def test_initial(self, opts_with_conn_pool_strategy: MySQLOperator): _all_conn_pools = database_connection_pools() assert _all_conn_pools != {}, "The database connection pools should not be empty." assert Test_Pool_Name in _all_conn_pools.keys( ), "The pool name should be in the database connection pools." assert _all_conn_pools[ Test_Pool_Name] is not None, "The database connection pool should exist with the pool name (from database_connection_pools)." assert get_connection_pool( pool_name=Test_Pool_Name ) is not None, "The database connection pool should exist with the pool name (from get_connection_pool)."
def get_one_connection(self, pool_name: str = "", **kwargs) -> PooledMySQLConnection: while True: try: # return self.database_connection_pool.get_connection() __connection = get_connection_pool( pool_name=pool_name).get_connection() return __connection except PoolError as e: time.sleep(5) except AttributeError as ae: raise ConnectionError( f"Cannot get the one connection instance from connection pool because it doesn't exist the connection pool with the name '{pool_name}'." )
def test_connect_database( self, connection_pool_strategy: MySQLDriverConnectionPool): _conn_pool = get_connection_pool(pool_name=Test_Pool_Name) assert _conn_pool is not None, f"It should return a connection pool object back with the pool name {Test_Pool_Name}." assert _conn_pool.pool_name == Test_Pool_Name, f"The pool name we get from the connection pool instance should be equal to the name we set '{Test_Pool_Name}' before." assert int(_conn_pool.pool_size) == int( Test_Pool_Size ), f"The pool size we get from the connection pool instance should be equal to the number we set '{Test_Pool_Size}' before." _all_pools = database_connection_pools() assert len( _all_pools ) != 0, "The length should not be '0' because we only instantiate one database connection pool object." assert Test_Pool_Name in _all_pools.keys( ), f"The pool name '{Test_Pool_Name} should be in the keys of {_all_pools}.'" assert _all_pools[ Test_Pool_Name] is _conn_pool, f"The instances '{_all_pools[Test_Pool_Name]}' and '{_conn_pool}' should be the same."
def _get_one_connection(self, pool_name: str = "", **kwargs) -> PooledMySQLConnection: while True: try: __connection = get_connection_pool( pool_name=pool_name).get_connection() return __connection except PoolError as e: time.sleep(5) raise e except AttributeError as ae: if "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_connection'" in str( ae): raise ConnectionError( f"Cannot get the one connection instance from connection pool because it doesn't exist the connection pool with the name '{pool_name}'." ) else: raise ae
def get_one_connection(self, pool_name: str = "", **kwargs) -> PooledMySQLConnection: while True: try: # return self.database_connection_pool.get_connection() __connection = get_connection_pool( pool_name=pool_name).get_connection()"Get a valid connection: {__connection}") return __connection except PoolError as e: logging.error( f"Connection Pool: {get_connection_pool(pool_name=pool_name)} " ) logging.error( f"Will sleep for 5 seconds to wait for connection is available." ) time.sleep(5) except AttributeError as ae: raise ConnectionError( f"Cannot get the one connection instance from connection pool because it doesn't exist the connection pool with the name '{pool_name}'." )
def test_connect_database(self, connection_pool_strategy: MySQLDriverConnectionPool): _conn_pool = get_connection_pool(pool_name=Test_Pool_Name) assert _conn_pool is not None, f"It should return a connection pool object back with the pool name {Test_Pool_Name}." assert _conn_pool.pool_name == Test_Pool_Name, f"The pool name we get from the connection pool instance should be equal to the name we set '{Test_Pool_Name}' before." assert int(_conn_pool.pool_size) == int(Test_Pool_Size), f"The pool size we get from the connection pool instance should be equal to the number we set '{Test_Pool_Size}' before."
def close_pool(self, pool_name: str) -> None: get_connection_pool(pool_name=pool_name).close()