コード例 #1
def estimate_voxel_params(subj, data, model, runs, conditions):
    """Fit a univariate model in each voxel of a ROI data array."""

    # Load the task design
    design_file = design_temp.format(subj, model)
    design = pd.read_csv(design_file)

    # Precompute the highpass filter kernel and HRF
    ntp = data.shape[1]
    hpf_kernel = glm.fsl_highpass_matrix(ntp, 128)
    hrf = glm.GammaDifferenceHRF()

    # Build a design matrix for each run separately and then combine
    Xs = []
    for run in runs:
        run_design = design.query("run == @run")
        X = glm.DesignMatrix(run_design, hrf, ntp,

    X = pd.concat(Xs).reset_index(drop=True)

    # Rotate the data around to stack runs together
    np.testing.assert_equal(len(data), len(runs))
    data = data.reshape(-1, data.shape[-1])

    # Fit the model
    model = sm.OLS(data, X).fit()

    # Return the params
    return model.params
コード例 #2
def estimate_voxel_params(subj, data, model, runs, conditions):
    """Fit a univariate model in each voxel of a ROI data array."""

    # Load the task design
    design_file = design_temp.format(subj, model)
    design = pd.read_csv(design_file)

    # Precompute the highpass filter kernel and HRF
    ntp = data.shape[1]
    hpf_kernel = glm.fsl_highpass_matrix(ntp, 128)
    hrf = glm.GammaDifferenceHRF()

    # Build a design matrix for each run separately and then combine
    Xs = []
    for run in runs:
        run_design = design.query("run == @run")
        X = glm.DesignMatrix(run_design,

    X = pd.concat(Xs).reset_index(drop=True)

    # Rotate the data around to stack runs together
    np.testing.assert_equal(len(data), len(runs))
    data = data.reshape(-1, data.shape[-1])

    # Fit the model
    model = sm.OLS(data, X).fit()

    # Return the params
    return model.params
コード例 #3
def regress_task(exp, subj, data):
    """Fit a model of the task and return the residuals."""
    if exp == "dots":
        ntp = 459
        design, _ = dots_design(subj)
        design.loc[:, "duration"] = 0
        hpf_kernel = glm.fsl_highpass_matrix(ntp, 128, 1)

    elif exp == "sticks":
        ntp = 515
        design, _ = sticks_design(subj)
        design.loc[:, "duration"] = 0
        design.loc[:, "onset"] = (design["onset"] / .72).round()
        hpf_kernel = glm.fsl_highpass_matrix(ntp, 178, 1)

    conditions = design["condition"].unique()

    # Upsample the dots data to match the design resolution
    if exp == "dots":
        run_data = np.split(data, 12)
        data = np.concatenate([moss.upsample(d, 2) for d in run_data])

    # Make a design matrix for each run and then concatenate
    Xs = []
    for run, run_df in design.groupby("run"):

        Xrun = glm.DesignMatrix(run_df,
                                glm.FIR(tr=1, nbasis=24, offset=-2),

        # Regress confounds out of the design matrix
        confounds = confound_design(exp, subj, run, hpf_kernel)
        assert len(confounds) == len(Xrun)
        confounds.index = Xrun.index
        Xrun = OLS(Xrun, confounds).fit().resid

    X = pd.concat(Xs)

    resid = OLS(data, X).fit().resid.values
    return resid
コード例 #4
def estimate_subject_roi_fir(subj, mask, model, conditions=None):

    # Load the cached ROI dataset
    data = load_cached_roi_data(subj, mask)

    # Average the data over voxels
    data = data.mean(axis=-1)

    # Upsample the data to 1s resolution
    data = moss.upsample(data.T, 2).T

    # Convert the data to percent signal change over runs
    data = percent_change(data, 1)

    # Count the number of timepoints
    ntp = data.shape[1]

    # Concatenate the data into one long vector
    data = np.concatenate(data)

    # Load the design, make events impulses, get a list of conditions
    design = pd.read_csv(design_temp.format(subj, model))
    design["duration"] = 0
    if conditions is None:
        conditions = design["condition"].unique()

    # Precache the hpf kernel
    hpf_kernel = glm.fsl_highpass_matrix(ntp, 128)

    # Make a design matrix for each run and then concatenate
    Xs = []
    for run, run_df in design.groupby("run"):
        X = glm.DesignMatrix(run_df,
                             glm.FIR(tr=1, nbasis=24, offset=-2),
    X = pd.concat(Xs)

    # Fit the model
    model = sm.OLS(data, X).fit()

    # Add metadata about the beta for each timepoint and condition
    params = model.params.reset_index(name="coef")
    params["timepoint"] = params["index"].str[-2:].astype(int)
    params["timepoint"] -= 1
    params["condition"] = params["index"].str[:-3]
    params["subj"] = subj
    params["roi"] = mask

    # Return the model parameters
    return params
コード例 #5
def estimate_subject_roi_fir(subj, mask, model, conditions=None):

    # Load the cached ROI dataset
    data = load_cached_roi_data(subj, mask)

    # Average the data over voxels
    data = data.mean(axis=-1)

    # Upsample the data to 1s resolution
    data = moss.upsample(data.T, 2).T

    # Convert the data to percent signal change over runs
    data = percent_change(data, 1)

    # Count the number of timepoints
    ntp = data.shape[1]

    # Concatenate the data into one long vector
    data = np.concatenate(data)

    # Load the design, make events impulses, get a list of conditions
    design = pd.read_csv(design_temp.format(subj, model))
    design["duration"] = 0
    if conditions is None:
        conditions = design["condition"].unique()

    # Precache the hpf kernel
    hpf_kernel = glm.fsl_highpass_matrix(ntp, 128)

    # Make a design matrix for each run and then concatenate
    Xs = []
    for run, run_df in design.groupby("run"):
        X = glm.DesignMatrix(run_df,
                             glm.FIR(tr=1, nbasis=24, offset=-2),
                             ntp=ntp, tr=1, oversampling=1)
    X = pd.concat(Xs)

    # Fit the model
    model = sm.OLS(data, X).fit()

    # Add metadata about the beta for each timepoint and condition
    params = model.params.reset_index(name="coef")
    params["timepoint"] = params["index"].str[-2:].astype(int)
    params["timepoint"] -= 1
    params["condition"] = params["index"].str[:-3]
    params["subj"] = subj
    params["roi"] = mask

    # Return the model parameters
    return params
コード例 #6
def residualize_roi_data(subj, mask, model, conditions=None):
    """Residualize cached ROI data against task model."""
    orig_data = load_cached_roi_data(subj, mask)

    # De-mean the data by run and voxel
    orig_data = signal.detrend(orig_data, axis=1, type="constant")

    # Precompute the highpass filter kernel and HRF
    ntp = orig_data.shape[1]
    hpf_kernel = glm.fsl_highpass_matrix(ntp, 128)
    hrf = glm.GammaDifferenceHRF(temporal_deriv=True)

    # Load the task design
    design_file = op.join(data_dir, subj, "design", model + ".csv")
    design = pd.read_csv(design_file)
    if conditions is None:
        conditions = sorted(design["condition"].unique())

    # Set up the output data structure
    out_data = np.empty_like(orig_data)

    # Loop over the runs and get the residual data for each
    for run_i, run_data in enumerate(orig_data):

        # Generate the design matrix
        run_design = design.query("run == (@run_i + 1)")
        X = glm.DesignMatrix(run_design,

        # Fit the model
        ols = sm.OLS(run_data, X.design_matrix).fit()

        # Save the residuals
        out_data[run_i] = ols.resid

    # Z-score the residuals by run and voxel
    out_data = stats.zscore(out_data, axis=1)
    assert not np.any(np.isnan(out_data))

    return out_data
コード例 #7
def residualize_roi_data(subj, mask, model, conditions=None):
    """Residualize cached ROI data against task model."""
    orig_data = load_cached_roi_data(subj, mask)

    # De-mean the data by run and voxel
    orig_data = signal.detrend(orig_data, axis=1, type="constant")

    # Precompute the highpass filter kernel and HRF
    ntp = orig_data.shape[1]
    hpf_kernel = glm.fsl_highpass_matrix(ntp, 128)
    hrf = glm.GammaDifferenceHRF(temporal_deriv=True)

    # Load the task design
    design_file = op.join(data_dir, subj, "design", model + ".csv")
    design = pd.read_csv(design_file)
    if conditions is None:
        conditions = sorted(design["condition"].unique())

    # Set up the output data structure
    out_data = np.empty_like(orig_data)

    # Loop over the runs and get the residual data for each
    for run_i, run_data in enumerate(orig_data):

        # Generate the design matrix
        run_design = design.query("run == (@run_i + 1)")
        X = glm.DesignMatrix(run_design, hrf, ntp,

        # Fit the model
        ols = sm.OLS(run_data, X.design_matrix).fit()

        # Save the residuals
        out_data[run_i] = ols.resid

    # Z-score the residuals by run and voxel
    out_data = stats.zscore(out_data, axis=1)
    assert not np.any(np.isnan(out_data))

    return out_data
コード例 #8
 def _get_hpf_kernel(self):
     """Cache the highpass filter matrix, which is expensive to build."""
     if self.exp == "dots":
         return glm.fsl_highpass_matrix(230, 128, 2)
     elif self.exp == "sticks":
         return glm.fsl_highpass_matrix(515, 128, .72)