コード例 #1
ファイル: fast2.py プロジェクト: qcapen/mpf
    def receive_sa(self, msg):

        self.log.info("Received SA: %s", msg)

        hw_states = dict()

        num_local, local_states, num_nw, nw_states = msg.split(',')

        for offset, byte in enumerate(bytearray.fromhex(nw_states)):
            for i in range(8):
                num = Util.int_to_hex_string((offset * 8) + i)
                if byte & (2**i):
                    hw_states[(num, 1)] = 1
                    hw_states[(num, 1)] = 0

        for offset, byte in enumerate(bytearray.fromhex(local_states)):
            for i in range(8):

                num = Util.int_to_hex_string((offset * 8) + i)

                if byte & (2**i):
                    hw_states[(num, 0)] = 1
                    hw_states[(num, 0)] = 0

        self.hw_switch_data = hw_states
コード例 #2
ファイル: fast2.py プロジェクト: qcapen/mpf
    def pulse(self, milliseconds=None):
        """Pulses this driver. """

        if not milliseconds:
            hex_ms_string = self.driver_settings['pulse_ms']
            hex_ms_string = Util.int_to_hex_string(milliseconds)

        if self.autofire:
            cmd = (self.driver_settings['trigger_cmd'] +
                   self.driver_settings['number'] + ',' +
            if milliseconds:
                self.log.debug("Received command to pulse driver for %sms, but"
                              "this driver is configured with an autofire rule"
                               ", so that pulse value will be used instead.")
            cmd = (self.driver_settings['config_cmd'] +
                   self.driver_settings['number'] +
                   ',89,00,10,' +
                   hex_ms_string + ',' +
                   self.driver_settings['pwm1'] + ',00,00,' +

        self.log.debug("Sending Pulse Command: %s", cmd)
コード例 #3
ファイル: fast2.py プロジェクト: qcapen/mpf
    def configure_led(self, config):

        if not self.rgb_connection:
            self.log.critical("A request was made to configure a FAST LED, "
                              "but no connection to an LED processor is "

        if not self.flag_led_tick_registered:
            self.machine.events.add_handler('timer_tick', self.update_leds)
            self.flag_led_tick_registered = True

        # if the LED number is in <channel> - <led> format, convert it to a
        # FAST hardware number
        if '-' in config['number_str']:
            num = config['number_str'].split('-')
            config['number'] = (int(num[0]) * 64) + int(num[1])
            self.config['config_number_format'] = 'int'
            config['number'] = str(config['number'])

        if self.config['config_number_format'] == 'int':
            config['number'] = Util.int_to_hex_string(config['number'])
            config['number'] = Util.normalize_hex_string(config['number'])

        this_fast_led = FASTDirectLED(config['number'])

        return this_fast_led
コード例 #4
ファイル: fast2.py プロジェクト: qcapen/mpf
    def create_driver_settings(self, machine, pulse_ms=None, **kwargs):
        return_dict = dict()
        if pulse_ms is None:
            pulse_ms = machine.config['mpf']['default_pulse_ms']

        return_dict['pulse_ms'] = Util.int_to_hex_string(pulse_ms)
        return_dict['pwm1'] = 'ff'
        return_dict['pwm2'] = 'ff'
        return_dict['recycle_ms'] = '00'

        return return_dict
コード例 #5
ファイル: fast2.py プロジェクト: qcapen/mpf
    def configure_matrixlight(self, config):

        if not self.net_connection:
            self.log.critical("A request was made to configure a FAST matrix "
                              "light, but no connection to a NET processor is "

        if self.machine_type == 'wpc':  # translate number to FAST light num
            config['number'] = self.wpc_light_map.get(
        elif self.config['config_number_format'] == 'int':
            config['number'] = Util.int_to_hex_string(config['number'])
            config['number'] = Util.normalize_hex_string(config['number'])

        return (FASTMatrixLight(config['number'], self.net_connection.send),
コード例 #6
ファイル: fast2.py プロジェクト: qcapen/mpf
    def configure_driver(self, config, device_type='coil'):

        if not self.net_connection:
            self.log.critical("A request was made to configure a FAST driver, "
                              "but no connection to a NET processor is "

        # If we have WPC driver boards, look up the driver number
        if self.machine_type == 'wpc':
            config['number'] = self.wpc_driver_map.get(
            if ('connection' in config and
                    config['connection'].lower() == 'network'):
                config['connection'] = 1
                config['connection'] = 0  # local driver (default for WPC)

        # If we have FAST IO boards, we need to make sure we have hex strings
        elif self.machine_type == 'fast':

            if self.config['config_number_format'] == 'int':
                config['number'] = Util.int_to_hex_string(config['number'])
                config['number'] = Util.normalize_hex_string(config['number'])

            # Now figure out the connection type
            if ('connection' in config and
                    config['connection'].lower() == 'local'):
                config['connection'] = 0
                config['connection'] = 1  # network driver (default for FAST)

            self.log.critical("Invalid machine type: {0{}}".format(

        return (FASTDriver(config, self.net_connection.send, self.machine),
                (config['number'], config['connection']))
コード例 #7
ファイル: fast2.py プロジェクト: qcapen/mpf
    def merge_driver_settings(self,

        if pwm_on_ms:
            raise ValueError("The setting 'pwm_on_ms' is not valid with the "
                             "FAST platform. Use a hold_power or hold_pwm_mask"
                             " instead.")
        if pwm_off_ms:
            raise ValueError("The setting 'pwm_off_ms' is not valid with the "
                             "FAST platform. Use a hold_power or hold_pwm_mask"
                             " instead.")

        if pulse_power32:
            raise NotImplementedError('"pulse_power32" has not been '
                                      'implemented yet')

        if hold_power32:
            raise NotImplementedError('"hold_power32" has not been '
                                      'implemented yet')

        return_dict = dict()
        return_dict['pwm32'] = None

        if activation_time is not None:
            if activation_time > 25500:
                raise ValueError('Max FAST timed_hold time is 25.5s')

            # FAST activation times are ms * 100
            return_dict['activation_time'] = str(activation_time / 100)

        if recycle_ms is not None:
            return_dict['recycle_ms'] = (Util.int_to_hex_string(recycle_ms))

        if pulse_ms is not None:
            return_dict['pulse_ms'] = Util.int_to_hex_string(pulse_ms)

        if pulse_pwm_mask:
            pulse_pwm_mask = str(pulse_pwm_mask)
            if len(pulse_pwm_mask) == 32:
                return_dict['pwm1'] = Util.bin_str_to_hex_str(pulse_pwm_mask, 8)
            elif len(pulse_pwm_mask) == 8:
                return_dict['pwm1'] = Util.bin_str_to_hex_str(pulse_pwm_mask, 2)
                raise ValueError("pulse_pwm_mask must either be 8 or 32 bits")
        elif pulse_power32 is not None:
            return_dict['pwm32']  = Util.pwm32_to_hex_string(pulse_power32)
        elif pulse_power is not None:
            return_dict['pwm1']  = Util.pwm8_to_hex_string(pulse_power)

        if hold_pwm_mask:
            hold_pwm_mask = str(hold_pwm_mask)
            if len(hold_pwm_mask) == 32:
                return_dict['pwm2'] = Util.bin_str_to_hex_str(hold_pwm_mask, 8)
            elif len(hold_pwm_mask) == 8:
                return_dict['pwm2'] = Util.bin_str_to_hex_str(hold_pwm_mask, 2)
                raise ValueError("hold_pwm_mask must either be 8 or 32 bits")
        elif hold_power32 is not None:
            return_dict['pwm32'] = Util.pwm32_to_hex_string(hold_power32)
        elif hold_power is not None:
            return_dict['pwm2'] = Util.pwm8_to_hex_string(hold_power)

        return return_dict
コード例 #8
ファイル: fast2.py プロジェクト: qcapen/mpf
    def write_hw_rule(self, switch_obj, sw_activity, driver_obj, driver_action,
                      disable_on_release=True, drive_now=False,
        """Used to write (or update) a hardware rule to the FAST controller.

        *Hardware Rules* are used to configure the hardware controller to
        automatically change driver states based on switch changes. These rules
        are completely handled by the hardware (i.e. with no interaction from
        the Python game code). They're used for things that you want to happen
        fast, like firing coils when flipper buttons are pushed, slingshots, pop
        bumpers, etc.

        You can overwrite existing hardware rules at any time to change or
        remove them.

            switch_obj: Which switch you're creating this rule for. The
                parameter is a reference to the switch object itself.
            sw_activity: Int which specifies whether this coil should fire when
                the switch becomes active (1) or inactive (0)
            driver_obj: Driver object this rule is being set for.
            driver_action: String 'pulse' or 'hold' which describe what action
                will be applied to this driver
            drive_now: Should the hardware check the state of the switches when
                this rule is first applied, and fire the coils if they should
                be? Typically this is True, especially with flippers because you
                want them to fire if the player is holding in the buttons when
                the machine enables the flippers (which is done via several
                calls to this method.)


        driver_settings = deepcopy(driver_obj.hw_driver.driver_settings)


        self.log.debug("Setting HW Rule. Switch: %s, Switch_action: %s, Driver:"
                      " %s, Driver settings: %s", switch_obj.name, sw_activity,
                      driver_obj.name, driver_settings)

        control = 0x01  # Driver enabled
        if drive_now:
            control += 0x08

        if sw_activity == 0:
            control += 0x10

        control = Util.int_to_hex_string(int(control))

        # todo need to implement disable_on_release

        if driver_action == 'pulse':
            mode = '10'                               # Mode 10 settings
            param1 = driver_settings['pulse_ms']      # initial pulse ms
            param2 = driver_settings['pwm1']          # intial pwm
            param3 = '00'                             # pulse 2 time
            param4 = '00'                             # pulse 2 pwm
            param5 = driver_settings['recycle_ms']    # recycle ms

        elif driver_action == 'hold':
            mode = '18'                               # Mode 18 settings
            param1 = driver_settings['pulse_ms']      # intiial pulse ms
            param2 = driver_settings['pwm1']          # intial pwm
            param3 = driver_settings['pwm2']          # hold pwm
            param4 = driver_settings['recycle_ms']    # recycle ms
            param5 = '00'                             # not used with Mode 18

        elif driver_action == 'timed_hold':

            # fast hold time is ms*100
            hold_value = driver_settings['activation_time']

            mode = '70'                               # Mode 70 settings
            param1 = driver_settings['pulse_ms']      # intiial pulse ms
            param2 = driver_settings['pwm1']          # intial pwm
            param3 = hold_value                       # hold time
            param4 = driver_settings['pwm2']          # hold pwm
            param5 = driver_settings['recycle_ms']    # recycle ms

            raise ValueError("Invalid driver action: '%s'. Expected 'hold', "
                             "'timed_hold', or 'pulse'" % (driver_action))

        self.hw_rules[driver_obj] = {'mode': mode,
                               'param1': param1,
                               'param2': param2,
                               'param3': param3,
                               'param4': param4,
                               'param5': param5,
                               'switch': switch_obj.number}

        cmd = (driver_settings['config_cmd'] +
               driver_obj.number[0] + ',' +
               control  + ',' +
               switch_obj.number[0] + ',' +
               mode + ',' +
               param1 + ',' +
               param2 + ',' +
               param3 + ',' +
               param4 + ',' +

        driver_obj.autofire = cmd
        self.log.debug("Writing hardware rule: %s", cmd)

コード例 #9
ファイル: fast2.py プロジェクト: qcapen/mpf
    def configure_switch(self, config):
        """Configures the switch object for a FAST Pinball controller.

        FAST Controllers support two types of switches: `local` and `network`.
        Local switches are switches that are connected to the FAST controller
        board itself, and network switches are those connected to a FAST I/O

        MPF needs to know which type of switch is this is. You can specify the
        switch's connection type in the config file via the ``connection:``
        setting (either ``local`` or ``network``).

        If a connection type is not specified, this method will use some
        intelligence to try to figure out which default should be used.

        If the DriverBoard type is ``fast``, then it assumes the default is
        ``network``. If it's anything else (``wpc``, ``system11``, ``bally``,
        etc.) then it assumes the connection type is ``local``. Connection types
        can be mixed and matched in the same machine.


        if not self.net_connection:
            self.log.critical("A request was made to configure a FAST switch, "
                              "but no connection to a NET processor is "

        if self.machine_type == 'wpc':  # translate switch number to FAST switch
            config['number'] = self.wpc_switch_map.get(
            if 'connection' not in config:
                config['connection'] = 0  # local switch (default for WPC)
                config['connection'] = 1  # network switch

        elif self.machine_type == 'fast':
            if 'connection' not in config:
                config['connection'] = 1  # network switch (default for FAST)
                config['connection'] = 0  # local switch

            if self.config['config_number_format'] == 'int':
                config['number'] = Util.int_to_hex_string(config['number'])
                config['number'] = Util.normalize_hex_string(config['number'])

        # convert the switch number into a tuple which is:
        # (switch number, connection)
        config['number'] = (config['number'], config['connection'])

        if not config['debounce_open']:
            config['debounce_open'] = self.config['default_debounce_open']

        if not config['debounce_close']:
            config['debounce_close'] = self.config['default_debounce_close']

        self.log.debug("FAST Switch hardware tuple: %s", config['number'])

        switch = FASTSwitch(number=config['number'],

        return switch, config['number']