def run(*args): """Add a card to the database from the mtgsdk.""" if args: # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() set_str = args[0] cur_set = '' try: cur_set = sourceSet.find(set_str) except: print('Set id was invalid, please check id') return set_in_db = False all_sets = Set.objects.all() selected_set = '' for one_set in all_sets: if == set_in_db = True selected_set = one_set if set_in_db: cards_in_set = selected_set.card_set.all() cards_in_set.delete() gen_set(set_str, selected_set) else: new_set = Set(, set_id=cur_set.code, slug=slugify(cur_set.code)) gen_set(set_str, new_set) else: all_cards = Card.objects.all() all_cards.delete() sets = Set.objects.all() if not sets: return cur_set = sets[0] rivals = SourceCard.where(set='rix') rivals_cards = rivals.all() for card in rivals_cards: new_card = Card.objects.create(, colors=card.colors, cmc=card.cmc, image=card.image_url, mana_cost=card.mana_cost, rarity=card.rarity, card_type=card.types, card_subtypes=card.subtypes, card_text=card.text, number=card.number ) if card.power: new_card.power = card.power if card.toughness: new_card.toughness = card.toughness if card.loyalty: new_card.loyalty = card.loyalty cur_set.card_set.add(new_card) if card.rarity == 'Common': pass
def get_edition_list(self): """ Loads all editions from the API. For a SET, mtg api has the following properties: # code # name # gatherer_code old_code # magic_cards_info_code # release_date # border # type # block online_only booster mkm_id mkm_name We are using the commented ones, but more could be fetched from the API. """ editions = [] all_sets = Set.all() for s in all_sets: editions.append([s.code,, s.gatherer_code, s.magic_cards_info_code, s.release_date, s.border, s.type, s.block]) return editions
def db_insert_data_card(self, cards_json): """Insert download from mtgjson""" c_rows = [] s_rows = [] for data in cards_json.values(): cards = [] for raw in data["cards"]: c = Card(raw) c.image_url = util.CARD_IMAGE_URL.format(c.multiverse_id) c.set = data["code"] c.set_name = data["name"] cards.append(c) for c in cards: c_rows.append(self.card_to_table_mapping(c)) set = Set(data) s_rows.append(self.set_to_table_mapping(set)) # Use separate connection to commit changes immediately con = sqlite3.connect(self.db_file) try: with con: sql_string = "INSERT INTO `cards` VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?," \ "?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" con.executemany(sql_string, c_rows) sql_string = "INSERT INTO `sets` VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" con.executemany(sql_string, s_rows) except sqlite3.OperationalError as err: util.log("Database Error", util.LogLevel.Error) util.log(str(err), util.LogLevel.Error) except sqlite3.IntegrityError as err: util.log("Database Error", util.LogLevel.Error) util.log(str(err), util.LogLevel.Error)
def _get_all_sets(self): """ Iterate through MTGSDK and extend all Set objects to self.sets. """ self.sets.extend(Set.all()) self.stdout.write(f'Grabbed {len(self.sets)} sets.')
def test_generate_booster_returns_cards(self): with vcr.use_cassette('fixtures/booster.yaml'): cards = Set.generate_booster('ktk') #NOTE: API booster size seems incorrect, returns 14 cards instead of expected 15 self.assertEqual(14, len(cards)) self.assertEqual('KTK', cards[0].set)
def downloadSets(self): #Downloading all sets name in one file sets = Set.all() with open('dataSet/allSets.csv', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=',',quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) writer.writerow(['name', 'code', 'mkm_id', 'mkm_name', 'release_date']) for set in sets: writer.writerow([, set.code, set.mkm_id, set.mkm_name, set.release_date])
def GetAllSets(): mtgsets = MTGSet.all() sets = [] for mtgset in mtgsets: sett = Objects.Set(mtgset.code, sets.append(sett) return sets
def sync_sets(self): sets = list(api_set.all()) for set in sets: body = { 'full_name':, 'abbreviation': set.code, 'release_date': set.release_date, 'type': set.type } Set.objects.update_or_create(defaults=body, abbreviation=set.code)
def season(): page = "" sets = Set.all() sets = [s for s in sets if s.type == 'core' or s.type == 'expansion'] list.sort(sets, key=lambda s: s.release_date, reverse=True) page += "<script src='static/mtgleague.js?test=%s'></script>\n" % uuid.uuid4( ) page += "<h1>MTG League Season</h1>\n" page += '<select id="setname" onchange="newSeason.updateStatus()">\n' for set in sets: setId = set.code setInfo = "%s [%s - %s]" % (, set.type, set.release_date) page += " <option value='%s'>%s</option>\n" % (setId, setInfo) page += '</select>\n' page += ''' <button onclick="newSeason.create()" id="createButton">create</button> <button onclick="newSeason.reset()" id="resetButton">reset</button> <br/> <div>status: <span id="status"></div> <div id="season-state-div">state: <span id="season-state"></span> <button onclick="newSeason.advance()" id="advanceButton">advance</button> </div> <div id="SeasonContent"> <div id="Players"><h2>Players</h2> <div id="player-registration"> <input type="text" id="newPlayerName" placeholder="Please use your office login"/><button onclick="newSeason.registerPlayer()">register</button> </div> <table id="players-table"></table> </div> <div id="Matches"> <h2>Matches</h2> <select id="match-week" onchange="newSeason.updateMatches()"></select> <table id="match-table"></table> </div> <div id="rarepool"> <h2>Rare Pool</h2> <div>Redeem Rare: <select id="rare-sel-player"></select> <select id="rare-sel-card" onchange="newSeason.updateRareSelImg()"></select> <button onclick="newSeason.redeemRare()">redeem</button> <img id="rare-sel-img" src="" alt="no image"/> </div> <table id="rarepool-table"></table> </div> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> window.onload = newSeason.updateStatus() var playerNameInput = document.getElementById('newPlayerName') playerNameInput.addEventListener("keydown", function(evt) { if (evt.keyCode == 13) { newSeason.registerPlayer() ; playerNameInput.value="" }}) </script>''' return page
def test_find_returns_set(self): with vcr.use_cassette('fixtures/ktk.yaml'): set = Set.find('ktk') self.assertEqual('KTK', set.code) self.assertEqual('Khans of Tarkir', self.assertEqual('expansion', set.type) self.assertEqual('black', set.border) self.assertTrue('common' in set.booster) self.assertEqual('2014-09-26', set.release_date) self.assertEqual('ktk', set.magic_cards_info_code)
def test_find_returns_set(self): with vcr.use_cassette('fixtures/ktk.yaml'): set = Set.find('ktk') self.assertEqual('KTK', set.code) self.assertEqual('Khans of Tarkir', self.assertEqual('expansion', set.type) #NOTE: The API doesn't seem to be providing "border" at this time #self.assertEqual('black', set.border) self.assertTrue('common' in set.booster) self.assertEqual('2014-09-26', set.release_date)
def query_and_write_sets(): setlist = [] print("query all sets") sets = Set.all() print("number of sets: " + str(len(sets))) for set in sets: dic = {'name':, 'code': set.code} setlist.append(dic) write_json(setlist, "mtg_sets.json") print("all sets written to 'mtg_sets.json'") del setlist
def net_load_set_list() -> dict: """ Load the list of all MTG sets from the Gather""" try: start = time() sets = Set.all() stop = time() log("Fetched set list in {}s".format(round(stop - start, 3)), LogLevel.Info) except MtgException as err: log(str(err), LogLevel.Error) return {} return [set.__dict__ for set in sets]
def get_card(card_request, session): session_attributes = {} cards = Card.where(name=card_request['intent']['slots']['CardName']['value'])\ .where(contains='imageUrl').all() card = cards[0] title = output = + " is a " + card.type + " from " + Set.find( card.set).name + ", and it's text reads " + card.text reprompt_text = "Please try again" return build_response( session_attributes, build_speechlet_response(title, output, reprompt_text, False))
def generate_packs(selected_set, quantity): while quantity > 0: counter = 1 card = Set.generate_booster(selected_set) current_pack = pack_number(selected_set) for i in card: img_data = requests.get( '' + str(i.multiverse_id) + '&type=card').content with create_and_open( current_pack, current_pack + str(counter) + ' ' + str( + '.jpg', 'wb') as f: f.write(img_data) counter += 1 quantity -= 1
def card_query_to_set_name(card): """ Takes: a card (a line from a facebook message) which has had all other commands removed (quantity, foil, etc) besides the set code Returns: the verbose full set name of the set code given, or an empty string """ if card.split()[0][0] == "!" and len( card.split()[0]) == 4: # Set codes must be 3 letters long code = card.split()[0][1:] # Cut off exclamation mark try: set = Set.find(code).name except restclient.MtgException: set = "" return set else: return ""
def table_to_set_mapping(row): """Return Set object representation of a table row""" set = Set() set.code = row['code'] = row['name'] set.type = row['type'] set.border = row['border'] set.mkm_id = row['mkmid'] set.mkm_name = row['mkmname'] set.release_date = row['releasedate'] set.gatherer_code = row['gatherercode'] set.magic_cards_info_code = row['magiccardsinfocode'] set.booster = ast.literal_eval(row['booster']) set.old_code = row['oldcode'] return set
def updateAll(self): psets = PersistentList() pcards = PCardList() for seti in mtgsdkSet.all(): pset = PSet(seti) setCards = [ PCard(card) for card in mtgsdkCard.where(set=seti.code).all() ] pset.extend(setCards) psets.append(pset) pcards.extend(setCards) print(pset, len(pcards), len(psets)) self.root.sets = psets = pcards transaction.commit() print(self.sets) print(
def writeInAllSets(self): try: sets = Set.where().all() except: raise Exception("Error in connection to database") setNames = "" for set in sets: setNames += set.code + "|" + + "|" if set.block is not None: setNames += set.block + "\n" else: setNames += "\n" setNames = setNames.rstrip("\n") with open(self.filePathSets, "w") as file: file.write(setNames)
def __init__(self, root): self.root = root root.title("MTG Set Checker") # Define screen size based on user's screen screen_width = int(root.winfo_screenwidth() / 2) screen_height = int(root.winfo_screenheight() / 2) self.width = screen_width self.height = screen_height window_geometry = str(self.width) + 'x' + str(self.height) self.root.geometry(window_geometry) # Retrieve from MTGSDK, sort by release date, and pass into ScrollCanvas self.sets = Set.all() self.sets.sort(key=lambda set: set.release_date, reverse=True) setNames = list( for set in self.sets) # Create Scroll Canvas self.setCheck = ScrollCanvas(root, setNames) # Test button for Check Button variable self.ok = Button(root, text="OK", command=self.printVar) # Add Clear Button self.clear = Button(root, text="Uncheck", command=self.uncheck) # Create Entry for Search # Create StringVar and bind to callback function on change sv = StringVar() sv.trace("w", lambda name, index, mode, sv=sv: self.update(sv)) = Entry(root, textvariable = sv) # Create ScrolledText for Cards cardsVar = StringVar() = ScrolledText(root) self.make_grid()
def form_valid(self, form): form.instance.user = self.request.user versions = [] name = form.cleaned_data['name'] set_name = form.cleaned_data['set_name'] sets = MtgSet.where(name=set_name).all() if len(sets) > 0: code = sets[0].code versions = MtgCard.where(name=name, set=code).all() else: versions = MtgCard.where(name=name).all() if len(versions) > 0: retval = versions[0].image_url else: retval = "" if form.is_valid(): obj = obj.image_url = retval #form.cleaned_data['image_url'] = retval return super().form_valid(form)
def readSetsFromOnline(self): try: setObjects = Set.where().all() except OperationalError: raise OperationalError("Error in connection to database") sets = [] setInfo = [] for set in setObjects: setInfo = [ set.code,"\u2014", "-").replace(u"\u2022", "*") ] if set.block is None: setInfo.append("") else: setInfo.append(set.block) sets.append(setInfo) return sets
def retrieve_sets(): return [i.__dict__ for i in Set.all()]
def fetch_a_card(self) -> MTGCard: card = secrets.choice(Card.where(set=secrets.choice(Set.all()).code).all()) return self._fetch_from_scryfall(card)
import json from mtgsdk import Card, Set, Subtype with open('logo.json') as surl: surldict = json.load(surl) sets = Set.all() print("{") print("\"allsets\": [") for iset in sets: cardSetList = Card.where(set=iset.code) \ .all() print("{") set_code = "none" if iset.code is not None: set_code = iset.code print("\"code\":" + "\"" + set_code + "\",") set_name = "none" if is not None: set_name = print("\"name\":" + "\"" + set_name + "\",") set_rDate = "none" if iset.release_date is not None: set_rDate = iset.release_date print("\"rDate\":" + "\"" + set_rDate + "\",")
def UpdateDB(): #This is the master update script #Will first refresh the SETS table and then check to see if any sets are not present on CARDS table #Will then attempt to grab all cards in all sets that are currently not present #WARNING: #Will take a long time on first load. #Reccommend using UpdateSet() if you only care about specific sets. from mtgsdk import Card from mtgsdk import Set import sqlite3 import base64 import urllib.request, io import contextlib conn = sqlite3.connect('mtgDB.db') c = conn.cursor() #Drop tables c.executescript(''' DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sets; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS mtgsets; ;''') print('Sets Table Dropped') c.execute('''CREATE TABLE if not exists sets ( id INTEGER UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, code VARCHAR (255), name VARCHAR (255), gatherer_code VARCHAR (255), old_code VARCHAR (255), magic_cards_info_code VARCHAR (255), release_date VARCHAR (255), border VARCHAR (255), stype VARCHAR (255), block VARCHAR (255), online_only VARCHAR (255), booster VARCHAR (255), mkm_id VARCHAR (255), mkm_name VARCHAR (255) );''') print("Sets Table created") #insert values sets = Set.all() for x in range (0, len(sets)): code =str(sets[x].code) name =str(sets[x].name) gatherer_code =str(sets[x].gatherer_code) old_code =str(sets[x].old_code) magic_cards_info_code =str(sets[x].magic_cards_info_code) release_date =str(sets[x].release_date) border =str(sets[x].border) stype =str(sets[x].type) block =str(sets[x].block) online_only =str(sets[x].online_only) booster =str(sets[x].booster) mkm_id =str(sets[x].mkm_id) mkm_name =str(sets[x].mkm_name) #to prevent single quote insert errors name = name.replace("'", "''") c.execute("INSERT INTO sets VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",(None,code,name,gatherer_code,old_code,magic_cards_info_code,release_date,border,stype,block,online_only,booster,mkm_id,mkm_name )) #print("Set #" + str(x) + " of " + str(len(sets))) print('Sets Table Populated') #Clear 'NONE' values from SETS c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET id = null where id='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET code = null where code='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET name = null where name='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET gatherer_code = null where gatherer_code='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET old_code = null where old_code='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET magic_cards_info_code = null where magic_cards_info_code='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET release_date = null where release_date='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET border = null where border='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET stype = null where stype='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET block = null where block='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET online_only = null where online_only='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET booster = null where booster='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET mkm_id = null where mkm_id='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE sets SET mkm_name = null where mkm_name='None' ''') print('Sets Table Cleaned') c.execute("SELECT DISTINCT code from sets where code not in (select distinct set_code from cards)") codes = c.fetchall() z = 0 print("Adding cards from the following Sets:") print(codes) for z in range(0, len(codes)-1): codes[z] = str(codes[z]).replace('(','') codes[z] = codes[z].replace(')','') codes[z] = codes[z].replace(',','') codes[z] = codes[z].replace('\'','') print("Now getting cards from: " + codes[z]) for y in range (1, 10000): cards = Card.where(set=codes[z]).where(page=y).where(pageSize=100).where(orderBy='set').all() #cards = Card.where(orderBy='name').all() for x in range (0, len(cards)): name =str(cards[x].name) multiverse_id =str(cards[x].multiverse_id) layout =str(cards[x].layout) names =str(cards[x].names) mana_cost =str(cards[x].mana_cost) cmc =str(cards[x].cmc) colors =str(cards[x].colors) color_identity =str(cards[x].color_identity) type_line =str(cards[x].type) types =str(cards[x].types) supertypes =str(cards[x].supertypes) subtypes =str(cards[x].subtypes) rarity =str(cards[x].rarity) text =str(cards[x].text) flavor =str(cards[x].flavor) artist =str(cards[x].artist) number =str(cards[x].number) power =str(cards[x].power) toughness =str(cards[x].toughness) loyalty =str(cards[x].loyalty) set_code =str(cards[x].set) set_name =str(cards[x].set_name) image_url =str(cards[x].image_url) border =str(cards[x].border) # and len(str(cards[x].names)) == 0 if cards[x].names is not None and len(cards[x].names) != 0: #print(cards[x].names) if cards[x].names.index(name) == 0: names = cards[x].names[1] else: names = cards[x].names[0] #Image BLOB data = None if cards[x].image_url is not None: #method to download card images from the with contextlib.closing(urllib.request.urlopen(image_url, data)) as fp: image = base64.b64encode( else: image = "No Image Available" #to prevent single quote import issues text = text.replace("'", "''") flavor = flavor.replace("'", "''") name = name.replace("'", "''") names = names.replace("'", "''") names = names.replace('[', '') names = names.replace(']', '') names = names.replace('"', '') set_name = set_name.replace("'", "''") artist = artist.replace("'", "''") mana_cost = mana_cost.replace('{', '') mana_cost = mana_cost.replace('}', '') color_identity = color_identity.replace('[', '') color_identity = color_identity.replace(']', '') color_identity = color_identity.replace(',', '') color_identity = color_identity.replace(' ', '') color_identity = color_identity.replace("'", '') types = types.replace('[', '') types = types.replace(']', '') types = types.replace(',', '') types = types.replace("'", '') supertypes = supertypes.replace('[', '') supertypes = supertypes.replace(']', '') supertypes = supertypes.replace(',', '') supertypes = supertypes.replace("'", '') subtypes = subtypes.replace('[', '') subtypes = subtypes.replace(']', '') subtypes = subtypes.replace(',', '') subtypes = subtypes.replace("'", '') colors = colors.replace('White', 'W') colors = colors.replace('Blue', 'U') colors = colors.replace('Black', 'B') colors = colors.replace('Red', 'R') colors = colors.replace('Green', 'G') colors = colors.replace(']', '') colors = colors.replace('[', '') colors = colors.replace(',', '') colors = colors.replace(' ', '') colors = colors.replace("'", "") c.execute("INSERT INTO cards VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",(None,name,multiverse_id,layout,names,mana_cost,cmc,colors,color_identity,type_line,supertypes,types,subtypes,rarity,text,flavor,artist,number,power,toughness,loyalty,border,image_url,set_code,set_name, image)) print(name + ' ' + set_code) if(len(cards) == 0): conn.commit() break #cards c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET id = null where id='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET name = null where name='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET multiverse_id = null where multiverse_id='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET layout = null where layout='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET names = null where names='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET mana_cost = null where mana_cost='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET cmc = null where cmc='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET colors = null where colors='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET color_identity = null where color_identity='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET type_line = null where type_line='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET supertypes = null where supertypes='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET types = null where types='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET subtypes = null where subtypes='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET rarity = null where rarity='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET text = null where text='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET flavor = null where flavor='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET artist = null where artist='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET number = null where number='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET power = null where power='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET toughness = null where toughness='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET loyalty = null where loyalty='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET border = null where border='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET image_url = null where image_url='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET set_code = null where set_code='None' ''') c.execute('''UPDATE cards SET set_name = null where set_name='None' ''') # Save (commit) the changes conn.commit() # We can also close the connection if we are done with it. # Just be sure any changes have been committed or they will be lost. conn.close() print("done")
html = ''' <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <link href="//" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css'> </head> <body> {} </body> </html> ''' sets = Set.all() sets.sort(key=lambda x: x.release_date, reverse=True) mtg_list = [] for set in sets: if set.online_only != 1: mtg_list.append({ 'code': set.code.lower(), 'name':, 'month': calendar.month_name[strptime(set.release_date, '%Y-%m-%d').tm_mon], 'year': strptime(set.release_date, '%Y-%m-%d').tm_year }) items = []
def test_where_filters_on_name(self): with vcr.use_cassette('fixtures/filtered_sets.yaml'): sets = Set.where(name='khans of tarkir promos').all() self.assertEqual(1, len(sets)) self.assertEqual('PKTK', sets[0].code)
def test_where_filters_on_name(self): with vcr.use_cassette('fixtures/filtered_sets.yaml'): sets = Set.where(name='khans').all() self.assertEqual(1, len(sets)) self.assertEqual('KTK', sets[0].code)
def test_all_returns_all_sets(self): with vcr.use_cassette('fixtures/all_sets.yaml'): sets = Set.all() self.assertGreater(len(sets), 190)
def find_cost(decknumber, all_main_decks, carddict, legal_sets, error, player_names, total_cost): setname = "temp" possible_sets = [] cost_of_deck = 0 for cardnumber in range(len(all_main_decks[decknumber])): cardname = all_main_decks[decknumber][cardnumber][0] if(cardname == "Mountain" or cardname == "Island" or cardname == "Swamp" or cardname == "Forest" or cardname == "Plains" or cardname == "Wastes"): continue#These are free cards, no one sells them if cardname in carddict:#Save time, on look ups cost_of_deck = cost_of_deck + (carddict[cardname] * float(all_main_decks[decknumber][cardnumber][1])) continue #format the card so it can be accepted tempcard = cardname tempcard = "\"" + cardname + "\"" tempcard = tempcard.replace("'", "\'") cards = Card.where(name=tempcard).all() possible_sets.clear() #clean up the raw data #Find all sets the card was printed in for x in range(len(cards)): possible_sets.append(Set.find(cards[x].set).name) possible_sets[x] = possible_sets[x].replace('\\xa0', '') possible_sets[x] = possible_sets[x].replace(' ', '') possible_sets[x] = possible_sets[x].replace(' ','') #for some reason, the API returns 'time spiral timeshifted' but its referred to as timeshifted if(possible_sets[x] == "Time Spiral Timeshifted"): possible_sets[x] = "Timeshifted" flag = 0 #Find the modern legal sets the card was printed in for set_1 in range(len(possible_sets)): for set_2 in range(len(legal_sets)): if(possible_sets[set_1] == legal_sets[set_2]): setname = possible_sets[set_1] flag = 1 if(flag == 1): break if(flag == 1): break if(flag == 0): #Dont mind the debugging. #print("CARD NOT FOUND IN LEGAL SET") #for set_1 in range(len(possible_sets)): # print(possible_sets[set_1]) error.write(cardname) error.write('\n') error.write(tempcard) error.write('\n') continue flag = 0#Sanity check #alter the text s.t. it fits the url format setname = setname.replace(" ",'+') setname = setname.replace(".","") setname = setname.replace(":","") setname = setname.replace("'","") #For some reason, the site Im using has 'core set' after magic 2015 and 2014 but NOT #after 2013-2010 if(setname == "Magic+2015" or setname == "Magic+2014"): setname = setname + "+Core+Set" tempcard = cardname tempcard = tempcard.replace(" // ", " ") tempcard = tempcard.replace(" ","+") tempcard = tempcard.replace(",","") tempcard = tempcard.replace("'","") url = ''%(setname,tempcard) cash = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read() sop = bs.BeautifulSoup(cash,'lxml') x = 0 for div in sop.find_all('div' , class_='price-box-price'): if(x == 1):#Finds the physical cost of the card carddict[cardname] = float(div.text) cost_of_deck = cost_of_deck + (float(div.text) * float(all_main_decks[decknumber][cardnumber][1])) x = 0 else:#as opposed to the price of it in an online format x = x + 1 print("Total cost of the deck: $" + (str(float(truncate(cost_of_deck,2))))) #Originally wrote to file with no user input #ditched the idea but kept non-error file writing in the off chance I want to use it total_cost.write(player_names[decknumber]) total_cost.write(": $") total_cost.write(str(float(truncate(cost_of_deck,2)))) total_cost.write('\n')
def net_load_sets(): try: sets = Set.all() except: return "" return sets
def test_generate_booster_returns_cards(self): with vcr.use_cassette('fixtures/booster.yaml'): cards = Set.generate_booster('ktk') self.assertEqual(15, len(cards)) self.assertEqual('KTK', cards[0].set)