def register(): if current_user.is_authenticated(): flash("You are already logged in, please log out to register a new team") return redirect(url_for("home.index")) form = RegisterForm(request.form) if request.method == "POST" and form.validate(): #returns dict {success: Bool, reason: String} res = teamDB.addTeam(,,, loginUtils.hashPassword( ) if res["success"] == True: flash("Registration successful") return redirect(url_for("home.login")) else: flash("Registration failed: " + res["reason"]) return redirect(url_for("home.register")) return render_template("home/register.html", form = form)
from itsdangerous import URLSafeTimedSerializer from mteval.database import teamDB, compDB from flask_mail import Mail, Message admin = Blueprint("admin", __name__) #mail initialisation ts = URLSafeTimedSerializer(app.config["SECRET_KEY"]) mail = Mail(app) #create an admin user if none exists if teamDB.getAdmin() == None: teamDB.addTeam("admin", "*****@*****.**", "admin", loginUtils.hashPassword("password"), isAdmin = True, emailVerified = True, isActive = True) #Route for admin panel, where the admin can do various tasks @admin.route('/admin') @login_required def adminPanel(): if current_user.isAdmin != True: flash("You are not an admin") return redirect(url_for("home.index")) #perhaps it might be better to get all teams once and then check for conditions in template? #rather than querying twice and passing a lot of redundant information