def run(args): # create dummy environment to be able to create model env = gym.make(args.environment) assert isinstance(env.observation_space, Box) assert isinstance(env.action_space, Discrete) print("Observation space:", env.observation_space) print("Action space:", env.action_space) # create main model model = create_model(env, args) model.summary() env.close() # force runner processes to use cpu os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "" # for better compatibility with Theano and Tensorflow multiprocessing.set_start_method('spawn') # create shared buffer for sharing weights blob = pickle.dumps(model.get_weights(), pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) shared_buffer = Array('c', len(blob)) shared_buffer.raw = blob # create fifos and threads for all runners fifos = [] for i in range(args.num_runners): fifo = Queue(args.queue_length) fifos.append(fifo) process = Process(target=runner, args=(shared_buffer, fifo, args)) process.start() # start trainer in main thread trainer(model, fifos, shared_buffer, args)
def run(args): # create dummy environment to be able to create model env = gym.make(args.environment) assert isinstance(env.observation_space, Box) assert isinstance(env.action_space, Discrete) print("Observation space:", env.observation_space) print("Action space:", env.action_space) # create main model model = create_model(env, args) model.summary() env.close() # for better compatibility with Theano and Tensorflow multiprocessing.set_start_method('spawn') # create shared buffer for sharing weights blob = pickle.dumps(model.get_weights(), pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) shared_buffer = Array('c', len(blob)) shared_buffer.raw = blob # force runner processes to use cpu os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "" # create fifos and threads for all runners fifos = [] for i in range(args.num_runners): fifo = Queue(args.queue_length) fifos.append(fifo) process = Process(target=runner, args=(shared_buffer, fifo, args)) process.start() # start trainer in main thread trainer(model, fifos, shared_buffer, args)
def run(args): # create dummy environment to be able to create model env = create_env(args.env_id) assert isinstance(env.observation_space, Box) assert isinstance(env.action_space, Discrete) print("Observation space: " + str(env.observation_space)) print("Action space: " + str(env.action_space)) # create main model model = create_model(env, batch_size=args.num_runners, num_steps=args.num_local_steps) model.summary() env.close() # for better compatibility with Theano and Tensorflow multiprocessing.set_start_method('spawn') # create shared buffer for sharing weights blob = pickle.dumps(model.get_weights(), pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) shared_buffer = Array('c', len(blob)) shared_buffer.raw = blob # force runner processes to use cpu, child processes inherit environment variables os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "" # create fifos and processes for all runners fifos = [] for i in range(args.num_runners): fifo = Queue(args.queue_length) fifos.append(fifo) process = Process(target=runner, args=(shared_buffer, fifo, args.num_timesteps // args.num_runners, args.monitor and i == 0, args)) process.start() # start trainer in main thread trainer(model, fifos, shared_buffer, args) print("All done")
def main(): global WORDLIST, HASHFILE, words, result, curr, total, num_words, curr_words # # process files # print("[*] reading hashes...") hashes = open(HASHFILE, 'r') hashlist = [] for line in hashes: data = line.split(":") if len(data) > 1: hashv = data[0].strip() salt = data[1].strip() hashlist.append((hashv, salt)) hashes.close() print("[*] parsing wordlist...") words = Array('c', SHARED_MEM_SIZE, lock=False) # allocate shared memory segment # get line count wordlist_file = open(WORDLIST, 'r') lines = 0 for line in wordlist_file: lines += 1 total = lines * len(hashlist) curr = Value('i', 0) curr_words = Value('i', 0) # get back to beginning # # crack # print("[*] beginning cracking") pool = Pool(processes=NUM_PROCESSES) results = [] current_char_count = 0 words_raw = "" for line in wordlist_file: length = len(line) if length + current_char_count < SHARED_MEM_SIZE: words_raw += line current_char_count += length else: print("[*] next round") curr_words.value = len(words_raw.split("\n")) words.raw = words_raw + (SHARED_MEM_SIZE - len(words_raw)) * '0' # clear space words_raw = line current_char_count = length # let workers do work! results.extend(, hashlist)) # remove cracked hashes # TODO print("[*] final round") curr_words.value = len(words_raw.split("\n")) words.raw = words_raw + (SHARED_MEM_SIZE - len(words_raw)) * '0' results.extend(, hashlist)) print("[*] done") for result in results: if result is not None: print("%s:%s" % (result))
cv2.destroyAllWindows() done.value = 1 if __name__ == '__main__': #from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib #print(device_lib.list_local_devices()) # Command-line argument parsing. parser = setup_parser() args = parser.parse_args() # set up interprocess communication buffers img = 128 * np.ones((args.frame_height, args.frame_width, 3), dtype=np.uint8) buf = img.tostring() last_frame = Array('c', len(buf)) last_frame.raw = buf done = Value('i', 0) # launch capture process c = Process(name='capture', target=capture , args=(last_frame, done, args)) c.start() # launch processing process p = Process(name='processing', target=processing, args=(last_frame, done, args)) p.start() # wait for processes to finish p.join() c.join()