コード例 #1
def align(initialpose,
    '''Given two sets of corresponding points (P, Q) and an initial guess 
    transform calculate the transform from P to Q. (i.e. P is scan, Q is map)'''
    assert (type(P[0][0]) == type(
        Q[0][0])), 'P and Q must be of the same data type'
    P = poseutil.transformPoints(P, poseutil.mat(initialpose))
    # looping without re-associating does improve but I think it is negligible,
    # compared to error due to associations
    initialposemat = poseutil.mat(initialpose)
    bestposemat = poseutil.mat((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))

    if visualise:
        Qvis = Q.copy()
        if len(Qvis) > 1e5:
            print "resampling for visualiser"
            Qvis = util.volumetricsample(Qvis, 0.1)
    last_dist = 0.0
    # TODO decide whether to bail early from this loop
    for iteration in range(iterations):
        Qinds, Pinds, dists = __associate(P,
        associated_pts = np.array([Q[ind] for ind in Qinds])
        dist = np.sqrt(np.mean(dists[Pinds]))
        if len(P[Pinds]) == 0 or len(associated_pts) == 0:
            if not quiet:
                print "No points within association distance"
            return np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 0
        X = __calctransform(P[Pinds], associated_pts)
        bestposemat = np.dot(bestposemat, poseutil.mat(X))
        P = poseutil.transformPoints(P, poseutil.mat(X))
        if visualise:
            # TODO set this threshold
            inds = dists < terminate_threshold
        if not quiet:
            print iteration, dist
        if dist < terminate_threshold: break
        if np.abs(dist - last_dist) < 1e-9:
            if not quiet:
                print "Warning, no longer converging and termination threshold not reached. Possible local minima. Try changing the rejection threshold."
        if iteration == iterations - 1:
            print "Warning, maximum iterations reached."
        last_dist = dist
    bestposemat = np.dot(bestposemat, initialposemat)
    #inlier_pts, outlier_pts = classify_pts(P, Pinds)
    return np.array(
        poseutil.posetuple(bestposemat)), dist  #, inlier_pts, outlier_pts
コード例 #2
 def testSegmentationMethods(self):
     print "Test Segmentation Methods"
     # Test the segmentation independantly of the aligment using the "true" pose
     # report the confusion matrix or summary statustic (false alarm rate, etc?)
     temp_outliers = util.get_scan_points_from_file(os.path.join(self.datadir, '1271124950-new.txt'))
     dists = pointcloud.nearest_neighbour(self.Pall,temp_outliers)
     outliers_inds2 = dists < 0.01
     temp_inliers = self.Pall[np.logical_not(outliers_inds2)]
     self.assertTrue((temp_outliers.shape[0] + temp_inliers.shape[0]) == self.Pall.shape[0])
     self.trueoutliers = poseutil.transformPoints(temp_outliers, poseutil.mat(self.truepose))
     self.trueinliers = poseutil.transformPoints(temp_inliers, poseutil.mat(self.truepose))
     for method in self.segmenters:
         seg_name = method.__name__.replace('_', ' ')
         seg_name = seg_name.replace('segment ', '')
         print 5*'-', seg_name, 5*'-'
         # Execute the segmentation algorithm and time it
         start_seg = time.time()
         inliers,outliers = method(self.truePoints)
         taken_seg = time.time() - start_seg
         # check accuracy and timeliness
         true_pos, true_neg, false_neg, false_pos = util.segmentation_stats(inliers, outliers, self.trueinliers, self.trueoutliers)
         self.assertTrue(sum(true_pos) > 0)
         self.assertTrue(sum(true_neg) > 0)
         print sum(true_pos), sum(false_pos)
         print sum(false_neg), sum(true_neg)
         FPR, MDR, accuracy, specificity = util.segmentation_summary(true_pos, true_neg, false_neg, false_pos, self.trueoutliers.shape[0], self.Pall.shape[0])
         print "False +ve rate: ", FPR
         self.assertTrue(FPR < 0.05)
         print "Missed detection rate: ", MDR
         self.assertTrue(MDR < 0.15)
         print "accuracy: ", accuracy
         self.assertTrue(accuracy > 0.9)
         print "specifity: ", specificity
         self.assertTrue(specificity > 0.9)
コード例 #3
def align(initialpose, P, Q, terminate_threshold, reject_threshold=0.5, iterations=50, quiet=True):
    '''Given two sets of corresponding points (P, Q) and an initial guess 
    transform calculate the transform from P to Q. (i.e. P is scan, Q is map)'''
    assert(type(P[0][0]) == type(Q[0][0])), 'P and Q must be of the same data type'
    P = poseutil.transformPoints(P, poseutil.mat(initialpose))
    # looping without re-associating does improve but I think it is negligible, 
    # compared to error due to associations
    initialposemat = poseutil.mat(initialpose)
    bestposemat = poseutil.mat((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))

    if visualise:
        Qvis = Q.copy()
        if len(Qvis) > 1e5:
            print "resampling for visualiser"
            Qvis = util.volumetricsample(Qvis, 0.1)
    last_dist = 0.0
    # TODO decide whether to bail early from this loop
    for iteration in range(iterations):
        Qinds, Pinds, dists = __associate(P, reject_threshold, return_dists=True)
        associated_pts = np.array([Q[ind] for ind in Qinds])
        dist = np.sqrt(np.mean(dists[Pinds]))        
        if len(P[Pinds]) == 0 or len(associated_pts) == 0:
            if not quiet:
                print "No points within association distance"
            return np.array([0,0,0,0,0,0]), 0
        X = __calctransform(P[Pinds], associated_pts)
        bestposemat = np.dot(bestposemat, poseutil.mat(X))
        P = poseutil.transformPoints(P, poseutil.mat(X))
        if visualise:
            # TODO set this threshold
            inds = dists < terminate_threshold 
        if not quiet:
            print iteration, dist
        if dist < terminate_threshold: break
        if np.abs(dist - last_dist) < 1e-9:
            if not quiet:
                print "Warning, no longer converging and termination threshold not reached. Possible local minima. Try changing the rejection threshold."
        if iteration == iterations-1:
            print "Warning, maximum iterations reached."
        last_dist = dist
    bestposemat = np.dot(bestposemat, initialposemat)
    #inlier_pts, outlier_pts = classify_pts(P, Pinds)
    return np.array(poseutil.posetuple(bestposemat)), dist #, inlier_pts, outlier_pts
コード例 #4
 def setUp(self):
     self.datadir = 'data/stillscans/'
     self.Pall, self.Q, self.guesspose, self.res = generate_tst_data_from_file(self.datadir + 'empty-map.txt', self.datadir + '1271124950-scan.txt', self.datadir + '1271124950-pose.txt')
     # override guess pose to make it harder for the algorithms
     self.guesspose = np.array([-2, 42, 80, 0.2, 0.1, 2.58])
     # sampling
     self.P = util.volumetricsample(self.Pall, self.res) # shuffles P as well
     # setup the mrol for the alignment
     self.mapmrol = mrol.MROL(self.res, levels=5)
     # setup the occupiedlist for the segmentation
     mv = occupiedlist.pointstovoxels(self.Q, self.res)
     self.mapvoxels = {} 
     occupiedlist.increment(self.mapvoxels, mv)
     # setup a dilated occupiedlist for segmentation
     self.dilated = {} 
     mv = occupiedlist.dilate(self.mapmrol.getvoxels().keys())
     occupiedlist.increment(self.dilated, mv)
     # setup a mapset for fast alignment
     self.mapset = set(occupiedlist.hashrows(self.mapvoxels.keys()))
     # Ground truths and tolerances
     self.lin_tol = 1e-1
     self.ang_tol = np.deg2rad(2.0)
     self.truepose = np.array([-1.8572, 41.7913, 79.3341, np.deg2rad(12.4607), np.deg2rad(4.3733), np.deg2rad(147.2011)]) # Overlap: 6094, Pose (m, degrees): -1.8572 41.7913 79.3341 12.4607 4.3733 147.2011 
     self.truePoints = poseutil.transformPoints(self.Pall, poseutil.mat(self.truepose))
     # list the aligners to be tested
     self.aligners = [ 
     # list the segmenters to be tested
     self.segmenters = [ self.segment_ovl,
コード例 #5
	def extract_pc(self):
#		pc_range = np.array([self.pc['x'],self.pc['y'], self.pc['z']]) 
#		pc_color = np.array([self.pc['r'],self.pc['g'], self.pc['b']]) 
		pc_range = np.array([self.pc[:,0],self.pc[:,1], self.pc[:,2]]) 
		pc_color = np.array([self.pc[:,3],self.pc[:,4], self.pc[:,5]])

		# Get Transform from local to sesor
		pc = poseutil.transformPoints(pc_range.T, self.truth_T)

		# Filters out data outside of the region of interest
		accept = (pc[:,2]>0.01) * (np.abs(pc[:,0]) < .2)* (np.abs(pc[:,1]) < .2)

		pos_vec = pc.T * accept		
		color_vec = pc_color * accept

		self.img_pos = np.reshape(pos_vec.T, (480, 640, 3))
		self.img_color = np.reshape(color_vec.T, (480, 640, 3))

		pc_tmp = np.sum(pc_range, axis=0)
		ROI_ind = np.nonzero(-np.isnan(pc_tmp))[0]
		self.pc_ROI = np.empty((ROI_ind.shape[0], 6))
		self.pc_ROI[:,:3] = pos_vec[:,ROI_ind].T
		self.pc_ROI[:,3:6] = color_vec[:,ROI_ind].T
コード例 #6
	def match_all(self, current_pc, current_centroid=[], name_list = []):

		vmap = mapper.VoxelMap(self.res, levels = self.mrolLevels)	
		pose_zero = poseutil.Pose3D()
		poseList = []
		costList = []
		centroid_input = 0
		current_centroid_local = np.zeros(3)
		if current_centroid==[]:
			centroid_input = 1

		if centroid_input==[]:
			current_centroid = np.mean(current_pc, axis=0)			

		current_pc -= current_centroid
		current_pc_vox = pointcloud.PointCloud(current_pc)
		rad = .2
		current_pc_vox.boxfilter(xmin=-rad, xmax=rad, ymin=-rad, ymax=rad, zmin=-rad, zmax=rad)
		if centroid_input:
			current_centroid_local = np.mean(current_pc_vox.points, axis=0)
			current_pc_vox -= current_centroid_local
		vmap.add_points(current_pc_vox, pose_zero)
		for i in range(self.modelCount):
			#Check to see if 
			for j in range(len(name_list)):
#				print self.all_names[i]
#				print name_list[j]
#				print self.all_names[i]==name_list[j]
				if (name_list == [] and j == 0) or self.all_names[i] == name_list[j]:

					pc_ground_vox = self.models_vox[i]
					bestPose, maxCost = vmap.align_points(pc_ground_vox, pose_zero)
		#			print "Pose: ", bestPose
		#			print "Max cost: ", maxCost
					bestPose_inv = poseutil.inverse(bestPose.get())
					bestPose_inv = poseutil.Pose3D(bestPose_inv)

					modelPose_T = current_centroid + current_centroid_local + bestPose_inv.get()[0:3]
					modelPose = np.reshape([modelPose_T, bestPose_inv.get()[3:]], 6)
		#			mat = poseutil.Pose3D()
		#			mat.set(bestPose.get())

					if 0:
						xyzs = poseutil.transformPoints(pc_ground_vox.points, bestPose.getMatrix())
						pc = pointcloud.PointCloud(xyzs)

		return costList, poseList
コード例 #7
def cost(pose, P, Q, threshold=0.5, rebuild=True):
    '''Cost function based on root mean squared distance to approximate nearest 
    neighbour. '''
    if rebuild:
    # TODO refactor this into a class so make the requirement to call 
    # buildindex less error prone
    P = poseutil.transformPoints(P, poseutil.mat(pose))
    Qinds, Pinds, dist = __associate(P, threshold)
    return dist
コード例 #8
def cost(pose, P, Q, threshold=0.5, rebuild=True):
    '''Cost function based on root mean squared distance to approximate nearest 
    neighbour. '''
    if rebuild:
    # TODO refactor this into a class so make the requirement to call
    # buildindex less error prone
    P = poseutil.transformPoints(P, poseutil.mat(pose))
    Qinds, Pinds, dist = __associate(P, threshold)
    return dist
コード例 #9
    def create_model(self):
        PCs_added = 0
        if self.fileCount > 1:
            for j in range(0, self.fileCount, 1):

                data = np.load(self.PC_files[j])  #should be self.PC_files_reg
                xyzs = np.array((data['x'], data['y'], data['z'])).T
                xyzs = xyzs[(np.nonzero(np.nansum(xyzs < 100, axis=1) > 0)[0])]

                pose = poseutil.Pose3D(self.pose_list[j])
                pose_zero = poseutil.Pose3D()
                pose_zero.set((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))

                xyzs = poseutil.transformPoints(xyzs, pose.getMatrix())
                pc = pointcloud.PointCloud(xyzs)
                pc.pose = pose_zero  #pose

                #				pc.boxfilter(xmin=-.1, xmax=.1, ymin=-.1, ymax=.1, zmin=-.1, zmax=.1)
                #				pc.boxfilter(xmin=-0.05, xmax=.05, ymin=-.05, ymax=.05, zmin=-.05, zmax=.05)
                #			print pose
                #				pdb.set_trace()

                if j == 0:  #Don't try to align first pose
                    self.vmap.add_points(pc, pc.pose)
                    guessPose = pose_zero  #self.pose_list[i]#np.load(self.PC_files_reg_all[i])['pose']
                    bestPose = guessPose

                    #				print guessPose
                    bestPose = pose_zero
                    #					bestPose, maxcost = self.vmap.align_points(pc, guessPose)
                    #				bestPose, maxcost = self.vmap.align_points(pc, guessPose, True) #only 2D alignment
                    disp = np.array(bestPose.getTuple())
                    if 1:  #all(np.abs(disp[:3]) < self.transThresh) and all(np.abs(disp[3:])<self.rotThresh*3.14/180.):
                        self.vmap.add_points(pc, bestPose)
                        PCs_added += 1
#						print '%i PCs added'%PCs_added
#					print "Best Pose: ", bestPose

#				guessPose = bestpose
#				print "Pose from ground: ", guessPose

        print '%i of %i point clouds were added' % (PCs_added, self.fileCount)
コード例 #10
	def merge_PC_ground(self):
		if self.fileCount > 1:
			for j in range(self.fileCount):
				data = np.load(self.PC_files[j]) #should be self.PC_files_reg
				xyzs = np.array((data['x'], data['y'] , data['z'] )).T

#				pose = self.pose_list[j]#np.load(self.PC_files_reg_all[j])['pose']
				pose_zero = poseutil.Pose3D()

				xyzs = poseutil.transformPoints(xyzs, pose.getMatrix())
				pc = pointcloud.PointCloud(xyzs)
				pc.pose = pose_zero#pose
				pc.boxfilter(xmin=self.boxFilter[0], xmax=self.boxFilter[1],ymin=self.boxFilter[2], ymax=self.boxFilter[3],zmin=self.boxFilter[4], zmax=self.boxFilter[5])
				print pose
				self.vmap.add_points(pc, pc.pose)
コード例 #11
def generate_data(true_pose, npts=100, pextra=10, qextra=100, noise_bool=True):
    '''Returns map points Q, scan points P and the true pose to move from P to Q (scan to map)'''
    true_pose = np.array(true_pose, dtype=float)

    P = 10 * np.random.ranf((npts, 3))  # scan points
    noise = 0.05 * np.random.standard_normal(P.shape)
    Q = poseutil.transformPoints(P, poseutil.mat(true_pose))
    # move the map points away from the scan points by pose so that moving the
    # scan points by pose will match the map
    if noise_bool:
        Q = Q + noise  # not sure why we add noise ot the map instead of the scan, but tests fail otherwise?
    # add some points that are unrelated to both P and Q
    X = 10 * np.random.ranf((pextra, 3))
    P = np.vstack((P, X))
    X = 10 * np.random.ranf((qextra, 3))
    Q = np.vstack((Q, X))
    return P, Q
コード例 #12
def generate_data(true_pose, npts=100, pextra=10, qextra=100, noise_bool=True):
    '''Returns map points Q, scan points P and the true pose to move from P to Q (scan to map)'''
    true_pose = np.array(true_pose, dtype=float)

    P = 10*np.random.ranf((npts, 3)) # scan points
    noise = 0.05 * np.random.standard_normal(P.shape)
    Q = poseutil.transformPoints(P, poseutil.mat(true_pose))
    # move the map points away from the scan points by pose so that moving the 
    # scan points by pose will match the map
    if noise_bool:
        Q = Q + noise # not sure why we add noise ot the map instead of the scan, but tests fail otherwise?
    # add some points that are unrelated to both P and Q
    X = 10*np.random.ranf((pextra, 3))
    P = np.vstack((P, X))
    X = 10*np.random.ranf((qextra, 3))
    Q = np.vstack((Q, X))
    return P, Q
コード例 #13
	def create_model(self):
		PCs_added = 0
		if self.fileCount > 1:
			for j in range(0,self.fileCount, 1):

				data = np.load(self.PC_files[j]) #should be self.PC_files_reg
				xyzs = np.array((data['x'], data['y'], data['z'])).T
				xyzs = xyzs[(np.nonzero(np.nansum(xyzs<100, axis=1)>0)[0])]

				pose = poseutil.Pose3D(self.pose_list[j])
				pose_zero = poseutil.Pose3D()

				xyzs = poseutil.transformPoints(xyzs, pose.getMatrix())
				pc = pointcloud.PointCloud(xyzs)
				pc.pose = pose_zero#pose

#				pc.boxfilter(xmin=-.1, xmax=.1, ymin=-.1, ymax=.1, zmin=-.1, zmax=.1)
#				pc.boxfilter(xmin=-0.05, xmax=.05, ymin=-.05, ymax=.05, zmin=-.05, zmax=.05)
				pc.boxfilter(xmin=self.boxFilter[0], xmax=self.boxFilter[1],ymin=self.boxFilter[2], ymax=self.boxFilter[3],zmin=self.boxFilter[4], zmax=self.boxFilter[5])
	#			print pose
#				pdb.set_trace()

				if j==0: #Don't try to align first pose
					self.vmap.add_points(pc, pc.pose)
					guessPose = pose_zero#self.pose_list[i]#np.load(self.PC_files_reg_all[i])['pose']
					bestPose = guessPose
	#				print guessPose
					bestPose = pose_zero
#					bestPose, maxcost = self.vmap.align_points(pc, guessPose)
	#				bestPose, maxcost = self.vmap.align_points(pc, guessPose, True) #only 2D alignment
					disp = np.array(bestPose.getTuple())
					if 1: #all(np.abs(disp[:3]) < self.transThresh) and all(np.abs(disp[3:])<self.rotThresh*3.14/180.):
						self.vmap.add_points(pc, bestPose)
						PCs_added +=1
#						print '%i PCs added'%PCs_added
#					print "Best Pose: ", bestPose						

	#				guessPose = bestpose
	#				print "Pose from ground: ", guessPose	

		print '%i of %i point clouds were added' %(PCs_added, self.fileCount)
コード例 #14
    def merge_PC_ground(self):
        if self.fileCount > 1:
            for j in range(self.fileCount):
                data = np.load(self.PC_files[j])  #should be self.PC_files_reg
                xyzs = np.array((data['x'], data['y'], data['z'])).T

                #				pose = self.pose_list[j]#np.load(self.PC_files_reg_all[j])['pose']
                pose_zero = poseutil.Pose3D()
                pose_zero.set((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))

                xyzs = poseutil.transformPoints(xyzs, pose.getMatrix())
                pc = pointcloud.PointCloud(xyzs)
                pc.pose = pose_zero  #pose

                print pose

                self.vmap.add_points(pc, pc.pose)
コード例 #15
    def extract_pc(self):
        #		pc_range = np.array([self.pc['x'],self.pc['y'], self.pc['z']])
        #		pc_color = np.array([self.pc['r'],self.pc['g'], self.pc['b']])
        pc_range = np.array([self.pc[:, 0], self.pc[:, 1], self.pc[:, 2]])
        pc_color = np.array([self.pc[:, 3], self.pc[:, 4], self.pc[:, 5]])

        # Get Transform from local to sesor
        pc = poseutil.transformPoints(pc_range.T, self.truth_T)

        # Filters out data outside of the region of interest
        accept = (pc[:, 2] > 0.01) * (np.abs(pc[:, 0]) < .2) * (np.abs(
            pc[:, 1]) < .2)

        pos_vec = pc.T * accept
        color_vec = pc_color * accept

        self.img_pos = np.reshape(pos_vec.T, (480, 640, 3))
        self.img_color = np.reshape(color_vec.T, (480, 640, 3))

        pc_tmp = np.sum(pc_range, axis=0)
        ROI_ind = np.nonzero(-np.isnan(pc_tmp))[0]
        self.pc_ROI = np.empty((ROI_ind.shape[0], 6))
        self.pc_ROI[:, :3] = pos_vec[:, ROI_ind].T
        self.pc_ROI[:, 3:6] = color_vec[:, ROI_ind].T
コード例 #16
'''Create 3D model using MROL align -- NIST data'''
start = time.time()
if 1:
	PCs_added = 0
	if file_count > 1:
		for j in range(0,file_count, 1):
			print 'File %i of %i' %(j, file_count)
			data = np.load(good_file_pc[j]) #should be good_file_reg
			xyzs = np.array((data['x']*scale, data['y']*scale, data['z']*scale)).T

			pose = pose_list[j]#np.load(good_file_reg_all[j])['pose']
			pose_zero = poseutil.Pose3D()

			xyzs = poseutil.transformPoints(xyzs, pose.getMatrix())
			pc = pointcloud.PointCloud(xyzs)
			pc.pose = pose_zero#pose
#			pdb.set_trace()
			pc.boxfilter(xmin=bb_xmin, xmax=bb_xmax,ymin=bb_ymin, ymax=bb_ymax,zmin=bb_zmin, zmax=bb_zmax)
#			print pose

			if j==0: #Don't try to align first pose
				vmap.add_points(pc, pc.pose)
				guessPose = pose_zero#pose_list[i]#np.load(good_file_reg_all[i])['pose']
				bestPose = guessPose
#				print guessPose
				bestPose, maxcost = vmap.align_points(pc, guessPose)