コード例 #1
ファイル: mx_javamodules.py プロジェクト: tmysik/mx
def get_module_deps(dist):
    Gets the JAR distributions and their constituent Java projects whose artifacts (i.e., class files and
    resources) are the input to the Java module jar created by `make_java_module` for a given distribution.

    :return: the set of `JARDistribution` objects and their constituent `JavaProject` transitive
             dependencies denoted by the ``moduledeps`` attribute
    if dist.suite.getMxCompatibility().moduleDepsEqualDistDeps():
        return dist.archived_deps()

    if not hasattr(dist, '.module_deps'):
        roots = getattr(dist, 'moduledeps', [])
        if not roots:
            return roots
        for root in roots:
            if not root.isJARDistribution():
                mx.abort('moduledeps can (currently) only include JAR distributions: ' + str(root), context=dist)

        moduledeps = []
        def _visit(dep, edges):
            if dep is not dist:
                if dep.isJavaProject() or dep.isJARDistribution():
                    if dep not in moduledeps:
                    mx.abort('modules can (currently) only include JAR distributions and Java projects: ' + str(dep), context=dist)
        def _preVisit(dst, edge):
            return not dst.isJreLibrary() and not dst.isJdkLibrary()
        mx.walk_deps(roots, preVisit=_preVisit, visit=_visit)
        setattr(dist, '.module_deps', moduledeps)
    return getattr(dist, '.module_deps')
コード例 #2
def maven_plugin_install(args):
    # First install native-image-maven-plugin dependencies into local maven repository
    deps = []

    def visit(dep, edge):
        if isinstance(dep, mx.Distribution):

                 ignoredEdges=[mx.DEP_ANNOTATION_PROCESSOR, mx.DEP_BUILD])
    svmVersion = '{0}-SNAPSHOT'.format(suite.vc.parent(suite.vc_dir))
        '--version-string', svmVersion, '--suppress-javadoc',
        '--all-distributions', '--validate=none', '--all-suites',
        '--skip-existing', '--only', ','.join(dep.qualifiedName()
                                              for dep in deps)


    success_message = [
        'Use the following plugin snippet to enable native-image building for your maven project:',
        '    <groupId>com.oracle.substratevm</groupId>',
        '    <artifactId>native-image-maven-plugin</artifactId>',
        '    <version>' + svmVersion + '</version>',
        '    <executions>',
        '        <execution>',
        '            <goals>',
        '                <goal>native-image</goal>',
        '            </goals>',
        '            <phase>package</phase>',
        '        </execution>',
        '    </executions>',
コード例 #3
ファイル: mx_substratevm.py プロジェクト: charig/truffle
def maven_plugin_install(args):
    # First install native-image-maven-plugin dependencies into local maven repository
    deps = []
    def visit(dep, edge):
        if isinstance(dep, mx.Distribution):
    mx.walk_deps([mx.dependency('substratevm:SVM_DRIVER')], visit=visit, ignoredEdges=[mx.DEP_ANNOTATION_PROCESSOR, mx.DEP_BUILD])
    svmVersion = '{0}-SNAPSHOT'.format(suite.vc.parent(suite.vc_dir))
        '--version-string', svmVersion,
        '--only', ','.join(dep.qualifiedName() for dep in deps)


    success_message = [
        'Use the following plugin snippet to enable native-image building for your maven project:',
        '    <groupId>com.oracle.substratevm</groupId>',
        '    <artifactId>native-image-maven-plugin</artifactId>',
        '    <version>' + svmVersion + '</version>',
        '    <executions>',
        '        <execution>',
        '            <goals>',
        '                <goal>native-image</goal>',
        '            </goals>',
        '            <phase>package</phase>',
        '        </execution>',
        '    </executions>',
コード例 #4
ファイル: mx_gate.py プロジェクト: stealify/mx
def sonarqube_upload(args):
    """run SonarQube scanner and upload JaCoCo results"""

    sonarqube_cli = mx.library("SONARSCANNER_CLI_4_2_0_1873", True)

    parser = ArgumentParser(prog='mx sonarqube-upload')
    parser.add_argument('--exclude-generated', action='store_true', help='Exclude generated source files')
    parser.add_argument('--skip-coverage', action='store_true', default=False, help='Do not upload coverage reports')
    args, sonar_args = mx.extract_VM_args(args, useDoubleDash=True, defaultAllVMArgs=True)
    args, other_args = parser.parse_known_args(args)
    java_props, other_args = _parse_java_properties(other_args)

    def _check_required_prop(prop):
        if prop not in java_props:
            mx.abort("Required property '{prop}' not present. (Format is '-D{prop}=<value>')".format(prop=prop))


    basedir = mx.primary_suite().dir

    # collect excluded projects
    excludes, includes = _jacoco_excludes_includes_projects(limit_to_primary=True)
    # collect excluded classes
    exclude_classes = _jacoco_exclude_classes(includes)
    java_bin = []
    java_src = []
    java_libs = []

    def _visit_deps(dep, edge):
        if dep.isJARDistribution() or dep.isLibrary():

    mx.walk_deps(includes, visit=_visit_deps)

    # collect all sources and binaries -- do exclusion later
    for p in includes:
        if not args.exclude_generated:
            gen_dir = p.source_gen_dir()
            if os.path.exists(gen_dir):

    java_src = [os.path.relpath(s, basedir) for s in java_src]
    java_bin = [os.path.relpath(b, basedir) for b in java_bin]

    # Overlayed sources and classes must be excluded
    jdk_compliance = mx.get_jdk().javaCompliance
    overlayed_sources = []
    overlayed_classfiles = {}
    for p in includes:
        if hasattr(p, "multiReleaseJarVersion") and jdk_compliance not in p.javaCompliance: # JDK9+ overlays
            for srcDir in p.source_dirs():
                for root, _, files in os.walk(srcDir):
                    for name in files:
                        if name.endswith('.java') and name != 'package-info.java':
                            overlayed_sources.append(join(os.path.relpath(root, basedir), name))
        elif hasattr(p, "overlayTarget"): # JDK8 overlays
            target = mx.project(p.overlayTarget)
            overlay_sources = []
            for srcDir in p.source_dirs():
                for root, _, files in os.walk(srcDir):
                    for name in files:
                        if name.endswith('.java') and name != 'package-info.java':
                            overlay_sources.append(join(os.path.relpath(root, srcDir), name))
            print(p, target, overlay_sources)
            for srcDir in target.source_dirs():
                for root, _, files in os.walk(srcDir):
                    for name in files:
                        if name.endswith('.java') and name != 'package-info.java':
                            s = join(os.path.relpath(root, srcDir), name)
                            if s in overlay_sources:
                                overlayed = join(os.path.relpath(root, basedir), name)
            for s in overlay_sources:
                classfile = join(os.path.relpath(target.output_dir(), basedir), s[:-len('java')] + 'class')
                with open(classfile, 'rb') as fp:
                    overlayed_classfiles[classfile] = fp.read()

    exclude_dirs = []
    for p in excludes:

    javaCompliance = max([p.javaCompliance for p in includes]) if includes else mx.JavaCompliance('1.7')

    jacoco_exec = get_jacoco_dest_file()
    if not os.path.exists(jacoco_exec) and not args.skip_coverage:
        mx.abort('No JaCoCo report file found: ' + jacoco_exec)

    def _add_default_prop(key, value):
        if key not in java_props:
            java_props[key] = value

    # default properties
    _add_default_prop('sonar.java.source', str(javaCompliance))
    _add_default_prop('sonar.projectBaseDir', basedir)
    if not args.skip_coverage:
        _add_default_prop('sonar.jacoco.reportPaths', jacoco_exec)
    _add_default_prop('sonar.sources', ','.join(java_src))
    _add_default_prop('sonar.java.binaries', ','.join(java_bin))
    _add_default_prop('sonar.java.libraries', ','.join(java_libs))
    exclude_patterns = [os.path.relpath(e, basedir) + '**' for e in exclude_dirs] + \
                       overlayed_sources + \
                       list(set([os.path.relpath(match[0], basedir) for _, match in exclude_classes.items()]))
    if exclude_patterns:
        _add_default_prop('sonar.exclusions', ','.join(exclude_patterns))
        _add_default_prop('sonar.coverage.exclusions', ','.join(exclude_patterns))
    _add_default_prop('sonar.verbose', 'true' if mx._opts.verbose else 'false')

    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix="-sonarqube.properties", mode="w+") as fp:
        # prepare properties file
        fp.writelines(('{}={}\n'.format(k, v) for k, v in java_props.items()))

        # Since there's no options to exclude individual classes,
        # we temporarily delete the overlayed class files instead.
        for classfile in overlayed_classfiles:

            # run sonarqube cli
            java_args = other_args + ['-Dproject.settings=' + fp.name, '-jar', sonarqube_cli.get_path(True)] + sonar_args
            exit_code = mx.run_java(java_args, nonZeroIsFatal=False)
            # Restore temporarily deleted class files
            for classfile, data in overlayed_classfiles.items():
                with open(classfile, 'wb') as cf:

        if exit_code != 0:
            mx.abort('SonarQube scanner terminated with non-zero exit code: {}\n  Properties file:\n{}'.format(
                exit_code, ''.join(('    ' + l for l in fp.readlines()))))
コード例 #5
ファイル: mx_gate.py プロジェクト: stealify/mx
def coverage_upload(args):
    parser = ArgumentParser(prog='mx coverage-upload')
    parser.add_argument('--upload-url', required=False, default=mx.get_env('COVERAGE_UPLOAD_URL'), help='Format is like rsync: user@host:/directory')
    parser.add_argument('--build-name', required=False, default=mx.get_env('BUILD_NAME'))
    parser.add_argument('--build-url', required=False, default=mx.get_env('BUILD_URL'))
    parser.add_argument('--build-number', required=False, default=mx.get_env('BUILD_NUMBER'))
    args, other_args = parser.parse_known_args(args)
    if not args.upload_url:
    remote_host, remote_basedir = args.upload_url.split(':')
    if not remote_host:
        mx.abort('Cannot determine remote host from {}'.format(args.upload_url))

    primary = mx.primary_suite()
    info = primary.vc.parent_info(primary.dir)
    rev = primary.vc.parent(primary.dir)
    if len(remote_basedir) > 0 and not remote_basedir.endswith('/'):
        remote_basedir += '/'
    remote_dir = '{}_{}_{}'.format(primary.name, datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(info['author-ts']).strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M'), rev[:7])
    if args.build_name:
        remote_dir += '_' + args.build_name
    if args.build_number:
        remote_dir += '_' + args.build_number
    upload_dir = remote_basedir + remote_dir
    includes, excludes = _jacocoreport(['--omit-excluded'] + other_args)

    # Upload jar+sources
    coverage_sources = 'java_sources.tar.gz'
    coverage_binaries = 'java_binaries.tar.gz'

    with mx.Archiver(os.path.realpath(coverage_sources), kind='tgz') as sources, mx.Archiver(os.path.realpath(coverage_binaries), kind='tgz') as binaries:
        def _visit_deps(dep, edge):
            if dep.isJavaProject() and not dep.is_test_project():
                binaries.zf.add(dep.output_dir(), dep.name)
                for d in dep.source_dirs():
                    sources.zf.add(d, dep.name)
                if os.path.exists(dep.source_gen_dir()):
                    sources.zf.add(dep.source_gen_dir(), dep.name)
        mx.walk_deps(mx.projects(), visit=_visit_deps)

    files = [get_jacoco_dest_file(), 'coverage', coverage_sources, coverage_binaries]
    print("Syncing {} to {}:{}".format(" ".join(files), remote_host, upload_dir))
        r'tar -czf - {files} | ssh {remote} bash -c \'"mkdir -p {remotedir} && cd {remotedir} && cat | tar -x{verbose}z && chmod -R 755 ."\''
                files=" ".join(files),
                verbose='v' if mx._opts.verbose else '')
    def upload_string(content, path):
        mx.run(['ssh', remote_host, 'bash', '-c', 'cat > "' + path + '"'], stdin=content)

        'timestamp': time.time(),
        'suite': primary.name,
        'revision': rev,
        'directory': remote_dir,
        'build_name': args.build_name,
        'build_url': args.build_url,
        'jdk_version': str(mx.get_jdk().version),
        'build_number': args.build_number,
        'primary_info': info,
        'excludes': [str(e) for e in excludes],
        'includes': [str(i) for i in includes]}), upload_dir + '/description.json')
    mx.run(['ssh', remote_host, 'bash', '-c', r'"(echo \[; for i in {remote_basedir}/*/description.json; do if \[ -s \$i \];then cat \$i; echo ,; fi done; echo null\]) > {remote_basedir}/index.json"'.format(remote_basedir=remote_basedir)])
<script language="javascript">
  function urlChange(url) {
    if (url.pathname !== "blank") {
      window.history.replaceState(null, null, url.pathname.replace("/coverage_upload/", "/coverage_upload/#"))
<frameset rows="40,*">
  <frame id="navigation" src="navigation.html"/>
  <frame id="content" src="" onload="urlChange(this.contentWindow.location);" />
</html>""", remote_basedir + '/index.html')
    js_library_url = rewriteurl("https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.7.7/angular.js")
        <script src="%js_library_url"></script>
        <script language="javascript">
        var App = angular.module('myApp', [])
            .controller('IndexCtrl', function IndexCtrl($scope, $http) {
                var hash = parent.window.location.hash;
                if(hash) {
                    hash = hash.substring(1, hash.length); // remove leading hash
                $http.get('index.json').then(function(response, status) {
                    var data = response.data.filter(x => x != null);
                        Filter build that are unique per suite with revision as key and merge builds.
                    data = data
                        .filter(x => !x.hasOwnProperty('merge'))
                        .filter( // filter builds that are unique per suite with revision as key
                            x => !data
                                .filter(z => x != z && x.suite == z.suite) // exclude self build and build for other suites.
                                .map(z => z.revision) // map from array of build to array of revision
                                .includes(x.revision) // check if revision of x is index data.
                        ).concat(data.filter(x => x.hasOwnProperty('merge'))); // concat unique build with merged build.

                    data.sort((l,r) => r.timestamp - l.timestamp);
                    if(data.length > 0) {
                        var startdir;
                        if(hash) {
                            startdir = data.find(build => hash.includes(build.directory));
                            startdir.hash = hash;
                        if(!startdir) {
                            startdir = data[0];
                        $scope.directory = startdir;
                    $scope.data = data;
                $scope.$watch('directory', (dir, olddir) => {
                    if(dir) {
                        var content = parent.document.getElementById("content");
                        var contentDocument = content.contentDocument || content.contentWindow.document;
                        var newpath;
                        if(olddir && olddir.suite === dir.suite) {
                            newpath = contentDocument.location.href.replace(olddir.directory, dir.directory);
                        } else {
                            newpath = dir.hasOwnProperty('hash') ? hash : dir.directory + "/coverage/";
                        contentDocument.location.href = newpath;
                        parent.window.history.replaceState(undefined, undefined, "#" + newpath.replace(/^.+coverage_upload\//, ""));
                $scope.step = (i) => $scope.directory = $scope.data[$scope.data.indexOf($scope.directory)+i];
        function copy(url) {
            var content = parent.document.getElementById("content");
            var contentDocument = content.contentDocument || content.contentWindow.document;
            var copyText = document.getElementById("copy");
            copyText.value = contentDocument.location.href.replace("coverage_upload/", "coverage_upload/#");
    <body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="IndexCtrl">
       <button ng-click="step(1)" ng-disabled="data.indexOf(directory) >= data.length-1">&lt;&lt;</button>
       <button ng-click="step(-1)" ng-disabled="data.indexOf(directory) <= 0">&gt;&gt;</button>
       <select ng-model="directory" ng-options="(i.primary_info['author-ts']*1000|date:'yy-MM-dd hh:mm') + ' ' + i.build_name + ' ' + i.revision.substr(0,8) group by i.suite for i in data"></select>
       <a href="{{directory.build_url}}" ng-if="directory.build_url" target="_blank">Build</a> Commit: {{directory.revision.substr(0,5)}}: {{directory.primary_info.description}}
       <input type="text" style="opacity: 0;width: 20;" id="copy" />
       <button style="float: right;" onclick="copy(window.location);">Share url</button>
</html>""".replace("%js_library_url", js_library_url), remote_basedir + '/navigation.html')
コード例 #6
def do_build_makefile(mf, selectedDists):
    jdk = mx.get_jdk()
    bootClassPath = jdk.bootclasspath(filtered=False)
    bootClassPath = bootClassPath.replace(os.path.realpath(jdk.home), "$(ABS_BOOTDIR)")
    jdkBootClassPathVariableName = "JDK_BOOTCLASSPATH"

    mf.add_definition("""# This Makefile is generated automatically, do not edit

# Bootstrap JDK to be used (for javac and jar)

JAVAC=$(ABS_BOOTDIR)/bin/javac -g -target """ + str(jdk.javaCompliance) + """


# Directories, where the generated property-files reside within the JAR files

JARS = $(foreach dist,$(DISTRIBUTIONS),$($(dist)_JAR))

ifeq ($(ABS_BOOTDIR),)
    $(error Variable ABS_BOOTDIR must be set to a JDK installation.)
ifeq ($(MAKE_VERBOSE),)

# Required to construct a whitespace for use with subst
space :=
space +=

# Takes the provider files created by ServiceProviderProcessor (the processor
# for the @ServiceProvider annotation) and merges them into a single file.
# Arguments:
#  1: directory with contents of the JAR file
define process_providers
    $(eval providers := $(1)/$(PROVIDERS_INF))
    $(eval services := $(1)/$(SERVICES_INF))
    $(QUIETLY) test -d $(services) || mkdir -p $(services)
    $(QUIETLY) test ! -d $(providers) || (cd $(providers) && for i in $$(ls); do c=$$(cat $$i); echo $$i >> $(abspath $(services))/$$c; rm $$i; done)

    @# Since all projects are built together with one javac call we cannot determine
    @# which project contains HotSpotVMConfig.inline.hpp so we hardcode it.
    $(eval vmconfig := $(1)/hotspot/HotSpotVMConfig.inline.hpp)
    $(eval vmconfigDest := $(HS_COMMON_SRC)/../mxbuild/jvmci/jdk.vm.ci.hotspot/src_gen/hotspot)
    $(QUIETLY) test ! -f $(vmconfig) || (mkdir -p $(vmconfigDest) && cp $(vmconfig) $(vmconfigDest))

# Finds the *_OptionsDescriptors classes created by OptionProcessor (the processor for the @Option annotation)
# and appends their names to services/jdk.vm.ci.options.OptionDescriptors.
# Arguments:
#  1: directory with contents of the JAR file
define process_options
    $(eval services := $(1)/META-INF/services)
    $(QUIETLY) test -d $(services) || mkdir -p $(services)
    $(eval optionDescriptors := $(1)/META-INF/services/jdk.vm.ci.options.OptionDescriptors)
    $(QUIETLY) cd $(1) && for i in $$(find . -name '*_OptionDescriptors.class' 2>/dev/null); do echo $${i} | sed 's:\\./\\(.*\\)\\.class:\\1:g' | tr '/' '.' >> $(abspath $(optionDescriptors)); done

# Extracts META-INF/jvmci.services from a JAR file into a given directory
# Arguments:
#  1: JAR file to extract
#  2: target directory (which already exists)
define extract
    $(eval TMP := $(shell mktemp -d $(TARGET)/tmp_XXXXX))
    $(QUIETLY) cd $(TMP) && $(JAR) xf $(abspath $(1)) && \\
         (test ! -d .$(SERVICES_INF) || cp -r .$(SERVICES_INF) $(abspath $(2)));
    $(QUIETLY) rm -r $(TMP);
    $(QUIETLY) cp $(1) $(2)

# Calls $(JAVAC) with the boot class path $(JDK_BOOTCLASSPATH) and sources taken from the automatic variable $^
# Arguments:
#  1: processorpath
#  2: classpath
#  3: resources to copy
#  4: target JAR file
define build_and_jar
    $(info Building $(4))
    $(eval TMP := $(shell mkdir -p $(TARGET) && mktemp -d $(TARGET)/tmp_XXXXX))
    $(QUIETLY) $(JAVAC) -d $(TMP) -processorpath :$(1) -bootclasspath $(JDK_BOOTCLASSPATH) -cp :$(2) $(filter %.java,$^)
    $(QUIETLY) test "$(3)" = "" || cp -r $(3) $(TMP)
    $(QUIETLY) $(call process_options,$(TMP))
    $(QUIETLY) $(call process_providers,$(TMP))
    $(QUIETLY) mkdir -p $(shell dirname $(4))
    $(QUIETLY) $(JAR) -0cf $(4) -C $(TMP) .
    $(QUIETLY) rm -r $(TMP)

# Verifies that make/defs.make contains an appropriate line for each JVMCI service
# and that only existing JVMCI services are exported.
# Arguments:
#  1: list of service files
#  2: variable name for directory of service files
define verify_defs_make
    $(eval defs := make/defs.make)
    $(eval uncondPattern := EXPORT_LIST += $$$$($(2))/)
    $(eval condPattern := CONDITIONAL_EXPORT_LIST += $$$$($(2))/)
    $(eval unconditionalExports := $(shell grep '^EXPORT_LIST += $$($2)' make/defs.make | sed 's:.*($(2))/::g'))
    $(eval conditionalExports := $(shell grep '^CONDITIONAL_EXPORT_LIST += $$($2)' make/defs.make | sed 's:.*($(2))/::g'))
    $(eval allExports := $(unconditionalExports) $(conditionalExports))
    $(foreach file,$(1),$(if $(findstring $(file),$(allExports)), ,$(error "Line matching '$(uncondPattern)$(file)' or '$(condPattern)$(file)' not found in $(defs)")))
    $(foreach export,$(unconditionalExports),$(if $(findstring $(export),$(1)), ,$(error "The line '$(uncondPattern)$(export)' should not be in $(defs)")))

all: default
\t$(shell mkdir -p $(SHARED_DIR))
\t$(foreach export,$(EXPORTED_FILES),$(call extract,$(export),$(SHARED_DIR)))

export: all
\t$(call verify_defs_make,$(notdir $(wildcard $(SHARED_DIR)/jvmci.services/*)),EXPORT_JRE_LIB_JVMCI_SERVICES_DIR)
.PHONY: export

\t$(QUIETLY) rm $(JARS) 2> /dev/null || true
\t$(QUIETLY) rmdir -p $(dir $(JARS)) 2> /dev/null || true
.PHONY: export clean

    assert selectedDists
    selectedDists = [mx.dependency(s) for s in selectedDists]
    dists = []

    def _visit(dep, edge):
        if dep.isDistribution():

    mx.walk_deps(roots=selectedDists, visit=_visit, ignoredEdges=[mx.DEP_EXCLUDED])

    mf.add_definition(jdkBootClassPathVariableName + " = " + bootClassPath)
    for dist in dists: make_dist_rule(dist, mf)
    mf.add_definition("DISTRIBUTIONS = " + ' '.join([dist.name for dist in dists]))
    mf.add_rule("default: $({}_JAR)\n.PHONY: default\n".format("_JAR) $(".join([d.name for d in selectedDists])))
    return True