コード例 #1
ファイル: factory.py プロジェクト: abta/MapQuest-Render-Stack
    def _create(self, config, style_name, storage, formats, format_args):
        renderer = None
        rendering_system = config.get(style_name, "system")

        if rendering_system == 'mapnik':
            default_style = config.get(style_name, "default_style")
            mask_style = config.get(style_name, "mask_style") if config.has_option(style_name, "mask_style") else None
            renderer = mapnik.Renderer(default_style, mask_style)
       	    for (polygon, style) in config.items(style_name):
               	# teh uglies. to be refactored. and not only because the keys are downcased...
                if polygon != "default_style" and polygon != "mask_style" and polygon != "system":
       	            renderer.add_region(polygon, style, polygon)

        elif rendering_system == 'terrain':
            renderer = terrain.Renderer(config.get(style_name, "tr_config"))

        elif rendering_system == 'aerial':
            renderer = aerial.Renderer(config.get(style_name, "ae_config"))

        elif rendering_system == 'composite':
            layers = config.get(style_name, 'layers')
            layers = csv.reader([layers], skipinitialspace=True).next()
            background = config.get(style_name, 'background') if 'background' in dict(config.items(style_name)) else None
            renderer = composite.Renderer(layers, self, background)

        elif rendering_system == 'coverages':
            coverage_conf = dict(config.items('coverages'))
            vendor_conf = dict(config.items(style_name))
            del vendor_conf['system']
            renderer = coverages.Renderer(coverage_conf, vendor_conf, self)

            mq_logging.error("'%s' is not a known rendering system." % rendering_system)

        return renderer
コード例 #2
ファイル: aerial.py プロジェクト: abta/MapQuest-Render-Stack
   def process(self, tile):
	z = str(tile.z)
	x_range = range( tile.x, tile.x + tile.dimensions[0] )
	y_range = range( tile.y, tile.y + tile.dimensions[1] )
	urls = [ [self.url % {'z':z, 'x':str(x), 'y':str(y)}, x - tile.x, y - tile.y] for x in x_range for y in y_range ]

		subTiles = map(getTile, urls)
	except Exception as detail:
		mq_logging.error('Could not read tile from aerial source: %s' % str(detail))
        if len( subTiles ) < tile.dimensions[0] * tile.dimensions[1] :
		mq_logging.warning("Result length too short, aborting")
		return None, None
        #  make a composite image
        features 	= None
        image		= PIL.Image.new( 'RGBA', tile.size )   
        for infoImage in subTiles:
            imageSubTile = PIL.Image.open( StringIO.StringIO( infoImage[0] ) )
            image.paste( imageSubTile, ( infoImage[1] * TILE_SIZE, infoImage[2] * TILE_SIZE ) )

        return RenderResult.from_image(tile, image)
コード例 #3
def notify (job, queue):
    notified = False
    while notified == False:
            notified = True
        except RuntimeError, e:
            error_message = e.message
            if error_message.lower().find ("deadlock") == -1:
                mq_logging.error("deadlock error notify: %s" % error_message)
コード例 #4
ファイル: mapnik.py プロジェクト: abta/MapQuest-Render-Stack
 def add_region(self,name,mapfile,wkt_mask_file):
     # ignore attempts to add regions when no mask has been
     # specified with a warning.
     if self.mask_map is not None:
             m = Map(0,0)
             load_map(m, mapfile)
             mask = Mask(wkt_mask_file)
         except Exception as ex:
             mq_logging.error("Exception caught adding region (%s)" % str(ex))
         mq_logging.warning("Cannot add mask (%s) because no mask_style was configured." % name)
コード例 #5
ファイル: factory.py プロジェクト: abta/MapQuest-Render-Stack
    def __init__(self, config, formats, format_args, storage):
        self.renderers = {}
        # the config file gives the names of all the styles, separated by 
        # commas, in the [worker] section. each of these styles is then 
        # expected to be a section name, naming the style. this is what 
        # the job is matched against when it comes in. one style name is
        # one renderer.
        style_names = csv.reader([config.get('worker', 'styles')],skipinitialspace=True).next()
        # the styles which will be saved to storage when they are done.
        # note that it's possible for stuff to not be saved to storage
        # and this might be reasonable when the work involved in making
        # that tile is very low.
        save_names = csv.reader([config.get('worker', 'saved_styles')],skipinitialspace=True).next()
        # read only styles
            read_only_names = csv.reader([config.get('worker', 'read_only_styles')],skipinitialspace=True).next()
            read_only_names = []

        for style_name in style_names:
            mq_logging.info("Loading '%s' style" % style_name)
            try :
                # sanity check - there's no real problem with styles being
                # defined twice, but it probably indicates a typo or other
                # error in the config file.
                if style_name in self.renderers:
                    raise Exception("style '%s' is defined twice." % style_name)

                # if the style is only to be read from storage
                if style_name in read_only_names:
                    renderer = StorageRenderer(storage, formats[style_name], format_args, None)
                    renderer = self._create(config, style_name, storage, formats, format_args)

                # if the style name is in the formats config then it's supposed
                # to be saved to storage. so wrap the renderer in a saving
                # renderer.
                if (renderer is not None) and (style_name in save_names):
                    renderer = StorageRenderer(storage, formats[style_name], format_args, renderer)

                if renderer is None:
                    raise Exception("unable to create renderer from style '%s'." % style_name)

                self.renderers[style_name] = renderer

            except Exception as ex:
                mq_logging.error("failed to load worker configuration for '%s' from: %s (%s)" % (style_name,config, str(ex)))
コード例 #6
def save_meta(storage, job, tiles, metaData, formats, size):
    meta = make_meta(job, tiles, metaData, formats, size)
    # Send the meta tile to storage
    success = storage.put_meta(job, meta)
    # Make sure we know about it if the storage doesn't work. The cluster
    # will continue working, as the data can be sent back via the broker,
    # but it's helpful to have something in the logs so we know what's 
    # going on...
    if not success:
        mq_logging.error("Failed to save meta tile to storage (%d:%d:%d:%s tile-size=%d)" % \

    # Return the meta tile
    return meta
コード例 #7
ファイル: terrain.py プロジェクト: abta/MapQuest-Render-Stack
	def __init__( self, configFileName ):
		self.host = "mq-aerial-lm01.ihost.aol.com"
		self.port = 5005
			configSettings = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
			configSettings.read( configFileName )
			configSection  = "vipinfo"
			self.host = configSettings.get( configSection, "host" )
			self.port = configSettings.getint( configSection, "port" )
			#landColor = configSettings.get( configSection, "color" )
			#keep a copy of a background image around
			#self.blank = PIL.Image.new('RGBA', (dims.METATILE*dims.TILE_SIZE, dims.METATILE*dims.TILE_SIZE), tuple(map(int, landColor.split(','))))
		except Exception as detail:
			mq_logging.error('Could not load terrain renderer configuration: %s' % (detail))
コード例 #8
ファイル: terrain.py プロジェクト: abta/MapQuest-Render-Stack
def getTile( theURL ):
		#mq_logging.debug("getTile tile request %s" % ( theURL ))
		theSocket 	= urllib.urlopen( theURL )
		theData		= theSocket.read()

		#mq_logging.debug("getTile Received %d bytes from tile request %s" % ( len( theData ), theURL ))
		if theSocket.getcode() != 200:
			raise Exception(theSocket.getcode())
		elif theData == 'No tile found':
			raise Exception(theData)
			return theData
	except Exception as detail:
		mq_logging.error("getTile error fetching terrain image %s: %s" % ( theURL, str(detail) ))	
	return None
コード例 #9
ファイル: aerial.py プロジェクト: abta/MapQuest-Render-Stack
def handle_exception(request, exc_info):
	if not isinstance(exc_info, tuple):
		# Something is seriously wrong...
		raise SystemExit
	mq_logging.error("Exception occured in request #%s: %s" % (request.requestID, exc_info))
コード例 #10
ファイル: mapnik.py プロジェクト: abta/MapQuest-Render-Stack
    def __init__(self, map_style, mask_style):
        self.default_map = Map(0,0)

        # only load the mask style if it's provided
        if mask_style is None:
            self.mask_map = None
            self.mask_map = Map(0,0)

        self.proj = Mercator(18+1)
        self.regions = []
        try :
            load_map(self.default_map, map_style)
            # masks may not be provided if it's a single style
            if self.mask_map is not None:
                load_map(self.mask_map, mask_style)

            self.map_proj = Projection(self.default_map.srs)
            mq_logging.error("Exception caught in Renderer ctor")
コード例 #11
ファイル: aerial.py プロジェクト: abta/MapQuest-Render-Stack
   def __init__ ( self, configFileName ):
      self.concurrency = 16

         configSettings = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
         configSettings.read( configFileName )

         #get the base url
         self.url = configSettings.get('vipinfo', 'url').replace('$', '%')
         self.concurrency = configSettings.getint('vipinfo', 'concurrency')

         #validate the url as best we can
         validated = self.url % {'z':'1', 'x':'2', 'y':'3'}

	 # one day there might be a parallel processing library for Python
	 # which works without problems and supports exceptions gracefully.
	 # today, i could not find it, if it exists...
	 #self.pool = Pool(self.concurrency)

      except Exception as detail:
         mq_logging.error('Could not load aerial/sat renderer configuration: %s' % (detail))
コード例 #12
def loadConfig(config):
    try :
        storage_conf = dict(config.items('storage'))

    except Exception as ex:
        mq_logging.error("failed to load worker configuration from: %s (%s)" % (config, str(ex)))
    storage = tile_storage.TileStorage(storage_conf)
    formats = {}
    format_args = {}

    if config.has_option('worker','memory_limit_bytes'):
        mem_limit = int(config.get('worker','memory_limit_bytes'))
        mem_limit = None

    #load the coverages
    coverageChecker = CoverageChecker(dict(config.items('coverages')))

    #load the formats
    formats = dict(config.items('formats'))
    #parse out into a list
    for coverage, csvFormats in formats.iteritems():
        formats[coverage] = csv.reader([csvFormats], skipinitialspace=True).next()

    # load settings for each of the data formats
    for fmt in set(format for formatList in formats.values() for format in formatList):
            opts = dict(config.items(fmt))
            # nasty hack, since PIL seems unwilling to coerce types and 
            # configparser gives everything back as strings.
            if 'quality' in opts:
                opts['quality'] = int(opts['quality'])
            # again, nasty hack to allow the PIL name for a format to be
            # different from the name in the config file.
            if 'pil_name' not in opts:
                opts['pil_name'] = fmt
            format_args[fmt] = opts
        except Exception as ex:
            mq_logging.error("failed to load format configuration for '%s': %s" % (fmt, str(ex)))

        renderers = RendererFactory(config, formats, format_args, storage)

    except Exception as ex:
        mq_logging.error("failed to load renderer configuration from: %s (%s)" % (config, str(ex)))

    #hand them all back
    return storage, renderers, formats, format_args, coverageChecker, mem_limit
コード例 #13

    #hand them all back
    return storage, renderers, formats, format_args, coverageChecker, mem_limit

if __name__ == "__main__" :

    option_parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] <worker-config> <queue-config> [<worker_id>]")
    #option_parser.add_option("-h", "--help", dest="help", action="store_true", help="Print this helpful message.")
    option_parser.add_option("-l", "--logging-config", dest="logging_config",
                             help="Path to configuration file for logging.")

    (options, args) = option_parser.parse_args()

    if len(args) != 2 and len(args) != 3:
        mq_logging.error("Wrong number of command line arguments.")

    if options.logging_config:
        log_config = ConfigParser()

    config = ConfigParser()

    #load the items from the config
    storage, renderers, formats, format_args, coverageChecker, mem_limit = loadConfig(config)
コード例 #14
ファイル: worker.py プロジェクト: joto/MapQuest-Render-Stack

    #hand them all back
    return storage, renderers, formats, format_args, mem_limit

if __name__ == "__main__" :

    option_parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] <worker-config> <queue-config> [<worker_id>]")
    #option_parser.add_option("-h", "--help", dest="help", action="store_true", help="Print this helpful message.")
    option_parser.add_option("-l", "--logging-config", dest="logging_config",
                             help="Path to configuration file for logging.")

    (options, args) = option_parser.parse_args()

    if len(args) != 2 and len(args) != 3:
        mq_logging.error("Wrong number of command line arguments.")

    if options.logging_config:
        log_config = ConfigParser()

    config = ConfigParser()

    #load the items from the config
    storage, renderers, formats, format_args, mem_limit = loadConfig(config)