def convert_version(self, d): ''' Convert a Version dictionary. Parameters ---------- d: dict The dictionary to convert. Returns ------- inst: :class:`mss_dataserver.core.util.Version` The instance of the converted dictionary. ''' inst = util.Version(d['version']) return inst
class GeneralFileDecoder(json.JSONDecoder): version = util.Version('1.0.0') def __init__(self, **kwarg): json.JSONDecoder.__init__(self, object_hook=self.convert_dict) def convert_dict(self, d): if '__class__' in d: class_name = d.pop('__class__') module_name = d.pop('__module__') base_class = d.pop('__baseclass__') if class_name == 'Version': inst = self.convert_version(d) elif class_name == 'UTCDateTime': inst = self.convert_utcdatetime(d) elif class_name == 'ndarray': inst = self.convert_np_array(d) else: inst = {'ERROR': 'MISSING CONVERTER'} else: inst = d return inst def decode_hinted_tuple(self, item): if isinstance(item, dict): if '__tuple__' in item: return tuple(item['items']) elif isinstance(item, list): return [self.decode_hinted_tuple(x) for x in item] else: return item def convert_version(self, d): inst = util.Version(d['version']) return inst def convert_utcdatetime(self, d): inst = obspy.UTCDateTime(d['utcdatetime']) return inst def convert_np_array(self, d): inst = np.array(d['data']) return inst
class GeneralFileEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): ''' A JSON encoder for the serialization of general data. ''' version = util.Version('1.0.0') def __init__(self, **kwarg): json.JSONEncoder.__init__(self, **kwarg) # The logger. loggerName = __name__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__ self.logger = logging.getLogger(loggerName) # File format settings. self.indent = 4 self.sort_keys = True def default(self, obj): ''' Convert pSysmon project objects to a dictionary. ''' obj_class = obj.__class__.__name__ base_class = [x.__name__ for x in obj.__class__.__bases__] #self.logger.debug('obj_class: %s.', obj_class) if obj_class == 'FileContainer': d = self.convert_filecontainer(obj) elif obj_class == 'Version': d = self.convert_version(obj) elif obj_class == 'UTCDateTime': d = self.convert_utcdatetime(obj) elif obj_class == 'ndarray': d = self.convert_np_ndarray(obj) elif obj_class == 'type': d = {} else: d = { 'ERROR': 'MISSING CONVERTER for obj_class {obj_class} with base_class {base_class}' .format(obj_class=str(obj_class), base_class=str(base_class)) } # Add the class and module information to the dictionary. if obj_class != 'FileContainer': try: module = obj.__module__ except Exception: module = obj.__class__.__module__ tmp = { '__baseclass__': base_class, '__class__': obj.__class__.__name__, '__module__': module } d.update(tmp) self.logger.debug('d: %s', d) return d def convert_filecontainer(self, obj): d = file_meta = { 'file_version': self.version, 'save_date': obspy.UTCDateTime(), 'agency_uri': obj.agency_uri, 'author_uri': obj.author_uri } d['file_meta'] = file_meta return d def convert_utcdatetime(self, obj): return {'utcdatetime': obj.isoformat()} def convert_version(self, obj): return {'version': str(obj)} def convert_np_ndarray(self, obj): return {'data': obj.tolist()}
def convert_version(self, d): inst = util.Version(d['version']) return inst
class SupplementDetectionDataDecoder(json.JSONDecoder): version = util.Version('1.0.0') def __init__(self, **kwarg): json.JSONDecoder.__init__(self, object_hook=self.convert_dict) def convert_dict(self, d): #print "Converting dict: %s." % str(d) if '__class__' in d: class_name = d.pop('__class__') module_name = d.pop('__module__') base_class = d.pop('__baseclass__') if class_name == 'Version': inst = self.convert_version(d) elif class_name == 'UTCDateTime': inst = self.convert_utcdatetime(d) elif class_name == 'ndarray': inst = self.convert_np_array(d) elif 'Station' in base_class: inst = self.convert_station(d) else: inst = {'ERROR': 'MISSING CONVERTER'} else: inst = d return inst def decode_hinted_tuple(self, item): if isinstance(item, dict): if '__tuple__' in item: return tuple(item['items']) elif isinstance(item, list): return [self.decode_hinted_tuple(x) for x in item] else: return item def convert_version(self, d): inst = util.Version(d['version']) return inst def convert_utcdatetime(self, d): inst = obspy.UTCDateTime(d['utcdatetime']) return inst def convert_np_array(self, d): inst = np.array(d['data']) return inst def convert_station(self, d): inst = geom.inventory.Station(name=d['name'], location=d['location'], x=d['x'], y=d['y'], z=d['z'], coord_system=d['coord_system'], description=d['description'], author_uri=d['author_uri'], agency_uri=d['agency_uri'], creation_time=d['creation_time']) return inst
class SupplementDetectionDataEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): ''' A JSON encoder for the event supplement detection data. ''' version = util.Version('1.0.0') def __init__(self, **kwarg): json.JSONEncoder.__init__(self, **kwarg) # The logger. loggerName = __name__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__ self.logger = logging.getLogger(loggerName) # File format settings. self.indent = 4 self.sort_keys = True def default(self, obj): ''' Convert the detection data instances to dictionaries. ''' obj_class = obj.__class__.__name__ base_class = [x.__name__ for x in obj.__class__.__bases__] #print 'Converting %s' % obj_class if obj_class == 'FileContainer': d = self.convert_filecontainer(obj) elif obj_class == 'UTCDateTime': d = self.convert_utcdatetime(obj) elif obj_class == 'Version': d = self.convert_version(obj) elif obj_class == 'ndarray': d = self.convert_np_ndarray(obj) elif 'Station' in base_class: d = self.convert_station(obj) else: d = { 'ERROR': 'MISSING CONVERTER for obj_class {obj_class} with base_class {base_class}' .format(obj_class=str(obj_class), base_class=str(base_class)) } # Add the class and module information to the dictionary. if obj_class != 'FileContainer': try: module = obj.__module__ except Exception: module = obj.__class__.__module__ tmp = { '__baseclass__': base_class, '__class__': obj.__class__.__name__, '__module__': module } d.update(tmp) return d def convert_filecontainer(self, obj): d = file_meta = { 'file_version': self.version, 'save_date': obspy.UTCDateTime(), 'agency_uri': obj.agency_uri, 'author_uri': obj.author_uri } d['file_meta'] = file_meta return d def convert_utcdatetime(self, obj): return {'utcdatetime': obj.isoformat()} def convert_version(self, obj): return {'version': str(obj)} def convert_np_ndarray(self, obj): return {'data': obj.tolist()} def convert_station(self, obj): attr = [ 'name', 'location', 'network', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'coord_system', 'description', 'author_uri', 'agency_uri', 'creation_time' ] d = object_to_dict(obj, attr) return d
class SupplementDetectionDataDecoder(json.JSONDecoder): ''' A JSON decoder for the deserialization of detection supplement data. Parameters ---------- **kwargs: keyword argument Keyword arguments passed to :class:`json.encoder.JSONDecoder`. Attributes ---------- version: :class:`mss_dataserver.core.util` The version of the file decoder. ''' version = util.Version('1.0.0') def __init__(self, **kwarg): ''' Initialize the instance. ''' json.JSONDecoder.__init__(self, object_hook=self.convert_dict) self.inventory = geom.inventory.Inventory(name='detection_data_import') def convert_dict(self, d): ''' Convert a dictionary to objects. The dictionary to convert should have been with an mss_dataserver JSON file encoder class. In this case, the dictionaries contains hints of the original class and module name in the __class__, __module__ and __base_class__ keys. These are used to convert the dictionary to instances of the given classes. Parameters ---------- d: dict The dictionary to convert. Returns ------- inst: object The object representation of dict d. ''' #print "Converting dict: %s." % str(d) if '__class__' in d: class_name = d.pop('__class__') module_name = d.pop('__module__') base_class = d.pop('__baseclass__') if class_name == 'Version': inst = self.convert_version(d) elif class_name == 'UTCDateTime': inst = self.convert_utcdatetime(d) elif class_name == 'ndarray': inst = self.convert_np_array(d) elif 'Station' in base_class: inst = self.convert_station(d) else: inst = {'ERROR': 'MISSING CONVERTER'} else: inst = d return inst def decode_hinted_tuple(self, item): ''' Decode a tuple. JSON doesn't support tuples. Use a custom dictionary to decode. If the dictionary contains the __tuple__ attribute, the dictionary is converted to a tuple. Parameters ---------- item: dict The dictionary to decode. Returns ------ item: object The object representation of the item dictionary. ''' if isinstance(item, dict): if '__tuple__' in item: return tuple(item['items']) elif isinstance(item, list): return [self.decode_hinted_tuple(x) for x in item] else: return item def convert_version(self, d): ''' Convert a Version dictionary. Parameters ---------- d: dict The dictionary to convert. Returns ------- inst: :class:`mss_dataserver.core.util.Version` The instance of the converted dictionary. ''' inst = util.Version(d['version']) return inst def convert_utcdatetime(self, d): ''' Convert a UTCDateTime dictionary. Parameters ---------- d: dict The dictionary to convert. Returns ------- d: obspy.UTCDateTime The instance of the converted dictionary. ''' inst = obspy.UTCDateTime(d['utcdatetime']) return inst def convert_np_array(self, d): ''' Convert a numpy ndarray dictionary. Parameters ---------- d: dict The dictionary to convert. Returns ------- inst: numpy.ndarray The instance of the converted dictionary. ''' inst = np.array(d['data']) return inst def convert_station(self, d): ''' Convert a Station dictionary. Parameters ---------- d: dict The dictionary to convert. Returns ------- inst: mss_dataserver.geometry.inventory.Station The instance of the converted dictionary. ''' cur_station = self.inventory.get_station(name=d['name'], location=d['location'], network=d['network']) if len(cur_station) == 1: # Use the found station. inst = cur_station[0] else: # Create a new station and add it to the inventory. inst = geom.inventory.Station(name=d['name'], location=d['location'], x=d['x'], y=d['y'], z=d['z'], coord_system=d['coord_system'], description=d['description'], author_uri=d['author_uri'], agency_uri=d['agency_uri'], creation_time=d['creation_time']) network_name = d['network'] cur_net = self.inventory.get_network(name=network_name) if len(cur_net) == 1: cur_net = cur_net[0] else: cur_net = geom.inventory.Network(name=network_name, author_uri=d['author_uri'], agency_uri=d['agency_uri']) self.inventory.add_network(cur_net) self.inventory.add_station(network_name=d['network'], station_to_add=inst) return inst
class SupplementDetectionDataEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): ''' A JSON encoder for the event supplement detection data. Parameters ---------- **kwargs: keyword argument Keyword arguments passed to :class:`json.encoder.JSONEncoder`. Attributes ---------- version: :class:`mss_dataserver.core.util` The version of the file encoder. ''' version = util.Version('1.0.0') def __init__(self, **kwarg): ''' Initialization of the instance. ''' json.JSONEncoder.__init__(self, **kwarg) # The logger. loggerName = __name__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__ self.logger = logging.getLogger(loggerName) # File format settings. self.indent = 4 self.sort_keys = True def default(self, obj): ''' Convert objects to a dictionary. The instance class, module and base_class relations are stored in the __class__, __module__ and __base_class__ keys. These are used by the related file decoder to restore the correct class instances. Parameters ---------- obj: object The instance to convert to a dictionary. Returns ------- d: dict The dictionary representation of the instance obj. ''' ''' Convert the detection data instances to dictionaries. ''' obj_class = obj.__class__.__name__ base_class = [x.__name__ for x in obj.__class__.__bases__] #print 'Converting %s' % obj_class if obj_class == 'FileContainer': d = self.convert_filecontainer(obj) elif obj_class == 'UTCDateTime': d = self.convert_utcdatetime(obj) elif obj_class == 'Version': d = self.convert_version(obj) elif obj_class == 'ndarray': d = self.convert_np_ndarray(obj) elif 'Station' in base_class: d = self.convert_station(obj) else: d = { 'ERROR': 'MISSING CONVERTER for obj_class {obj_class} with base_class {base_class}' .format(obj_class=str(obj_class), base_class=str(base_class)) } # Add the class and module information to the dictionary. if obj_class != 'FileContainer': try: module = obj.__module__ except Exception: module = obj.__class__.__module__ tmp = { '__baseclass__': base_class, '__class__': obj.__class__.__name__, '__module__': module } d.update(tmp) return d def convert_filecontainer(self, obj): ''' Convert a filecontainer instance. Parameters ---------- obj: FileContainer The filecontainer to convert. Returns ------- d: dict The dictionary representation of the instance obj. ''' d = file_meta = { 'file_version': self.version, 'save_date': obspy.UTCDateTime(), 'agency_uri': obj.agency_uri, 'author_uri': obj.author_uri } d['file_meta'] = file_meta return d def convert_utcdatetime(self, obj): ''' Convert a UTCDateTime instance. Parameters ---------- obj: obspy.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime The UTCDateTime instance to convert. Returns ------- d: dict The dictionary representation of obj. ''' return {'utcdatetime': obj.isoformat()} def convert_version(self, obj): ''' Convert a Version dictionary. Parameters ---------- d: dict The dictionary to convert. Returns ------- inst: :class:`mss_dataserver.core.util.Version` The instance of the converted dictionary.. ''' return {'version': str(obj)} def convert_np_ndarray(self, obj): ''' Convert a numpy ndarray dictionary. Parameters ---------- d: dict The dictionary to convert. Returns ------- inst: numpy.ndarray The instance of the converted dictionary.. ''' return {'data': obj.tolist()} def convert_station(self, obj): ''' Convert a Station dictionary. Parameters ---------- d: dict The dictionary to convert. Returns ------- inst: :class:`mss_dataserver.geometry.inventory.Station` The instance of the converted dictionary. ''' attr = [ 'name', 'location', 'network', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'coord_system', 'description', 'author_uri', 'agency_uri', 'creation_time' ] d = object_to_dict(obj, attr) return d
class GeneralFileDecoder(json.JSONDecoder): ''' A JSON decoder for the deserialization of general data. Parameters ---------- **kwargs: keyword argument Keyword arguments passed to :class:`json.encoder.JSONDecoder`. Attributes ---------- version: :class:`mss_dataserver.core.util` The version of the file decoder. ''' version = util.Version('1.0.0') def __init__(self, **kwarg): json.JSONDecoder.__init__(self, object_hook=self.convert_dict) def convert_dict(self, d): ''' Convert a dictionary to objects. The dictionary to convert should have been with an mss_dataserver JSON file encoder class. In this case, the dictionaries contains hints of the original class and module name in the __class__, __module__ and __base_class__ keys. These are used to convert the dictionary to instances of the given classes. Parameters ---------- d: dict The dictionary to convert. Returns ------- inst: object The object representation of dict d. ''' if '__class__' in d: class_name = d.pop('__class__') module_name = d.pop('__module__') base_class = d.pop('__baseclass__') if class_name == 'Version': inst = self.convert_version(d) elif class_name == 'UTCDateTime': inst = self.convert_utcdatetime(d) elif class_name == 'ndarray': inst = self.convert_np_array(d) else: inst = {'ERROR': 'MISSING CONVERTER'} else: inst = d return inst def decode_hinted_tuple(self, item): ''' Decode a tuple. JSON doesn't support tuples. Use a custom dictionary to decode. If the dictionary contains the __tuple__ attribute, the dictionary is converted to a tuple. Parameters ---------- item: dict The dictionary to decode. Returns ------ item: object The object representation of the item dictionary. ''' if isinstance(item, dict): if '__tuple__' in item: return tuple(item['items']) elif isinstance(item, list): return [self.decode_hinted_tuple(x) for x in item] else: return item def convert_version(self, d): ''' Convert a Version dictionary. Parameters ---------- d: dict The dictionary to convert. Returns ------- inst: :class:`mss_dataserver.core.util.Version` The instance of the converted dictionary. ''' inst = util.Version(d['version']) return inst def convert_utcdatetime(self, d): ''' Convert a UTCDateTime dictionary. Parameters ---------- d: dict The dictionary to convert. Returns ------- d: obspy.UTCDateTime The instance of the converted dictionary. ''' inst = obspy.UTCDateTime(d['utcdatetime']) return inst def convert_np_array(self, d): ''' Convert a numpy ndarray dictionary. Parameters ---------- d: dict The dictionary to convert. Returns ------- inst: numpy.ndarray The instance of the converted dictionary. ''' inst = np.array(d['data']) return inst
class GeneralFileEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): ''' A JSON encoder for the serialization of general data. Parameters ---------- **kwargs: keyword argument Keyword arguments passed to :class:`json.encoder.JSONEncoder`. Attributes ---------- version: :class:`mss_dataserver.core.util` The version of the file encoder. logger: logging.Logger The logging instance. ''' version = util.Version('1.0.0') def __init__(self, **kwarg): ''' Initialization of the instance. ''' json.JSONEncoder.__init__(self, **kwarg) # The logger. loggerName = __name__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__ self.logger = logging.getLogger(loggerName) # File format settings. self.indent = 4 self.sort_keys = True def default(self, obj): ''' Convert objects to a dictionary. The instance class, module and base_class relations are stored in the __class__, __module__ and __base_class__ keys. These are used by the related file decoder to restore the correct class instances. Parameters ---------- obj: object The instance to convert to a dictionary. Returns ------- d: dict The dictionary representation of the instance obj. ''' obj_class = obj.__class__.__name__ base_class = [x.__name__ for x in obj.__class__.__bases__] #self.logger.debug('obj_class: %s.', obj_class) if obj_class == 'FileContainer': d = self.convert_filecontainer(obj) elif obj_class == 'Version': d = self.convert_version(obj) elif obj_class == 'UTCDateTime': d = self.convert_utcdatetime(obj) elif obj_class == 'ndarray': d = self.convert_np_ndarray(obj) elif obj_class == 'type': d = {} else: d = { 'ERROR': 'MISSING CONVERTER for obj_class {obj_class} with base_class {base_class}' .format(obj_class=str(obj_class), base_class=str(base_class)) } # Add the class and module information to the dictionary. if obj_class != 'FileContainer': try: module = obj.__module__ except Exception: module = obj.__class__.__module__ tmp = { '__baseclass__': base_class, '__class__': obj.__class__.__name__, '__module__': module } d.update(tmp) self.logger.debug('d: %s', d) return d def convert_filecontainer(self, obj): ''' Convert a filecontainer instance. Parameters ---------- obj: FileContainer The filecontainer to convert. Returns ------- d: dict The dictionary representation of the instance obj. ''' d = file_meta = { 'file_version': self.version, 'save_date': obspy.UTCDateTime(), 'agency_uri': obj.agency_uri, 'author_uri': obj.author_uri } d['file_meta'] = file_meta return d def convert_utcdatetime(self, obj): ''' Convert a UTCDateTime instance. Parameters ---------- obj: obspy.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime The UTCDateTime instance to convert. Returns ------- d: dict The dictionary representation of obj. ''' return {'utcdatetime': obj.isoformat()} def convert_version(self, obj): ''' Convert a UTCDateTime instance. Parameters ---------- obj: obspy.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime The UTCDateTime instance to convert. Returns ------- d: dict The dictionary representation of obj. ''' ''' Convert a Version instance. Parameters ---------- obj: mss_dataserver.core.util.Version The instance to convert. Returns ------- d: dict The dictionary representation of obj. ''' return {'version': str(obj)} def convert_np_ndarray(self, obj): ''' Convert a numpy array instance. Parameters ---------- obj: numpy.ndarray The instance to convert. Returns ------- d: dict The dictionary representation of obj. ''' return {'data': obj.tolist()}