コード例 #1
def update_data_files():
    main function to run all function to create/update ACIS Dose Plots
    input:  none, but data are extracted according to current date
    output: all data, plots, and html 
    (uyear, umon, mon_name) = check_date()          #--- mon_name is this month's data/plot directory
    dir_save = [mon_name]
#--- ACIS count rate data
    data_list = get_data_list()

    for dfile in data_list:
#--- check when the data is created
        (tyear, tmonth, tdate) = find_date_obs(dfile)
        if tyear == 1900:
#--- choose an appropriate output directory
        cmonth    = mcf.change_month_format(tmonth)    #--- convert digit to letter
        ucmon     = cmonth.upper()
        tmon_name = web_dir + '/' + ucmon + str(tyear)
#--- if the directory is not the current output directory (mon_name), add to dir_list
        chk = 0
        for test in dir_save:
            if tmon_name == test:
                chk = 1
        if chk == 0:
#--- now actually extract data and update/create the count rate data
        extract_data(dfile, tmon_name)
#--- if date is before Nov 2018, extract ephin data
        if (tyear == 2018) and (tmonth < 11):

        elif tyear < 2018:
#-- clean the data files
    for ent in dir_save:

    return dir_save
コード例 #2
def extract_monitor_data(year, month, fname, cols, ofile):
    extract monitor data from fits files
    input:  year    --- year
            month   --- month
            fname   --- none-variable part of fits file name
            cols    --- a list of column names
            ofile   --- output file name
    #--- find the last entry time (seconds from 1998.1.1)
    if os.path.isfile(ofile):
        odata = mcf.read_data_file(ofile)
        if len(odata) > 0:
            atemp = re.split('\s+', odata[-1])
            cut = float(atemp[0])
            cut = 0.0
        cut = 0.0

    lyear = str(year)
    ddir = data_dir + 'Fits_data/' + mcf.change_month_format(month).upper()
    ddir = ddir + lyear[2] + lyear[3] + '/'
    #--- data is a list of lists of column data
    data = read_fits_data(ddir, fname, cols)

    if data:
        line = ''
        #--- make sure that the data extracted will be after "cut" date
        dlen = len(data[0])
        kstart = dlen
        for k in range(0, dlen):
            if data[0][k] > cut:
                kstart = k
        if kstart == dlen:
            dlen = 0

        if dlen > 0:
            for k in range(kstart, dlen):
                for m in range(0, len(cols)):
                    if cols[m] == 'time':
                        line = line + '%d\t' % data[m][k]
                        line = line + '%2.3e\t' % data[m][k]
                line = line + '\n'

            with open(ofile, 'a') as fo:
コード例 #3
def sdate_to_ldate_with_space(sdate):
    change date in second from 1998.1.1 to MMM dd
    input:  stime   --- time in seconds from 1998.1.1
    output: ldate   --- date in form of MMM dd (e.g. Aug 19)

    atemp = re.split('\/', sdate)
    mon = int(float(atemp[0]))
    lmon = mcf.change_month_format(mon)

    ldate = lmon + ' ' + atemp[1]

    return ldate
コード例 #4
ファイル: get_data_for_month.py プロジェクト: chandra-mta/MTA
def get_data_for_month(year, month):
    extract one month amount of data and update data files
    input:  year    --- year of the data
            month   --- month of the data
    output: updated data files:
        Note: there is no ephin data after 2018 Nov
    #--- if the year/month are not given, extract data of the last month
    if year == '':
        out = time.strftime('%Y:%m' % time.gmtime)
        atemp = re.split(':', out)
        year = int(float(atemp[0]))
        month = int(float(atemp[1]))
        month -= 1
        if month < 1:
            month = 12
            year -= 1

    cmonth = mcf.change_month_format(month)  #--- convert digit to letter month
    ucmon = cmonth.upper()
    dir_name = data_dir + '/' + ucmon + str(year) + '/'  #--- output directory

    if os.path.isdir(dir_name):
        cmd = 'rm -rf ' + dir_name + '*'
        cmd = 'mkdir -p ' + dir_name
    #--- get acis count rate data
    extract_acis_count_rate(year, month, dir_name)
    #--- get ephin rate data; no data after Nov 2018
    if year < 2018:
        get_ephin_data(year, month, dir_name)

    elif (year == 2018) and (month < 11):
        get_ephin_data(year, month, dir_name)
#-- clean the data files
コード例 #5
def get_obsdate():
    read sot database and make a list of obsids and its observation dates
    Input:  none, but read data from <sot_direcotry>
    Output: obs_dict ---    a dictionary of obsid <--> starting date
#--- read sot data
    data = mcf.read_data_file(sot_directory)

    obsid_list = []
    start_date = []
    index_date = []
    obs_dict   = {}
    for ent in data:
        temp = re.split('\^', ent)
        obsid = temp[1]
#--- check the data are valid
            atemp = re.split('\s+', temp[13])
            mon   = mcf.change_month_format(atemp[0])
            date  = atemp[1]
            year  = atemp[2][2] + atemp[2][3]
#--- starting date in form of 05/23/14
        lmon  = mcf.add_leading_zero(mon)
        ldate = mcf.add_leading_zero(date)

        dline = lmon + '/' + ldate + '/' + year

            obs_dict[int(obsid)] = dline

    return obs_dict
コード例 #6
def cleanup_sib_dir(lev, mon, year):
    clean up the working directories
    input:  lev     --- data level
            mon     --- month of the data processed
            year    --- year of the data processd
    output: none
    lmon = mcf.change_month_format(mon)
    lmon = lmon.lower()

    cmd = 'mv ' + cor_dir + lev + '/Outdir/lres ' 
    cmd = cmd   + cor_dir + lev + '/Outdir/lres_' + lmon +str(year) + '_modified'

    cmd = 'rm -rf ' + cor_dir + lev + '/Outdir/ctirm_dir'
    cmd = 'rm -rf ' + cor_dir + lev + '/Outdir/filtered'
    cmd = 'rm -rf ' + cor_dir + lev + '/Outdir/hres'
コード例 #7
def create_display_data_table():
    create a readable data table for html page
    Input: none, but read from <data_dir>/ccd<ccd>_<node>
    Output: <web_dir>/ccd<ccd>_<node>
    for ccd in range(0, 10):
        for node in range(0, 4):
            ifile = 'ccd' + str(ccd) + '_' + str(node)
            #--- read the original data file
            infile = data_dir + ifile
            data = mcf.read_data_file(infile)
            #--- adding heading
            line = "#\n#Date            Mn K alpha     Al K alpha     "
            line = line + "Ti K alpha       Slope   Sigma   Int     Sigma\n#\n"
            for ent in data:
                atemp = re.split('\s+', ent)
                #--- converting the date format from chandra time into <mon> <year> for html data display
                stime = int(atemp[0])
                out = mcf.convert_date_format(stime,
                atemp = re.split(':', out)
                lmon = mcf.change_month_format(atemp[1])
                ldate = lmon + ' ' + atemp[0]
                lout = ent.replace(atemp[0], ldate)

                line = line + lout + '\n'

            outfile = web_dir + 'Data/' + ifile
            with open(outfile, 'w') as fo:
コード例 #8
def find_prev_date(cmon, lev):
    find the last extreacted obsid date
    input:  cmon    --- current month
            lev     --- data level
    output: date    --- the date which to be used to start extracting data
    afile = cor_dir + lev + '/acis_obs'
#--- check whether file exist
    if os.path.isfile(afile):
        data = mcf.read_data_file(afile)
        if len(data) > 0:
            atemp = re.split('\s+', data[-1])
                btemp = re.split('T', atemp[-4])
                ctemp = re.split('-', btemp[0])
                dmon  = int(float(ctemp[1]))
                day   = str(int(float(ctemp[2])))
                mon   = atemp[-7]
                dmon  = mcf.change_month_format(mon)
                day   = atemp[-6]
#--- just in a case acis_obs is from the last month..
            if dmon == cmon:
                date  = day
                date  = '1'
            date = '1'
        date = '1'

    return date
コード例 #9
def create_weekly_report(date, year, debug=0):
    main script to set up the weekly report template for the week
    input:  date    --- date in the format of mmdd (e.g. 0910)
            year    --- year in the format of yyyy (e.g. 2015)
            debug   --- if it is other than 0, print out some output
    output: weekly report /data/mta4/www/REPORT/<yyyy>/<mm><dd>.html
            it also creates local copies in <data_dir>
    #--- if the test is requested, create Test directory
    if debug != 0:
        os.system('mkdir -p  /data/mta/Script/Weekly/TEST/')
        hodir = '/data/mta/Script/Weekly/TEST/'
        hodir = '/data/mta4/www/REPORTS/'
#--- one day in seconds
    oned = 86400
    #--- set various time formats
    syear = str(year)  #--- 4 digit year
    yrd2 = year[2] + year[3]  #--- 2 digit year
    year = int(float(year))  #--- integer year

    date = str(date)

    smon = date[0] + date[1]  #--- two digit month
    mon = int(float(smon))  #--- integer month
    lmon = mcf.change_month_format(mon)  #--- month in letter (e.g.Mar)

    sday = date[2] + date[3]  #--- two digit mday
    day = int(float(sday))  #--- integer mday

    ltime = str(year) + ':' + str(mon) + ':' + str(day) + 'T00:00:00'
    ltime = time.strftime('%Y:%j:%H:%M:%S',
                          time.strptime(ltime, '%Y:%m:%dT%H:%M:%S'))
    stop = int(Chandra.Time.DateTime(ltime).secs) + oned
    atemp = re.split(':', ltime)
    ydate = int(float(atemp[1]))

    day_n = stop - 7 * oned

    day01 = stop - 5 * oned
    day0 = stop - 6 * oned
    lday0 = stime_to_ddate(day0)
    sday0 = sdate_to_ldate(lday0)
    start = day0
    lday1 = stime_to_ddate(day01)

    tout = Chandra.Time.DateTime(day0).date
    atemp = re.split('\.', tout)
    tout = atemp[0]

    ttemp = re.split(':', tout)
    iru_start = str(ttemp[0]) + '_' + str(ttemp[1])
    #---  year of the beginning of the period; could be different from that of the end
    byear = ttemp[0]

    lday0 = stime_to_ddate(day0)

    day1 = stop - 5 * oned
    lday1 = stime_to_ddate(day1)

    day2 = stop - 4 * oned
    lday2 = stime_to_ddate(day2)
    sday2 = sdate_to_ldate(lday2)

    day3 = stop - 3 * oned
    lday3 = stime_to_ddate(day3)

    day4 = stop - 2 * oned
    lday4 = stime_to_ddate(day4)
    sday4 = sdate_to_ldate(lday4)

    day5 = stop - 1 * oned
    lday5 = stime_to_ddate(day5)

    day6 = stop
    lday6 = stime_to_ddate(day6)
    sday6 = sdate_to_ldate(lday6)

    tout = Chandra.Time.DateTime(day6).date
    atemp = re.split('\.', tout)
    tout = atemp[0]

    ttemp = re.split(':', tout)
    iru_stop = '_' + str(ttemp[1])

    day7 = stop + 1 * oned
    lday7 = stime_to_ddate(day7)

    #---- setting file name
    atemp = re.split('\/', lday6)
    file_date = atemp[0] + atemp[1]
    file_date2 = atemp[0] + '/' + atemp[1]
    file_name = file_date + '.html'
    #--- title
    titledate = lday0 + ' - ' + lday6

    ldate = sdate_to_ldate(lday6)
    ldate_sp = sdate_to_ldate_with_space(lday6)

    #--- focal temp file name
    paft.plot_acis_focal_temp(year, ydate)
    fftp.find_focal_temp_peaks(year, mon, day, 0.3)

    fptemp = file_date + '_fptemp.png'
    fpext_range = str(start) + ' ' + str(stop)
    fpstart = str(start)
    fplsub = '"' + sday0 + '", "' + sday2 + '", "' + sday4 + '", "' + sday6 + '"'
    fpdsub = str(day0) + ', ' + str(day2) + ', ' + str(day4) + ', ' + str(day6)
    #--- IRU span
    irudate = iru_start + iru_stop
    irudate = str(syear) + '/' + iru_start + iru_stop
    #--- telemetry data table
    tel_start = start - oned
    tel_stop = stop - oned
    telem_table = ctt.get_telem_data(tel_start, tel_stop)
    #--- bad pixcel data table
    bad_pix_table = cbpt.create_bad_pixel_table()
    #--- recent observation table
    ro_stop = stop + oned
    r_obs_table = frobs.find_recent_observations(ro_stop)
    #--- find trending dates/title
    it_date = syear + ':' + smon + ':' + sday
    [title, c_t_date, last_trend_date] = find_inst_trend_name(it_date)
    #--- index.html input
    s1 = sday0[0:3] + ' ' + sday0[3:5]
    s2 = sday6[0:3] + ' ' + sday6[3:5]
    index = '<td> <a href="./' + str(
        year) + '/' + file_date + '.html">' + s1 + ' - ' + s2 + '</a>'
    #--- debugging output
    if debug != 0:
        print("file_name; " + file_name)
        print("title date: " + titledate)
        print("ldate: " + ldate)
        print("fptemp: " + fptemp)
        print("fpext_range: " + fpext_range)
        print("fpstart: " + fpstart)
        print(" fplsub: " + fplsub)
        print(" fpdsub: " + fpdsub)
        print("irudate: " + irudate)
        print("title: " + title)
        print("last_trend_date: " + last_trend_date)
        print("index: " + index)
#--- create a work directory
    outdir = wdir + 'Data/' + ldate + '/'
    cmd = 'mkdir -p ' + outdir
    #--- read the template for the weekly, and start replacing dates etc
    tfile = tdir + 'this_week'
    linput = read_template(tfile)

    linput = linput.replace('#DDATE#', file_date)
    linput = linput.replace('#IRUSPAN1#', irudate)
    linput = linput.replace('#IRUSPAN2#', irudate)
    linput = linput.replace('#TITLE#', title)
    linput = linput.replace('#TITLEDATE#', titledate)

    atemp = last_trend_date
    atemp = atemp.replace('/', '')
    linput = linput.replace('#PREVREPORT#', atemp)

    atemp = re.split('/', last_trend_date)
    pmon = int(float(atemp[0]))
    lmon = mcf.change_month_format(pmon)
    line = lmon + ' ' + atemp[1]
    #--- the previous report could be from the last year
    ryear = syear
    if mon < pmon:
        ryear = year - 1
        ryear = str(ryear)

    linput = linput.replace('#RYEAR#', ryear)

    linput = linput.replace('#PREVDATE#', line)

    atitle = str(title)
    atitle = atitle.replace(' ', '_')

    [temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6, temp7,
     temp8] = read_cti_values()
    linput = linput.replace('#ATEMP#', temp3)
    linput = linput.replace('#ATEMP2#', temp4)
    linput = linput.replace('#DTEMP#', temp7)
    linput = linput.replace('#DTEMP2#', temp8)

    [val, step, tval] = read_sim()
    linput = linput.replace('#WSTEP#', step)
    linput = linput.replace('#WMOVE#', val)
    linput = linput.replace('#TMOVE#', tval)
    #--- read the  focal temp peak list
    tstop = stop + 86400
    [fcnt, fdata] = read_focal_temp_data(fptemp, outdir)

    linput = linput.replace('#TEMPPEAK#', str(fcnt))
    linput = linput.replace('#TEMPLIST#', fdata)
    #--- bad pixel
    linput = linput.replace('BAD_PIXEL_TABLE', bad_pix_table)
    #--- photon
    linput = linput.replace('PHOTON_TABLE', r_obs_table)
    #--- telem data
    linput = linput.replace('TELEM_TABLE', telem_table)
    #--- trend data
    trend = set_trend_data_input(title)
    linput = linput.replace('#TREND#', trend)
    #--- write out the weekly report
    ofile = outdir + file_name
    with open(ofile, 'w') as fo:
#--- move files
    move_files(date, year, outdir, file_name, fptemp, hodir)
    #--- send out email to admin; notify the job complete
    send_email_to_admin(date, year)
コード例 #10
ファイル: get_data_for_day.py プロジェクト: chandra-mta/MTA
def get_data_for_day(year, month, day=''):
    extract one month amount of data and update data files
    input:  year    --- year of the data
            month   --- month of the data
    output: updated data files:
        Note: there is no ephin data after 2018 Nov
    #--- if the date is given...
    chk = 0
    if year != '':
        lmon = mcf.add_leading_zero(month)
        lday = mcf.add_leading_zero(day)
        if day != '':
            start = str(year) + ':' + lmon + ':' + lday + ':00:00:00'
            stop = str(year) + ':' + lmon + ':' + lday + ':23:59:59'
#-- if the day part is not given, compute for the entire month
            nyear = year
            nmon = mon + 1
            if nmon > 12:
                nyear += 1
                nmon = 1
            nmon = mcf.add_leading_zero(nmon)

            start = str(year) + ':' + lmon + ':' + ':01:00:00:00'
            stop = str(nyear) + ':' + nmom + ':' + ':01:00:00:00'
            chk = 1

        start = mcf.convert_date_format(start,
        stop = mcf.convert_date_format(stop,
#--- if the year/month are not given, extract data of the day before
    if year == '':
        out = time.strftime('%Y:%j:00:00:00', time.gmtime())
        stop = Chandra.Time.DateTime(out).secs
        start = stop - 86400.0
        out = mcf.convert_date_format(start, ifmt='chandra', ofmt='%Y:%m')
        out = re.split(':', out)
        year = int(float(out[0]))
        month = int(float(out[1]))
#--- set output directory name
    cmonth = mcf.change_month_format(month)  #--- convert digit to letter month
    ucmon = cmonth.upper()
    dir_name = data_dir + '/' + ucmon + str(year) + '/'  #--- output directory

    if not os.path.isdir(dir_name):
        cmd = 'mkdir -p ' + dir_name
#--- if the entire month data needs to be extracted, remove all previous data
    if chk == 1:
        cmd = 'rm -rf ' + dir_name + '/ccd*'
#--- get acis count rate data
    extract_acis_count_rate(start, stop, dir_name)
    #--- get ephin rate data; no data after Nov 2018
    if year < 2018:
        get_ephin_data(start, stop, dir_name)

    elif (year == 2018) and (month < 11):
        get_ephin_data(start, stop, dir_name)
#-- clean the data files
コード例 #11
def print_html_page(indir, outdir, hrc, data):
    create HTML page to display HRC historical data.
    input:  indir   --- input dir
            outdir  --- output dir
            hrc     --- hrc
            data    --- a list of lists of data 
    output: <outdir>/<hrc>.html
    #--- open the data ; except the first three, all others are lists of data
    (date, year, month, mean_acc, std_acc, min_acc, min_apos, \
     max_acc, max_apos, asig1, asig2, asig3, mean_dff, std_dff,\
     min_dff, min_dpos, max_dff, max_dpos, dsig1, dsig2, dsig3)  = data

    outdir = outdir + '/' + hrc + '.html'
    #--- start writing the html page
    line = '<!DOCTYPE html>\n'
    line = line + '<html>\n'
    line = line + '<head>\n'

    line = line + '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />\n'

    line = line + '<style  type="text/css">\n'
    line = line + 'body{background-color:#FFEBCD;}\n'
    line = line + 'table{text-align:center;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;'
    line = line + 'border-style:solid;border-spacing:8px;border-width:2px;'
    line = line + 'border-collapse:separate}\n'
    line = line + 'a:link {color:green;}\n'
    line = line + 'a:visited {color:red;}\n'
    line = line + 'td{text-align:center;padding:8px}\n'
    line = line + '</style>\n'

    if hrc == 'hrci':
        hname = 'HRC I'
        wname = 'HRCI'
        hname = 'HRC S'
        wname = 'HRCS'

    line = line + '<title>' + hname + ' History Data</title>\n'
    line = line + '</head>\n'

    line = line + '<body>\n'
    line = line + '<h2 style="text-align:center">Data: ' + hname + '</h2>\n'

    line = line + '<div style="padding-bottom:30px">\n'
    line = line + '<table border=1>\n'
    line = line + '<tr><th>&#160;</th><th>&#160;</th><th colspan=11>'
    line = line + 'Monthly</th><th colspan=11>Cumulative</th></tr>\n'
    line = line + '<tr style="color:blue"><th>Year</th><th>Month</th>\n'
    line = line + '<th>Mean</th><th>SD</th><th>Min</th><th>Min Position</th>\n'
    line = line + '<th>Max</th><th>Max Position</th><th>68% Level</th>'
    line = line + '<th>95% Level</th><th>99.7% Level</th><th>Data</th><th>Map</th>\n'
    line = line + '<th>Mean</th><th>SD</th><th>Min</th><th>Min Position</th>'
    line = line + '<th>Max</th><th>Max Position</th><th>68% Level</th>'
    line = line + '<th>95% Level</th><th>99.7% Level</th><th>Data</th><th>Map</th></tr>\n'

    for i in range(0, len(date)):

        smonth = mcf.add_leading_zero(month[i])
        cmonth = mcf.change_month_format(month[i])
        syear = str(int(year[i]))
        #--- monthly HRC dose data
        if mean_dff[i] == 0 and std_dff[i] == 0:
            #--- for the case there is no data for this month
            line = line + '<tr><td>%d</td><td>%d</td>' % (year[i], month[i])
            line = line + '<td>NA</td><td>NA</td><td>NA</td><td>NA</td><td>NA</td><td>NA</td>\n'
            line = line + '<td>NA</td><td>NA</td><td>NA</td><td>No Data</td><td>No Image</td>\n'
            #line = line + '</tr>\n'
            line = line + '<tr>'
            line = line + '<td>%d</td>' % year[i]
            line = line + '<td>%d</td>' % month[i]
            line = line + '<td>%4.4f</td>' % mean_dff[i]
            line = line + '<td>%4.4f</td>' % std_dff[i]
            line = line + '<td>%4.1f</td>' % min_dff[i]
            line = line + '<td>%s</td>' % min_dpos[i]
            line = line + '<td>%4.1f</td>' % max_dff[i]
            line = line + '<td>%s</td>' % max_dpos[i]
            line = line + '<td>%4.1f</td>' % dsig1[i]
            line = line + '<td>%s</td>' % dsig2[i]
            line = line + '<td>%4.1f</td>\n' % dsig3[i]

            line = line + '<td><a href="https://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/mta_days/mta_max_exp/Month_hrc/'
            line = line + wname + '_' + smonth + '_' + syear + '.fits.gz'
            line = line + '">fits</a></td>\n'
            line = line + '<td><a href="https://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/mta_days/mta_max_exp/Images/'
            line = line + wname + '_' + smonth + '_' + syear + '.png'
            line = line + '">map</a></td>\n'
#---- cumulative HRC dose data
        line = line + '<td>%4.4f</td>' % mean_acc[i]
        line = line + '<td>%4.4f</td>' % std_acc[i]
        line = line + '<td>%4.1f</td>' % min_acc[i]
        line = line + '<td>%s</td>' % min_apos[i]
        line = line + '<td>%4.1f</td>' % max_acc[i]
        line = line + '<td>%s</td>' % max_apos[i]
        line = line + '<td>%4.1f</td>' % asig1[i]
        line = line + '<td>%s</td>' % asig2[i]
        line = line + '<td>%4.1f</td>\n' % asig3[i]

        line = line + '<td><a href="https://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/mta_days/mta_max_exp/Cumulative_hrc/'
        line = line + wname + '_08_1999_' + smonth + '_' + syear + '.fits.gz'
        line = line + '">fits</a></td>\n'
        line = line + '<td><a href="https://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/mta_days/mta_max_exp/Images/'
        line = line + wname + '_08_1999_' + smonth + '_' + syear + '.png'
        line = line + '">map</a></td>\n'
        line = line + '</tr>\n\n'
        #--- put header every new year so that we can read data easier
        if month[i] % 12 == 0 and i != (len(date) - 1):
            line = line + '\n<tr style="color:blue"><th>Year</th><th>Month</th>'
            line = line + '<th>Mean</th><th>SD</th><th>Min</th><th>Min Position</th>'
            line = line + '<th>Max</th><th>Max Position</th><th>68% Level</th>'
            line = line + '<th>95% Level</th><th>99.7% Level</th><th>Data</th><th>Map</th>\n'
            line = line + '<th>Mean</th><th>SD</th><th>Min</th><th>Min Position</th>'
            line = line + '<th>Max</th><th>Max Position</th><th>68% Level</th>'
            line = line + '<th>95% Level</th><th>99.7% Level</th><th>Data</th><th>Map</th></tr>\n\n'

    line = line + '</table>\n\n'
    line = line + "</div>\n"
    line = line + '<hr />\n'
    #--- set current date
    [tyear, tmon, tday] = mcf.today_date()

    lmon = mcf.add_leading_zero(tmon)
    lday = mcf.add_leading_zero(tday)

    line = line + '<p style="padding-top:10px;padding-bottom:10px">'
    line = line + '<strong style="font-size:105%;float:right">Last Update: '
    line = line + lmon + '/' + lday + '/' + str(tyear) + '</strong></p>\n'

    line = line + '<p>If you have any questions about this page, contact '
    line = line + ' <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected].</a></p>\n'
    line = line + '</body>\n'
    line = line + '</html>\n'

    with open(outdir, 'w') as fo:
コード例 #12
def create_html_page(data, hrc, sec, ctop):
    create HTML page to display HRC historical data.
    input:  data --- a list of lists of data:
                max_acc,max_apos,asig1, asig2, asig3, mean_dff,std_dff,
                min_dff, min_dpos,max_dff,max_dpos, dsig1, dsig2, dsig3
            hrc --- hrci or hrcs
            sec --- section
            ctop    --- max number of section
    output: <web_dir>/Sub_html/<inst>_<sec>.html
    #--- today's date
    today = time.strftime('%Y:%m:%d', time.gmtime())
    atemp = re.split(':', today)
    year = int(float(atemp[0]))
    mon = int(float(atemp[1]))
    day = int(float(atemp[2]))

    smon = str(mon)
    if mon < 10:
        smon = '0' + smon

    sday = str(day)
    if day < 10:
        sday = '0' + sday
#--- start composing a html page
    aline = read_template('sub_top1')

    if hrc == 'hrci':
        hname = 'HRC I'
        wname = 'HRCI'
        inst = 'i'
        hname = 'HRC S'
        wname = 'HRCS'
        inst = 's'

    aline = aline + '<title>' + hname + ' Section: ' + str(
        sec) + ' History Data</title>\n'
    aline = aline + "</head>\n"

    aline = aline + '<body style="color:white;background-color:black">\n'
    aline = aline + '<div><a href="../hrc_exposure_map.html">Back to Top</a>\n'
    aline = aline + '<h2 style="text-align:center">Data: ' + hname
    aline = aline + ' Section: ' + str(sec) + '\n'

    if sec == 0:
        aline = aline + ' (<a href="./hrc' + inst + '_' + str(
            sec + 1) + '.html">Next</a>)'
    elif sec == ctop - 1:
        aline = aline + ' (<a href="./hrc' + inst + '_' + str(
            sec - 1) + '.html">Prev</a>)'
        aline = aline + ' (<a href="./hrc' + inst + '_' + str(
            sec - 1) + '.html">Prev</a> : '
        aline = aline + '<a href="./hrc' + inst + '_' + str(
            sec + 1) + '.html">Next</a>)'

    aline = aline + '</h2>\n'

    aline = aline + "<div style='padding-bottom:30px'>\n"
    aline = aline + '<table border=1>\n'
    aline = aline + read_template('sub_col_header')
    #--- open the data to indivisual lists
    [year,month,mean_acc,std_acc,min_acc,min_apos, \
     max_acc,max_apos,asig1, asig2, asig3, mean_dff,std_dff,\
     min_dff, min_dpos,max_dff,max_dpos,dsig1, dsig2, dsig3] = data

    dlen = len(year)

    for i in range(0, dlen):

        smonth = str(int(month[i]))
        if month[i] < 10:
            smonth = '0' + smonth

        syear = int(year[i])
        #--- converting digit to letters, i.e. 1 to Jan
        cmonth = mcf.change_month_format(month[i])
        #--- monthly HRC dose data
        if mean_dff[i] == 0 and std_dff[i] == 0:
            aline = aline + '<tr><td>%d</td><td>%d</td>' % (year[i], month[i])
            aline = aline + read_template('sub_nodata')
            aline = aline + '<tr><td>%d</td>' % year[i]
            aline = aline + '<td>%d</td>' % month[i]

                aline = aline + '<td>%4.4f</td>' % mean_dff[i]
                aline = aline + '<td>%4.4f</td>' % std_dff[i]
                #aline = aline + '<td>%4.1f</td>'  % min_dff[i]
                #aline = aline + '<td>%s</td>'     % min_dpos[i]
                aline = aline + '<td>%4.1f</td>' % max_dff[i]
                aline = aline + '<td>%s</td>' % max_dpos[i]
                aline = aline + '<td>%4.1f</td>' % dsig1[i]
                aline = aline + '<td>%s</td>' % dsig2[i]
                aline = aline + '<td>%4.1f</td>\n' % dsig3[i]

                #               if hrc == 'hrci':
                #                   aline = aline + '<td><a href="' + data_i_dir + '/Month/'
                #               else:
                #                   aline = aline + '<td><a href="' + data_s_dir + '/Month/'
                #               aline = aline +  wname + '_' + smonth + '_' + str(syear) + '.fits.gz">fits</a></td>\n'

                aline = aline + '<td><a href="' + web_address + 'Image/' + wname + '/Month/'
                aline = aline + wname + '_' + smonth + '_' + str(syear)
                aline = aline + '_' + str(sec) + '.html">map</a></td>\n'
                #--- for the case there is no data, print 'na'
                aline = aline + '<td>na</td>'
                aline = aline + '<td>na</td>'
                aline = aline + '<td>na</td>'
                aline = aline + '<td>na</td>'
                aline = aline + '<td>na</td>'
                aline = aline + '<td>na</td>'
                aline = aline + '<td>na</td>\n'
                aline = aline + '<td>na</td>\n'
#---- cumulative HRC dose data
        aline = aline + '<td>%4.4f</td>' % mean_acc[i]
        aline = aline + '<td>%4.4f</td>' % std_acc[i]
        #aline = aline + '<td>%4.1f</td>'    % min_acc[i]
        #aline = aline + '<td>%s</td>'       % min_apos[i]
        aline = aline + '<td>%4.1f</td>' % max_acc[i]
        aline = aline + '<td>%s</td>' % max_apos[i]
        aline = aline + '<td>%4.1f</td>' % asig1[i]
        aline = aline + '<td>%s</td>' % asig2[i]
        aline = aline + '<td>%4.1f</td>\n' % asig3[i]

        #        if hrc == 'hrci':
        #            aline = aline + '<td><a href="' + data_i_dir + '/Cumulative/'
        #        else:
        #            aline = aline + '<td><a href="' + data_s_dir + '/Cumulative/'
        #        aline = aline +  wname + '_' + smonth + '_' + str(syear) + '.fits.gz">fits</a></td>\n'

        aline = aline + '<td><a href="' + web_address + 'Image/' + wname + '/Cumulative/'
        aline = aline + wname + '_08_1999_' + smonth + '_' + str(
            syear) + '_' + str(sec) + '.html">map</a></td>\n'

        #--- put header every new year so that we can read data easier
        if month[i] % 12 == 0 and i != (dlen - 1):
            aline = aline + read_template('sub_col_header')

    aline = aline + '</table>\n\n'
    aline = aline + '<div style="padding_top:10px; padding_bottom:10px;">'
    aline = aline + '<a href="../hrc_exposure_map.html">Back to Top</a>\n'
    #--- add today's date as update date
    today = time.strftime('%Y:%m:%d', time.gmtime())
    atemp = re.split(':', today)
    cmon = mcf.change_month_format(int(float(atemp[1])))
    today = cmon + ' ' + atemp[2] + ', ' + atemp[0]

    aline = aline + read_template('sub_footer').replace('#UPDATE#', today)

    outdir = web_dir + 'Sub_html/' + hrc + '_' + str(sec) + '.html'
    with open(outdir, 'w') as fo:
コード例 #13
def ephin_data(dir_save):
    extract ephin data
    input:  dir_save    --- a list of directory
    output: <out_dir>/ephin_data --- ephin data (300 sec accumulation)
    Note: EPHIN data is not available after Nov 2018
    data_list = get_ephin_list()

    for ifile in data_list:
            (tyear, tmonth, tdate) = find_date_obs(ifile)
            if tyear == 1900:
            cmonth    = mcf.change_month_format(tmonth)
            ucmon     = cmonth.upper()
            tmon_name = web_dir + '/' + ucmon + str(tyear)
            chk = 0
            for test in dir_save:
                if tmon_name == test:
                    chk = 1

            if chk == 0:
            extract_ephin_data(ifile, tmon_name)

#--- check_date: check wether there is an output directory and if it is not, create one 

def check_date():
    check wether there is an output directory and if it is not, create one
    input:  none
    output: year   --- the current year
            mon    --- the current month
            mdir   --- the current output direcotry 
#--- find today's date
    out   = time.strftime('%Y:%j:00:00:00', time.gmtime())
    stime = Chandra.Time.DateTime(out).secs)
#--- find 10 days ago and create the output directory based on that date
    s10   = stime - 10 * 86400.0
    out   = mcf.convert_date_format(s10, ifmt='chandra', ofmt='%Y:%m:%d')
    atemp = re.split(':', out)
    year  = int(float(atemp[0]))
    mon   = int(float(atemp[1]))
    lmon  = mcf.change_month_format(mon)
    mdir  =  web_dir  + lmon.upper() + str(year)

    if not os.path.isdir(mdir)
        cmd   = 'mkdir -p ' + mfile
    return (year, mon, mdir)

#-- get_data_list: compare the current input list to the old one and select data       -

def get_data_list():
    compare the current input list to the old one and select out the data which are not used
    input:  house_keeping/old_file_list --- previous data list
            house_keeping/bad_fits_file --- bad fits data list
            the data are read from /dsops/ap/sdp/cache/*/acis/*evt1.fits (if it is an actual run)

    output: input_data --- the data list
#--- create a current data file list
    cmd = 'ls -d  /dsops/ap/sdp/cache/*/acis/*evt1.fits > ' + zspace
#--- use only non-calibration data files
    data = mcf.read_data_file(zspace, remove=1)

    file_list = find_obs_data_files(data)
#--- read the old file list
    ifile    = house_keeping + 'old_file_list'
    old_list = mcf.read_data_file(ifile)
#--- read bad fits file list
        file2    = house_keeping + 'bad_fits_file'
        bad_list = mcf.read_data_file(file2)
        bad_list = []
#--- update "old_file_list"
    with  open(ifile, 'w') as fo:
        for line in file_list:
            fo.write(line + '\n')
#--- compara two files and select out new file names
    n_list = list(numpy.setdiff1d(file_list, old_list))

    if len(bad_list) > 0:
        n_list = list(numpy.setdiff1d(n_list, bad_list))

    return n_list

#-- find_obs_data_files: choose files with only non-calibration data files            --

def find_obs_data_files(data):
    choose files with only non-calibration data files
    input:  data        --- a list of data file names
    output: file_list   --- a list of non-calibration data file

    file_list = []
    for ent in data:
        atemp = re.split('acisf', ent)
        btemp = re.split('_', atemp[1])
#--- for the older format : acisf16218N001_evt1.fits
#--- for the new format :   acisf16218_000N001_evt1.fits
            val = float(btemp[0])     
            mark= int(float(val))
            ctemp = re.split('N', btemp[1])
            mark  = int(float(ctemp[0]))

        if mark < 50000:

    return file_list

#--- find_date_obs: find observation time                                            ---

def find_date_obs(ifile):
    find observation time
    input: file --- input fits file name
    output: year, month, and date
        dout  = pyfits.open(ifile)
        date  = dout[0].header['DATE-OBS']

        atemp = re.split('T', date)
        btemp = re.split('-', atemp[0])
        year  = int(btemp[0])
        month = int(btemp[1])
        date  = int(btemp[2])
        return (year, month, date)
        return (1900, 1, 1)

#--- extract_data: extract time and ccd_id from the fits file and create count rate data

def extract_data(file, out_dir ):
    extract time and ccd_id from the fits file and create count rate data
    input:  file    --- fits file data
            out_dir --- the directory in which data will be saved
    output: ccd<ccd>--- 5 min accumulated count rate data file
#--- extract time and ccd id information from the given file
    data      = pyfits.getdata(file, 0)
    time_col  = data.field('TIME')
    ccdid_col = data.field('CCD_ID')
#--- initialize
    diff  = 0
    chk   = 0
    ccd_c = [0  for x in range(0, 10)]
    ccd_h = [[] for x in range(0, 10)]
#--- check each line and count the numbers of ccd in the each 300 sec intervals
    for k in range(0, len(time_col)):
            ftime  = float(time_col[k])
            ccd_id = int(ccdid_col[k])

        if ftime > 0:
            if chk == 0:
                ccd_c[ccd_id] += 1
                stime = ftime
                diff   = 0
                chk    = 1
            elif diff >= 300.0:
#--- print out counts per 300 sec 
                for i in range(0, 10):
                    line = str(stime) + '\t' + str(ccd_c[i]) + '\n'
#--- re initialize for the next round
                    ccd_c[i] = 0

                ccd_c[ccd_id] += 1
                stime = ftime
                diff   = 0
                chk    = 0
#--- accumurate the count until the 300 sec interval is reached
                diff = ftime - stime
                ccd_c[ccd_id] += 1
#--- for the case the last interval is less than 300 sec, 
#--- estimate the the numbers of hit and adjust
    if diff > 0 and diff < 300:
        ratio = 300.0 / diff

        for i in range(0, 10):
            ccd_c[i] *= ratio

            line = str(stime) + '\t' + str(ccd_c[i]) + '\n'

    for i in range(0, 10): 
        ifile = out_dir + '/ccd' + str(i)
        with open(ifile, 'a') as fo:
            for ent in ccd_h[i]:

#--- get_ephin_list: create an ephin data list                                       ---

def get_ephin_list():

    create an ephin data list
    input: ephin data ---  /dsops/ap/sdp/cache/*/ephin/*lc1.fits
    output: input_data_list: a list of ephin data file which is not extract
    cmd = 'ls -d  /dsops/ap/sdp/cache/*/ephin/*lc1.fits > '
    cmd = cmd + house_keeping + '/ephin_dir_list'
#--- get a list of the current entries
    ifile = house_keeping + '/ephin_dir_list'
    data  = mcf.read_data_file(ifile)
#--- read the list which we read the last time
    ifile = house_keeping + '/ephin_old_dir_list'
    old   = mcf.read_data_file(ifile)
#--- find the last entry of the list
    last_entry = old[len(old)-1]
#--- select data which is new
    input_data_list = []
    chk = 0
    for ent in data:
        if chk == 0:
            if ent == last_entry:
                chk = 1
#--- replace the old list with the new one
    ifile = house_keeping + '/ephin_dir_list'
    if os.path.isfile(ifile):
        cmd = 'mv ' + house_keeping + '/ephin_dir_list ' + house_keeping + '/ephin_old_dir_list'

    return input_data_list

#-- extract_ephin_data: extract ephine data from a given data file name and save it in out_dir 

def extract_ephin_data(ifile, out_dir):

    extract ephine data from a given data file name and save it in out_dir
    input:  ifile   --- ephin data file name
            out_dir --- directory which the data is saved
    output: <out_dir>/ephin_data --- ephin data (300 sec accumulation) 
#--- extract time and ccd id information from the given file
    data      = pyfits.getdata(ifile, 1)
    time_r    = data.field("TIME")
    scp4_r    = data.field("SCP4")
    sce150_r  = data.field("SCE150")
    sce300_r  = data.field("SCE300")
    sce1500_r = data.field("SCE1300")
#--- initialize
    diff       = 0
    chk        = 0
    ephin_data = []
#--- sdata[0]: scp4, sdata[1]: sce150, sdata[2]: sce300, and sdata[3]: sce1300
    sdata = [0 for x in range(0, 4)]
#--- check each line and count the numbers of ccd in the each 300 sec intervals
    for k in range(0, len(time_r)):
            ftime  = float(time_r[k])
            val1   = float(scp4_r[k])
            val2   = float(sce150_r[k])
            val3   = float(sce300_r[k])
            val4   = float(sce1500_r[k])

        if ftime > 0:
            if chk == 0:
                sdata[0] += val1
                sdata[1] += val2
                sdata[2] += val3
                sdata[3] += val4

                stime = ftime
                diff   = 0
                chk    = 1

            elif diff >= 300.0:
#--- print out counts per 300 sec 
                line = str(stime) + '\t' 
                for j in range(0, 4):
                    line = line + str(sdata[j]) + '\t'
                    sdata[j] = 0
                line = line + '\n'
                chk = 0
#--- re initialize for the next round
                    val1   = float(scp4_r[k])
                    val2   = float(sce150_r[k])
                    val3   = float(sce300_r[k])
                    val4   = float(sce1500_r[k])

                sdata[0] += val1
                sdata[1] += val2
                sdata[2] += val3
                sdata[3] += val4

                stime     = ftime
                diff      = 0
#--- accumurate the count until the 300 sec interval is reached
                diff = ftime - stime
                    val1   = float(scp4_r[k])
                    val2   = float(sce150_r[k])
                    val3   = float(sce300_r[k])
                    val4   = float(sce1500_r[k])

                sdata[0] += val1
                sdata[1] += val2
                sdata[2] += val3
                sdata[3] += val4
#--- for the case the last interval is less than 300 sec, 
#--- estimate the the numbers of hit and adjust
    if diff > 0 and diff < 300:

        line = str(stime) + '\t' 

        ratio = 300.0 / diff
        for j in range(0, 4):
            var  = sdata[j] * ratio
            line = line + str(var) + '\t'

        line = line + '\n'

    ifile = out_dir + '/ephin_rate'
    with open(ifile, 'a') as fo:
        for ent in ephin_data:

#-- cleanUp: sort and remove duplicated lines in all files in given data directory   ---

def cleanUp(cdir):
    sort and remove duplicated lines in all files in given data directory
    input       cdir        --- directory name
    output      cdir/files  --- cleaned up files

    if os.listdir(cdir) != []:
        cmd = 'ls ' + cdir + '/* > ' +  zspace
        data = mcf.read_data_file(zspace, remove=1)

        for ifile in data:
#--- avoid html and png files
                m = re.search('\.', ifile)
                if m is None:
                    mcf.remove_duplicated_lines(ifile, chk = 1, srt=1)


class TestFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
    testing functions

    def test_check_date(self):

        out = check_date()
        print("YEAR: MON:  Dir: " + str(out))


if __name__ == "__main__":

コード例 #14
def create_sub_html_page(ifile=''):
    read the old html page and create new sub aca subpage
    input:  ifile   --- old html page, if not given, read from /Temp_comp_area/acatrd.html
    output: <web_dir>/<MMM><yy>/acatrd.html. plots are also copied to that directory
    ichk = 0
    if ifile == '':
        ifile = exc_dir + '/Temp_comp_area/acatrd.html'
        ichk = 1
#--- create the data lists from the old formatted html page
    data, tsave = extract_date_from_old_html(ifile)
    #--- create a new table
    htable = create_html_table(data)
    #--- find the year and month of the data created
    out = Chandra.Time.DateTime(0.5 * (tsave[0] + tsave[1])).date
    atemp = re.split('\.', out)
    out = time.strftime('%Y:%m:%d', time.strptime(atemp[0], '%Y:%j:%H:%M:%S'))
    atemp = re.split(':', out)
    year = atemp[0]
    mon = atemp[1]
    dyear = int(float(year))
    dmon = int(float(mon))
    lmon = mcf.change_month_format(mon)
    #--- read the template
    tfile = house_keeping + 'Template/sub_page'
    with open(tfile, 'r') as f:
        template = f.read()
#--- substitute the values
    template = template.replace('#YEAR#', year)
    template = template.replace('#MON#', lmon)
    template = template.replace('#TABLE#', htable)
    #--- substitute magnitude slope and std values
    ifile = data_dir + 'monthly_mag_stats'
    template = substitue_mag_stat(template, ifile, dyear, dmon)
    #--- substitute slot slope and std values
    ifile = data_dir + 'diff_mtatr_month_slope'
    template = substitue_slot_stat(template, ifile, dyear, dmon, 'POS')

    ifile = data_dir + 'diff_mtatr_month_slope'
    template = substitue_slot_stat(template, ifile, dyear, dmon, 'DIFF')

    ifile = data_dir + 'acacent_mtatr_month_slope'
    template = substitue_slot_stat(template, ifile, dyear, dmon, 'ANGY')
    template = substitue_slot_stat(template,
    #--- substitute slot tables
    gtable = make_slot_star_table(dyear, dmon, 'guide_gsst')
    template = template.replace('#GUIDE_LOOK#', gtable)

    ftable = make_slot_star_table(dyear, dmon, 'fid_gsst')
    template = template.replace('#FID_LOOK#', ftable)

    mtable = make_slot_star_table(dyear, dmon, 'monitor_gsst')
    template = template.replace('#MON_LOOK#', mtable)
    #--- check the output directory and if it does not exist, create
    odir = web_dir + lmon.upper() + year[2] + year[3] + '/'
    if not os.path.isdir(odir):
        cmd = 'mkdir -p ' + odir
#--- write the new html page
    ofile = odir + 'acatrd.html'

    with open(ofile, 'w') as fo:
コード例 #15
def make_slot_star_table(dyear, dmon, tail):
    create a slot data table for the monthly html page
    input:  dyear   --- year
            dmon    --- month
            tail    --- a part of fits file name used to find the file
    output:  line   --- a html table string
    #--- find data fits file
    lyear = str(dyear)
    ddir = data_dir + 'Fits_data/' + mcf.change_month_format(
        dmon).upper() + lyear[2] + lyear[3] + '/'
    cmd = 'ls ' + ddir + '*_' + tail + '.fits.gz > ' + zspace
    #--- if there is no data fits file, say so
    out = mcf.read_data_file(zspace, remove=1)
    if len(out) == 0:
        return '<h3>No Slot Data</h3>'
#--- read the data fits file
    fits = out[0].strip()
    fout = pyfits.open(fits)
    fdata = fout[1].data
    #--- extract each column data
    good = fdata['good']
    marginal = fdata['marginal']
    bad = fdata['bad']
    ra_rms = fdata['rms_ra_err']
    dec_rms = fdata['rms_dec_err']
    mag_rms = fdata['rms_delta_mag']
    angy = fdata['avg_angynea']
    angz = fdata['avg_angznea']
    nums = fdata['number']
    num_nea = fdata['number_nea']
    #--- create slot data html data table
    line = '<table border=1 cellpadding=3>\n'
    line = line + '<tr>\n'
    line = line + '<th>slot</th><th>rms_ra_err (deg)</th><th>rms_dec_err (deg)</th>\n'
    line = line + '<th>rms_delta_mag (marcsec)</th><th>number</th>\n'
    line = line + '<th>avg_angynea (arcsec)</th><th>avg_angznea (arcsec)</th>\n'
    line = line + '<th>number_nea</th>\n'
    line = line + '<th>good</th><th>marginal</th><th>bad</th>\n'
    line = line + '</tr>\n'

    for k in range(0, 8):
        line = line + '<tr>\n'
        line = line + '<th>' + str(k) + '</th>'
        line = line + '<td>%2.3e</td>' % ra_rms[k]
        line = line + '<td>%2.3e</td>' % dec_rms[k]
        line = line + '<td>%2.3e</td>' % mag_rms[k]
        line = line + '<td>%4d</td>' % nums[k]
        line = line + '<td>%2.3e</td>' % angy[k]
        line = line + '<td>%2.3e</td>' % angz[k]
        line = line + '<td>%4d</td>' % num_nea[k]
        line = line + '<td>%2.2f</td>' % good[k]
        line = line + '<td>%2.2f</td>' % marginal[k]
        line = line + '<td>%2.2f</td>' % bad[k]
        line = line + '</tr>\n'

    line = line + '<tr>\n'
    line = line + '<th>AVG</th>'
    line = line + '<td>%2.3e</td>' % numpy.mean(ra_rms)
    line = line + '<td>%2.3e</td>' % numpy.mean(dec_rms)
    line = line + '<td>%2.3e</td>' % numpy.mean(mag_rms)
    line = line + '<td>%4d</td>' % numpy.mean(nums)
    line = line + '<td>%2.3e</td>' % numpy.mean(angy)
    line = line + '<td>%2.3e</td>' % numpy.mean(angz)
    line = line + '<td>%4d</td>' % numpy.mean(num_nea)
    line = line + '<td>%2.2f</td>' % numpy.mean(good)
    line = line + '<td>%2.2f</td>' % numpy.mean(marginal)
    line = line + '<td>%2.2f</td>' % numpy.mean(bad)
    line = line + '</tr>\n'

    line = line + '</table>'

    return line
コード例 #16
def acis_dose_monthly_report(year='NA', month='NA'):
    create monthly report tables 
    input:  year    --- year
            month   --- month
    output: monthly_diff_<mm>_<yyyy>
    #--- if year and/or month is not given, find the latest year month entry
    if year == 'NA' or month == 'NA':
        ifile = data_out + 'i_2_n_0_acc_out'
        data = mcf.read_data_file(ifile)

        line = data[-1]
        atemp = re.split('\s+|\t+', line)
        year = int(atemp[0])
        month = int(atemp[1])

    syear = str(year)
    smon = mcf.add_leading_zero(month)
    dline = ''
    aline = ''
    #--- convert month in digit to month in letter
    lmon = mcf.change_month_format(month)
    lmon = lmon.lower()
    #--- find monthly stat
    diff = mon_acis_dir + 'ACIS_' + smon + '_' + syear + '.fits.gz'
    (mean, std, dmin, dmax) = getstat(diff)

    dline = dline + 'ACIS_' + lmon + syear[2] + syear[3] + ' 6004901       '
    dline = dline + '%3.3f         %3.3f           %3.1f     %4d\n\n' % (
        mean, std, dmin, dmax)
    #--- find cumulative stat
    acc = cum_acis_dir + 'ACIS_07_1999_' + smon + '_' + syear + '.fits.gz'
    (mean, std, amin, amax) = getstat(acc)

    aline = aline + 'ACIS_total   6004901       '
    aline = aline + '%3.3f         %3.3f           %3.1f   %6d\n\n' % (
        mean, std, amin, amax)
    #--- now print stat for each section
    for inst in ('i', 's'):  #--- acis i or s
        for ccd in (2, 3):  #--- ccd 2 or 3 (i2/i3/s2/s3)
            dline = dline + '\n'
            aline = aline + '\n'

            for node in (0, 1, 2, 3):  #--- node

                for dtype in ('dff', 'acc'):  #--- monthly or cumulative

                    ifile = data_out + inst + '_' + str(ccd) + '_n_'
                    ifile = ifile + str(node) + '_' + dtype + '_out'
                    data = mcf.read_data_file(ifile)

                    if year == 'NA' or month == 'NA':
                        out = data[-1]
                        atemp = re.split('\s+', out)
                        for ent in data:
                            atemp = re.split('\s+', ent)
                            if int(atemp[0]) == year and int(
                                    atemp[1]) == month:

                    mline = inst.upper() + str(ccd) + ' node ' + str(
                        node) + '  262654\t'
                    mline = mline + '%3.6f\t' % (float(atemp[2]))
                    mline = mline + '%3.6f\t' % (float(atemp[3]))
                    mline = mline + '%3.1f\t' % (float(atemp[4]))
                    mline = mline + '%5.1f\n' % (float(atemp[6]))
                    if dtype == 'dff':
                        dline = dline + mline
                        aline = aline + mline

    ofile = './monthly_diff_' + smon + '_' + syear
    with open(ofile, 'w') as fo:

    ofile = './monthly_acc_' + smon + '_' + syear
    with open(ofile, 'w') as fo:
コード例 #17
def find_scheduled_obs():
    find MP scheduled observations
    input:  none but read from /data/mpcrit1/mplogs/* directory
    ouptput <obs_ss>/scheduled_obs_list
    #--- find today's date
    out = time.strftime('%Y:%m:%d', time.gmtime())
    atemp = re.split(':', out)
    year = int(float(atemp[0]))
    mon = int(float(atemp[1]))
    mday = int(float(atemp[2]))
    umon = mcf.change_month_format(mon).upper()
    lmon = mcf.change_month_format(mon).lower()
    #--- next month
    nyear = year
    nmon = mon + 1
    if mon > 12:
        nyear += 1
        nmon = 1
    unmon = mcf.change_month_format(nmon).upper()
    lnmon = mcf.change_month_format(nmon).lower()
    #--- find all MP OR lists scheduled to start after today
    cmd = 'ls -rtd /data/mpcrit1/mplogs/' + str(
        year) + '/' + umon + '* > ' + zspace

    d_list = mcf.read_data_file(zspace, remove=1)
    #--- find direcotries hold data after today's date
    #--- the directory name: <MMM><dd><yy>, e.g. JUL2020
    n_list = []
    for ent in d_list:
        atemp = re.split(umon, ent)
        date = atemp[1][0] + atemp[1][1]
        date = int(float(date))
        if date > mday:
#--- find all *.or files and mp persons responsible for that schedule
    [f_list, u_list] = find_file_and_mp(n_list)
    #--- check the next month, if directory exists
    cmd = 'ls /data/mpcrit1/mplogs/' + str(nyear) + '> ' + zspace

    with open(zspace, 'r') as f:
        test = f.read()

    mc = re.search(unmon, test)
    if mc is not None:
        cmd = 'ls -rltd /data/mpcrit1/mplogs/' + str(
            nyear) + '/' + unmon + '* >> ' + zspace
        d_list = mcf.read_data_file(zspace, remove=1)

        [f_list2, u_list2] = find_file_and_mp(d_list, nchk=1)

        f_list = f_list + f_list2
        u_list = u_list + u_list2
#--- get all observations under schedules
    m_list = []  #--- a list of obsids
    o_dict = {}  #--- a dictionary to keep info related obsids
    for k in range(0, len(f_list)):
        ifile = f_list[k]
        mp_person = u_list[k]
        [o_dict, m_list] = find_obsids(ifile, o_dict, m_list, mp_person)
#--- remove duplicate ans sort it
    m_list = sorted(list(set(m_list)))
    #--- print out the scheduled list
    line = ''
    for obsid in m_list:
        line = line + str(obsid) + '\t' + o_dict[obsid][-1] + '\n'

    ofile = obs_ss + 'scheduled_obs_list'
    with open(ofile, 'w') as fo:
コード例 #18
def update_one_year_pages(iyear=''):
    upate yearly html page
    input:  year    --- year. if it is not given, update all years
    output: <web_dir>/aca_trend_year<yyyy>.html
    #--- find the current year and month
    out = time.strftime('%Y:%m:%d', time.gmtime())
    atemp = re.split(':', out)
    this_year = int(float(atemp[0]))
    this_month = int(float(atemp[1]))
    this_day = int(float(atemp[2]))
    if this_day < 5:
        this_month -= 1
        if this_month < 1:
            this_month = 12
            this_year -= 1
#--- set the year interval to create the pages
    if iyear == '':
        syear = 1999
        eyear = this_year + 1
        syear = iyear
        eyear = iyear + 1

    for year in range(syear, eyear):
        lyear = str(year)
        syear = lyear[2] + lyear[3]

        tfile = house_keeping + 'Template/one_year_template'
        with open(tfile, 'r') as f:
            template = f.read()

        template = template.replace('#YEAR#', lyear)
        template = template.replace('#SYEAR#', syear)
        #--- substitue slope and std of magnitude data
        dfile = 'yearly_mag_stats'
        template = substitue_year_page(template, dfile, year, 14, 'MAG')
        #--- substitute slope and std of pos_err
        dfile = 'pos_err_mtatr_year_slope'
        template = substitue_year_page(template, dfile, year, 8, 'POS')
        #--- substitue slope and std of magnitue difference
        dfile = 'diff_mtatr_year_slope'
        template = substitue_year_page(template, dfile, year, 8, 'DIFF')
        #--- substitute slope and std of angy
        dfile = 'acacent_mtatr_year_slope'
        template = substitue_year_page(template, dfile, year, 8, 'ANGY')
        #--- subsititute  slope and std of angz
        dfile = 'acacent2_mtatr_year_slope'
        template = substitue_year_page(template, dfile, year, 8, 'ANGZ')

        #--- create a table to link to the each month of this year
        if year == 1999:
            smon = 8
            emon = 12
        elif year == this_year:
            smon = 1
            emon = this_month
            smon = 1
            emon = 12
        line = '<table border=1 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2>\n'
        line = line + '<tr>\n'
        for mon in range(1, 13):
            lmon = mcf.change_month_format(mon).upper()
            if mon < smon:
                line = line + '<td>' + lmon + '</td>\n'
            elif mon > emon:
                line = line + '<td>' + lmon + '</td>\n'
                line = line + '<td><a href="./' + lmon + syear
                line = line + '/acatrd.html">' + lmon + '</a>\n'

        line = line + '</table>\n'

        template = template.replace('#LTABLE#', line)
        #--- update the html page
        outname = web_dir + 'aca_trend_year' + str(year) + '.html'
        with open(outname, 'w') as fo:
コード例 #19
def run_hrc_stowed_background_monthly_update(lyear='', lmonth=''):
    run monthly update for the hrc stowed background data
    input:  lyear, lmonth   --- the year and month of the data to be processed
                                if they are not given, the last month of year and year will be used
    output: newly proccessed data: <data_dir>/<yyyy><mmm>/*
            if it is jan or jul, cummulative maps for the year (and the entire period) are created
#--- clean up exc dir
    cmd = 'rm -rf ' + exc_dir + 'Temp_dir/* 2> /dev/null'

    cmd = 'rm -rf ' + exc_dir + 'param 2> /dev/null'

    cmd = 'mkdir '  + exc_dir + 'param 2> /dev/null'
#--- if date (year/month) to be processed is not given, find the last month's year, month
    if lyear == '':
        ctime  = time.gmtime()      #--- today's date information
        lyear  = ctime.tm_year
        lmonth = ctime.tm_mon -1

        if lmonth < 1:
            lyear -= 1
            lmonth = 12
        chk = 0
        chk = 1
#--- check whether the data was already processed; if not, run the process
#--- except re-analysis is requested by given year and month
    smonth = mcf.change_month_format(lmonth)
    cdir   = data_dir + str(lyear) + smonth.upper()

    if chk == 0 and (not os.path.isdir(cdir)):
        chk = 1

    smail = 0
    if chk == 1:
            hsb.hrc_stowed_background(lyear, lmonth, lyear, lmonth)
#--- if the processed month is june, septempber or december, update maps and html pages
            if (lmonth == 12) or (lmonth == 6) or (lmonth == 9):
#--- update total event number tables
                get_yearly_evt_count()          #---- create yearly event counts
                hpm.plot_hrc_map('total')       #---- creating cumulative maps
                hpm.plot_hrc_map('total', 1)    #---- creating cumulative histogram for the front page
                hpr.plot_hrc_trend_data()       #---- creating trending plots
                uhhp.create_html_pages(lyear)   #---- updating all html pages
                uhhp.update_stat_data_table()   #---- updating stat html pages

            if test_data_creation(lyear, lmonth):
                smail = 1
                smail = 3
            smail = 2
        smail = 0
#--- remove the temp file if it is still around
    cmd = 'rm -f /tmp/zspace*hrc* 2> /dev/null'

    cmd = 'rm -rf ' + exc_dir + 'Temp_dir/* 2> /dev/null'
#--- sending mail
    if smail == 1:
        message = 'hrc stowed proccess ran normally for the period: ' 
        message = message + str(lyear) + ' : ' + str(lmonth) + '\n'
        header  = '"Subject: HRC Stowed Data Process Complated"'

    elif smail == 2:
        message = 'hrc stowed proccess ran into problems with the data for the period: ' 
        message = message + str(lyear) + ' : ' + str(lmonth) + '\n'
        header  = '"Subject: HRC Stowed Data Process Failed"'

    elif smail == 3:
        message = 'hrc stowed proccess did not find any data for the period: ' 
        message = message + str(lyear) + ' : ' + str(lmonth) + '\n'
        header  = '"Subject: HRC Stowed Data Process: No Data Found"'

    if smail > 0:
        send_email(message, header)