コード例 #1
def simulate_AETnoise_from_arbitrary_SpH(duration, stime, t0, GWSpectralSlope,
                                         H0, Ppath, lmax, seed,
                                         N_previous_draws, Nvar,
                                         compute_ORF_SpHs, *orfpaths):
    Simulates noise(s) in the freq-domain from SpHs of ORF and SkyMap.
    Partly hardwired to simulate for A,E and T.
    tdiORF_SpHs' IJs are set from AET explicitly, so they can be used for analysis too.
    duration -- duration of the time-series
    stime -- sampling time 
    t0 --- initial time
    GWSpectralSlope --- GW background spectral slope
    H0 --- normalisation constant for H(f)
    Ppath --- file path to SkyMap of P_{lm}s
    lmax --- maximum degree l in SpH considered
    seed --- seed for the random number generator: 'random' or a positive integer
    N_previous_draws --- numuber of random number draws to discard first
    Nvar --- number of random variables (or time-series)
    compute_ORF_SpHs --- True (to compute tdiORF_SpHs) or False (to load from disk)
    *orfpaths --- file paths to save or to look for tdiORF_SpHs
    t --- time labels of the time-series (N x 1 numpy array) 
    n --- time-series (Nvar x N numpy array)
    Nvar = 3  #3 variables: A, E and T
    IJs = [
        'AA', 'AE', 'AT', 'EE', 'ET', 'TT'
    ]  #Explicitly label tdiORF_SpHs (Not really needed here, but this way they can be used for the analysis pipeline.)
    freqdict = mufls.get_freqs_from_duration_and_stime(stime, duration)
    if compute_ORF_SpHs:
        Nindies = int(Nvar * (Nvar + 1) / 2)
        if len(orfpaths) < Nindies:
            raise InputError, 'You must enter at least %d orfpaths!' % Nindies
                                       lmax=lmax) for k in range(Nindies)
        f, comatrix = mufls.get_CovarMatrix(Nvar, Ppath, GWSpectralSlope, H0,
        f, comatrix = mufls.get_CovarMatrix(Nvar, Ppath, GWSpectralSlope, H0,
        if not np.allclose(f, freqdict['f']):
            raise InputError, 'Frequencies of loaded covariance matrix do not match those of the fft.  Try computing the tdiORF_SpHs first with compute_ORF_SpHs=True'
    t, n = mufls.get_noise_freq_domain_CovarMatrix(
    return t, n
コード例 #2
ファイル: testsim.py プロジェクト: qAp/LisaMapp
def simulate_AETnoise_from_arbitrary_SpH( duration , stime , t0 ,
                                          GWSpectralSlope, H0,
                                          Ppath , lmax ,
                                          seed , N_previous_draws ,
                                          Nvar , compute_ORF_SpHs ,
                                          *orfpaths ) :
    Simulates noise(s) in the freq-domain from SpHs of ORF and SkyMap.
    Partly hardwired to simulate for A,E and T.
    tdiORF_SpHs' IJs are set from AET explicitly, so they can be used for analysis too.
    duration -- duration of the time-series
    stime -- sampling time 
    t0 --- initial time
    GWSpectralSlope --- GW background spectral slope
    H0 --- normalisation constant for H(f)
    Ppath --- file path to SkyMap of P_{lm}s
    lmax --- maximum degree l in SpH considered
    seed --- seed for the random number generator: 'random' or a positive integer
    N_previous_draws --- numuber of random number draws to discard first
    Nvar --- number of random variables (or time-series)
    compute_ORF_SpHs --- True (to compute tdiORF_SpHs) or False (to load from disk)
    *orfpaths --- file paths to save or to look for tdiORF_SpHs
    t --- time labels of the time-series (N x 1 numpy array) 
    n --- time-series (Nvar x N numpy array)
    Nvar = 3 #3 variables: A, E and T
    IJs = [ 'AA' , 'AE' , 'AT' , 'EE' , 'ET' , 'TT' ] #Explicitly label tdiORF_SpHs (Not really needed here, but this way they can be used for the analysis pipeline.)
    freqdict = mufls.get_freqs_from_duration_and_stime( stime , duration )
    if compute_ORF_SpHs :
        Nindies = int( Nvar*(Nvar+1) / 2 )
        if len( orfpaths ) < Nindies :
            raise InputError , 'You must enter at least %d orfpaths!' % Nindies
        [ make_arbitrary_tdiORF_SpHs( orfpaths[k] , freqdict['f'] , IJ=IJs[k] , lmax=lmax )
          for k in range( Nindies ) ]
        f , comatrix = mufls.get_CovarMatrix( Nvar , Ppath , GWSpectralSlope, H0 , *orfpaths )
    else :
        f , comatrix = mufls.get_CovarMatrix( Nvar , Ppath , GWSpectralSlope, H0 , *orfpaths )
        if not np.allclose( f , freqdict['f'] ) :
            raise InputError , 'Frequencies of loaded covariance matrix do not match those of the fft.  Try computing the tdiORF_SpHs first with compute_ORF_SpHs=True'
    t , n = mufls.get_noise_freq_domain_CovarMatrix( comatrix , freqdict['df'] , t0 ,
                                                     freqdict['parityN'] ,
                                                     seed=seed ,
                                                     N_previous_draws=N_previous_draws )    
    return t , n
コード例 #3
comatrix = get_comatrix( freqdict['f'] )

for day in options.days :
    print 'Day %d' % day
    t0 = ( day - 1 )*dayinsecs
    t = t0 + options.stime * np.arange( N )
    Npd_before_today = (day - 1) * Nseg * 2 * Nvar * freqdict['Nf'] 

    s = 1 ; tails = [ None ]*Nvar ; TSs = [ [] for v in range( Nvar ) ]
    while s <= Nseg :
        print 'Segments (%d|%d)' % ( s , s+1 )
        Npd_before_segl = Npd_before_today + (s-1)*2*Nvar*freqdict['Nf']
        Npd_before_segr = Npd_before_today + s*2*Nvar*freqdict['Nf']
        tl , tsl = mufls.get_noise_freq_domain_CovarMatrix(comatrix,freqdict['df'],
                                                           Npd_before_segl )
        tr , tsr = mufls.get_noise_freq_domain_CovarMatrix(comatrix,freqdict['df'],
                                                           Npd_before_segr )

        for v in range( Nvar ) :
            print 'v = ' , v
            if s == 1 :
                print 'tails[v]' , tails[v]
            else :
                print 'tails[v][:3]' , tails[v][:3]
            ts , tail = mufls.window_and_join( tsl[v] , tsr[v] , tails[v] )
            TSs[ v ] +=  list( ts )  ; tails[ v ] = np.copy( tail )
            print 'tails[v][:3]' , tails[v][:3]
コード例 #4
( options , args ) = parser.parse_args()
if len( args ) < 1 :
    parser.error( "You must specify a TSPATH!  Type './x_simulate_defined_stationary_noise.py' " )
else :
    tspath = args[ 0 ] ; tsdir = os.path.dirname( tspath )

stime , duration , inittime , N_previous_draws = float(options.stime) , float(options.duration) , float(options.inittime) , int( options.N_previous_draws )

N = np.round( duration / stime )
if N % 2 == 0 :
    Nf = int( N/2 - 1 ) ; parityN = 'Even'
else :
    Nf = int( ( N-1 ) / 2 ) ; parityN = 'Odd'

df = 1 / (N*stime)
f = df * np.arange( 1 , Nf + 1 )

comatrix = get_comatrix( f )

t , n = mufls.get_noise_freq_domain_CovarMatrix( comatrix , df , inittime , parityN , options.seed , N_previous_draws ) 

tscale = { 'Cadence1':stime , 'Offset1':inittime }
tsdict = { 't':AS.Coarsable( t , **tscale ) , 
           '1':AS.Coarsable( n[0] , **tscale ) , '2':AS.Coarsable( n[1] , **tscale ) , '3':AS.Coarsable( n[2] , **tscale ) }

if tsdir not in glob.glob( tsdir ) :
    os.system( 'mkdir %s' % tsdir )
print 'saving time-series to disk...'
file = open( tspath , 'wb' ) ; cpkl.dump( tsdict , file , -1 ) ; file.close()

コード例 #5
for day in options.days:
    print 'Day %d' % day
    t0 = (day - 1) * dayinsecs
    t = t0 + options.stime * np.arange(N)
    Npd_before_today = (day - 1) * Nseg * 2 * Nvar * freqdict['Nf']

    s = 1
    tails = [None] * Nvar
    TSs = [[] for v in range(Nvar)]
    while s <= Nseg:
        print 'Segments (%d|%d)' % (s, s + 1)
        Npd_before_segl = Npd_before_today + (s -
                                              1) * 2 * Nvar * freqdict['Nf']
        Npd_before_segr = Npd_before_today + s * 2 * Nvar * freqdict['Nf']
        tl, tsl = mufls.get_noise_freq_domain_CovarMatrix(
            comatrix, freqdict['df'], t0, freqdict['parityN'], options.seed,
        tr, tsr = mufls.get_noise_freq_domain_CovarMatrix(
            comatrix, freqdict['df'], t0, freqdict['parityN'], options.seed,

        for v in range(Nvar):
            print 'v = ', v
            if s == 1:
                print 'tails[v]', tails[v]
                print 'tails[v][:3]', tails[v][:3]
            ts, tail = mufls.window_and_join(tsl[v], tsr[v], tails[v])
            TSs[v] += list(ts)
            tails[v] = np.copy(tail)
            print 'tails[v][:3]', tails[v][:3]