def init_players(): players = {} for player_id in range(1, 5): add_node(players, [player_id, "player_id"], player_id) for chessman_level_i in range(5): add_node(players, [player_id, "chessman_num_on_board", str(chessman_level_i + 1), 0]) add_node(players, [player_id, "bonus_all_clear"], 0) add_node(players, [player_id, "bonus_101_is_last"], 0) add_node(players, [player_id, "score"], 0) return players
def get_chessman_state_index(chessman_dic): chessman_state_id = {} chessman_state_id_inverse = {} dic_sorted = sorted(chessman_dic.items(), key=lambda d: d[0]) index = 0 for item in dic_sorted: name = item[0] chessman_list = item[1] for state, chessman_item in enumerate(chessman_list): add_node(chessman_state_id, [name, state], index) add_node(chessman_state_id_inverse, [index], [name, state]) index += 1 return chessman_state_id, chessman_state_id_inverse
def json2tensor(json_file, chessman_dic, chessman_state_id, output_folder, is_show_tensor=False): with open(json_file) as json_f: file_name = os.path.basename(json_file) sub_output_folder = os.path.join(output_folder, file_name) if not os.path.exists(sub_output_folder): os.makedirs(sub_output_folder) label = {} chessboard_player_id = np.zeros((channel_size, channel_size)) chessboard_chessman_id = np.zeros((channel_size, channel_size)) chessboard_hand_no = np.zeros((channel_size, channel_size)) for line in json_f: start_index = line.find('{') if start_index == -1: continue line_sub = line[start_index:] msg = json.loads(line_sub) if msg['msg_name'] == 'game_start': pass elif msg['msg_name'] == 'notification': msg_data = msg['msg_data'] player_id = msg_data['player_id'] chessman = msg_data['chessman'] if 'id' not in chessman: continue chessman_id = chessman['id'] squareness = chessman['squareness'] hand_no = msg_data['hand']['no'] chessboard_player_id_regulated = regular_chessboard( chessboard_player_id, player_id, is_replace_player_id=True) chessboard_chessman_id_regulated = regular_chessboard( chessboard_chessman_id, player_id) chessboard_hand_no_regulated = regular_chessboard( chessboard_hand_no, player_id) for grid in squareness: chessboard_player_id[grid['x']][grid['y']] = player_id chessboard_chessman_id[grid['x']][grid['y']] = chessman_id chessboard_hand_no[grid['x']][grid['y']] = hand_no chessboard_player_id_regulated_new = regular_chessboard( chessboard_player_id, player_id, is_replace_player_id=True) chessman_in_board_regulated = chessboard_player_id_regulated_new - chessboard_player_id_regulated squareness_regulated = chessman_in_board2squareness( chessman_in_board_regulated) regular_chessman, regular_x, regular_y = squareness2regular_chessman( squareness_regulated) state = find_chessman(chessman_dic[chessman_id], regular_chessman) tensor = matrix2tensor(chessboard_player_id_regulated, chessboard_chessman_id_regulated, chessboard_hand_no_regulated) show_channels(tensor, is_show_tensor, True) tensor_save_file = os.path.join(sub_output_folder, str(hand_no) + '.npy'), tensor) add_node(label, [player_id, tensor_save_file], [ chessman_id, state, regular_x, regular_y, channel_size * regular_y + regular_x + channel_size * channel_size * chessman_state_id[chessman_id][state] ]) elif msg['msg_name'] == 'game_over': if 'msg_data' not in msg: continue msg_data = msg['msg_data'] teams = msg_data['teams'] win_team = (teams[0] if teams[0]['score'] >= teams[1]['score'] else teams[1]) win_players = win_team['players'] win_players_id = [ win_players[0]['player_id'], win_players[1]['player_id'] ] if win_players_id[0] not in label or win_players_id[ 1] not in label: continue win_lable = { win_players_id[0]: label[win_players_id[0]], win_players_id[1]: label[win_players_id[1]] } write_tree(win_lable, os.path.join(sub_output_folder, 'win_label.csv'), [ 'player', 'filename', 'chessman', 'state', 'x', 'y', 'class' ]) write_tree( label, os.path.join(sub_output_folder, 'label.csv'), ['player', 'filename', 'chessman', 'state', 'x', 'y', 'class'])
def battle_itself(model_offensive, model_defensive, tensor_output_folder, squareness_output_file, is_use_cuda, is_show_tensor): chessman_dic = extend_all_chessman() chessman_state_id, chessman_state_id_inverse = get_chessman_state_index(chessman_dic) is_finish = np.array([False, False, False, False]) channel_size = 20 chessboard_player_id = np.zeros((channel_size, channel_size)) chessboard_chessman_id = np.zeros((channel_size, channel_size)) chessboard_hand_no = np.zeros((channel_size, channel_size)) all_action = [] game_start = { "msg_name": "game_start", "msg_data": { "players": [ {"team_id": 1, "team_name": "tt", "player_id": 1, "birthplace": {"x": 0, "y": 0}}, {"team_id": 0, "team_name": "cc", "player_id": 2, "birthplace": {"x": 0, "y": 19}}, {"team_id": 1, "team_name": "tt", "player_id": 3, "birthplace": {"x": 19, "y": 19}}, {"team_id": 0, "team_name": "cc", "player_id": 4, "birthplace": {"x": 19, "y": 0}}, ] }, "time": int(time.time()) } all_action.append(json.dumps(game_start)) label = {} players = init_players() player_id = 0 hand_no = 0 hand_no_threshold = random.randint(4, 20) while not is_finish.all(): player_id += 1 player_id %= 4 player_id = player_id if player_id != 0 else 4 if is_finish[player_id - 1]: continue hand_no += 1 model = model_defensive if player_id == 1 or player_id == 3: model = model_offensive chessboard_player_id_regulated = regular_chessboard(chessboard_player_id, player_id, is_replace_player_id=True) chessboard_chessman_id_regulated = regular_chessboard(chessboard_chessman_id, player_id) chessboard_hand_no_regulated = regular_chessboard(chessboard_hand_no, player_id) tensor = matrix2tensor(chessboard_player_id_regulated, chessboard_chessman_id_regulated, chessboard_hand_no_regulated) show_channels(tensor, is_show_tensor, True) if hand_no <= hand_no_threshold: maxk = 10 random_choose_rate = 0.9 else: maxk = 5 random_choose_rate = 0.1 chessman, chessman_id, state, x, y = play(chessman_dic, chessman_state_id_inverse, tensor, model, player_id, is_use_cuda, maxk, random_choose_rate) if not chessman: is_finish[player_id - 1] = True my_team_id = player_id % 2 action = { "msg_name": "notification", "msg_data": { "hand": { "no": hand_no }, "team_id": my_team_id, "player_id": player_id, "chessman": { "cause": "end" } }, "time": int(time.time()) } all_action.append(json.dumps(action)) # add_node(players, [player_id, "player_id"], player_id) if player_id not in players or "chessman_num_on_board" not in players[player_id]: for chessman_level_i in range(5): add_node(players, [player_id, "chessman_num_on_board", str(chessman_level_i + 1)], 0) if sum(players[player_id]["chessman_num_on_board"].values()) == 21: add_node(players, [player_id, "bonus_all_clear"], 15) add_node(players, [player_id, "score"], 15) else: add_node(players, [player_id, "bonus_all_clear"], 0) add_node(players, [player_id, "bonus_101_is_last"], 0) continue if hand_no > hand_no_threshold: tensor_save_file = os.path.join(tensor_output_folder, str(hand_no) + '.npy'), tensor) add_node(label, [player_id, tensor_save_file], [chessman_id, state, x, y, channel_size * y + x + channel_size * channel_size * chessman_state_id[chessman_id][state]]) chessman_level = int(chessman_id / 100) add_node(players, [player_id, "chessman_num_on_board", str(chessman_level)], 1) add_node(players, [player_id, "score"], chessman_level) if chessman_id == 10: if sum(players[player_id]["chessman_num_on_board"].values()) == 20: add_node(players, [player_id, "bonus_101_is_last"], 5) add_node(players, [player_id, "score"], 5) squareness = chessman["squareness"] for grid in squareness: chessboard_player_id[grid['x']][grid['y']] = player_id chessboard_chessman_id[grid['x']][grid['y']] = chessman_id chessboard_hand_no[grid['x']][grid['y']] = hand_no my_team_id = player_id % 2 action = { "msg_name": "notification", "msg_data": { "hand": { "display": squareness[0], "no": hand_no }, "team_id": my_team_id, "player_id": player_id, "chessman": chessman }, "time": int(time.time()) } all_action.append(json.dumps(action)) write_tree(label, os.path.join(tensor_output_folder, 'label.csv'), ['player', 'filename', 'chessman', 'state', 'x', 'y', 'class']) teams = [ { "team_id": 0, "score": players[2]["score"] + players[4]["score"], "players": [players[2], players[4]] }, { "team_id": 1, "score": players[1]["score"] + players[3]["score"], "players": [players[1], players[3]] } ] game_over = { "msg_name": "game_over", "msg_data": { "teams": teams }, "time": int(time.time()) } all_action.append(json.dumps(game_over)) with open(squareness_output_file, 'w') as squareness_file: for i, line in enumerate(all_action): if i == 0: squareness_file.write('var msg = [' + line + '\n') else: squareness_file.write(',' + line + '\n') squareness_file.write('];') return teams, label
def battle(opp_model_pool_path, model_path_2, tensor_path, squareness_path, chess_num=10000, gpu_id='0', prefix='', is_show_tensor=False): os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = gpu_id is_use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() # is_use_cuda = False arch = 'resnet32' input_channel_num = 7 num_classes = 20 * 20 * 91 model_path_1 = pick_opp(opp_model_pool_path, model_path_2) print(prefix + "model_path_1: " + model_path_1) model_1 = load_model(arch, input_channel_num, num_classes, is_use_cuda, model_path_1) model_2 = load_model(arch, input_channel_num, num_classes, is_use_cuda, model_path_2) result_summary = {} chess_i = 0 effect_chess_num = 0 while True: chess_i += 1 if chess_i % 100 == 0: model_path_1 = pick_opp(opp_model_pool_path, model_path_2) print(prefix + "model_path_1: " + model_path_1) model_1 = load_model(arch, input_channel_num, num_classes, is_use_cuda, model_path_1) time_str = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime()) if chess_i % 2 == 0: model_defensive = model_1 model_offensive = model_2 file_name = prefix + '_m1_defensive_m2_offensive_' + time_str else: model_defensive = model_2 model_offensive = model_1 file_name = prefix + '_m2_defensive_m1_offensive_' + time_str tensor_output_folder = os.path.join(tensor_path, file_name) squareness_output_file = os.path.join(squareness_path, file_name + 'txt') if not os.path.isdir(tensor_output_folder): os.makedirs(tensor_output_folder) teams, label = battle_itself(model_offensive, model_defensive, tensor_output_folder, squareness_output_file, is_use_cuda, is_show_tensor) if teams is None: print("team is none") continue win_team = (teams[0] if teams[0]["score"] >= teams[1]["score"] else teams[1]) if chess_i % 2 == 0: model_1_result = teams[0] model_2_result = teams[1] else: model_1_result = teams[1] model_2_result = teams[0] win_players = win_team["players"] win_players_id = [win_players[0]["player_id"], win_players[1]["player_id"]] if win_players_id[0] not in label or win_players_id[1] not in label: print("win player not in label") continue win_label = {win_players_id[0]: label[win_players_id[0]], win_players_id[1]: label[win_players_id[1]]} if model_2_result["score"] - model_1_result["score"] >= 30 or model_1_result["score"] > model_2_result["score"]: effect_chess_num += 1 write_tree(win_label, os.path.join(tensor_output_folder, 'win_label.csv'), ['player', 'filename', 'chessman', 'state', 'x', 'y', 'class']) model_2_win_score = model_2_result["score"] - model_1_result["score"] if model_2_result["score"] < model_1_result["score"]: summary_delta = np.array([0, 1, 0, model_2_win_score, 1]) if model_2_result["score"] > model_1_result["score"]: summary_delta = np.array([1, 0, 0, model_2_win_score, 1]) if model_2_result["score"] == model_1_result["score"]: summary_delta = np.array([0, 0, 1, model_2_win_score, 1]) add_node(result_summary, [model_path_2, model_path_1], summary_delta) if effect_chess_num > chess_num: break return result_summary