コード例 #1
 def validate(self, root_artifact):
     root_arch = root_artifact.source.morphology['arch']
     target_arch = arch
     if root_arch != target_arch:
         raise morphlib.Error('Target architecture is %s '
                              'but the system architecture is %s' %
                              (target_arch, root_arch))
コード例 #2
ファイル: add_binary_plugin.py プロジェクト: nowster/morph
    def add_binary(self, binaries):
        '''Add a binary file to the current repository.

        Command line argument:

        * `FILENAME...` is the binaries to be added to the repository.

        This checks for the existence of a .gitfat file in the repository. If
        there is one then a line is added to .gitattributes telling it that
        the given binary should be handled by git-fat. If there is no .gitfat
        file then it is created, with the rsync remote pointing at the correct
        directory on the Trove host. A line is then added to .gitattributes to
        say that the given binary should be handled by git-fat.


            morph add-binary big_binary.tar.gz

        if not binaries:
            raise morphlib.Error('add-binary must get at least one argument')

        gd = morphlib.gitdir.GitDirectory(os.getcwd(), search_for_root=True)
        if not gd.has_fat():
        self._handle_binaries(binaries, gd)
        logging.info('Staged binaries for commit')
コード例 #3
    def _validate_cross_morphology_references(self, srcpool):
        '''Perform validation across all morphologies involved in the build'''

        stratum_names = {}

        for src in srcpool:
            kind = src.morphology['kind']

            # Verify that chunks pointed to by strata really are chunks, etc.
            method_name = '_validate_cross_refs_for_%s' % kind
            if hasattr(self, method_name):
                logging.debug('Calling %s' % method_name)
                getattr(self, method_name)(src, srcpool)
                logging.warning('No %s' % method_name)

            # Verify stratum build-depends agree with the system's contents.
            # It is permissible for a stratum to build-depend on a stratum that
            # isn't specified in the target system morphology.
            # Multiple references to the same stratum are permitted. This is
            # handled by the SourcePool deduplicating added Sources.
            # It is forbidden to have two different strata with the same name.
            # Hence if a Stratum is defined in the System, and in a Stratum as
            # a build-dependency, then they must both have the same Repository
            # and Ref specified.
            if src.morphology['kind'] == 'stratum':
                name = src.name
                if name in stratum_names:
                    raise morphlib.Error(
                        "Multiple strata produce a '%s' artifact: %s and %s" %
                        (name, stratum_names[name].filename, src.filename))
                stratum_names[name] = src
コード例 #4
 def _expand(protocol, path):
     if protocol == "git":
         return "git://%s/%s/%%s" % (trove_host, path)
     elif protocol == "ssh":
         return "ssh://git@%s/%s/%%s" % (trove_host, path)
         raise morphlib.Error('Unknown protocol in trove_id: %s' % protocol)
コード例 #5
    def pull(self, args):
        '''Pull changes to the current branch from a repository.

        Command line arguments:

        * `REMOTE` is the remote branch to pull from. By default this is the
          branch being tracked by your current git branch (ie origin/master
          for branch master)

        This is a wrapper for the `git pull` command. It also deals with
        pulling any binary files that have been added to the repository using


            morph pull

        if len(args) > 1:
            raise morphlib.Error('pull takes at most one argument')

        gd = morphlib.gitdir.GitDirectory(os.getcwd(), search_for_root=True)
        remote = gd.get_remote('origin')
        if args:
            branch = args[0]
        if gd.has_fat():
コード例 #6
def get_host_architecture():  # pragma: no cover
    '''Get the canonical Morph name for the host's architecture.'''

    machine = os.uname()[-1]

    table = {
        'x86_64': 'x86_64',
        'i386': 'x86_32',
        'i486': 'x86_32',
        'i586': 'x86_32',
        'i686': 'x86_32',
        'armv7l': 'armv7l',
        'armv7b': 'armv7b',
        'armv8l': 'armv8l',
        'armv8b': 'armv8b',
        'aarch64': 'armv8l64',
        'aarch64b': 'armv8b64',
        'mips': 'mips32',
        'mips64': 'mips64',
        'ppc64': 'ppc64'

    if machine not in table:
        raise morphlib.Error('Unknown host architecture %s' % machine)

    if machine == 'armv7l' and has_hardware_fp():
        return 'armv7lhf'
    elif machine in ('mips', 'mips64'):
        if determine_endianness() == 'big':
            return table[machine] + 'b'
            return table[machine] + 'l'

    return table[machine]
コード例 #7
    def push(self, args):
        '''Push a branch to a remote repository.

        Command line arguments:

        * `REPO` is the repository to push your changes to.

        * `TARGET` is the branch to push to the repository.

        This is a wrapper for the `git push` command. It also deals with
        pushing any binary files that have been added using git-fat.


            morph push origin jrandom/new-feature

        if len(args) != 2:
            raise morphlib.Error('push must get exactly two arguments')

        gd = morphlib.gitdir.GitDirectory(os.getcwd(), search_for_root=True)
        remote, branch = args
        rs = morphlib.gitdir.RefSpec(branch)
        if gd.has_fat():
コード例 #8
    def init(self, args):
        '''Initialize a workspace directory.

        Command line argument:

        * `DIR` is the directory to use as a workspace, and defaults to
          the current directory.

        This creates a workspace, either in the current working directory,
        or if `DIR` is given, in that directory. If the directory doesn't
        exist, it is created. If it does exist, it must be empty.

        You need to run `morph init` to initialise a workspace, or none
        of the other system branching tools will work: they all assume
        an existing workspace. Note that a workspace only exists on your
        machine, not on the git server.


            morph init /src/workspace
            cd /src/workspace


        if not args:
            args = ['.']
        elif len(args) > 1:
            raise morphlib.Error('init must get at most one argument')

        ws = morphlib.workspace.create(args[0])
        self.app.status(msg='Initialized morph workspace', chatty=True)
コード例 #9
ファイル: writeexts.py プロジェクト: nowster/morph
    def _parse_size_from_environment(self, env_var, default):
        '''Parse a size from an environment variable.'''

        size = os.environ.get(env_var, default)
        if size is None:
            return None
        bytes = self._parse_size(size)
        if bytes is None:
            raise morphlib.Error('Cannot parse %s value %s' % (env_var, size))
        return bytes
コード例 #10
    def _validate_architecture(self, root_artifact):
        '''Perform the validation between root and target architectures.'''

        root_arch = root_artifact.source.morphology['arch']
        host_arch = morphlib.util.get_host_architecture()
        if root_arch != host_arch:
            raise morphlib.Error(
                'Are you trying to cross-build? '
                    'Host architecture is %s but target is %s'
                    % (host_arch, root_arch))
コード例 #11
def combine_aliases(app):  # pragma: no cover
    '''Create a full repo-alias set from the app's settings.

    The standard 'baserock:' and 'upstream:' keyed URLs use whatever trove was
    set as 'trove-host'.

    Every trove listed in 'trove-ids' has its own repo-alias created in
    addition to the defaults. We assume these require authenticated access, so
    the keyed URL expansions for these troves are ssh:// URLs for both read and
    write access. This can be overridden by the user if they calculate the full
    repo-alias string and set it in their config manually.

    trove_host = app.settings['trove-host']
    trove_ids = app.settings['trove-id']
    repo_aliases = app.settings['repo-alias']
    repo_pat = r'^(?P<prefix>[a-z][a-z0-9-]+)=(?P<pull>[^#]+)#(?P<push>[^#]+)$'
    trove_pat = (r'^(?P<prefix>[a-z][a-z0-9-]+)=(?P<path>[^#]+)#'
    alias_map = {}

    def _expand(protocol, path):
        if protocol == "git":
            return "git://%s/%s/%%s" % (trove_host, path)
        elif protocol == "ssh":
            return "ssh://git@%s/%s/%%s" % (trove_host, path)
            raise morphlib.Error('Unknown protocol in trove_id: %s' % protocol)

    if trove_host:
        alias_map['baserock'] = "baserock=%s#%s" % (_expand(
            'git', 'baserock'), _expand('ssh', 'baserock'))
        alias_map['upstream'] = "upstream=%s#%s" % (_expand(
            'git', 'delta'), _expand('ssh', 'delta'))
        for trove_id in trove_ids:
            m = re.match(trove_pat, trove_id)
            if m:
                alias_map[m.group('prefix')] = "%s=%s#%s" % (
                    m.group('prefix'), _expand(m.group('pull'),
                    _expand(m.group('push'), m.group('path')))
            elif '=' not in trove_id and trove_id not in alias_map:
                alias_map[trove_id] = "%s=%s#%s" % (trove_id,
                                                    _expand('ssh', trove_id),
                                                    _expand('ssh', trove_id))
    for repo_alias in repo_aliases:
        m = re.match(repo_pat, repo_alias)
        if m:
            alias_map[m.group('prefix')] = repo_alias
            raise morphlib.Error('Invalid repo-alias: %s' % repo_alias)

    return alias_map.values()
コード例 #12
ファイル: writeexts.py プロジェクト: nowster/morph
    def find_initramfs(self, temp_root):
        '''Check whether the rootfs has an initramfs.

        Uses the INITRAMFS_PATH option to locate it.
        if 'INITRAMFS_PATH' in os.environ:
            initramfs = os.path.join(temp_root, os.environ['INITRAMFS_PATH'])
            if not os.path.exists(initramfs):
                raise morphlib.Error('INITRAMFS_PATH specified, '
                                     'but file does not exist')
            return initramfs
        return None
コード例 #13
    def _validate_has_non_bootstrap_chunks(srcpool):
        stratum_sources = [src for src in srcpool
                           if src.morphology['kind'] == 'stratum']
        # any will return true for an empty iterable, which will give
        # a false positive when there are no strata.
        # This is an error by itself, but the source of this error can
        # be better diagnosed later, so we abort validating here.
        if not stratum_sources:

        if not any(spec.get('build-mode', 'staging') != 'bootstrap'
                   for src in stratum_sources
                   for spec in src.morphology['chunks']):
            raise morphlib.Error('No non-bootstrap chunks found.')
コード例 #14
ファイル: buildcommand.py プロジェクト: nowster/morph
 def _validate_cross_refs_for_xxx(self, src, srcpool, specs, wanted):
     for spec in specs:
         repo_name = spec.get('repo') or src.repo_name
         ref = spec.get('ref') or src.original_ref
         filename = morphlib.util.sanitise_morphology_path(
             spec.get('morph', spec.get('name')))
         logging.debug('Validating cross ref to %s:%s:%s' %
                       (repo_name, ref, filename))
         for other in srcpool.lookup(repo_name, ref, filename):
             if other.morphology['kind'] != wanted:
                 raise morphlib.Error(
                     '%s %s references %s:%s:%s which is a %s, '
                     'instead of a %s' %
                     (src.morphology['kind'], src.name, repo_name, ref,
                      filename, other.morphology['kind'], wanted))
コード例 #15
ファイル: buildcommand.py プロジェクト: nowster/morph
    def build(self, repo_name, ref, filename, original_ref=None):
        '''Initiate a distributed build on a controller'''


        if self.addr == '':
            raise morphlib.Error(
                'Need address of controller to run a distbuild')

        self.app.status(msg='Starting distributed build')
        loop = distbuild.MainLoop()
        args = [repo_name, ref, filename, original_ref or ref]
        cm = distbuild.InitiatorConnectionMachine(
            self.app, self.addr, self.port, distbuild.Initiator,
            [self.app] + args, self.RECONNECT_INTERVAL, self.MAX_RETRIES)

コード例 #16
ファイル: buildcommand.py プロジェクト: nowster/morph
    def _validate_architecture(self, root_artifact):
        '''Perform the validation between root and target architectures.'''

        root_arch = root_artifact.source.morphology['arch']
        host_arch = morphlib.util.get_host_architecture()

        if root_arch == host_arch:

        # Since the armv8 instruction set is nearly entirely armv7 compatible,
        # and since the incompatibilities are appropriately trapped in the
        # kernel, we can safely run any armv7 toolchain natively on armv8.
        if host_arch == 'armv8l' and root_arch in ('armv7l', 'armv7lhf'):
        if host_arch == 'armv8b' and root_arch in ('armv7b', 'armv7bhf'):

        raise morphlib.Error(
            'Are you trying to cross-build? Host architecture is %s but '
            'target is %s' % (host_arch, root_arch))
コード例 #17
def get_host_architecture():  # pragma: no cover
    '''Get the canonical Morph name for the host's architecture.'''

    machine = os.uname()[-1]

    table = {
        'x86_64': 'x86_64',
        'i386': 'x86_32',
        'i486': 'x86_32',
        'i586': 'x86_32',
        'i686': 'x86_32',
        'armv7l': 'armv7l',
        'armv7b': 'armv7b',
        'ppc64': 'ppc64'

    if machine not in table:
        raise morphlib.Error('Unknown host architecture %s' % machine)

    if machine == 'armv7l' and has_hardware_fp():
        return 'armv7lhf'

    return table[machine]
コード例 #18
def sanitise_morphology_path(morph_field, morph_kind, belongs_to='None'):
    '''This function receives the name or the morph field of one morphology
    and returns the path of the morphology depending on the name, kind and
    if it belongs to other morphologies.
    # Dictionary which match morphology's kind and morphology's
    # directory in definitions.git
    morph_dir = { 'chunk': 'chunks', 'stratum': 'strata',
                  'system':'systems', 'cluster': 'clusters'}
    # For chunks morphologies we need to know to which stratums
    # belongs this chunk.
    if morph_kind == 'chunk':
        if belongs_to == '':
            raise morphlib.Error('Chunk morphologies need the stratum name'
                                 'to create the path. Please add the stratum'
                                 'which belongs this morphology')
        # Get the name of the chunk which we assume is at the end
        # of the morph file
        if '/' in morph_field:
            morph_field = os.path.basename(morph_field)

        # Add the stratum name to the chunk name
        morph_field = os.path.join(belongs_to, morph_field)

        # Reset the kind to stratum because chunk contains stratum
        # name in its path.
        morph_kind = 'stratum'

    # Add the morphology path to the morph field.
    if not morph_field.startswith(morph_dir[morph_kind]):
        morph_field = os.path.join(morph_dir[morph_kind], morph_field)

    # Add the morphology suffix if the morphology.
    if not morph_field.endswith('.morph'):
        morph_field = morph_field + '.morph'

    return morph_field
コード例 #19
def check_disk_available(tmp_path, tmp_min_size, cache_path,
                         cache_min_size):  # pragma: no cover
    # if both are on the same filesystem, assume they share a storage pool,
    # so the sum of the two sizes needs to be available
    # TODO: if we need to do this on any more than 2 paths
    #       extend it to take a [(path, min)]
    tmp_min_size, cache_min_size = unify_space_requirements(
        tmp_path, tmp_min_size, cache_path, cache_min_size)
    tmp_size, cache_size = map(get_bytes_free_in_path, (tmp_path, cache_path))
    errors = []
    for path, min in [(tmp_path, tmp_min_size), (cache_path, cache_min_size)]:
        free = get_bytes_free_in_path(path)
        if free < min:
            errors.append('\t%(path)s requires %(min)d bytes free, '
                          'has %(free)d' % locals())
    if not errors:
    raise morphlib.Error('Insufficient space on disk:\n' + '\n'.join(errors) +
                         'Please run `morph gc`. If the problem persists '
                         'increase the disk size, manually clean up some '
                         'space or reduce the disk space required by the '
                         'tempdir-min-space and cachedir-min-space '
                         'configuration options.')
コード例 #20
ファイル: deploy_plugin.py プロジェクト: mwilliams-ct/morph
    def deploy_system(self, build_command, deploy_tempdir, root_repo_dir,
                      build_repo, ref, system, env_vars, deployment_filter,
        sys_ids = set(system['deploy'].iterkeys())
        if deployment_filter and not \
                any(sys_id in deployment_filter for sys_id in sys_ids):
        old_status_prefix = self.app.status_prefix
        system_status_prefix = '%s[%s]' % (old_status_prefix, system['morph'])
        self.app.status_prefix = system_status_prefix
            # Find the artifact to build
            morph = morphlib.util.sanitise_morphology_path(system['morph'])
            srcpool = build_command.create_source_pool(build_repo, ref, morph)

            artifact = build_command.resolve_artifacts(srcpool)

            deploy_defaults = system.get('deploy-defaults', {})
            for system_id, deploy_params in system['deploy'].iteritems():
                if not system_id in deployment_filter and deployment_filter:
                deployment_status_prefix = '%s[%s]' % (system_status_prefix,
                self.app.status_prefix = deployment_status_prefix
                    user_env = morphlib.util.parse_environment_pairs(
                        os.environ, [
                            pair[len(system_id) + 1:]
                            for pair in env_vars if pair.startswith(system_id)

                    final_env = dict(deploy_defaults.items() +
                                     deploy_params.items() + user_env.items())

                    is_upgrade = ('yes'
                                  if self.app.settings['upgrade'] else 'no')
                    final_env['UPGRADE'] = is_upgrade

                    deployment_type = final_env.pop('type', None)
                    if not deployment_type:
                        raise morphlib.Error('"type" is undefined '
                                             'for system "%s"' % system_id)

                    location = final_env.pop('location', None)
                    if not location:
                        raise morphlib.Error('"location" is undefined '
                                             'for system "%s"' % system_id)

                    self.check_deploy(root_repo_dir, ref, deployment_type,
                                      location, final_env)
                    system_tree = self.setup_deploy(build_command,
                                                    root_repo_dir, ref,
                                                    artifact, deployment_type,
                                                    location, final_env)
                    for subsystem in system.get('subsystems', []):
                                           env_vars, [],
                    if parent_location:
                        deploy_location = os.path.join(parent_location,
                        deploy_location = location
                    self.run_deploy_commands(deploy_tempdir, final_env,
                                             artifact, root_repo_dir, ref,
                                             deployment_type, system_tree,
                    self.app.status_prefix = system_status_prefix
            self.app.status_prefix = old_status_prefix
コード例 #21
    def cross_bootstrap(self, args):
        '''Cross-bootstrap a system from a different architecture.'''

        # A brief overview of this process: the goal is to native build as much
        # of the system as possible because that's easier, but in order to do
        # so we need at least 'build-essential'. 'morph cross-bootstrap' will
        # cross-build any bootstrap-mode chunks in the given system and
        # will then prepare a large rootfs tarball which, when booted, will
        # build the rest of the chunks in the system using the cross-built
        # build-essential.
        # This approach saves us from having to run Morph, Git, Python, Perl,
        # or anything else complex and difficult to cross-build on the target
        # until it is bootstrapped. The user of this command needs to provide
        # a kernel and handle booting the system themselves (the generated
        # tarball contains a /bin/sh that can be used as 'init'.
        # This function is a variant of the BuildCommand() class in morphlib.

        # To do: make it work on a system branch instead of repo/ref/morph
        # triplet.

        if len(args) < 4:
            raise cliapp.AppException(
                'cross-bootstrap requires 4 arguments: target archicture, and '
                'repo, ref and and name of the system morphology')

        arch = args[0]
        root_repo, ref, system_name = args[1:4]

        if arch not in morphlib.valid_archs:
            raise morphlib.Error('Unsupported architecture "%s"' % arch)

        # Get system artifact

        build_env = morphlib.buildenvironment.BuildEnvironment(
            self.app.settings, arch)
        build_command = morphlib.buildcommand.BuildCommand(self.app, build_env)

        morph_name = morphlib.util.sanitise_morphology_path(system_name)
        srcpool = build_command.create_source_pool(root_repo, ref, morph_name)

        # FIXME: this is a quick fix in order to get it working for
        # Baserock 13 release, it is not a reasonable fix
        def validate(self, root_artifact):
            root_arch = root_artifact.source.morphology['arch']
            target_arch = arch
            if root_arch != target_arch:
                raise morphlib.Error('Target architecture is %s '
                                     'but the system architecture is %s' %
                                     (target_arch, root_arch))

        morphlib.buildcommand.BuildCommand._validate_architecture = validate

        system_artifact = build_command.resolve_artifacts(srcpool)

        # Calculate build order
        # This is basically a hacked version of BuildCommand.build_in_order()
        sources = build_command.get_ordered_sources(system_artifact.walk())
        cross_sources = []
        native_sources = []
        for s in sources:
            if s.morphology['kind'] == 'chunk':
                if s.build_mode == 'bootstrap':

        if len(cross_sources) == 0:
            raise morphlib.Error(
                'Nothing to cross-compile. Only chunks built in \'bootstrap\' '
                'mode can be cross-compiled.')

        for s in cross_sources:
            build_command.cache_or_build_source(s, build_env)

        for s in native_sources:

        # Install those to the output tarball ...
        self.app.status(msg='Building final bootstrap system image')
        system_artifact.source.cross_sources = cross_sources
        system_artifact.source.native_sources = native_sources
        staging_area = build_command.create_staging_area(build_env,
        builder = BootstrapSystemBuilder(self.app, staging_area,
                                         build_command.lac, build_command.rac,
                                         build_command.lrc, 1, False)

            msg='Bootstrap tarball for %(name)s is cached at %(cachepath)s',
コード例 #22
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: nowster/morph
 def check_time(self):
     # Check that the current time is not far in the past.
     if time.localtime(time.time()).tm_year < 2012:
         raise morphlib.Error(
             'System time is far in the past, please set your system clock')
コード例 #23
ファイル: yamlparse.py プロジェクト: nowster/morph
 def dump(*args, **kwargs):
     raise morphlib.Error('YAML not available')
コード例 #24
 def _validate_root_kind(root_artifact):
     root_kind = root_artifact.source.morphology['kind']
     if root_kind != 'system':
         raise morphlib.Error(
             'Building a %s directly is not supported' % root_kind)