コード例 #1
def update_integral_data(u_str, v_str, cx_str, cy_str):
    #string parsing
    u_fun, _ = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(u_str, ['x', 'y'])
    v_fun, _ = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(v_str, ['x', 'y'])
    cx_fun, cx_sym = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(cx_str, ['t'])
    cy_fun, cy_sym = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(cy_str, ['t'])

    from sympy import diff

    dcx_sym = diff(cx_sym,'t')
    dcy_sym = diff(cy_sym,'t')

    dcx_fun = my_bokeh_utils.sym_to_function_parser(dcx_sym, 't')
    dcy_fun = my_bokeh_utils.sym_to_function_parser(dcy_sym, 't')

    t = np.linspace(curveintegral_settings.parameter_min,curveintegral_settings.parameter_max)

    f_I = lambda xx, tt: (u_fun(cx_fun(tt),cy_fun(tt)) * dcx_fun(tt) + v_fun(cx_fun(tt),cy_fun(tt)) * dcy_fun(tt))

    integrand = f_I(None,t)

    from scipy.integrate import odeint

    integral = odeint(f_I,0,t)

    source_integral.data = dict(t=t.tolist(),
コード例 #2
def update_point():
    # Get the current slider value
    t0 = t_value_input.value
    f_x, f_x_sym = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(x_component_input.value, ['t'])
    f_y, f_y_sym = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(y_component_input.value, ['t'])

    t_min = leibnitz_settings.t_value_min

    t = np.linspace(t_min, t0,
                    leibnitz_settings.resolution)  # evaluation interval

    x = f_x(t)
    y = f_y(t)

    x = np.array([0] + x.tolist() + [0])
    y = np.array([0] + y.tolist() + [0])

    x0 = f_x(t0)
    y0 = f_y(t0)

    area = lf.calc_area(f_x_sym, f_y_sym, t0)

    # saving data to plot
    source_point.data = dict(x=[x0], y=[y0])
    source_sector.data = dict(x=x, y=y)
    source_lines.data = dict(x_start=[0, f_x(t_min)], y_start=[0, f_y(t_min)],
                             x_end=[0, f_x(t0)], y_end=[0, f_y(t0)])
    source_text.data = dict(x=[f_x(t0)], y=[f_y(t0)],
                            text=[str(round(area, 2))], text_color=['blue'])
コード例 #3
def update_parameter_data(cx_str, cy_str, t):
    # string parsing
    cx_fun, cx_sym = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(cx_str, ['t'])
    cy_fun, cy_sym = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(cy_str, ['t'])

    from sympy import diff

    dcx_sym = diff(cx_sym, 't')
    dcy_sym = diff(cy_sym, 't')

    dcx_fun = my_bokeh_utils.sym_to_function_parser(dcx_sym, 't')
    dcy_fun = my_bokeh_utils.sym_to_function_parser(dcy_sym, 't')

    # crating sample
    x_val = cx_fun(t)
    y_val = cy_fun(t)

    dx_val = dcx_fun(t)
    dy_val = dcy_fun(t)
    xx, hx = np.linspace(source_view.data['x_start'][0], source_view.data['x_end'][0], curveintegral_settings.n_sample,
    ssdict, spdict, _ = my_bokeh_utils.quiver_to_data(x=np.array(x_val), y=np.array(y_val), u=np.array(dx_val), v=np.array(dy_val), h=2*hx,
                                                           do_normalization=True, fix_at_middle=False)

    # save data
    source_param.data = dict(x=[x_val], y=[y_val], t=[t], x0=ssdict['x0'], y0=ssdict['y0'],
                             x1=ssdict['x1'], y1=ssdict['y1'], xs=spdict['xs'], ys=spdict['ys'])

    print "curve point was updated with t=%f" % (t)
コード例 #4
def init_data():
    initializes the plots and interactor
    f, _ = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(f_input.value, ['x', 'y'])
    g, _ = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(g_input.value, ['x', 'y'])
    contour_g.compute_contour_data(g, isovalue=[0])
コード例 #5
def init_data():
    initializes the plots and interactor
    f, _ = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(f_input.value, ['x', 'y'])
    g, _ = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(g_input.value, ['x', 'y'])
    contour_g.compute_contour_data(g, isovalue=[0])
コード例 #6
def update_curve_data(cx_str, cy_str):
    # string parsing
    cx_fun, _ = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(cx_str, ['t'])
    cy_fun, _ = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(cy_str, ['t'])
    # crating samples
    t_range = np.linspace(0, 1)
    x_val = cx_fun(t_range)
    y_val = cy_fun(t_range)
    # save data
    source_curve.data = dict(x=x_val, y=y_val)

    print "curve data was updated with c(t)=[%s,%s]" % (cx_str, cy_str)
コード例 #7
def update_curve_data(cx_str, cy_str):
    # string parsing
    cx_fun, _ = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(cx_str, ['t'])
    cy_fun, _ = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(cy_str, ['t'])
    # crating samples
    t_range = np.linspace(0, 1)
    x_val = cx_fun(t_range)
    y_val = cy_fun(t_range)
    # save data
    source_curve.data = dict(x=x_val, y=y_val)

    print "curve data was updated with c(t)=[%s,%s]" % (cx_str, cy_str)
コード例 #8
def update_curve():
    # parse x and y component
    f_x, _ = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(x_component_input.value, ['t'])
    f_y, _ = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(y_component_input.value, ['t'])

    t = np.linspace(leibnitz_settings.t_value_min, leibnitz_settings.t_value_max,
                    leibnitz_settings.resolution)  # evaluation interval

    x = f_x(t)
    y = f_y(t)

    # saving data to plot
    source_curve.data = dict(x=x, y=y)
コード例 #9
def update_curve():
    # parse x and y component
    f_x, _ = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(x_component_input.value, ['t'])
    f_y, _ = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(y_component_input.value, ['t'])

    t = np.linspace(leibnitz_settings.t_value_min, leibnitz_settings.t_value_max,
                    leibnitz_settings.resolution)  # evaluation interval

    x = f_x(t)
    y = f_y(t)

    # saving data to plot
    source_curve.data = dict(x=x, y=y)
コード例 #10
def refresh_contour():
    periodically called function that updates data with respect to the current user view, if the user view has changed.
    user_view_has_changed = my_bokeh_utils.check_user_view(source_view.data, plot)
    if user_view_has_changed:
        f, _ = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(f_input.value, ['x', 'y'])
        g, _ = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(g_input.value, ['x', 'y'])

        if len(source_mark.data['x']) > 0:  # has any point been marked?

        contour_g.compute_contour_data(g, [0])
        source_view.data = my_bokeh_utils.get_user_view(plot)
コード例 #11
def update_streamline_data(u_str, v_str, x0, y0):
    updates the bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource holding the streamline data.
    :param u_str: string, first component of the ode
    :param v_str: string, second component of the ode
    :param x0: initial value x for the streamline
    :param y0: initial value y for the streamline
    # string parsing
    u_fun, u_sym = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(u_str,['x','y'])
    v_fun, v_sym = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(v_str,['x','y'])
    # numerical integration
    chaotic = (sample_fun_input.value == "dixon") # for the dixon system a special treatment is necessary
    x_val, y_val = odesystem_helpers.do_integration(x0, y0, u_fun, v_fun, get_plot_bounds(plot), chaotic)
    # update sources
    streamline_to_data(x_val, y_val, x0, y0) # save data to ColumnDataSource
    print "streamline was calculated for initial value (x0,y0)=(%f,%f)" % (x0, y0)
コード例 #12
def update_parameter_data(cx_str, cy_str, t):
    # string parsing
    cx_fun, cx_sym = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(cx_str, ['t'])
    cy_fun, cy_sym = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(cy_str, ['t'])

    from sympy import diff

    dcx_sym = diff(cx_sym, 't')
    dcy_sym = diff(cy_sym, 't')

    dcx_fun = my_bokeh_utils.sym_to_function_parser(dcx_sym, 't')
    dcy_fun = my_bokeh_utils.sym_to_function_parser(dcy_sym, 't')

    # crating sample
    x_val = cx_fun(t)
    y_val = cy_fun(t)

    dx_val = dcx_fun(t)
    dy_val = dcy_fun(t)
    xx, hx = np.linspace(source_view.data['x_start'][0],
    ssdict, spdict, _ = my_bokeh_utils.quiver_to_data(x=np.array(x_val),
                                                      h=2 * hx,

    # save data
    source_param.data = dict(x=[x_val],

    print "curve point was updated with t=%f" % (t)
コード例 #13
def f_changed(attr, old, new):
    called if f input function changes
    # get new functions
    f, _ = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(f_input.value, ['x', 'y'])
    # has any point been marked?
    if len(source_mark.data['x']) > 0: # projected point does not change, just recompute isocontour on f
    # update contour data
コード例 #14
def update_quiver_data(u_str, v_str):
    updates the bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource_s holding the quiver data and the ciritical points and lines of the ode.
    :param u_str: string, first component of the ode
    :param v_str: string, second component of the ode
    # string parsing
    u_fun, u_sym = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(u_str,['x','y'])
    v_fun, v_sym = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(v_str,['x','y'])
    # compute critical points
    x_c, y_c, x_lines, y_lines = odesystem_helpers.critical_points(u_sym, v_sym, get_plot_bounds(plot))
    # crating samples
    x_val, y_val, u_val, v_val, h = get_samples(u_fun, v_fun)
    # update quiver w.r.t. samples
    quiver.compute_quiver_data(x_val, y_val, u_val, v_val, normalize=True)
    # save critical point data
    critical_to_data(x_c, y_c, x_lines, y_lines)

    print "quiver data was updated for u(x,y) = %s, v(x,y) = %s" % (u_str, v_str)
コード例 #15
def g_changed(attr, old, new):
    called if g input function changes
    # get new functions
    g, _ = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(g_input.value, ['x', 'y'])
    # has any point been marked?
    if len(source_mark.data['x']) > 0: # use clicked on point to recompute projection and recompute isocontour on f
    # update contour data
    contour_g.compute_contour_data(g, isovalue=[0])
コード例 #16
def update_quiver_data(u_str, v_str):
    updates the bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource_s holding the quiver data
    :param u_str: string, first component of the vector values function
    :param v_str: string, second component of the vector values function
    # string parsing
    u_fun, _ = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(u_str, ['x', 'y'])
    v_fun, _ = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(v_str, ['x', 'y'])
    # crating samples
    x_val, y_val, u_val, v_val, h = get_samples(u_fun, v_fun)
    # generating quiver data and updating sources
    ssdict, spdict, sbdict = my_bokeh_utils.quiver_to_data(x=x_val, y=y_val, u=u_val, v=v_val, h=h,
    # save quiver data to respective ColumnDataSource_s
    source_segments.data = ssdict
    source_patches.data = spdict
    source_basept.data = sbdict

    print "quiver data was updated for u(x,y) = %s, v(x,y) = %s" % (u_str, v_str)
コード例 #17
def update_quiver_data(u_str, v_str):
    updates the bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource_s holding the quiver data and the ciritical points and lines of the ode.
    :param u_str: string, first component of the ode
    :param v_str: string, second component of the ode
    # string parsing
    u_fun, u_sym = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(u_str, ['x', 'y'])
    v_fun, v_sym = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(v_str, ['x', 'y'])
    # compute critical points
    x_c, y_c, x_lines, y_lines = odesystem_helpers.critical_points(
        u_sym, v_sym, get_plot_bounds(plot))
    # crating samples
    x_val, y_val, u_val, v_val, h = get_samples(u_fun, v_fun)
    # update quiver w.r.t. samples
    quiver.compute_quiver_data(x_val, y_val, u_val, v_val, normalize=True)
    # save critical point data
    critical_to_data(x_c, y_c, x_lines, y_lines)

    print "quiver data was updated for u(x,y) = %s, v(x,y) = %s" % (u_str,
コード例 #18
def update_streamline_data(u_str, v_str, x0, y0):
    updates the bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource holding the streamline data.
    :param u_str: string, first component of the ode
    :param v_str: string, second component of the ode
    :param x0: initial value x for the streamline
    :param y0: initial value y for the streamline
    # string parsing
    u_fun, u_sym = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(u_str, ['x', 'y'])
    v_fun, v_sym = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(v_str, ['x', 'y'])
    # numerical integration
    chaotic = (sample_fun_input.value == "dixon"
               )  # for the dixon system a special treatment is necessary
    x_val, y_val = odesystem_helpers.do_integration(x0, y0, u_fun, v_fun,
    # update sources
    streamline_to_data(x_val, y_val, x0, y0)  # save data to ColumnDataSource
    print "streamline was calculated for initial value (x0,y0)=(%f,%f)" % (x0,
コード例 #19
def update_quiver_data(u_str, v_str):
    updates the bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource_s holding the quiver data
    :param u_str: string, first component of the vector values function
    :param v_str: string, second component of the vector values function
    # string parsing
    u_fun, _ = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(u_str, ['x', 'y'])
    v_fun, _ = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(v_str, ['x', 'y'])
    # crating samples
    x_val, y_val, u_val, v_val, h = get_samples(u_fun, v_fun)
    # generating quiver data and updating sources
    ssdict, spdict, sbdict = my_bokeh_utils.quiver_to_data(
        x=x_val, y=y_val, u=u_val, v=v_val, h=h, do_normalization=False)
    # save quiver data to respective ColumnDataSource_s
    source_segments.data = ssdict
    source_patches.data = spdict
    source_basept.data = sbdict

    print "quiver data was updated for u(x,y) = %s, v(x,y) = %s" % (u_str,
コード例 #20
def compute_click_data():
    computes relevant data for the position clicked on:
    1. gradients of objective function f(x,y) and constraint function g(x,y)
    2. contour lines running through click location
    # get objective function and constraint function
    f, f_sym = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(f_input.value, ['x', 'y'])
    g, g_sym = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(g_input.value, ['x', 'y'])
    # compute gradients
    df, _ = my_bokeh_utils.compute_gradient(f_sym, ['x', 'y'])
    dg, _ = my_bokeh_utils.compute_gradient(g_sym, ['x', 'y'])
    # compute isovalue on click location
    x_mark = source_mark.data['x'][0]
    y_mark = source_mark.data['y'][0]
    isovalue = f(x_mark, y_mark)
    # update contour running through isovalue
    contour_f0.compute_contour_data(f, [isovalue])
    # save gradient data
    h = (source_view.data['x_end'][0] - source_view.data['x_start'][0]) / 5.0
    x, y, u, v = get_samples(df, x_mark, y_mark)
    quiver_isolevel.compute_quiver_data(x, y, u, v, h=h, scaling=1)
    x, y, u, v = get_samples(dg, x_mark, y_mark)
    quiver_constraint.compute_quiver_data(x, y, u, v, h=h, scaling=1)
コード例 #21
def on_selection_change(attr, old, new):
    called if the by click selected point changes
    # detect clicked point
    x_coor, y_coor = interactor.clicked_point()

    if x_coor is not None:
        # get constraint function
        g, _ = my_bokeh_utils.string_to_function_parser(g_input.value, ['x', 'y'])
        # project point onto constraint
        x_close, y_close = my_bokeh_utils.find_closest_on_iso(x_coor, y_coor, g)
        # save to mark
        source_mark.data = dict(x=[x_close], y=[y_close])
        # update influenced data