def mqtt_benchmark(N, is_server, broker, user, pwd): received = 0 def mqtt_callback(topic, msg): nonlocal received received += 1 print("Connecting to MQTT broker", broker, "...") mqtt = MQTTClient(broker, user=user, password=pwd) mqtt.set_callback(mqtt_callback) mqtt.subscribe("iot49/{}".format(is_server)) topic = "iot49/{}".format(not is_server) print("Starting test ...") gc.collect() try: t_start = time.ticks_ms() for i in range(N): if is_server: mqtt.publish(topic, "msg {}".format(i)) mqtt.wait_msg() else: mqtt.wait_msg() mqtt.publish(topic, "ok {}".format(i)) t_stop = time.ticks_ms() dt = time.ticks_diff(t_stop, t_start) if N != received: print("***** sent {} messages, received {}".format(N, received)) print(">>> MQTT throughput, broker {}: {:8.4f} msg/s (N={})".format( broker, 1000 * received / dt, N)) finally: mqtt.disconnect()
def listens_for(mapper, connection, target, event_type): topic = f'{mapper.local_table}' payload = f'{event_type[0]} {}' app.logger.debug(f'publish {topic}, {payload}') MQTTClient.publish(topic, payload=payload) #, qos=1, retain=False) MQTTClient.publish_payloads()
#for speed in speeds: """ for i in range(50): cps_A, cps_B = hot_wheels(speed) # add additional values as required by application topic = "{}/data".format(session) data = "{},{}".format(cps_A, cps_B) print("send topic='{}' data='{}'".format(topic, data)) mqtt.publish(topic, data) """ t = 0 def callback(): global controller, desired_cps, P, t # proportional control and print actual_cps (for plotting) cps = controller.p_control(desired_cps, P) t += Ts topic = "{}/data".format(session) data = "{},{}".format(t, cps) print("send topic='{}' data='{}'".format(topic, data)) mqtt.publish(topic, data) # do the plotting (on host) print("tell host to do the plotting ...") mqtt.publish("{}/plot".format(session), "create the plot") # free up resources # alternatively reset the microphyton board before executing this program again mqtt.disconnect()
break #print("Waiting for Wifi connection...") sleep(1) #print('Wifi connected at', wlan.ifconfig()[0]) #MQTT tSpeak = '' #broker channelID = '480665' #SIP Channel writeKey = '7PZPPOGEBEHAPKH3' topic = "channels/" + channelID + "/publish/" + writeKey #print("Connecting to broker ", tSpeak, "...") mqtt = MQTTClient(tSpeak) #print("Connected!") message = "field1={}&field2={}&field3={}&field4={}&field5={}".format(\ plant1, plant2, watered1, watered2, reservoir) #print("Publish TOPIC = {}, MSG = {}".format(topic, message)) mqtt.publish(topic, message) #publish the message #print("All done") mqtt.disconnect() #close the socket ################################################################################ #Reset deepsleep(2 * 60 * 60 * 1000) #to take measurements every 2 hours
from mqttclient import MQTTClient import binascii, machine, time, gc mqtt = MQTTClient("") def mqtt_callback(topic, msg): print("callback:", topic, msg) global run if topic == b'stop': run = False else: print("received unknown topic={:s}, msg='{:s}'".format(topic, msg)) mqtt.set_callback(mqtt_callback) mqtt.subscribe("stop") run = True count = 0 while run: mqtt.check_msg() mqtt.publish("x", str(count)) count += 1 if count > 100: run = False time.sleep(1) print("mqtt demo: stop MQTT client and return to REPL") mqtt.disconnect()
run = True next_blink = 0 # time when next to blink the led while run: gc.collect() # check for messages mqtt.check_msg() xfilt = (1 - alpha) * xfilt + alpha * (xout.readraw() - xoff) yfilt = (1 - alpha) * yfilt + alpha * (yout.readraw() - yoff) xx = xfilt / scale yy = yfilt / scale print("x={:8.3f} y={:8.3f}".format(xx, yy)) # print("x={:40s}| y={:40s}|".format(int(20*(xx+1))*'*', int(20*(yy+1))*'*')) if abs(old_x - xx) > 0.005: print("publish x", xx) mqtt.publish("x", str(xx)) old_x = xx if abs(old_y - yy) > 0.005: print("publish y", yy) mqtt.publish("y", str(yy)) old_y = yy if old_button is not button(): mqtt.publish("stop", str(not button())) old_button = button() # slowly blink the led if time.ticks_diff(time.ticks_ms(), next_blink) > 0: next_blink = time.ticks_add(time.ticks_ms(), 1000) led(not led()) time.sleep_ms(200) print("Joystick: stop MQTT client and return to REPL")
print("Connecting to broker", BROKER, "...") #sleep(2) #CREATING the mqtt object and CONNECTING to the broker mqtt = MQTTClient(BROKER, user=USER, password=PWD, ssl=False) print("Connected!") def mqtt_callback(topic, msg): print("RECEIVE topic = {}, msg = {}".format(topic, msg)) mqtt.set_callback(mqtt_callback) mqtt.subscribe("charles/esp32/hi") #PUBLISH - SUBSCRIBE LOOP for i in range(5): #PUBLISHING a message topic = "charles/esp32/hi" message = "Hello " + str(random.randint(1, 101)) print("PUBLISH topic = {} message = {}".format(topic, message)) mqtt.publish(topic, message) #CHECKING for a new message for _ in range(5): mqtt.check_msg() sleep(0.5) #pause for 0.5 second #Close sockets mqtt.disconnect()
from mqttclient import MQTTClient from time import sleep import math server = "" # update with your values from AdafruitIO ... aio_user = "******" aio_key = "73609b18b6204c14aa793035fce4161d" mqtt = MQTTClient(server=server, user=aio_user, password=aio_key, ssl=True) for t in range(100): s = math.sin(t/10) mqtt.publish("{}/feeds/sms-feed".format(aio_user), str(s)) time.sleep(3)
import random MAX_SPEED = 100 #IOT BROKER BROKER = "" #Alternatively, USER = None PWD = None print("Connecting to broker", BROKER, "...") #CREATING the mqtt object and CONNECTING to the broker mqtt = MQTTClient(BROKER, user=USER, password=PWD, ssl=False) #False for hivemq topic = "charles/esp32/boserBeater" mqtt.publish(topic, "BoserBeater is online :^)") #ESP32 IS PUBLISHING, CP RECEIVING print("BoserBeater is online :^)") currentSpeed = 0 def mqtt_callback(topic, msg): global currentSpeed message = msg.decode( "utf-8" ) #msg comes in as byte-format, decode turns it directly into a string currentSpeed = int(round(float(message))) if currentSpeed > MAX_SPEED: #Capping it currentSpeed = MAX_SPEED
from mqttclient import MQTTClient from time import sleep BROKER = '' USER = None PWD = None mqtt = MQTTClient(BROKER, user = USER, password=PWD, ssl = TRUE) i = 1 while True: i += 1 topic = '/patrick/esp32/hi' mqtt.publish(topic, 'Hello {}'.format(i))
shd["requests"] = {} ciaoclient = MQTTCiao(shd, mqtt_queue, ciao_queue) ciaoclient.start() # endless loop until SIGHUP/SIGTERM while shd["loop"] : if not mqtt_queue.empty(): entry = mqtt_queue.get() logger.debug("Entry %s" % entry) # if entry received from ciao is an "out" message if entry['type'] == "out": topic = str(entry['data'][0]) message = str(entry['data'][1]) else: continue mqttclient.publish(topic, message) # the sleep is really useful to prevent ciao to cap all CPU # this could be increased/decreased (keep an eye on CPU usage) # time.sleep is MANDATORY to make signal handlers work (they are synchronous in python) time.sleep(0.01) mqttclient.disconnect()"MQTT connector is closing") sys.exit(0) else: logger.critical("Unable to connect to %s" % shd["conf"]["params"]["host"])
voltage = if voltage > max: max = voltage if voltage < min: min = voltage milliAmps = round((max - min) * 1000 * 0.707 / 2 / 66) - 2000 if milliAmps < 0: milliAmps = 0 # Send data data = "{} {}".format(round(time.time()), milliAmps) print("send topic='{}' data='{}'".format(topic, data)) try: mqtt.publish(topic, data) except: print("Failed to publish MQTT") for _ in range(10): np.set(0,P,0,0) time.sleep(0.1) np.set(0,0,0,0) time.sleep(0.1) # Wait for i in range (0,25): np.set(0, 2 * i, 0, 0) time.sleep(0.03) for i in range (26,100): np.set(0, 2 * i, 0, 0) time.sleep(0.0033)
import time if __name__ == '__main__': #WLAN wlan = WLAN(mode=WLAN.STA) wlan.connect("FD-51", auth=(WLAN.WPA2, "fromage2chevre"), timeout=5000) while not wlan.isconnected(): machine.idle() print("Connected to Wifi") #MQTT mqttServerAddr = "" client = MQTTClient("lopy", mqttServerAddr, port=1883) client.connect() print("Connected to MQTT at : {}".format(mqttServerAddr)) #LoRa lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORA, frequency=868100000) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_LORA, socket.SOCK_RAW) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_LORA, socket.SO_DR, 5) s.setblocking(True) print("Listening to LoRaMAC") while True: print("waiting for data to send") loraClientData = int(s.recv(256)) client.publish(topic="test/lopy", msg=str(loraClientData)) print("data sent : {}".format(loraClientData)) time.sleep(0.1)
print(0) # Connect to Adafruit server print("Connecting to Adafruit") mqtt = MQTTClient(adafruitIoUrl, port='1883', user=adafruitUsername, password=adafruitAioKey) time.sleep(0.5) print("Connected!") # This will set the function sub_cb to be called when mqtt.check_msg() checks # that there is a message pending mqtt.set_callback(sub_cb) # Send test message feedName = "mzdesa/feeds/me100project" testMessage = "Robot Connected!" # testMessage = "1" mqtt.publish(feedName, testMessage) print("Published {} to {}.".format(testMessage, feedName)) mqtt.subscribe(feedName) #The following will be the "LOOP" section (analogous to arduino) for i in range(10): #read messages from Adafruit IO for 10 seconds mqtt.check_msg( ) #uses a callback function to limit the time the program runs (see inf. running commented out above) #print(x) - x ISN'T actually storing it! time.sleep(1)
from time import sleep from machine import deepsleep import math from busio import I2C from board import SDA, SCL from adafruit_bme680 import Adafruit_BME680_I2C as BME680 i2c = I2C(scl=SCL, sda=SDA) bme = BME680(i2c, address=0x76) server = "" # update with your values from AdafruitIO ... aio_user = "******" aio_key = "dd9efcf7eb024bad8d4bf6cd16962973" mqtt = MQTTClient(server=server, user=aio_user, password=aio_key, ssl=True) while True: t = bme.temperature g = bme.gas h = bme.humidity p = bme.pressure a = bme.altitude mqtt.publish("{}/feeds/temperature".format(aio_user), str(t)) mqtt.publish("{}/feeds/gas".format(aio_user), str(g)) mqtt.publish("{}/feeds/humidity".format(aio_user), str(h)) mqtt.publish("{}/feeds/pressure".format(aio_user), str(p)) mqtt.publish("{}/feeds/altitude".format(aio_user), str(a)) sleep(10) deepsleep(30000)
from mqttclient import MQTTClient import time def mqtt_callback(topic, msg): print("MQTT received topic={}, msg='{}'".format(topic, msg)) SERVER = "" mqtt = MQTTClient(SERVER) mqtt.set_callback(mqtt_callback) mqtt.subscribe("y") # publish for i in range(20): mqtt.check_msg() msg = "value=" + str(i) topic = "x" print("publish topic={} msg={}".format(topic, msg)) mqtt.publish(topic, msg) time.sleep(1) mqtt.disconnect()
shd["requests"] = {} ciaoclient = MQTTCiao(shd, mqtt_queue, ciao_queue) ciaoclient.start() # endless loop until SIGHUP/SIGTERM while shd["loop"]: if not mqtt_queue.empty(): entry = mqtt_queue.get() logger.debug("Entry %s" % entry) # if entry received from ciao is an "out" message if entry['type'] == "out": topic = str(entry['data'][0]) message = str(entry['data'][1]) else: continue mqttclient.publish(topic, message) # the sleep is really useful to prevent ciao to cap all CPU # this could be increased/decreased (keep an eye on CPU usage) # time.sleep is MANDATORY to make signal handlers work (they are synchronous in python) time.sleep(0.01) mqttclient.disconnect()"MQTT connector is closing") sys.exit(0) else: logger.critical("Unable to connect to %s" % shd["conf"]["params"]["host"])