async def test(filenames: list, queue): """ Try playing in a coroutine. """ import musio for filename in filenames: with musio.open_file(filename, blacklist=['text'], loops=0) as music: print(music) dev = musio.open_device(music) paused = False while True: if not paused: if dev.closed: dev = musio.open_device(music) buf = music.readline() if not buf: break buf += type(buf)(max(0, dev.buffer_size - len(buf))) dev.write(buf) if music.length > 0: # Calculate the percentage played. pos = (music.position * 100) / music.length # Make the string. pos_str = 'Position: %.2f%%' % pos # Find the length of the string. format_len = len(pos_str) + 2 print('\033[%dD\033[K%s' % (format_len, pos_str), end='', flush=True) else: if not dev.closed: dev.close() await asyncio.sleep(0.001) if not queue.empty(): data = await queue.get() if data == 'Quit': await queue.put('Done.') return elif data.startswith('C'): break elif data.startswith('P'): paused = not paused elif data.startswith('F'): music.position += ((music.length // 100) * 2) elif data.startswith('B'): music.position -= ((music.length // 100) * 2) await queue.put('Done.')
def pipe_out(filename_list: list) -> int: """Read from the specified file and write to stdout.""" if filename_list: from musio import open_file # Loop throuth all the filenames supplied. for filename in filename_list: # Don't loop over one file. with open_file(filename, loops=0) as infile: # Loop until the end of the file. for data in infile: stdout.buffer.write(data) return 0
def pipe_out(filename_list): """ Read from the specified file and write to stdout. """ if filename_list: from musio import open_file # Loop throuth all the filenames supplied. for filename in filename_list: # Don't loop over one file. with open_file(filename, loops=0) as infile: # Loop until the end of the file. for data in infile: sys_stdout.write(data) return 0
def main(args: dict) -> None: """ Encode args['filename'] times. """ from os.path import basename as os_basename from os.path import isfile as os_isfile from os.path import splitext as os_splitext from sys import stdin as sys_stdin from select import select from time import sleep as time_sleep from termios import tcgetattr, tcsetattr, ECHO, ICANON, TCSANOW from termios import VMIN, VTIME from musio import open_file, open_device if args['debug']: from musio import io_util io_util.DEBUG = True filename = args['filename'] output = os_splitext(os_basename(filename))[0] + '.' + args['filetype'] output_bytes = output.encode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape') output_printable = output_bytes.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') if os_isfile(output): if input("Overwrite %s (y/n): " % output_printable).lower().startswith('n'): return # Save the current terminal state. normal = tcgetattr(sys_stdin) quiet = tcgetattr(sys_stdin) # Do not wait for key press and don't echo. quiet[3] &= ~(ECHO | ICANON) quiet[6][VMIN] = 0 quiet[6][VTIME] = 0 # Set the new terminal state. tcsetattr(sys_stdin, TCSANOW, quiet) # Value returned to tell the calling function whether to quit or # not. quit_val = True if args['filetype'].lower() == 'ogg': quality = args['quality'] / 10 if args['quality'] in range(-1, 11) else 0.5 elif args['filetype'].lower() == 'mp3': quality = args['quality'] if args['quality'] in range(0, 10) else 2 try: with open_file(**args) as in_file: in_file_title = in_file._info_dict.get('title', in_file._info_dict['name']) comment_dict = {'title': in_file_title} comment_dict.update(in_file._info_dict) for i in ['title', 'artist', 'album', 'year', 'comment', 'track', 'genre']: if args.get(i, ''): comment_dict[i] = args[i] with open_file(output, 'w', depth=in_file.depth, rate=in_file.rate, channels=in_file.channels, quality=quality, comment_dict=comment_dict) as out_file: in_file.loops = 0 if args['show_position']: filename_bytes = filename.encode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape') filename_printable = filename_bytes.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') print("Encoding: %s to %s" % (filename_printable, output_printable)) print(in_file) for data in in_file: if args['show_position']: if in_file.length > 0: # Calculate the percentage played. pos = (in_file.position * 100) / in_file.length # Make the string. pos_str = 'Position: %.2f%%' % pos # Find the length of the string. format_len = len(pos_str) + 2 # Print the string and after erasing the old # one using ansi escapes. print('\033[%dD\033[K%s' % (format_len, pos_str), end='', flush=True) out_file.write(data) # Check for input. r, _, _ = select([sys_stdin], [], [], 0) # Get input if there was any otherwise continue. if r: command = r[0].readline().lower() # Handle input commands. if command.startswith('q'): quit_val = False break elif command == '\n': break except Exception as err: print("Error: %s" % err, flush=True) raise(err) finally: # Re-set the terminal state. tcsetattr(sys_stdin, TCSANOW, normal) if args['show_position']: print("\nDone.") return quit_val
def _main_loop(self, pipe): """ The main loop. """ mus_file = mus_dev = None playing = False while True: if mus_file and playing: buf = mus_file.readline() if not buf: mus_file.close() mus_dev.close() mus_file = mus_dev = None playing = False continue mus_dev.write(buf) else: time.sleep(0.05) if pipe.poll(): signal, data = pipe.recv() else: continue if signal == 'open': if mus_file: mus_file.close() if mus_dev: mus_dev.close() mus_file = open_file( data, soundfont='/usr/share/soundfonts/FluidR3_GM2-2.sf2') mus_dev = open_device(mus_file) pipe.send(('open', True)) if signal == 'play': if mus_file: if mus_dev.closed: mus_dev = open_device(mus_file) playing = True pipe.send(('playing', playing)) if signal == 'pause' and playing: playing = False if not mus_dev.closed: mus_dev.close() pipe.send(('playing', playing)) if signal == 'stop': playing = False if mus_file: if not mus_dev.closed: mus_dev.close() pipe.send(('playing', playing)) if signal == 'quit': break if signal == 'is-playing': pipe.send(('playing', playing)) if signal == 'is-open': pipe.send(('open', not mus_file.closed if mus_file else False)) if signal == 'set-position': if mus_file: mus_file.position = data if signal == 'set-loops': if mus_file: mus_file.loops = data if signal == 'get-position': pipe.send(('position', mus_file.position if mus_file else 0)) if signal == 'get-length': pipe.send(('length', mus_file.length if mus_file else 0)) if signal == 'get-loops': pipe.send(('loops', mus_file.loops if mus_file else -1)) if signal == 'get-str': pipe.send(('str', str(mus_file))) if mus_file: mus_file.close() if mus_dev: mus_dev.close()
def main(args): """ Encode args['filename'] times. """ from os.path import basename as os_basename from os.path import isfile as os_isfile from os.path import splitext as os_splitext from sys import stdin as sys_stdin from sys import stdout as sys_stdout from select import select from time import sleep as time_sleep from termios import tcgetattr, tcsetattr, ECHO, ICANON, TCSANOW from termios import VMIN, VTIME from musio import open_file, open_device if args['debug']: from musio import io_util io_util.DEBUG = True filename = args['filename'] output = os_splitext(os_basename(filename))[0] + '.' + args['filetype'] output_bytes = output.encode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape') output_printable = output_bytes.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') if os_isfile(output): if raw_input("Overwrite %s (y/n): " % output_printable).lower().startswith('n'): return # Save the current terminal state. normal = tcgetattr(sys_stdin) quiet = tcgetattr(sys_stdin) # Do not wait for key press and don't echo. quiet[3] &= ~(ECHO | ICANON) quiet[6][VMIN] = 0 quiet[6][VTIME] = 0 # Set the new terminal state. tcsetattr(sys_stdin, TCSANOW, quiet) # Value returned to tell the calling function whether to quit or # not. quit_val = True if args['filetype'].lower() == 'ogg': quality = args['quality'] / 10 if args['quality'] in range(-1, 11) else 0.5 elif args['filetype'].lower() == 'mp3': quality = args['quality'] if args['quality'] in range(0, 10) else 2 try: with open_file(**args) as in_file: in_file_title = in_file._info_dict.get('title', in_file._info_dict['name']) comment_dict = {'title': in_file_title} comment_dict.update(in_file._info_dict) for i in ['title', 'artist', 'album', 'year', 'comment', 'track', 'genre']: if args.get(i, ''): comment_dict[i] = args[i] with open_file(output, 'w', depth=in_file.depth, rate=in_file.rate, channels=in_file.channels, quality=quality, comment_dict=comment_dict) as out_file: in_file.loops = 0 if args['show_position']: filename_bytes = filename.encode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape') filename_printable = filename_bytes.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') print("Encoding: %s to %s" % (filename, output)) print(in_file) for data in in_file: if args['show_position']: if in_file.length > 0: # Calculate the percentage played. pos = (in_file.position * 100) / float(in_file.length) # Make the string. pos_str = 'Position: %.2f%%' % pos # Find the length of the string. format_len = len(pos_str) + 2 # Print the string and after erasing the old # one using ansi escapes. print('\033[%dD\033[K%s' % (format_len, pos_str), end='') sys_stdout.flush() out_file.write(data) # Check for input. r, _, _ = select([sys_stdin], [], [], 0) # Get input if there was any otherwise continue. if r: command = r[0].readline().lower() # Handle input commands. if command.startswith('q'): quit_val = False break elif command == '\n': break except Exception as err: print("Error: %s" % err) raise(err) finally: # Re-set the terminal state. tcsetattr(sys_stdin, TCSANOW, normal) if args['show_position']: print("\nDone.") return quit_val
def main(args: dict): """Play args['filename'] args['loops'] times.""" import atexit import time from pathlib import Path from select import select from sys import stdin from termios import (ECHO, ICANON, TCSANOW, VMIN, VTIME, tcgetattr, tcsetattr) from musio import open_file from musio.dummy_file import DummyFile from musio.io_util import get_codec from musio.player_util import get_files from musio.portaudio_io import Portaudio # Save the current terminal state. normal = tcgetattr(stdin) quiet = tcgetattr(stdin) # Do not wait for key press and don't echo. quiet[3] &= ~(ECHO | ICANON) quiet[6][VMIN] = 0 quiet[6][VTIME] = 0 # Set the new terminal state. tcsetattr(stdin, TCSANOW, quiet) # Re-set the terminal state. atexit.register(tcsetattr, stdin, TCSANOW, normal) quit_command = False # Pop the filenames list out of the args dict. filenames = args.pop('filename') # Recursively get all the files. recurse = args.pop('recurse') if recurse: filenames = get_files(filenames) for filename in filenames: if quit_command: break if not Path(filename).is_file(): continue # Skip unsupported files. try: temp = get_codec(filename, blacklist=[*args['blacklist'], 'all']) if temp == DummyFile: raise (IOError(f"File {filename} not supported.")) except Exception as err: print(err) continue command_dict = {'position': [], 'show_position': args['show_position']} with open_file(filename, blacklist=args['blacklist']) as audio_file: audio_file.loops = args['loops'] if args['show_position']: print(f"\n{audio_file}") with Portaudio(mode="w", rate=audio_file.rate, channels=audio_file.channels, device="default", floatp=audio_file.floatp, unsigned=audio_file.unsigned, depth=audio_file.depth, callback=callback, callback_data=(audio_file, command_dict)) as device: # Loop until playing stops. while device.is_stream_active or device.is_stream_stopped: # Check for input. r, _, _ = select([stdin], [], [], 0) # Get input if there was any otherwise continue. if r: command = r[0].readline().lower() else: try: time.sleep(0.1) continue except KeyboardInterrupt: break # Handle input commands. if command.startswith("p") or command.startswith(" "): (device.stop_stream() if device.is_stream_active else device.start_stream()) elif (command.startswith("l") or command.endswith("\033[c")): new_pos = audio_file.position + audio_file.length / 100 command_dict['position'].append(new_pos) elif (command.startswith("h") or command.endswith("\033[d")): new_pos = audio_file.position - audio_file.length / 100 command_dict['position'].append(new_pos) elif command == "\n" or command.startswith("q"): quit_command = command.startswith("q") break device.abort_stream() if args['show_position']: print("\nDone.")
def main(args: dict) -> bool: """Encode args['filename'] times.""" from os.path import basename, isfile, splitext from select import select from sys import stdin from termios import (ECHO, ICANON, TCSANOW, VMIN, VTIME, tcgetattr, tcsetattr) from musio import open_file if args['debug']: from musio import io_util io_util.DEBUG = True filename = args['filename'] output = splitext(basename(filename))[0] + '.' + args['filetype'] output_bytes = output.encode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape') output_printable = output_bytes.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') if isfile(output): overwrite = input(f"Overwrite {output_printable} (y/n): ").lower() if overwrite.startswith("n"): return False # Save the current terminal state. normal = tcgetattr(stdin) quiet = tcgetattr(stdin) # Do not wait for key press and don't echo. quiet[3] &= ~(ECHO | ICANON) quiet[6][VMIN] = 0 quiet[6][VTIME] = 0 # Set the new terminal state. tcsetattr(stdin, TCSANOW, quiet) # Value returned to tell the calling function whether to quit or # not. quit_val = True if args['filetype'].lower() == 'ogg': quality = args['quality'] / 10 if args['quality'] in range(-1, 11) else 0.5 elif args['filetype'].lower() == 'mp3': quality = args['quality'] if args['quality'] in range(0, 10) else 2 else: quality = 5 try: with open_file(blacklist=args['input_blacklist'], **args) as in_file: in_file_title = in_file._info_dict.get('title', in_file._info_dict['name']) comment_dict = {'title': in_file_title} comment_dict.update(in_file._info_dict) for i in [ 'title', 'artist', 'album', 'year', 'comment', 'track', 'genre' ]: if args.get(i, ''): comment_dict[i] = args[i] with open_file(output, 'w', depth=in_file.depth, rate=in_file.rate, channels=in_file.channels, quality=quality, floatp=in_file._floatp, unsigned=in_file._unsigned, comment_dict=comment_dict, bit_rate=args['bit_rate'], blacklist=args['output_blacklist']) as out_file: in_file.loops = 0 if args['debug']: print(repr(in_file)) print(repr(out_file)) if args['show_position']: filename_bytes = filename.encode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape') filename_printable = filename_bytes.decode( 'utf-8', 'ignore') print(f"Encoding: {filename_printable} to " f"{output_printable}") print(in_file) for data in in_file: if args['show_position']: if in_file.length > 0: # Calculate the percentage played. pos = (in_file.position * 100) / in_file.length # Make the string. pos_str = f"Position: {pos:.2f}%" # Find the length of the string. format_len = len(pos_str) + 2 # Print the string and after erasing the old # one using ansi escapes. print(f"\033[{format_len}D\033[K{pos_str}", end='', flush=True) out_file.write(data) # Check for input. r, _, _ = select([stdin], [], [], 0) # Get input if there was any otherwise continue. if r: command = r[0].readline().lower() # Handle input commands. if command.startswith('q'): quit_val = False break elif command == '\n': break except Exception as err: print("Error: %s" % err, flush=True) raise (err) finally: # Re-set the terminal state. tcsetattr(stdin, TCSANOW, normal) if args['show_position']: print("\nDone.") return quit_val