コード例 #1
    def getVideos( self ) :
        # Init
        # Get HTML page...
        httpCommunicator = HTTPCommunicator()
        url              = "http://channel9.msdn.com/Browse/AllContent?page=%u" % self.current_page
        htmlData         = httpCommunicator.get( url )        
        # Parse response...
        soupStrainer  = SoupStrainer( "ul", { "class" : "entries" } )
        beautifulSoup = BeautifulSoup( htmlData, soupStrainer, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES )
        # Parse movie entries...
        ul_entries = beautifulSoup.find ( "ul", { "class" : "entries" } )
        li_entries = ul_entries.findAll ("li", recursive=False)
        for li_entry in li_entries:
            # Thumbnail...
            div_entry_image = li_entry.find( "div", { "class" : "entry-image" } )
            thumbnail       = div_entry_image.find( "img", { "class" : "thumb" } ) ["src"]
            # Title
            div_entry_meta = li_entry.find( "div", { "class" : "entry-meta" } )
            a_title        = div_entry_meta.find( "a", { "class" : "title" } )
            title          = a_title.string
            # Video page
            video_page_url = a_title[ "href" ]
            # Genre (date)...
            div_data        = div_entry_meta.find( "div", { "class" : "data" } )
            span_class_date = div_data.find( "span", { "class" : "date" } )
            genre           = span_class_date.string
            # Plot
            div_description = div_entry_meta.find( "div", { "class" : "description" } )
            plot            = div_description.string
            # Add to list...
            listitem        = xbmcgui.ListItem( title, iconImage="DefaultVideo.png", thumbnailImage=thumbnail )
            listitem.setInfo( "video", { "Title" : title, "Studio" : "Microsoft Channel 9", "Plot" : plot, "Genre" : genre } )
            plugin_play_url = '%s?action=play&video_page_url=%s' % ( sys.argv[ 0 ], urllib.quote_plus( video_page_url ) )
            xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle=int(sys.argv[ 1 ]), url=plugin_play_url, listitem=listitem, isFolder=False)
        # Next page entry...
        listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem (__language__(30503), iconImage = "DefaultFolder.png", thumbnailImage = os.path.join(self.IMAGES_PATH, 'next-page.png'))
        xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle = int(sys.argv[1]), url = "%s?action=list-all&page=%i" % ( sys.argv[0], self.current_page + 1 ), listitem = listitem, isFolder = True)

        # Disable sorting...
        xbmcplugin.addSortMethod( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), sortMethod=xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_NONE )
        # End of directory...
        xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), succeeded=True )
コード例 #2
    def getVideos( self ) :
        # Init
        # Get HTML page...
        httpCommunicator = HTTPCommunicator()
        url              = "http://channel9.msdn.com/Browse/Series?page=%u" % self.current_page
        htmlData         = httpCommunicator.get( url )        
        # Parse response...
        soupStrainer  = SoupStrainer( "ul", { "class" : "entries" } )
        beautifulSoup = BeautifulSoup( htmlData, soupStrainer, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES )
        # Parse shows...
        li_entries = beautifulSoup.findAll ("li")
        for li_entry in li_entries:
            # Thumbnail...
            div_entry_image = li_entry.find( "div", { "class" : "entry-image" } )
            thumbnail       = div_entry_image.find( "img", { "class" : "thumb" } ) ["src"]
            # Title
            div_entry_meta = li_entry.find( "div", { "class" : "entry-meta" } )
            a_title        = div_entry_meta.find( "a", { "class" : "title" } )
            title          = a_title.string
            # Series page URL
            series_url       = a_title[ "href" ]
            # Plot
            div_description = div_entry_meta.find( "div", { "class" : "description" } )
            plot            = div_description.string
            # Add to list...
            listitem         = xbmcgui.ListItem( title, iconImage="DefaultFolder.png", thumbnailImage=thumbnail )
            plugin_list_show = '%s?action=list-series&series-url=%s' % ( sys.argv[ 0 ], urllib.quote_plus( series_url ) )
            xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle=int(sys.argv[ 1 ]), url=plugin_list_show, listitem=listitem, isFolder=True)
        # Next page entry...
        ul_paging = beautifulSoup.find( "ul", { "class" : "paging" } )
        if ul_paging :
            if ul_paging.find( "li", { "class" : "next" } ) :
                listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem (xbmc.getLocalizedString(30503), iconImage = "DefaultFolder.png", thumbnailImage = os.path.join(self.IMAGES_PATH, 'next-page.png'))
                xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle = int(sys.argv[1]), url = "%s?action=browse-series&page=%i" % ( sys.argv[0], self.current_page + 1 ), listitem = listitem, isFolder = True)

        # Disable sorting...
        xbmcplugin.addSortMethod( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), sortMethod=xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_NONE )
        # End of directory...
        xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), succeeded=True )
    def getVideos( self ) :
        # Init
        # Get HTML page...
        httpCommunicator = HTTPCommunicator()
        url              = "http://channel9.msdn.com/Browse/Tags?page=%u" % self.current_page
        htmlData         = httpCommunicator.get( url )        
        # Parse response...
        soupStrainer  = SoupStrainer( "div", { "class" : "tab-content" } )
        beautifulSoup = BeautifulSoup( htmlData, soupStrainer, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES )
        # Parse tags...
        ul_columns = beautifulSoup.findAll( "ul", { "class" : "default column" } )
        for ul_column in ul_columns :
            li_entries = ul_column.findAll ("li")
            for li_entry in li_entries:
                a_tag = li_entry.a
                # Title                                
                title   = a_tag.string
                # Tag page URL
                tag_url = a_tag[ "href" ]
                # Add to list...
                listitem         = xbmcgui.ListItem( title, iconImage="DefaultFolder.png" )
                plugin_list_show = '%s?action=list-tag&tag-url=%s' % ( sys.argv[ 0 ], urllib.quote_plus( tag_url ) )
                xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle=int(sys.argv[ 1 ]), url=plugin_list_show, listitem=listitem, isFolder=True)
        # Next page entry...
        ul_paging = beautifulSoup.find( "ul", { "class" : "paging" } )
        if ul_paging :
            if ul_paging.find( "li", { "class" : "next" } ) :
                listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem (__language__(30503), iconImage = "DefaultFolder.png", thumbnailImage = os.path.join(self.IMAGES_PATH, 'next-page.png'))
                xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItem( handle = int(sys.argv[1]), url = "%s?action=browse-tags&page=%i" % ( sys.argv[0], self.current_page + 1 ), listitem = listitem, isFolder = True)

        # Disable sorting...
        xbmcplugin.addSortMethod( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), sortMethod=xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_NONE )
        # End of directory...
        xbmcplugin.endOfDirectory( handle=int( sys.argv[ 1 ] ), succeeded=True )
コード例 #4
    def getVideoUrl( self, video_page_url ):
        # Get HTML page...
        video_page_url   = "http://channel9.msdn.com%s" % video_page_url
        httpCommunicator = HTTPCommunicator()
        htmlData         = httpCommunicator.get( video_page_url )

        # Parse HTML response...
        soupStrainer  = SoupStrainer( "ul", { "class" : "download" } )
        beautifulSoup = BeautifulSoup( htmlData, soupStrainer )
        # Loop through video URLs and pick one...
        video_url  = None
        # Preferred format...
        li_entries = beautifulSoup.findAll( "li" )
        for li_entry in li_entries :
            li_entry_a = li_entry.find( "a" )
            if li_entry_a != None :
                if li_entry_a.string == self.pref_video_format :
                    video_url = li_entry_a[ "href" ]

        # No preferred format found, pick any available...
        if video_url == None :
            for li_entry in li_entries :
                li_entry_a = li_entry.find( "a" )
                if li_entry_a != None :
                    format = li_entry_a.string
                    if format == __settings__.getLocalizedString(30303) or \
                       format == __settings__.getLocalizedString(30302) or \
                       format == __settings__.getLocalizedString(30301) :
                        video_url = li_entry_a[ "href" ]

        # Return value
        return video_url

# The End