def save_files(the_lines: typing.Union[typing.List[str], None] = None,
               working_filename: typing.Union[Path, None] = None) -> None:
    """Give the user the option (possibly) to save the modified-in-place verified text (stored
    in global variable THE_LINES), plus, if modified, the list of words to always
    global apostrophe_words_filename, always_capitalize_list_filename       # semi-constant module configuration params
    global apostrophe_words, always_capitalize_list
    global original_always_capitalize_list
    global text_source_file_changed

    if working_filename:
        assert isinstance(working_filename, Path)
    if apostrophe_words_filename:
        assert isinstance(apostrophe_words_filename, Path)
    if always_capitalize_list_filename:
        assert isinstance(always_capitalize_list_filename, Path)

    if text_source_file_changed:
        if the_lines and working_filename:
            choice = comparative_form(multi_choice_menu.menu_choice(save_data_menu, 'Overwrite file "%s" with modified text?' %
            if choice == 'y':
                with'w') as f:
        print('No changes made in this file, moving on ...\n\n')
    always_capitalize_list.sort()           # FIXME! Is this happening when called from a module?
    if always_capitalize_list != original_always_capitalize_list:
        choice = comparative_form(multi_choice_menu.menu_choice(save_data_menu, 'List of always-capitalize words "%s" modified. Save new list?' %
        if choice == 'y':
            always_capitalize_list_filename = always_capitalize_list_filename or file_utils.do_open_dialog()
            with'w') as f:
                f.writelines(sorted(list(set([comparative_form(line) + '\n' for line in always_capitalize_list]))))
                original_always_capitalize_list = always_capitalize_list

    if apostrophe_words != original_apostrophe_words:
        choice = comparative_form(multi_choice_menu.menu_choice(save_data_menu, 'List of begin-with-apostrophe words "%s" modified. Save new list?' %
        if choice == 'y':
            apostrophe_words_filename = apostrophe_words_filename or file_utils.do_open_dialog()
            with'w') as f:
                f.writelines(sorted(list(set(['’%s\n' % comparative_form(line).lstrip("’'") for line in apostrophe_words]))))
コード例 #2
def save_files(the_lines, the_filename, the_always_capitalize_list, the_always_capitalize_list_filename):
    """Give the user the option to save the modified-in-place verified text (stored
    in global variable THE_LINES), plus, if modified, the list of words to always

          the_lines                             List of lines to be written back to the original file.
          the_filename                          Path/name of the original file to be overwritten.
          the_always_capitalize_list            List of words always to capitalize.
          the_always_capitalize_list_filename   Location of always-capitalize list.

    Returns a tuple:
        ( the [possibly modified] THE_ALWAYS_CAPITALIZE_LIST,
          the [possibly modified] THE_ALWAYS_CAPITALIZE_LIST_FILENAME,
    global original_always_capitalize_list

    the_menu = OrderedDict([                                    # Use this same menu for both questions
                            ('Y', "Overwrite the old data"),
                            ('N', 'Cancel and lose the changes')
    choice = comparative_form(multi_choice_menu.menu_choice(the_menu, 'Overwrite file "%s" with modified text?' % os.path.split(filename)[1]))
    if choice == 'y':
        with open(the_filename, 'w') as f:

    if the_always_capitalize_list != original_always_capitalize_list:
        choice = comparative_form(multi_choice_menu.menu_choice(the_menu, 'List of always-capitalize words "%s" modified. Save new list?' %
        if choice == 'y':
            the_always_capitalize_list_filename = the_always_capitalize_list_filename or sfp.do_open_dialog()
            with open(the_always_capitalize_list_filename, 'w') as f:
                f.writelines(sorted(list(set([ comparative_form(line) + '\n' for line in the_always_capitalize_list ]))))

    return the_always_capitalize_list, the_always_capitalize_list_filename
コード例 #3
def check_word_capitalization(tagged_sentence, word_number, allow_always_correct=False):
    """Give the user a choice of whether to correct the capitalization of the
    word or not to correct the capitalization of the word.

    Returns True if the capitalization NEEDS TO BE ALTERED; False if capitalization IS ALREADY CORRECT.
    This routine modifies the global list always_capitalize_list.
    global the_lines, filename, always_capitalize_list, always_capitalize_list_filename     # In case we abort and save.

    the_word = tagged_sentence[word_number][0]
    if comparative_form(the_word) in always_capitalize_list:
        return True
        # First, reassemble the sentence, except capitalize the entire word whose capitalization is in question
        context_sentence = ''
        count = 0
        for w, _ in tagged_sentence:
            if count == word_number:
                w = w.upper()
            count += 1
            context_sentence = "%s%s" % (context_sentence, w) if w in punc else "%s %s" % (context_sentence, w)

        verb = "is" if the_word[0].isupper() else "is not"
        question = 'POSSIBLE ERROR DETECTED: the word "%s" %s capitalized. Is this wrong?' % (puncstrip(the_word), verb)
        text_handling.print_indented(question, 2)
        text_handling.print_indented('CONTEXT: %s\n' % context_sentence, 2)

        the_menu = OrderedDict([])
        the_menu['Y'] = ("Decapitalize" if the_word[0].isupper() else "Capitalize") + " this word"
        the_menu['N'] = 'Leave this word as-is'
        if allow_always_correct:
            the_menu['A'] = "Always capitalize this word"
        the_menu['Q'] = 'Quit, with option to save changes'

        choice = comparative_form(multi_choice_menu.menu_choice(the_menu, "What would you like to do?"))
        if choice == 'a':
            always_capitalize_list += [ comparative_form(the_word) ]
            choice = "n" if the_word[0].isupper() else "y"
        elif choice == 'q':
            save_files(the_lines, filename, always_capitalize_list, always_capitalize_list_filename)
            print('\nQuitting ...')

        ret = choice.lower() == 'y'
        return ret
def check_word_capitalization(tagged_sentence: typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, str]],  # CHECK: is this correct?
                              word_number: int,
                              allow_always_correct: bool,
                              # The rest of these parameters are just in case we have to save while quitting in the
                              # middle of the run. They can be None; if either is, saving is not an option that's
                              # offered to the user.
                              the_lines: typing.Union[typing.List[str], None] = None,
                              working_filename: typing.Union[Path, None] = None,
                              ) -> bool:
    """Give the user a choice of whether to correct the capitalization of word number
    WORD_NUMBER in TAGGED_SENTENCE or not to correct the capitalization of that
    word. The "tagged" in TAGGED_SENTENCE means "POS-tagged by NLTK."

    If ALLOW_ALWAYS_CORRECT is True, the user is given the option to always
    capitalize this word; otherwise, the user is not given this option.
    global text_source_file_changed
    global always_capitalize_list, apostrophe_words
    if working_filename:
        assert isinstance(working_filename, Path)

    the_word = tagged_sentence[word_number][0]
    if comparative_form(the_word) in always_capitalize_list:
        return True
        # First, reassemble the sentence, except capitalize the entire word whose capitalization is in question
        context_sentence = ''
        count = 0
        for w, _ in tagged_sentence:
            if count == word_number:
                w = w.upper()
            count += 1
            context_sentence = "%s%s" % (context_sentence, w) if w in punc else "%s %s" % (context_sentence, w)

        verb = "is" if th.is_capitalized(the_word) else "is not"
        question = 'POSSIBLE ERROR DETECTED: the word "%s" %s capitalized. Is this wrong?' % (comparative_form(the_word), verb)
        th.print_indented(question, 2)
        th.print_indented('CONTEXT: %s\n' % context_sentence, 2)

        the_menu = OrderedDict([])
        the_menu['Y'] = ("Decapitalize" if th.is_capitalized(the_word) else "Capitalize") + " this word"
        the_menu['N'] = 'Leave this word as-is'
        if allow_always_correct:
            the_menu['A'] = "Always capitalize this word"
        if th.begins_with_apostrophe(the_word) and comparative_form(the_word).strip("’'") not in apostrophe_words:
            the_menu['D'] = "Allow this word to begin with an apostrophe"
        if the_word.strip().startswith("'") and comparative_form(the_word).strip("’'") not in apostrophe_words:
            the_menu['C'] = "Correct initial apostrophe ( ' ) to opening quote ( ‘ )"
        if the_lines and working_filename:
            the_menu['Q'] = 'Quit, with option to save training data (but not modified text)'

        choice = comparative_form(multi_choice_menu.menu_choice(the_menu, "What would you like to do?"))
        if choice == 'a':
            always_capitalize_list += [comparative_form(the_word)]
            choice = "n" if th.is_capitalized(the_word) else "y"
        elif choice == 'q':                         # FIXME: we should really be able to save the modified source text.
            # The text file hasn't been fully reassembled yet, so we can't save it! Pass other parameters, though.
            # This branch only available if THE_LINES and WORKING_FILENAME were specified as parameters.
            print('\nQuitting ...')
        elif choice == "d":
            apostrophe_words += [the_word[0] + comparative_form(the_word).strip("’'") ]             # Add the word to the list ...
            return check_word_capitalization(tagged_sentence, word_number, allow_always_correct)    # And check again.
        elif choice == "c":
            tagged_sentence[word_number] = ("‘" + the_word.strip().lstrip("'"), tagged_sentence[word_number][1])
            return check_word_capitalization(tagged_sentence, word_number, allow_always_correct)    # And check again.
        ret = choice.lower() == 'y'
        return ret