コード例 #1
ファイル: uldm.py プロジェクト: dangilman/lenstronomy
 def function(self,
     :param x: angular position (normally in units of arc seconds)
     :param y: angular position (normally in units of arc seconds)
     :param kappa_0: central convergence of profile
     :param theta_c: core radius (in arcsec)
     :param slope: exponent entering the profile
     :param center_x: center of halo (in angular units)
     :param center_y: center of halo (in angular units)
     :return: lensing potential (in arcsec^2)
     x_ = x - center_x
     y_ = y - center_y
     r = np.sqrt(x_**2 + y_**2)
     r = np.maximum(r, self._s)
     a_factor_sqrt = np.sqrt((0.5)**(-1. / slope) - 1)
     if np.isscalar(r) == True:
         hypgeom = float(kappa_0 / 2 * r**2 * hyp3f2(
             1, 1, slope - 0.5, 2, 2, -(a_factor_sqrt * r / theta_c)**2))
         hypgeom = np.array([
             kappa_0 / 2. * r_i**2. *
             hyp3f2(1, 1, slope - 0.5, 2, 2,
                    -(a_factor_sqrt * r_i / theta_c)**2.) for r_i in r
     return hypgeom
コード例 #2
ファイル: functions.py プロジェクト: ydiazn/almiky
 def eval(self, x, order):
     mp.dps = 25
     mp.pretty = True
     return (
         special.poch(1 - self.N, order) *
         hyp3f2(-order, -x, 1 + order, 1, 1 - self.N, 1)
コード例 #3
def func_ppf(x, a0, b0, a1, b1, p):
    """Function CDF ratio of beta function for root-finding."""
    mp.mp.dps = 100
    one = mp.mp.one

    c = mp.beta(a0 + a1, b0) / (mp.beta(a0, b0) * mp.beta(a1, b1))
    c *= mp.mpf(x) ** -a1 / a1
    f = mp.hyp3f2(a1, a0 + a1, one - b1, a1 + one, a0 + a1 + b0, one / x)
    return float(one - c * f) - p
コード例 #4
 def __compute_surprise_weighted(self, mi, pi, m, p):
     b1 = mpmath.binomial(pi, mi)
     b2 = mpmath.binomial(p - pi, m - mi)
     b3 = mpmath.binomial(p, m)
     h3f2 = mpmath.hyp3f2(1, mi - m, mi - pi, mi + 1, -m + mi + p - pi + 1,
     #h3f2 = hyper1([mpf(1),mi-m, mi-pi], [mpf(1),mpf(1)+mi, mi+p-pi-m+mpf(1)], 10, 10)
     log10cdf = mpmath.log10(b1) + mpmath.log10(b2) + mpmath.log10(
         h3f2) - mpmath.log10(b3)
     return -float(log10cdf)
コード例 #5
def sf(k, ntotal, ngood, nsample):
    Survival function of the hypergeometric distribution.
    _validate(ntotal, ngood, nsample)
    h = mpmath.hyp3f2(1, k + 1 - ngood, k + 1 - nsample, k + 2,
                      ntotal + k + 2 - ngood - nsample, 1)
    num = (mpmath.binomial(nsample, k + 1) *
           mpmath.binomial(ntotal - nsample, ngood - k - 1))
    den = mpmath.binomial(ntotal, ngood)
    sf = (num / den) * h
    return sf
コード例 #6
def mte1Dsum_tau1(fixedPoints, stoch, cap, N, delta): #MAB
    Function that calculates the Mean Time for Extinction (MTE) using the (found in Mathematica) 1D sum solution for tau(1)
    n.b. this requires the hypergeometric function from mpmath

        fixPoints(array): The fixed points of our equations. - THIS IS NOT USED
        stoch(float): The stochastic variable in our equations
        cap(array): The capacity of our population. - THIS ONLY SEEMS TO WORK WITH A FLOAT
        N: Factor that scales the FP such that n << N - really, N=K=cap - THIS IS NOT USED
        delta: The coefficient which determines the stochasticity of the population.
        The Mean Time for extinction
    return abs(float(2*cap*mp.hyp3f2(1,1,1-cap/stoch-delta*cap/(2*stoch),2,(2+delta*cap/2-2*stoch)/(stoch-2),stoch/(stoch-1))/(2+delta*cap-2*stoch)))
コード例 #7
ファイル: hyperF1.py プロジェクト: LittleLin1999/psr_cor
def sigma(n, rho):

    inner0 = n / 2 * mm.log(1 - rho**2)

    inner1 = mm.log(mm.hyp3f2(3 / 2, n / 2, n / 2, 1 / 2, n / 2 + 1, rho**2))

    inner2 = -mm.log(n)
    inner = mm.mp.e**(inner0 + inner1 + inner2)

    outer0 = n / 2 * np.log(1 - rho**2) + np.log(abs(rho))
    outer1 = 2 * sc.gammaln(n / 2 + 1 / 2)
    outer2 = mm.log(mm.hyp2f1(n / 2 + 1 / 2, n / 2 + 1 / 2, n / 2 + 1, rho**2))
    outer3 = -sc.gammaln(n / 2)
    outer4 = -sc.gammaln(n / 2 + 1)
    outer = outer0 + outer1 + outer2 + outer3 + outer4
    outer = 2 * outer

    return float(mm.sqrt(inner - mm.mp.e**(outer)))
コード例 #8
ファイル: bayesian.py プロジェクト: zzy17667036/pingouin
def bayesfactor_pearson(r, n, tail='two-sided', method='ly', kappa=1.):
    Bayes Factor of a Pearson correlation.

    r : float
        Pearson correlation coefficient.
    n : int
        Sample size.
    tail : float
        Tail of the alternative hypothesis. Can be *'two-sided'*,
        *'one-sided'*, *'greater'* or *'less'*. *'greater'* corresponds to a
        positive correlation, *'less'* to a negative correlation.
        If *'one-sided'*, the directionality is inferred based on the ``r``
        value (= *'greater'* if ``r`` > 0, *'less'* if ``r`` < 0).
    method : str
        Method to compute the Bayes Factor. Can be *'ly'* (default) or
        *'wetzels'*. The former has an exact analytical solution, while the
        latter requires integral solving (and is therefore slower). *'wetzels'*
        was the default in Pingouin <= 0.2.5. See Notes for details.
    kappa : float
        Kappa factor. This is sometimes called the *rscale* parameter, and
        is only used when ``method`` is *'ly'*.

    bf : float
        Bayes Factor (BF10).
        The Bayes Factor quantifies the evidence in favour of the alternative

    See also
    corr : (Robust) correlation between two variables
    pairwise_corr : Pairwise correlation between columns of a pandas DataFrame
    bayesfactor_ttest : Bayes Factor of a T-test
    bayesfactor_binom : Bayes Factor of a binomial test

    To compute the Bayes Factor directly from the raw data, use the
    :py:func:`pingouin.corr` function.

    The two-sided **Wetzels Bayes Factor** (also called *JZS Bayes Factor*)
    is calculated using the equation 13 and associated R code of [1]_:

    .. math::

        \\text{BF}_{10}(n, r) = \\frac{\\sqrt{n/2}}{\\gamma(1/2)}*

    where :math:`n` is the sample size, :math:`r` is the Pearson correlation
    coefficient and :math:`g` is is an auxiliary variable that is integrated
    out numerically. Since the Wetzels Bayes Factor requires solving an
    integral, it is slower than the analytical solution described below.

    The two-sided **Ly Bayes Factor** (also called *Jeffreys
    exact Bayes Factor*) is calculated using equation 25 of [2]_:

    .. math::

        \\text{BF}_{10;k}(n, r) = \\frac{2^{\\frac{k-2}{k}}\\sqrt{\\pi}}
        {\\beta(\\frac{1}{k}, \\frac{1}{k})} \\cdot
        \\cdot 2F_1(\\frac{n-1}{2}, \\frac{n-1}{2}, \\frac{2+nk}{2k}, r^2)

    The one-sided version is described in eq. 27 and 28 of Ly et al, 2016.
    Please take note that the one-sided test requires the
    `mpmath <http://mpmath.org/>`_ package.

    Results have been validated against JASP and the BayesFactor R package.

    .. [1] Ly, A., Verhagen, J. & Wagenmakers, E.-J. Harold Jeffreys’s default
       Bayes factor hypothesis tests: Explanation, extension, and
       application in psychology. J. Math. Psychol. 72, 19–32 (2016).

    .. [2] Wetzels, R. & Wagenmakers, E.-J. A default Bayesian hypothesis test
       for correlations and partial correlations. Psychon. Bull. Rev. 19,
       1057–1064 (2012).

    Bayes Factor of a Pearson correlation

    >>> from pingouin import bayesfactor_pearson
    >>> r, n = 0.6, 20
    >>> bf = bayesfactor_pearson(r, n)
    >>> print("Bayes Factor: %.3f" % bf)
    Bayes Factor: 10.634

    Compare to Wetzels method:

    >>> bf = bayesfactor_pearson(r, n, method='wetzels')
    >>> print("Bayes Factor: %.3f" % bf)
    Bayes Factor: 8.221

    One-sided test

    >>> bf10pos = bayesfactor_pearson(r, n, tail='greater')
    >>> bf10neg = bayesfactor_pearson(r, n, tail='less')
    >>> print("BF-pos: %.3f, BF-neg: %.3f" % (bf10pos, bf10neg))
    BF-pos: 21.185, BF-neg: 0.082

    We can also only pass ``tail='one-sided'`` and Pingouin will automatically
    infer the directionality of the test based on the ``r`` value.

    >>> print("BF: %.3f" % bayesfactor_pearson(r, n, tail='one-sided'))
    BF: 21.185
    from scipy.special import gamma, betaln, hyp2f1
    assert method.lower() in ['ly', 'wetzels'], 'Method not recognized.'
    assert tail.lower() in ['two-sided', 'one-sided', 'greater', 'less',
                            'g', 'l', 'positive', 'negative', 'pos', 'neg']

    # Wrong input
    if not np.isfinite(r) or n < 2:
        return np.nan
    assert -1 <= r <= 1, 'r must be between -1 and 1.'

    if tail.lower() != 'two-sided' and method.lower() == 'wetzels':
        warnings.warn("One-sided Bayes Factor are not supported by the "
                      "Wetzels's method. Switching to method='ly'.")
        method = 'ly'

    if method.lower() == 'wetzels':
        # Wetzels & Wagenmakers, 2012. Integral solving

        def fun(g, r, n):
            return exp(((n - 2) / 2) * log(1 + g) + (-(n - 1) / 2)
                       * log(1 + (1 - r**2) * g) + (-3 / 2)
                       * log(g) + - n / (2 * g))

        integr = quad(fun, 0, np.inf, args=(r, n))[0]
        bf10 = np.sqrt((n / 2)) / gamma(1 / 2) * integr

        # Ly et al, 2016. Analytical solution.
        k = kappa
        lbeta = betaln(1 / k, 1 / k)
        log_hyperterm = log(hyp2f1(((n - 1) / 2), ((n - 1) / 2),
                                   ((n + 2 / k) / 2), r**2))
        bf10 = exp((1 - 2 / k) * log(2) + 0.5 * log(pi) - lbeta
                   + lgamma((n + 2 / k - 1) / 2) - lgamma((n + 2 / k) / 2) +

        if tail.lower() != 'two-sided':
            # Directional test.
            # We need mpmath for the generalized hypergeometric function
            from .utils import _is_mpmath_installed
            from mpmath import hyp3f2
            hyper_term = float(hyp3f2(1, n / 2, n / 2, 3 / 2,
                                      (2 + k * (n + 1)) / (2 * k),
            log_term = 2 * (lgamma(n / 2) - lgamma((n - 1) / 2)) - lbeta
            C = 2**((3 * k - 2) / k) * k * r / (2 + (n - 1) * k) * \
                exp(log_term) * hyper_term

            bf10neg = bf10 - C
            bf10pos = 2 * bf10 - bf10neg
            if tail.lower() in ['one-sided']:
                # Automatically find the directionality of the test based on r
                bf10 = bf10pos if r >= 0 else bf10neg
            elif tail.lower() in ['greater', 'g', 'positive', 'pos']:
                # We expect the correlation to be positive
                bf10 = bf10pos
                # We expect the correlation to be negative
                bf10 = bf10neg

    return bf10