コード例 #1
def on_review_publishing(user, review, **kwargs):
    """Comment in the bug and potentially r+ or clear a review flag.

    Note that a reviewer *must* have editbugs to set an attachment flag on
    someone else's attachment (i.e. the standard BMO review process).

    TODO: Report lack-of-editbugs properly; see bug 1119065.
    review_request = review.review_request
    logger.info('Publishing review for user: %s review id: %s '
                'review request id: %s' % (user, review.id,

    # skip review requests that were not pushed
    if not is_pushed(review_request):
        logger.info('Did not publish review: %s: for user: %d: review not '
                    'pushed.' % (user, review.id))

    site = Site.objects.get_current()
    siteconfig = SiteConfiguration.objects.get_current()
    comment = build_plaintext_review(review,
                                     get_obj_url(review, site,
                                     {"user": user})
    b = Bugzilla(get_bugzilla_api_key(user))

    # TODO: Update all attachments in one call.  This is not possible right
    # now because we have to potentially mix changing and creating flags.

    if is_parent(review_request):
        # Mirror the comment to the bug, unless it's a ship-it, in which
        # case throw an error.  Ship-its are allowed only on child commits.
        if review.ship_it:
            raise ParentShipItError

        [b.post_comment(int(bug_id), comment) for bug_id in
        diff_url = '%sdiff/#index_header' % get_obj_url(review_request)
        bug_id = int(review_request.get_bug_list()[0])

        if review.ship_it:
            commented = b.r_plus_attachment(bug_id, review.user.email,
                                            diff_url, comment)
            commented = b.cancel_review_request(bug_id, review.user.email,
                                                diff_url, comment)

        if comment and not commented:
            b.post_comment(bug_id, comment)
コード例 #2
def get_reply_url(reply, site=None, siteconfig=None):
    """ Get the URL for a reply to a review.

    Since replies can have multiple comments, we can't link to a specific
    comment, so we link to the parent review which the reply is targeted at.
    return get_obj_url(reply.base_reply_to, site=site, siteconfig=siteconfig)
コード例 #3
def get_reply_url(reply, site=None, siteconfig=None):
    """ Get the URL for a reply to a review.

    Since replies can have multiple comments, we can't link to a specific
    comment, so we link to the parent review which the reply is targeted at.
    return get_obj_url(reply.base_reply_to, site=site, siteconfig=siteconfig)
コード例 #4
def on_review_request_closed_discarded(user, review_request, type, **kwargs):
    if type != ReviewRequest.DISCARDED:

    commit_data = fetch_commit_data(review_request)

    if is_parent(review_request, commit_data):
        # close_child_review_requests will call save on this review request, so
        # we don't have to worry about it.
        review_request.commit = None

        _close_child_review_requests(user, review_request,
        # TODO: Remove this once we properly prevent users from closing
        # commit review requests.
        b = Bugzilla(get_bugzilla_api_key(user))
        bug = int(review_request.get_bug_list()[0])
        diff_url = '%sdiff/#index_header' % get_obj_url(review_request)
        b.obsolete_review_attachments(bug, diff_url)
コード例 #5
def update_bugzilla_attachments(bugzilla, bug_id, children_to_post,
    attachment_updates = BugzillaAttachmentUpdates(bugzilla, bug_id)

    for child in children_to_obsolete:

    # We publish attachments for each commit/child to Bugzilla so that
    # reviewers can easily track their requests.

    # The review request exposes a list of usernames for reviewers. We need
    # to convert these to Bugzilla emails in order to make the request into
    # Bugzilla.
    # It may seem like there is a data syncing problem here where usernames
    # may get out of sync with the reality from Bugzilla. Fortunately,
    # Review Board is smarter than that. Internally, the target_people list
    # is stored with foreign keys into the numeric primary key of the user
    # table. If the RB username changes, this won't impact target_people
    # nor the stored mapping to the numeric Bugzilla ID, which is
    # immutable.
    # But we do have a potential data syncing problem with the stored email
    # address. Review Board's stored email address could be stale. So
    # instead of using it directly, we query Bugzilla and map the stored,
    # immutable numeric Bugzilla userid into an email address. This lookup
    # could be avoided if Bugzilla accepted a numeric userid in the
    # requestee parameter when modifying an attachment.
    user_email_cache = {}

    for review_request_draft, review_request in children_to_post:
        carry_forward = {}
        has_code_changes = review_request_draft.diffset is not None

        for u in review_request_draft.target_people.all():
            bum = BugzillaUserMap.objects.get(user=u)
            email = user_email_cache.get(bum.bugzilla_user_id)

            if email is None:
                user_data = bugzilla.get_user_from_userid(bum.bugzilla_user_id)

                # Since we're making the API call, we might as well ensure the
                # local database is up to date.
                users = get_or_create_bugzilla_users(user_data)
                email = users[0].email
                user_email_cache[bum.bugzilla_user_id] = email

            carry_forward[email] = False

        for review in gen_latest_reviews(review_request):
            if has_code_changes:
                # The code has changed, we need to determine what needs to
                # happen to the flags.

                # Don't set carry_forward values for reviewers that are not in
                # the target_people list (eg. impromptu reviews).  This will
                # result in the attachment flag being cleared in Bugzilla.
                if review.user.email not in carry_forward:

                # Carry forward just r+'s.  All other flags should be reset
                # to r?.
                review_flag = review.extra_data.get(REVIEW_FLAG_KEY)
                carry_forward[review.user.email] = review_flag == 'r+' or (
                    # Older reviews didn't set review_flag.
                    review_flag is None and review.ship_it)

                # This is a meta data only change, don't touch any existing
                # flags.
                carry_forward[review.user.email] = True

        flags = []
        attachment = attachment_updates.get_attachment(review_request)

        if attachment:
            # Update flags on an existing attachment.
            for f in attachment.get('flags', []):
                if f['name'] not in ['review', 'feedback']:
                    # We only care about review and feedback flags.

                # When a new patch is pushed, we need to mimic what
                # happens to flags when a new attachment is created
                # in Bugzilla:
                # - carry forward r+'s
                # - clear r-'s
                # - clear feedback flags

                if f['name'] == 'feedback':
                    if has_code_changes:
                        # We always clear feedback flags when the patch
                        # is updated.
                        flags.append({'id': f['id'], 'status': 'X'})
                elif f['status'] == '+' or f['status'] == '-':
                    # A reviewer has left a review, either in Review Board or
                    # in Bugzilla.
                    if f['setter'] not in carry_forward:
                        # This flag was set manually in Bugzilla rather
                        # then through a review on Review Board. Always
                        # clear these flags.
                        flags.append({'id': f['id'], 'status': 'X'})
                        # This flag was set through Review Board; see if
                        # we should carry it forward.
                        if not carry_forward[f['setter']]:
                            # We should not carry this r+/r- forward so
                            # re-request review.
                                'id': f['id'],
                                'name': 'review',
                                'status': '?',
                                'requestee': f['setter']
                        # else we leave the flag alone, carrying it forward.

                        # In either case, we've dealt with this reviewer, so
                        # remove it from the carry_forward dict.
                elif ('requestee' not in f or
                      f['requestee'] not in carry_forward):
                    # We clear review flags where the requestee is not
                    # a reviewer, or if there is some (possibly future) flag
                    # other than + or - that does not have a 'requestee' field.
                    flags.append({'id': f['id'], 'status': 'X'})
                elif f['requestee'] in carry_forward:
                    # We're already waiting for a review from this user
                    # so don't touch the flag.

        # Add flags for new reviewers.
        # We can't set a missing r+ (if it was manually removed) except in the
        # trivial (and useless) case that the setter and the requestee are the
        # same person.  We could set r? again, but in the event that the
        # reviewer is not accepting review requests, this will block
        # publishing, with no way for the author to fix it.  So we'll just
        # ignore manually removed r+s.
        # This is sorted so behavior is deterministic (this mucks with test
        # output otherwise).
        for reviewer, keep in sorted(carry_forward.iteritems()):
            if not keep:
                    'name': 'review',
                    'status': '?',
                    'requestee': reviewer,
                    'new': True

            review_request, review_request_draft, flags)

コード例 #6
def update_bugzilla_attachments(bugzilla, bug_id, children_to_post,
    attachment_updates = BugzillaAttachmentUpdates(bugzilla, bug_id)

    for child in children_to_obsolete:

    # We publish attachments for each commit/child to Bugzilla so that
    # reviewers can easily track their requests.

    # The review request exposes a list of usernames for reviewers. We need
    # to convert these to Bugzilla emails in order to make the request into
    # Bugzilla.
    # It may seem like there is a data syncing problem here where usernames
    # may get out of sync with the reality from Bugzilla. Fortunately,
    # Review Board is smarter than that. Internally, the target_people list
    # is stored with foreign keys into the numeric primary key of the user
    # table. If the RB username changes, this won't impact target_people
    # nor the stored mapping to the numeric Bugzilla ID, which is
    # immutable.
    # But we do have a potential data syncing problem with the stored email
    # address. Review Board's stored email address could be stale. So
    # instead of using it directly, we query Bugzilla and map the stored,
    # immutable numeric Bugzilla userid into an email address. This lookup
    # could be avoided if Bugzilla accepted a numeric userid in the
    # requestee parameter when modifying an attachment.
    user_email_cache = {}

    for review_request_draft, review_request in children_to_post:
        reviewers = {}

        for u in review_request_draft.target_people.all():
            bum = BugzillaUserMap.objects.get(user=u)
            email = user_email_cache.get(bum.bugzilla_user_id)

            if email is None:
                user_data = bugzilla.get_user_from_userid(bum.bugzilla_user_id)

                # Since we're making the API call, we might as well ensure the
                # local database is up to date.
                users = get_or_create_bugzilla_users(user_data)
                email = users[0].email
                user_email_cache[bum.bugzilla_user_id] = email

            reviewers[email] = False

        for review in gen_latest_reviews(review_request):
            # The last review given by this reviewer had a ship-it, so we
            # will carry their r+ forward. If someone had manually changed
            # their flag on bugzilla, we may be setting it back to r+, but
            # we will consider the manual flag change on bugzilla user
            # error for now.
            if review.ship_it:
                reviewers[review.user.email] = True

        rr_url = get_obj_url(review_request)
        diff_url = '%sdiff/#index_header' % rr_url

        # Only post a comment if the diffset has actually changed
        comment = ''
        if review_request_draft.get_latest_diffset():
            diffset_count = review_request.diffset_history.diffsets.count()
            if diffset_count < 1:
                # We don't need the first line, since it is also the attachment
                # summary, which is displayed in the comment.
                full_commit_msg = review_request_draft.description.partition(

                full_commit_msg = strip_commit_metadata(full_commit_msg)

                if full_commit_msg:
                    full_commit_msg += '\n\n'

                comment = '%sReview commit: %s\nSee other reviews: %s' % (
                comment = ('Review request updated; see interdiff: '
                           '%sdiff/%d-%d/\n' % (rr_url,
                                                diffset_count + 1))


コード例 #7
def on_review_publishing(user, review, **kwargs):
    """Comment in the bug and potentially r+ or clear a review flag.

    Note that a reviewer *must* have editbugs to set an attachment flag on
    someone else's attachment (i.e. the standard BMO review process).

    TODO: Report lack-of-editbugs properly; see bug 1119065.
    review_request = review.review_request
    logger.info('Publishing review for user: %s review id: %s '
                'review request id: %s' % (user, review.id, review_request.id))

    # skip review requests that were not pushed
    if not is_pushed(review_request):
        logger.info('Did not publish review: %s: for user: %d: review not '
                    'pushed.' % (user, review.id))

    site = Site.objects.get_current()
    siteconfig = SiteConfiguration.objects.get_current()
    comment = build_plaintext_review(review,
                                     get_obj_url(review, site, siteconfig),
                                     {"user": user})
    b = Bugzilla(get_bugzilla_api_key(user))

    if is_parent(review_request):
        # We only support raw comments on parent review requests to prevent
        # confusion.  If the ship-it flag or the review flag was set, throw
        # an error.
        # Otherwise, mirror the comment over, associating it with the first
        # commit.
        if review.ship_it or review.extra_data.get(REVIEW_FLAG_KEY):
            raise ParentShipItError

        # TODO: If we ever allow multiple bugs in a single series, and we want
        # to continue to allow comments on parents, we'll have to pick one
        # child for each unique bug.
        first_child = list(gen_child_rrs(review_request))[0]
        b.post_comment(int(first_child.get_bug_list()[0]), comment,
                       get_diff_url(first_child), False)
        diff_url = get_diff_url(review_request)
        bug_id = int(review_request.get_bug_list()[0])

        commented = False
        flag = review.extra_data.get(REVIEW_FLAG_KEY)

        if flag is not None:
            commented = b.set_review_flag(bug_id, flag, review.user.email,
                                          diff_url, comment)
            # If for some reasons we don't have the flag set in extra_data,
            # fall back to ship_it
            logger.warning('Review flag not set on review %s, '
                           'updating attachment based on ship_it' % review.id)
            if review.ship_it:
                commented = b.r_plus_attachment(bug_id, review.user.email,
                                                diff_url, comment)
                commented = b.cancel_review_request(bug_id, review.user.email,
                                                    diff_url, comment)

        if comment and not commented:
            b.post_comment(bug_id, comment, diff_url, False)
コード例 #8
def on_review_request_publishing(user, review_request_draft, **kwargs):
    # There have been strange cases (all local, and during development), where
    # when attempting to publish a review request, this handler will fail
    # because the draft does not exist. This is a really strange case, and not
    # one we expect to happen in production. However, since we've seen it
    # locally, we handle it here, and log.
    if not review_request_draft:
        logger.error('Strangely, there was no review request draft on the '
                     'review request we were attempting to publish.')

    # If the review request draft has a new DiffSet we will only allow
    # publishing if that DiffSet has been verified. It is important to
    # do this for every review request, not just pushed ones, because
    # we can't trust the storage mechanism which indicates it was pushed.
    # TODO: This will be fixed when we transition away from extra_data.
    if review_request_draft.diffset:
        except DiffSetVerification.DoesNotExist:
                'An attempt was made by User %s to publish an unverified '
                'DiffSet with id %s',

            raise PublishError(
                'This review request draft contained a manually uploaded '
                'diff, which is prohibited. Please push to the review server '
                'to create review requests. If you believe you received this '
                'message in error, please file a bug.')

    review_request = review_request_draft.get_review_request()
    commit_data = fetch_commit_data(review_request)

    # skip review requests that were not pushed
    if not is_pushed(review_request, commit_data=commit_data):

    if not is_parent(review_request, commit_data):
        # Send a signal asking for approval to publish this review request.
        # We only want to publish this commit request if we are in the middle
        # of publishing the parent. If the parent is publishing it will be
        # listening for this signal to approve it.
        approvals = commit_request_publishing.send_robust(

        for receiver, approved in approvals:
            if approved:
            # This publish is not approved by the parent review request.
            raise CommitPublishProhibited()

    # The reviewid passed through p2rb is, for Mozilla's instance anyway,
    # bz://<bug id>/<irc nick>.
    reviewid = commit_data.draft_extra_data.get(IDENTIFIER_KEY, None)
    m = REVIEWID_RE.match(reviewid)

    if not m:
        raise InvalidBugIdError('<unknown>')

    bug_id = m.group(1)

        bug_id = int(bug_id)
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
        raise InvalidBugIdError(bug_id)

    siteconfig = SiteConfiguration.objects.get_current()
    using_bugzilla = (
        siteconfig.settings.get("auth_backend", "builtin") == "bugzilla")

    if using_bugzilla:
        b = Bugzilla(get_bugzilla_api_key(user))

            if b.is_bug_confidential(bug_id):
                raise ConfidentialBugError
        except BugzillaError as e:
            # Special cases:
            #   100: Invalid Bug Alias
            #   101: Bug does not exist
            if e.fault_code and (e.fault_code == 100 or e.fault_code == 101):
                raise InvalidBugIdError(bug_id)

    # Note that the bug ID has already been set when the review was created.

    # If this is a squashed/parent review request, automatically publish all
    # relevant children.
    if is_parent(review_request, commit_data):
        unpublished_rids = map(int, json.loads(
        discard_on_publish_rids = map(int, json.loads(
        child_rrs = list(gen_child_rrs(review_request_draft))

        # Create or update Bugzilla attachments for each draft commit.  This
        # is done before the children are published to ensure that MozReview
        # doesn't get into a strange state if communication with Bugzilla is
        # broken or attachment creation otherwise fails.  The Bugzilla
        # attachments will then, of course, be in a weird state, but that
        # should be fixed by the next successful publish.
        if using_bugzilla:
            for child in child_rrs:
                child_draft = child.get_draft(user=user)

                if child_draft:
                    if child.id in discard_on_publish_rids:
                            bug_id, get_obj_url(child))
                    post_bugzilla_attachment(b, bug_id, child_draft, child)

        # Publish draft commits. This will already include items that are in
        # unpublished_rids, so we'll remove anything we publish out of
        # unpublished_rids.
        for child in child_rrs:
            if child.get_draft(user=user) or not child.public:
                def approve_publish(sender, user, review_request_draft,
                    return child is sender

                # Setup the parent signal handler to approve the publish
                # and then publish the child.

                if child.id in unpublished_rids:

        # The remaining unpubished_rids need to be closed as discarded because
        # they have never been published, and they will appear in the user's
        # dashboard unless closed.
        for child in gen_rrs_by_rids(unpublished_rids):

        # We also close the discard_on_publish review requests because, well,
        # we don't need them anymore. We use a slightly different message
        # though.
        for child in gen_rrs_by_rids(discard_on_publish_rids):

        commit_data.extra_data[UNPUBLISHED_KEY] = '[]'
        commit_data.extra_data[DISCARD_ON_PUBLISH_KEY] = '[]'

    # Copy any drafted CommitData from draft_extra_data to extra_data.
        if key in commit_data.draft_extra_data:
            commit_data.extra_data[key] = commit_data.draft_extra_data[key]


コード例 #9
    def create_or_update_attachment(self, review_request, review_request_draft,
        """Create or update the MozReview attachment using the provided flags.

        The `flags` parameter is an array of flags to set/update/clear.  This
        array matches the Bugzilla flag API:
                'id': flag.id
                'name': 'review',
                'status': '?',
                'requestee': reviewer.email
                'id': flag.id,
                'status': 'X'

        logger.info('Posting review request %s to bug %d.' %
                    (review_request.id, self.bug_id))

        rr_url = get_obj_url(review_request)
        diff_url = get_diff_url(review_request)

        # Build the comment.  Only post a comment if the diffset has
        # actually changed.
        comment = ''
        if review_request_draft.get_latest_diffset():
            diffset_count = review_request.diffset_history.diffsets.count()
            if diffset_count < 1:
                # We don't need the first line, since it is also the attachment
                # summary, which is displayed in the comment.
                full_commit_msg = review_request_draft.description.partition(

                full_commit_msg = strip_commit_metadata(full_commit_msg)

                if full_commit_msg:
                    full_commit_msg += '\n\n'

                comment = '%sReview commit: %s\nSee other reviews: %s' % (
                    full_commit_msg, diff_url, rr_url)
                comment = ('Review request updated; see interdiff: '
                           '%sdiff/%d-%d/\n' %
                           (rr_url, diffset_count, diffset_count + 1))

        # Set up attachment metadata.
        attachment = self.get_attachment(review_request)
        params = {}
        if attachment:
            params['attachment_id'] = attachment['id']

            if attachment['is_obsolete']:
                params['is_obsolete'] = False
            params['data'] = diff_url
            params['content_type'] = 'text/x-review-board-request'

        params['file_name'] = 'reviewboard-%d-url.txt' % review_request.id
        params['summary'] = replace_reviewers(review_request_draft.summary,
        params['comment'] = comment
        if flags:
            params['flags'] = flags

        if attachment: