コード例 #1
def globalToEgocentric(globCorrd, clientID):
    pos, orient = move.getPos(clientID)
    egoVec = [globCorrd[0] - pos[0], globCorrd[1] - pos[1]]

    alpha = move.getOrientation(clientID) / 180.0 * math.pi + math.pi / 2.0

    rotationMatrix = [[math.cos(-alpha), -math.sin(-alpha)],
                      [math.sin(-alpha), math.cos(-alpha)]]
    newVec = np.dot(np.array(rotationMatrix), np.array(egoVec))

    return newVec
コード例 #2
def wallOrient(clientID, rangeSensorHandles, rayHit, isInOrientState):
    print("WallOrient start")

    # get sensor data from range sensors and the current bot orientation
    rangeData = rangeSensor.getSensorData(clientID, rangeSensorHandles)
    botOrient = move.getOrientation(clientID)

    if (not isInOrientState):
        print("Orient to nearest wall")

        # to know how to align to the nearest wall on the side we
        # use 2 rays to calculate the orientation of the wall -> x1, y2, and x2, y2

        # start calc index of x2, y2 in rangeData
        indexOfSndOrientPoint = rayHit + 10
        for i in range(rayHit + 10, rayHit + 50):
            if ((rangeData[i][3] - rangeData[rayHit][3]) < 0.5):
                indexOfSndOrientPoint = i
        # end calc index

        x1 = rangeData[rayHit][0]
        y1 = rangeData[rayHit][1]
        x2 = rangeData[indexOfSndOrientPoint][0]
        y2 = rangeData[indexOfSndOrientPoint][1]

        # calculate the 2 possiblies of the 2 rays used so we can take the shorter ray, which
        # will be our wanted target orientation
        a1 = calcTargetOrient(clientID, x2, y2, x1, y1)
        a2 = calcTargetOrient(clientID, x1, y1, x2, y2)

        if abs(move.substractOrientation(botOrient, a1)) < abs(
                move.substractOrientation(botOrient, a2)):
            move.rotateUntilOrientation(clientID, a1)
            isRight = True

            move.rotateUntilOrientation(clientID, a2)
            isRight = False

        print("Turn because of a corner")
        # Determine where the nearest wall on the left and right side is, to know in which direction to turn
        if (rangeData[LEFT_RAY_NINETY][3] < 2):
            move.rotate(90.0, clientID, True)
            isRight = True
        elif (rangeData[RIGHT_RAY_NINETY][3] < 2):
            move.rotate(90.0, clientID, False)
            isRight = False

    print("WallOrient end")
    return isRight
コード例 #3
def egocentricToGlobal(ego, clientID):
    x = ego[0]
    y = ego[1]
    pos, orient = move.getPos(clientID)

    alpha = move.getOrientation(clientID) / 180.0 * math.pi + math.pi / 2.0

    rotationMatrix = [[math.cos(alpha), -math.sin(alpha)],
                      [math.sin(alpha), math.cos(alpha)]]

    newVec = np.dot(np.array(rotationMatrix), np.array([x, y]))

    x = newVec[0]
    y = newVec[1]

    xBot = pos[0]
    yBot = pos[1]

    return [x + xBot, y + yBot]
コード例 #4
def getRayToTarget(clientID):
    # calculate angle to target
    targetOrientation = calcOrientationToTarget(clientID, "Goal")
    robotOrientation = move.getOrientation(clientID)

    angleToTarget = move.substractOrientation(targetOrientation,

    # choose between left and right sensor and
    # calculate ray pointing to target
    if angleToTarget > 0:  # left sensor
        ray = math.fabs(angleToTarget) / RAY_ANGLE  # calculate ray as float
        ray = round(ray)  # round to int
        ray += 342  # add first idx of left sensor
    else:  # right sensor
        ray = (120 - math.fabs(angleToTarget)) / RAY_ANGLE
        ray = round(ray)

    return int(ray)
コード例 #5
def forwardUntilObstacleAnywhere(targetPos, clientID, rangeSensorHandles):
    # set velocety to 0
    move.setWheelVelocity(clientID, 0)
    # start moving
    # continuously check traveled distance
    distance = 0.0
    dt = 0.0
    maxFalseAngle = 5
    x, y = move.getPos(clientID)[0][:-1]
    xCurrent, yCurrent = move.getPos(clientID)[0][:-1]
    stop = False
    hit = 0
    while not isSamePoint(targetPos, [xCurrent, yCurrent]) and stop != True:

        # get range sensor data as list of x,y,z,distance
        rangeData = rangeSensor.getSensorData(clientID, rangeSensorHandles)
        # range sensor angle is estimated for about 250 degrees
        #for i in range(95, 588): #95 and 588 are estimated values for data from range sensor which are between -90 and 90 degrees (0 is front)
        for i in range(
                75, 602
        ):  #95 and 588 are estimated values for data from range sensor which are between -90 and 90 degrees (0 is front)
            if rangeData[i][3] <= 0.3:
                stop = True
                hit = i
        )  # problems with very small time slices -> little delay (if you have a bad angle calculation on your pc try to change this value)
        end = time.time()

        xCurrent, yCurrent = move.getPos(clientID)[0][:-1]
        targetOrientation = move.calcTargetOrient(xCurrent, yCurrent,
                                                  targetPos[0], targetPos[1])
        if abs(move.getOrientation(clientID) -
               targetOrientation) > maxFalseAngle:
            rotateUntilOrientation(clientID, targetOrientation)
    # stop moving
    move.setWheelVelocity(clientID, 0)

    return (stop, hit)
コード例 #6
def rotateUntilOrientation(clientID, targetOrient):
    move.setWheelVelocity(clientID, 0)
    # get needed youBot information's
    rotationVel = 0.8
    wheelJoints = move.getWheelJoints(clientID)
    currentOrient = move.getOrientation(clientID)
    safty = False
    #print("Orientations for rotation: Current Orientation = {} , Target Orientation = {}" .format(currentOrient, targetOrient))

    # The following are all possibilities that can happen when rotating until a certain orientation

    if (currentOrient > 0 and targetOrient < 0
            and abs(targetOrient - currentOrient) > 180):
        rotationVel *= -1
        move.startRotating(clientID, rotationVel)
        if (targetOrient + 1) > 180:
            safty = True
        while not (targetOrient + 5.0 > currentOrient
                   and currentOrient > targetOrient - 5.0):  #fails at 180/-180
            currentOrient = move.getOrientation(clientID)
            if (currentOrient < -175 and safty == True):

    elif (currentOrient > 0 and targetOrient < currentOrient):
        rotationVel *= 1
        move.startRotating(clientID, rotationVel)
        if (targetOrient - 1) < -180:
            safty = True
        while targetOrient < currentOrient:  #fails at 0
            currentOrient = move.getOrientation(clientID)
            if (currentOrient > 175) and safty == True:

    elif (currentOrient > 0 and targetOrient > currentOrient):
        rotationVel *= -1
        move.startRotating(clientID, rotationVel)
        if (targetOrient + 1) > 180:
            safty = True
        while targetOrient > currentOrient:  #fails at 180/-180
            currentOrient = move.getOrientation(clientID)
            if (currentOrient < -175 and safty == True):

    elif (currentOrient < 0 and targetOrient > 0
          and abs(targetOrient - currentOrient) > 180):
        rotationVel *= 1
        move.startRotating(clientID, rotationVel)
        if (targetOrient - 1) < -180:
            safty = True
        while not (targetOrient + 5.0 > currentOrient
                   and targetOrient - 5.0 < currentOrient):  #fails at 0
            currentOrient = move.getOrientation(clientID)
            if (currentOrient > 175) and safty == True:
    elif (currentOrient < 0 and targetOrient < currentOrient):
        rotationVel *= 1
        move.startRotating(clientID, rotationVel)
        if (targetOrient - 1) < -180:
            safty = True
        while targetOrient < currentOrient:  #fails at 0
            currentOrient = move.getOrientation(clientID)
            if (currentOrient > 175) and safty == True:

        rotationVel *= -1
        move.startRotating(clientID, rotationVel)
        if (targetOrient + 1) > 180:
            safty = True
        while targetOrient > currentOrient:  #fails at 180/-180
            currentOrient = move.getOrientation(clientID)
            if (currentOrient < -175 and safty == True):

    # stop moving
    move.setWheelVelocity(clientID, 0)
