def main(wf): parser = getCommandLineParser() args = parser.parse_args(wf.args) mvg = MVG(wf) favorties = Favorites(wf) if args.command == 'search': stations = if args.param else favorties.get() addStationItems(stations, favorties) elif args.command == 'departures': departures = mvg.departures(args.param) if args.query: departures = wf.filter(args.query, departures, key=getDepartureLabel) departures = sorted(departures, key=lambda k: k['departureTime']) addDepartures(departures) elif args.command == 'save': stations = if len(stations) == 1: favorties.add(stations[0]) elif args.command == 'remove': favorties.remove({'id': int(args.param)}) sendFeedback()
def test_failure_authorization(vibium): unauth_session = MVG(vibium, "NO TOKEN") with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as exc: unauth_session.supported_features() assert exc.value.response.status_code == 401
def test_supported_features(vibium): session = MVG(vibium, VALID_TOKEN) resp = session.supported_features() print(resp) assert resp["mode_id"] # assert not resp['on_off'] # assert not resp['asset_type'] assert not resp["indicator_arrow"]
def session(vibium): url = vibium print("Overriding vibium function with url %s", url) session = MVG(url, VALID_TOKEN) # To make sure we start from a clean slate # we delete our resource in case it exists # All information including measurements # will be removed # TO DO delete all so, currently we only # handle resource SOURCE_ID try: session.get_source(SOURCE_ID) print(f"Deleting {SOURCE_ID}") session.delete_source(SOURCE_ID) except HTTPError: print(f"Source {SOURCE_ID} does not exist") return session
def test_create_session_invalid_url(): with pytest.raises(HTTPError): MVG("invalidurl", "NO TOKEN")
def test_check_version(vibium): # Get current API version for testing session = MVG(vibium, "NO TOKEN") # Check OK run session.tested_api_version = session.api_version assert session.check_version()["api_version"] == session.api_version # Check Incompatible Major version session.tested_api_version = semver.VersionInfo(major=100) with pytest.raises(ValueError): session.check_version() # Check to high highest tested version session.tested_api_version = session.api_version.bump_minor() with pytest.raises(ValueError): session.check_version() # Check API minor version higher session.api_version = session.tested_api_version.bump_minor() with pytest.raises(UserWarning): session.check_version() # Check version with pre-release session.tested_api_version = session.api_version.bump_prerelease() session.check_version()
def test_say_hello(vibium): session = MVG(vibium, "NO TOKEN") hello = session.say_hello() print(hello) assert session.say_hello() is not None
def test_create_session_without_server(): """We should get an HTTPError because we cannot connect to localhost:8000""" with pytest.raises(HTTPError): MVG("localhost:8000", "NO TOKEN")