コード例 #1
eigX = [(eigh(M, eigvals_only=True))[::-1] for M in X]
eigt = [(eigh(M, eigvals_only=True))[::-1] for M in Xtest]
print "TIMER eval_features", time.clock() - ttt

# Observations
y = T.ravel()

alpha = []
covmat = []
for theta0 in [10.0**i
               for i in sp.linspace(-2, 5, 7)]:  # sp.linspace(1,1, N_models):
    # Setup a Gaussian Process model
    ttt = time.clock()
    gp = GaussianProcess(corr='absolute_exponential',

    # Fit to data using Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the parameters
    gp.fit(eigX, y)
    print "TIMER teach", time.clock() - ttt

    ttt = time.clock()
    # # Make the prediction on training set
    # y_pred, MSE = gp.predict(eigX, eval_MSE=True)
    # sigma = sp.sqrt(MSE)
    # print('\n training set:')
    # print('MAE:  %5.2f kcal/mol' % sp.absolute(y_pred-y).mean(axis=0))
    # print('RMSE: %5.2f kcal/mol' % sp.square(y_pred-y).mean(axis=0)**.5)
    # Make the prediction on test set
コード例 #2
print "TIMER load_data", time.clock() - ttt

test_indices_rec = []
teach_indices_rec = []

alpha_predicted = []
alpha_target = []
energy_target = []
energy_error = []

# --------------------------------------------
# Setup a Gaussian Process once and for all so that parameters do not change
# --------------------------------------------
gp = GaussianProcess(corr='absolute_exponential', theta0=sp.asarray([theta0]),
                     nugget=nugget, verbose=True, normalise=normalise, do_features_projection=False, low_memory=False, metric=metric)

# --------------------------------------------
# Loop over different training sets of the same size
# --------------------------------------------    
for iteration in range(Ndatabases):
    # --------------------------------------------
    # Pick Ntest configurations randomly
    # --------------------------------------------
    test_indices = list(sp.random.randint(0, high=dataset[target_property].size, size=Ntest))
    db_indices = randint_norepeat(0, exclude=test_indices, high=dataset[target_property].size, size=Nteach)
    X = dataset['X'][test_indices + db_indices]
    T = dataset[target_property][test_indices + db_indices]
    print "\n", "-"*60, "\n"
コード例 #3
ファイル: prog.py プロジェクト: vinodrajendran001/MarcoGP
# in this case, only sorted eigenvalues of Coulomb matrix
ttt = time.clock()
eigX = [(eigh(M, eigvals_only=True))[::-1] for M in X]
eigt = [(eigh(M, eigvals_only=True))[::-1] for M in Xtest]
print "TIMER eval_features", time.clock() - ttt

# Observations
y = T.ravel()

alpha = []
covmat = []
for theta0 in sp.linspace(0.01, 1, N_models):
    # Setup a Gaussian Process model
    ttt = time.clock()
    gp = GaussianProcess(corr='absolute_exponential',

    # Fit to data using Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the parameters
    gp.fit(eigX, y)
    print "TIMER teach", time.clock() - ttt

    # # Make the prediction on training set
    # y_pred, MSE = gp.predict(eigX, eval_MSE=True)
    # sigma = sp.sqrt(MSE)
    # print('\n training set:')
    # print('MAE:  %5.2f kcal/mol'%sp.abs(y_pred-y).mean(axis=0))
    # print('RMSE: %5.2f kcal/mol'%sp.square(y_pred-y).mean(axis=0)**.5)
    # Make the prediction on test set
    y_pred, MSE = gp.predict(eigt, eval_MSE=True)
    sigma = sp.sqrt(MSE)