def testing_ddpg(args=get_args()): env = EnvThreeUsers(args.step_per_epoch) args.state_shape = env.observation_space.shape args.action_shape = env.action_space.shape args.max_action = env.action_space.high[0] # model net = Net(args.layer_num, args.state_shape, 0, device=args.device, hidden_layer_size=args.unit_num) actor = Actor(net, args.action_shape, args.max_action, args.device, hidden_layer_size=args.unit_num).to(args.device) actor_optim = torch.optim.Adam(actor.parameters(), lr=args.actor_lr) net = Net(args.layer_num, args.state_shape, args.action_shape, concat=True, device=args.device, hidden_layer_size=args.unit_num) critic = Critic(net, args.device, args.unit_num).to(args.device) critic_optim = torch.optim.Adam(critic.parameters(), lr=args.critic_lr) policy = DDPGPolicy( actor, actor_optim, critic, critic_optim, args.tau, args.gamma, OUNoise(sigma=args.exploration_noise), # GaussianNoise(sigma=args.exploration_noise), [env.action_space.low[0], env.action_space.high[0]], reward_normalization=True, ignore_done=True) # restore model log_path = os.path.join(args.logdir, args.task, 'ddpg') policy.load_state_dict(torch.load(os.path.join(log_path, 'policy.pth'))) print('\nrelode model!') env = EnvThreeUsers(args.step_per_epoch) collector = Collector(policy, env) ep = 10000 result = collector.collect(n_episode=ep, render=args.render) print('''\nty1_succ_1: {:.6f}, q_len_1: {:.6f}, \nty1_succ_2: {:.2f}, q_len_2: {:.2f}, \nty1_succ_3: {:.2f}, q_len_3: {:.2f}, \nee_1: {:.2f}, ee_2: {:.2f}, ee_3: {:.2f}, \navg_rate:{:.2f}, \navg_power:{:.2f}\n'''.format( result["ty1s_1"][0] / ep, result["ql_1"][0] / ep, result["ty1s_2"][0] / ep, result["ql_2"][0] / ep, result["ty1s_3"][0] / ep, result["ql_3"][0] / ep, result["ee_1"][0] / ep, result["ee_2"][0] / ep, result["ee_3"][0] / ep, result["avg_r"] / ep, result["avg_p"] / ep)) print('large than Qmax: users1: {}, users2: {}, users3: {}.'.format( str(env.large_than_Q_1), str(env.large_than_Q_2), str(env.large_than_Q_3))) collector.close()
def offpolicy_trainer( policy: BasePolicy, train_collector: Collector, test_collector: Collector, max_epoch: int, step_per_epoch: int, collect_per_step: int, episode_per_test: Union[int, List[int]], batch_size: int, update_per_step: int = 1, train_fn: Optional[Callable[[int], None]] = None, test_fn: Optional[Callable[[int], None]] = None, stop_fn: Optional[Callable[[float], bool]] = None, save_fn: Optional[Callable[[BasePolicy], None]] = None, log_fn: Optional[Callable[[dict], None]] = None, writer: Optional[SummaryWriter] = None, log_interval: int = 1, verbose: bool = True, # test_in_train: bool = True, test_in_train: bool = False, ) -> Dict[str, Union[float, str]]: """A wrapper for off-policy trainer procedure. :param policy: an instance of the :class:`~tianshou.policy.BasePolicy` class. :param train_collector: the collector used for training. :type train_collector: :class:`` :param test_collector: the collector used for testing. :type test_collector: :class:`` :param int max_epoch: the maximum of epochs for training. The training process might be finished before reaching the ``max_epoch``. :param int step_per_epoch: the number of step for updating policy network in one epoch. :param int collect_per_step: the number of frames the collector would collect before the network update. In other words, collect some frames and do some policy network update. :param episode_per_test: the number of episodes for one policy evaluation. :param int batch_size: the batch size of sample data, which is going to feed in the policy network. :param int update_per_step: the number of times the policy network would be updated after frames be collected. In other words, collect some frames and do some policy network update. :param function train_fn: a function receives the current number of epoch index and performs some operations at the beginning of training in this epoch. :param function test_fn: a function receives the current number of epoch index and performs some operations at the beginning of testing in this epoch. :param function save_fn: a function for saving policy when the undiscounted average mean reward in evaluation phase gets better. :param function stop_fn: a function receives the average undiscounted returns of the testing result, return a boolean which indicates whether reaching the goal. :param function log_fn: a function receives env info for logging. :param torch.utils.tensorboard.SummaryWriter writer: a TensorBoard SummaryWriter. :param int log_interval: the log interval of the writer. :param bool verbose: whether to print the information. :param bool test_in_train: whether to test in the training phase. :return: See :func:`~tianshou.trainer.gather_info`. """ global_step = 0 best_epoch, best_reward = -1, -1 stat = {} start_time = time.time() test_in_train = test_in_train and train_collector.policy == policy # change training_res = [] for epoch in range(1, 1 + max_epoch): # train policy.train() if train_fn: train_fn(epoch) with tqdm.tqdm(total=step_per_epoch, desc=f'Epoch #{epoch}', **tqdm_config) as t: while t.n < result = train_collector.collect(n_step=collect_per_step, log_fn=log_fn) # data = {} # if test_in_train and stop_fn and stop_fn(result['rew']): # test_result = test_episode( # policy, test_collector, test_fn, # epoch, episode_per_test) # if stop_fn and stop_fn(test_result['rew']): # if save_fn: # save_fn(policy) # for k in result.keys(): # data[k] = f'{result[k]:.2f}' # t.set_postfix(**data) # return gather_info( # start_time, train_collector, test_collector, # test_result['rew']) # else: # policy.train() # if train_fn: # train_fn(epoch) for i in range(update_per_step * min( result['n/st'] // collect_per_step, - t.n)): global_step += 1 losses = policy.learn(train_collector.sample(batch_size)) # for k in result.keys(): # data[k] = f'{result[k]:.2f}' # if writer and global_step % log_interval == 0: # writer.add_scalar( # k, result[k], global_step=global_step) # for k in losses.keys(): # if stat.get(k) is None: # stat[k] = MovAvg() # stat[k].add(losses[k]) # data[k] = f'{stat[k].get():.6f}' # if writer and global_step % log_interval == 0: # writer.add_scalar( # k, stat[k].get(), global_step=global_step) t.update(1) # change # t.set_postfix(**data) if t.n <= t.update() # test # change if epoch % 50 == 0: # or epoch < 2000: env = EnvFourUsers(step_per_epoch) # env.seed(0) policy.train(False) collector = Collector(policy, env) ep = 100 result = collector.collect(n_episode=ep) # result = test_episode( # policy, test_collector, test_fn, epoch, episode_per_test) if best_epoch == -1 or best_reward < result['rew']: best_reward = result['rew'] best_epoch = epoch if save_fn: save_fn(policy) # print(result) if verbose: # change print( f'Epoch #{epoch}: test_reward: {result["rew"]:.6f}, ', f'best_reward: {best_reward:.6f} in #{best_epoch},\n', f'ty1_succ_rate_1: {result["ty1s_1"][0]/ep:.4f}, ', f'ty1_succ_rate_2: {result["ty1s_2"][0]/ep:.4f}, \n', f'ty1_succ_rate_3: {result["ty1s_3"][0]/ep:.4f}, ', f'ty1_succ_rate_4: {result["ty1s_4"][0]/ep:.4f}, \n', f'Q_len_1: {result["ql_1"][0]/ep:.4f},', f'Q_len_2: {result["ql_2"][0]/ep:.4f}, \n', f'Q_len_3: {result["ql_3"][0]/ep:.4f},', f'Q_len_4: {result["ql_4"][0]/ep:.4f}, \n', f'energy_effi_1: {result["ee_1"][0]/ep:.4f},', f'energy_effi_2: {result["ee_2"][0]/ep:.4f},\n', f'energy_effi_3: {result["ee_3"][0]/ep:.4f},', f'energy_effi_4: {result["ee_4"][0]/ep:.4f}\n', f'avg_rate: {result["avg_r"]/ep:.4f}, ' f'avg_power: {result["avg_p"]/ep:.4f} dBm\n') # change training_res.append([ (result["ee_1"][0] / ep + result["ee_2"][0] / ep + result["ee_3"][0] / ep + result["ee_4"][0] / ep) / 4, (result["ty1s_1"][0] / ep + result["ty1s_2"][0] / ep + result["ty1s_3"][0] / ep + result["ty1s_4"][0] / ep) / 4, (result["ql_1"][0] / ep + result["ql_2"][0] / ep + result["ql_3"][0] / ep + result["ql_4"][0] / ep) / 4, result["rew"] ]) if stop_fn and stop_fn(best_reward): break # change training_res = np.array(training_res) wb = Workbook() ws = ws.title = 'training result' ws['A1'] = 'testing num' ws['B1'] = 'energy efficiency' ws['C1'] = 'type 1 success rate' ws['D1'] = 'type 2 q length' ws['E1'] = 'return' for i in range(training_res.shape[0]): ws.cell(i + 2, 1).value = i + 1 ws.cell(i + 2, 2).value = training_res[i, 0] ws.cell(i + 2, 3).value = training_res[i, 1] ws.cell(i + 2, 4).value = training_res[i, 2] ws.cell(i + 2, 5).value = training_res[i, 3]"directly_training_slot" + str(step_per_epoch) + ".xlsx") test_collector.collect_time = -1 return gather_info(start_time, train_collector, test_collector, best_reward)