コード例 #1
    def test_run_filters(self):
        # runs the respective tests for when each of the flags are running
        bool_flag = [True, False]
        for emoji_flag, retweets_flag, truncated_flag in product(
                bool_flag, bool_flag, bool_flag):
            filter_obj = Filter(remove_emoji=emoji_flag,
            if emoji_flag:
                input_data = [['Python is fun ❤', 'other'], ['nick', 'other'],
                              ['juli', 'other']]
                output_data = [['Python is fun ', 'other'], ['nick', 'other'],
                               ['juli', 'other']]
                df = pd.DataFrame(input_data, columns=['text', 'other'])
                output_df = pd.DataFrame(output_data,
                                         columns=['text', 'other'])
                temp_df = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=1)

            if retweets_flag:
                input_data = [[self._test_retweet_string, 'other'],
                              ['nick', 'other'], ['juli', 'other']]
                output_data = [['Hello people!', 'other'], ['nick', 'other'],
                               ['juli', 'other']]
                df = pd.DataFrame(input_data, columns=['text', 'other'])
                output_df = pd.DataFrame(output_data,
                                         columns=['text', 'other'])
                temp_df = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=1)

            if truncated_flag:
                input_data = [['…', 'other'], ['nick', 'other'],
                              ['juli', 'other']]
                output_data = [['nick', 'other'], ['juli', 'other']]
                df = pd.DataFrame(input_data, columns=['text', 'other'])
                output_df = pd.DataFrame(output_data,
                                         columns=['text', 'other'])
                temp_df = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=1)
コード例 #2
class DataLoader:

    This is where you can specify how you want to configure the twitter dataset before you can load it. It's functionality includes:

    - removing emojis
    - removing retweets symbols
    - lemmatizing the text
    - filtering by language
    - and more!

    :param file_find_expression: unix-like path that is used for listing out all of the files that we need

    :param remove_emoji: flag for removing emojis from all of the twitter text

    :param remove_retweets_symbols: flag for removing retweet strings from all of the twitter text (`RT @<retweet_username>:`)

    :param remove_truncated_tweets: flag for removing all tweets that are truncated, as not all information can be
                                    found in them

    :param add_usernames: flag for adding in the user names from who tweeted as a separate column instead of parsing
                          it from the `user` column

    :param tokenize: tokenize tweets to make them easier to process

    :param filter_stopwords: remove stopwords from the tweets to make them easier to process

    :param lemmatize: lemmatize text to make it easier to process

    :param language: select the language that you want to work with


    __instance__ = None

    def __init__(self,
                 file_find_expression: Union[str, Path, List[Path]],
                 remove_emoji: bool = True,
                 remove_retweets_symbols: bool = True,
                 remove_truncated_tweets: bool = True,
                 add_usernames: bool = True,
                 tokenize: bool = True,
                 filter_stopwords: bool = True,
                 lemmatize: bool = True,
                 language: str = 'english'):

        self.filter = Filter(remove_emoji=remove_emoji,

        self.nlp_tools = NLPTools(tokenize=tokenize,

        self.file_find_expression = file_find_expression
        self.file_list = self.get_files_list(self.file_find_expression)
        self.twitter_dataframe = self._get_twitter_data_as_dataframes()
        self.twitter_bags = self._get_twitter_data_as_bags()
        self.twitter_dataframe = self.filter.run_filters(
        self.twitter_dataframe = self.nlp_tools.run_tools(

        if add_usernames:

    def get_files_list(pathname: Union[str, Path],
                       recursive: bool = False,
                       suffix: str = '*.json*') -> List[str]:
        Function to get files from the given pathname.

        Searches in the directory when pathname leads to a directory with the option for adding a custom suffix

        If pathname given is a directory, searches in the directory

        :param pathname: pathname from where we can get the files

        :param recursive: Flag for searching recursively

        :param suffix: suffix to search for files when a pathname leads to a directory is given

        :raises ValueError: When no files are found based on the pathname



        if path.isdir(pathname):
            pathname = path.join(pathname, f'{suffix}')

        pathname = str(pathname)

        files_list = glob(pathname, recursive=recursive)

        if not files_list:
            raise ValueError('File path given does not return any files')

        return files_list

    def _read_compressed_bz2_json_file(
            file_path: Union[str, Path]) -> List[dict]:
        Read a compressed bz2 json file. Best used when you have a list of json files

        :param file_path: path of the file that needs to be read

        :return: List of json like dictionaries that contain information on tweets

        if 'json.bz2' not in str(file_path):
            raise ValueError('File Passed is not json.bz2 file')
        file = bz2.open(file_path)
        data = file.read().decode("utf-8").split('\n')[:-1]
        return [json.loads(tweet) for tweet in data]

    def _read_compressed_bz2_json_text(file_contents: Union[str, Path]):
        Create json data from compressed bz2 text.
        **Note**: dask.bags.read_text might already uncompress this data, hence compression has been skipped here

        :param file_contents: text that is in a json/dict string

        :return: List of json like dictionaries that contain information on tweets

        data = json.loads(file_contents)
        return data

    def _get_twitter_data_as_dataframes(self,
                                        remove_deleted_tweets: bool = True
                                        ) -> dd.DataFrame:
        Function to get twitter data as dask bags based on the given directory

        :param remove_deleted_tweets: Filter out removed tweets?
                Don't turn this off if you want something working right out of the box.

        :return: dask dataframe that contains information on the tweets
        bags = db.read_text(self.file_find_expression).map(

        if remove_deleted_tweets:
            bags = DataLoader._remove_deleted_tweets(bags)

        return bags.to_dataframe()

    def _get_twitter_data_as_bags(self,
                                  remove_deleted_tweets: bool = True
                                  ) -> db.Bag:
        Function to get twitter data as dask bags based on the given directory

        :param remove_deleted_tweets: Filter out removed tweets?
                                Don't turn this off if you want something working right out of the box.

        :return: dask bag that contains information on the tweets

        bags = db.read_text(self.file_find_expression).map(
        if remove_deleted_tweets:
            bags = DataLoader._remove_deleted_tweets(bags)
        return bags

    def _get_twitter_data_from_file_list(file_lst: List,
                                         remove_deleted_tweets: bool = True
                                         ) -> db.Bag:
        Function to get twitter data from the file list

        :param file_lst: list of files where we have all of our twitter data

        :param remove_deleted_tweets: ensure that tweets that were deleted are removed from our dataset

        :return: dask bag that has all of the tweets ready for processing

        bags = db.read_text(file_lst).map(
        if remove_deleted_tweets:
            bags = DataLoader._remove_deleted_tweets(bags)
        return bags

    def _remove_deleted_tweets(data: db.Bag) -> db.Bag:
        Function to remove unneeded tweets

        Deleted tweets don't include various parameters, including the `lang` parameter

        :param data: dask bags that contain the tweets

        :return: returns the items that haven't been deleted
        return data.filter(lambda x: 'lang' in x)

    def _add_usernames(self):
        Function to add usernames directly into the twitter_dataframe instead of using the user
        json file

        self.twitter_dataframe['user_names'] = self.twitter_dataframe[
            'user'].apply(lambda x: x['screen_name'], meta=str)
        self.twitter_dataframe['user_names'] = self.twitter_dataframe[
            'user'].apply(lambda x: x['screen_name'], meta=str)