def fCreate_OneFundsTransfer(pClient,pCliNum,pMonth): #---------------------------------------------------# logging.debug('- Create_OneFundsTransfer: ' + str(pMonth) + "-" + pClient) # new transaction type("n",KeyModifier.CTRL) myTools.waitForTransEntry() # switch to Transfer to Funds type(Key.UP) # this is to get by a UI defect time.sleep(1) type("t") time.sleep(1) type(Key.DOWN) time.sleep(1) type(Key.TAB) # client myTools.enterClient(pClient) # date tranDate = str(pMonth) + "/28/" + Settings.dataYear type(tranDate) time.sleep(1) type(Key.TAB) # Amount type(Key.TAB) # Description type("a",KeyModifier.CTRL) type(pClient + " - " + str(pCliNum) + " - " + tranDate) type(Key.ENTER) time.sleep(1) type(Key.TAB) # payment list - mark first item in list if (int(Settings.tsVersion) > 2016) and (Settings.tsDB == "PREM"): type(Key.SPACE) # in TS2017+ PREM, this marks the check box else: type(Key.DOWN) # in others, this movement highlights first in list time.sleep(1) type(Key.TAB) # funds account type(Key.END) time.sleep(1) type("s",KeyModifier.CTRL) myTools.waitForTransSave()
def fCreate_OneDiscount(pClient, pMonth, pAmount): # ---------------------------------------------------# logging.debug("- Create_OneDiscount: " + str(pMonth) + "-" + pClient + " = " + str(pAmount)) # new transaction type("n", KeyModifier.CTRL) myTools.waitForTransEntry() # switch to Discount type(Key.UP) # this is to get by a UI defect time.sleep(1) type("d") time.sleep(1) type(Key.TAB) # client myTools.enterClient(pClient) # date tranDate = str(pMonth) + "/28/" + Settings.dataYear type(tranDate) time.sleep(1) type(Key.TAB) # Amount type(str(pAmount)) type(Key.TAB) # Description type("a", KeyModifier.CTRL) type("Discount: " + pClient + " - " + tranDate) type(Key.ENTER) time.sleep(1) # move to invoice list if (int(Settings.tsVersion) > 2016) and (Settings.tsDB == "PREM"): myTools.pressTAB(2) else: myTools.pressTAB(1) # move to last entry myTools.moveToLastTrans() myTools.clickApplyOne() # save type("s", KeyModifier.CTRL) myTools.waitForTransSave()
def fCreate_OneFundsTransfer(pClient,pCliNum,pMonth): #---------------------------------------------------# logging.debug('- Create_OneFundsTransfer: ' + str(pMonth) + "-" + pClient) # new transaction type("n",KeyModifier.CTRL) myTools.waitForTransEntry() # switch to Transfer to Funds type(Key.UP) # this is to get by a UI defect time.sleep(1) type("t") time.sleep(1) type(Key.DOWN) time.sleep(1) type(Key.TAB) # client myTools.enterClient(pClient) # date tranDate = str(pMonth) + "/28/" + Settings.dataYear type(tranDate) time.sleep(1) type(Key.TAB) # Amount type(Key.TAB) # Description type("a",KeyModifier.CTRL) type(pClient + " - " + str(pCliNum) + " - " + tranDate) type(Key.ENTER) time.sleep(1) type(Key.TAB) # payment list type(Key.DOWN) time.sleep(1) type(Key.TAB) # funds account type(Key.END) time.sleep(1) type("s",KeyModifier.CTRL) myTools.waitForTransSave()
def fCreate_OneCredit(pClient, pCliNum, pMonth, pAmount): # ---------------------------------------------------# logging.debug("- Create_OneCred: " + str(pMonth) + "-" + pClient + " = " + str(pAmount)) # new payment type("n", KeyModifier.CTRL) myTools.waitForTransEntry() # type = credit type(Key.HOME) myTools.pressDOWN(1) type(Key.TAB) time.sleep(1) # client myTools.enterClient(pClient) # date credDate = str(pMonth) + "/28/" + Settings.dataYear type(credDate) time.sleep(1) type(Key.TAB) # Amount type(str(pAmount)) type(Key.TAB) # Description type("a", KeyModifier.CTRL) type(pClient + " - " + str(pCliNum) + " - " + credDate) type(Key.ENTER) time.sleep(1) # move to invoice list if (int(Settings.tsVersion) > 2016) and (Settings.tsDB == "PREM"): myTools.pressTAB(2) else: myTools.pressTAB(1) # move to last entry myTools.moveToLastTrans() myTools.clickApplyOne() # save type("s", KeyModifier.CTRL) myTools.checkForUnappliedAmount() myTools.waitForTransSave()
def fCreate_OnePayToAccount(pClient,pCliNum,pMonth,pAmount): #---------------------------------------------------# logging.debug('- Create_OnePTA: ' + str(pMonth) + "-" + pClient + " = " + str(pAmount)) # new payment type("n",KeyModifier.CTRL) myTools.waitForTransEntry() # type (skip) type(Key.TAB) # deposit slip (skip) type(Key.TAB) # client myTools.enterClient(pClient) # skip account myTools.pressTAB(1) # date payDate = str(pMonth) + "/28/" + Settings.dataYear type(payDate) type(Key.TAB) time.sleep(1) # skip check number type(Key.TAB) # Amount type(str(pAmount)) type(Key.TAB) time.sleep(1) # Description type("a",KeyModifier.CTRL) type(pClient + " - " + str(pCliNum) + " - " + payDate) type(Key.ENTER) time.sleep(1) type("s",KeyModifier.CTRL) myTools.waitForTransSave() if exists("you_deposited_money.png"): type("n") time.sleep(2)
def fCreate_OneWriteOff(pClient,pCliNum,pMonth,pAmount): #---------------------------------------------------# logging.debug('- Create_OneWO: ' + str(pMonth) + "-" + pClient + " = " + str(pAmount)) # new writeoff type("n",KeyModifier.CTRL) myTools.waitForTransEntry() # type = writeoff type(Key.HOME) type("w") type(Key.TAB) # client myTools.enterClient(pClient) # date woDate = str(pMonth) + "/28/" + Settings.dataYear type(woDate) time.sleep(1) type(Key.TAB) # Amount type(str(pAmount)) type(Key.TAB) # Description type("a",KeyModifier.CTRL) type(pClient + " - " + str(pCliNum) + " - " + woDate) type(Key.ENTER) time.sleep(1) # move to invoice list if (int(Settings.tsVersion) > 2016) and (Settings.tsDB == "PREM"): myTools.pressTAB(2) else: myTools.pressTAB(1) # move to last entry myTools.moveToLastTrans() myTools.clickApplyOne() # save type("s",KeyModifier.CTRL) myTools.waitForTransSave()
def fCreate_OneDiscount(pClient,pMonth,pAmount): #---------------------------------------------------# logging.debug('- Create_OneDiscount: ' + str(pMonth) + "-" + pClient + " = " + str(pAmount)) # new transaction type("n",KeyModifier.CTRL) myTools.waitForTransEntry() # switch to Discount type(Key.UP) # this is to get by a UI defect time.sleep(1) type("d") time.sleep(1) type(Key.TAB) # client myTools.enterClient(pClient) # date tranDate = str(pMonth) + "/28/" + Settings.dataYear type(tranDate) time.sleep(1) type(Key.TAB) # Amount type(str(pAmount)) type(Key.TAB) # Description type("a",KeyModifier.CTRL) type("Discount: " + pClient + " - " + tranDate) type(Key.ENTER) time.sleep(1) type(Key.TAB) # invoice list type(Key.DOWN,KeyModifier.CTRL) time.sleep(1) click("apply_one.png") time.sleep(1) type("s",KeyModifier.CTRL) myTools.waitForTransSave()
def fCreate_OneCredit(pClient,pCliNum,pMonth,pAmount): #---------------------------------------------------# logging.debug('- Create_OneCred: ' + str(pMonth) + "-" + pClient + " = " + str(pAmount)) # new payment type("n",KeyModifier.CTRL) myTools.waitForTransEntry() # type = credit type(Key.HOME) myTools.pressDOWN(1) type(Key.TAB) time.sleep(1) # client myTools.enterClient(pClient) # date credDate = str(pMonth) + "/28/" + Settings.dataYear type(credDate) time.sleep(1) type(Key.TAB) # Amount type(str(pAmount)) type(Key.TAB) # Description type("a",KeyModifier.CTRL) type(pClient + " - " + str(pCliNum) + " - " + credDate) type(Key.ENTER) time.sleep(1) type(Key.TAB) # Invoice list; go to last entry type(Key.END, KeyModifier.CTRL) time.sleep(1) click("apply_one_button.png") time.sleep(1) # save type("s",KeyModifier.CTRL) myTools.checkForUnappliedAmount() myTools.waitForTransSave()
def fCreate_OnePayment(pClient,pCliNum,pMonth,pAmount): #---------------------------------------------------# logging.debug('- Create_OnePay: ' + str(pMonth) + "-" + pClient + " = " + str(pAmount)) # build a list of clients for which you will clear apply details transferClients = ["East.Bridgewater","North.Adams","West.Boylston"] transferFundsClients = ["East.Brookfield","North.Andover","West.Bridgewater"] refundClients = ["Harvard","Harwich","Hatfield","Haverhill","Hawley"] clearClients = transferClients + transferFundsClients + refundClients # new payment type("n",KeyModifier.CTRL) myTools.waitForTransEntry() # type type(Key.TAB) # source myTools.pressDOWN(pMonth-1) type(Key.TAB) time.sleep(1) # check number; only available in month 1 if pMonth == 1: type(str(pCliNum)) type(Key.TAB) time.sleep(1) # skip card options if pMonth in (3,4,5,6,7,8): type(Key.TAB) # client myTools.enterClient(pClient) # date payDate = str(pMonth) + "/28/" + Settings.dataYear type(payDate) time.sleep(1) type(Key.TAB) # skip deposit slip if pMonth in (1,2): type(Key.TAB) # Amount type(str(pAmount)) type(Key.TAB) # Description type("a",KeyModifier.CTRL) type(pClient + " - " + str(pCliNum) + " - " + payDate) type(Key.ENTER) time.sleep(1) # save type("s",KeyModifier.CTRL) myTools.checkForUnappliedAmount() myTools.waitForTransSave() imgClearApplies = "clear_applies.png" imgRemainingAmount = "apply_remaining_to_future.png" # clear applies and mark future invoice (this is for transfers in other scripts) if pClient in clearClients: logging.debug("==> CLEAR APPLIED") click(imgClearApplies) time.sleep(1) click(imgRemainingAmount) time.sleep(1) # save type("s",KeyModifier.CTRL) myTools.checkForUnappliedAmount() myTools.waitForTransSave()
def fCreate_SpecCredits(pMonth): #---------------------------------------------------# myTools.sectionStartTimeStamp("specialCredits" + str(pMonth)) logging.debug('Create_SpecCredits: ' + str(pMonth)) if int(Settings.tsVersion) < 2017: logging.debug('- SKIP until 2017') return myTools.getFocus() # list of invoices; one for each month invList = ["12400","12600","13100","13330","13830","14210","14370","14850","15200","15460","15960","16240"] # open a/r tran list logging.debug('- open a/r list') type("t",KeyModifier.CTRL) myTools.waitForTransList() # go to invoice type('g',KeyModifier.CTRL + KeyModifier.SHIFT) time.sleep(1) myTools.pressTAB(2) invNum = invList[pMonth-1] logging.debug('- look for: ' + invNum) type(invNum) type(Key.ENTER) time.sleep(1) # open it type(Key.ENTER) myTools.waitForTransEntry() # apply a new special credit click("apply_new.png") myTools.pressDOWN(5) type(Key.ENTER) time.sleep(1) # type type(Key.TAB) # client type(Key.TAB) # date tranDate = str(pMonth) + "/28/" + Settings.dataYear type(tranDate) time.sleep(1) type(Key.TAB) # Description type(Key.END) type(" - " + tranDate) time.sleep(1) myTools.pressTAB(2) # Fees feeAmount = 5 + pMonth/float(100) type(str(feeAmount)) time.sleep(1) type(Key.TAB) # Costs costAmount = 4 + pMonth/float(100) type(str(costAmount)) time.sleep(1) type(Key.TAB) # Interest interestAmount = 3 + pMonth/float(100) type(str(interestAmount)) time.sleep(1) #save type("s",KeyModifier.CTRL) myTools.checkForUnappliedAmount() myTools.waitForTransSave() # close type(Key.F4,KeyModifier.CTRL) time.sleep(1) type(Key.F4,KeyModifier.CTRL) myTools.sectionEndTimeStamp() myTools.checkProcesses()