コード例 #1
    def plot_bargraph(self, data, cats=None, config={}):
        """ Plot a horizontal bar graph. Expects a 2D dict of sample
        data. Also can take info about categories. There are quite a
        few variants of how to use this function, see CONTRIBUTING.md
        for documentation and examples.
        :param data: 2D dict, first keys as sample names, then x:y data pairs
                     Can supply a list of dicts and will have buttons to switch
        :param cats: optional list, dict or OrderedDict with plot categories
        :param config: optional dict with config key:value pairs
        :return: HTML and JS, ready to be inserted into the page

        # Given one dataset - turn it into a list
        if type(data) is not list:
            data = [data]

        # Check we have a list of cats
        if type(cats) is not list or type(cats[0]) is str:
            cats = [cats]

        # Check that we have cats at all - find them from the data
        for idx, cat in enumerate(cats):
            if cats[idx] is None:
                cats[idx] = list(
                    set(k for s in data[idx].keys()
                        for k in data[idx][s].keys()))

        # Given a list of cats - turn it into a dict
        for idx, cat in enumerate(cats):
            if type(cat) is list:
                newcats = OrderedDict()
                for c in cat:
                    newcats[c] = {'name': c}
                cats[idx] = newcats

        # Parse the data into a HighCharts friendly format
        plotsamples = list()
        plotdata = list()
        for idx, d in enumerate(data):
            hc_samples = sorted(list(d.keys()))
            hc_data = list()
            for c in cats[idx].keys():
                thisdata = list()
                for s in hc_samples:
                if max(thisdata) > 0:
                    thisdict = {'name': cats[idx][c]['name'], 'data': thisdata}
                    if 'color' in cats[idx][c]:
                        thisdict['color'] = cats[idx][c]['color']

        # Build the HTML
        if config.get('id') is None:
            config['id'] = 'mqc_hcplot_' + ''.join(random.sample(letters, 10))
        html = ''

        # Counts / Percentages Switch
        if config.get('cpswitch') is not False:
            if config.get('cpswitch_c_active', True) is True:
                c_active = 'active'
                p_active = ''
                c_active = ''
                p_active = 'active'
                config['stacking'] = 'percent'
            c_label = config.get('cpswitch_counts_label', 'Counts')
            p_label = config.get('cpswitch_percent_label', 'Percentages')
            html += '<div class="btn-group switch_group"> \n\
    			<button class="btn btn-default btn-sm {c_a}" data-action="set_numbers" data-target="#{id}">{c_l}</button> \n\
    			<button class="btn btn-default btn-sm {p_a}" data-action="set_percent" data-target="#{id}">{p_l}</button> \n\
    		</div> '.format(id=config['id'],
            if len(plotdata) > 1:
                html += ' &nbsp; &nbsp; '

        # Buttons to cycle through different datasets
        if len(plotdata) > 1:
            html += '<div class="btn-group switch_group">\n'
            for k, p in enumerate(plotdata):
                active = 'active' if k == 0 else ''
                    name = config['data_labels'][k]
                    name = k + 1
                    ylab = 'data-ylab="{}"'.format(
                    ylab = 'data-ylab="{}"'.format(
                        name) if name != k + 1 else ''
                html += '<button class="btn btn-default btn-sm {a}" data-action="set_data" {y} data-newdata="{id}_datasets[{k}]" data-target="#{id}">{n}</button>\n'.format(
                    a=active, id=config['id'], n=name, y=ylab, k=k)
            html += '</div>\n\n'

        # Plot and javascript function
        html += '<div id="{id}" class="hc-plot hc-bar-plot"></div> \n\
        <script type="text/javascript"> \n\
            var {id}_samples = {s}; \n\
            var {id}_datasets = {d}; \n\
            $(function () {{ plot_stacked_bar_graph("#{id}", {id}_samples[0], {id}_datasets[0], {c}); }}); \

        return html
コード例 #2
    def plot_xy_data(self, data, config={}, original_plots=[]):
        """ Plot a line graph with X,Y data. See CONTRIBUTING.md for
        further instructions on use.
        :param data: 2D dict, first keys as sample names, then x:y data pairs
        :param original_plots: optional list of dicts with keys 's_name' and 'img_path'
        :param config: optional dict with config key:value pairs. See CONTRIBUTING.md
        :param original_plots: optional list specifying original plot images. Each dict
                               should have a key 's_name' and 'img_path'
        :return: HTML and JS, ready to be inserted into the page

        # Given one dataset - turn it into a list
        if type(data) is not list:
            data = [data]

        # Generate the data dict structure expected by HighCharts series
        plotdata = list()
        for d in data:
            thisplotdata = list()
            for s in sorted(d.keys()):
                pairs = list()
                maxval = 0
                for k in sorted(d[s].keys()):
                    pairs.append([k, d[s][k]])
                    maxval = max(maxval, d[s][k])
                if maxval > 0 or config.get('hide_empty') is not True:
                    this_series = {'name': s, 'data': pairs}
                        this_series['color'] = config['colors'][s]

        # Build the HTML for the page
        if config.get('id') is None:
            config['id'] = 'mqc_hcplot_' + ''.join(random.sample(letters, 10))
        html = ''

        # Buttons to cycle through different datasets
        if len(plotdata) > 1:
            html += '<div class="btn-group switch_group">\n'
            for k, p in enumerate(plotdata):
                active = 'active' if k == 0 else ''
                    name = config['data_labels'][k]['name']
                    name = k + 1
                    ylab = 'data-ylab="{}"'.format(
                    ylab = 'data-ylab="{}"'.format(
                        name) if name != k + 1 else ''
                html += '<button class="btn btn-default btn-sm {a}" data-action="set_data" {y} data-newdata="{id}_datasets[{k}]" data-target="#{id}">{n}</button>\n'.format(
                    a=active, id=config['id'], n=name, y=ylab, k=k)
            html += '</div>\n\n'

        # Markup needed if we have the option of clicking through to original plot images
        if len(original_plots) > 0:
            config['tt_label'] = 'Click to show original plot.<br>{}'.format(
                config.get('tt_label', '{point.x}: {point.y:.2f}'))
            if len(original_plots) > 1:
                next_prev_buttons = '<div class="clearfix"><div class="btn-group btn-group-sm"> \n\
                    <a href="#{prev}" class="btn btn-default original_plot_prev_btn" data-target="#{id}">&laquo; Previous</a> \n\
                    <a href="#{next}" class="btn btn-default original_plot_nxt_btn" data-target="#{id}">Next &raquo;</a> \n\
                next_prev_buttons = ''
            html += '<p class="text-muted instr">Click to show original FastQC plot.</p>\n\
                    <div id="{id}_wrapper" class="hc-plot-wrapper"> \n\
                        <div class="showhide_orig" style="display:none;"> \n\
                            <h4><span class="s_name">{n}</span></h4> \n\
                            {b} <img data-toggle="tooltip" title="Click to return to overlay plot" class="original-plot" src="{f}"> \n\
                        <div id="{id}" class="hc-plot"></div> \n\
            orig_plots = 'var {id}_orig_plots = {d}; \n'.format(
                id=config['id'], d=json.dumps(original_plots))
                'orig_click_func'] = True  # Javascript prints the click function

        # Regular plots (no original images)
            html += '<div id="{id}" class="hc-plot hc-line-plot"></div> \n'.format(
            orig_plots = ''

        # Javascript with data dump
        html += '<script type="text/javascript"> \n\
            var {id}_datasets = {d}; \n\
            {o} \
            $(function () {{ plot_xy_line_graph("#{id}", {id}_datasets[0], {c}); }}); \n\
        return html
コード例 #3
ファイル: base_module.py プロジェクト: moonso/MultiQC
 def plot_xy_data(self, data, config={}, original_plots=[]):
     """ Plot a line graph with X,Y data. See CONTRIBUTING.md for
     further instructions on use.
     :param data: 2D dict, first keys as sample names, then x:y data pairs
     :param original_plots: optional list of dicts with keys 's_name' and 'img_path'
     :param config: optional dict with config key:value pairs. See CONTRIBUTING.md
     :param original_plots: optional list specifying original plot images. Each dict
                            should have a key 's_name' and 'img_path'
     :return: HTML and JS, ready to be inserted into the page
     # Given one dataset - turn it into a list
     if type(data) is not list:
         data = [data]
     # Generate the data dict structure expected by HighCharts series
     plotdata = list()
     for d in data:
         thisplotdata = list()
         for s in sorted(d.keys()):
             pairs = list()
             maxval = 0
             for k in sorted(d[s].keys()):
                 pairs.append([k, d[s][k]])
                 maxval = max(maxval, d[s][k])
             if maxval > 0 or config.get('hide_empty') is not True:
                 this_series = { 'name': s, 'data': pairs }
                     this_series['color'] = config['colors'][s]
                 except: pass
     # Build the HTML for the page
     if config.get('id') is None:
         config['id'] = 'mqc_hcplot_'+''.join(random.sample(letters, 10))
     html = ''
     # Buttons to cycle through different datasets
     if len(plotdata) > 1:
         html += '<div class="btn-group switch_group">\n'
         for k, p in enumerate(plotdata):
             active = 'active' if k == 0 else ''
             try: name = config['data_labels'][k]['name']
             except: name = k+1
             try: ylab = 'data-ylab="{}"'.format(config['data_labels'][k]['ylab'])
             except: ylab = 'data-ylab="{}"'.format(name) if name != k+1 else ''
             html += '<button class="btn btn-default btn-sm {a}" data-action="set_data" {y} data-newdata="{id}_datasets[{k}]" data-target="#{id}">{n}</button>\n'.format(a=active, id=config['id'], n=name, y=ylab, k=k)
         html += '</div>\n\n'
     # Markup needed if we have the option of clicking through to original plot images
     if len(original_plots) > 0:
         config['tt_label'] = 'Click to show original plot.<br>{}'.format(config.get('tt_label', '{point.x}: {point.y:.2f}'))
         if len(original_plots) > 1:
             next_prev_buttons = '<div class="clearfix"><div class="btn-group btn-group-sm"> \n\
                 <a href="#{prev}" class="btn btn-default original_plot_prev_btn" data-target="#{id}">&laquo; Previous</a> \n\
                 <a href="#{next}" class="btn btn-default original_plot_nxt_btn" data-target="#{id}">Next &raquo;</a> \n\
             </div></div>'.format(id=config['id'], prev=original_plots[-1]['s_name'], next=original_plots[1]['s_name'])
             next_prev_buttons = ''
         html += '<p class="text-muted instr">Click to show original FastQC plot.</p>\n\
                 <div id="{id}_wrapper" class="hc-plot-wrapper"> \n\
                     <div class="showhide_orig" style="display:none;"> \n\
                         <h4><span class="s_name">{n}</span></h4> \n\
                         {b} <img data-toggle="tooltip" title="Click to return to overlay plot" class="original-plot" src="{f}"> \n\
                     <div id="{id}" class="hc-plot"></div> \n\
                 </div>'.format(id=config['id'], b=next_prev_buttons, n=original_plots[0]['s_name'], f=original_plots[0]['img_path'])
         orig_plots = 'var {id}_orig_plots = {d}; \n'.format(id=config['id'], d=json.dumps(original_plots))
         config['orig_click_func'] = True # Javascript prints the click function
     # Regular plots (no original images)
         html += '<div id="{id}" class="hc-plot hc-line-plot"></div> \n'.format(id=config['id'])
         orig_plots = ''
     # Javascript with data dump
     html += '<script type="text/javascript"> \n\
         var {id}_datasets = {d}; \n\
         {o} \
         $(function () {{ plot_xy_line_graph("#{id}", {id}_datasets[0], {c}); }}); \n\
     </script>'.format(id=config['id'], d=json.dumps(plotdata), c=json.dumps(config), o=orig_plots);
     return html
コード例 #4
ファイル: base_module.py プロジェクト: moonso/MultiQC
 def plot_bargraph (self, data, cats=None, config={}):
     """ Plot a horizontal bar graph. Expects a 2D dict of sample
     data. Also can take info about categories. There are quite a
     few variants of how to use this function, see CONTRIBUTING.md
     for documentation and examples.
     :param data: 2D dict, first keys as sample names, then x:y data pairs
                  Can supply a list of dicts and will have buttons to switch
     :param cats: optional list, dict or OrderedDict with plot categories
     :param config: optional dict with config key:value pairs
     :return: HTML and JS, ready to be inserted into the page
     # Given one dataset - turn it into a list
     if type(data) is not list:
         data = [data]
     # Check we have a list of cats
     if type(cats) is not list or type(cats[0]) is str:
         cats = [cats]
     # Check that we have cats at all - find them from the data
     for idx, cat in enumerate(cats):
         if cats[idx] is None:
             cats[idx] = list(set(k for s in data[idx].keys() for k in data[idx][s].keys() ))
     # Given a list of cats - turn it into a dict
     for idx, cat in enumerate(cats):
         if type(cat) is list:
             newcats = OrderedDict()
             for c in cat:
                 newcats[c] = {'name': c}
             cats[idx] = newcats
     # Parse the data into a HighCharts friendly format
     plotsamples = list()
     plotdata = list()
     for idx, d in enumerate(data):
         hc_samples = sorted(list(d.keys()))
         hc_data = list()
         for c in cats[idx].keys():
             thisdata = list()
             for s in hc_samples:
             if max(thisdata) > 0:
                 thisdict = { 'name': cats[idx][c]['name'], 'data': thisdata }
                 if 'color' in cats[idx][c]:
                     thisdict['color'] = cats[idx][c]['color']
     # Build the HTML
     if config.get('id') is None:
         config['id'] = 'mqc_hcplot_'+''.join(random.sample(letters, 10))
     html = ''
     # Counts / Percentages Switch
     if config.get('cpswitch') is not False:
         if config.get('cpswitch_c_active', True) is True:
             c_active = 'active'
             p_active = ''
             c_active = ''
             p_active = 'active'
             config['stacking'] = 'percent'
         c_label = config.get('cpswitch_counts_label', 'Counts')
         p_label = config.get('cpswitch_percent_label', 'Percentages')
         html += '<div class="btn-group switch_group"> \n\
 			<button class="btn btn-default btn-sm {c_a}" data-action="set_numbers" data-target="#{id}">{c_l}</button> \n\
 			<button class="btn btn-default btn-sm {p_a}" data-action="set_percent" data-target="#{id}">{p_l}</button> \n\
 		</div> '.format(id=config['id'], c_a=c_active, p_a=p_active, c_l=c_label, p_l=p_label)
         if len(plotdata) > 1:
             html += ' &nbsp; &nbsp; '
     # Buttons to cycle through different datasets
     if len(plotdata) > 1:
         html += '<div class="btn-group switch_group">\n'
         for k, p in enumerate(plotdata):
             active = 'active' if k == 0 else ''
             try: name = config['data_labels'][k]
             except: name = k+1
             try: ylab = 'data-ylab="{}"'.format(config['data_labels'][k]['ylab'])
             except: ylab = 'data-ylab="{}"'.format(name) if name != k+1 else ''
             html += '<button class="btn btn-default btn-sm {a}" data-action="set_data" {y} data-newdata="{id}_datasets[{k}]" data-target="#{id}">{n}</button>\n'.format(a=active, id=config['id'], n=name, y=ylab, k=k)
         html += '</div>\n\n'
     # Plot and javascript function
     html += '<div id="{id}" class="hc-plot hc-bar-plot"></div> \n\
     <script type="text/javascript"> \n\
         var {id}_samples = {s}; \n\
         var {id}_datasets = {d}; \n\
         $(function () {{ plot_stacked_bar_graph("#{id}", {id}_samples[0], {id}_datasets[0], {c}); }}); \
     </script>'.format(id=config['id'], s=json.dumps(plotsamples), d=json.dumps(plotdata), c=json.dumps(config));
     return html
コード例 #5
 def plot_bargraph (self, data, cats=None, config={}):
     """ Plot a horizontal bar graph. Expects a 2D dict of sample
     data. Also can take info about categories. There are quite a
     few variants of how to use this function, see CONTRIBUTING.md
     for documentation and examples.
     :param data: 2D dict, first keys as sample names, then x:y data pairs
     :param cats: optnal list, dict or OrderedDict with plot categories
     :param config: optional dict with config key:value pairs
     :return: HTML and JS, ready to be inserted into the page
     # Not given any cats - find them from the data
     if cats is None:
         cats = list(set(k for s in data.keys() for k in data[s].keys() ))
     # Given a list of cats - turn it into a dict
     if type(cats) is list:
         newcats = OrderedDict()
         for c in cats:
             newcats[c] = {'name': c}
         cats = newcats
     # Parse the data into a HighCharts friendly format
     hc_samples = sorted(list(data.keys()))
     hc_data = list()
     for c in cats.keys():
         thisdata = list()
         for s in hc_samples:
         if max(thisdata) > 0:
             thisdict = { 'name': cats[c]['name'], 'data': thisdata }
             if 'color' in cats[c]:
                 thisdict['color'] = cats[c]['color']
     # Build the HTML
     if config.get('id') is None:
         config['id'] = 'mqc_hcplot_'+''.join(random.sample(letters, 10))
     html = ''
     # Counts / Percentages Switch
     if config.get('cpswitch') is not False:
         if config.get('cpswitch_c_active', True) is True:
             c_active = 'active'
             p_active = ''
             c_active = ''
             p_active = 'active'
             config['stacking'] = 'percent'
         c_label = config.get('cpswitch_counts_label', 'Counts')
         p_label = config.get('cpswitch_percent_label', 'Percentages')
         html += '<div class="btn-group switch_group"> \n\
 			<button class="btn btn-default btn-sm {c_a}" data-action="set_numbers" data-target="#{id}">{c_l}</button> \n\
 			<button class="btn btn-default btn-sm {p_a}" data-action="set_percent" data-target="#{id}">{p_l}</button> \n\
 		</div>'.format(id=config['id'], c_a=c_active, p_a=p_active, c_l=c_label, p_l=p_label)
     # Plot and javascript function
     html += '<div id="{id}" class="hc-plot"></div> \n\
     <script type="text/javascript"> \n\
         $(function () {{ plot_stacked_bar_graph("#{id}", {s}, {d}, {c}); }}); \
     </script>'.format(id=config['id'], s=json.dumps(hc_samples), d=json.dumps(hc_data), c=json.dumps(config));
     return html