コード例 #1
ファイル: test_verbosity.py プロジェクト: psederberg/PyMVPA
 def test_verbose_below(self):
     """Test if outputs at lower levels and indents
     by default with spaces
     verbose(2, self.msg)
                          "  %s\n" % self.msg)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_verbosity.py プロジェクト: reka-daniel/PyMVPA
 def test_verbose_below(self):
     """Test if outputs at lower levels and indents
     by default with spaces
     verbose(2, self.msg)
                          "  %s\n" % self.msg)
コード例 #3
 def bxplot(stats, label):
     stats = concat_ts_boxplot_stats(stats)
     # XXX need some way to expose whether there were missing subjects and
     # report proper IDs -- for now resort to whining
         "List of outlier time series follows (if any) [note, subject IDs are enumarations and may differ from dataset subject IDs in case of missing subjects]"
     for i, run in enumerate([
             np.where(np.sum(np.logical_not(o.mask), axis=0))
             for o in stats[1]
         sids = run[0]
         if len(sids):
                     "%s r%.3i: %s" % (label, i + 1, [s + 1 for s in sids]))
     xp, xl = pl.xticks()
     pl.xticks(xp, ['' for i in xl])
     pl.xlim((0, len(stats[0]['n'])))
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_verbosity.py プロジェクト: reka-daniel/PyMVPA
 def test_verbose_indent(self):
     """Test indent symbol
     verbose.indent = "."
     verbose(2, self.msg)
     self.assertEqual(self.sout.getvalue(), "..%s\n" % self.msg)
     verbose.indent = " "            # restore
コード例 #5
ファイル: cmd_ttest.py プロジェクト: Anhmike/PyMVPA
def run(args):
    verbose(1, "Loading %d result files" % len(args.data))
    # TODO: support hdf5 datasets
    nis = [nib.load(f) for f in args.data]
    data = np.asarray([ni.get_data() for ni in nis])

    if args.mask:
        mask = nib.load(args.mask).get_data()
        out_of_mask = mask == 0
        # just take where no voxel had a value
        out_of_mask = np.sum(data != 0, axis=0)==0

    t, p = ttest_1samp(data, popmean=args.chance_level, axis=0,

    if args.stat == 'z':
        if args.alternative == 'two-sided':
            s = stats.norm.isf(p/2)
            s = stats.norm.isf(p)
        # take the sign of the original t
        s = np.abs(s) * np.sign(t)
    elif args.stat == 'p':
        s = p
    elif args.stat == 't':
        s = t
        raise ValueError('WTF you gave me? have no clue about %r' % (args.stat,))

    s[out_of_mask] = 0

    verbose(1, "Saving to %s" % args.output)
    nib.Nifti1Image(s, None, header=nis[0].header).to_filename(args.output)
    return s
コード例 #6
def run(args):
    """Run it"""
    verbose(1, "Loading %d result files" % len(args.data))

    filetype_in = guess_backend(args.data[0])

    if filetype_in == 'nifti':
        dss = [fmri_dataset(f) for f in args.data]
    elif filetype_in == 'hdf5':
        dss = [h5load(f) for f in args.data]
    data = np.asarray([d.samples[args.isample] for d in dss])

    if args.mask:
        filetype_mask = guess_backend(args.mask)
        if filetype_mask == 'nifti':
            mask = nib.load(args.mask).get_data()
        elif filetype_mask == 'hdf5':
            mask = h5load(args.mask).samples
        out_of_mask = mask == 0
        # just take where no voxel had a value
        out_of_mask = np.sum(data != 0, axis=0) == 0

    t, p = ttest_1samp(data,

    if args.stat == 'z':
        if args.alternative == 'two-sided':
            s = stats.norm.isf(p / 2)
            s = stats.norm.isf(p)
        # take the sign of the original t
        s = np.abs(s) * np.sign(t)
    elif args.stat == 'p':
        s = p
    elif args.stat == 't':
        s = t
        raise ValueError('WTF you gave me? have no clue about %r' %
                         (args.stat, ))

    if s.shape != out_of_mask.shape:
            out_of_mask = out_of_mask.reshape(s.shape)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('Cannot use mask of shape {0} with '
                             'data of shape {1}'.format(
                                 out_of_mask.shape, s.shape))
    s[out_of_mask] = 0

    verbose(1, "Saving to %s" % args.output)
    filetype_out = guess_backend(args.output)
    if filetype_out == 'nifti':
        map2nifti(dss[0], data=s).to_filename(args.output)
    else:  # filetype_out is hdf5
        s = Dataset(np.atleast_2d(s), fa=dss[0].fa, a=dss[0].a)
        h5save(args.output, s)
    return s
コード例 #7
ファイル: test_verbosity.py プロジェクト: psederberg/PyMVPA
 def test_verbose_indent(self):
     """Test indent symbol
     verbose.indent = "."
     verbose(2, self.msg)
     self.failUnlessEqual(self.sout.getvalue(), "..%s\n" % self.msg)
     verbose.indent = " "            # restore
コード例 #8
ファイル: cmd_hyperalign.py プロジェクト: Anhmike/PyMVPA
def run(args):
    print args.data
    dss = [arg2ds(d)[:,:100] for d in args.data]
    verbose(1, "Loaded %i input datasets" % len(dss))
    if __debug__:
        for i, ds in enumerate(dss):
            debug('CMDLINE', "dataset %i: %s" % (i, str(ds)))
    # TODO at this point more check could be done, e.g. ref_ds > len(dss)
    # assemble parameters
    params = dict([(param, getattr(args, param)) for param in _supported_parameters])
    if __debug__:
        debug('CMDLINE', "configured parameters: '%s'" % params)
    # assemble CAs
    enabled_ca = [ca for ca in _supported_cas if getattr(args, ca)]
    if __debug__:
        debug('CMDLINE', "enabled conditional attributes: '%s'" % enabled_ca)
    hyper = Hyperalignment(enable_ca=enabled_ca,
    verbose(1, "Running hyperalignment")
    promappers = hyper(dss)
    verbose(2, "Alignment reference is dataset %i" % hyper.ca.chosen_ref_ds)
    verbose(1, "Writing output")
    # save on memory and remove the training data
    del dss
    if args.commonspace:
        if __debug__:
            debug('CMDLINE', "write commonspace as hdf5")
        h5save('%s%s.hdf5' % (args.output_prefix,
    for ca in _supported_cas:
        if __debug__:
            debug('CMDLINE', "check conditional attribute: '%s'" % ca)
        if getattr(args, ca):
            if __debug__:
                debug('CMDLINE', "store conditional attribute: '%s'" % ca)
            np.savetxt('%s%s' % (args.output_prefix,
    if args.store_transformation:
        for i, pm in enumerate(promappers):
            if __debug__:
                debug('CMDLINE', "store mapper %i: %s" % (i, str(pm)))
            h5save('%s%s.hdf5' % (args.output_prefix, '_map%.3i' % i),
                   pm, compression=args.hdf5_compression)
    if args.transform:
        tdss, dss = _transform_dss(args.transform, promappers, args)
        del dss
        verbose(1, "Store transformed datasets")
        for i, td in enumerate(tdss):
            if __debug__:
                debug('CMDLINE', "store transformed data %i: %s" % (i, str(td)))
            h5save('%s%s.hdf5' % (args.output_prefix, '_transformed%.3i' % i),
                   td, compression=args.hdf5_compression)
コード例 #9
ファイル: cmd_hyperalign.py プロジェクト: Anhmike/PyMVPA
def _transform_dss(srcs, mappers, args):
    if __debug__:
        debug('CMDLINE', "loading to-be-transformed data from %s" % srcs)
    dss = [arg2ds(d) for d in srcs]
    verbose(1, "Loaded %i to-be-transformed datasets" % len(dss))
    if __debug__:
        debug('CMDLINE', "transform datasets")
    tdss = [ mappers[i].forward(td) for i, td in enumerate(dss)]
    return tdss, dss
コード例 #10
def run(args):
    ds = arg2ds(args.data)
    verbose(3, 'Concatenation yielded %i samples with %i features' % ds.shape)
    if args.numpy_xfm is not None:
        from mvpa2.mappers.fx import FxMapper
        fx, axis = args.numpy_xfm
        mapper = FxMapper(axis, fx)
        ds = ds.get_mapped(mapper)
    info_fx[args.report](ds, args)
コード例 #11
def _transform_dss(srcs, mappers, args):
    if __debug__:
        debug('CMDLINE', "loading to-be-transformed data from %s" % srcs)
    dss = [arg2ds(d) for d in srcs]
    verbose(1, "Loaded %i to-be-transformed datasets" % len(dss))
    if __debug__:
        debug('CMDLINE', "transform datasets")
    tdss = [mappers[i].forward(td) for i, td in enumerate(dss)]
    return tdss, dss
コード例 #12
ファイル: cmd_ttest.py プロジェクト: PyMVPA/PyMVPA
def run(args):
    """Run it"""
    verbose(1, "Loading %d result files" % len(args.data))

    filetype_in = guess_backend(args.data[0])

    if filetype_in == 'nifti':
        dss = [fmri_dataset(f) for f in args.data]
    elif filetype_in == 'hdf5':
        dss = [h5load(f) for f in args.data]
    data = np.asarray([d.samples[args.isample] for d in dss])

    if args.mask:
        filetype_mask = guess_backend(args.mask)
        if filetype_mask == 'nifti':
            mask = nib.load(args.mask).get_data()
        elif filetype_mask == 'hdf5':
            mask = h5load(args.mask).samples
        out_of_mask = mask == 0
        # just take where no voxel had a value
        out_of_mask = np.sum(data != 0, axis=0)==0

    t, p = ttest_1samp(data, popmean=args.chance_level, axis=0,

    if args.stat == 'z':
        if args.alternative == 'two-sided':
            s = stats.norm.isf(p/2)
            s = stats.norm.isf(p)
        # take the sign of the original t
        s = np.abs(s) * np.sign(t)
    elif args.stat == 'p':
        s = p
    elif args.stat == 't':
        s = t
        raise ValueError('WTF you gave me? have no clue about %r' % (args.stat,))

    if s.shape != out_of_mask.shape:
            out_of_mask = out_of_mask.reshape(s.shape)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('Cannot use mask of shape {0} with '
                             'data of shape {1}'.format(out_of_mask.shape, s.shape))
    s[out_of_mask] = 0

    verbose(1, "Saving to %s" % args.output)
    filetype_out = guess_backend(args.output)
    if filetype_out == 'nifti':
        map2nifti(dss[0], data=s).to_filename(args.output)
    else:  # filetype_out is hdf5
        s = Dataset(np.atleast_2d(s), fa=dss[0].fa, a=dss[0].a)
        h5save(args.output, s)
    return s
コード例 #13
ファイル: test_verbosity.py プロジェクト: psederberg/PyMVPA
 def test_cr(self):
     """Test if works fine with carriage return (cr) symbol"""
     verbose(2, self.msg, cr=True)
     verbose(2, "rewrite", cr=True)
     verbose(1, "rewrite 2", cr=True)
     verbose(1, " add", cr=False, lf=False)
     verbose(1, " finish")
     target = '\r  %s\r              \rrewrite' % self.msg + \
              '\r       \rrewrite 2 add finish\n'
     self.failUnlessEqual(self.sout.getvalue(), target)
コード例 #14
ファイル: cmd_describe.py プロジェクト: robbisg/PyMVPA
def run(args):
    ds = arg2ds(args.data)
    verbose(3, "Concatenation yielded %i samples with %i features" % ds.shape)
    if args.numpy_xfm is not None:
        from mvpa2.mappers.fx import FxMapper

        fx, axis = args.numpy_xfm
        mapper = FxMapper(axis, fx)
        ds = ds.get_mapped(mapper)
    info_fx[args.report](ds, args)
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_verbosity.py プロジェクト: reka-daniel/PyMVPA
 def test_cr(self):
     """Test if works fine with carriage return (cr) symbol"""
     verbose(2, self.msg, cr=True)
     verbose(2, "rewrite", cr=True)
     verbose(1, "rewrite 2", cr=True)
     verbose(1, " add", cr=False, lf=False)
     verbose(1, " finish")
     target = '\r  %s\r              \rrewrite' % self.msg + \
              '\r       \rrewrite 2 add finish\n'
     self.assertEqual(self.sout.getvalue(), target)
コード例 #16
ファイル: verbosity.py プロジェクト: nidata/nidata
    def _set_active(self, active):
        """Set active logging set
        # just unique entries... we could have simply stored Set I guess,
        # but then smth like debug.active += ["BLAH"] would not work
        from mvpa2.base import verbose
        self.__active = []
        registered_keys = self.__registered.keys()
        for item in list(set(active)):
            if item == '':
            if isinstance(item, string_types):
                if item in ['?', 'list', 'help']:
                    self.print_registered(detailed=(item != '?'))
                    raise SystemExit(0)
                if item.upper() == "ALL":
                    verbose(2, "Enabling all registered debug handlers")
                    self.__active = registered_keys
                # try to match item as it is regexp
                regexp_str = "^%s$" % item
                    regexp = re.compile(regexp_str)
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Unable to create regular expression out of  %s" %
                matching_keys = filter(regexp.match, registered_keys)
                toactivate = matching_keys
                if len(toactivate) == 0:
                    ids = self.registered.keys()
                    raise ValueError(
                          "Unknown debug ID '%s' was asked to become active," \
                          " or regular expression '%s' did not get any match" \
                          " among known ids: %s" \
                          % (item, regexp_str, ids))
                toactivate = [item]

            # Lets check if asked items are known
            for item_ in toactivate:
                if not (item_ in registered_keys):
                    raise ValueError(
                          "Unknown debug ID %s was asked to become active" \
                          % item_)
            self.__active += toactivate

        self.__active = list(set(self.__active))  # select just unique ones
        self.__maxstrlength = max([len(str(x)) for x in self.__active] + [0])
        if len(self.__active):
            verbose(2, "Enabling debug handlers: %s" % repr(self.__active))
コード例 #17
ファイル: verbosity.py プロジェクト: kirty/PyMVPA
    def _set_active(self, active):
        """Set active logging set
        # just unique entries... we could have simply stored Set I guess,
        # but then smth like debug.active += ["BLAH"] would not work
        from mvpa2.base import verbose
        self.__active = []
        registered_keys = self.__registered.keys()
        for item in list(set(active)):
            if item == '':
            if isinstance(item, basestring):
                if item in ['?', 'list', 'help']:
                    self.print_registered(detailed=(item != '?'))
                    raise SystemExit(0)
                if item.upper() == "ALL":
                    verbose(2, "Enabling all registered debug handlers")
                    self.__active = registered_keys
                # try to match item as it is regexp
                regexp_str = "^%s$" % item
                    regexp = re.compile(regexp_str)
                    raise ValueError, \
                          "Unable to create regular expression out of  %s" % item
                matching_keys = filter(regexp.match, registered_keys)
                toactivate = matching_keys
                if len(toactivate) == 0:
                    ids = self.registered.keys()
                    raise ValueError, \
                          "Unknown debug ID '%s' was asked to become active," \
                          " or regular expression '%s' did not get any match" \
                          " among known ids: %s" \
                          % (item, regexp_str, ids)
                toactivate = [item]

            # Lets check if asked items are known
            for item_ in toactivate:
                if not (item_ in registered_keys):
                    raise ValueError, \
                          "Unknown debug ID %s was asked to become active" \
                          % item_
            self.__active += toactivate

        self.__active = list(set(self.__active)) # select just unique ones
        self.__maxstrlength = max([len(str(x)) for x in self.__active] + [0])
        if len(self.__active):
            verbose(2, "Enabling debug handlers: %s" % `self.__active`)
コード例 #18
ファイル: cmd_plotmotionqc.py プロジェクト: Anhmike/PyMVPA
def run(args):
    import pylab as pl
    from mvpa2.base import verbose

    # segments x [subjects x timepoints x properties]
    data = [np.array(s) for s in args.segment]

    # put in standard property order: first translation, then rotation
    if args.estimate_order == 'rottrans':
        data = [d[:, :, (3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2)] for d in data]

    # convert rotations, now known to be last
    if args.rad2deg:
        for d in data:
            v = d[:, :, 3:]
            np.rad2deg(v, v)

    # and plot
    # figure setup
    fig = pl.figure(figsize=(12, 5))
    # translation
    ax = pl.subplot(211)
    outlier = motionqc_plot(
        [d[..., :3] for d in data],
        "translation\nestimate L2-norm")
    if outlier:
            "Detected per-segment translation outlier input samples {0} (zero-based)".format(
    # rotation
    ax = pl.subplot(212)
    outlier = motionqc_plot(
        [d[..., 3:] for d in data],
        "rotation\nestimate L2-norm")
    if outlier:
            "Detected per-segment rotation outlier input samples {0} (zero-based)".format(

    if args.savefig is None:
コード例 #19
ファイル: test_verbosity.py プロジェクト: reka-daniel/PyMVPA
 def test_no_lf(self):
     """Test if it works fine with no newline (LF) symbol"""
     verbose(2, self.msg, lf=False)
     verbose(2, " continue ", lf=False)
     verbose(2, "end")
     verbose(0, "new %s" % self.msg)
                          "  %s continue end\nnew %s\n" % \
                          (self.msg, self.msg))
コード例 #20
ファイル: test_verbosity.py プロジェクト: psederberg/PyMVPA
 def test_no_lf(self):
     """Test if it works fine with no newline (LF) symbol"""
     verbose(2, self.msg, lf=False)
     verbose(2, " continue ", lf=False)
     verbose(2, "end")
     verbose(0, "new %s" % self.msg)
                          "  %s continue end\nnew %s\n" % \
                          (self.msg, self.msg))
コード例 #21
ファイル: cmd_ofmotionqc.py プロジェクト: StevenLOL/PyMVPA
 def bxplot(stats, label):
     stats = concat_ts_boxplot_stats(stats)
     verbose(0, "List of outlier time series follows (if any)")
     for i, run in enumerate([np.where(np.sum(np.logical_not(o.mask), axis=0))
                           for o in stats[1]]):
         sids = run[0]
         if len(sids):
             verbose(0, "%s r%.3i: %s"
                        % (label, i + 1, [s + 1 for s in sids]))
             mean=stats[0]['mean'], std=stats[0]['std'], n=stats[0]['n'],
             min=stats[0]['min'], max=stats[0]['max'],
             p25=stats[0]['p25'], p75=stats[0]['p75'],
             outlierd=stats[1], segment_sizes=segment_sizes)
     xp, xl = pl.xticks()
     pl.xticks(xp, ['' for i in xl])
     pl.xlim((0, len(stats[0]['n'])))
コード例 #22
ファイル: helpers.py プロジェクト: neurosbh/PyMVPA
def ds2hdf5(ds, fname, compression=None):
    """Save one or more datasets into an HDF5 file.

    ds : Dataset or list(Dataset)
      One or more datasets to store
    fname : str
      Filename of the output file. If it doesn't end with '.hdf5', such an
      extension will be appended.
    compression : {'gzip','lzf','szip'} or 1-9
      compression type for HDF5 storage. Available values depend on the specific
      HDF5 installation.
    # this one doesn't actually check what it stores
    from mvpa2.base.hdf5 import h5save
    if not fname.endswith('.hdf5'):
        fname = '%s.hdf5' % fname
    verbose(1, "Save dataset to '%s'" % fname)
    h5save(fname, ds, mkdir=True, compression=compression)
コード例 #23
ファイル: helpers.py プロジェクト: neurosbh/PyMVPA
def ds2hdf5(ds, fname, compression=None):
    """Save one or more datasets into an HDF5 file.

    ds : Dataset or list(Dataset)
      One or more datasets to store
    fname : str
      Filename of the output file. If it doesn't end with '.hdf5', such an
      extension will be appended.
    compression : {'gzip','lzf','szip'} or 1-9
      compression type for HDF5 storage. Available values depend on the specific
      HDF5 installation.
    # this one doesn't actually check what it stores
    from mvpa2.base.hdf5 import h5save
    if not fname.endswith('.hdf5'):
        fname = '%s.hdf5' % fname
    verbose(1, "Save dataset to '%s'" % fname)
    h5save(fname, ds, mkdir=True, compression=compression)
コード例 #24
def run(args):
    dss = hdf2ds(args.data)
    verbose(3, 'Loaded %i dataset(s)' % len(dss))
    ds = vstack(dss)
    verbose(3, 'Concatenation yielded %i samples with %i features' % ds.shape)
    # get CV instance
    cv = get_crossvalidation_instance(args.learner, args.partitioner,
                                      args.errorfx, args.sampling_repetitions,
                                      args.balance_training, args.permutations,
    res = cv(ds)
    # some meaningful output
    # XXX make condition on classification analysis only?
    print cv.ca.stats
    print 'Results\n-------'
    if args.permutations > 0:
        nprob = cv.ca.null_prob.samples
    if res.shape[1] == 1:
        # simple result structure
        if args.permutations > 0:
            p = ', p-value (%s tail)' % args.prob_tail
            p = ''
        print 'Fold, Result%s' % p
        for i in xrange(len(res)):
            if args.permutations > 0:
                p = ', %f' % nprob[i, 0]
                p = ''
            print '%s, %f%s' % (res.sa.cvfolds[i], res.samples[i, 0], p)
    # and store
    ds2hdf5(res, args.output, compression=args.hdf5_compression)
    if args.permutations > 0:
        if args.output.endswith('.hdf5'):
            args.output = args.output[:-5]
                '%s_nullprob' % args.output,
    return res
コード例 #25
ファイル: cmd_ofmotionqc.py プロジェクト: beausievers/PyMVPA
 def bxplot(stats, label):
     stats = concat_ts_boxplot_stats(stats)
     # XXX need some way to expose whether there were missing subjects and
     # report proper IDs -- for now resort to whining
     verbose(0, "List of outlier time series follows (if any) [note, subject IDs are enumarations and may differ from dataset subject IDs in case of missing subjects]")
     for i, run in enumerate([np.where(np.sum(np.logical_not(o.mask), axis=0))
                           for o in stats[1]]):
         sids = run[0]
         if len(sids):
             verbose(0, "%s r%.3i: %s"
                        % (label, i + 1, [s + 1 for s in sids]))
             mean=stats[0]['mean'], std=stats[0]['std'], n=stats[0]['n'],
             min=stats[0]['min'], max=stats[0]['max'],
             p25=stats[0]['p25'], p75=stats[0]['p75'],
             outlierd=stats[1], segment_sizes=segment_sizes)
     xp, xl = pl.xticks()
     pl.xticks(xp, ['' for i in xl])
     pl.xlim((0, len(stats[0]['n'])))
コード例 #26
def run(args):
    verbose(1, "Loading %d result files" % len(args.data))
    # TODO: support hdf5 datasets
    nis = [nib.load(f) for f in args.data]
    data = np.asarray([ni.get_data() for ni in nis])

    if args.mask:
        mask = nib.load(args.mask).get_data()
        out_of_mask = mask == 0
        # just take where no voxel had a value
        out_of_mask = np.sum(data != 0, axis=0) == 0

    t, p = ttest_1samp(data,

    if args.stat == 'z':
        if args.alternative == 'two-sided':
            s = stats.norm.isf(p / 2)
            s = stats.norm.isf(p)
        # take the sign of the original t
        s = np.abs(s) * np.sign(t)
    elif args.stat == 'p':
        s = p
    elif args.stat == 't':
        s = t
        raise ValueError('WTF you gave me? have no clue about %r' %
                         (args.stat, ))

    s[out_of_mask] = 0

    verbose(1, "Saving to %s" % args.output)
    nib.Nifti1Image(s, None,
    return s
コード例 #27
ファイル: cmd_crossval.py プロジェクト: Anhmike/PyMVPA
def run(args):
    dss = hdf2ds(args.data)
    verbose(3, 'Loaded %i dataset(s)' % len(dss))
    ds = vstack(dss)
    verbose(3, 'Concatenation yielded %i samples with %i features' % ds.shape)
    # get CV instance
    cv = get_crossvalidation_instance(
            args.learner, args.partitioner, args.errorfx, args.sampling_repetitions,
            args.learner_space, args.balance_training, args.permutations,
            args.avg_datafold_results, args.prob_tail)
    res = cv(ds)
    # some meaningful output
    # XXX make condition on classification analysis only?
    print cv.ca.stats
    print 'Results\n-------'
    if args.permutations > 0:
        nprob =  cv.ca.null_prob.samples
    if res.shape[1] == 1:
        # simple result structure
        if args.permutations > 0:
            p=', p-value (%s tail)' % args.prob_tail
        print 'Fold, Result%s' % p
        for i in xrange(len(res)):
            if args.permutations > 0:
                p = ', %f' % nprob[i, 0]
                p = ''
            print '%s, %f%s' % (res.sa.cvfolds[i], res.samples[i, 0], p)
    # and store
    ds2hdf5(res, args.output, compression=args.hdf5_compression)
    if args.permutations > 0:
        if args.output.endswith('.hdf5'):
            args.output = args.output[:-5]
        ds2hdf5(cv.ca.null_prob, '%s_nullprob' % args.output,
    return res
コード例 #28
def run(args):
    dss = hdf2ds(args.data)
    verbose(3, 'Loaded %i dataset(s)' % len(dss))
    ds = vstack(dss)
    verbose(3, 'Concatenation yielded %i samples with %i features' % ds.shape)
    # slicing
    sliceme = {'samples': slice(None), 'features': slice(None)}
    # indices
    for opt, col, which in ((args.samples_by_index, ds.sa, 'samples'),
                     (args.features_by_index, ds.fa, 'features')):
        if opt is None:
        if len(opt) == 1 and opt[0].count(':'):
            # slice spec
            arg = opt[0].split(':')
            spec = []
            for a in arg:
                if not len(a):
            sliceme[which] = slice(*spec)
            # actual indices
            sliceme[which] = [int(o) for o in opt]
    # attribute evaluation
    for opt, col, which in ((args.samples_by_attr, ds.sa, 'samples'),
                     (args.features_by_attr, ds.fa, 'features')):
        if opt is None:
        sliceme[which] = _eval_attr_expr(opt, col)

    # apply selection
    ds = ds.__getitem__((sliceme['samples'], sliceme['features']))
    verbose(1, 'Selected %i samples with %i features' % ds.shape)

    # strip attributes
    for attrarg, col, descr in ((args.strip_sa, ds.sa, 'sample '),
                                (args.strip_fa, ds.fa, 'feature '),
                                (args.strip_da, ds.a, '')):
        if not attrarg is None:
            for attr in attrarg:
                    del col[attr]
                except KeyError:
                    warning("dataset has no %sattribute '%s' to remove"
                            % (descr, attr))
    # and store
    ds2hdf5(ds, args.output, compression=args.hdf5_compression)
    return ds
コード例 #29
ファイル: helpers.py プロジェクト: neurosbh/PyMVPA
def process_common_dsattr_opts(ds, args):
    """Goes through an argument namespace and processes attribute options"""
    # legacy support
    if not args.add_sa_attr is None:
        from mvpa2.misc.io.base import SampleAttributes
        smpl_attrs = SampleAttributes(args.add_sa_attr)
        for a in ('targets', 'chunks'):
                2, "Add sample attribute '%s' from sample attributes file" % a)
            ds.sa[a] = getattr(smpl_attrs, a)
    # loop over all attribute configurations that we know
    attr_cfgs = (  # var, dst_collection, loader
        ('--add-sa', args.add_sa, ds.sa, _load_from_cmdline),
        ('--add-fa', args.add_fa, ds.fa, _load_from_cmdline),
        ('--add-sa-txt', args.add_sa_txt, ds.sa, _load_from_txt),
        ('--add-fa-txt', args.add_fa_txt, ds.fa, _load_from_txt),
        ('--add-sa-npy', args.add_sa_npy, ds.sa, _load_from_npy),
        ('--add-fa-npy', args.add_fa_npy, ds.fa, _load_from_npy),
    for varid, srcvar, dst_collection, loader in attr_cfgs:
        if not srcvar is None:
            for spec in srcvar:
                attr_name = spec[0]
                if not len(spec) > 1:
                    raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
                        "%s option need at least two values " % varid +
                        "(attribute name and source filename (got: %s)" % spec)
                if dst_collection is ds.sa:
                        2, "Add sample attribute '%s' from '%s'" %
                        (attr_name, spec[1]))
                        2, "Add feature attribute '%s' from '%s'" %
                        (attr_name, spec[1]))
                attr = loader(spec[1:])
                    dst_collection[attr_name] = attr
                except ValueError, e:
                    # try making the exception more readable
                    e_str = str(e)
                    if e_str.startswith('Collectable'):
                        raise ValueError('attribute %s' % e_str[12:])
                        raise e
コード例 #30
ファイル: helpers.py プロジェクト: neurosbh/PyMVPA
def process_common_dsattr_opts(ds, args):
    """Goes through an argument namespace and processes attribute options"""
    # legacy support
    if not args.add_sa_attr is None:
        from mvpa2.misc.io.base import SampleAttributes
        smpl_attrs = SampleAttributes(args.add_sa_attr)
        for a in ('targets', 'chunks'):
            verbose(2, "Add sample attribute '%s' from sample attributes file"
                       % a)
            ds.sa[a] = getattr(smpl_attrs, a)
    # loop over all attribute configurations that we know
    attr_cfgs = (# var, dst_collection, loader
            ('--add-sa', args.add_sa, ds.sa, _load_from_cmdline),
            ('--add-fa', args.add_fa, ds.fa, _load_from_cmdline),
            ('--add-sa-txt', args.add_sa_txt, ds.sa, _load_from_txt),
            ('--add-fa-txt', args.add_fa_txt, ds.fa, _load_from_txt),
            ('--add-sa-npy', args.add_sa_npy, ds.sa, _load_from_npy),
            ('--add-fa-npy', args.add_fa_npy, ds.fa, _load_from_npy),
    for varid, srcvar, dst_collection, loader in attr_cfgs:
        if not srcvar is None:
            for spec in srcvar:
                attr_name = spec[0]
                if not len(spec) > 1:
                    raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(
                        "%s option need at least two values " % varid +
                        "(attribute name and source filename (got: %s)" % spec)
                if dst_collection is ds.sa:
                    verbose(2, "Add sample attribute '%s' from '%s'"
                               % (attr_name, spec[1]))
                    verbose(2, "Add feature attribute '%s' from '%s'"
                               % (attr_name, spec[1]))
                attr = loader(spec[1:])
                    dst_collection[attr_name] = attr
                except ValueError, e:
                    # try making the exception more readable
                    e_str = str(e)
                    if e_str.startswith('Collectable'):
                        raise ValueError('attribute %s' % e_str[12:])
                        raise e
コード例 #31
ファイル: test_report.py プロジェクト: psederberg/PyMVPA
    def aux_basic(self, dirname, rc):
        """Helper function -- to assure that all filehandlers
           get closed so we could remove trash directory.

           Otherwise -- .nfs* files on NFS-mounted drives cause problems
        report = rc('UnitTest report',
                    title="Sample report for testing",
        isdummy = isinstance(report, DummyReport)

        verbose.handlers = [report]
        verbose.level = 3
        verbose(1, "Starting")
        verbose(2, "Level 2")

        if not isdummy:
            self.failUnless(len(report._story) == 2,
                            msg="We should have got some lines from verbose")

        if __debug__:
            odhandlers = debug.handlers
            debug.handlers = [report]
            oactive = debug.active
            debug.active = ['TEST'] + debug.active
            debug('TEST', "Testing report as handler for debug")
            if not isdummy:
                self.failUnless(len(report._story) == 4,
                            msg="We should have got some lines from debug")
            debug.active = oactive
            debug.handlers = odhandlers


        if externals.exists('pylab plottable'):
            if not isdummy:
                clen = len(report._story)
            import pylab as pl
            pl.plot([1, 2], [3, 2])

            pl.plot([2, 10], [3, 2])
            pl.title("Figure 2 must be it")

            if not isdummy:
                    len(report._story) == clen+2,
                    msg="We should have got some lines from figures")

        report.text("Dugi bugi")
        # make sure we don't puke on xml like text with crap
        report.text("locals:\n%s globals:\n%s" % (`locals()`, `globals()`))
        # bloody XML - just to check that there is no puke
        report.xml("<b>Dugi bugi</b>")

        if externals.exists('pylab'):
            import pylab as pl

コード例 #32
ファイル: cmd_mkevds.py プロジェクト: Anhmike/PyMVPA
def run(args):
    ds = arg2ds(args.data)
    verbose(3, 'Concatenation yielded %i samples with %i features' % ds.shape)
    # build list of events
    events = []
    timebased_events = False
    if args.event_attrs is not None:
        def_attrs = dict([(k, ds.sa[k].value) for k in args.event_attrs])
        events = find_events(**def_attrs)
    elif args.csv_events is not None:
        if args.csv_events == '-':
            csv = sys.stdin.read()
            import cStringIO
            csv = cStringIO.StringIO(csv)
            csv = open(args.csv_events, 'rU')
        csvt = _load_csv_table(csv)
        if not len(csvt):
            raise ValueError("no CSV columns found")
        if args.onset_column:
            csvt['onset'] = csvt[args.onset_column]
        nevents = len(csvt[csvt.keys()[0]])
        events = []
        for ev in xrange(nevents):
            events.append(dict([(k, v[ev]) for k, v in csvt.iteritems()]))
    elif args.onsets is not None:
        if not len(args.onsets):
            args.onsets = [i for i in sys.stdin]
        # time or sample-based?
        if args.time_attr is None:
            oconv = int
            oconv = float
        events = [{'onset': oconv(o)} for o in args.onsets]
    elif args.fsl_ev3 is not None:
        timebased_events = True
        from mvpa2.misc.fsl import FslEV3
        events = []
        for evsrc in args.fsl_ev3:
    if not len(events):
        raise ValueError("no events defined")
    verbose(2, 'Extracting %i events' % len(events))
    if args.event_compression is None:
        evmap = None
    elif args.event_compression == 'mean':
        evmap = FxMapper('features', np.mean, attrfx=merge2first)
    elif args.event_compression == 'median':
        evmap = FxMapper('features', np.median, attrfx=merge2first)
    elif args.event_compression == 'min':
        evmap = FxMapper('features', np.min, attrfx=merge2first)
    elif args.event_compression == 'max':
        evmap = FxMapper('features', np.max, attrfx=merge2first)
    # convert to event-related ds
    evds = eventrelated_dataset(ds, events, time_attr=args.time_attr,
    # act on all attribute options
    evds = process_common_dsattr_opts(evds, args)
    # and store
    ds2hdf5(evds, args.output, compression=args.hdf5_compression)
    return evds
コード例 #33
def run(args):
    #atlas.relativeToOrigin = args.coordRelativeToOrigin

    fileIn = None
    coordT = None
    niftiInput = None
    # define data type for coordinates
    if args.input_voxels:
        ctype = int
        query_voxel = True
        ctype = float
        query_voxel = False

    # Setup coordinates read-in
    volQForm = None

    # compatibility with older talairachlabel
    if args.inputCoordFile:
        fileIn = open(args.inputCoordFile)
        coordsIterator = parsed_coordinates_iterator(
            args.inputLineFormat, fileIn, ctype=ctype)
    if args.inputVolFile:
        infile = args.inputVolFile
        # got a volume/file to process
        if __debug__:
            debug('ATL', "Testing if 0th element in the list a volume")
        niftiInput = None
            niftiInput = nb.load(infile)
            if __debug__:
                debug('ATL', "Yes it is")
        except Exception as e:
            if __debug__:
                debug('ATL', "No it is not due to %s. Trying to parse the file" % e)

        if niftiInput:
            # if we got here -- it is a proper volume
            # XXX ask Michael to remove nasty warning message
            coordsIterator = select_from_volume_iterator(
                infile, args.lowerThreshold, args.upperThreshold)
            assert(coordT is None)
            coordT = Linear(niftiInput.header.get_qform())
            # lets store volumeQForm for possible conversion of voxels into coordinates
            volQForm = coordT
            # previous iterator returns space coordinates
            args.coordRelativeToOrigin = True
            raise ValueError('could not open volumetric input file')
    # input is stdin
        coordsIterator = parsed_coordinates_iterator(
            args.inputLineFormat, ctype=ctype)

    # Open and initialize atlas lookup
    if args.atlasFile is None:
        if args.atlasPath is None:
            args.atlasPath = KNOWN_ATLASES[args.atlasName]
        args.atlasFile = args.atlasPath % ( {'name': args.atlasName} )

    akwargs_common = {}
    if args.atlasImageFile:
        akwargs_common['image_file'] = args.atlasImageFile

    if not args.forbidDirectMapping \
           and niftiInput is not None and not args.transformationFile:
        akwargs = {'resolution': niftiInput.header.get_zooms()[0]}
        query_voxel = True   # if we can query directly by voxel, do so

        verbose(1, "Will attempt direct mapping from input voxels into atlas "
                   "voxels at resolution %.2f" % akwargs['resolution'])

        atlas = Atlas(args.atlasFile, **akwargs)

        # verify that we got the same qforms in atlas and in the data file
        if atlas.space != args.inputSpace:
                "Cannot do direct mapping between input image in %s space and"
                " atlas in %s space. Use -I switch to override input space if"
                " it misspecified, or use -T to provide transformation. Trying"
                " to proceed" %(args.inputSpace, atlas.space))
            query_voxel = False
        elif not (niftiInput.header.get_qform() == atlas._image.header.get_qform()).all():
            if args.atlasImageFile is None:
                    "Cannot do direct mapping between files with different qforms."
                    " Please provide original transformation (-T)."
                    "\n Input qform:\n%s\n Atlas qform: \n%s"
                    %(niftiInput.header.get_qform(), atlas._image.header.get_qform), 1)
                # reset ability to query by voxels
                query_voxel = False
                    "QForms are different between input image and "
                    "provided atlas image."
                    "\n Input qform of %s:\n%s\n Atlas qform of %s:\n%s"
                    %(infile, niftiInput.header.get_qform(),
                      args.atlasImageFile, atlas._image.header.get_qform()), 1)
            coordT = None
        atlas = Atlas(args.atlasFile, **akwargs_common)

    if isinstance(atlas, ReferencesAtlas):
        args.referenceLevel = args.referenceLevel.replace('/', ' ')
        atlas.distance = args.maxDistance
        args.showReferencedCoordinates = False

    if isinstance(atlas, FSLProbabilisticAtlas):
        atlas.strategy = args.probStrategy
        atlas.thr = args.probThr

    ## If not in Talairach -- in MNI with voxel size 2x2x2
    # Original talairachlabel assumed that if respective to origin -- voxels were
    # scaled already.
    #if args.coordInTalairachSpace:
    #   voxelSizeOriginal = np.array([1, 1, 1])
    #   voxelSizeOriginal = np.array([2, 2, 2])

    if args.coordInTalairachSpace:
            args.inputSpace = "Talairach"

    if not (args.inputSpace == atlas.space or
            (args.inputSpace in ["MNI", "Talairach"] and
             atlas.space == "Talairach")):
        raise XMLAtlasException("Unknown space '%s' which is not the same as atlas "
                                "space '%s' either" % ( args.inputSpace, atlas.space ))

    if query_voxel:
        # we do direct mapping
        coordT = None
        verbose(2, "Chaining needed transformations")
        # by default -- no transformation
        if args.transformationFile:
            #externals.exists('scipy', raise_=True)
            # scipy.io.read_array was deprecated a while back (around 0.8.0)
            from numpy import loadtxt

            transfMatrix = loadtxt(args.transformationFile)
            coordT = Linear(transfMatrix, previous=coordT)
            verbose(2, "coordT got linear transformation from file %s" %

        voxelOriginOriginal = None
        voxelSizeOriginal = None

        if not args.coordRelativeToOrigin:
            if args.inputSpace == "Talairach":
                # assume that atlas is in Talairach space already
                voxelOriginOriginal = atlas.origin
                voxelSizeOriginal = np.array([1, 1, 1])
            elif args.inputSpace == "MNI":
                # need to adjust for MNI origin as it was thought to be at
                # in terms of voxels
                #voxelOriginOriginal = np.array([46, 64, 37])
                voxelOriginOriginal = np.array([45, 63, 36])
                voxelSizeOriginal = np.array([2.0, 2.0, 2.0])
                warning("Assuming elderly sizes for MNI volumes with"
                           " origin %s and sizes %s" %\
                           ( repr(voxelOriginOriginal), repr(voxelSizeOriginal)))

        if not (voxelOriginOriginal is None and voxelSizeOriginal is None):
            verbose(2, "Assigning origin adjusting transformation with"+\
                    " origin=%s and voxelSize=%s" %\
                    ( repr(voxelOriginOriginal), repr(voxelSizeOriginal)))

            coordT = SpaceTransformation(origin=voxelOriginOriginal,
                                         to_real_space=True, previous=coordT)

        # besides adjusting for different origin we need to transform into
        # Talairach space
        if args.inputSpace == "MNI" and atlas.space == "Talairach":
            verbose(2, "Assigning transformation %s" %
            # What transformation to use
            coordT = {"matthewbrett": MNI2Tal_MatthewBrett,
                      "lancaster07fsl":  mni_to_tal_lancaster07_fsl,
                      "lancaster07pooled":  mni_to_tal_lancaster07pooled,
                      "meyerlindenberg98":  mni_to_tal_meyer_lindenberg98,
                      "yohflirt": mni_to_tal_yohflirt

        if args.inputSpace == "MNI" and args.halfVoxelCorrection:
            originCorrection = np.array([0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
            # perform transformation any way to convert to voxel space (integers)
            originCorrection = None

        # To be closer to what original talairachlabel did -- add 0.5 to each coord
        coordT = SpaceTransformation(origin=originCorrection, voxelSize=None,
                                         to_real_space=False, previous = coordT)

    if args.createSummary:
        summary = {}
        if args.levels is None:
            args.levels = str(min(4, atlas.nlevels-1))
    if args.levels is None:
        args.levels = list(range(atlas.nlevels))
    elif isinstance(args.levels, str):
        if args.levels == 'list':
            print("Known levels and their indicies:\n" + atlas.levels_listing())
        slevels = args.levels.split(',')
        args.levels = []
        for level in slevels:
                int_level = int(level)
                if level in atlas.levels:
                    int_level = atlas.levels[level].index
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Unknown level '%s'. " % level +
                        "Known levels and their indicies:\n"
                        + atlas.levels_listing())
            args.levels += [int_level]
        raise ValueError("Don't know how to handle list of levels %s."
                         "Example is '1,2,3'" % (args.levels,))

    verbose(3, "Operating on following levels: %s" % args.levels)
    # assign levels to the atlas
    atlas.default_levels = args.levels

    if args.outputFile:
        output = open(args.outputFile, 'w')
        output = sys.stdout

    # validity check
    if args.dumpmapFile:
        if niftiInput is None:
            raise RuntimeError("You asked to dump indexes into the volume, " \
                  "but input wasn't a volume")
        ni_dump = nb.load(infile)
        ni_dump_data = np.zeros(ni_dump.header.get_data_shape()[:3] + (len(args.levels),))

    # Also check if we have provided voxels but not querying by voxels
    if args.input_voxels:
        if coordT is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("Cannot perform voxels querying having coordT defined")
        if not query_voxel:
            raise NotImplementedError("query_voxel was reset to False, can't do queries by voxel")

    # Read coordinates
    numVoxels = 0
    for c in coordsIterator:

        value, coord_orig, t = c[0], c[1:4], c[4]
        if __debug__:
            debug('ATL', "Obtained coord_orig=%s with value %s"
                  % (repr(coord_orig), value))

        lt, ut = args.lowerThreshold, args.upperThreshold
        if lt is not None and value < lt:
            verbose(5, "Value %s is less than lower threshold %s, thus voxel "
                    "is skipped" % (value, args.lowerThreshold))
        if ut is not None and value > ut:
            verbose(5, "Value %s is greater than upper threshold %s, thus voxel "
                    "is skipped" % (value, args.upperThreshold))

        numVoxels += 1

        # Apply necessary transformations
        coord = coord_orig = np.array(coord_orig)

        if coordT:
            coord = coordT[ coord_orig ]

        # Query label
        if query_voxel:
            voxel = atlas[coord]
            voxel = atlas(coord)
        voxel['coord_orig'] = coord_orig
        voxel['value'] = value
        voxel['t'] = t
        if args.createSummary:
            summaryIndex = ""
            voxel_labels = voxel["labels"]
            for i,ind in enumerate(args.levels):
                voxel_label = voxel_labels[i]
                text = present_labels(args, voxel_label)
                #if len(voxel_label):
                #   assert(voxel_label['index'] == ind)
                summaryIndex += text + " / "
            if not summaryIndex in summary:
                summary[summaryIndex] = {'values':[], 'max':value,
                if 'voxel_referenced' in voxel:
                    summary[summaryIndex]['distances'] = []
            summary_ = summary[summaryIndex]
            if summary_['max'] < value:
                summary_['max'] = value
                summary_['maxcoord'] = coord_orig
            if 'voxel_referenced' in voxel:
                if voxel['voxel_referenced'] and voxel['distance']>=1e-3:
                    verbose(5, 'Appending distance %e for voxel at %s'
                            % (voxel['distance'], voxel['coord_orig']))
            # Display while reading/processing
            first, out = True, ""

            if args.showValues:
                out += "%(value)5.2f "
            if args.showOriginalCoordinates:
                out += "%(coord_orig)s ->"
            if args.showReferencedCoordinates:
                out += " %(voxel_referenced)s=>%(distance).2f=>%(voxel_queried)s ->"
            if args.showTargetCoordinates:
                out += " %(coord_queried)s: "
                #out += "(%d,%d,%d): " % tuple(map(lambda x:int(round(x)),coord))
            if args.showTargetVoxel:
                out += " %(voxel_queried)s ->"

            if args.levels is None:
                args.levels = list(range(len(voxel['labels'])))

            labels = [present_labels(args, voxel['labels'][i]) for i in args.levels]
            out += ','.join(labels)
            #if args.abbreviatedLabels:
            #   out += ','.join([l.abbr for l in labels])
            #   out += ','.join([l.text for l in labels])
            output.write(out % voxel + "\n")
            #    import pydb
            #    pydb.debugger()

        if args.dumpmapFile:
                ni_dump_data[coord_orig[0], coord_orig[1], coord_orig[2]] = \
                   for i,ind in enumerate(args.levels)]
            except Exception as e:
                import pydb

    # if we opened any file -- close it
    if fileIn:

    if args.dumpmapFile:
        ni_dump = nb.Nifti1Image(ni_dump_data, None, ni_dump.header)

    if args.createSummary:
        if numVoxels == 0:
            verbose(1, "No matching voxels were found.")
            get_summary(args, summary, output)

    if args.outputFile:
コード例 #34
ファイル: cmd_searchlight.py プロジェクト: Anhmike/PyMVPA
def run(args):
    if os.path.isfile(args.payload) and args.payload.endswith('.py'):
        measure = script2obj(args.payload)
    elif args.payload == 'cv':
        if args.cv_learner is None or args.cv_partitioner is None:
            raise ValueError('cross-validation payload requires --learner and --partitioner')
        # get CV instance
        measure = get_crossvalidation_instance(
                    args.cv_learner, args.cv_partitioner, args.cv_errorfx,
                    args.cv_sampling_repetitions, args.cv_learner_space,
                    args.cv_balance_training, args.cv_permutations,
                    args.cv_avg_datafold_results, args.cv_prob_tail)
        raise RuntimeError("this should not happen")
    ds = arg2ds(args.data)
    if args.ds_preproc_fx is not None:
        ds = args.ds_preproc_fx(ds)
    # setup neighborhood
    # XXX add big switch to allow for setting up surface-based neighborhoods
    from mvpa2.misc.neighborhood import IndexQueryEngine
    qe = IndexQueryEngine(**dict(args.neighbors))
    # determine ROIs
    rids = None     # all by default
    aggregate_fx = args.aggregate_fx
    if args.roi_attr is not None:
        # first figure out which roi features should be processed
        if len(args.roi_attr) == 1 and args.roi_attr[0] in ds.fa.keys():
            # name of an attribute -> pull non-zeroes
            rids = ds.fa[args.roi_attr[0]].value.nonzero()[0]
            # an expression?
            from .cmd_select import _eval_attr_expr
            rids = _eval_attr_expr(args.roi_attr, ds.fa).nonzero()[0]

    seed_ids = None
    if args.scatter_rois is not None:
        # scatter_neighborhoods among available ids if was requested
        from mvpa2.misc.neighborhood import scatter_neighborhoods
        attr, nb = args.scatter_rois
        coords = ds.fa[attr].value
        if rids is not None:
            # select only those which were chosen by ROI
            coords = coords[rids]
        _, seed_ids = scatter_neighborhoods(nb, coords)
        if aggregate_fx is None:
            # no custom one given -> use default "fill in" function
            aggregate_fx = _fill_in_scattered_results
            if args.enable_ca is None:
                args.enable_ca = ['roi_feature_ids']
            elif 'roi_feature_ids' not in args.enable_ca:
                args.enable_ca += ['roi_feature_ids']

    if seed_ids is None:
        roi_ids = rids
        if rids is not None:
            # we had to sub-select by scatterring among available rids
            # so we would need to get original ids
            roi_ids = rids[seed_ids]
            # scattering happened on entire feature-set
            roi_ids = seed_ids

    verbose(3, 'Attempting %i ROI analyses'
               % ((roi_ids is None) and ds.nfeatures or len(roi_ids)))

    from mvpa2.measures.searchlight import Searchlight

    sl = Searchlight(measure,
    # XXX support me too!
    #                 add_center_fa
    #                 tmp_prefix
    #                 nblocks
    #                 null_dist
    # run
    res = sl(ds)
    if (seed_ids is not None) and ('mapper' in res.a):
        # strip the last mapper link in the chain, which would be the seed ID selection
        res.a['mapper'] = res.a.mapper[:-1]
    # XXX create more output
    # and store
    ds2hdf5(res, args.output, compression=args.hdf5_compression)
    return res
コード例 #35
    def aux_basic(self, dirname, rc):
        """Helper function -- to assure that all filehandlers
           get closed so we could remove trash directory.

           Otherwise -- .nfs* files on NFS-mounted drives cause problems
        report = rc('UnitTest report',
                    title="Sample report for testing",
        isdummy = isinstance(report, DummyReport)

        verbose.handlers = [report]
        verbose.level = 3
        verbose(1, "Starting")
        verbose(2, "Level 2")

        if not isdummy:
            self.assertTrue(len(report._story) == 2,
                            msg="We should have got some lines from verbose")

        if __debug__:
            odhandlers = debug.handlers
            debug.handlers = [report]
            oactive = debug.active
            debug.active = ['TEST'] + debug.active
            debug('TEST', "Testing report as handler for debug")
            if not isdummy:
                self.assertTrue(len(report._story) == 4,
                                msg="We should have got some lines from debug")
            debug.active = oactive
            debug.handlers = odhandlers


        if externals.exists('pylab plottable'):
            if not isdummy:
                clen = len(report._story)
            import pylab as pl
            pl.plot([1, 2], [3, 2])

            pl.plot([2, 10], [3, 2])
            pl.title("Figure 2 must be it")

            if not isdummy:
                    len(report._story) == clen + 2,
                    msg="We should have got some lines from figures")

        report.text("Dugi bugi")
        # make sure we don't puke on xml like text with crap
        report.text("locals:\n%s globals:\n%s" %
                    ( ` locals() `, ` globals() `))
        # bloody XML - just to check that there is no puke
        report.xml("<b>Dugi bugi</b>")

        if externals.exists('pylab'):
            import pylab as pl

コード例 #36
def run(args):
    ds = arg2ds(args.data)
    verbose(3, 'Concatenation yielded %i samples with %i features' % ds.shape)
    # build list of events
    events = []
    timebased_events = False
    if args.event_attrs is not None:
        def_attrs = dict([(k, ds.sa[k].value) for k in args.event_attrs])
        events = find_events(**def_attrs)
    elif args.csv_events is not None:
        if args.csv_events == '-':
            csv = sys.stdin.read()
            import cStringIO
            csv = cStringIO.StringIO(csv)
            csv = open(args.csv_events, 'rU')
        csvt = _load_csv_table(csv)
        if not len(csvt):
            raise ValueError("no CSV columns found")
        if args.onset_column:
            csvt['onset'] = csvt[args.onset_column]
        nevents = len(csvt[csvt.keys()[0]])
        events = []
        for ev in xrange(nevents):
            events.append(dict([(k, v[ev]) for k, v in csvt.iteritems()]))
    elif args.onsets is not None:
        if not len(args.onsets):
            args.onsets = [i for i in sys.stdin]
        # time or sample-based?
        if args.time_attr is None:
            oconv = int
            oconv = float
        events = [{'onset': oconv(o)} for o in args.onsets]
    elif args.fsl_ev3 is not None:
        timebased_events = True
        from mvpa2.misc.fsl import FslEV3
        events = []
        for evsrc in args.fsl_ev3:
    if not len(events):
        raise ValueError("no events defined")
    verbose(2, 'Extracting %i events' % len(events))
    if args.event_compression is None:
        evmap = None
    elif args.event_compression == 'mean':
        evmap = FxMapper('features', np.mean, attrfx=merge2first)
    elif args.event_compression == 'median':
        evmap = FxMapper('features', np.median, attrfx=merge2first)
    elif args.event_compression == 'min':
        evmap = FxMapper('features', np.min, attrfx=merge2first)
    elif args.event_compression == 'max':
        evmap = FxMapper('features', np.max, attrfx=merge2first)
    # convert to event-related ds
    evds = eventrelated_dataset(ds,
    # act on all attribute options
    evds = process_common_dsattr_opts(evds, args)
    # and store
    ds2hdf5(evds, args.output, compression=args.hdf5_compression)
    return evds
コード例 #37
ファイル: scatter.py プロジェクト: PyMVPA/PyMVPA
def plot_scatter(dataXd, mask=None, masked_opacity=0.,
                 labels=None, colors=True,
                 dimcolor=1, title=None, limits='auto',
                 thresholds=None, hint_opacity=0.9,
                 x_jitter=None, y_jitter=None,
                 ax_scatter=None, ax_hist_x=None, ax_hist_y=None,
                 xlim=None, ylim=None,
    dataXd: array
      The volumetric (or not) data to plot where first dimension
      should only have 2 items
    mask: array, optional
      Additional mask to specify which values do not consider to plot.
      By default values with 0s in both dimensions are not plotted.
    masked_opacity: float, optional
      By default masked out values are not plotted at all.  Value in
      (0,1] will make them visible with this specified opacity
    labels: list of str, optional
      Labels to place for x and y axes
    colors: bool or string or colormap, optional
      Either to use colors to associate with physical location and
      what colormap to use (jet by default if colors=True)
    dimcolor: int
      If `colors`, then which dimension (within given 3D volume) to
    limits: 'auto', 'same', 'per-axis' or (min, max)
      Limits for axes: when 'auto' if data ranges overlap is more than
      50% of the union range, 'same' is considered.  When 'same' --
      the same limits on both axes as determined by data.  If
      two-element tuple or list is provided, then that range is
      applied to both axes.
    hint_opacity: float, optional
      If `colors` is True, to then a "slice" of the volumetric data
      is plotted in the specified opacity to hint about the location
      of points in the original Xd data in `dimcolor` dimension
    x_jitter: float, optional
      Half-width of uniform noise added to x values.  Might be useful if data
      is quantized so it is valuable to jitter points a bit.
    y_jitter: float, optional
      Half-width of uniform noise added to y values.  Might be useful if data
      is quantized so it is valuable to jitter points a bit
    fig : Figure, optional
      Figure to plot on, otherwise new one created
    ax_*: axes, optional
      Axes for the scatter plot and histograms. If none of them is specified
      (which is the default) then 'classical' plot is rendered with histograms
      above and to the right
    bp_location: ('scatter', 'hist', None), optional
      Where to place boxplots depicting data range
    xlim: tuple, optional
    ylim: tuple, optional
      To fix plotted range
    rasterized: bool, optional
      Passed to scatter call, to allow rasterization of heavy scatter plots
    uniq: bool, optional
      Plot uniq values (those present in one but not in the other) along
      each axis with crosses
    include_stats: bool, optional
      Whether to report additional statistics on the data. Stats are also
      reported via verbose at level 2
    if len(dataXd) != 2:
        raise ValueError("First axis of dataXd can only have two dimensions, "
                         "got {0}".format(len(dataXd)))
    dataXd = np.asanyarray(dataXd)      # TODO: allow to operate on list of arrays to not waste RAM/cycles
    data = dataXd.reshape((2, -1))
    if dataXd.ndim < 5:
        ntimepoints = 1
    elif dataXd.ndim == 5:
        ntimepoints = dataXd.shape[-1]
        raise ValueError("Do not know how to handle data with %d dimensions" % (dataXd.ndim - 1))
    if x_jitter or y_jitter:
        data = data.copy()              # lazy and wasteful
        def jitter_me(x, w):
            x += np.random.uniform(-w, w, size=data.shape[-1])
        if x_jitter:
            jitter_me(data[0, :], x_jitter)
        if y_jitter:
            jitter_me(data[1, :], y_jitter)

    finites = np.isfinite(data)
    nz = np.logical_and(data != 0, finites)
    # TODO : avoid doing data !=0 and just use provided utter mask
    #nz[:, 80000:] = False # for quick testing

    nzsum = np.sum(nz, axis=0)

    intersection = nzsum == 2
    # for coloring we would need to know all the indices
    union = nzsum > 0
    x, y = datainter = data[:, intersection]

    if mask is not None:
        if mask.size * ntimepoints == intersection.size:
            # we have got a single mask applicable to both x and y
        elif mask.size * ntimepoints == 2 * intersection.size:
            # we have got a mask per each, let's get an intersection
            assert mask.shape[0] == 2, "had to get 1 for x, 1 for y"
            mask = np.logical_and(mask[0], mask[1])
            raise ValueError(
                "mask of shape %s. data of shape %s. ntimepoints=%d.  "
                "Teach me how to apply it" % (mask.shape, data.shape, ntimepoints)
        # replicate mask ntimepoints times
        mask = np.repeat(mask.ravel(), ntimepoints)[intersection] != 0
        x_masked = x[mask]
        y_masked = y[mask]

    xnoty = (nz[0].astype(int) - nz[1].astype(int))>0
    ynotx = (nz[1].astype(int) - nz[0].astype(int))>0

    msg = ''
    if not np.all(finites):
        msg = " non-finite x: %d, y: %d" % (np.sum(~finites[0]), np.sum(~finites[1]))

    verbose(1, "total: %d union: %d%s intersection: %d x_only: %d y_only: %d%s"
            % (len(nzsum),
               mask is not None and ' masked: %d' % np.sum(mask) or '',
               np.sum(xnoty), np.sum(ynotx),

    if include_stats:
        # report some statistics as well
        import scipy.stats as ss
        r, p = ss.pearsonr(x, y)
        d = np.linalg.norm(x-y)
        statsline = "r=%.2f  p=%.4g  ||x-y||=%.4g" % (r, p, d)
            from mvpa2.misc.dcov import dcorcoef
            nmax = min(1000, len(x))
            idx = np.random.permutation(np.arange(len(x)))[:nmax]
            dcor = dcorcoef(x[idx], y[idx])
            dcor_s = '' if len(x) == nmax else '[%d random]' % nmax
            statsline += '  dcorr%s=%.4g' % (dcor_s, dcor)
        except ImportError:
        verbose(2, statsline)
        statsline = ''

    #pl.plot(datainter[0], datainter[1], '.')

    nullfmt  = pl.NullFormatter()         # no labels

    # definitions for the axes
    left, width = 0.1, 0.65
    bottom, height = 0.1, 0.65
    bottom_h = left_h = left+width+0.02

    if not (bool(ax_scatter) or bool(ax_hist_x) or bool(ax_hist_y)): # no custom axes specified
        # our default setup
        rect_scatter = [left, bottom, width, height]
        rect_histx = [left, bottom_h, width, 0.2]
        rect_histy = [left_h, bottom, 0.2, height]

        # start with a rectangular Figure
        if fig is None:
            fig = pl.figure(figsize=(10,10))

        ax_scatter = pl.axes(rect_scatter)
        ax_hist_x = pl.axes(rect_histx)
        ax_hist_y = pl.axes(rect_histy)

        # check if all not None?
        # assert(len(axes) == 3)

        ax_bp_x, ax_bp_y = None, None
        if ax_scatter is None:
            raise ValueError("Makes no sense to do not have scatter plot")

    ax_bp_x = ax_bp_y = None
    if bp_location is not None:
        ax_bp_x_parent = ax_bp_y_parent = None
        if bp_location == 'scatter':
            # place boxplots into histogram plots
            ax_bp_x_parent = ax_scatter
            ax_bp_y_parent = ax_scatter
        elif bp_location == 'hist':
            ax_bp_x_parent = ax_hist_x
            ax_bp_y_parent = ax_hist_y
            raise ValueError("bp_location needs to be from (None, 'scatter', 'hist')")

        if ax_bp_x_parent:
            hist_x_pos = ax_bp_x_parent.get_position()
            ax_bp_x = pl_axes( [hist_x_pos.x0,    hist_x_pos.y0 + hist_x_pos.height * 0.9,
                                hist_x_pos.width, hist_x_pos.height * 0.1],  facecolor='y' )

        if ax_bp_y_parent:
            hist_y_pos = ax_bp_y_parent.get_position()
            ax_bp_y = pl_axes( [hist_y_pos.x0 + hist_y_pos.width*0.9,  hist_y_pos.y0,
                                hist_y_pos.width * 0.1, hist_y_pos.height],  facecolor='y' )

        # ax_bp_y = pl_axes( [left + width * 0.9, bottom, width/10, height], facecolor='y' ) if ax_hist_y else None

    sc_kwargs = dict(facecolors='none', s=1, rasterized=rasterized) # common kwargs

    # let's use colormap to get non-boring colors
    cm = colors                     # e.g. if it is None
    if colors is True:
        cm = pl.matplotlib.cm.get_cmap('jet')
    elif isinstance(colors, str):
        cm = pl.matplotlib.cm.get_cmap(colors)
    if cm and len(dataXd.shape) > dimcolor+1:
        cm.set_under((1, 1, 1, 0.1))             # transparent what is not in range
        # we need to get our indices back for those we are going to plot.  probably this is the least efficient way:
        ndindices_all = np.array(list(np.ndindex(dataXd.shape[1:])))
        ndindices_nz = ndindices_all[intersection]
        # choose color based on dimcolor
        dimcolor_len = float(dataXd.shape[1+dimcolor])
        edgecolors = cm(((cm.N-1) * ndindices_nz[:, dimcolor] / dimcolor_len).astype(int))
        if mask is not None:
            # Plot first those which might be masked out
            if masked_opacity:
                mask_inv = np.logical_not(mask)
                mask_edgecolors = edgecolors[mask_inv].copy()
                # Adjust alpha value
                mask_edgecolors[:, -1] *= masked_opacity
                ax_scatter.scatter(x[mask_inv], y[mask_inv],

            # Plot (on top) those which are not masked-out
            if mask.size:
                x_plot, y_plot, edgecolors_plot = x[mask], y[mask], edgecolors[mask]
                # older numpys blow here
                x_plot, y_plot, edgecolors_plot = (np.array([]),) * 3
            # Just plot all of them at once
            x_plot, y_plot, edgecolors_plot = x, y, edgecolors

        if len(x_plot):
            ax_scatter.scatter(x_plot, y_plot, edgecolors=edgecolors_plot,

        # for orientation we need to plot 1 slice... assume that the last dimension is z -- figure out a slice with max # of non-zeros
        zdim_entries = ndindices_nz[:, -1]
        if np.size(zdim_entries):
            zdim_counts, _ = np.histogram(zdim_entries, bins=np.arange(0, np.max(zdim_entries)+1))
            zdim_max = np.argmax(zdim_counts)

            if hint_opacity:
                # now we need to plot that zdim_max slice taking into account our colormap
                # create new axes
                axslice = pl_axes([left, bottom+height * 0.72, width/4., height/5.],
                sslice = np.zeros(dataXd.shape[1:3]) # XXX hardcoded assumption on dimcolor =1
                sslice[:, : ] = np.arange(dimcolor_len)[None, :]
                # if there is time dimension -- choose minimal value across all values
                dataXd_mint = np.min(dataXd, axis=-1) if dataXd.ndim == 5 else dataXd
                sslice[dataXd_mint[0, ..., zdim_max] == 0] = -1 # reset those not in the picture to be "under" range
                axslice.imshow(sslice, alpha=hint_opacity, cmap=cm)
        # the scatter plot without colors to distinguish location
        ax_scatter.scatter(x, y, **sc_kwargs)

    if labels:

    # "unique" points on each of the axes
    if uniq:
        if np.sum(xnoty):
            ax_scatter.scatter(fill_nonfinites(data[0, np.where(xnoty)[0]]),
                              fill_nonfinites(data[1, np.where(xnoty)[0]]),
                              edgecolor='b', **sc_kwargs)
        if np.sum(ynotx):
            ax_scatter.scatter(fill_nonfinites(data[0, np.where(ynotx)[0]]),
                              fill_nonfinites(data[1, np.where(ynotx)[0]]),
                              edgecolor='g', **sc_kwargs)

    # Axes
    if np.size(x):
        ax_scatter.plot((np.min(x), np.max(x)), (0, 0), 'r', alpha=0.5)
        warning("There is nothing to plot, returning early")
        return pl.gcf()

    ax_scatter.plot((0, 0), (np.min(y), np.max(y)), 'r', alpha=0.5)

    if (mask is not None and not masked_opacity and np.sum(mask)):
        # if there is a non-degenerate mask which was not intended to be plotted,
        # take those values away while estimating min/max range
        _ = x[mask]; minx, maxx = np.min(_), np.max(_)
        _ = y[mask]; miny, maxy = np.min(_), np.max(_)
        del _                           # no need to consume RAM
        # print "Here y range", miny, maxy
        minx, maxx = np.min(x), np.max(x)
        miny, maxy = np.min(y), np.max(y)

    # Process 'limits' option
    if isinstance(limits, str):
        limits = limits.lower()
        if limits == 'auto':
            overlap = min(maxx, maxy) - max(minx, miny)
            range_ = max(maxx, maxy) - min(minx, miny)
            limits = {True: 'same', False: 'per-axis'}[not range_ or overlap/float(range_) > 0.5]

        if limits == 'per-axis':
            same_range = False
            if xlim is None:
                # add some white border
                dx = (maxx - minx)/20.
                xlim = (minx-dx, maxx+dx)
            if ylim is None:
                dy = (maxy - miny)/20.
                ylim = (miny-dy, maxy+dy)

        elif limits == 'same':
            same_range = True
            # assign limits the numerical range
            limits = (np.min( [minx, miny] ),  np.max( [maxx, maxy] ))
            raise ValueError("Do not know how to handle same_range=%r" % (limits,))
        same_range = True

    # Let's now plot threshold lines if provided
    if thresholds is not None:
        stylekwargs = dict(colors='k', linestyles='dotted')
        if len(thresholds):
            ax_scatter.vlines(thresholds[0], ax_scatter.get_xlim()[0]*0.9,
                             ax_scatter.get_xlim()[1]*0.9, **stylekwargs)
        if len(thresholds)>1:
            ax_scatter.hlines(thresholds[1], ax_scatter.get_ylim()[0]*0.9,
                             ax_scatter.get_ylim()[1]*0.9, **stylekwargs)

    if same_range:
        # now determine nice limits by hand:
        binwidthx = binwidthy = binwidth = np.max(datainter)/51. # 0.25

        minxy, maxxy = limits
        sgn = np.sign(minxy)
        xyrange = maxxy - minxy
        xyamax = np.max( [np.max(np.fabs(x)), np.max(np.fabs(y))] )
        limn = sgn*( int(sgn*minxy/binwidth) - sgn) * binwidth
        limp = ( int(maxxy/binwidth) + 1) * binwidth

        ax_scatter.plot((limn*0.9, limp*0.9), (limn*0.9, limp*0.9), 'y--')
        if xlim is None:
            xlim = (limn, limp)
        if ylim is None:
            ylim = (limn, limp)

        binsx = binsy = bins = np.arange(limn, limp + binwidth, binwidth)
        binwidthx = (maxx - minx)/51.
        binwidthy = (maxy - miny)/51.

            binsx = np.arange(minx, maxx + binwidthx, binwidthx)
            binsy = np.arange(miny, maxy + binwidthy, binwidthy)
        except Exception as exc:
                "Received following exception while trying to get bins for "
                "minx=%(minx)f maxx=%(maxx)f binwidthx=%(binwidthx)s "
                "miny=%(miny)f maxy=%(maxy)f binwidthy=%(binwidthy)s: %(exc)s. "
                "Returning early"
                % locals()
            return pl.gcf()

    if xlim is not None:
        ax_scatter.set_xlim( xlim )
    if ylim is not None:
        ax_scatter.set_ylim( ylim )

    # get values to plot for histogram and boxplot
    x_hist, y_hist = (x, y) if (mask is None or not np.sum(mask)) else (x_masked, y_masked)

    if np.any(binsx) and ax_hist_x is not None:
        histx = ax_hist_x.hist(x_hist, bins=binsx, facecolor='b')
        ax_hist_x.set_xlim( ax_scatter.get_xlim() )
        ax_hist_x.vlines(0, 0, 0.9*np.max(histx[0]), 'r')

    if np.any(binsy) and ax_hist_y is not None:
        histy = ax_hist_y.hist(y_hist, bins=binsy,
                               orientation='horizontal', facecolor='g')
        ax_hist_y.set_ylim( ax_scatter.get_ylim() )
        ax_hist_y.hlines(0, 0, 0.9*np.max(histy[0]), 'r')

    rect_scatter = [left, bottom, width, height]

    # Box plots
    if ax_bp_x is not None:
        bpx = ax_bp_x.boxplot(x_hist, vert=0) #'r', 0)

    if ax_bp_y is not None:
        bpy = ax_bp_y.boxplot(y_hist, sym='g+')

    if statsline:
        # draw the text based on gca
        y1, y2 = ax_scatter.get_ylim(); x1, x2 = ax_scatter.get_xlim();
        ax_scatter.text(0.5*(x1+x2),            # center
                       y2 - 0.02*(y2-y1),
                       verticalalignment = "top", horizontalalignment="center")

    if title:

    return pl.gcf()
コード例 #38
ファイル: cmd_atlaslabeler.py プロジェクト: Arthurkorn/PyMVPA
    if args.atlasFile is None:
        if args.atlasPath is None:
            args.atlasPath = KNOWN_ATLASES[args.atlasName]
        args.atlasFile = args.atlasPath % ( {'name': args.atlasName} )

    akwargs_common = {}
    if args.atlasImageFile:
        akwargs_common['image_file'] = args.atlasImageFile

    if not args.forbidDirectMapping \
           and niftiInput is not None and not args.transformationFile:
        akwargs = {'resolution': niftiInput.get_header().get_zooms()[0]}
        query_voxel = True   # if we can query directly by voxel, do so

        verbose(1, "Will attempt direct mapping from input voxels into atlas "
                   "voxels at resolution %.2f" % akwargs['resolution'])

        atlas = Atlas(args.atlasFile, **akwargs)

        # verify that we got the same qforms in atlas and in the data file
        if atlas.space != args.inputSpace:
                "Cannot do direct mapping between input image in %s space and"
                " atlas in %s space. Use -I switch to override input space if"
                " it misspecified, or use -T to provide transformation. Trying"
                " to proceed" %(args.inputSpace, atlas.space))
            query_voxel = False
        elif not (niftiInput.get_header().get_qform() == atlas._image.get_header().get_qform()).all():
            if args.atlasImageFile is None:
                    "Cannot do direct mapping between files with different qforms."
コード例 #39
def imread_(f):
    verbose(3, f)
    return imread(f).mean(axis=2)[::2, ::2]
コード例 #40
ファイル: cmd_preproc.py プロジェクト: neurosbh/PyMVPA
def run(args):
    if not args.chunks is None:
        # apply global "chunks" setting
        for cattr in ('detrend_chunks', 'zscore_chunks'):
            if getattr(args, cattr) is None:
                # only overwrite if individual option is not given
                args.__setattr__(cattr, args.chunks)
    ds = arg2ds(args.data)
    if not args.poly_detrend is None:
        if not args.detrend_chunks is None \
           and not args.detrend_chunks in ds.sa:
            raise ValueError(
                "--detrend-chunks attribute '%s' not found in dataset" %
        from mvpa2.mappers.detrend import poly_detrend
        verbose(1, "Detrend")
    if args.filter_passband is not None:
        from mvpa2.mappers.filters import iir_filter
        from scipy.signal import butter, buttord
        if args.sampling_rate is None or args.filter_stopband is None:
            raise ValueError("spectral filtering requires specification of "
                             "--filter-stopband and --sampling-rate")
        # determine filter type
        nyquist = args.sampling_rate / 2.0
        if len(args.filter_passband) > 1:
            btype = 'bandpass'
            if not len(args.filter_passband) == len(args.filter_stopband):
                raise ValueError(
                    "passband and stopband specifications have to "
                    "match in size")
            wp = [v / nyquist for v in args.filter_passband]
            ws = [v / nyquist for v in args.filter_stopband]
        elif args.filter_passband[0] < args.filter_stopband[0]:
            btype = 'lowpass'
            wp = args.filter_passband[0] / nyquist
            ws = args.filter_stopband[0] / nyquist
        elif args.filter_passband[0] > args.filter_stopband[0]:
            btype = 'highpass'
            wp = args.filter_passband[0] / nyquist
            ws = args.filter_stopband[0] / nyquist
            raise ValueError("invalid specification of Butterworth filter")
        # create filter
        verbose(1, "Spectral filtering (%s)" % (btype, ))
            ord, wn = buttord(wp,
            b, a = butter(ord, wn, btype=btype)
        except OverflowError:
            raise ValueError(
                "cannot contruct Butterworth filter for the given "
        ds = iir_filter(ds, b, a)

    if args.zscore:
        from mvpa2.mappers.zscore import zscore
        verbose(1, "Z-score")
        zscore(ds, chunks_attr=args.zscore_chunks, params=args.zscore_params)
        verbose(3, "Dataset summary %s" % (ds.summary()))
    # invariants?
    if not args.strip_invariant_features is None:
        from mvpa2.datasets.miscfx import remove_invariant_features
        ds = remove_invariant_features(ds)
    # and store
    ds2hdf5(ds, args.output, compression=args.hdf5_compression)
    return ds
コード例 #41
    f for i, f in enumerate(match_files) if i in set(match_files_select)

def get_idx(fname):
    return int(basename(fname).replace('.jpeg', ''))

assert (get_idx('/123/0012.jpeg') == 12)
assert (get_idx('/123/0000.jpeg') == 0)

target_times = np.array(map(get_idx, target_files)).astype(float) / FPS
match_times = np.array(map(get_idx, match_files)).astype(float) / FPS

    1, "There are %d target files for %d files to match" %
    (len(target_files), len(match_files)))

# <codecell>

def imread_(f):
    verbose(3, f)
    return imread(f).mean(axis=2)[::2, ::2]

verbose(1, "Loading %d targets" % len(target_files))
targets = [imread_(f) for f in target_files]

# <codecell>
コード例 #42
def run(args):
    dss = [arg2ds(d)[:, :100] for d in args.data]
    verbose(1, "Loaded %i input datasets" % len(dss))
    if __debug__:
        for i, ds in enumerate(dss):
            debug('CMDLINE', "dataset %i: %s" % (i, str(ds)))
    # TODO at this point more check could be done, e.g. ref_ds > len(dss)
    # assemble parameters
    params = dict([(param, getattr(args, param))
                   for param in _supported_parameters])
    if __debug__:
        debug('CMDLINE', "configured parameters: '%s'" % params)
    # assemble CAs
    enabled_ca = [ca for ca in _supported_cas if getattr(args, ca)]
    if __debug__:
        debug('CMDLINE', "enabled conditional attributes: '%s'" % enabled_ca)
    hyper = Hyperalignment(enable_ca=enabled_ca,
    verbose(1, "Running hyperalignment")
    promappers = hyper(dss)
    verbose(2, "Alignment reference is dataset %i" % hyper.ca.chosen_ref_ds)
    verbose(1, "Writing output")
    # save on memory and remove the training data
    del dss
    if args.commonspace:
        if __debug__:
            debug('CMDLINE', "write commonspace as hdf5")
        h5save('%s%s.hdf5' % (args.output_prefix,
    for ca in _supported_cas:
        if __debug__:
            debug('CMDLINE', "check conditional attribute: '%s'" % ca)
        if getattr(args, ca):
            if __debug__:
                debug('CMDLINE', "store conditional attribute: '%s'" % ca)
                '%s%s' %
                (args.output_prefix, _supported_cas[ca]['output_suffix']),
    if args.store_transformation:
        for i, pm in enumerate(promappers):
            if __debug__:
                debug('CMDLINE', "store mapper %i: %s" % (i, str(pm)))
            h5save('%s%s.hdf5' % (args.output_prefix, '_map%.3i' % i),
    if args.transform:
        tdss, dss = _transform_dss(args.transform, promappers, args)
        del dss
        verbose(1, "Store transformed datasets")
        for i, td in enumerate(tdss):
            if __debug__:
                      "store transformed data %i: %s" % (i, str(td)))
            h5save('%s%s.hdf5' % (args.output_prefix, '_transformed%.3i' % i),
コード例 #43
ファイル: cmd_mkds.py プロジェクト: robbisg/PyMVPA
def run(args):
    from mvpa2.base.hdf5 import h5save

    ds = None
    vol_attr = dict()
    if args.add_vol_attr is not None:
        # XXX add a way to use the mapper of an existing dataset to
        # add a volume attribute without having to load the entire
        # mri data again
        vol_attr = dict(args.add_vol_attr)
        if not len(args.add_vol_attr) == len(vol_attr):
            warning("--vol-attr option with duplicate attribute name: " "check arguments!")
        verbose(2, "Prepare to add volumetric feature attributes: %s" % vol_attr)
    if args.txt_data is not None:
        verbose(1, "Load data from TXT file '%s'" % args.txt_data)
        samples = _load_from_txt(args.txt_data)
        ds = Dataset(samples)
    elif args.npy_data is not None:
        verbose(1, "Load data from NPY file '%s'" % args.npy_data)
        samples = _load_from_npy(args.npy_data)
        ds = Dataset(samples)
    elif args.mri_data is not None:
        verbose(1, "Load data from MRI image(s) %s" % args.mri_data)
        from mvpa2.datasets.mri import fmri_dataset

        ds = fmri_dataset(args.mri_data, mask=args.mask, add_fa=vol_attr)
    elif args.openfmri_modelbold is not None:
        verbose(1, "Load data from OpenFMRI model specification %s" % args.openfmri_modelbold)
        if not len(args.openfmri_modelbold[3]):
            args.openfmri_modelbold[3] = None
        # load openfmri dataset
        from mvpa2.datasets.sources.openfmri import OpenFMRIDataset

        of = OpenFMRIDataset(args.openfmri_modelbold[0])
        ds = of.get_model_bold_dataset(

    if ds is None:
        if args.data is None:
            raise RuntimeError("no data source specific")
            ds = hdf2ds(args.data)[0]
        if args.data is not None:
            verbose(1, "ignoring dataset input in favor of other data source -- remove either one to disambiguate")

    # act on all attribute options
    ds = process_common_dsattr_opts(ds, args)

    if args.openfmri_modelbold is None and args.add_fsl_mcpar is not None:
        from mvpa2.misc.fsl.base import McFlirtParams

        mc_par = McFlirtParams(args.add_fsl_mcpar)
        for param in mc_par:
            verbose(2, "Add motion regressor as sample attribute '%s'" % ("mc_" + param))
            ds.sa["mc_" + param] = mc_par[param]

    verbose(3, "Dataset summary %s" % (ds.summary()))
    # and store
    outfilename = args.output
    if not outfilename.endswith(".hdf5"):
        outfilename += ".hdf5"
    verbose(1, "Save dataset to '%s'" % outfilename)
    h5save(outfilename, ds, mkdir=True, compression=args.hdf5_compression)
コード例 #44
def run(args):
    from mvpa2.base.hdf5 import h5save
    ds = None
    vol_attr = dict()
    if args.add_vol_attr is not None:
        # XXX add a way to use the mapper of an existing dataset to
        # add a volume attribute without having to load the entire
        # mri data again
        vol_attr = dict(args.add_vol_attr)
        if not len(args.add_vol_attr) == len(vol_attr):
            warning("--vol-attr option with duplicate attribute name: "
                    "check arguments!")
                "Prepare to add volumetric feature attributes: %s" % vol_attr)
    if args.txt_data is not None:
        verbose(1, "Load data from TXT file '%s'" % args.txt_data)
        samples = _load_from_txt(args.txt_data)
        ds = Dataset(samples)
    elif args.npy_data is not None:
        verbose(1, "Load data from NPY file '%s'" % args.npy_data)
        samples = _load_from_npy(args.npy_data)
        ds = Dataset(samples)
    elif args.mri_data is not None:
        verbose(1, "Load data from MRI image(s) %s" % args.mri_data)
        from mvpa2.datasets.mri import fmri_dataset
        ds = fmri_dataset(args.mri_data, mask=args.mask, add_fa=vol_attr)
    elif args.openfmri_modelbold is not None:
            1, "Load data from OpenFMRI model specification %s" %
        if not len(args.openfmri_modelbold[3]):
            args.openfmri_modelbold[3] = None
        # load openfmri dataset
        from mvpa2.datasets.sources.openfmri import OpenFMRIDataset
        of = OpenFMRIDataset(args.openfmri_modelbold[0])
        ds = of.get_model_bold_dataset(int(args.openfmri_modelbold[1]),

    if ds is None:
        if args.data is None:
            raise RuntimeError('no data source specific')
            ds = hdf2ds(args.data)[0]
        if args.data is not None:
                'ignoring dataset input in favor of other data source -- remove either one to disambiguate'

    # act on all attribute options
    ds = process_common_dsattr_opts(ds, args)

    if args.openfmri_modelbold is None and args.add_fsl_mcpar is not None:
        from mvpa2.misc.fsl.base import McFlirtParams
        mc_par = McFlirtParams(args.add_fsl_mcpar)
        for param in mc_par:
                2, "Add motion regressor as sample attribute '%s'" %
                ('mc_' + param))
            ds.sa['mc_' + param] = mc_par[param]

    verbose(3, "Dataset summary %s" % (ds.summary()))
    # and store
    outfilename = args.output
    if not outfilename.endswith('.hdf5'):
        outfilename += '.hdf5'
    verbose(1, "Save dataset to '%s'" % outfilename)
    h5save(outfilename, ds, mkdir=True, compression=args.hdf5_compression)
コード例 #45
ファイル: test_verbosity.py プロジェクト: reka-daniel/PyMVPA
 def test_verbose_above(self):
     """Test if it doesn't output at higher levels"""
     verbose(5, self.msg)
     self.assertEqual(self.sout.getvalue(), "")
コード例 #46
ファイル: test_verbosity.py プロジェクト: psederberg/PyMVPA
 def test_verbose_above(self):
     """Test if it doesn't output at higher levels"""
     verbose(5, self.msg)
     self.failUnlessEqual(self.sout.getvalue(), "")
コード例 #47
def extract_lsall(data, TR, time_res,
                  hrf_gen, F,
    ntp, nvox = data.shape

    hrf = hrf_gen(time_res)
    # Set up the high time-resolution design matrix
    time_up = N.arange(0, TR*ntp+time_res, time_res)

    all_onsets = []
    all_durations = []
    all_conds = []  # condition marker

    if extract_evs is None:
        extract_evs = range(len(good_evs))

    nuisance_evs = sorted(list(set(range(desmat.mat.shape[1])).difference(
        [good_evs[e] for e in extract_evs])))

    for e in extract_evs:
        ev = good_evs[e]
        all_onsets    = N.hstack((all_onsets,    good_ons[e].onsets))
        all_durations = N.hstack((all_durations, good_ons[e].durations))
        # yoh: ad-hoc warning -- it is marking with (ev/2)+1 (I guess)
        # assuming presence of derivatives EVs
        all_conds     = N.hstack((all_conds,     N.ones(len(good_ons[e].onsets))*((ev/2)+1)))

    #all_onsets=N.round(all_onsets/TR)  # round to nearest TR number
    ntrials = len(all_onsets)
    glm_res_full = N.zeros((nvox, ntrials))
    dm_trials = N.zeros((ntp, ntrials))
    dm_full = []
    for t in range(ntrials):
        verbose(2, "Estimating for trial %d" % t)

        ## yoh: TODO -- filter outside
        ## if all_onsets[t] > max_evtime:
        ##     continue
        # build model for each trial
        dm_trial = N.zeros(len(time_up))
        window_ons = [N.where(time_up==x)[0][0]
                      for x in time_up
                      if all_onsets[t] <= x < all_onsets[t] + all_durations[t]]
        dm_trial[window_ons] = 1
        dm_trial_up = N.convolve(dm_trial, hrf)
        dm_trial_down = dm_trial_up[0:ntp/time_res*TR:(TR/time_res)]
        dm_trials[:, t] = dm_trial_down

    # filter the desmtx, except for the nuisance part (which is already filtered)
    # since it is taken from a loaded FSL
    dm_full = N.dot(F, dm_trials)

    # mean center trials models
    dm_trials -= dm_trials.mean(0)

    if len(nuisance_evs) > 0:
        # and stick nuisance evs if any to the back
        dm_full = N.hstack((dm_full, desmat.mat[:, nuisance_evs]))

    dm_full = N.hstack((dm_full, N.ones((ntp, 1))))
    glm_res_full = N.dot(N.linalg.pinv(dm_full), data.samples)
    glm_res_full = glm_res_full[:ntrials]

    return all_conds, glm_res_full
コード例 #48
        if args.atlasPath is None:
            args.atlasPath = KNOWN_ATLASES[args.atlasName]
        args.atlasFile = args.atlasPath % ({'name': args.atlasName})

    akwargs_common = {}
    if args.atlasImageFile:
        akwargs_common['image_file'] = args.atlasImageFile

    if not args.forbidDirectMapping \
           and niftiInput is not None and not args.transformationFile:
        akwargs = {'resolution': niftiInput.get_header().get_zooms()[0]}
        query_voxel = True  # if we can query directly by voxel, do so

            1, "Will attempt direct mapping from input voxels into atlas "
            "voxels at resolution %.2f" % akwargs['resolution'])

        atlas = Atlas(args.atlasFile, **akwargs)

        # verify that we got the same qforms in atlas and in the data file
        if atlas.space != args.inputSpace:
                "Cannot do direct mapping between input image in %s space and"
                " atlas in %s space. Use -I switch to override input space if"
                " it misspecified, or use -T to provide transformation. Trying"
                " to proceed" % (args.inputSpace, atlas.space))
            query_voxel = False
        elif not (niftiInput.get_header().get_qform()
                  == atlas._image.get_header().get_qform()).all():
コード例 #49
def pybetaseries(fsfdir,
                 methods=['lsall', 'lsone'],
    """Compute beta-series regression on a feat directory

    Required arguments:

    fsfdir: full path of a feat directory

    Optional arguments:

    method: list of methods to be used, can include:
    'lsone': single-trial iterative least squares estimation from Turner & Ashby
    'lsall': standard beta-series regression from Rissman et al.

    time_res: time resolution of the model used to generate the convolved design matrix

    outdir: where to store the results
    designdir: location of design_mat_file (e.g. design.mat). if None -- the same as fsfdir
    collapse_other_conditions: collapse all other conditions into a single regressor for
        the lsone model.  Jeanette's analyses suggest that it's better than leaving
        them separate.
    data_file: allows to override path of the 4D datafile instead of specified in design.fsf

    known_methods = ['lsall', 'lsone']
    assert set(methods).issubset(set(known_methods)), \
           "Unknown method(s): %s" % (set(methods).difference(set(known_methods)))

    if not os.path.exists(fsfdir):
        print 'ERROR: %s does not exist!' % fsfdir

    if not fsfdir.endswith('/'):
        fsfdir = ''.join([fsfdir, '/'])
    if modeldir is None:
        modeldir = fsfdir

    # load design using pymvpa tools

    fsffile = pjoin(fsfdir, design_fsf_file)
    desmatfile = pjoin(modeldir, design_mat_file)

    verbose(1, "Loading design")
    design = read_fsl_design(fsffile)

    desmat = FslGLMDesign(desmatfile)

    ntp, nevs = desmat.mat.shape

    TR = design['fmri(tr)']
    # yoh: theoretically it should be identical to the one read from
    # the nifti file, but in this sample data those manage to differ:
    # bold_mcf_brain.nii.gz        int16  [ 64,  64,  30, 182] 3.12x3.12x5.00x1.00   sform
    # filtered_func_data.nii.gz   float32 [ 64,  64,  30, 182] 3.12x3.12x5.00x2.00   sform
    #assert(abs(data.a.imghdr.get_zooms()[-1] - TR) < 0.001)
    # it is the filtered_func_data.nii.gz  which was used for analysis,
    # and it differs from bold_mcf_brain.nii.gz ... 

    # exclude events that occur within two TRs of the end of the run, due to the
    # inability to accurately estimate the response to them.

    max_evtime = TR*ntp - 2;
    # TODO: filter out here the trials jumping outside

    good_evs = []
    nuisance_evs = []
    # yoh: ev_td marks temporal derivatives (of good EVs or of nuisance -- all)
    #      replacing with deriv_evs for consistency
    withderiv_evs = []
    # ev_td = N.zeros(design['fmri(evs_real)'])

    good_ons = []

    if outdir is None:
        outdir = pjoin(fsfdir, 'betaseries')

    if not os.path.exists(outdir):

    # create smoothing kernel for design
    cutoff = design['fmri(paradigm_hp)']/TR
    verbose(1, "Creating smoothing kernel based on the original analysis cutoff %.2f"
               % cutoff)
    # yoh: Verify that the kernel is correct since it looks
    # quite ...
    F = get_smoothing_kernel(cutoff, ntp)

    verbose(1, "Determining non-motion conditions")
    # loop through and find the good (non-motion) conditions
    # NB: this assumes that the name of the motion EV includes "motpar"
    # ala the openfmri convention.
    # TO DO:  add ability to manually specify motion regressors (currently assumes
    # that any EV that includes "motpar" in its name is a motion regressor)
    evctr = 0

    for ev in range(1, design['fmri(evs_orig)']+1):
        # filter out motion parameters
        evtitle = design['fmri(evtitle%d)' % ev]
        verbose(2, "Loading EV %s" % evtitle)
        if not evtitle.startswith('mot'):
            evctr += 1
            if design['fmri(deriv_yn%d)' % ev] == 1:
                # skip temporal derivative
                evctr += 1
            ev_events = FslEV3(pjoin(fsfdir, design['fmri(custom%d)' % ev]))
            evctr += 1
            if design['fmri(deriv_yn%d)' % ev] == 1:
                # skip temporal derivative
                evctr += 1

    # load data
    verbose(1, "Loading data")

    maskimg = pjoin(fsfdir, mask_file or 'mask.nii.gz')
    # yoh: TODO design['feat_files'] is not the one "of interest" since it is
    # the input file, while we would like to operate on pre-processed version
    # which is usually stored as filtered_func_data.nii.gz
    data_file_fullname = complete_filename(
        pjoin(fsfdir, data_file or "filtered_func_data.nii.gz"))
    data = fmri_dataset(data_file_fullname, mask=maskimg)
    assert(len(data) == ntp)

    for method in methods:
        verbose(1, 'Estimating %(method)s model...' % locals())

        if method == 'lsone':
            all_conds, glm_res_full = extract_lsone(
                        data, TR, time_res,
                        spm_hrf, F,
                        good_evs, nuisance_evs, withderiv_evs,
        elif method == 'lsall':
            all_conds, glm_res_full = extract_lsall(
                        data, TR, time_res,
                        spm_hrf, F,
            raise ValueError(method)

        all_conds = N.asanyarray(all_conds)   # assure array here
        # map the data into images and save to betaseries directory
        for e in range(1, len(good_evs)+1):
            ni = map2nifti(data, data=glm_res_full[N.where(all_conds==e)[0], :])
            ni.to_filename(pjoin(outdir, 'ev%d_%s.nii.gz' % (e, method)))
コード例 #50
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: Anhmike/PyMVPA
pymvpa_datadbroot = \
        cfg.get('datadb', 'root',
                default=pathjoin(os.getcwd(), 'datadb'))

# Debugging and optimization

if not __debug__:
        import psyco
    except ImportError:
        from mvpa2.base import verbose
        verbose(2, "Psyco online compilation is not enabled")
    # Controllable seeding of random number generator
    from mvpa2.base import debug
    debug('INIT', 'mvpa')

# RNGs control

from mvpa2._random import _random_seed, seed, get_random_seed

# Testing
コード例 #51
def extract_lsone(data, TR, time_res,
                  hrf_gen, F,
                  good_evs, nuisance_evs, withderiv_evs,
    # loop through the good evs and build the ls-one model
    # design matrix for each trial/ev

    ntp, nvox = data.shape

    hrf = hrf_gen(time_res)
    # Set up the high time-resolution design matrix
    time_up = N.arange(0, TR*ntp+time_res, time_res)
    n_up = len(time_up)
    dm_nuisanceevs = desmat.mat[:, nuisance_evs]

    ntrials_total = sum(len(o['onsets']) for o in good_ons)
    verbose(1, "Have %d trials total to process" % ntrials_total)
    trial_ctr = 0
    all_conds = []
    beta_maker = N.zeros((ntrials_total, ntp))

    if extract_evs is None:
        extract_evs = range(len(good_evs))

    for e in extract_evs: # range(len(good_evs)):
        ev = good_evs[e]
        # first, take the original desmtx and remove the ev of interest
        other_good_evs = [x for x in good_evs if x != ev]
        # put the temporal derivatives into other_good_evs
        # start with its own derivative.  This accounts for
        # a significant amount of divergence from matlab implementation
        if ev in withderiv_evs:
        for x in other_good_evs:
            if x in withderiv_evs:
        dm_otherevs = desmat.mat[:, other_good_evs]
        cond_ons = N.array(good_ons[e].onsets)
        cond_dur = N.array(good_ons[e].durations)
        ntrials = len(cond_ons)
        glm_res_full = N.zeros((nvox, ntrials))
        verbose(2, 'processing ev %d: %d trials' % (e+1, ntrials))
        for t in range(ntrials):
            verbose(3, "processing trial %d" % t)
            ## ad-hoc warning -- assumes interleaved presence of
            ## derivatives' EVs
            ## yoh: handle outside
            ## if cond_ons[t] > max_evtime:
            ##     verbose(1, 'TOI: skipping ev %d trial %d: %f %f'
            ##                % (ev, t, cond_ons[t], max_evtime))
            ##     trial_ctr += 1
            ##     continue
            # first build model for the trial of interest at high resolution
            dm_toi = N.zeros(n_up)
            window_ons = [N.where(time_up==x)[0][0]
                          for x in time_up
                          if (x >= cond_ons[t]) & (x < cond_ons[t] + cond_dur[t])]
            dm_toi[window_ons] = 1
            dm_toi = N.convolve(dm_toi, hrf)[0:ntp/time_res*TR:(TR/time_res)]
            other_trial_ons = cond_ons[N.where(cond_ons!=cond_ons[t])[0]]
            other_trial_dur = cond_dur[N.where(cond_ons!=cond_ons[t])[0]]

            dm_other = N.zeros(n_up)
            # process the other trials
            for o in other_trial_ons:
                ## yoh: handle outside
                ## if o > max_evtime:
                ##     continue
                # find the timepoints that fall within the window b/w onset and onset + duration
                window_ons = [N.where(time_up==x)[0][0]
                              for x in time_up
                              if o <= x < o + other_trial_dur[N.where(other_trial_ons==o)[0][0]]]
                dm_other[window_ons] = 1

            # Put together the design matrix
            dm_other = N.convolve(dm_other, hrf)[0:ntp/time_res*TR:(TR/time_res)]
            if collapse_other_conditions:
                dm_other = N.hstack((N.dot(F, dm_other[0:ntp, N.newaxis]), dm_otherevs))
                dm_other = N.sum(dm_other, 1)
                dm_full = N.hstack((N.dot(F, dm_toi[0:ntp, N.newaxis]),
                                    dm_other[:, N.newaxis], dm_nuisanceevs))
                dm_full = N.hstack((N.dot(F, dm_toi[0:ntp, N.newaxis]),
                                    N.dot(F, dm_other[0:ntp, N.newaxis]),
            dm_full -= dm_full.mean(0)
            dm_full = N.hstack((dm_full, N.ones((ntp, 1))))
            beta_maker_loop = N.linalg.pinv(dm_full)
            beta_maker[trial_ctr, :] = beta_maker_loop[0, :]
            trial_ctr += 1
    # this uses Jeanette's trick of extracting the beta-forming vector for each
    # trial and putting them together, which allows estimation for all trials
    # at once

    glm_res_full = N.dot(beta_maker, data.samples)

    return all_conds, glm_res_full
コード例 #52
ファイル: cmd_preproc.py プロジェクト: robbisg/PyMVPA
def run(args):
    if args.chunks is not None:
        # apply global "chunks" setting
        for cattr in ("detrend_chunks", "zscore_chunks"):
            if getattr(args, cattr) is None:
                # only overwrite if individual option is not given
                args.__setattr__(cattr, args.chunks)
    ds = arg2ds(args.data)
    if args.poly_detrend is not None:
        if args.detrend_chunks is not None and not args.detrend_chunks in ds.sa:
            raise ValueError("--detrend-chunks attribute '%s' not found in dataset" % args.detrend_chunks)
        from mvpa2.mappers.detrend import poly_detrend

        verbose(1, "Detrend")
    if args.filter_passband is not None:
        from mvpa2.mappers.filters import iir_filter
        from scipy.signal import butter, buttord

        if args.sampling_rate is None or args.filter_stopband is None:
            raise ValueError("spectral filtering requires specification of " "--filter-stopband and --sampling-rate")
        # determine filter type
        nyquist = args.sampling_rate / 2.0
        if len(args.filter_passband) > 1:
            btype = "bandpass"
            if not len(args.filter_passband) == len(args.filter_stopband):
                raise ValueError("passband and stopband specifications have to " "match in size")
            wp = [v / nyquist for v in args.filter_passband]
            ws = [v / nyquist for v in args.filter_stopband]
        elif args.filter_passband[0] < args.filter_stopband[0]:
            btype = "lowpass"
            wp = args.filter_passband[0] / nyquist
            ws = args.filter_stopband[0] / nyquist
        elif args.filter_passband[0] > args.filter_stopband[0]:
            btype = "highpass"
            wp = args.filter_passband[0] / nyquist
            ws = args.filter_stopband[0] / nyquist
            raise ValueError("invalid specification of Butterworth filter")
        # create filter
        verbose(1, "Spectral filtering (%s)" % (btype,))
            ord, wn = buttord(wp, ws, args.filter_passloss, args.filter_stopattenuation, analog=False)
            b, a = butter(ord, wn, btype=btype)
        except OverflowError:
            raise ValueError("cannot contruct Butterworth filter for the given " "specification")
        ds = iir_filter(ds, b, a)

    if args.zscore:
        from mvpa2.mappers.zscore import zscore

        verbose(1, "Z-score")
        zscore(ds, chunks_attr=args.zscore_chunks, params=args.zscore_params)
        verbose(3, "Dataset summary %s" % (ds.summary()))
    # invariants?
    if args.strip_invariant_features is not None:
        from mvpa2.datasets.miscfx import remove_invariant_features

        ds = remove_invariant_features(ds)
    # and store
    ds2hdf5(ds, args.output, compression=args.hdf5_compression)
    return ds
コード例 #53
def plot_scatter(
    dataXd: array
      The volumetric (or not) data to plot where first dimension
      should only have 2 items
    mask: array, optional
      Additional mask to specify which values do not consider to plot.
      By default values with 0s in both dimensions are not plotted.
    masked_opacity: float, optional
      By default masked out values are not plotted at all.  Value in
      (0,1] will make them visible with this specified opacity
    labels: list of str, optional
      Labels to place for x and y axes
    colors: bool or string or colormap, optional
      Either to use colors to associate with physical location and
      what colormap to use (jet by default if colors=True)
    dimcolor: int
      If `colors`, then which dimension (within given 3D volume) to
    limits: 'auto', 'same', 'per-axis' or (min, max)
      Limits for axes: when 'auto' if data ranges overlap is more than
      50% of the union range, 'same' is considered.  When 'same' --
      the same limits on both axes as determined by data.  If
      two-element tuple or list is provided, then that range is
      applied to both axes.
    hint_opacity: float, optional
      If `colors` is True, to then a "slice" of the volumetric data
      is plotted in the specified opacity to hint about the location
      of points in the original Xd data in `dimcolor` dimension
    x_jitter: float, optional
      Half-width of uniform noise added to x values.  Might be useful if data
      is quantized so it is valuable to jitter points a bit.
    y_jitter: float, optional
      Half-width of uniform noise added to y values.  Might be useful if data
      is quantized so it is valuable to jitter points a bit
    fig : Figure, optional
      Figure to plot on, otherwise new one created
    ax_*: axes, optional
      Axes for the scatter plot and histograms. If none of them is specified
      (which is the default) then 'classical' plot is rendered with histograms
      above and to the right
    bp_location: ('scatter', 'hist', None), optional
      Where to place boxplots depicting data range
    xlim: tuple, optional
    ylim: tuple, optional
      To fix plotted range
    rasterized: bool, optional
      Passed to scatter call, to allow rasterization of heavy scatter plots
    uniq: bool, optional
      Plot uniq values (those present in one but not in the other) along
      each axis with crosses
    include_stats: bool, optional
      Whether to report additional statistics on the data. Stats are also
      reported via verbose at level 2
    if len(dataXd) != 2:
        raise ValueError("First axis of dataXd can only have two dimensions, "
                         "got {0}".format(len(dataXd)))
    dataXd = np.asanyarray(
    )  # TODO: allow to operate on list of arrays to not waste RAM/cycles
    data = dataXd.reshape((2, -1))
    if dataXd.ndim < 5:
        ntimepoints = 1
    elif dataXd.ndim == 5:
        ntimepoints = dataXd.shape[-1]
        raise ValueError("Do not know how to handle data with %d dimensions" %
                         (dataXd.ndim - 1))
    if x_jitter or y_jitter:
        data = data.copy()  # lazy and wasteful

        def jitter_me(x, w):
            x += np.random.uniform(-w, w, size=data.shape[-1])

        if x_jitter:
            jitter_me(data[0, :], x_jitter)
        if y_jitter:
            jitter_me(data[1, :], y_jitter)

    finites = np.isfinite(data)
    nz = np.logical_and(data != 0, finites)
    # TODO : avoid doing data !=0 and just use provided utter mask
    #nz[:, 80000:] = False # for quick testing

    nzsum = np.sum(nz, axis=0)

    intersection = nzsum == 2
    # for coloring we would need to know all the indices
    union = nzsum > 0
    x, y = datainter = data[:, intersection]

    if mask is not None:
        if mask.size * ntimepoints == intersection.size:
            # we have got a single mask applicable to both x and y
        elif mask.size * ntimepoints == 2 * intersection.size:
            # we have got a mask per each, let's get an intersection
            assert mask.shape[0] == 2, "had to get 1 for x, 1 for y"
            mask = np.logical_and(mask[0], mask[1])
            raise ValueError(
                "mask of shape %s. data of shape %s. ntimepoints=%d.  "
                "Teach me how to apply it" %
                (mask.shape, data.shape, ntimepoints))
        # replicate mask ntimepoints times
        mask = np.repeat(mask.ravel(), ntimepoints)[intersection] != 0
        x_masked = x[mask]
        y_masked = y[mask]

    xnoty = (nz[0].astype(int) - nz[1].astype(int)) > 0
    ynotx = (nz[1].astype(int) - nz[0].astype(int)) > 0

    msg = ''
    if not np.all(finites):
        msg = " non-finite x: %d, y: %d" % (np.sum(~finites[0]),

        1, "total: %d union: %d%s intersection: %d x_only: %d y_only: %d%s" %
        (len(nzsum), np.sum(union),
         mask is not None and ' masked: %d' % np.sum(mask)
         or '', np.sum(intersection), np.sum(xnoty), np.sum(ynotx), msg))

    if include_stats:
        # report some statistics as well
        import scipy.stats as ss
        r, p = ss.pearsonr(x, y)
        d = np.linalg.norm(x - y)
        statsline = "r=%.2f  p=%.4g  ||x-y||=%.4g" % (r, p, d)
            from mvpa2.misc.dcov import dcorcoef
            nmax = min(1000, len(x))
            idx = np.random.permutation(np.arange(len(x)))[:nmax]
            dcor = dcorcoef(x[idx], y[idx])
            dcor_s = '' if len(x) == nmax else '[%d random]' % nmax
            statsline += '  dcorr%s=%.4g' % (dcor_s, dcor)
        except ImportError:
        verbose(2, statsline)
        statsline = ''

    #pl.plot(datainter[0], datainter[1], '.')

    nullfmt = pl.NullFormatter()  # no labels

    # definitions for the axes
    left, width = 0.1, 0.65
    bottom, height = 0.1, 0.65
    bottom_h = left_h = left + width + 0.02

    if not (bool(ax_scatter) or bool(ax_hist_x)
            or bool(ax_hist_y)):  # no custom axes specified
        # our default setup
        rect_scatter = [left, bottom, width, height]
        rect_histx = [left, bottom_h, width, 0.2]
        rect_histy = [left_h, bottom, 0.2, height]

        # start with a rectangular Figure
        if fig is None:
            fig = pl.figure(figsize=(10, 10))

        ax_scatter = pl.axes(rect_scatter)
        ax_hist_x = pl.axes(rect_histx)
        ax_hist_y = pl.axes(rect_histy)

        # check if all not None?
        # assert(len(axes) == 3)

        ax_bp_x, ax_bp_y = None, None
        if ax_scatter is None:
            raise ValueError("Makes no sense to do not have scatter plot")

    ax_bp_x = ax_bp_y = None
    if bp_location is not None:
        ax_bp_x_parent = ax_bp_y_parent = None
        if bp_location == 'scatter':
            # place boxplots into histogram plots
            ax_bp_x_parent = ax_scatter
            ax_bp_y_parent = ax_scatter
        elif bp_location == 'hist':
            ax_bp_x_parent = ax_hist_x
            ax_bp_y_parent = ax_hist_y
            raise ValueError(
                "bp_location needs to be from (None, 'scatter', 'hist')")

        if ax_bp_x_parent:
            hist_x_pos = ax_bp_x_parent.get_position()
            ax_bp_x = pl_axes([
                hist_x_pos.x0, hist_x_pos.y0 + hist_x_pos.height * 0.9,
                hist_x_pos.width, hist_x_pos.height * 0.1

        if ax_bp_y_parent:
            hist_y_pos = ax_bp_y_parent.get_position()
            ax_bp_y = pl_axes([
                hist_y_pos.x0 + hist_y_pos.width * 0.9, hist_y_pos.y0,
                hist_y_pos.width * 0.1, hist_y_pos.height

        # ax_bp_y = pl_axes( [left + width * 0.9, bottom, width/10, height], facecolor='y' ) if ax_hist_y else None

    sc_kwargs = dict(facecolors='none', s=1,
                     rasterized=rasterized)  # common kwargs

    # let's use colormap to get non-boring colors
    cm = colors  # e.g. if it is None
    if colors is True:
        cm = pl.matplotlib.cm.get_cmap('jet')
    elif isinstance(colors, str):
        cm = pl.matplotlib.cm.get_cmap(colors)
    if cm and len(dataXd.shape) > dimcolor + 1:
        cm.set_under((1, 1, 1, 0.1))  # transparent what is not in range
        # we need to get our indices back for those we are going to plot.  probably this is the least efficient way:
        ndindices_all = np.array(list(np.ndindex(dataXd.shape[1:])))
        ndindices_nz = ndindices_all[intersection]
        # choose color based on dimcolor
        dimcolor_len = float(dataXd.shape[1 + dimcolor])
        edgecolors = cm(((cm.N - 1) * ndindices_nz[:, dimcolor] /
        if mask is not None:
            # Plot first those which might be masked out
            if masked_opacity:
                mask_inv = np.logical_not(mask)
                mask_edgecolors = edgecolors[mask_inv].copy()
                # Adjust alpha value
                mask_edgecolors[:, -1] *= masked_opacity

            # Plot (on top) those which are not masked-out
            if mask.size:
                x_plot, y_plot, edgecolors_plot = x[mask], y[mask], edgecolors[
                # older numpys blow here
                x_plot, y_plot, edgecolors_plot = (np.array([]), ) * 3
            # Just plot all of them at once
            x_plot, y_plot, edgecolors_plot = x, y, edgecolors

        if len(x_plot):

        # for orientation we need to plot 1 slice... assume that the last dimension is z -- figure out a slice with max # of non-zeros
        zdim_entries = ndindices_nz[:, -1]
        if np.size(zdim_entries):
            zdim_counts, _ = np.histogram(zdim_entries,
                                              np.max(zdim_entries) + 1))
            zdim_max = np.argmax(zdim_counts)

            if hint_opacity:
                # now we need to plot that zdim_max slice taking into account our colormap
                # create new axes
                axslice = pl_axes(
                    [left, bottom + height * 0.72, width / 4., height / 5.],
                sslice = np.zeros(dataXd.shape[1:3]
                                  )  # XXX hardcoded assumption on dimcolor =1
                sslice[:, :] = np.arange(dimcolor_len)[None, :]
                # if there is time dimension -- choose minimal value across all values
                dataXd_mint = np.min(dataXd,
                                     axis=-1) if dataXd.ndim == 5 else dataXd
                    dataXd_mint[0, ..., zdim_max] ==
                    0] = -1  # reset those not in the picture to be "under" range
                axslice.imshow(sslice, alpha=hint_opacity, cmap=cm)
        # the scatter plot without colors to distinguish location
        ax_scatter.scatter(x, y, **sc_kwargs)

    if labels:

    # "unique" points on each of the axes
    if uniq:
        if np.sum(xnoty):
            ax_scatter.scatter(fill_nonfinites(data[0, np.where(xnoty)[0]]),
                               fill_nonfinites(data[1, np.where(xnoty)[0]]),
        if np.sum(ynotx):
            ax_scatter.scatter(fill_nonfinites(data[0, np.where(ynotx)[0]]),
                               fill_nonfinites(data[1, np.where(ynotx)[0]]),

    # Axes
    if np.size(x):
        ax_scatter.plot((np.min(x), np.max(x)), (0, 0), 'r', alpha=0.5)
        warning("There is nothing to plot, returning early")
        return pl.gcf()

    ax_scatter.plot((0, 0), (np.min(y), np.max(y)), 'r', alpha=0.5)

    if (mask is not None and not masked_opacity and np.sum(mask)):
        # if there is a non-degenerate mask which was not intended to be plotted,
        # take those values away while estimating min/max range
        _ = x[mask]
        minx, maxx = np.min(_), np.max(_)
        _ = y[mask]
        miny, maxy = np.min(_), np.max(_)
        del _  # no need to consume RAM
        # print "Here y range", miny, maxy
        minx, maxx = np.min(x), np.max(x)
        miny, maxy = np.min(y), np.max(y)

    # Process 'limits' option
    if isinstance(limits, str):
        limits = limits.lower()
        if limits == 'auto':
            overlap = min(maxx, maxy) - max(minx, miny)
            range_ = max(maxx, maxy) - min(minx, miny)
            limits = {
                True: 'same',
                False: 'per-axis'
            }[not range_ or overlap / float(range_) > 0.5]

        if limits == 'per-axis':
            same_range = False
            if xlim is None:
                # add some white border
                dx = (maxx - minx) / 20.
                xlim = (minx - dx, maxx + dx)
            if ylim is None:
                dy = (maxy - miny) / 20.
                ylim = (miny - dy, maxy + dy)

        elif limits == 'same':
            same_range = True
            # assign limits the numerical range
            limits = (np.min([minx, miny]), np.max([maxx, maxy]))
            raise ValueError("Do not know how to handle same_range=%r" %
                             (limits, ))
        same_range = True

    # Let's now plot threshold lines if provided
    if thresholds is not None:
        stylekwargs = dict(colors='k', linestyles='dotted')
        if len(thresholds):
                              ax_scatter.get_xlim()[0] * 0.9,
                              ax_scatter.get_xlim()[1] * 0.9, **stylekwargs)
        if len(thresholds) > 1:
                              ax_scatter.get_ylim()[0] * 0.9,
                              ax_scatter.get_ylim()[1] * 0.9, **stylekwargs)

    if same_range:
        # now determine nice limits by hand:
        binwidthx = binwidthy = binwidth = np.max(datainter) / 51.  # 0.25

        minxy, maxxy = limits
        sgn = np.sign(minxy)
        xyrange = maxxy - minxy
        xyamax = np.max([np.max(np.fabs(x)), np.max(np.fabs(y))])
        limn = sgn * (int(sgn * minxy / binwidth) - sgn) * binwidth
        limp = (int(maxxy / binwidth) + 1) * binwidth

        ax_scatter.plot((limn * 0.9, limp * 0.9), (limn * 0.9, limp * 0.9),
        if xlim is None:
            xlim = (limn, limp)
        if ylim is None:
            ylim = (limn, limp)

        binsx = binsy = bins = np.arange(limn, limp + binwidth, binwidth)
        binwidthx = (maxx - minx) / 51.
        binwidthy = (maxy - miny) / 51.

            binsx = np.arange(minx, maxx + binwidthx, binwidthx)
            binsy = np.arange(miny, maxy + binwidthy, binwidthy)
        except Exception as exc:
                "Received following exception while trying to get bins for "
                "minx=%(minx)f maxx=%(maxx)f binwidthx=%(binwidthx)s "
                "miny=%(miny)f maxy=%(maxy)f binwidthy=%(binwidthy)s: %(exc)s. "
                "Returning early" % locals())
            return pl.gcf()

    if xlim is not None:
    if ylim is not None:

    # get values to plot for histogram and boxplot
    x_hist, y_hist = (x,
                      y) if (mask is None or not np.sum(mask)) else (x_masked,

    if np.any(binsx) and ax_hist_x is not None:
        histx = ax_hist_x.hist(x_hist, bins=binsx, facecolor='b')
        ax_hist_x.vlines(0, 0, 0.9 * np.max(histx[0]), 'r')

    if np.any(binsy) and ax_hist_y is not None:
        histy = ax_hist_y.hist(y_hist,
        ax_hist_y.hlines(0, 0, 0.9 * np.max(histy[0]), 'r')

    rect_scatter = [left, bottom, width, height]

    # Box plots
    if ax_bp_x is not None:
        bpx = ax_bp_x.boxplot(x_hist, vert=0)  #'r', 0)

    if ax_bp_y is not None:
        bpy = ax_bp_y.boxplot(y_hist, sym='g+')

    if statsline:
        # draw the text based on gca
        y1, y2 = ax_scatter.get_ylim()
        x1, x2 = ax_scatter.get_xlim()
            0.5 * (x1 + x2),  # center
            y2 - 0.02 * (y2 - y1),

    if title:

    return pl.gcf()
コード例 #54
def run(args):
    if os.path.isfile(args.payload) and args.payload.endswith('.py'):
        measure = script2obj(args.payload)
    elif args.payload == 'cv':
        if args.cv_learner is None or args.cv_partitioner is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'cross-validation payload requires --learner and --partitioner'
        # get CV instance
        measure = get_crossvalidation_instance(
            args.cv_learner, args.cv_partitioner, args.cv_errorfx,
            args.cv_sampling_repetitions, args.cv_learner_space,
            args.cv_balance_training, args.cv_permutations,
            args.cv_avg_datafold_results, args.cv_prob_tail)
        raise RuntimeError("this should not happen")
    ds = arg2ds(args.data)
    if not args.ds_preproc_fx is None:
        ds = args.ds_preproc_fx(ds)
    # setup neighborhood
    # XXX add big switch to allow for setting up surface-based neighborhoods
    from mvpa2.misc.neighborhood import IndexQueryEngine
    qe = IndexQueryEngine(**dict(args.neighbors))
    # determine ROIs
    rids = None  # all by default
    aggregate_fx = args.aggregate_fx
    if args.roi_attr is not None:
        # first figure out which roi features should be processed
        if len(args.roi_attr) == 1 and args.roi_attr[0] in ds.fa.keys():
            # name of an attribute -> pull non-zeroes
            rids = ds.fa[args.roi_attr[0]].value.nonzero()[0]
            # an expression?
            from .cmd_select import _eval_attr_expr
            rids = _eval_attr_expr(args.roi_attr, ds.fa).nonzero()[0]

    seed_ids = None
    if args.scatter_rois is not None:
        # scatter_neighborhoods among available ids if was requested
        from mvpa2.misc.neighborhood import scatter_neighborhoods
        attr, nb = args.scatter_rois
        coords = ds.fa[attr].value
        if rids is not None:
            # select only those which were chosen by ROI
            coords = coords[rids]
        _, seed_ids = scatter_neighborhoods(nb, coords)
        if aggregate_fx is None:
            # no custom one given -> use default "fill in" function
            aggregate_fx = _fill_in_scattered_results
            if args.enable_ca is None:
                args.enable_ca = ['roi_feature_ids']
            elif 'roi_feature_ids' not in args.enable_ca:
                args.enable_ca += ['roi_feature_ids']

    if seed_ids is None:
        roi_ids = rids
        if rids is not None:
            # we had to sub-select by scatterring among available rids
            # so we would need to get original ids
            roi_ids = rids[seed_ids]
            # scattering happened on entire feature-set
            roi_ids = seed_ids

        3, 'Attempting %i ROI analyses' %
        ((roi_ids is None) and ds.nfeatures or len(roi_ids)))

    from mvpa2.measures.searchlight import Searchlight

    sl = Searchlight(measure,
    # XXX support me too!
    #                 add_center_fa
    #                 tmp_prefix
    #                 nblocks
    #                 null_dist
    # run
    res = sl(ds)
    if (seed_ids is not None) and ('mapper' in res.a):
        # strip the last mapper link in the chain, which would be the seed ID selection
        res.a['mapper'] = res.a.mapper[:-1]
    # XXX create more output
    # and store
    ds2hdf5(res, args.output, compression=args.hdf5_compression)
    return res
コード例 #55
# it should be at this location
pymvpa_datadbroot = \
        cfg.get('datadb', 'root',
                default=os.path.join(os.curdir, 'datadb'))

# Debugging and optimization

if not __debug__:
        import psyco
    except ImportError:
        from mvpa2.base import verbose
        verbose(2, "Psyco online compilation is not enabled")
    # Controllable seeding of random number generator
    from mvpa2.base import debug
    debug('INIT', 'mvpa')

# RNGs control

from mvpa2._random import _random_seed, seed, get_random_seed

# Testing