コード例 #1
ファイル: splitters.py プロジェクト: esc/PyMVPA
    def generate(self, ds):
        """Yield dataset splits.

        ds: Dataset
          Input dataset

          The generator yields every possible split according to the splitter
          configuration. All generated dataset have a boolean 'lastsplit'
          attribute in their dataset attribute collection indicating whether
          this particular dataset is the last one.
        # localbinding
        noslicing = self.__noslicing
        count = self.__count
        splattr = self.get_space()
        ignore = self.__splitattr_ignore

        # get attribute and source collection from dataset
        splattr, collection = ds.get_attr(splattr)
        splattr_data = splattr.value
        cfgs = self.__splitattr_values
        if cfgs is None:
            cfgs = splattr.unique
        if __debug__:
            debug('SPL', 'Determined %i split specifications' % len(cfgs))
        if not ignore is None:
            # remove to be ignored bits
            cfgs = [c for c in cfgs if not c in ignore]
            if __debug__:
                      '%i split specifications left after removing ignored ones'
                      % len(cfgs))
        n_cfgs = len(cfgs)

        if self.__reverse:
            if __debug__:
                debug('SPL', 'Reversing split order')
            cfgs = cfgs[::-1]

        # split the data
        for isplit, split in enumerate(cfgs):
            if not count is None and isplit >= count:
                # number of max splits is reached
                if __debug__:
                          'Discard remaining splits as maximum of %i is reached'
                          % count)
            # safeguard against 'split' being `None` -- in which case a single
            # boolean would be the result of the comparision below, and not
            # a boolean vector from element-wise comparision
            if split is None:
                split = [None]
            # boolean mask is 'selected' samples for this split
            filter_ = splattr_data == split

            if not noslicing:
                # check whether we can do slicing instead of advanced
                # indexing -- if we can split the dataset without causing
                # the data to be copied, its is quicker and leaner.
                # However, it only works if we have a contiguous chunk or
                # regular step sizes for the samples to be split
                filter_ = mask2slice(filter_)

            if collection is ds.sa:
                if __debug__:
                    debug('SPL', 'Split along samples axis')
                split_ds = ds[filter_]
            elif collection is ds.fa:
                if __debug__:
                    debug('SPL', 'Split along feature axis')
                split_ds = ds[:, filter_]
                RuntimeError("This should never happen.")

            # is this the last split
            if count is None:
                lastsplit = (isplit == n_cfgs - 1)
                lastsplit = (isplit == count - 1)

            if not split_ds.a.has_key('lastsplit'):
                # if not yet known -- add one
                split_ds.a['lastsplit'] = lastsplit
                # otherwise just assign a new value
                split_ds.a.lastsplit = lastsplit

            yield split_ds