def __init__(self): """ @brief An abstract executable skill with a description (type, label, params, conditions), a state and progress code """ # Description self._id = SkillCore.gen_id.getId() self._type = "" self._label = "" self._description = SkillDescription() # Params self._params = params.ParamHandler() # Conditions self._pre_conditions = [] self._hold_conditions = [] self._post_conditions = [] # Execution self._state_change = Event() self._state = State.Uninitialized self._avg_time_keeper = TimeKeeper() self._time_keeper = TimeKeeper() self._progress_code = 0 self._progress_period = 0.0 self._progress_time = 0.0 self._progress_msg = "" self._expand_on_start = False
def producer(queue): for i in range(10): event = Event() queue.put((event, i)) print(f"[生产者]生产了产品{i}") event.wait() # 等待消费者通知 print(f"生产者已经收到消费情况的反馈{i}")
def createDemo(self): usersData = [] event = Event() pool = ThreadPool(multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2) pool = ThreadPool(5) for i in range(0, 1000): string = hashlib.sha224() string.update('{}'.format(random.random())) first = 'first{}'.format(string.hexdigest()[0:10]) string.update('{}'.format(random.random())) last = 'last{}'.format(string.hexdigest()[0:10]) tel = '{}'.format(8005550000 + i) email = 'email{}'.format(string.hexdigest()[0:10]) postData = { 'first': first, 'last': last, 'tel': tel, 'email': email, 'pass': '******', 'type': 'customer', 'event': event } usersData.append(postData) results =, usersData) pool.close() pool.join()
def _draw_start(self): if not self._somethingnew: return True # let's draw! q = Queue.Queue() evt = Event() th = Process(target=self._draw_real, args=(q, evt), name='GTKDraw') th.start() gobject.timeout_add(500, self._draw_end, q, evt) return False
def multi_thread(cam_nums, func, args): event = Event() try: event.set() pool = Pool(len(cam_nums)) for arg in args: arg.event = event results =, args) except KeyboardInterrupt: event.clear() finally: pool.close() pool.join() print('DONE')
def __init__(self): # Description self._id = SkillCore.gen_id.getId() self._type = "" self._label = "" self._description = SkillDescription() # Params self._params = params.ParamHandler() # Conditions self._pre_conditions = [] self._hold_conditions = [] self._post_conditions = [] # Execution self._state_change = Event() self._state = State.Uninitialized self._time_keeper = TimeKeeper() self._progress_code = 0 self._progress_period = 0.0 self._progress_time = 0.0 self._progress_msg = "" self._expand_on_start = False
from time import sleep from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool, Event event = Event() def click(): # event.clear() # 设置标准为假(默认是False) print("用户在修改网页表单") sleep(2) print("点击了修改案例") event.set() # 设置标准为真 def update(): print(f"事件状态:{event.is_set()}") event.wait() # 等待到标志为真 print("修改成功") print(f"事件状态:{event.is_set()}") def main(): pool = ThreadPool() pool.apply_async(click) pool.apply_async(update) pool.apply_async(click) pool.close() pool.join() if __name__ == '__main__':
def start(self): self.__terminated_event = Event() # 为Join服务 t = threading.Thread(target=self.__templet) t.setDaemon(True) # 设置为守护线程 t.start()
def run(self): """Start process all shots with a processbar.""" shots = self.get_shot_list() shots_info = dict.fromkeys(self._all_shots, '本次未处理') is_multi_threading = self.flags & MULTI_THREADING thread_count = cpu_count() if is_multi_threading else 1 pool = Pool(thread_count) proc_queue = Queue() cancel_event = Event() def _run(shot): if cancel_event.is_set(): return '取消: {}'.format(shot) output = os.path.join( CONFIG['output_dir'], '{}_v0.nk'.format(shot)) input_dir = shot if os.path.isdir( shot) else os.path.join(CONFIG['input_dir'], shot) cmd = u'"{nuke}" -t -priority low "{script}" "{input_dir}" "{output}"'.format( nuke=nuke.EXE_PATH, script=__path__, input_dir=input_dir, output=output ) try:'%s:开始', shot) proc = Popen(cmd, # shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) proc_queue.put(proc) stderr = u(proc.communicate()[1]) if START_MESSAGE in stderr: stderr = stderr.partition( START_MESSAGE)[2].strip() if stderr: shots_info[shot] = stderr elif proc.returncode: if cancel_event.is_set(): shots_info[shot] = '用户取消' else: shots_info[shot] = 'Nuke非正常退出: {}'.format( proc.returncode) else: shots_info[shot] = '正常完成''%s:结束', shot) except: shots_info[shot] = traceback.format_exc() LOGGER.error('Unexpected exception during comp', exc_info=True) raise RuntimeError return '完成: {}'.format(shot) if is_multi_threading: _run = run_with_memory_require(8)(_run) def _oncancel(): cancel_event.set() while not proc_queue.empty(): proc = proc_queue.get() if proc.poll() is None: try: proc.terminate() except OSError: pass try: for _ in progress(pool.imap_unordered(_run, shots), name='批量合成', total=len(shots), start_message=( '正在使用 {} 线程进行……'.format(thread_count)), oncancel=_oncancel): pass except (CancelledError, RuntimeError): pass['output_dir'])
def __init__(self): self.__event = Event() self.__result = None
def do_GET(self): # отправка видео по запросу из плейлиста if re.match('.*p\d+\.ts', self.path): print('REQUEST', self.path) idx = int(re.match('.*p(\d).ts', self.path).groups()[0]) self.send_response(200, 'OK') self.send_header('content-type', 'video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts') self.end_headers() parts = popen = PartsHandler.popen if parts[idx]['hosting'] == 'google': # через ffmpeg кусок скачивается и преобразуется в .ts popen = subprocess.Popen(parts[idx]['cmd'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # выхлоп отправляется напрямую по запросу while True: line = popen.stdout.readline() if line: try: self.wfile.write(line) except Exception as e: print('EXCEPTION: ', e) popen.stdout.close() popen.kill() else: popen.stdout.close() popen.kill() print('ffmpeg killed') break elif parts[idx]['hosting'] == 'big-sword': # из-за особенностей сервера big-sword качать пришлось # отдельно, pipe'ить в ffmpeg, а оттуда уже отправлять # код с дополнительным процессом ниже необходим, т.к. # баг в Popen под windows ffmpeg = subprocess.Popen(parts[idx]['cmd'], \ stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) stop_event = Event() gvp = Process(target=self.get_video, args=(ffmpeg, parts[idx]['url'], stop_event)) gvp.start() while True: line = ffmpeg.stdout.readline() if line: try: self.wfile.write(line) except Exception as e: print('Exception occured when sending ffmpeg ' \ 'output:\n', e) break else: break ffmpeg.stdout.close() ffmpeg.kill() stop_event.set() gvp.join() # генерация и отправка плейлистов, при получении # в запросе elif'playlist\.m3u8', self.path): if'http://lh3.googleusercontent', self.path): hosting = 'google' elif'\.big-sword', self.path): hosting = 'big-sword' else: return print('PLAYLIST REQUEST:', self.path) paths = uq(self.path) self.urls = paths.lstrip('/playlist.m3u8?').split(' ') = get_video_info(self.urls, hosting) playlist = build_playlist( self.send_response(200, 'OK') self.send_header('Content-Length', len(playlist)) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(playlist.encode())
from time import sleep from random import random from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool, Event global_list = [] event = Event() stop_event = Event() n = 0 def consumer(i): print(f"消费者{i}等待ing") while 1: event.wait() count = len(global_list) # 防止List空的时候pop出错 if count > 0: print(f"消费了产品{global_list.pop()}") event.clear() # 重置状态(加这一句能减少很多次循环) # 防止生产者结束了,但是消费者还没处理完成 elif len(global_list) == 0 and stop_event.is_set(): break global n n += 1 print(f"消费者{i}完成任务~总共循环{n}次") def producer(): print("生产者正在生产商品") for i in range(10):