def __init__(self, originalScene, nodeToReduce, listObjToAnimate, tolModes, tolGIE, outputDir, packageName='myReducedModel', addToLib=False, verbose=False, addRigidBodyModes=False, nbrCPU=4, phaseToSave=None, saveVelocitySnapshots=None): self.originalScene = os.path.normpath(originalScene) self.nodeToReduce = nodeToReduce ### Obj Containing all the argument & function about how the shaking will be done and with which actuators self.reductionAnimations = ReductionAnimations(listObjToAnimate) ### Obj Containing all the argument & function about how to create the end package and where outputDir = os.path.normpath(outputDir) self.packageBuilder = PackageBuilder(outputDir, packageName, addToLib) ### Obj Containing all the argument & function about the actual reduction self.reductionParam = ReductionParam(tolModes, tolGIE, addRigidBodyModes, self.packageBuilder.dataDir, saveVelocitySnapshots) ### With the previous parameters (listObjToAnimate/nbPossibility) we can set our training set number self.reductionParam.setNbTrainingSet( listObjToAnimate[0].params['rangeOfAction'], listObjToAnimate[0].params['incr']) self.reductionParam.addParamWrapper(self.nodeToReduce) self.reductionParam.setFilesName() self.phaseToSave = phaseToSave self.phaseToSaveIndex = 0 self.nbrCPU = nbrCPU self.verbose = verbose self.activesNodesLists = [] self.listSofaScene = [] strInfo = 'periodSaveGIE : ' + str( self.reductionParam.periodSaveGIE) + ' | ' strInfo += 'nbTrainingSet : ' + str( self.reductionParam.nbTrainingSet) + ' | ' strInfo += 'nbIterations : ' + str( self.reductionAnimations.nbIterations) + '\n' # strInfo += "List of phase :"+str(self.reductionAnimations.phaseNumClass)+'\n' strInfo += "##################################################" print(strInfo)
class ReduceModel(): """ **Main class that will perform the reduction** +-------------------+---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | argument | type | definition | +===================+=================================+===========================================================================================+ | originalScene | str | absolute path to original scene | +-------------------+---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | nodeToReduce | str | Paths to models to reduce | +-------------------+---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | listObjToAnimate | list(:py:class:`.ObjToAnimate`) | list conaining all the ObjToAnimate that will be use to shake our model | +-------------------+---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | tolModes | float | tolerance applied to choose the modes | +-------------------+---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | tolGIE | float | tolerance applied to calculated GIE | +-------------------+---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | outputDir | str | absolute path to output directiry in which all results will be stored | +-------------------+---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | packageName | str | Which name will have the final componant ( & package if the option addToLib is activated) | +-------------------+---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | addToLib | Bool | If ``True`` will add in the python library of this plugin the finalized reduced component | +-------------------+---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | verbose | Bool | display more or less verbose | +-------------------+---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | addRigidBodyModes | list(int) | List of 3 of 0/1 that will allow translation along [x,y,z] axis of our reduced model | +-------------------+---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | nbrCPU | int | Number of CPU we will use to generate/calculate the reduced model | +-------------------+---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | phaseToSave | list(int) | List of 0/1 indicating during which phase to save the elements/X0 | | | | ``by default will save during first phase`` | +-------------------+---------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ """ def __init__(self, originalScene, nodeToReduce, listObjToAnimate, tolModes, tolGIE, outputDir, packageName='myReducedModel', addToLib=False, verbose=False, addRigidBodyModes=False, nbrCPU=4, phaseToSave=None, saveVelocitySnapshots=None): self.originalScene = os.path.normpath(originalScene) self.nodeToReduce = nodeToReduce ### Obj Containing all the argument & function about how the shaking will be done and with which actuators self.reductionAnimations = ReductionAnimations(listObjToAnimate) ### Obj Containing all the argument & function about how to create the end package and where outputDir = os.path.normpath(outputDir) self.packageBuilder = PackageBuilder(outputDir, packageName, addToLib) ### Obj Containing all the argument & function about the actual reduction self.reductionParam = ReductionParam(tolModes, tolGIE, addRigidBodyModes, self.packageBuilder.dataDir, saveVelocitySnapshots) ### With the previous parameters (listObjToAnimate/nbPossibility) we can set our training set number self.reductionParam.setNbTrainingSet( listObjToAnimate[0].params['rangeOfAction'], listObjToAnimate[0].params['incr']) self.reductionParam.addParamWrapper(self.nodeToReduce) self.reductionParam.setFilesName() self.phaseToSave = phaseToSave self.phaseToSaveIndex = 0 self.nbrCPU = nbrCPU self.verbose = verbose self.activesNodesLists = [] self.listSofaScene = [] strInfo = 'periodSaveGIE : ' + str( self.reductionParam.periodSaveGIE) + ' | ' strInfo += 'nbTrainingSet : ' + str( self.reductionParam.nbTrainingSet) + ' | ' strInfo += 'nbIterations : ' + str( self.reductionAnimations.nbIterations) + '\n' # strInfo += "List of phase :"+str(self.reductionAnimations.phaseNumClass)+'\n' strInfo += "##################################################" print(strInfo) def setListSofaScene(self, phasesToExecute=None): """ **Will generate a list containing dictionnaries, where each dictionnary is a set of argument for the execution of one SOFA scene.** +-----------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | argument | type | definition | +=================+===========+==========================================================+ | phasesToExecute | list(int) | Allow to choose which phase to execute for the reduction | | | | | | | | ``by default will select all the phase`` | +-----------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------+ The number of dictionnaries generated depend upon either the number of action possibility (self.reductionAnimations.nbPossibility) or you can give with *phasesToExecute* specifically which possibility you want to execute. **example :** You have 2 :py:class:`.ObjToAnimate` (thing that will be animated during the execution). From self.reductionAnimations you will have 2^2 possibilities: [0,0] | [0,1] | [1,0] | [1,1] --> where 0 mean no animation & 1 animation * if you give no argument, phasesToExecute = [0,1,2,3] ``it will execute possibilty 0,1,2 & 3`` * if you give phasesToExecute=[1,3] ``it will execute possibility 1 & 3`` """ self.listSofaScene = [] if not phasesToExecute: phasesToExecute = list( range(self.reductionAnimations.nbPossibility)) if not self.phaseToSave: self.phaseToSave = [0] * len( self.reductionAnimations.phaseNumClass[0]) for i in phasesToExecute: if i >= self.reductionAnimations.nbPossibility or i < 0: raise ValueError( "phasesToExecute incorrect, select an non-existent phase : " + phasesToExecute) if self.phaseToSave == self.reductionAnimations.phaseNumClass[i]: self.phaseToSaveIndex = self.reductionAnimations.phaseNumClass.index( self.phaseToSave) # print("INDEX -------------------> "+str(self.phaseToSaveIndex)) self.listSofaScene.append({ "ORIGINALSCENE": self.originalScene, "LISTOBJTOANIMATE": self.reductionAnimations.listObjToAnimate, "PHASE": self.reductionAnimations.phaseNumClass[i], "PERIODSAVEGIE": self.reductionParam.periodSaveGIE, "PARAMWRAPPER": self.reductionParam.paramWrapper, "nbIterations": self.reductionAnimations.nbIterations, "PHASETOSAVE": self.phaseToSave }) def performReduction(self, phasesToExecute=None, nbrOfModes=None): """ **Perform all the steps of the reduction in one function** +-----------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | argument | type | definition | +=================+===========+==========================================================+ | phasesToExecute | list(int) || Allow to choose which phase to execute for the reduction| | | || *more details see* :py:func:`setListSofaScene` | +-----------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | nbrOfModes | int || Number of modes you want to keep | | | || ``by default will keep them all`` | +-----------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------+ If you are sure of all the parameters this way is recommended to gain time """ ### This initila time we allow us to give at the end the total time execution init_time = time.time() self.phase1(phasesToExecute) self.phase2() self.phase3(phasesToExecute, nbrOfModes) self.phase4(nbrOfModes) tps = int(round(time.time() - init_time)) print("TOTAL TIME --- %s ---" % (datetime.timedelta(seconds=tps))) def phase1(self, phasesToExecute=None): """ **The step will launch in parallel multiple Sofa scene (nbrCPU by nbrCPU number of scene) until it has run all the scene in the sequence.** +-----------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | argument | type | definition | +=================+===========+==========================================================+ | phasesToExecute | list(int) || Allow to choose which phase to execute for the reduction| | | || *more details see* :py:func:`setListSofaScene` | +-----------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------+ To run the SOFA scene in parallele we use the ``sofa launcher`` utility What does it do to each scene: - Add animation to each :py:class:`.ObjToAnimate` we want for our model in the predifined sequence - Add a componant to save the shaking resulting states (WriteState) - Take all the resulting states files and combines them in one file put in the ``debug`` dir with a debug scene """ start_time = time.time() if not phasesToExecute: phasesToExecute = list( range(self.reductionAnimations.nbPossibility)) self.setListSofaScene(phasesToExecute) filenames = ["", ""] filesandtemplates = [] for filename in filenames: filesandtemplates.append( (open(pathToTemplate + filename).read(), filename)) results = startSofa(self.listSofaScene, filesandtemplates, launcher=ParallelLauncher(self.nbrCPU)) if self.verbose: for res in results: print("Results: ") print(" directory: " + res["directory"]) print(" scene: " + res["scene"]) print(" duration: " + str(res["duration"]) + " sec") self.packageBuilder.copyAndCleanState( results, self.reductionParam.periodSaveGIE, self.reductionParam.stateFileName, self.reductionParam.velocityFileName) u.copy( results[self.phaseToSaveIndex]["directory"] + slash + "", self.packageBuilder.debugDir) print("PHASE 1 --- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) def phase2(self): """ **With the previous result obtain in during :py:func:`phase1` we compute the modes** See :py:mod:`.ReadStateFilesAndComputeModes` for the way the modes are determined. It will set ``nbrOfModes`` to its maximum, but it can be changed has argument to the next step : :py:func:`phase3` """ # MOR IMPORT from mor.reduction.script import readStateFilesAndComputeModes start_time = time.time() u.checkExistance(self.packageBuilder.dataDir) self.reductionParam.nbrOfModes = readStateFilesAndComputeModes( stateFilePath=self.packageBuilder.debugDir + self.reductionParam.stateFileName, modesFileName=self.packageBuilder.dataDir + self.reductionParam.modesFileName, tol=self.reductionParam.tolModes, addRigidBodyModes=self.reductionParam.addRigidBodyModes, verbose=self.verbose) if self.reductionParam.nbrOfModes == -1: raise ValueError( "problem of execution of readStateFilesAndComputeModes") print("PHASE 2 --- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) def phase3(self, phasesToExecute=None, nbrOfModes=None): """ **This step will launch in parallel multiple Sofa scene (nbrCPU by nbrCPU number of scene) until it has run all the scene in the sequence.** +-----------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | argument | type | definition | +=================+===========+==========================================================+ | phasesToExecute | list(int) || Allow to choose which phase to execute for the reduction| | | || *more details see* :py:func:`setListSofaScene` | +-----------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | nbrOfModes | int || Number of modes you want to keep | | | || ``by default will keep them all`` | +-----------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------+ To run the SOFA scene in parallele we use the ``sofa launcher`` utility What does it do to each scene: - Take the previous one and add the model order reduction component: - HyperReducedFEMForceField - MappedMatrixForceFieldAndMas - ModelOrderReductionMapping - Produce an Hyper Reduced description of the model - Produce files listing the different element to keep - Take all the resulting states files and combines them in one file put in the ``debug`` dir with a debug scene """ start_time = time.time() if not phasesToExecute: phasesToExecute = list( range(self.reductionAnimations.nbPossibility)) if not nbrOfModes: nbrOfModes = self.reductionParam.nbrOfModes if not os.path.isfile(self.packageBuilder.dataDir + self.reductionParam.modesFileName): raise IOError("There is no mode file at "+self.packageBuilder.dataDir+self.reductionParam.modesFileName\ +"\nPlease give one at this location or indicate the correct location or re-generate one with phase 1 & 2") nbrOfModesPossible = self.packageBuilder.checkNodeNbr( self.reductionParam.modesFileName) if not nbrOfModes: nbrOfModes = self.reductionParam.nbrOfModes if nbrOfModes == -1: nbrOfModes = self.reductionParam.nbrOfModes = nbrOfModesPossible if (nbrOfModes <= 0) or (nbrOfModes > nbrOfModesPossible): raise ValueError("nbrOfModes incorrect\n"\ +" nbrOfModes given :"+str(nbrOfModes)+" | nbrOfModes max possible : "+str(nbrOfModesPossible)) self.setListSofaScene(phasesToExecute) for i in range(len(phasesToExecute)): self.listSofaScene[i]['NBROFMODES'] = nbrOfModes filenames = [ "", "", "" ] filesandtemplates = [] for filename in filenames: filesandtemplates.append( (open(pathToTemplate + filename).read(), filename)) results = startSofa(self.listSofaScene, filesandtemplates, launcher=ParallelLauncher(self.nbrCPU)) if self.verbose: for res in results: print("Results: ") print(" directory: " + res["directory"]) print(" scene: " + res["scene"]) print(" duration: " + str(res["duration"]) + " sec") files = glob.glob(results[self.phaseToSaveIndex]["directory"] + slash + "*_elmts.txt") if files: for i, file in enumerate(files): file = os.path.normpath(file) files[i] = file.split(slash)[-1] # print("FILES ----------->",files) self.reductionParam.savedElementsFilesNames = files for fileName in self.reductionParam.savedElementsFilesNames: u.copyFileIntoAnother( results[self.phaseToSaveIndex]["directory"] + slash + fileName, self.packageBuilder.debugDir + fileName) self.reductionParam.massName = glob.glob( results[self.phaseToSaveIndex]["directory"] + slash + "*_reduced.txt")[0] # print("massName -----------------------> ",self.reductionParam.massName) u.copy(self.reductionParam.massName, self.reductionParam.dataDir) files = glob.glob(results[self.phaseToSaveIndex]["directory"] + slash + "*_Gie.txt") if files: for i, file in enumerate(files): file = os.path.normpath(file) files[i] = file.split(slash)[-1] # print("FILES ----------->",files) self.reductionParam.gieFilesNames = files else: raise IOError("Missing GIE Files") self.packageBuilder.copyAndCleanState( results, self.reductionParam.periodSaveGIE, 'step2_' + self.reductionParam.stateFileName, gie=self.reductionParam.gieFilesNames) print("PHASE 3 --- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) def phase4(self, nbrOfModes=None): """ **The final step will gather all the results in 1 folder and build a reusable scene from it** +-----------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | argument | type | definition | +=================+===========+==========================================================+ | nbrOfModes | int || Number of modes you want to keep | | | || ``by default will keep them all`` | +-----------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------------------+ Final step : - compute the RID and Weigts with :py:mod:`.ReadGieFileAndComputeRIDandWeights` - compute the Active Nodes with :py:mod:`.ConvertRIDinActiveNodes` - finalize the package - add it to the plugin library if option activated """ # MOR IMPORT from .script import readGieFileAndComputeRIDandWeights, convertRIDinActiveNodes start_time = time.time() if not os.path.isfile(self.packageBuilder.dataDir + self.reductionParam.modesFileName): raise IOError("There is no mode file at "+self.packageBuilder.dataDir+self.reductionParam.modesFileName\ +"\nPlease give one at this location or indicate the correct location or re-generate one with phase 1 & 2") nbrOfModesPossible = self.packageBuilder.checkNodeNbr( self.reductionParam.modesFileName) if not nbrOfModes: nbrOfModes = self.reductionParam.nbrOfModes if nbrOfModes == -1: nbrOfModes = self.reductionParam.nbrOfModes = nbrOfModesPossible if (nbrOfModes <= 0) or (nbrOfModes > nbrOfModesPossible): raise ValueError("nbrOfModes incorrect\n"\ +" nbrOfModes given :"+str(nbrOfModes)+" | nbrOfModes max possible : "+str(nbrOfModesPossible)) # print(files) files = glob.glob(self.packageBuilder.debugDir + "*_elmts.txt") if files: for i, file in enumerate(files): file = os.path.normpath(file) files[i] = file.split(slash)[-1] # print("FILES ----------->",files) self.reductionParam.savedElementsFilesNames = files files = glob.glob(self.packageBuilder.debugDir + "*_Gie.txt") if files: for i, file in enumerate(files): file = os.path.normpath(file) files[i] = file.split(slash)[-1] # print("FILES ----------->",files) self.reductionParam.gieFilesNames = files for i, gie in enumerate(self.reductionParam.gieFilesNames): tmp = gie.replace('_Gie.txt', '') for j, elmts in enumerate( self.reductionParam.savedElementsFilesNames): if tmp in elmts: tmp = self.reductionParam.savedElementsFilesNames[j] self.reductionParam.savedElementsFilesNames[ j] = self.reductionParam.savedElementsFilesNames[i] self.reductionParam.savedElementsFilesNames[i] = tmp # print(self.reductionParam.savedElementsFilesNames) # print(self.reductionParam.gieFilesNames) tmp = glob.glob(self.packageBuilder.dataDir + "*_reduced.txt")[0] tmp = os.path.normpath(tmp) self.reductionParam.massName = tmp.split(slash)[-1] # print("massName -----------------------> ",self.reductionParam.massName) self.reductionParam.RIDFilesNames = [] self.reductionParam.weightsFilesNames = [] self.reductionParam.listActiveNodesFilesNames = [] for fileName in self.reductionParam.gieFilesNames: if not os.path.isfile(self.packageBuilder.debugDir + fileName): raise IOError("There is no GIE file at "+self.packageBuilder.debugDir+fileName\ +"\nPlease give one at this location or indicate the correct location or re-generate one with phase 3") self.reductionParam.RIDFilesNames.append( fileName.replace('_Gie', '_RID')) self.reductionParam.weightsFilesNames.append( fileName.replace('_Gie', '_weight')) self.reductionParam.listActiveNodesFilesNames.append( fileName.replace('_Gie', '_listActiveNodes')) self.listActiveNodesFilesNames = [] for i, fileName in enumerate(self.reductionParam.gieFilesNames): # index = self.reductionParam.gieFilesNames.index(fileName) readGieFileAndComputeRIDandWeights( self.packageBuilder.debugDir + fileName, self.packageBuilder.dataDir + self.reductionParam.RIDFilesNames[i], self.packageBuilder.dataDir + self.reductionParam.weightsFilesNames[i], self.reductionParam.tolGIE, verbose=self.verbose) # print(index) # print(len(self.reductionParam.savedElementsFilesNames)) # if index-1 < len(self.reductionParam.savedElementsFilesNames): self.activesNodesLists.append( convertRIDinActiveNodes( self.packageBuilder.dataDir + self.reductionParam.RIDFilesNames[i], self.packageBuilder.debugDir + self.reductionParam.savedElementsFilesNames[i], self.packageBuilder.dataDir + self.reductionParam.listActiveNodesFilesNames[i], verbose=self.verbose)) finalListActiveNodes = [] for activeNodes in self.activesNodesLists: finalListActiveNodes = list(set().union(finalListActiveNodes, activeNodes)) finalListActiveNodes = sorted(finalListActiveNodes) with open(self.packageBuilder.dataDir + 'listActiveNodes.txt', "w") as file: for item in finalListActiveNodes: file.write("%i\n" % item) file.close() filename = "" filesandtemplates = [(open(pathToTemplate + filename).read(), filename) ] self.reductionParam.addParamWrapper(self.nodeToReduce, prepareECSW=False) finalScene = {} finalScene["ORIGINALSCENE"] = self.originalScene finalScene["PARAMWRAPPER"] = self.reductionParam.paramWrapper finalScene['NBROFMODES'] = nbrOfModes finalScene["nbIterations"] = 1 finalScene["ANIMATIONPATHS"] = self.reductionAnimations.listOfLocation finalScene["PACKAGENAME"] = self.packageBuilder.packageName results = startSofa([finalScene], filesandtemplates, launcher=ParallelLauncher(1)) self.packageBuilder.finalizePackage(results[0])