コード例 #1
def get_new_entry():
    create a list of obsids which need to be proccessed
    Input: amp_avg_list --- a list kept in <house_keeping> directory
           new_entry    --- a list newly created during this session
    Output: a list of obsid which are not proccessed yet
    #--- prepare a data list file
    cmd = 'cp ' + house_keeping + '/amp_avg_list ' + house_keeping + '/amp_avg_list~'
    #--- create a list of obsids which are already proccessed before
    file = house_keeping + '/amp_avg_list'
    amp = mcf.get_val(file, lst=0)
    camp = []
    for ent in amp:
        atemp = re.split('\s+|\t+', ent)
#--- read a new obsid list
    file = working_dir + '/new_entry'
    test = mcf.get_val(file, lst=0)

    #--- add a list of old obsids which have not been proccessed.
    file = house_keeping + '/keep_entry'
    test2 = mcf.get_val(file, lst=0)
    test = test + test2
    #--- find which obsids are new ones
    return mcf.find_missing_elem(test, camp)
コード例 #2
def test_photon_dir():
    check whether cti directories are correctly created
    Input: none, but read from <temp_comp_are>/....
    Outpu: 0     if it is OK
           1     if there is a problem

        cmd = 'ls ' + temp_comp_area + 'photons/acis/cti/*/ccd*/ccd*html > ' + zspace

        result_list = mcf.get_val(zspace)
        if len(result_list) > 0:
            return 0
            return 1
        return 1
コード例 #3
import acis_cti_get_data as gdata
import create_cti_data_table as cdt
import clean_table as clean
import cti_detrend_factor as det
import create_adjusted_cti_tables as adj
#--- temp writing file name
rtail = int(
    10000 * random.random()
)  #---- put a romdom # tail so that it won't mix up with other scripts space
zspace = '/tmp/zspace' + str(rtail)
#--- a couple of things needed
dare = mcf.get_val('.dare', dir=bin_data, lst=1)
hakama = mcf.get_val('.hakama', dir=bin_data, lst=1)

working_dir = exc_dir + '/Working_dir/'

#-- acis_cti_run_script: a master script to run all cti data extraction/manupulation scripts     ---

def acis_cti_run_script():
    this is a master script to run all cti data extraction/manupulation scripts
    input:  none
    output: resulting cti tables save in /data/mta/Scripts/ACIS/CTI/Data/
コード例 #4
ファイル: move_old_files.py プロジェクト: tisobe/Corner_pix
#--- import several functions
import convertTimeFormat          as tcnv       #---- contains MTA time conversion routines
import mta_common_functions       as mcf        #---- contains other functions c
#--- temp writing file name
rtail  = int(10000 * random.random())       #---- put a romdom # tail so that it won't mix up with other scripts space
zspace = '/tmp/zspace' + str(rtail)
#--- a couple of things needed
bin_data = '/data/mta/MTA/data/'
dare   = mcf.get_val('.dare',   dir = bin_data, lst=1)
hakama = mcf.get_val('.hakama', dir = bin_data, lst=1)

web_dir    = '/data/mta_www/mta_acis_sci_run/Corner_pix/'
script_dir = '/data/mta/Script/Corner_pix/Scripts/'

#-- move_old_files: move older gif files to saving directory                                      --

def move_old_files():
    move older gif files to saving directory
    input:  none
    output: none
コード例 #5
def find_cti_values_from_file():
    extract cti information from flt_run_pipe output
    Input:  none, but read from <temp_comp_area>/photons/acis/cit/*/ccd*/ccd*html
    Output: full_list --- a list of lists which contains:
            ccdno   --- ccd #
            obsid   --- obsid
            obsnum  --- verion #
            date_obs--- starting date
            date_end--- ending date
            al_cti  --- a list of al cti
            ti_cti  --- a list of ti cti
            mn_cti  --- a list of mn cti

    cmd = 'ls ' + temp_comp_area + 'photons/acis/cti/*/ccd*/ccd*html > ' + zspace

    f = open(zspace, 'r')
    result_list = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()]
    full_list = []
    #--- "file" is .../ccd<ccd#>.html
    #--- and "data" is the content of the ccd<ccd#>.html

    for file in result_list:

        data = mcf.get_val(file)

        ccdno = -9999
        obsid = 9999
        obsnum = 0
        date_obs = ''
        date_end = ''
        si_read = 0
        al_node = 0
        ti_node = 0
        mn_node = 0
        al_cti = []
        ti_cti = []
        mn_cti = []
        al_err = []
        ti_err = []
        mn_err = []
        elm = ''

            for ent in data:
                #--- detrmine which line we are reading
                m1 = re.search('Al Ka', ent)
                m2 = re.search('Mn Ka', ent)
                m3 = re.search('Ti Ka', ent)
                if m1 is not None:
                    elm = 'al'
                elif m2 is not None:
                    elm = 'mn'
                elif m3 is not None:
                    elm = 'ti'
#--- indicator for cti section
                ms = re.search('S/Ix10', ent)
                if ms is not None:
                    si_read = 1
#--- book keeping data
                if ccdno == -9999:
                    m = re.search('MTA ACIS CTI Node Analysis Report', ent)
                    if m is not None:
                        atemp = re.split('CCD', ent)
                        btemp = re.split('<', atemp[1])
                        ccdno = btemp[0]

                if obsid == 9999:
                    outval = find_value_from_line(ent, 'OBS_ID')
                    if outval != '':
                        obsid = outval

                if obsnum == 0:
                    outval = find_value_from_line(ent, 'OBI_NUM')
                    if outval != '':
                        obsnum = outval

                if date_obs == '':
                    date_obs = find_value_from_line(ent, 'DATE-OBS')

                if date_end == '':
                    date_end = find_value_from_line(ent, 'DATE-END')
#--- read cti values (reading order must be al, mn, then ti)

                if (si_read == 1) and (al_node < 4):
                    out = find_cti_from_line(ent)
                    if out != '':
                        al_node += 1
                        if al_node > 3:
                            si_read = 0

                if (si_read == 1) and (al_node > 3) and (mn_node < 4):
                    out = find_cti_from_line(ent)
                    if out != '':
                        mn_node += 1
                        if mn_node > 3:
                            si_read = 0

                if (si_read == 1) and (mn_node > 3) and (ti_node < 4):
                    out = find_cti_from_line(ent)
                    if out != '':
                        ti_node += 1
                        if ti_node > 3:
                            si_read = 0

            plist = [
                ccdno, obsid, obsnum, date_obs, date_end, al_cti, mn_cti,

            plist = []

    return full_list
コード例 #6
ファイル: acis_dose_test_run.py プロジェクト: tisobe/MTA_old
#--- mta common functions
import mta_common_functions as mtac

#--- Exposure related funcions shared

import exposureFunctions as expf

#--- a couple of things needed
dare = mtac.get_val('.dare', dir=bindata_dir, lst=1)
hakama = mtac.get_val('.hakama', dir=bindata_dir, lst=1)


def acis_dose_test_run():
    test ska shell access

    start = '05/07/15,00:00:00'
    stop = '05/15/15,00:00:00'
コード例 #7
#--- converTimeFormat contains MTA time conversion routines
import convertTimeFormat    as tcnv
import mta_common_functions as mcf

#--- sql realated settings
db_user   = '******'
db_server = 'ocatsqlsrv'
file      = bdata_dir + '/.targpass'
db_passwd = mcf.get_val(file)

#-- hrc_gain_find_ar_lac: find  new AL Lac observations and put in a list                         --

def hrc_gain_find_ar_lac():

    find  new AL Lac observations and put in a list
    Input: none, but the data will be read from mp_reports and also hrc_obsid_list in <house_keeping>
    Output: "./candidate_list"  which lists obsids of new AR Lac observations
            candidate_list      it also returns the same list

    hrc_list       = hrc_gain_find_hrc_obs()
コード例 #8
ファイル: hrc_gain_fit_gaus.py プロジェクト: tisobe/MTA_old
import mta_common_functions as mcf  #---- contains other functions commonly used in MTA scripts
import hrc_gain_find_ar_lac as arlist  #---- get AR Lac candidate list

from kapteyn import kmpfit

#--- temp writing file name
rtail = int(
    10000 * random.random()
)  #---- put a romdom # tail so that it won't mix up with other scripts space
zspace = '/tmp/zspace' + str(rtail)
#--- a couple of things needed
dare = mcf.get_val('.dare', dir=bdata_dir, lst=1)
hakama = mcf.get_val('.hakama', dir=bdata_dir, lst=1)

working_dir = exc_dir + '/Working_dir/'

#--- AR Lac position
ra = 332.179975
dec = 45.7422544

#--- hrc_gain_fit_gaus:  extract hrc evt2 file and create pha distribution                       ---

コード例 #9
ファイル: run_script.py プロジェクト: tisobe/SIM_extract
mta_dir = '/data/mta/Script/Python_script2.7/'
import convertTimeFormat          as tcnv       #---- contains MTA time conversion routines
import mta_common_functions       as mcf        #---- contains other functions commonly used in MTA scripts
#--- temp writing file name
rtail  = int(10000 * random.random())       #---- put a romdom # tail so that it won't mix up with other scripts space
zspace = '/tmp/zspace' + str(rtail)

bindata_dir = '/data/mta/Script/Exposure/house_keeping/Info_dir/'
#--- a couple of things needed
dare   = mcf.get_val('.dare',   dir = bindata_dir, lst=1)
hakama = mcf.get_val('.hakama', dir = bindata_dir, lst=1)


def run_script():

    for year in range(1999,2015):

        leap = tcnv.isLeapYear(year)
        if leap == 1:
            dend = 367
            dend = 366
コード例 #10
#--- append a path to a private folder to python directory
#--- converTimeFormat contains MTA time conversion routines
import convertTimeFormat    as tcnv
import mta_common_functions as mcf

#--- a couple of things needed
dare   = mcf.get_val('.dare',   dir = dat_dir, lst=1)
hakama = mcf.get_val('.hakama', dir = dat_dir, lst=1)

#-- run_grating: controlling function to run the script                              --

def run_grating():
    controlling function to run the script
    input:  none
    output: /data/mta/www/mta_grat/<dir> where dir is <Mon><yy>
#--- set data collecting range
コード例 #11
#--- import several functions
import convertTimeFormat as tcnv  #---- contains MTA time conversion routines
import mta_common_functions as mcf  #---- contains other functions commonly used in MTA scripts
#--- temp writing file name
rtail = int(
    10000 * random.random()
)  #---- put a romdom # tail so that it won't mix up with other scripts space
zspace = '/tmp/zspace' + str(rtail)
zspace2 = zspace + '_note'
#--- a couple of things needed
dare = mcf.get_val('.dare', dir=bindata_dir, lst=1)

#-- run_sim_temp_script: run all scripts to update tsc_temps.txt data file                                --

def run_sim_temp_script(year, sdate, edate):
    run all scripts to update tsc_temps.txt data file
    input:  year    --- year of the data to be extracted
            sdate   --- stating ydate
            edate   --- ending ydate
        these three can be <blank>. if that is the case, the period starts from the
        day after the date of the last data entry to today
    output: updated <date_dir>/tsc_temps.txt