def main(): """ Contains a menu with four capabilities; displaying a movie list, adding to the movie list, watching a movie from the list and quitting the program. """ MENU = "Menu:\nL - List movies\nA - Add new movie\nW - Watch a movie\nQ - Quit" movie_collection = MovieCollection() movie_collection.load_movies("movies.csv") print("Movies To Watch 2.0 - by Jonache Hilton\n{} movies loaded\n\n{}".format(len(movie_collection.movies), MENU)) menu_choice = input(">>>").upper() while menu_choice != "Q": if menu_choice == "L": display_list(movie_collection.movies, calculate_dynamic_width(movie_collection.movies), movie_collection) elif menu_choice == "A": movie_name = "" is_valid_input = False while not is_valid_input: print("Title:") movie_name = input(">>>") is_valid_input = check_string_error(movie_name) print("Year:") movie_year = check_integer_error() print("Category:") movie_category = "" is_valid_input = False while not is_valid_input: movie_category = input(">>>") is_valid_input = check_string_error(movie_category) movie_to_add = Movie(movie_name, movie_year, movie_category, False) movie_collection.add_movie(movie_to_add) print("{} ({} from {}) added to movie list".format(movie_name, movie_category, movie_year)) elif menu_choice == "W": if movie_collection.get_number_of_watched_movies() == len(movie_collection.movies): print("No more movies to watch!") else: print("Enter the number of a movie to mark as watched") watch_movie(movie_collection.movies) else: print("Invalid menu choice") print(MENU) menu_choice = input(">>>").upper() movie_collection.save_movies("movies.csv")
def run_tests(): """Test MovieCollection class.""" # Test empty MovieCollection (defaults) print("Test empty MovieCollection:") movie_collection = MovieCollection() print(movie_collection) assert not movie_collection.movies # an empty list is considered False # Test loading movies print("Test loading movies:") movie_collection.load_movies('movies.csv') print(movie_collection) assert movie_collection.movies # assuming CSV file is non-empty, non-empty list is considered True # Test adding a new Movie with values print("Test adding new movie:") movie_collection.add_movie(Movie("Amazing Grace", 2006, "Drama", False)) print(movie_collection) # Test sorting movies print("Test sorting - year:") movie_collection.sort("year") print(movie_collection) print("Test sorting - title:") movie_collection.sort("title") print(movie_collection) print("Test sorting - category:") movie_collection.sort("category") print(movie_collection) print("Test sorting - watched:") movie_collection.sort("is_watched") print(movie_collection) print("Test getting number of watched movies:") print(movie_collection.get_number_of_watched_movies()) print("Test getting number of unwatched movies:") print(movie_collection.get_number_of_unwatched_movies()) print("Test saving movies (check file):") movie_collection.save_movies("movies.csv")
class MoviesToWatchApp(App): """MoviesToWatchApp is a Kivy App for keeping track of movies from a file """ bottom_status_text = StringProperty() top_status_text = StringProperty() def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Construct main app.""" super().__init__(**kwargs) self.movie_collection = MovieCollection() self.movie_collection.load_movies("movies.csv") self.sorted_by = "category" def build(self): """ Build the Kivy GUI. :return: reference to the root Kivy widget """ self.title = "Movies To Watch 2.0 - by Jonache Hilton" self.root = Builder.load_file('app.kv') self.sort_movies(self.sorted_by) return self.root def create_widgets(self): """ Create buttons from list of Movie objects and add them to the GUI. :return: None """ self.clear_movie_widgets() self.top_status_text = "To watch: {}. Watched: {}".format( self.movie_collection.get_number_of_unwatched_movies(), self.movie_collection.get_number_of_watched_movies()) for movie in self.movie_collection.movies: # Create a button for each Movie object, specifying the text temp_button = Button(text=str(movie)) temp_button.bind(on_release=self.press_movie) # Store a reference to the movie object in the button object = movie self.root.ids.movie_box.add_widget(temp_button) if movie.is_watched: temp_button.background_color = GREEN_COLOUR else: temp_button.background_color = RED_COLOUR def press_movie(self, instance): """ Handle pressing movie buttons, changing watched status of a Movie and updating display. :param instance: the Kivy button instance :return: None """ # Each button is given its own ".movie" object reference, to get it directly movie = if movie.is_watched: movie.unwatch() watched_string = "You need to watch" else: watched_string = "You have watched" # Update button text instance.text = str(movie) self.sort_movies(self.sorted_by) self.bottom_status_text = "{} {}".format(watched_string, movie.title) def press_add_movie(self): """ Handle pressing add movie button, adding Movie object to list and updating display. :return: None """ # Check if any errors occur before continuing is_valid_input = self.check_text_input_errors() if is_valid_input: movie_to_add = Movie(self.root.ids.title_input.text, int(self.root.ids.year_input.text), self.root.ids.category_input.text.title(), False) self.movie_collection.add_movie(movie_to_add) self.clear_fields() self.sort_movies(self.sorted_by) self.clear_bottom_status_text() def check_text_input_errors(self): """Check text inputs for a range of errors and returns True if no errors have occurred.""" try: # Check if any of the text inputs are blank if self.root.ids.title_input.text == "" or self.root.ids.year_input.text == "" or \ self.root.ids.category_input.text == "": self.bottom_status_text = "All fields must be completed" return False elif int(self.root.ids.year_input.text) < 0: self.bottom_status_text = "Year must be >= 0" return False elif self.root.ids.category_input.text.title() not in [ "Action", "Comedy", "Documentary", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Thriller" ]: self.bottom_status_text = "The category must be one of the following: Action, Comedy, Documentary," \ " Drama, Fantasy, Thriller" return False except ValueError: self.bottom_status_text = "Please enter a valid number" else: return True def sort_movies(self, sorted_by): """ Sort the movie widgets based on the sorted_by parameter. :param sorted_by: the selected sorting method from the GUI spinner :return: None """ self.sorted_by = sorted_by.lower() # Convert "watched" to "is_watched" as "watched" is not a valid for attrgetter if self.sorted_by == "watched": self.sorted_by = "is_watched" self.movie_collection.sort(self.sorted_by) self.create_widgets() def clear_fields(self): """ Clear the text input fields. :return: None """ self.root.ids.title_input.text = "" self.root.ids.category_input.text = "" self.root.ids.year_input.text = "" def clear_movie_widgets(self): """ Clear all of the widgets that are children of the "movie_box" layout widget. :return: None """ self.root.ids.movie_box.clear_widgets() def clear_bottom_status_text(self): """ Clear the bottom status text. :return: None """ self.bottom_status_text = "" def on_stop(self): """ Save movies back to file when GUI is closed. :return: None """ self.movie_collection.save_movies("movies.csv")