def export_table(host, port, auth_key, db, table, directory, fields, delimiter, format, error_queue, progress_info, sindex_counter, exit_event): writer = None try: # This will open at least one connection for each rdb_call_wrapper, which is # a little wasteful, but shouldn't be a big performance hit conn_fn = lambda: r.connect(host, port, auth_key=auth_key) table_info = rdb_call_wrapper(conn_fn, "info", write_table_metadata, db, table, directory) sindex_counter.value += len(table_info["indexes"]) task_queue = SimpleQueue() writer = launch_writer(format, directory, db, table, fields, delimiter, task_queue, error_queue) writer.start() rdb_call_wrapper(conn_fn, "table scan", read_table_into_queue, db, table, table_info["primary_key"], task_queue, progress_info, exit_event) except (r.ReqlError, r.ReqlDriverError) as ex: error_queue.put((RuntimeError, RuntimeError(ex.message), traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]))) except: ex_type, ex_class, tb = sys.exc_info() error_queue.put((ex_type, ex_class, traceback.extract_tb(tb))) finally: if writer is not None and writer.is_alive(): task_queue.put(StopIteration()) writer.join()
def run(self, tasks, render, update, render_args=(), render_kwargs={}, update_args=(), update_kwargs={}): # establish ipc queues using a manager process task_queue = SimpleQueue() result_queue = SimpleQueue() # start process to generate image samples producer = Process(target=self._producer, args=(tasks, task_queue)) producer.start() # start worker processes workers = [] for pid in range(self._processes): p = Process(target=self._worker, args=(render, render_args, render_kwargs, task_queue, result_queue)) p.start() workers.append(p) # consume results for _ in tasks: result = result_queue.get() update(result, *update_args, **update_kwargs) # shutdown workers for _ in workers: task_queue.put(None)
async def data_from_file(main2gvf: mp.SimpleQueue, coder: KanervaCoder): data = np.load('offline_data.npy') for i, item in enumerate(data): # if i > 500: # break item[-1] = coder(x1=item[-1], x2=item[-2]) main2gvf.put(item)
def merge_db(db_folder, new_db_name, db_to_merge): assert path.exists(db_folder), '`{}` is a wrong path to db folder, please correct it.'.format(db_folder) shutdown = Event() writer_queue = SimpleQueue() writer = Writer(db_folder=db_folder, db_name=new_db_name, queue=writer_queue, shutdown=shutdown) reader = Reader(db_folder=db_folder, db_to_merge=db_to_merge, queue=writer_queue, shutdown=shutdown) reader.start() writer.start() pbar = tqdm(total=len(db_to_merge)) c = 0 while not shutdown.is_set(): try: new_c = writer.counter.value progress = new_c - c if progress > 0: pbar.update(progress) c = new_c Event().wait(2) except KeyboardInterrupt: print() print("Main thread grab the keyboard interrupt") break shutdown.set() pbar.close() # writer.join() # reader.join() print("writer alive", writer.is_alive()) print("reader alive", reader.is_alive()) if writer.is_alive(): print("Waiting writer...") writer.join() print("WRITER EXECUTED") if reader.is_alive(): print("Waiting reader...") writer_queue.get() print("Waiting reader 2...") reader.join() print("READER EXECUTED") print("Done.")
def fork_process(logger, group=None, target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs={}): """ Forks a child, making sure that all exceptions from the child are safely sent to the parent If a target raises an exception, the exception is re-raised in the parent process @return tuple consisting of process exit code and target's return value """ if is_windows(): logger.warn( "Not forking for %s due to Windows incompatibilities (see #184). " "Measurements (coverage, etc.) might be biased." % target ) return fake_windows_fork(group, target, name, args, kwargs) try: sys.modules["tblib.pickling_support"] except KeyError: import tblib.pickling_support tblib.pickling_support.install() q = SimpleQueue() def instrumented_target(*args, **kwargs): ex = tb = None try: send_value = (target(*args, **kwargs), None, None) except: _, ex, tb = sys.exc_info() send_value = (None, ex, tb) try: q.put(send_value) except: _, send_ex, send_tb = sys.exc_info() e_out = Exception(str(send_ex), send_tb, None if ex is None else str(ex), tb) q.put(e_out) p = Process(group=group, target=instrumented_target, name=name, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) p.start() result = q.get() p.join() if isinstance(result, tuple): if result[1]: raise_exception(result[1], result[2]) return p.exitcode, result[0] else: msg = "Fatal error occurred in the forked process %s: %s" % (p, result.args[0]) if result.args[2]: chained_message = "This error masked the send error '%s':\n%s" % ( result.args[2], "".join(traceback.format_tb(result.args[3])), ) msg += "\n" + chained_message ex = Exception(msg) raise_exception(ex, result.args[1])
def learning_loop(exit_flag: mp.Value, gvfs: Sequence[Sequence[Learner]], behaviour_gvf: SARSA, main2gvf: mp.SimpleQueue, gvf2main: mp.SimpleQueue, gvf2plot: mp.SimpleQueue): action, action_prob, obs, x = None, None, None, None # get first state while exit_flag.value == 0 and obs is None: while exit_flag.value == 0 and main2gvf.empty(): time.sleep(0.001) if exit_flag.value == 0: obs, x = main2gvf.get() action, action_prob = behaviour_gvf.policy(obs=obs, x=x) gvf2main.put(action) # main loop while exit_flag.value == 0: while exit_flag.value == 0 and main2gvf.empty(): time.sleep(0.001) if exit_flag.value: break # get data from servos obsp, xp = main2gvf.get() actionp, action_probp = behaviour_gvf.policy(obs=obsp, x=xp) # update weights for g in chain.from_iterable(gvfs): g.update(x, obs, action, action_prob, xp, obsp, actionp, action_probp) # send action gvf2main.put(actionp) # send data to plots gdata = [[, obs, action, xp, obsp) for g in gs] for gs in gvfs] data = dict(ChainMap(*chain.from_iterable(gdata))) data['obs'] = obs gvf2plot.put(data) # go to next state obs = obsp x = xp action = actionp action_prob = action_probp print('Done learning!')
async def data_from_file(main2gvf: mp.SimpleQueue, gvf2plot: mp.SimpleQueue, coder: KanervaCoder): data = np.load('offline_data.npy') for item in data: item[-1] = coder(item[-2]) main2gvf.put(item) time.sleep(0.1) while not gvf2plot.empty(): time.sleep(0.1)
def _fit(self, X, y, blocks): """Fit base clustering estimators on X.""" self.blocks_ = blocks processes = [] # Here the blocks will be passed to subprocesses data_queue = SimpleQueue() # Here the results will be passed back result_queue = SimpleQueue() for x in range(self.n_jobs): processes.append(mp.Process(target=_parallel_fit, args=(self.fit_, self.partial_fit_, self.base_estimator, self.verbose, data_queue, result_queue))) processes[-1].start() # First n_jobs blocks are sent into the queue without waiting for the # results. This variable is a counter that takes care of this. presend = 0 blocks_computed = 0 blocks_all = len(np.unique(blocks)) for block in self._blocks(X, y, blocks): if presend >= self.n_jobs: b, clusterer = result_queue.get() blocks_computed += 1 if clusterer: self.clusterers_[b] = clusterer else: presend += 1 if self.partial_fit_: if block[0] in self.clusterers_: data_queue.put(('middle', block, self.clusterers_[b])) continue data_queue.put(('middle', block, None)) # Get the last results and tell the subprocesses to finish for x in range(self.n_jobs): if blocks_computed < blocks_all: print("%s blocks computed out of %s" % (blocks_computed, blocks_all)) b, clusterer = result_queue.get() blocks_computed += 1 if clusterer: self.clusterers_[b] = clusterer data_queue.put(('end', None, None)) time.sleep(1) return self
def __init__(self, callback, pool_size=1, check_intervall=2): self.task_queue = SimpleQueue() self.result_queue = SimpleQueue() self._callback = callback self._pool = {} # {process_name: process} self._tasks = {} # {task_id: process_name} for _ in range(pool_size): process = self.Process(self.task_queue, self.result_queue) self._pool[] = process process.start() # Check for progress periodically TODO: stop timer when queue is empty! self.timer = QTimer() self.timer.timeout.connect(self._check_for_results) self.timer.start(check_intervall * 1000)
def plotting_loop(exit_flag: mp.Value, gvf2plot: mp.SimpleQueue, plots: Sequence[Plot]): while exit_flag.value == 0: if locks: print('plot gp a 1 a') gplock.acquire() print('plot gp a 1 b') while exit_flag.value == 0 and gvf2plot.empty(): if locks: print('plot gp r 1 a') gplock.release() print('plot gp r 1 b') time.sleep(0.001) if locks: print('plot gp a 2 a') gplock.acquire() print('plot gp a 2 b') if locks: print('plot gp r 2 a') gplock.release() print('plot gp r 2 b') if exit_flag.value: break if locks: print('plot gp a 3 a') gplock.acquire() print('plot gp a 3 b') d = gvf2plot.get() if locks: print('plot gp r 3 a') gplock.release() print('plot gp r 3 b') for plot, data in zip(plots, d): plot.update(data) for plot in plots: try: index = np.arange(len(plot.y[0])) np.savetxt(f"{plot.title}.csv", np.column_stack(sum(((np.asarray(y),) for y in plot.y), (index,))), delimiter=',') except ValueError: continue
def __init__(self, db_file="sqlite_db.sqlite", lock_wait_time=120): self.db_file = db_file self.connection = sqlite3.connect(self.db_file) self.broker_cursor = self.connection.cursor() self.broker_queue = SimpleQueue() = None self.lock_wait_time = lock_wait_time
def _open_frontend(self): from multiprocessing import Process, SimpleQueue connection = SimpleQueue() frontend = Process( target=self._open_frontend_process, args=(connection, [k for k in sys.argv[1:] if k != "--frontend"])) frontend.start() cmdline = connection.get() frontend.join() if self.interactive: argv_backup = list(sys.argv) sys.argv[1:] = cmdline.split() Main.setup_argv(True, True) if self.interactive: sys.argv = argv_backup print("Running with the following command line: %s" % sys.argv)
def start(parsed_args): from multiprocessing import Process, SimpleQueue processes = [] msg_queue = SimpleQueue() word_count_queue = SimpleQueue() unique_words_queue = SimpleQueue() median_queue = SimpleQueue() # Prep workers to read from msg queue and write to other queues for i in range(workers): p = Process(target=worker, args=(msg_queue, unique_words_queue, word_count_queue)) processes.append(p) p.start() # Prep a process to accumulate word_count_queue for ft1.txt p = Process(target=accumulator, args=(word_count_queue, parsed_args.outdir)) processes.append(p) p.start() # Prep a process to re-sequence unique words counted p = Process(target=buffered_resequener, args=(unique_words_queue, median_queue)) processes.append(p) p.start() # Prep a process to keep a running median of unique words for ft2.txt p = Process(target=running_median, args=(median_queue, parsed_args.outdir)) processes.append(p) p.start() # Start reading msgs for the msg_queue ingest(parsed_args.file, msg_queue) # Sending an indication to stop, one for each worker for i in range(workers): msg_queue.put(None) # This step gathers the child processes, but may be unnecessary for p in processes: p.join()
def plotting_loop(exit_flag: mp.Value, gvf2plot: mp.SimpleQueue, plots: Sequence[Plot]): while exit_flag.value == 0: while exit_flag.value == 0 and gvf2plot.empty(): time.sleep(0.001) if exit_flag.value: break data = gvf2plot.get() for plot in plots: plot.update(data) for plot in plots: index = np.arange(len(plot.y[0])) np.savetxt(f"{plot.title}.csv", sum(((np.asarray(y),) for y in plot.y), (index,)), delimiter=',')
def __init__(self, server, nickname, user, host='localhost'): self.server = server self.nickname = nickname self.realname = nickname self.user = user = host self._readbuffer = "" self._writebuffer = "" self.request_queue = SimpleQueue() self.response_queue = SimpleQueue() # dict of board => list of users self.board_watchers = defaultdict(list) # dict of board, thread => list of users self.thread_watchers = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) Process( target=Ami, name='immediate api worker', args=(self.request_queue, self.response_queue) ).start()
def __init__(self, request_queue, response_queue): self.request_queue = request_queue self.response_queue = response_queue self.update_request_queue = SimpleQueue() Process( target=self.update_loop, name='periodic api worker', args=(response_queue, self.update_request_queue), ).start() logger.debug("initialization complete") self.request_loop()
def learning_loop(exit_flag: mp.Value, gvfs: Sequence[Sequence[GTDLearner]], main2gvf: mp.SimpleQueue, gvf2plot: mp.SimpleQueue): action, action_prob, obs, x = None, None, None, None # get first state while exit_flag.value == 0 and obs is None: while exit_flag.value == 0 and main2gvf.empty(): time.sleep(0.001) if exit_flag.value == 0: action, action_prob, obs, x = main2gvf.get() i = 1 # main loop while exit_flag.value == 0: while exit_flag.value == 0 and main2gvf.empty(): time.sleep(0.001) if exit_flag.value: break i += 1 ude = False rupee = False if 5000 < i < 5100: ude = True if i == 7000: rupee = True # get data from servos actionp, action_probp, obsp, xp = main2gvf.get() # update weights for gs, xi, xpi in zip(gvfs, x, xp): for g in gs: g.update(action, action_prob, obs, obsp, xi, xpi, ude, rupee) # send data to plots gdata = [[, obs, action, xpi, obsp) for g in gs] for gs, xi, xpi in zip(gvfs, x, xp)] data = dict(ChainMap(*chain.from_iterable(gdata))) data['obs'] = obs gvf2plot.put(data) # go to next state obs = obsp x = xp action = actionp action_prob = action_probp print('Done learning!')
def __init__(self, max_workers=None): """Initializes a new ProcessPoolExecutor instance. Args: max_workers: The maximum number of processes that can be used to execute the given calls. If None or not given then as many worker processes will be created as the machine has processors. """ _check_system_limits() if max_workers is None: self._max_workers = os.cpu_count() or 1 else: if max_workers <= 0: raise ValueError("max_workers must be greater than 0") self._max_workers = max_workers # Make the call queue slightly larger than the number of processes to # prevent the worker processes from idling. But don't make it too big # because futures in the call queue cannot be cancelled. self._call_queue = multiprocessing.Queue(self._max_workers + EXTRA_QUEUED_CALLS) # Killed worker processes can produce spurious "broken pipe" # tracebacks in the queue's own worker thread. But we detect killed # processes anyway, so silence the tracebacks. self._call_queue._ignore_epipe = True self._result_queue = SimpleQueue() self._work_ids = queue.Queue() self._queue_management_thread = None # Map of pids to processes self._processes = {} # Shutdown is a two-step process. self._shutdown_thread = False self._shutdown_lock = threading.Lock() self._broken = False self._queue_count = 0 self._pending_work_items = {}
def __init__(self,username,password,debug=False): """ GMail SMTP connection worker username : GMail username This can either be a simple address ('*****@*****.**') or can include a name ('"A User" <*****@*****.**>'). The username specified is used as the sender address password : GMail password debug : Debug flag (passed to smtplib) Runs '_gmail_worker' helper in background using multiprocessing module. '_gmail_worker' loops listening for new message objects on the shared queue and sends these using the GMail SMTP connection. """ self.queue = SimpleQueue() self.worker = Process(target=_gmail_worker,args=(username,password,self.queue,debug)) self.worker.start()
def __init__(self, data_structure, processes, scan_function, init_args, _mp_init_function): """ Init the scanner. data_structure is a world.DataSet processes is the number of child processes to use scan_function is the function to use for scanning init_args are the arguments passed to the init function _mp_init_function is the function used to init the child processes """ assert(isinstance(data_structure, world.DataSet)) self.data_structure = data_structure self.list_files_to_scan = data_structure._get_list() self.processes = processes self.scan_function = scan_function # Queue used by processes to pass results self.queue = SimpleQueue() init_args.update({'queue': self.queue}) # NOTE TO SELF: initargs doesn't handle kwargs, only args! # Pass a dict with all the args self.pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=processes, initializer=_mp_init_function, initargs=(init_args,)) # Recommended time to sleep between polls for results self.SCAN_START_SLEEP_TIME = 0.001 self.SCAN_MIN_SLEEP_TIME = 1e-6 self.SCAN_MAX_SLEEP_TIME = 0.1 self.scan_sleep_time = self.SCAN_START_SLEEP_TIME self.queries_without_results = 0 self.last_time = time() self.MIN_QUERY_NUM = 1 self.MAX_QUERY_NUM = 5 # Holds a friendly string with the name of the last file scanned self._str_last_scanned = None
def learning_loop(exit_flag: mp.Value, gvfs: Sequence[GTDLearner], main2gvf: mp.SimpleQueue, gvf2plot: mp.SimpleQueue): action, action_prob, obs, x = None, None, None, None # get first state while exit_flag.value == 0 and obs is None: while exit_flag.value == 0 and main2gvf.empty(): time.sleep(0.001) if exit_flag.value == 0: action, action_prob, obs, x = main2gvf.get() # main loop while exit_flag.value == 0: while exit_flag.value == 0 and main2gvf.empty(): time.sleep(0.001) if exit_flag.value: break # get data from servos actionp, action_probp, obsp, xp = main2gvf.get() # update weights for g in gvfs: g.update(action, action_prob, obs, obsp, x, xp) # send data to plots data = [[obs]] + [, obs, action, xp, obsp) for g in gvfs] gvf2plot.put(data) # go to next state obs = obsp x = xp action = actionp action_prob = action_probp
assert config["action"] == args.action procs = [] if args.action in ["training", "inference"]: if (args.action == "inference" and "*" in config["model_path"] and "--model_path" not in more_args): more_args += glob_to_more_args(config["model_path"], "model_path") configurations = make_configs_from(config, more_args) target = train if args.action == "training" else run_inference gpu_queue = SimpleQueue() for idx in get_gpus(): gpu_queue.put(str(idx)) try: #blockPrint() for c in configurations: #if any(t in c["model_path"] for t in []): while gpu_queue.empty(): sleep(10) p = Process(target=target, args=(c, gpu_queue)) procs.append(p) p.start()
if __name__ == "__main__": COUNTER = Value('i', 0) while True: HTML_NUM = int(input("\nanimenylon_pl page number: ")) if HTML_NUM <= 0: break start_time = time.time() directory = DESKTOP + "dev1_animenylon_pl0%d\\" % HTML_NUM lst = list() process_list = list() que = SimpleQueue() pool = Pool(processes=POOL_NUM) page_lst = get_image_page(HTML_PAGE % HTML_NUM) page_num = len(page_lst) print("Get image page %d, analyzing..." % page_num) for url in page_lst: res = pool.apply_async(get_image_link, (url, )) res.wait() image_url = res.get() if image_url is None: continue que.put(image_url) pro = Process(target=create_image, args=(que, directory, COUNTER)) process_list.append(pro)
def run_clients(options, db_table_set): # Spawn one client for each db.table exit_event = multiprocessing.Event() processes = [] error_queue = SimpleQueue() interrupt_event = multiprocessing.Event() sindex_counter = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_longlong, 0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda a, b: abort_export(a, b, exit_event, interrupt_event)) errors = [ ] try: sizes = get_all_table_sizes(options["host"], options["port"], options["auth_key"], db_table_set) progress_info = [] arg_lists = [] for db, table in db_table_set: progress_info.append((multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_longlong, 0), multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_longlong, sizes[(db, table)]))) arg_lists.append((options["host"], options["port"], options["auth_key"], db, table, options["directory_partial"], options["fields"], options["delimiter"], options["format"], error_queue, progress_info[-1], sindex_counter, exit_event)) # Wait for all tables to finish while len(processes) > 0 or len(arg_lists) > 0: time.sleep(0.1) while not error_queue.empty(): exit_event.set() # Stop rather immediately if an error occurs errors.append(error_queue.get()) processes = [process for process in processes if process.is_alive()] if len(processes) < options["clients"] and len(arg_lists) > 0: processes.append(multiprocessing.Process(target=export_table, args=arg_lists.pop(0))) processes[-1].start() update_progress(progress_info) # If we were successful, make sure 100% progress is reported # (rows could have been deleted which would result in being done at less than 100%) if len(errors) == 0 and not interrupt_event.is_set(): print_progress(1.0) # Continue past the progress output line and print total rows processed def plural(num, text, plural_text): return "%d %s" % (num, text if num == 1 else plural_text) print("") print("%s exported from %s, with %s" % (plural(sum([max(0, info[0].value) for info in progress_info]), "row", "rows"), plural(len(db_table_set), "table", "tables"), plural(sindex_counter.value, "secondary index", "secondary indexes"))) finally: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) if interrupt_event.is_set(): raise RuntimeError("Interrupted") if len(errors) != 0: # multiprocessing queues don't handling tracebacks, so they've already been stringified in the queue for error in errors: print("%s" % error[1], file=sys.stderr) if options["debug"]: print("%s traceback: %s" % (error[0].__name__, error[2]), file=sys.stderr) raise RuntimeError("Errors occurred during export")
class SafeQueue(object): """ Many writers Single Reader multiprocessing safe Queue """ __thread_pool = SingletonThreadPool() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._reader_thread = None self._q = SimpleQueue(*args, **kwargs) # Fix the simple queue write so it uses a single OS write, making it atomic message passing # noinspection PyBroadException try: self._q._writer._send_bytes = partial( SafeQueue._pipe_override_send_bytes, self._q._writer) except Exception: pass self._internal_q = None self._q_size = 0 def empty(self): return self._q.empty() and (not self._internal_q or self._internal_q.empty()) def is_pending(self): # check if we have pending requests to be pushed (it does not mean they were pulled) # only call from main put process return self._q_size > 0 def close(self, event): # wait until all pending requests pushed while self.is_pending(): if event: event.set() sleep(0.1) def get(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._get_internal_queue(*args, **kwargs) def batch_get(self, max_items=1000, timeout=0.2, throttle_sleep=0.1): buffer = [] timeout_count = int(timeout / throttle_sleep) empty_count = timeout_count while len(buffer) < max_items: while not self.empty() and len(buffer) < max_items: try: buffer.append(self._get_internal_queue(block=False)) empty_count = 0 except Empty: break empty_count += 1 if empty_count > timeout_count or len(buffer) >= max_items: break sleep(throttle_sleep) return buffer def put(self, obj): # GIL will make sure it is atomic self._q_size += 1 # make sure the block put is done in the thread pool i.e. in the background obj = pickle.dumps(obj) self.__thread_pool.get().apply_async(self._q_put, args=(obj, )) def _q_put(self, obj): self._q.put(obj) # GIL will make sure it is atomic self._q_size -= 1 def _get_internal_queue(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self._internal_q: self._internal_q = TrQueue() if not self._reader_thread: self._reader_thread = Thread(target=self._reader_daemon) self._reader_thread.daemon = True self._reader_thread.start() obj = self._internal_q.get(*args, **kwargs) # deserialize return pickle.loads(obj) def _reader_daemon(self): # pull from process queue and push into thread queue while True: # noinspection PyBroadException try: obj = self._q.get() if obj is None: break except Exception: break self._internal_q.put(obj) @staticmethod def _pipe_override_send_bytes(self, buf): n = len(buf) # For wire compatibility with 3.2 and lower header = struct.pack("!i", n) # Issue #20540: concatenate before sending, to avoid delays due # to Nagle's algorithm on a TCP socket. # Also note we want to avoid sending a 0-length buffer separately, # to avoid "broken pipe" errors if the other end closed the pipe. self._send(header + buf)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._q = SimpleQueue(*args, **kwargs)
class ProcessPoolExecutor(_base.Executor): def __init__(self, max_workers=None): """Initializes a new ProcessPoolExecutor instance. Args: max_workers: The maximum number of processes that can be used to execute the given calls. If None or not given then as many worker processes will be created as the machine has processors. """ _check_system_limits() if max_workers is None: self._max_workers = os.cpu_count() or 1 else: self._max_workers = max_workers # Make the call queue slightly larger than the number of processes to # prevent the worker processes from idling. But don't make it too big # because futures in the call queue cannot be cancelled. self._call_queue = multiprocessing.Queue(self._max_workers + EXTRA_QUEUED_CALLS) # Killed worker processes can produce spurious "broken pipe" # tracebacks in the queue's own worker thread. But we detect killed # processes anyway, so silence the tracebacks. self._call_queue._ignore_epipe = True self._result_queue = SimpleQueue() self._work_ids = queue.Queue() self._queue_management_thread = None # Map of pids to processes self._processes = {} # Shutdown is a two-step process. self._shutdown_thread = False self._shutdown_lock = threading.Lock() self._broken = False self._queue_count = 0 self._pending_work_items = {} def _start_queue_management_thread(self): # When the executor gets lost, the weakref callback will wake up # the queue management thread. def weakref_cb(_, q=self._result_queue): q.put(None) if self._queue_management_thread is None: # Start the processes so that their sentinels are known. self._adjust_process_count() self._queue_management_thread = threading.Thread( target=_queue_management_worker, args=(weakref.ref(self, weakref_cb), self._processes, self._pending_work_items, self._work_ids, self._call_queue, self._result_queue)) self._queue_management_thread.daemon = True self._queue_management_thread.start() _threads_queues[self._queue_management_thread] = self._result_queue def _adjust_process_count(self): for _ in range(len(self._processes), self._max_workers): p = multiprocessing.Process( target=_process_worker, args=(self._call_queue, self._result_queue)) p.start() self._processes[] = p def submit(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): with self._shutdown_lock: if self._broken: raise BrokenProcessPool('A child process terminated ' 'abruptly, the process pool is not usable anymore') if self._shutdown_thread: raise RuntimeError('cannot schedule new futures after shutdown') f = _base.Future() w = _WorkItem(f, fn, args, kwargs) self._pending_work_items[self._queue_count] = w self._work_ids.put(self._queue_count) self._queue_count += 1 # Wake up queue management thread self._result_queue.put(None) self._start_queue_management_thread() return f submit.__doc__ = _base.Executor.submit.__doc__ def shutdown(self, wait=True): with self._shutdown_lock: self._shutdown_thread = True if self._queue_management_thread: # Wake up queue management thread self._result_queue.put(None) if wait: self._queue_management_thread.join() # To reduce the risk of opening too many files, remove references to # objects that use file descriptors. self._queue_management_thread = None self._call_queue = None self._result_queue = None self._processes = None shutdown.__doc__ = _base.Executor.shutdown.__doc__
def digest( input_fastq: Tuple, restriction_enzyme: str, mode: str = "pe", output_file: os.PathLike = "out.fastq.gz", minimum_slice_length: int = 18, compression_level: int = 5, n_cores: int = 1, read_buffer: int = 100000, stats_prefix: os.PathLike = "", keep_cutsite: bool = False, sample_name: str = "", ): """ Performs in silico digestion of one or a pair of fastq files. \f Args: input_fastq (Tuple): Input fastq files to process restriction_enzyme (str): Restriction enzyme name or site to use for digestion. mode (str, optional): Digest combined(flashed) or non-combined(pe). Undigested pe reads are output but flashed are not written. Defaults to "pe". output_file (os.PathLike, optional): Output fastq file path. Defaults to "out.fastq.gz". minimum_slice_length (int, optional): Minimum allowed length for in silico digested reads. Defaults to 18. compression_level (int, optional): Compression level for gzip output (1-9). Defaults to 5. n_cores (int, optional): Number of digestion processes to use. Defaults to 1. read_buffer (int, optional): Number of reads to process before writing to file. Defaults to 100000. stats_prefix (os.PathLike, optional): Output prefix for stats file. Defaults to "". keep_cutsite (bool, optional): Determines if cutsite is removed from the output. Defaults to False. sample_name (str, optional): Name of sample processed eg. DOX-treated_1. Defaults to ''. """ # Set up multiprocessing variables inputq = SimpleQueue() # reads are placed into this queue for processing writeq = SimpleQueue( ) # digested reads are placed into the queue for writing statq = Queue() # stats queue cut_site = get_re_site(restriction_enzyme) # Checks the submode to see in which mode to run if mode == "flashed": # If flashed reads, more confident in presence of rf junction. # Will not allow undigested reads in this case as probably junk. reader = FastqReaderProcess( input_files=input_fastq, outq=inputq, n_subprocesses=n_cores, read_buffer=read_buffer, ) digestion_processes = [ ReadDigestionProcess( inq=inputq, outq=writeq, cutsite=cut_site, min_slice_length=minimum_slice_length, read_type=mode, allow_undigested=False, # Prevents outputting undigested reads statq=statq, ) for _ in range(n_cores) ] elif mode == "pe": reader = FastqReaderProcess( input_files=input_fastq, outq=inputq, n_subprocesses=n_cores, read_buffer=read_buffer, ) digestion_processes = [ ReadDigestionProcess( inq=inputq, outq=writeq, cutsite=cut_site, min_slice_length=minimum_slice_length, read_type=mode, allow_undigested=True, statq=statq, ) for _ in range(n_cores) ] # Writer process is common to both writer = FastqWriterProcess( inq=writeq, output=output_file, n_subprocesses=n_cores, compression_level=compression_level, ) # Start all processes processes = [writer, reader, *digestion_processes] for proc in processes: proc.start() reader.join() writer.join() # Collate stats print("") print("Collating stats") collated_stats = DigestionStatCollector(statq, n_cores).get_collated_stats() stats = [ DigestionStatistics( sample=sample_name, read_type=mode, read_number=read_number, slices_unfiltered=stats["unfiltered"], slices_filtered=stats["filtered"], ) for read_number, stats in collated_stats.items() ] if len(stats) > 1: # Need to collate stats from digestion of 2+ files for stat in stats[1:]: digestion_stats = stats[0] + stat else: digestion_stats = stats[0] digestion_stats.unfiltered_histogram.to_csv( f"{stats_prefix}.digestion.unfiltered.histogram.csv", index=False) digestion_stats.filtered_histogram.to_csv( f"{stats_prefix}.digestion.filtered.histogram.csv", index=False) digestion_stats.slice_summary.to_csv( f"{stats_prefix}.digestion.slice.summary.csv", index=False) digestion_stats.read_summary.to_csv( f"{stats_prefix}", index=False) print(digestion_stats.read_summary)
async def servo_loop(device: str, sids: Sequence[int], coder: KanervaCoder, main2gvf: mp.SimpleQueue, behaviour_policy: DiscretePolicy, **kwargs): # objects to read and write from servos sr, sw = await serial_asyncio.open_serial_connection(url=device, **kwargs) for sid in sids: await send_msg(sr, sw, sid, [0x03, 0x20, 0x00, 0x01]) # set initial action action = initial_action # some constants read_data = [0x02, # read 0x24, # starting from 0x24 0x08] # a string of 8 bytes # hi = [1.7, 12, 300, 12, 90] # lo = [-1.7, 0, -300, 0, -10] # observation = np.random.random(5) # for i in range(observation.size): # observation[i] = observation[i] * (hi[i] - lo[i]) + lo[i] # observation = list(observation) store_data = [] try: for _ in range(5000): # read data from servos byte_data = [await send_msg(sr, sw, sid, read_data) for sid in sids] # convert to human-readable data obs = sum([parse_data(bd) for bd in byte_data], []) + list(action) # get active tiles in kanerva coding active_pts = coder(obs) # get most recent weights from control GVFs pass # decide on an action action, action_prob = behaviour_policy(obs=obs) # send action and features to GVFs gvf_data = (action, action_prob, obs, active_pts) main2gvf.put(gvf_data) # record data for later store_data.append(gvf_data) # send action to servos instructions = [goal_instruction(a) for a in action] for sid, instr in zip(sids, instructions): await send_msg(sr, sw, sid, instr)'offline_data.npy', store_data) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: await sw.drain() for sid in sids: write(sw, sid, [0x03, 0x18, 0x00]) # disable torque
def __iter__(self): def sample_generator(generator, data_queue, count, tid): if self.seed is not None: random.seed(self.seed + tid) np.random.seed(self.seed + tid) idx_ls = list(range(len(generator))) if self.shuffle: random.shuffle(idx_ls) for i in idx_ls: if i % self.num_worker != tid: continue while count.value >= self.maxsize > 0: time.sleep(0.02) continue data_queue.put(generator[i]) with count.get_lock(): count.value += 1 data_queue.put(StopGenerator(pid=tid)) with count.get_lock(): count.value += 1 data_queue = SimpleQueue() count = Value('i', 0) process_map = dict() for tid in range(self.num_worker): process = Process(target=sample_generator, args=(self.generator, data_queue, count, tid)) process.daemon = True process.start() process_map[tid] = process def single_generator(): while len(process_map) > 0: item = data_queue.get() with count.get_lock(): count.value -= 1 if isinstance(item, StopGenerator): del process_map[] continue yield item def parallel_generator(): result = [] while len(process_map) > 0: item = data_queue.get() with count.get_lock(): count.value -= 1 if isinstance(item, StopGenerator): del process_map[] continue result.append(item) if len(result) >= self.batch_size: if self.collate_fn is not None: result = self.collate_fn(result) yield result result = [] return parallel_generator() if self.batch_size else single_generator()
def split( input_files: Tuple, method: str = "unix", output_prefix: os.PathLike = "split", compression_level: int = 5, n_reads: int = 1000000, gzip: bool = True, ): """ Splits fastq file(s) into equal chunks of n reads. \f Args: input_files (Tuple): Input fastq files to process. method (str, optional): Python or unix method (faster but not guarenteed to mantain read pairings) to split the fastq files. Defaults to "unix". output_prefix (os.PathLike, optional): Output prefix for split fastq files. Defaults to "split". compression_level (int, optional): Compression level for gzipped output. Defaults to 5. n_reads (int, optional): Number of reads to split the input fastq files into. Defaults to 1000000. gzip (bool, optional): Gzip compress output files if True. Defaults to True. """ from import ( FastqReaderProcess, FastqWriterSplitterProcess, FastqReadFormatterProcess, ) if method == "python": readq = SimpleQueue() writeq = SimpleQueue() paired = True if len(input_files) > 1 else False reader = FastqReaderProcess( input_files=input_files, outq=readq, read_buffer=n_reads, n_subprocesses=1, ) formatter = [ FastqReadFormatterProcess(inq=readq, outq=writeq) for _ in range(1) ] writer = FastqWriterSplitterProcess( inq=writeq, output_prefix=output_prefix, paired_output=paired, n_subprocesses=1, gzip=gzip, compression_level=compression_level, ) processes = [writer, reader, *formatter] for proc in processes: proc.start() for proc in processes: proc.join() proc.terminate() elif method == "unix": # Using unix split to perform the splitting tasks = [] for ii, fn in enumerate(input_files): t = delayed(run_unix_split)(fn, n_reads=n_reads, read_number=ii + 1, gzip=gzip, compression_level=compression_level, output_prefix=output_prefix) tasks.append(t) # Run splitting Parallel(n_jobs=2)(tasks) # The suffixes are in the format 00, 01, 02 etc need to replace with int for fn in glob.glob(f"{output_prefix}_part*"): src = fn part_no = int(re.match(r"(?:.*)_part(\d+)_[1|2].*", fn).group(1)) dest = re.sub(r"_part\d+_", f"_part{part_no}_", src) os.rename(src, dest)
def restore(self, hostname_backup_name, restore_resource, overwrite, recent_to_date, backup_media=None): """ :param hostname_backup_name: :param restore_path: :param overwrite: :param recent_to_date: """ if backup_media == 'fs':"Creating restore path: {0}".format(restore_resource)) # if restore path can't be created this function will raise # exception utils.create_dir_tree(restore_resource) if not overwrite and not utils.is_empty_dir(restore_resource): raise Exception( "Restore dir is not empty. " "Please use --overwrite or provide different path " "or remove the content of {}".format(restore_resource))"Restore path creation completed") backups = engine=self, hostname_backup_name=hostname_backup_name, recent_to_date=recent_to_date) max_level = max(backups.keys()) # Use SimpleQueue because Queue does not work on Mac OS X. read_except_queue = SimpleQueue()"Restoring backup {0}".format(hostname_backup_name)) for level in range(0, max_level + 1):"Restoring from level {0}".format(level)) backup = backups[level] read_pipe, write_pipe = multiprocessing.Pipe() process_stream = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.read_blocks, args=(backup, write_pipe, read_pipe, read_except_queue)) process_stream.daemon = True process_stream.start() write_pipe.close() # Start the tar pipe consumer process # Use SimpleQueue because Queue does not work on Mac OS X. write_except_queue = SimpleQueue() engine_stream = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.restore_level, args=(restore_resource, read_pipe, backup, write_except_queue)) engine_stream.daemon = True engine_stream.start() read_pipe.close() write_pipe.close() process_stream.join() engine_stream.join() # SimpleQueue handling is different from queue handling. def handle_except_SimpleQueue(except_queue): if not except_queue.empty(): while not except_queue.empty(): e = except_queue.get() LOG.exception('Engine error: {0}'.format(e)) return True else: return False got_exception = None got_exception = (handle_except_SimpleQueue(read_except_queue) or got_exception) got_exception = (handle_except_SimpleQueue(write_except_queue) or got_exception) if engine_stream.exitcode or got_exception: raise engine_exceptions.EngineException( "Engine error. Failed to restore.")'Restore completed successfully for backup name ' '{0}'.format(hostname_backup_name))
########################################################################################################################## #counting stat that will let keep track of how far we are linesRead = 0 podsQueued = 0 podsDone = 0 podsSorted = 0 podsWritten = 0 linesWritten = 0 '''Create queues to hold the data. One will hold the pod info to be passed to the parser''' inQueue = SimpleQueue() #one will hold the results (in the order they come) doneQueue = SimpleQueue() #one will hold the sorted results to be written writeQueue = SimpleQueue() '''start worker Processes for parser. The comand should be tailored for the analysis wrapper function of course these will only start doing anything after we put data into the line queue the function we call is actually a wrapper for another function.(s) This one reads from the pod queue, passes each line some analysis function(s), gets the results and sends to the result queue''' for x in range(nProcs): worker = Process(target=analysisWrapper,args=(inQueue,doneQueue,args.inputGenoFormat,args.outputGenoFormat,args.alleleOrder, headers,include,exclude,samples,minCalls,minPopCallsDict,minAlleles,maxAlleles, minPopAllelesDict,maxPopAllelesDict,minVarCount,maxHet,minFreq,maxFreq, HWE_P,HWE_side,popDict,ploidyDict,fixed,args.nearlyFixedDiff,args.forcePloidy,
def main_simple_queue(): recv_q = SimpleQueue() Process(target=worker_queue, args=(recv_q, )).start() for num in range(NUM): message = recv_q.get()
class ProcessPoolExecutor(_base.Executor): def __init__(self, max_workers=None): """Initializes a new ProcessPoolExecutor instance. Args: max_workers: The maximum number of processes that can be used to execute the given calls. If None or not given then as many worker processes will be created as the machine has processors. """ _check_system_limits() if max_workers is None: self._max_workers = os.cpu_count() or 1 else: if max_workers <= 0: raise ValueError("max_workers must be greater than 0") self._max_workers = max_workers # Make the call queue slightly larger than the number of processes to # prevent the worker processes from idling. But don't make it too big # because futures in the call queue cannot be cancelled. self._call_queue = multiprocessing.Queue(self._max_workers + EXTRA_QUEUED_CALLS) # Killed worker processes can produce spurious "broken pipe" # tracebacks in the queue's own worker thread. But we detect killed # processes anyway, so silence the tracebacks. self._call_queue._ignore_epipe = True self._result_queue = SimpleQueue() self._work_ids = queue.Queue() self._queue_management_thread = None # Map of pids to processes self._processes = {} # Shutdown is a two-step process. self._shutdown_thread = False self._shutdown_lock = threading.Lock() self._broken = False self._queue_count = 0 self._pending_work_items = {} def _start_queue_management_thread(self): # When the executor gets lost, the weakref callback will wake up # the queue management thread. def weakref_cb(_, q=self._result_queue): q.put(None) if self._queue_management_thread is None: # Start the processes so that their sentinels are known. self._adjust_process_count() self._queue_management_thread = threading.Thread( target=_queue_management_worker, args=(weakref.ref(self, weakref_cb), self._processes, self._pending_work_items, self._work_ids, self._call_queue, self._result_queue)) self._queue_management_thread.daemon = True self._queue_management_thread.start() _threads_queues[self._queue_management_thread] = self._result_queue def _adjust_process_count(self): for _ in range(len(self._processes), self._max_workers): p = multiprocessing.Process( target=_process_worker, args=(self._call_queue, self._result_queue)) p.start() self._processes[] = p def submit(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): with self._shutdown_lock: if self._broken: raise BrokenProcessPool('A child process terminated ' 'abruptly, the process pool is not usable anymore') if self._shutdown_thread: raise RuntimeError('cannot schedule new futures after shutdown') f = _base.Future() w = _WorkItem(f, fn, args, kwargs) self._pending_work_items[self._queue_count] = w self._work_ids.put(self._queue_count) self._queue_count += 1 # Wake up queue management thread self._result_queue.put(None) self._start_queue_management_thread() return f submit.__doc__ = _base.Executor.submit.__doc__ def map(self, fn, *iterables, timeout=None, chunksize=1): """Returns an iterator equivalent to map(fn, iter). Args: fn: A callable that will take as many arguments as there are passed iterables. timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait. If None, then there is no limit on the wait time. chunksize: If greater than one, the iterables will be chopped into chunks of size chunksize and submitted to the process pool. If set to one, the items in the list will be sent one at a time. Returns: An iterator equivalent to: map(func, *iterables) but the calls may be evaluated out-of-order. Raises: TimeoutError: If the entire result iterator could not be generated before the given timeout. Exception: If fn(*args) raises for any values. """ if chunksize < 1: raise ValueError("chunksize must be >= 1.") results = super().map(partial(_process_chunk, fn), _get_chunks(*iterables, chunksize=chunksize), timeout=timeout) return _chain_from_iterable_of_lists(results) def shutdown(self, wait=True): with self._shutdown_lock: self._shutdown_thread = True if self._queue_management_thread: # Wake up queue management thread self._result_queue.put(None) if wait: self._queue_management_thread.join() # To reduce the risk of opening too many files, remove references to # objects that use file descriptors. self._queue_management_thread = None self._call_queue = None self._result_queue = None self._processes = None shutdown.__doc__ = _base.Executor.shutdown.__doc__
class ProcessPoolExecutor(_base.Executor): def __init__(self, max_workers=None): """Initializes a new ProcessPoolExecutor instance. Args: max_workers: The maximum number of processes that can be used to execute the given calls. If None or not given then as many worker processes will be created as the machine has processors. """ _check_system_limits() if max_workers is None: self._max_workers = os.cpu_count() or 1 else: if max_workers <= 0: raise ValueError("max_workers must be greater than 0") self._max_workers = max_workers # Make the call queue slightly larger than the number of processes to # prevent the worker processes from idling. But don't make it too big # because futures in the call queue cannot be cancelled. self._call_queue = multiprocessing.Queue(self._max_workers + EXTRA_QUEUED_CALLS) # Killed worker processes can produce spurious "broken pipe" # tracebacks in the queue's own worker thread. But we detect killed # processes anyway, so silence the tracebacks. self._call_queue._ignore_epipe = True self._result_queue = SimpleQueue() self._work_ids = queue.Queue() self._queue_management_thread = None # Map of pids to processes self._processes = {} # Shutdown is a two-step process. self._shutdown_thread = False self._shutdown_lock = threading.Lock() self._broken = False self._queue_count = 0 self._pending_work_items = {} def _start_queue_management_thread(self): # When the executor gets lost, the weakref callback will wake up # the queue management thread. def weakref_cb(_, q=self._result_queue): q.put(None) if self._queue_management_thread is None: # Start the processes so that their sentinels are known. self._adjust_process_count() self._queue_management_thread = threading.Thread( target=_queue_management_worker, args=(weakref.ref(self, weakref_cb), self._processes, self._pending_work_items, self._work_ids, self._call_queue, self._result_queue)) self._queue_management_thread.daemon = True self._queue_management_thread.start() _threads_queues[self._queue_management_thread] = self._result_queue def _adjust_process_count(self): for _ in range(len(self._processes), self._max_workers): p = multiprocessing.Process(target=_process_worker, args=(self._call_queue, self._result_queue)) p.start() self._processes[] = p def submit(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): with self._shutdown_lock: if self._broken: raise BrokenProcessPool( 'A child process terminated ' 'abruptly, the process pool is not usable anymore') if self._shutdown_thread: raise RuntimeError( 'cannot schedule new futures after shutdown') f = _base.Future() w = _WorkItem(f, fn, args, kwargs) self._pending_work_items[self._queue_count] = w self._work_ids.put(self._queue_count) self._queue_count += 1 # Wake up queue management thread self._result_queue.put(None) self._start_queue_management_thread() return f submit.__doc__ = _base.Executor.submit.__doc__ def shutdown(self, wait=True): with self._shutdown_lock: self._shutdown_thread = True if self._queue_management_thread: # Wake up queue management thread self._result_queue.put(None) if wait: self._queue_management_thread.join() # To reduce the risk of opening too many files, remove references to # objects that use file descriptors. self._queue_management_thread = None self._call_queue = None self._result_queue = None self._processes = None shutdown.__doc__ = _base.Executor.shutdown.__doc__
def spawn_import_clients(options, files_info): # Spawn one reader process for each db.table, as well as many client processes task_queue = SimpleQueue() error_queue = SimpleQueue() exit_event = multiprocessing.Event() interrupt_event = multiprocessing.Event() errors = [] reader_procs = [] client_procs = [] parent_pid = os.getpid() signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda a, b: abort_import(a, b, parent_pid, exit_event, task_queue, client_procs, interrupt_event)) try: progress_info = [] rows_written = multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_longlong, 0) for i in xrange(options["clients"]): client_procs.append(multiprocessing.Process(target=client_process, args=(options["host"], options["port"], options["auth_key"], task_queue, error_queue, rows_written, options["force"], options["durability"]))) client_procs[-1].start() for file_info in files_info: progress_info.append((multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_longlong, -1), # Current lines/bytes processed multiprocessing.Value(ctypes.c_longlong, 0))) # Total lines/bytes to process reader_procs.append(multiprocessing.Process(target=table_reader, args=(options, file_info, task_queue, error_queue, progress_info[-1], exit_event))) reader_procs[-1].start() # Wait for all reader processes to finish - hooray, polling while len(reader_procs) > 0: time.sleep(0.1) # If an error has occurred, exit out early while not error_queue.empty(): exit_event.set() errors.append(error_queue.get()) reader_procs = [proc for proc in reader_procs if proc.is_alive()] update_progress(progress_info) # Wait for all clients to finish alive_clients = sum([client.is_alive() for client in client_procs]) for i in xrange(alive_clients): task_queue.put(StopIteration()) while len(client_procs) > 0: time.sleep(0.1) client_procs = [client for client in client_procs if client.is_alive()] # If we were successful, make sure 100% progress is reported if len(errors) == 0 and not interrupt_event.is_set(): print_progress(1.0) def plural(num, text): return "%d %s%s" % (num, text, "" if num == 1 else "s") # Continue past the progress output line print("") print("%s imported in %s" % (plural(rows_written.value, "row"), plural(len(files_info), "table"))) finally: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) if interrupt_event.is_set(): raise RuntimeError("Interrupted") if len(errors) != 0: # multiprocessing queues don't handling tracebacks, so they've already been stringified in the queue for error in errors: print("%s" % error[1], file=sys.stderr) if options["debug"]: print("%s traceback: %s" % (error[0].__name__, error[2]), file=sys.stderr) if len(error) == 4: print("In file: %s" % error[3], file=sys.stderr) raise RuntimeError("Errors occurred during import")
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time from multiprocessing import Process, SimpleQueue import serverClient as serv import socket from libares.moistconsts import * from libares.constants import * dataQueue = SimpleQueue() def sendData(opcode, data): toSend = [] toSend.append(opcode) toSend.extend(data) dataQueue.put(toSend) print("event-raw> Send data: 0x{}".format(bytearray(toSend).hex())) def getSwitch(channel): return not GPIO.input(channel) def switch_callback(channel): if not moistEnabled: print("event> not enabled :(") return time.sleep(0.01) switch_in = getSwitch(channel) switch = MAP[channel]
def fork_process(logger, group=None, target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs={}): """ Forks a child, making sure that all exceptions from the child are safely sent to the parent If a target raises an exception, the exception is re-raised in the parent process @return tuple consisting of process exit code and target's return value """ if is_windows(): logger.warn( "Not forking for %s due to Windows incompatibilities (see #184). " "Measurements (coverage, etc.) might be biased." % target) return fake_windows_fork(group, target, name, args, kwargs) try: sys.modules["tblib.pickling_support"] except KeyError: import tblib.pickling_support tblib.pickling_support.install() q = SimpleQueue() def instrumented_target(*args, **kwargs): ex = tb = None try: send_value = (target(*args, **kwargs), None, None) except: _, ex, tb = sys.exc_info() send_value = (None, ex, tb) try: q.put(send_value) except: _, send_ex, send_tb = sys.exc_info() e_out = Exception(str(send_ex), send_tb, None if ex is None else str(ex), tb) q.put(e_out) p = Process(group=group, target=instrumented_target, name=name, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) p.start() result = q.get() p.join() if isinstance(result, tuple): if result[1]: raise_exception(result[1], result[2]) return p.exitcode, result[0] else: msg = "Fatal error occurred in the forked process %s: %s" % ( p, result.args[0]) if result.args[2]: chained_message = "This error masked the send error '%s':\n%s" % ( result.args[2], "".join(traceback.format_tb(result.args[3]))) msg += "\n" + chained_message ex = Exception(msg) raise_exception(ex, result.args[1])
class ProcessPoolExecutor(_base.Executor): def __init__(self, max_workers=None): """Initializes a new ProcessPoolExecutor instance. Args: max_workers: The maximum number of processes that can be used to execute the given calls. If None or not given then as many worker processes will be created as the machine has processors. """ _check_system_limits() if max_workers is None: self._max_workers = os.cpu_count() or 1 else: if max_workers <= 0: raise ValueError("max_workers must be greater than 0") self._max_workers = max_workers # Make the call queue slightly larger than the number of processes to # prevent the worker processes from idling. But don't make it too big # because futures in the call queue cannot be cancelled. self._call_queue = multiprocessing.Queue(self._max_workers + EXTRA_QUEUED_CALLS) # Killed worker processes can produce spurious "broken pipe" # tracebacks in the queue's own worker thread. But we detect killed # processes anyway, so silence the tracebacks. self._call_queue._ignore_epipe = True self._result_queue = SimpleQueue() self._work_ids = queue.Queue() self._queue_management_thread = None # Map of pids to processes self._processes = {} # Shutdown is a two-step process. self._shutdown_thread = False self._shutdown_lock = threading.Lock() self._broken = False self._queue_count = 0 self._pending_work_items = {} def _start_queue_management_thread(self): # When the executor gets lost, the weakref callback will wake up # the queue management thread. def weakref_cb(_, q=self._result_queue): q.put(None) if self._queue_management_thread is None: # Start the processes so that their sentinels are known. self._adjust_process_count() self._queue_management_thread = threading.Thread( target=_queue_management_worker, args=(weakref.ref(self, weakref_cb), self._processes, self._pending_work_items, self._work_ids, self._call_queue, self._result_queue)) self._queue_management_thread.daemon = True self._queue_management_thread.start() _threads_queues[self._queue_management_thread] = self._result_queue def _adjust_process_count(self): for _ in range(len(self._processes), self._max_workers): p = multiprocessing.Process(target=_process_worker, args=(self._call_queue, self._result_queue)) p.start() self._processes[] = p def submit(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): with self._shutdown_lock: if self._broken: raise BrokenProcessPool( 'A child process terminated ' 'abruptly, the process pool is not usable anymore') if self._shutdown_thread: raise RuntimeError( 'cannot schedule new futures after shutdown') f = _base.Future() w = _WorkItem(f, fn, args, kwargs) self._pending_work_items[self._queue_count] = w self._work_ids.put(self._queue_count) self._queue_count += 1 # Wake up queue management thread self._result_queue.put(None) self._start_queue_management_thread() return f submit.__doc__ = _base.Executor.submit.__doc__ def map(self, fn, *iterables, timeout=None, chunksize=1): """Returns an iterator equivalent to map(fn, iter). Args: fn: A callable that will take as many arguments as there are passed iterables. timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait. If None, then there is no limit on the wait time. chunksize: If greater than one, the iterables will be chopped into chunks of size chunksize and submitted to the process pool. If set to one, the items in the list will be sent one at a time. Returns: An iterator equivalent to: map(func, *iterables) but the calls may be evaluated out-of-order. Raises: TimeoutError: If the entire result iterator could not be generated before the given timeout. Exception: If fn(*args) raises for any values. """ if chunksize < 1: raise ValueError("chunksize must be >= 1.") results = super().map(partial(_process_chunk, fn), _get_chunks(*iterables, chunksize=chunksize), timeout=timeout) return _chain_from_iterable_of_lists(results) def shutdown(self, wait=True): with self._shutdown_lock: self._shutdown_thread = True if self._queue_management_thread: # Wake up queue management thread self._result_queue.put(None) if wait: self._queue_management_thread.join() # To reduce the risk of opening too many files, remove references to # objects that use file descriptors. self._queue_management_thread = None if self._call_queue is not None: self._call_queue.close() if wait: self._call_queue.join_thread() self._call_queue = None self._result_queue = None self._processes = None shutdown.__doc__ = _base.Executor.shutdown.__doc__
scafsToInclude = [line.rstrip() for line in scafsFile.readlines()] sys.stderr.write("{} scaffolds will be analysed.".format( len(scafsToInclude))) scafsFile.close() else: scafsToInclude = None ########################################################################################################## #counting stat that will let keep track of how far we are windowsQueued = 0 resultsReceived = 0 resultsWritten = 0 resultsHandled = 0 '''Create queues to hold the data one will hold the line info to be passed to the analysis''' windowQueue = SimpleQueue() #one will hold the results (in the order they come) resultQueue = SimpleQueue() #one will hold the sorted results to be written writeQueue = SimpleQueue() '''start worker Processes for analysis. The comand should be tailored for the analysis wrapper function of course these will only start doing anything after we put data into the line queue the function we call is actually a wrapper for another function.(s) This one reads from the line queue, passes to some analysis function(s), gets the results and sends to the result queue''' for x in range(args.threads): worker = Process(target=stats_wrapper, args=(windowQueue, resultQueue, args.windType, args.genoFormat, sampleData, minSites, args.minPerInd, args.includeSameWithSame, args.outFormat, args.roundTo, outputWindowData, args.addWindowID)) worker.daemon = True
def measure_cmd_resources(self, cmd, name, legend, save_bs=False): """Measure system resource usage of a command""" def _worker(data_q, cmd, **kwargs): """Worker process for measuring resources""" try: start_time = ret = runCmd2(cmd, **kwargs) etime = - start_time rusage_struct = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_CHILDREN) iostat = OrderedDict() with open('/proc/{}/io'.format(os.getpid())) as fobj: for line in fobj.readlines(): key, val = line.split(':') iostat[key] = int(val) rusage = OrderedDict() # Skip unused fields, (i.e. 'ru_ixrss', 'ru_idrss', 'ru_isrss', # 'ru_nswap', 'ru_msgsnd', 'ru_msgrcv' and 'ru_nsignals') for key in [ 'ru_utime', 'ru_stime', 'ru_maxrss', 'ru_minflt', 'ru_majflt', 'ru_inblock', 'ru_oublock', 'ru_nvcsw', 'ru_nivcsw' ]: rusage[key] = getattr(rusage_struct, key) data_q.put({ 'ret': ret, 'start_time': start_time, 'elapsed_time': etime, 'rusage': rusage, 'iostat': iostat }) except Exception as err: data_q.put(err) cmd_str = cmd if isinstance(cmd, str) else ' '.join(cmd)"Timing command: %s", cmd_str) data_q = SimpleQueue() try: proc = Process(target=_worker, args=( data_q, cmd, )) proc.start() data = data_q.get() proc.join() if isinstance(data, Exception): raise data except CommandError: log.error("Command '%s' failed", cmd_str) raise etime = data['elapsed_time'] measurement = OrderedDict([('type', self.SYSRES), ('name', name), ('legend', legend)]) measurement['values'] = OrderedDict([('start_time', data['start_time']), ('elapsed_time', etime), ('rusage', data['rusage']), ('iostat', data['iostat'])]) if save_bs: self.save_buildstats(name) self._append_measurement(measurement) # Append to 'times' array for globalres log e_sec = etime.total_seconds() self.times.append('{:d}:{:02d}:{:05.2f}'.format( int(e_sec / 3600), int((e_sec % 3600) / 60), e_sec % 60))
class WindowRecorder: """Programatically video record a window in Linux (requires xwininfo)""" def __init__(self, window_names: Iterable[AnyStr] = None, frame_rate=30.0, name_suffix="", save_dir=None): if window_names is None: "Select a window to record by left clicking with your mouse") output = subprocess.check_output(["xwininfo"], universal_newlines=True)"Selected {output}") else: for name in window_names: try: output = subprocess.check_output( ["xwininfo", "-name", name], universal_newlines=True) break except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: logger.debug( f"Could not find window named {name}, trying next in list" ) pass else: raise RuntimeError( f"Could not find any windows with names from {window_names}" ) properties = {} for line in output.split("\n"): if ":" in line: parts = line.split(":", 1) properties[parts[0].strip()] = parts[1].strip() left, top = int(properties["Absolute upper-left X"]), int( properties["Absolute upper-left Y"]) width, height = int(properties["Width"]), int(properties["Height"]) self.monitor = { "top": top, "left": left, "width": width, "height": height } self.frame_rate = frame_rate self.suffix = name_suffix self.save_dir = save_dir if self.save_dir is None: self.save_dir = cfg.CAPTURE_DIR def __enter__(self): if not os.path.exists(self.save_dir): raise FileNotFoundError( f"Trying to record to {self.save_dir}, but folder does not exist" ) output = os.path.join( self.save_dir, f"{'%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S')}_{self.suffix}.mp4" ) logger.debug(f"Recording video to {output}") self.q = SimpleQueue() self.record_process = Process(target=_record_loop, args=(self.q, output, self.monitor, self.frame_rate)) self.record_process.start() return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.q.put('die') self.record_process.join() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
async def servo_loop(device: str, sids: Sequence[int], main2gvf: mp.SimpleQueue, behaviour_policy: DiscretePolicy, coder: KanervaCoder, **kwargs): # objects to read and write from servos sr, sw = await serial_asyncio.open_serial_connection(url=device, **kwargs) # set servo speeds to slowest possible for sid in sids: # await send_msg(sr, sw, sid, []) await send_msg(sr, sw, sid, [0x03, 0x20, 0x00, 0x01]) # set initial action action = initial_action # some constants # read_data = [0x02, # read # 0x24, # starting from 0x24 # 0x08] # a string of 8 bytes read_all = [0x02, # read 0x00, # starting from the beginning 0x32] # all the bytes store_data = [] try: for _ in range(20000): # read data from servos byte_data = [await send_msg(sr, sw, sid, read_all) for sid in sids] # convert to human-readable data obs = sum([parse_data(bd) for bd in byte_data], list(action)) # make feature vector active_pts = coder(obs=obs, byte_data=byte_data) # get most recent weights from control GVFs pass # decide on an action action, action_prob = behaviour_policy(obs=obs, x=active_pts) # send action to servos instructions = [goal_instruction(a) for a in action if a is not None] for sid, instr in zip(sids, instructions): await send_msg(sr, sw, sid, instr) # send action and features to GVFs gvf_data = (action, action_prob, obs, active_pts) if locks: print('main gm a 1 a') gmlock.acquire() print('main gm a 1 b') main2gvf.put(gvf_data) if locks: print('main gm r 1 a') gmlock.release() print('main gm r 1 b') # record data for later store_data.append(gvf_data)'offline_data.npy', store_data) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: await sw.drain() for sid in sids: write(sw, sid, [0x03, 0x18, 0x00]) # disable torque
class CozmoMqttProgram(): def __init__(self) -> None: self._cozmo = cozmo_client.Cozmo() self._queue = SimpleQueue() self._mqtt_client = None if MQTT_BROKER_URL is not None: self._mqtt_client = mqtt_client.MqttClient( MQTT_BROKER_URL, MQTT_BROKER_PORT, MQTT_USERNAME, MQTT_PASSWORD, MQTT_TOPICS, self._on_mqtt_message) self.sdk_conn: CozmoConnection = None self._faces: Dict[Face, datetime] = dict() self._visible_objects: Dict[ObservableObject, datetime] = dict() self._message_manager = MessageManager() self._cozmo_state = CozmoStates.Disconnected @property def cozmo_state(self) -> CozmoStates: return self._cozmo_state @cozmo_state.setter def cozmo_state(self, state: CozmoStates) -> None: self._cozmo_state = state self._publish_cozmo_state() async def run_with_robot_async(self, robot: cozmo.robot.Robot) -> None: self.sdk_conn = await self._run_async(robot) async def _run_async(self, robot: cozmo.robot.Robot) -> None: await self._initialize_async(robot) try: while self.sdk_conn.is_connected: self._cozmo.update_needs_level() if self._cozmo.needs_charging( ) and not self._cozmo.is_sleeping: await self._charge_cycle() await self._cozmo.wake_up_async() self._cozmo_freetime() if not self._queue.empty(): await self._handel_queue_async() if > 0: face = self._get_visible_face() if face: if face in self._faces: last_seen = self._faces[face] if ( - last_seen).total_seconds() > 60: await self._cozmo_do_async( self._on_saw_face(face)) else: await self._cozmo_do_async(self._on_saw_face(face)) if self._cozmo.robot.is_picked_up: await self._cozmo_do_async(self._on_picked_up_async()) if self._cozmo.robot.is_cliff_detected: await self._cozmo_do_async(self._on_cliff_detected_async()) if object_type=ObservableObject) > 0: visible_object = self._get_visible_object() if visible_object: if visible_object in self._visible_objects: last_seen = self._visible_objects[visible_object] if ( - last_seen).total_seconds() > 60 * 5: await self._cozmo_do_async( self._on_new_object_appeared_async( visible_object)) else: await self._cozmo_do_async( self._on_new_object_appeared_async( visible_object)) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) await self.terminate_async() async def _initialize_async(self, robot: cozmo.robot.Robot) -> None: self._observe_connection_lost(self.sdk_conn, self._on_connection_lost) self._cozmo.set_robot(robot) await asyncio.gather(self._cozmo.connect_to_cubes_async(), self._cozmo.get_off_charger_async()) if self._mqtt_client is not None: await self._mqtt_client.connect_async() self.cozmo_state = CozmoStates.Connected self._cozmo_freetime() async def terminate_async(self) -> None: print("Terminating") if self._mqtt_client is not None: await self._mqtt_client.disconnect_async() if self.sdk_conn.is_connected: print("Sending cozmo back to charger") await self._cozmo.stop_all_actions_async() self._cozmo.back_to_normal() await self._cozmo.get_on_charger_async() def _observe_connection_lost(self, connection: CozmoConnection, cb): meth = connection.connection_lost @functools.wraps(meth) def connection_lost(self, exc): meth(exc) cb() connection.connection_lost = types.MethodType(connection_lost, connection) def _on_connection_lost(self) -> None: print("Captured connection lost") self.cozmo_state = CozmoStates.ConnectionLost def _publish_cozmo_state(self) -> None: if self._mqtt_client is not None: payload = dict() payload["status"] = self.cozmo_state.value attributes = dict() if self._cozmo.robot: attributes["battery_voltage"] = self._cozmo.battery_voltage payload["attributes"] = attributes self._mqtt_client.publish(COZMO_MQTT_PUBLISHING_TOPIC, payload) async def _on_saw_face(self, face: Face) -> None: self._faces[face] = self.cozmo_state = CozmoStates.SawFace print("An face appeared: {}".format(face)) if await self._cozmo.turn_toward_face_async(face) message = self._message_manager.get_hello_message(face) await self._cozmo.random_positive_anim_async() await self._cozmo.say_async(message) if face.known_expression: message = self._message_manager.get_fece_expression_message( face.known_expression, face) await self._cozmo.say_async(message) else: message = self._message_manager.get_non_recognized_message(face) await self._cozmo.say_async(message) async def _on_picked_up_async(self) -> None: print("Cozmo was picked up") self.cozmo_state = CozmoStates.PickedUp face = self._get_visible_face() message = self._message_manager.get_picked_up_message(face) await self._cozmo.random_positive_anim_async() if face: await self._cozmo.display_camera_image_async() await self._cozmo.say_async(message) while self._cozmo.robot.is_picked_up: await asyncio.sleep(0.1) print("Cozmo was put down") async def _on_cliff_detected_async(self) -> None: print("Cozmo detected a cliff") self.cozmo_state = CozmoStates.OnCliff self._cozmo.stop() self._cozmo.clear_current_animations() await self._cozmo.drive_wheels_async(-40, 1) face = self._get_visible_face() message = self._message_manager.get_cliff_detected_message(face) await self._cozmo.random_negative_anim_async() await self._cozmo.say_async(message) while self._cozmo.robot.is_cliff_detected: await asyncio.sleep(0.1) print("Cozmo away from cliff") async def _on_new_object_appeared_async( self, visible_object: ObservableObject) -> None: self._visible_objects[visible_object] = print("An obbject appeared: {}".format(visible_object)) face = self._get_visible_face() message = self._message_manager.get_object_appeared_message( visible_object, face) await self._cozmo.say_async(message) def _get_visible_face(self) -> Face: if == 0: print("Found no visibile faces") return None visible_face = next((face for face in, None) return visible_face def _get_visible_object(self) -> ObservableObject: if object_type=ObservableObject) == 0: print("Found no visibile objects") return None visible_obj = next((obj for obj in, None) return visible_obj def _cozmo_freetime(self) -> None: self._cozmo.start_free_time() self.cozmo_state = CozmoStates.Freetime async def _cozmo_do_async(self, async_f: Awaitable) -> None: if self._cozmo.freetime_enabled: self._cozmo.stop_free_time() try: await async_f self._cozmo_freetime() except cozmo.RobotBusy: print("Task Exception...cozmo is Busy") async def _charge_cycle(self) -> None: self.cozmo_state = CozmoStates.GoingToCharge print("Cozmo needs charging. Battery level {}".format( self._cozmo.battery_voltage)) await self._cozmo.start_charging_routine_async() self.cozmo_state = CozmoStates.Charging await self._cozmo.charge_to_full_async() print("Cozmo charged") # MQTT Queue Related------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _on_mqtt_message(self, client, topic, payload, qos, properties) -> None: try: json_data = json.loads(payload.decode('utf-8')) print("Topic: {}".format(topic)) print("Data: {}".format(json_data)) topic_data_tuple = (topic, json_data) self._queue.put(topic_data_tuple) except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) async def _handel_queue_async(self) -> None: if not self._queue.empty(): print("Cozmo processing queue") await self._cozmo_do_async( self._process_message_async(self._queue.get())) await self._handel_queue_async() async def _process_message_async(self, topic_data_tuple: tuple) -> None: topic = topic_data_tuple[0] json_data = topic_data_tuple[1] if topic == MQTT_WEATHER_TOPIC: await self._process_weather_notification_async(json_data) elif topic == MQTT_CONTROL_TOPIC: await self._process_control_msg_async(json_data) async def _process_control_msg_async(self, json_data: dict) -> None: if "msg" in json_data: msg = json_data["msg"] if msg == 'sleep': asyncio.create_task(self._cozmo.sleep_async()) if msg == 'freetime': await self._cozmo.wake_up_async() self._cozmo_freetime() async def _process_weather_notification_async(self, json_data: dict) -> None: if "msg" in json_data: msg = json_data["msg"] image_url = None color = None title = "I have a weather update notification for you." if "imagePath" in json_data: image_url = json_data["imagePath"] if 'clear' in msg: print("Clear outside!") color = YELLOW elif 'cloudy' in msg: print("Cloudy outside!") color = SLATE_GRAY await self._cozmo_annonuce_weather_update_async( msg, title, color, image_url) async def _cozmo_annonuce_weather_update_async( self, msg: str, title: str, rgb: Union[Tuple, None] = None, image_url: str = None) -> None: self.cozmo_state = CozmoStates.Anouncing if rgb: light = Light(Color(rgb=rgb)).flash() self._cozmo.cubes_change_lights(light) self._cozmo.backpack_change_light(light) await self._cozmo.random_positive_anim_async() await self._cozmo.say_async(title) await self._cozmo.say_async(msg) if image_url: await self._cozmo.show_image_from_url_async(image_url) if rgb: self._cozmo.turn_cubes_lights_off() self._cozmo.turn_backpack_light_off()
# data_read, # data_read/1024, # data_read/1024/1024, # data_read/1024/1024/1024)) else: print("\n\n{}: no pipe detected..".format(my_name), flush=True) # print("{}: putting..".format(my_name)) q.put(ndimg) print("{}: done".format(my_name)) return if __name__ == "__main__": from multiprocessing import Process, SimpleQueue rep = 10 q = SimpleQueue() processes = [ Process(name=a[0], target=read_pipe, args=a) for a in [("DOUT", depth_pipe, q, rep), ("COUT", color_pipe, q, rep)] ] # start and wait for processes for p in processes: print("posting process {}".format( p.start() for _ in range(len(processes) * rep): tmp_img = q.get() # for _ in range(2): # tmp_img = q.get() # if type(tmp_img) == list:
async def servo_loop(device: str, sids: Sequence[int], coder: KanervaCoder, main2gvf: mp.SimpleQueue, gvf2main: mp.SimpleQueue, **kwargs): # objects to read and write from servos sr, sw = await serial_asyncio.open_serial_connection(url=device, **kwargs) # set servo speeds to slowest possible for sid in sids: await send_msg(sr, sw, sid, [0x03, 0x20, 0x00, 0x01]) # set initial action action = initial_action # some constants read_data = [0x02, # read 0x24, # starting from 0x24 0x08] # a string of 8 bytes # read_all = [0x02, # read # 0x00, # starting from the beginning # 0x32] # all the bytes store_data = [] try: for _ in range(20000): # read data from servos byte_data = [await send_msg(sr, sw, sid, read_data) for sid in sids] # convert to human-readable data obs = sum([parse_data(bd) for bd in byte_data], []) + list(action) # get active tiles in kanerva coding active_pts = coder(obs) # send action and features to GVFs gvf_data = (obs, active_pts) main2gvf.put(gvf_data) # get action control GVFs action = gvf2main.get() # send action to servos instructions = [goal_instruction(a) for a in action if a is not None] for sid, instr in zip(sids, instructions): await send_msg(sr, sw, sid, instr) # record data for later store_data.append(gvf_data)'offline_data.npy', store_data) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: await sw.drain() for sid in sids: write(sw, sid, [0x03, 0x18, 0x00]) # disable torque
def scan_regionset(regionset, options): """ This function scans all te region files in a regionset object and fills the ScannedRegionFile obj with the results """ total_regions = len(regionset.regions) total_chunks = 0 corrupted_total = 0 wrong_total = 0 entities_total = 0 too_small_total = 0 unreadable = 0 # init progress bar if not options.verbose: pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar( widgets=['Scanning: ', FractionWidget(), ' ', progressbar.Percentage(), ' ', progressbar.Bar(left='[',right=']'), ' ', progressbar.ETA()], maxval=total_regions) # queue used by processes to pass finished stuff q = SimpleQueue() pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=options.processes, initializer=_mp_pool_init,initargs=(regionset,options,q)) if not options.verbose: pbar.start() # start the pool # Note to self: every child process has his own memory space, # that means every obj recived by them will be a copy of the # main obj result = pool.map_async(multithread_scan_regionfile, regionset.list_regions(None), max(1,total_regions//options.processes)) # printing status region_counter = 0 while not result.ready() or not q.empty(): time.sleep(0.01) if not q.empty(): r = q.get() if r == None: # something went wrong scanning this region file # probably a bug... don't know if it's a good # idea to skip it continue if not isinstance(r,world.ScannedRegionFile): raise ChildProcessException(r) else: corrupted, wrong, entities_prob, shared_offset, num_chunks = r.get_counters() filename = r.filename # the obj returned is a copy, overwrite it in regionset regionset[r.get_coords()] = r corrupted_total += corrupted wrong_total += wrong total_chunks += num_chunks entities_total += entities_prob if r.status == world.REGION_TOO_SMALL: too_small_total += 1 elif r.status == world.REGION_UNREADABLE: unreadable += 1 region_counter += 1 if options.verbose: if r.status == world.REGION_OK: stats = "(c: {0}, w: {1}, tme: {2}, so: {3}, t: {4})".format( corrupted, wrong, entities_prob, shared_offset, num_chunks) elif r.status == world.REGION_TOO_SMALL: stats = "(Error: not a region file)" elif r.status == world.REGION_UNREADABLE: stats = "(Error: unreadable region file)" print("Scanned {0: <12} {1:.<43} {2}/{3}".format(filename, stats, region_counter, total_regions)) else: pbar.update(region_counter) if not options.verbose: pbar.finish() regionset.scanned = True
unfiltered = [filepath] contracts += [u for u in unfiltered if pattern.match(u) is not None] contracts = contracts[args.skip:] log("Setting up workers.") # Set up multiprocessing result list and queue. manager = Manager() # This list contains analysis results as # (filename, category, meta, analytics) quadruples. res_list = manager.list() # Holds results transiently before flushing to res_list res_queue = SimpleQueue() # Start the periodic flush process, only run while run_signal is set. run_signal = Event() run_signal.set() flush_proc = Process(target=flush_queue, args=(run_signal, res_queue, res_list)) flush_proc.start() workers = [] avail_jobs = list(range( contract_iter = enumerate(contracts) contracts_exhausted = False log("Analysing...\n") try:
from multiprocessing import Pool, Queue, SimpleQueue import re, nltk, pandas as pd, queue, os from nltk.tokenize.toktok import ToktokTokenizer from textblob import Word from nltk.corpus import wordnet stopword_list = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english') tokenizer = ToktokTokenizer() resultQueue = queue.Queue() resultSimpleQueue = SimpleQueue() q = Queue() def processText(text): try: row = str(text).lower() row = row.replace("n't", " not") row = row.replace("'s", "") row = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', ' ', row) row = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', row) tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(row) tokens = " ".join(Word(token.strip()).lemmatize() for token in tokens if token not in stopword_list) return tokens except Exception as e: print(e) def lemmatizeAndClean(text): try: print('parent id:', os.getppid(), 'process id:', os.getpid()) tokens = processText(text) print('result', tokens) resultSimpleQueue.put(tokens)
def learning_loop(exit_flag: mp.Value, gvfs: Sequence[Sequence[GTDLearner]], main2gvf: mp.SimpleQueue, gvf2plot: mp.SimpleQueue, parsrs: List[Callable]): action, action_prob, obs, x = None, None, None, None # get first state while exit_flag.value == 0 and obs is None: while exit_flag.value == 0 and main2gvf.empty(): time.sleep(0.01) if exit_flag.value == 0: if locks: print('gvf gm a 1 a') gmlock.acquire() print('gvf gm a 1 b') action, action_prob, obs, x = main2gvf.get() if locks: print('gvf gm r 1 a') gmlock.release() print('gvf gm r 1 b') # main loop # tt = 0 # ts = [] while exit_flag.value == 0: # ts.append(time.time() - tt) if tt > 0 else None # print(np.mean(ts)) # tt = time.time() if locks: print('gvf gm a 2 a') gmlock.acquire() print('gvf gm a 2 b') while exit_flag.value == 0 and main2gvf.empty(): if locks: print('gvf gm r 2 a') gmlock.release() print('gvf gm r 2 b') time.sleep(0.01) if locks: print('gvf gm a 3 a') gmlock.acquire() print('gvf gm a 3 b') if locks: print('gvf gm r 3 a') gmlock.release() print('gvf gm r 3 b') if exit_flag.value: break # get data from servos if locks: print('gvf gm a 4 a') gmlock.acquire() print('gvf gm a 4 b') actionp, action_probp, obsp, xp = main2gvf.get() if locks: print('gvf gm r 4 a') gmlock.release() print('gvf gm r 4 b') # update weights for gs, xi, xpi in zip(gvfs, x, xp): for g in gs: g.update(action, action_prob, obs, obsp, xi, xpi) # send data to plots gdata = [, obs, action, xpi, obsp) for gs, xi, xpi in zip(gvfs, x, xp) for g in gs] data = dict(ChainMap(*gdata)) data['obs'] = obs data['x'] = x data = [parse(data) for parse in parsrs] if locks: print('gvf gp a 1 a') gplock.acquire() print('gvf gp a 1 b') # data = np.copy(data) gvf2plot.put(data) if locks: print('gvf gp r 1 a') gplock.release() print('gvf gp r 1 b') # go to next state obs = obsp x = xp action = actionp action_prob = action_probp print('Done learning!')
class DynamodbToS3Test(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.output_queue = SimpleQueue() def mock_upload_file(Filename, Bucket, Key): # pylint: disable=unused-argument,invalid-name with open(Filename) as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: self.output_queue.put(json.loads(line)) self.mock_upload_file_func = mock_upload_file def output_queue_to_list(self): items = [] while not self.output_queue.empty(): items.append(self.output_queue.get()) return items @patch('airflow.contrib.operators.dynamodb_to_s3.S3Hook') @patch('airflow.contrib.operators.dynamodb_to_s3.AwsDynamoDBHook') def test_dynamodb_to_s3_success(self, mock_aws_dynamodb_hook, mock_s3_hook): responses = [ { 'Items': [{ 'a': 1 }, { 'b': 2 }], 'LastEvaluatedKey': '123', }, { 'Items': [{ 'c': 3 }], }, ] table = MagicMock() table.return_value.scan.side_effect = responses mock_aws_dynamodb_hook.return_value.get_conn.return_value.Table = table s3_client = MagicMock() s3_client.return_value.upload_file = self.mock_upload_file_func mock_s3_hook.return_value.get_conn = s3_client dynamodb_to_s3_operator = DynamoDBToS3Operator( task_id='dynamodb_to_s3', dynamodb_table_name='airflow_rocks', s3_bucket_name='airflow-bucket', file_size=4000, ) dynamodb_to_s3_operator.execute(context={}) self.assertEqual([{ 'a': 1 }, { 'b': 2 }, { 'c': 3 }], self.output_queue_to_list())
class GMailWorker(object): """ Background GMail SMTP sender This class runs a GMail connection object in the background (using the multiprocessing module) which accepts messages through a simple queue. No feedback is provided. The worker object should be closed on exit (will otherwise prevent the interpreter from exiting). The object provides a similar api to the Gmail object. Basic usage: >>> gmail_worker = GMailWorker('A.User <*****@*****.**>','password') >>> msg = Message('Test Message',to='xyz <*****@*****.**',text='Hello') >>> gmail_worker.send(msg) >>> gmail_worker.close() """ def __init__(self, username, password, debug=False): """ GMail SMTP connection worker username : GMail username This can either be a simple address ('*****@*****.**') or can include a name ('"A User" <*****@*****.**>'). The username specified is used as the sender address password : GMail password debug : Debug flag (passed to smtplib) Runs '_gmail_worker' helper in background using multiprocessing module. '_gmail_worker' loops listening for new message objects on the shared queue and sends these using the GMail SMTP connection. """ self.queue = SimpleQueue() self.worker = Process(target=_gmail_worker, args=(username, password, self.queue, debug)) self.worker.start() def send(self, message, rcpt=None): """ message : email.Message instance rcpt : List of recipients (normally parsed from To/Cc/Bcc fields) Send message object via background worker """ self.queue.put((message, rcpt)) def close(self): """ Close down background worker """ self.queue.put(('QUIT', None)) def __del__(self): self.close()
runtime_files = filter(lambda filename: pattern.match(filename) is not None, unfiltered) stop_index = None if args.num_contracts is None else args.skip + args.num_contracts to_process = itertools.islice(runtime_files, args.skip, stop_index) log("Setting up workers.") # Set up multiprocessing result list and queue. manager = Manager() # This list contains analysis results as # (filename, category, meta, analytics) quadruples. res_list = manager.list() # Holds results transiently before flushing to res_list res_queue = SimpleQueue() # Start the periodic flush process, only run while run_signal is set. run_signal = Event() run_signal.set() flush_proc = Process(target=flush_queue, args=(FLUSH_PERIOD, run_signal, res_queue, res_list)) flush_proc.start() workers = [] avail_jobs = list(range( contract_iter = enumerate(to_process) contracts_exhausted = False log("Analysing...\n") try:
def measure_cmd_resources(self, cmd, name, legend, save_bs=False): """Measure system resource usage of a command""" def _worker(data_q, cmd, **kwargs): """Worker process for measuring resources""" try: start_time = ret = runCmd2(cmd, **kwargs) etime = - start_time rusage_struct = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_CHILDREN) iostat = OrderedDict() with open('/proc/{}/io'.format(os.getpid())) as fobj: for line in fobj.readlines(): key, val = line.split(':') iostat[key] = int(val) rusage = OrderedDict() # Skip unused fields, (i.e. 'ru_ixrss', 'ru_idrss', 'ru_isrss', # 'ru_nswap', 'ru_msgsnd', 'ru_msgrcv' and 'ru_nsignals') for key in ['ru_utime', 'ru_stime', 'ru_maxrss', 'ru_minflt', 'ru_majflt', 'ru_inblock', 'ru_oublock', 'ru_nvcsw', 'ru_nivcsw']: rusage[key] = getattr(rusage_struct, key) data_q.put({'ret': ret, 'start_time': start_time, 'elapsed_time': etime, 'rusage': rusage, 'iostat': iostat}) except Exception as err: data_q.put(err) cmd_str = cmd if isinstance(cmd, str) else ' '.join(cmd)"Timing command: %s", cmd_str) data_q = SimpleQueue() try: proc = Process(target=_worker, args=(data_q, cmd,)) proc.start() data = data_q.get() proc.join() if isinstance(data, Exception): raise data except CommandError: log.error("Command '%s' failed", cmd_str) raise etime = data['elapsed_time'] measurement = OrderedDict([('type', self.SYSRES), ('name', name), ('legend', legend)]) measurement['values'] = OrderedDict([('start_time', data['start_time']), ('elapsed_time', etime), ('rusage', data['rusage']), ('iostat', data['iostat'])]) if save_bs: self.save_buildstats(name) self._append_measurement(measurement) # Append to 'times' array for globalres log e_sec = etime.total_seconds() self.times.append('{:d}:{:02d}:{:05.2f}'.format(int(e_sec / 3600), int((e_sec % 3600) / 60), e_sec % 60))
def job(n: int, results: SimpleQueue) -> None: # <6> results.put((n, check(n))) # <7>
scafsToInclude = [line.rstrip() for line in scafsFile.readlines()] sys.stderr.write("{} scaffolds will be analysed.".format( len(scafsToInclude))) scafsFile.close() else: scafsToInclude = None ########################################################################################################## #counting stat that will let keep track of how far we are windowsQueued = 0 resultsReceived = 0 resultsWritten = 0 resultsHandled = 0 '''Create queues to hold the data one will hold the line info to be passed to the analysis''' windowQueue = SimpleQueue() #one will hold the results (in the order they come) resultQueue = SimpleQueue() #one will hold the sorted results to be written writeQueue = SimpleQueue() '''start worker Processes for analysis. The comand should be tailored for the analysis wrapper function of course these will only start doing anything after we put data into the line queue the function we call is actually a wrapper for another function.(s) This one reads from the line queue, passes to some analysis function(s), gets the results and sends to the result queue''' workerThreads = [] sys.stderr.write("\nStarting {} worker threads\n".format(args.threads)) for x in range(args.threads): workerThread = Process( target=stats_wrapper, args=(windowQueue, resultQueue, windType, genoFormat, sampleData, minSites, args.analysis, stats, args.addWindowID, args.roundTo)) workerThread.daemon = True
from play import index2coord, make_play from self_play import top_one_action, new_subtree from conf import conf from multiprocessing import Queue, Pool, Lock, SimpleQueue, Manager from predicting_queue_worker import put_predict_request MCTS_SIMULATIONS_PROCESSES = conf['ENERGY'] GPUS = conf['GPUs'] board_queue = Queue() subtree_queue = Queue() simulation_result_queue = {} for i in range(conf['N_GAME_PROCESS']): simulation_result_queue[i] = SimpleQueue() process_pool = None lock = None def init_simulation_workers(): global process_pool global lock lock = Lock() process_pool = Pool(processes=MCTS_SIMULATIONS_PROCESSES, initializer=init_pool_param, initargs=(lock,)) def init_simulation_workers_by_gpuid(GPU_ID): global process_pool process_pool = Pool(processes=MCTS_SIMULATIONS_PROCESSES) def init_pool_param(l):
def __init__(self, name, bucket_func): self.buckets = Bucket(name) self.q = SimpleQueue() self.get_bucket = bucket_func
def __init__(self): self.node_queue = SimpleQueue()