day_answers(_date): """ Gets the answers for a specific day """ sql = """ SELECT c.sent_to, z.* FROM mopa_sms c LEFT JOIN (SELECT a.created_at, UPPER(LEFT(a.answer, 1)) as answer, a.answered_by FROM mopa_survey_answers a INNER JOIN mopa_survey b ON a.survey_key = AND b.survey_type = 'G' AND DATE(a.answered_at) = DATE('{0:s}') ) z ON CONCAT('258', TRIM(c.sent_to)) = TRIM(z.answered_by) WHERE c.direction='O' AND LEFT(c.`text`, 6) = 'MOPA -' AND DATE(c.created_at) = DATE('{0:s}') """.format(_date) keys = ["sent_to", "created_at", "answer", "answered_by"] query_result = db.engine.execute(sql) rows = [] for row in query_result: rows.append(dict(zip(keys, row))) return rows @staticmethod def get_all(): """ Gets all surveys """ sql = """ SELECT DISTINCT a.sent_to, d.answered_by, a.created_at, d.answer FROM mopa_sms a LEFT JOIN (SELECT c.created_at, UPPER(LEFT(b.answer, 1)) as answer, b.answered_by FROM mopa_survey_answers b INNER JOIN mopa_survey c ON WHERE c.survey_type='G') d ON CONCAT('258', TRIM(a.sent_to)) = TRIM(d.answered_by) AND DATE(a.created_at) = DATE(d.created_at) WHERE a.direction='O' AND LEFT(a.`text`, 6) = 'MOPA -' ORDER BY a.created_at, a.sent_to """ keys = ["sent_to", "created_at", "answer", "answered_by"] query_result = db.engine.execute(sql) rows = [] for row in query_result: rows.append(dict(zip(keys, row))) return rows