def importPart( filename, partName=None ): updateExistingPart = partName <> None if updateExistingPart: FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("updating part %s from %s\n" % (partName,filename)) else: FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("importing part from %s\n" % filename) doc_already_open = filename in [ d.FileName for d in FreeCAD.listDocuments().values() ] debugPrint(4, "%s open already %s" % (filename, doc_already_open)) if not doc_already_open: currentDoc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Name FreeCAD.setActiveDocument(currentDoc) doc = [ d for d in FreeCAD.listDocuments().values() if d.FileName == filename][0] visibleObjects = [ obj for obj in doc.Objects if hasattr(obj,'ViewObject') and obj.ViewObject.isVisible() and hasattr(obj,'Shape') and len(obj.Shape.Faces) > 0] # len(obj.Shape.Faces) > 0 to avoid sketches debugPrint(3, '%s objects %s' % (doc.Name, doc.Objects)) if any([ 'importPart' in obj.Content for obj in doc.Objects]) and not len(visibleObjects) == 1: subAssemblyImport = True debugPrint(2, 'Importing subassembly from %s' % filename) tempPartName = 'import_temporary_part' obj_to_copy = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::FeaturePython",tempPartName) obj_to_copy.Proxy = Proxy_muxAssemblyObj() obj_to_copy.ViewObject.Proxy = ImportedPartViewProviderProxy() obj_to_copy.Shape = muxObjects(doc) if (not updateExistingPart) or \ (updateExistingPart and getattr( FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject(partName),'updateColors',True)): muxMapColors(doc, obj_to_copy) else: subAssemblyImport = False if len(visibleObjects) <> 1: if not updateExistingPart: msg = "A part can only be imported from a FreeCAD document with exactly one visible part. Aborting operation" QtGui.QMessageBox.information( QtGui.qApp.activeWindow(), "Value Error", msg ) else: msg = "Error updating part from %s: A part can only be imported from a FreeCAD document with exactly one visible part. Aborting update of %s" % (partName, filename) QtGui.QMessageBox.information( QtGui.qApp.activeWindow(), "Value Error", msg ) #QtGui.QMessageBox.warning( QtGui.qApp.activeWindow(), "Value Error!", msg, QtGui.QMessageBox.StandardButton.Ok ) return obj_to_copy = visibleObjects[0] if updateExistingPart: obj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject(partName) prevPlacement = obj.Placement if not hasattr(obj, 'updateColors'): obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","updateColors","importPart").updateColors = True importUpdateConstraintSubobjects( FreeCAD.ActiveDocument, obj, obj_to_copy ) else: partName = findUnusedObjectName( doc.Label + '_' ) try: obj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::FeaturePython",partName) except UnicodeEncodeError: safeName = findUnusedObjectName('import_') obj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::FeaturePython", safeName) obj.Label = findUnusedLabel( doc.Label + '_' ) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFile", "sourceFile", "importPart").sourceFile = filename obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat", "timeLastImport","importPart") obj.setEditorMode("timeLastImport",1) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","fixedPosition","importPart") obj.fixedPosition = not any([i.fixedPosition for i in FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Objects if hasattr(i, 'fixedPosition') ]) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","updateColors","importPart").updateColors = True obj.Shape = obj_to_copy.Shape.copy() if updateExistingPart: obj.Placement = prevPlacement obj.touch() else: for p in obj_to_copy.ViewObject.PropertiesList: #assuming that the user may change the appearance of parts differently depending on the assembly. if hasattr(obj.ViewObject, p) and p not in ['DiffuseColor']: setattr(obj.ViewObject, p, getattr(obj_to_copy.ViewObject, p)) obj.ViewObject.Proxy = ImportedPartViewProviderProxy() if getattr(obj,'updateColors',True): obj.ViewObject.DiffuseColor = copy.copy( obj_to_copy.ViewObject.DiffuseColor ) obj.Proxy = Proxy_importPart() obj.timeLastImport = os.path.getmtime( obj.sourceFile ) #clean up if subAssemblyImport: FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.removeObject(tempPartName) if not doc_already_open: #then close again FreeCAD.closeDocument(doc.Name) FreeCAD.setActiveDocument(currentDoc) return obj
def importPart(filename, partName=None): updateExistingPart = partName <> None if updateExistingPart: FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("updating part %s from %s\n" % (partName, filename)) else: FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("importing part from %s\n" % filename) doc_already_open = filename in [ d.FileName for d in FreeCAD.listDocuments().values() ] debugPrint(4, "%s open already %s" % (filename, doc_already_open)) if not doc_already_open: currentDoc = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Name FreeCAD.setActiveDocument(currentDoc) doc = [ d for d in FreeCAD.listDocuments().values() if d.FileName == filename ][0] visibleObjects = [ obj for obj in doc.Objects if hasattr(obj, 'ViewObject') and obj.ViewObject.isVisible() and hasattr(obj, 'Shape') and len(obj.Shape.Faces) > 0 ] # len(obj.Shape.Faces) > 0 to avoid sketches debugPrint(3, '%s objects %s' % (doc.Name, doc.Objects)) if any(['importPart' in obj.Content for obj in doc.Objects]) and not len(visibleObjects) == 1: subAssemblyImport = True debugPrint(2, 'Importing subassembly from %s' % filename) tempPartName = 'import_temporary_part' obj_to_copy = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::FeaturePython", tempPartName) obj_to_copy.Proxy = Proxy_muxAssemblyObj() obj_to_copy.ViewObject.Proxy = ImportedPartViewProviderProxy() obj_to_copy.Shape = muxObjects(doc) if (not updateExistingPart) or \ (updateExistingPart and getattr( FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject(partName),'updateColors',True)): muxMapColors(doc, obj_to_copy) else: subAssemblyImport = False if len(visibleObjects) <> 1: if not updateExistingPart: msg = "A part can only be imported from a FreeCAD document with exactly one visible part. Aborting operation" QtGui.QMessageBox.information(QtGui.qApp.activeWindow(), "Value Error", msg) else: msg = "Error updating part from %s: A part can only be imported from a FreeCAD document with exactly one visible part. Aborting update of %s" % ( partName, filename) QtGui.QMessageBox.information(QtGui.qApp.activeWindow(), "Value Error", msg) #QtGui.QMessageBox.warning( QtGui.qApp.activeWindow(), "Value Error!", msg, QtGui.QMessageBox.StandardButton.Ok ) return obj_to_copy = visibleObjects[0] if updateExistingPart: obj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.getObject(partName) prevPlacement = obj.Placement if not hasattr(obj, 'updateColors'): obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool", "updateColors", "importPart").updateColors = True importUpdateConstraintSubobjects(FreeCAD.ActiveDocument, obj, obj_to_copy) else: partName = findUnusedObjectName(doc.Label + '_') try: obj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::FeaturePython", partName) except UnicodeEncodeError: safeName = findUnusedObjectName('import_') obj = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject("Part::FeaturePython", safeName) obj.Label = findUnusedLabel(doc.Label + '_') obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFile", "sourceFile", "importPart").sourceFile = filename obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat", "timeLastImport", "importPart") obj.setEditorMode("timeLastImport", 1) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool", "fixedPosition", "importPart") obj.fixedPosition = not any([ i.fixedPosition for i in FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.Objects if hasattr(i, 'fixedPosition') ]) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool", "updateColors", "importPart").updateColors = True obj.Shape = obj_to_copy.Shape.copy() if updateExistingPart: obj.Placement = prevPlacement obj.touch() else: for p in obj_to_copy.ViewObject.PropertiesList: #assuming that the user may change the appearance of parts differently depending on the assembly. if hasattr(obj.ViewObject, p) and p not in ['DiffuseColor']: setattr(obj.ViewObject, p, getattr(obj_to_copy.ViewObject, p)) obj.ViewObject.Proxy = ImportedPartViewProviderProxy() if getattr(obj, 'updateColors', True): obj.ViewObject.DiffuseColor = copy.copy( obj_to_copy.ViewObject.DiffuseColor) obj.Proxy = Proxy_importPart() obj.timeLastImport = os.path.getmtime(obj.sourceFile) #clean up if subAssemblyImport: FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.removeObject(tempPartName) if not doc_already_open: #then close again FreeCAD.closeDocument(doc.Name) FreeCAD.setActiveDocument(currentDoc) return obj
def importPart( filename, partName=None, doc_assembly=None ): if doc_assembly == None: doc_assembly = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument updateExistingPart = partName != None if updateExistingPart: FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("updating part %s from %s\n" % (partName,filename)) else: FreeCAD.Console.PrintMessage("importing part from %s\n" % filename) doc_already_open = filename in [ d.FileName for d in FreeCAD.listDocuments().values() ] debugPrint(4, "%s open already %s" % (filename, doc_already_open)) if doc_already_open: doc = [ d for d in FreeCAD.listDocuments().values() if d.FileName == filename][0] else: if filename.lower().endswith('.fcstd'): debugPrint(4, ' opening %s' % filename) doc = FreeCAD.openDocument(filename) debugPrint(4, ' succesfully opened %s' % filename) else: #trying shaping import import ImportGui doc = FreeCAD.newDocument( os.path.basename(filename) ) shapeobj=ImportGui.insert(filename,doc.Name) visibleObjects = [ obj for obj in doc.Objects if hasattr(obj,'ViewObject') and obj.ViewObject.isVisible() and hasattr(obj,'Shape') and len(obj.Shape.Faces) > 0 and 'Body' not in obj.Name] # len(obj.Shape.Faces) > 0 to avoid sketches, skip Body debugPrint(3, '%s objects %s' % (doc.Name, doc.Objects)) if any([ 'importPart' in obj.Content for obj in doc.Objects]) and not len(visibleObjects) == 1: subAssemblyImport = True debugPrint(2, 'Importing subassembly from %s' % filename) tempPartName = 'import_temporary_part' obj_to_copy = doc_assembly.addObject("Part::FeaturePython",tempPartName) obj_to_copy.Proxy = Proxy_muxAssemblyObj() obj_to_copy.ViewObject.Proxy = ImportedPartViewProviderProxy() obj_to_copy.Shape = muxObjects(doc) if (not updateExistingPart) or \ (updateExistingPart and getattr( doc_assembly.getObject(partName),'updateColors',True)): muxMapColors(doc, obj_to_copy) else: subAssemblyImport = False if len(visibleObjects) != 1: if not updateExistingPart: msg = "A part can only be imported from a FreeCAD document with exactly one visible part. Aborting operation" QtGui.QMessageBox.information( QtGui.qApp.activeWindow(), "Value Error", msg ) else: msg = "Error updating part from %s: A part can only be imported from a FreeCAD document with exactly one visible part. Aborting update of %s" % (partName, filename) QtGui.QMessageBox.information( QtGui.qApp.activeWindow(), "Value Error", msg ) #QtGui.QMessageBox.warning( QtGui.qApp.activeWindow(), "Value Error!", msg, QtGui.QMessageBox.StandardButton.Ok ) return obj_to_copy = visibleObjects[0] if updateExistingPart: obj = doc_assembly.getObject(partName) prevPlacement = obj.Placement if not hasattr(obj, 'updateColors'): obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","updateColors","importPart").updateColors = True importUpdateConstraintSubobjects( doc_assembly, obj, obj_to_copy ) else: partName = findUnusedObjectName( doc.Label + '_', document=doc_assembly ) try: obj = doc_assembly.addObject("Part::FeaturePython",partName) except UnicodeEncodeError: safeName = findUnusedObjectName('import_', document=doc_assembly) obj = doc_assembly.addObject("Part::FeaturePython", safeName) obj.Label = findUnusedLabel( doc.Label + '_', document=doc_assembly ) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFile", "sourceFile", "importPart").sourceFile = filename obj.addProperty("App::PropertyFloat", "timeLastImport","importPart") obj.setEditorMode("timeLastImport",1) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","fixedPosition","importPart") obj.fixedPosition = not any([i.fixedPosition for i in doc_assembly.Objects if hasattr(i, 'fixedPosition') ]) obj.addProperty("App::PropertyBool","updateColors","importPart").updateColors = True obj.Shape = obj_to_copy.Shape.copy() if updateExistingPart: obj.Placement = prevPlacement else: for p in obj_to_copy.ViewObject.PropertiesList: #assuming that the user may change the appearance of parts differently depending on the assembly. if hasattr(obj.ViewObject, p) and p not in ['DiffuseColor']: setattr(obj.ViewObject, p, getattr(obj_to_copy.ViewObject, p)) obj.ViewObject.Proxy = ImportedPartViewProviderProxy() if getattr(obj,'updateColors',True): obj.ViewObject.DiffuseColor = copy.copy( obj_to_copy.ViewObject.DiffuseColor ) #obj.ViewObject.Transparency = copy.copy( obj_to_copy.ViewObject.Transparency ) # .Transparency property tsp = copy.copy( obj_to_copy.ViewObject.Transparency ) # .Transparency workaround for FC 0.17 @ Nov 2016 if tsp < 100 and tsp!=0: obj.ViewObject.Transparency = tsp+1 if tsp == 100: obj.ViewObject.Transparency = tsp-1 obj.ViewObject.Transparency = tsp # .Transparency workaround end obj.Proxy = Proxy_importPart() obj.timeLastImport = os.path.getmtime( filename ) #clean up if subAssemblyImport: doc_assembly.removeObject(tempPartName) if not doc_already_open: #then close again FreeCAD.closeDocument(doc.Name) FreeCAD.setActiveDocument(doc_assembly.Name) FreeCAD.ActiveDocument = doc_assembly return obj