def run_daemon(qa_pipe: Connection): wiki_daemon = WikiDaemon(WIKI_PAGE) wiki_daemon.update_wiki_cache() wiki_daemon.reload_spacy_docs() print("wiki_daemon: Child process started") next_wiki_update = time.time() + UPDATE_PERIOD_SECS while True: now = time.time() if next_wiki_update < now: print("wiki_daemon: Checking Wikipedia for updates") updated = wiki_daemon.update_wiki_cache() if updated: print("wiki_daemon: Got new revision, updating") next_wiki_update = now + UPDATE_PERIOD_SECS if qa_pipe.poll(timeout=next_wiki_update - now): try: question = qa_pipe.recv() qa_pipe.send(wiki_daemon.inquiry(question)) except EOFError: # Pipe was closed on other end, we're done here qa_pipe.close() return except ValueError: print("Answer was too large to send!") # Make sure the caller isn't still waiting for an object try: qa_pipe.send("") except EOFError: qa_pipe.close() return
def update(self, send_pipe: Connection, connection: serial.Serial) -> None: values = [''] * 8 formats = [''] * 8 channel = 0 while True: bite = if bite: hexx = bite.hex() dec = int(hexx, 16) # Channels are encoded as > 127 decimals if dec > 127: channel_potential = self.get_channel(hexx) if channel_potential < 0 and abs(channel_potential) != abs(channel): self.process(channel, values, formats) send_pipe.send( # Reset Channel and Digit Values channel = channel_potential values = [''] * 8 formats = [''] * 8 else: channel = channel_potential else: # Bytes not representing a channel are values for the preceeding channel digit, value = self.get_value(hexx) if channel > 0: formats[digit] = value else: values[digit] = value
def do_edit_image(edit_function: Callable[..., Any], image_bytes: bytes, pipe: Connection, **kwargs) -> None: try: with Image(blob=image_bytes) as image, Color("transparent") as colour: if image.format != "GIF": image.background_color = colour edit_function(image, **kwargs) else: image.coalesce() image.iterator_reset() image.background_color = colour edit_function(image, **kwargs) while image.iterator_next(): image.background_color = colour edit_function(image, **kwargs) image.optimize_transparency() edited_image_format = image.format edited_image_bytes = image.make_blob() pipe.send((edited_image_bytes, edited_image_format)) except Exception as e: print(e, file=sys.stderr) pipe.send(ValueError)
def _runjob(pipe: Connection, procs: TaskCacheList, keys: List[int]): "runs a job" if pipe.poll(): return frame = next(iter(, None) if frame is None: pipe.send((None, None)) return if callable(getattr(frame, 'bead', None)): raise NotImplementedError() for i in keys: if pipe.poll(): return try: out = (i, frame[i]) except ProcessorException as exc: out = (i, exc) if pipe.poll(): return pipe.send(out) if not pipe.poll(): pipe.send((None, None))
def run_main(control_fd, data_fd, func): if iswindows: from multiprocessing.connection import PipeConnection as Connection else: from multiprocessing.connection import Connection with Connection(control_fd) as control_conn, Connection(data_fd) as data_conn: func(control_conn, data_conn)
def _grant_handles(conn: Connection, handles: Iterable[IO]) -> None: log = logging.getLogger('_grant_handles') cpid = conn.recv()'Attempting to grant file handles to pid {}.'.format(cpid)) for handle in handles: _grant_handle(conn, handle, cpid) conn.send(None)
def report_progress(conn_out: connection.Connection, prefix: str = '') -> None: """Tell the user how much work has been done. :param prefix: A message to print before the progress prompt, e.g. 'Progress: '. :param conn_out: A multiprocessing ``Connection`` object from which values may be read. Each value emitted by the object should be a float between 0 and 1, inclusive, where 0 indicates 0% complete, and 1 represents 100% complete. When a value of 1 is received, this function will return. :return: Nothing. """ while True: progress = conn_out.recv() # \r is carriage return. The other is an ANSI escape code. See: # print( '\r\033[K' + prefix + f'{progress * 100:.0f}%', end='', ) sys.stdout.flush() if progress == 1: conn_out.close() print() break
def evaluate(self, weight_path: str, sendPipe: connection.Connection, *args, **kwargs): ''' 功能: 单个模型测试 ''' # 限制内存增长 gpus = tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU') if gpus: try: for gpu in gpus: tf.config.experimental.set_memory_growth(gpu, True) except RuntimeError as e: print(e) # 模型配置 model = self.model_preparation() model = model_cnn_common.model_compile(self.type, model) # 导入权重 model.load_weights(weight_path, by_name=False) # 生成器准备 self.generator_preparation() # 数据准备 self.data_preparation() # 数据预取 self.testsets = self.testsets.prefetch( # 模型评估 loss = model.evaluate( self.testsets, verbose=1, return_dict=True) # 返回 sendPipe.send(loss) # 对应主进程, 确保管道关闭 sendPipe.close()
def relay( sub_id: str, shutdown: threading.Event, channel: connection.Connection, callback: Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], None], ) -> None: while not shutdown.is_set(): try: if channel.poll(timeout=1): ev = channel.recv() if ev['event_name'] == eventNames.SUBSCRIBED: 'Subscriber#{0} subscribe ack received'.format( sub_id, ), ) elif ev['event_name'] == eventNames.UNSUBSCRIBED: 'Subscriber#{0} unsubscribe ack received'.format( sub_id, ), ) break elif ev['event_name'] == eventNames.DISPATCHER_SHUTDOWN: 'Subscriber#{0} received dispatcher shutdown event' .format(sub_id, ), ) break else: callback(ev) except queue.Empty: pass except EOFError: break except KeyboardInterrupt: break logger.debug('bbye!!!')
def worker_( pipe: connection.Connection, env_fn_wrapper: CloudpickleWrapper, policy_fn_wrapper: CloudpickleWrapper, num_data_points: int ): # Unwrap env = policy = # collect obs = env.reset() for step in range(num_data_points): act = policy.infer(obs) next_obs, rew, done, info = env.step(act) # send data pipe.send({ "obs": obs, "act": act, "rew": rew, "done": done, "next_obs": next_obs }) # update obs obs = next_obs # reset if done if done: obs = env.reset()
def download(sender: Connection): url = self.__url req = requests.get(url, stream=True) if req.status_code != 200: raise Exception('url returned code {}'.format(req.status_code)) # file_name = req.headers['Content-Disposition'] # print(file_name) while True: # download piece of file from given url s = # tarfile returns b'', if the download process finished if not s: break tmp_file.write(s) req.raw.close() # send notification to log() process # indicating the download process done sender.send(True)
def update(self, send_pipe: Connection, connection: serial.Serial) -> None: while True: send_pipe.send( # Filter out 'SYNC IDLE' transmissions control_character = 0 while control_character != b'\x16': try: control_character = except SerialException: continue message = '' last_character = b'' # Real Time Data Messages end with a 'END TRANSMISSION BLOCK' while last_character != b'\x17': hexx = last_character.hex() # hexadecimal value of byte if hexx != '': dec = int(hexx, 16) # decimal representation of hexadecimal byte message += chr(dec) else: pass try: last_character = except SerialException: continue self.parse(message)
def _process( self, conn_lru_dict: LRUCacheType[multiprocessing_connection.Connection, bool], handle_pool: ThreadPool, c_recv: multiprocessing_connection.Connection, c_send: multiprocessing_connection.Connection, wait=multiprocessing_connection.wait): while True: try: for conn in wait(list(conn_lru_dict.keys()) + [c_recv]): if conn == c_recv: c_recv.recv_bytes() continue del conn_lru_dict[conn] if not conn.closed: handle_pool.spawn(self._handle, conn_lru_dict, conn, c_send) else: self.logger.debug("conn %s was closed" % conn) except OSError as e: if getattr(e, "winerror", 0) == 6: continue logging.exception("OSError") except: logging.exception("error")
def _player_process(conn: Connection, player_class: Type[AIPlayer], player_args: Tuple[Any]) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ Used to run an AIPlayer in a separate process. See OutOfProcessComputerPlayer.__init__() for more details. """"AIProcess: Started") player = player_class(*player_args)"AIProcess: Player created successfully: %s", player) conn.send(player.cheater) while True: "AIProcess: Waiting for a GameView from the UI process...") try: game_view, game_points = conn.recv() except EOFError:"AIProcess: The pipe was closed. Exiting.") break"AIProcess: GameView received. Processing...") action = player.request_next_action(game_view, game_points)"AIProcess: Sending action (%s) to the UI process", action) try: conn.send(action) except BrokenPipeError:"AIProcess: The pipe was closed. Exiting.") break
def _analyzer(client: DgraphClient, graph: Subgraph, sender: Connection): hits = analyze_by_node_key(client, graph, signature_graph) for hit in hits: sender.send(ExecutionHit.from_parent_child('suspicious-svchost', hit)) sender.send(ExecutionComplete())
def lulapy_broker(conn: Connection) -> None: connections.append(conn) funcs: Dict[Text, Callable] = { 'message': message, 'subscribe': subscribe, 'unsubscribe': unsubscribe, 'close': close, 'add_connection': add_connection } while True: if len(connections) == 0: break for conn in connections: if conn.closed: connections.remove(conn) for topic in topics.keys(): topics[topic].remove(conn) elif conn.poll(): data = conn.recv() _type = data['type'] funcs[_type](data, conn)
def _run_user_proc(user: pwd.struct_passwd, pipe: Connection) -> None: os.setgid(user.pw_gid) os.setuid(user.pw_uid) os.environ[ "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" ] = f"unix:path=/run/user/{user.pw_uid}/bus" log.debug(f"Subprocess created with uid={os.getuid()} and gid={os.getgid()}") try: temp_noti: Notify.Notification ="No message.") while not pipe.closed: log.debug( f"Blocking for new notifications from {pipe} on subprocess for user {user}" ) try: input = pipe.recv() except KeyboardInterrupt: input = "QUIT" if isinstance(input, Notification): temp_noti.update(input.summary, input.body, input.app_icon) temp_noti.set_hint_byte("urgency", input.urgency.value) try: except GDBusError as e: log.exception("Failed to show notification.") elif isinstance(input, str) and input == "QUIT": log.debug(f"Quit message received. Shutting down.") pipe.close() break except EOFError: log.debug(f"Pipe closed {pipe} on subprocess for user {user}")
def device_send(cls, ctrl_connection: Connection, send_config: SendConfig, dev_parameters: OrderedDict): if not cls.init_device(ctrl_connection, is_tx=True, parameters=dev_parameters): return False if cls.ASYNCHRONOUS: cls.enter_async_send_mode(send_config.get_data_to_send) else: cls.prepare_sync_send(ctrl_connection) exit_requested = False buffer_size = cls.CONTINUOUS_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE if send_config.continuous else cls.SEND_BUFFER_SIZE if not cls.ASYNCHRONOUS and buffer_size == 0: logger.warning("Send buffer size is zero!") while not exit_requested and not send_config.sending_is_finished(): if cls.ASYNCHRONOUS: time.sleep(0.5) else: cls.send_sync(send_config.get_data_to_send(buffer_size)) while ctrl_connection.poll(): result = cls.process_command(ctrl_connection.recv(), ctrl_connection, is_tx=True) if result == exit_requested = True break if exit_requested: logger.debug("{}: exit requested. Stopping sending".format(cls.__class__.__name__)) if send_config.sending_is_finished(): logger.debug("{}: sending is finished.".format(cls.__class__.__name__)) cls.shutdown_device(ctrl_connection) ctrl_connection.close()
def get_last_message(connection: Connection) -> dict: message = {} try: while connection.poll(): message = connection.recv() except EOFError: pass return message
def analyzer(graph: Subgraph, sender: Connection): try: print('analyzing') client = DgraphClient(DgraphClientStub('db.mastergraph:9080')) _analyzer(client, graph, sender) except Exception as e: print('analyzer failed: {}'.format(e)) sender.send(None)
def close(data, conn: Connection): connections.remove(conn) for topic in topics.keys(): if conn in topics[topic]: topics[topic].remove(conn) if not conn.closed: conn.close()
def Pconsumer_fcn(Pconn: Connection, loopCondition: Value): counter = 0 while loopCondition.value == 1: if Pconn.poll(0.1): _ = Pconn.recv() counter += 1 Pconn.close() print(f"Consumer msg: Received: {counter} messages\n")
def setup_device(cls, ctrl_connection: Connection, device_identifier): ret = ctrl_connection.send("OPEN:" + str(ret)) success = ret == 0 if success: device_repr = usrp.get_device_representation() ctrl_connection.send(device_repr) return success
def _log(self, logstring, conn: Connection): """ Use remote logging on Colony. """ conn.send( Msg("%s '%s': %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._kwargs['name'] if 'name' in self._kwargs else 'noname', logstring)))
def _find_prime(nbits: int, pipe: Connection) -> None: while True: integer = rsa.randnum.read_random_odd_int(nbits) # Test for primeness if pipe.send(integer) return
def _fast_run_command_target(command: List[str], w: Connection, stdin: Optional[int] = None, stdout: Optional[int] = None, stderr: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """Low-level command invoker with low overhead. Writes the CommandResult instance to the provided connection w. Uses pure os wrappers around libc commands, so it's pretty fast. """ # this function is to be run in a dedicated process anyway, so we can overwrite # current process' fds for more accurate child execution time measurement if stdin is not None: os.dup2(stdin, 0, inheritable=True) if stdout is not None: os.dup2(stdout, 1, inheritable=True) if stderr is not None: os.dup2(stderr, 2, inheritable=True) _close_all_fds(STANDARD_FDS | {w.fileno()}) pid = os.fork() if pid == 0: # in child os.close(w.fileno()) os.execvp(command[0], command) os._exit(1) # this should never happen (unless execvp fails) opts = os.WUNTRACED start_time = time.monotonic() _, status = os.waitpid(pid, opts) end_time = time.monotonic() rusage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_CHILDREN) real_time = end_time - start_time cpu_time = rusage.ru_utime + rusage.ru_stime max_memory = rusage.ru_maxrss # mac os shows result in bytes, normal OSes -- in kilobytes if platform.platform() != 'darwin': max_memory *= 1024 if os.WIFSIGNALED(status): code = 128 + os.WTERMSIG(status) else: code = os.WEXITSTATUS(status) result = CommandStats( return_code=code, real_time=math.ceil(real_time * 1000), cpu_time=math.ceil(cpu_time * 1000), max_memory=math.ceil(max_memory), ) w.send(result)
def show_feed(index: int, pipe: Connection): name = "Cam " + str(index) size = big print("running size:", size) cap = cv2.VideoCapture(index, backend) cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, size[0]) cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, size[1]) save_dir = "C:/users/phill/companion app save folder/" vid_ext = ".avi" codec = "DIVX" frame_size = big fps = 30 writer = cv2.VideoWriter() self.writer = cv2.VideoWriter( save_dir + timestamp + + '_output' + vid_ext, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*codec), fps, frame_size) start = time.time() num_frames = 0 resize = 0 while True: if pipe.poll(): msg = pipe.recv() if msg == "small": resize = 1 elif msg == "big": resize = 2 elif msg == "reset": resize = 0 elif msg == "close": cv2.destroyWindow(name) cap.release() break ret, frame = if ret and frame is not None: if resize == 1: frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=small[0]) elif resize == 2: frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=big[0]) cv2.imshow(name, frame) num_frames += 1 else: print("Cam failed") cv2.destroyWindow(name) cap.release() break keypress = cv2.waitKey(1) % 0xFF if keypress == ord('q'): break end = time.time() seconds = end - start if seconds > 0: fps = num_frames / seconds else: fps = 0 print("time taken:", seconds, "fps:", fps, "camera:", index, "frames handled:", num_frames) cap.release()
def init_device(cls, ctrl_connection: Connection, is_tx: bool, parameters: OrderedDict): usrp.set_tx(is_tx) success = super().init_device(ctrl_connection, is_tx, parameters) if success: ctrl_connection.send( "Current antenna is {} (possible antennas: {})".format( usrp.get_antenna(), ", ".join(usrp.get_antennas()))) return success
def shutdown_device(cls, ctrl_conn: Connection): logger.debug("HackRF: closing device") ret = hackrf.close() ctrl_conn.send("CLOSE:" + str(ret)) ret = hackrf.exit() ctrl_conn.send("EXIT:" + str(ret)) return True
def log_data(conn: Connection, cs_logger): print('Starting log...') while True: data = conn.recv() if not data: conn.close() print('Closing...') return
def setup_device(cls, ctrl_connection: Connection, device_identifier): ret = hackrf.setup(device_identifier) msg = "SETUP" if device_identifier: msg += " ({})".format(device_identifier) msg += ": "+str(ret) ctrl_connection.send(msg) return ret == 0
class RawSocketHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler): def setup(self): registry.append(self) def handle(self): self.conn = Connection(self.request.detach()) while self.conn._handle: try: obj = json.loads(self.conn.recv_bytes().decode('utf-8')) except EOFError: break if obj['type'] == 'message':, obj['message'], None)) self.conn.send_bytes(json.dumps({'ret': True}).encode('utf-8')) elif obj['type'] == 'request': m = bus.post_sync(nt_from_dict(Message, obj['message'], None)) if m: ret = {"ret": True, "response": m._asdict()} else: ret = {"ret": False, "response": None} self.conn.send_bytes(json.dumps(ret).encode('utf-8')) def send(self, msg): if isinstance(msg, Message): ret = {"type": "message", "message": msg._asdict()} else: ret = {"type": "response", "response": msg._asdict()} self.conn.send_bytes(json.dumps(ret).encode('utf-8')) def finish(self): registry.remove(self) def close(self): self.conn.close()
def setup_device(cls, ctrl_connection: Connection, device_identifier): ret = ctrl_connection.send("OPEN:" + str(ret)) limesdr.disable_all_channels() if ret != 0: return False ret = limesdr.init() ctrl_connection.send("INIT:" + str(ret)) return ret == 0
def prepare_sync_send(cls, ctrl_connection: Connection): try: cls.pyaudio_stream =, channels=2, rate=cls.SAMPLE_RATE, output=True) ctrl_connection.send("Successfully started pyaudio stream") return 0 except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) ctrl_connection.send("Failed to start pyaudio stream")
def prepare_sync_receive(cls, ctrl_connection: Connection): try: cls.pyaudio_stream =, channels=2, rate=cls.SAMPLE_RATE, input=True, frames_per_buffer=cls.CHUNK_SIZE) ctrl_connection.send("Successfully started pyaudio stream") return 0 except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) ctrl_connection.send("Failed to start pyaudio stream")
def generate_data(connection: Connection, num_samples=32768): frequency = 0.1 divisor = 200 pos = 0 while True: result = np.zeros(num_samples, dtype=np.complex64) result.real = np.cos(2 * np.pi * frequency * np.arange(pos, pos + num_samples)) result.imag = np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency * np.arange(pos, pos + num_samples)) pos += num_samples if pos / num_samples >= divisor: frequency *= 2 if frequency >= 1: frequency = 0.1 pos = 0 connection.send(result)
def device_send(cls, ctrl_connection: Connection, send_config: SendConfig, dev_parameters: OrderedDict): if not cls.init_device(ctrl_connection, is_tx=True, parameters=dev_parameters): ctrl_connection.send("failed to start tx mode") return False if cls.ASYNCHRONOUS: ret = cls.enter_async_send_mode(send_config.get_data_to_send) else: ret = cls.prepare_sync_send(ctrl_connection) if ret != 0: ctrl_connection.send("failed to start tx mode") return False exit_requested = False buffer_size = cls.CONTINUOUS_TX_CHUNK_SIZE if send_config.continuous else cls.SYNC_TX_CHUNK_SIZE if not cls.ASYNCHRONOUS and buffer_size == 0: logger.warning("Send buffer size is zero!") ctrl_connection.send("successfully started tx mode") while not exit_requested and not send_config.sending_is_finished(): if cls.ASYNCHRONOUS: try: time.sleep(0.5) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass else: cls.send_sync(send_config.get_data_to_send(buffer_size)) while ctrl_connection.poll(): result = cls.process_command(ctrl_connection.recv(), ctrl_connection, is_tx=True) if result == exit_requested = True break if not cls.ASYNCHRONOUS: # Some Sync send calls (e.g. USRP) are not blocking, so we wait a bit here to ensure # that the send buffer on the SDR is cleared time.sleep(0.75) if exit_requested: logger.debug("{}: exit requested. Stopping sending".format(cls.__class__.__name__)) if send_config.sending_is_finished(): logger.debug("{}: sending is finished.".format(cls.__class__.__name__)) cls.shutdown_device(ctrl_connection, is_tx=True) ctrl_connection.close()
def setup_device(cls, ctrl_connection: Connection, device_identifier): device_identifier = device_identifier if isinstance(device_identifier, str) else "" try: device_identifier ="\[.*\]", device_identifier).groups(0) except (IndexError, AttributeError): pass if not device_identifier: _, uris = plutosdr.scan_devices() try: device_identifier = uris[0] except IndexError: ctrl_connection.send("Could find a connected PlutoSDR") return False ret = ctrl_connection.send("OPEN ({}):{}".format(device_identifier, ret)) return ret == 0
def _process(self, conn_lru_dict: LRUCacheType[multiprocessing_connection.Connection, bool], handle_pool: ThreadPool, c_recv: multiprocessing_connection.Connection, c_send: multiprocessing_connection.Connection, wait=multiprocessing_connection.wait): while True: try: for conn in wait(list(conn_lru_dict.keys()) + [c_recv]): if conn == c_recv: c_recv.recv_bytes() continue del conn_lru_dict[conn] if not conn.closed: handle_pool.spawn(self._handle, conn_lru_dict, conn, c_send) else: self.logger.debug("conn %s was closed" % conn) except OSError as e: if getattr(e, "winerror", 0) == 6: continue logging.exception("OSError") except: logging.exception("error")
def shutdown_device(cls, ctrl_conn: Connection, is_tx: bool): if is_tx: result = hackrf.stop_tx_mode() ctrl_conn.send("STOP TX MODE:" + str(result)) else: result = hackrf.stop_rx_mode() ctrl_conn.send("STOP RX MODE:" + str(result)) result = hackrf.close() ctrl_conn.send("CLOSE:" + str(result)) result = hackrf.exit() ctrl_conn.send("EXIT:" + str(result)) return True
def setup_device(cls, ctrl_connection: Connection, device_identifier): ctrl_connection.send("Initializing pyaudio...") try: cls.pyaudio_handle = pyaudio.PyAudio() ctrl_connection.send("Initialized pyaudio") return True except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) ctrl_connection.send("Failed to initialize pyaudio")
def handle(self): self.conn = Connection(self.request.detach()) while self.conn._handle: try: obj = json.loads(self.conn.recv_bytes().decode('utf-8')) except EOFError: break if obj['type'] == 'message':, obj['message'], None)) self.conn.send_bytes(json.dumps({'ret': True}).encode('utf-8')) elif obj['type'] == 'request': m = bus.post_sync(nt_from_dict(Message, obj['message'], None)) if m: ret = {"ret": True, "response": m._asdict()} else: ret = {"ret": False, "response": None} self.conn.send_bytes(json.dumps(ret).encode('utf-8'))
def init_device(cls, ctrl_connection: Connection, is_tx: bool, parameters: OrderedDict): if not cls.setup_device(ctrl_connection, device_identifier=parameters["identifier"]): return False limesdr.enable_channel(True, is_tx, parameters[]) limesdr.set_tx(is_tx) for parameter, value in parameters.items(): cls.process_command((parameter, value), ctrl_connection, is_tx) antennas = limesdr.get_antenna_list() ctrl_connection.send("Current normalized gain is {0:.2f}".format(limesdr.get_normalized_gain())) ctrl_connection.send("Current antenna is {0}".format(antennas[limesdr.get_antenna()])) ctrl_connection.send("Current chip temperature is {0:.2f}°C".format(limesdr.get_chip_temperature())) return True
def enter_async_receive_mode(cls, data_connection: Connection, ctrl_connection: Connection): ret = hackrf.start_rx_mode(data_connection.send_bytes) ctrl_connection.send("Start RX MODE:" + str(ret)) return ret
def prepare_sync_receive(cls, ctrl_connection: Connection): ctrl_connection.send("Initializing PlutoSDR..") ret = plutosdr.setup_rx(cls.SYNC_RX_CHUNK_SIZE) return ret
def receive_sync(cls, data_conn: Connection): data_conn.send_bytes(rtlsdr.read_sync())
def prepare_sync_receive(cls, ctrl_connection: Connection): ret = rtlsdr.reset_buffer() ctrl_connection.send("RESET_BUFFER:" + str(ret)) return ret
def setup_device(cls, ctrl_connection: Connection, device_identifier): # identifier gets set in self.receive_process_arguments device_number = int(device_identifier) ret = ctrl_connection.send("OPEN (#{}):{}".format(device_number, ret)) return ret == 0
def setup_device(cls, ctrl_connection: Connection, device_identifier): ret = hackrf.setup() ctrl_connection.send("SETUP:" + str(ret)) return ret == 0
def device_receive(cls, data_connection: Connection, ctrl_connection: Connection, dev_parameters: OrderedDict): if not cls.init_device(ctrl_connection, is_tx=False, parameters=dev_parameters): ctrl_connection.send("failed to start rx mode") return False try: cls.adapt_num_read_samples_to_sample_rate(dev_parameters[]) except NotImplementedError: # Many SDRs like HackRF or AirSpy do not need to calculate SYNC_RX_CHUNK_SIZE # as default values are either fine or given by the hardware pass if cls.ASYNCHRONOUS: ret = cls.enter_async_receive_mode(data_connection, ctrl_connection) else: ret = cls.prepare_sync_receive(ctrl_connection) if ret != 0: ctrl_connection.send("failed to start rx mode") return False exit_requested = False ctrl_connection.send("successfully started rx mode") while not exit_requested: if cls.ASYNCHRONOUS: time.sleep(0.25) else: cls.receive_sync(data_connection) while ctrl_connection.poll(): result = cls.process_command(ctrl_connection.recv(), ctrl_connection, is_tx=False) if result == exit_requested = True break cls.shutdown_device(ctrl_connection, is_tx=False) data_connection.close() ctrl_connection.close()
def prepare_sync_send(cls, ctrl_connection: Connection): ctrl_connection.send("Initializing PlutoSDR...") ret = plutosdr.setup_tx(cls.SYNC_TX_CHUNK_SIZE // 2) return ret
def setup_device(cls, ctrl_connection: Connection, device_identifier): ret = ctrl_connection.send("OPEN:" + str(ret)) return ret == 0
def _handle(self, conn_lru_dict: LRUCacheType[multiprocessing_connection.Connection, bool], conn: multiprocessing_connection.Connection, c_send: multiprocessing_connection.Connection): try: data = conn.recv_bytes() if not data: raise EOFError self.logger.debug("parse conn %s" % conn) # self.logger.debug(data) try: result = self.handle(data) if result is not None: conn.send_bytes(result) except Exception: self.logger.exception("handle error") conn_lru_dict[conn] = True c_send.send_bytes(b'ok') except OSError: self.logger.debug("conn %s was closed" % conn) conn.close() except EOFError: self.logger.debug("conn %s was eof" % conn) conn.close() except BrokenPipeError: self.logger.debug("conn %s was broken" % conn) conn.close()
def prepare_sync_send(cls, ctrl_connection: Connection): ctrl_connection.send("Initializing stream...") limesdr.setup_stream(cls.SEND_FIFO_SIZE) ret = limesdr.start_stream() ctrl_connection.send("Initialize stream:{0}".format(ret)) return ret
def receive_sync(cls, data_conn: Connection): if cls.pyaudio_stream: data_conn.send_bytes(, exception_on_overflow=False))
def prepare_sync_receive(cls, ctrl_connection: Connection): ctrl_connection.send("Initializing stream...") usrp.setup_stream() return usrp.start_stream(cls.SYNC_RX_CHUNK_SIZE)
def prepare_sync_send(cls, ctrl_connection: Connection): ctrl_connection.send("Initializing stream...") usrp.setup_stream() ret = usrp.start_stream(0) ctrl_connection.send("Initialize stream:{0}".format(ret)) return ret
def receive_sync(cls, data_conn: Connection): if cls.pyaudio_stream: data_conn.send_bytes(