コード例 #1
def test_gifti_dataset_with_anatomical_surface(fn, format_, include_nodes):
    ds = _get_test_dataset(include_nodes)

    nsamples, nfeatures = ds.shape
    vertices = np.random.normal(size=(nfeatures, 3))
    faces = np.asarray([i + np.arange(3)
                        for i in range(2 * nfeatures)]) % nfeatures
    surf = Surface(vertices, faces)

    img = map2gifti(ds, surface=surf)

    arr_index = 0

    if include_nodes:
        # check node indices
        node_arr = img.darrays[arr_index]
        assert_equal(node_arr.coordsys, None)
        assert_equal(node_arr.data.dtype, np.int32)
        assert_equal(node_arr.datatype, data_type_codes['int32'])

        arr_index += 1

    for sample in ds.samples:
        # check sample content
        arr = img.darrays[arr_index]
        data = arr.data
        assert_almost_equal(data, sample)
        assert_equal(arr.coordsys, None)
        assert_equal(arr.data.dtype, np.float32)
        assert_equal(arr.datatype, data_type_codes['float32'])

        arr_index += 1

    # check vertices
    vertex_arr = img.darrays[arr_index]
    assert_almost_equal(vertex_arr.data, vertices)
    assert_equal(vertex_arr.data.dtype, np.float32)
    assert_equal(vertex_arr.datatype, data_type_codes['float32'])

    # check faces
    arr_index += 1
    face_arr = img.darrays[arr_index]
    assert_almost_equal(face_arr.data, faces)
    assert_equal(face_arr.data.dtype, np.int32)
    assert_equal(face_arr.datatype, data_type_codes['int32'])

    # getting the functional data should ignore faces and vertices
    ds_again = gifti_dataset(img)
    assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds, ds_again)
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_giftidataset.py プロジェクト: Anhmike/PyMVPA
def test_gifti_dataset_with_anatomical_surface(fn, format_, include_nodes):
    ds = _get_test_dataset(include_nodes)

    nsamples, nfeatures = ds.shape
    vertices = np.random.normal(size=(nfeatures, 3))
    faces = np.asarray([i + np.arange(3) for i in xrange(2 * nfeatures)]) % nfeatures
    surf = Surface(vertices, faces)

    img = map2gifti(ds, surface=surf)

    arr_index = 0

    if include_nodes:
        # check node indices
        node_arr = img.darrays[arr_index]
        assert_equal(node_arr.coordsys, None)
        assert_equal(node_arr.data.dtype, np.int32)
        assert_equal(node_arr.datatype, data_type_codes['int32'])

        arr_index += 1

    for sample in ds.samples:
        # check sample content
        arr = img.darrays[arr_index]
        data = arr.data
        assert_almost_equal(data, sample)
        assert_equal(arr.coordsys, None)
        assert_equal(arr.data.dtype, np.float32)
        assert_equal(arr.datatype, data_type_codes['float32'])

        arr_index += 1

    # check vertices
    vertex_arr = img.darrays[arr_index]
    assert_almost_equal(vertex_arr.data, vertices)
    assert_equal(vertex_arr.data.dtype, np.float32)
    assert_equal(vertex_arr.datatype, data_type_codes['float32'])

    # check faces
    arr_index += 1
    face_arr = img.darrays[arr_index]
    assert_almost_equal(face_arr.data, faces)
    assert_equal(face_arr.data.dtype, np.int32)
    assert_equal(face_arr.datatype, data_type_codes['int32'])

    # getting the functional data should ignore faces and vertices
    ds_again = gifti_dataset(img)
    assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds, ds_again)
コード例 #3
def test_gifti_dataset(fn, format_, include_nodes):
    expected_ds = _get_test_dataset(include_nodes)

    expected_ds_sa = expected_ds.copy(deep=True)
    expected_ds_sa.sa['chunks'] = [4, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2]
    expected_ds_sa.sa['targets'] = ['t%d' % i for i in xrange(6)]

    # build GIFTI file from scratch
    gifti_string = _build_gifti_string(format_, include_nodes)
    with open(fn, 'w') as f:

    # reading GIFTI file
    ds = gifti_dataset(fn)
    assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds, expected_ds)

    # test GiftiImage input
    img = nb_giftiio.read(fn)
    ds2 = gifti_dataset(img)
    assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds2, expected_ds)

    # test using Nibabel's output from write
    nb_giftiio.write(img, fn)
    ds3 = gifti_dataset(fn)
    assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds3, expected_ds)

    # test targets and chunks arguments
    ds3_sa = gifti_dataset(fn, targets=expected_ds_sa.targets,
    assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds3_sa, expected_ds_sa)

    # test map2gifti
    img2 = map2gifti(ds)
    ds4 = gifti_dataset(img2)
    assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds4, expected_ds)

    map2gifti(ds, fn, encoding=format_)
    ds5 = gifti_dataset(fn)
    assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds5, expected_ds)

    # test map2gifti with array input; nodes are not stored
    map2gifti(ds.samples, fn)
    ds6 = gifti_dataset(fn)
    if include_nodes:
        assert_raises(AssertionError, assert_datasets_almost_equal,
                      ds6, expected_ds)
        assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds6, expected_ds)

    assert_raises(TypeError, gifti_dataset, ds3_sa)
    assert_raises(TypeError, map2gifti, img, fn)
コード例 #4
def test_gifti_dataset(fn, format_, include_nodes):
    expected_ds = _get_test_dataset(include_nodes)

    expected_ds_sa = expected_ds.copy(deep=True)
    expected_ds_sa.sa['chunks'] = [4, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2]
    expected_ds_sa.sa['targets'] = ['t%d' % i for i in xrange(6)]

    # build GIFTI file from scratch
    gifti_string = _build_gifti_string(format_, include_nodes)
    with open(fn, 'w') as f:

    # reading GIFTI file
    ds = gifti_dataset(fn)
    assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds, expected_ds)

    # test GiftiImage input
    img = nb_giftiio.read(fn)
    ds2 = gifti_dataset(img)
    assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds2, expected_ds)

    # test using Nibabel's output from write
    nb_giftiio.write(img, fn)
    ds3 = gifti_dataset(fn)
    assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds3, expected_ds)

    # test targets and chunks arguments
    ds3_sa = gifti_dataset(fn, targets=expected_ds_sa.targets,
    assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds3_sa, expected_ds_sa)

    # test map2gifti
    img2 = map2gifti(ds)
    ds4 = gifti_dataset(img2)
    assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds4, expected_ds)

    # test float64 and int64, which must be converted to float32 and int32
    fa = dict()
    if include_nodes:
        fa['node_indices'] = ds.fa.node_indices.astype(np.int64)

    ds_float64 = Dataset(samples=ds.samples.astype(np.float64), fa=fa)
    ds_float64_again = gifti_dataset(map2gifti(ds_float64))
    assert_equal(ds_float64_again.samples.dtype, np.float32)
    if include_nodes:
        assert_equal(ds_float64_again.fa.node_indices.dtype, np.int32)

    # test contents of GIFTI image
    assert (isinstance(img2, nb_gifti.GiftiImage))
    nsamples = ds.samples.shape[0]
    if include_nodes:
        node_arr = img2.darrays[0]
        assert_equal(node_arr.coordsys, None)
        assert_equal(node_arr.data.dtype, np.int32)
        assert_equal(node_arr.datatype, data_type_codes['int32'])

        first_data_array_pos = 1
        narrays = nsamples + 1
        first_data_array_pos = 0
        narrays = nsamples

    assert_equal(len(img.darrays), narrays)
    for i in xrange(nsamples):
        arr = img2.darrays[i + first_data_array_pos]

        # check intent code
        illegal_intents = ['NIFTI_INTENT_NODE_INDEX',
        assert (arr.intent not in [intent_codes.code[s]
                                   for s in illegal_intents])

        # although the GIFTI standard is not very clear about whether
        # arrays with other intent than NODE_INDEX can have a
        # GiftiCoordSystem, FreeSurfer's mris_convert
        # does not seem to like its presence. Thus we make sure that
        # it's not there.

        assert_equal(arr.coordsys, None)
        assert_equal(arr.data.dtype, np.float32)
        assert_equal(arr.datatype, data_type_codes['float32'])

    # another test for map2gifti, setting the encoding explicitly
    map2gifti(ds, fn, encoding=format_)
    ds5 = gifti_dataset(fn)
    assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds5, expected_ds)

    # test map2gifti with array input; nodes are not stored
    map2gifti(ds.samples, fn)
    ds6 = gifti_dataset(fn)
    if include_nodes:
        assert_raises(AssertionError, assert_datasets_almost_equal,
                      ds6, expected_ds)
        assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds6, expected_ds)

    assert_raises(TypeError, gifti_dataset, ds3_sa)
    assert_raises(TypeError, map2gifti, img, fn)
コード例 #5
maskimg = {}
targets = {}
subimg = {}
subds = []
zdss = []
ind = {}
for ses in ['LR','RL']:
    cname = '%s/%s/rfMRI_REST1_%s/rfMRI_REST1_%s_10k_Atlas_MSMAll_clean_24nuisance.reg_lin.trend_filt_sm6.dtseries.nii' % (tempdir,sub,ses,ses)
    tmpimg =cifti.read(cname)
    zds = tmpimg[0]
    nverts = zds.shape[1]
    for hemi in ['L', 'R']:
        # Mask:
        tmpmask = gifti_dataset(
            '%s/outgoing/%s.HCP_10k_mask.func.gii' % (tempdir,hemi))
        maskimg[hemi] = np.where(tmpmask.samples != 0)[1]
        # Connectivity Targets:
        tmptargs = gifti_dataset(
            '%s/resources/700_data/%s.700_to_10k_conn_targs.func.gii' % (tempdir, hemi))
        tmptargs = tmptargs[:, maskimg[hemi]]
        targimg[hemi] = np.where(tmptargs.samples != 0)[1]
        # Extract hemi data:
        ind[hemi] = [index for index in range(nverts) if tmpimg[1][1][index][2] == '%s' % brainstruct[hemi]]
        subimg[hemi] = zds[:,ind[hemi]]
        # Mask data and get connectivity target timeseries
        tmp = subimg[hemi][:, maskimg[hemi]]
        targets[hemi] = tmp[:, targimg[hemi]]
    # Combine left and right target timeseries
    targts.append(np.c_[targets['L'], targets['R']])
    subds.append(np.c_[subimg['L'], subimg['R']])
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_giftidataset.py プロジェクト: Anhmike/PyMVPA
def test_gifti_dataset(fn, format_, include_nodes):
    expected_ds = _get_test_dataset(include_nodes)

    expected_ds_sa = expected_ds.copy(deep=True)
    expected_ds_sa.sa['chunks'] = [4, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2]
    expected_ds_sa.sa['targets'] = ['t%d' % i for i in xrange(6)]

    # build GIFTI file from scratch
    gifti_string = _build_gifti_string(format_, include_nodes)
    with open(fn, 'w') as f:

    # reading GIFTI file
    ds = gifti_dataset(fn)
    assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds, expected_ds)

    # test GiftiImage input
    img = nb_giftiio.read(fn)
    ds2 = gifti_dataset(img)
    assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds2, expected_ds)

    # test using Nibabel's output from write
    nb_giftiio.write(img, fn)
    ds3 = gifti_dataset(fn)
    assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds3, expected_ds)

    # test targets and chunks arguments
    ds3_sa = gifti_dataset(fn, targets=expected_ds_sa.targets,
    assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds3_sa, expected_ds_sa)

    # test map2gifti
    img2 = map2gifti(ds)
    ds4 = gifti_dataset(img2)
    assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds4, expected_ds)

    # test float64 and int64, which must be converted to float32 and int32
    fa = dict()
    if include_nodes:
        fa['node_indices'] = ds.fa.node_indices.astype(np.int64)

    ds_float64 = Dataset(samples=ds.samples.astype(np.float64), fa=fa)
    ds_float64_again = gifti_dataset(map2gifti(ds_float64))
    assert_equal(ds_float64_again.samples.dtype, np.float32)
    if include_nodes:
        assert_equal(ds_float64_again.fa.node_indices.dtype, np.int32)

    # test contents of GIFTI image
    assert (isinstance(img2, nb_gifti.GiftiImage))
    nsamples = ds.samples.shape[0]
    if include_nodes:
        node_arr = img2.darrays[0]
        assert_equal(node_arr.coordsys, None)
        assert_equal(node_arr.data.dtype, np.int32)
        assert_equal(node_arr.datatype, data_type_codes['int32'])

        first_data_array_pos = 1
        narrays = nsamples + 1
        first_data_array_pos = 0
        narrays = nsamples

    assert_equal(len(img.darrays), narrays)
    for i in xrange(nsamples):
        arr = img2.darrays[i + first_data_array_pos]

        # check intent code
        illegal_intents = ['NIFTI_INTENT_NODE_INDEX',
        assert (arr.intent not in [intent_codes.code[s]
                                   for s in illegal_intents])

        # although the GIFTI standard is not very clear about whether
        # arrays with other intent than NODE_INDEX can have a
        # GiftiCoordSystem, FreeSurfer's mris_convert
        # does not seem to like its presence. Thus we make sure that
        # it's not there.

        assert_equal(arr.coordsys, None)
        assert_equal(arr.data.dtype, np.float32)
        assert_equal(arr.datatype, data_type_codes['float32'])

    # another test for map2gifti, setting the encoding explicitly
    map2gifti(ds, fn, encoding=format_)
    ds5 = gifti_dataset(fn)
    assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds5, expected_ds)

    # test map2gifti with array input; nodes are not stored
    map2gifti(ds.samples, fn)
    ds6 = gifti_dataset(fn)
    if include_nodes:
        assert_raises(AssertionError, assert_datasets_almost_equal,
                      ds6, expected_ds)
        assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds6, expected_ds)

    assert_raises(TypeError, gifti_dataset, ds3_sa)
    assert_raises(TypeError, map2gifti, img, fn)