コード例 #1
ファイル: fix_ramps.py プロジェクト: jfoster17/ramps
def baseline_and_deglitch(orig_spec,
    (1) Calculate a rolling standard deviation (s) in a window
        of 2*ww pixels
    (2) Mask out portions of the spectrum where s is more than
        sigma_cut times the median value for s.
    (3) Fit and subtract-out a polynomial of order poly_n 
        (currently hard-coded to 2)
    (4) Median filter (with a filter width of filt_width)
        to remove the single-channel spikes seen.
    ya = rolling_window(orig_spec,ww*2)
    #Calculate standard dev and pad the output
    stds = my_pad.pad(np.std(ya,-1),(ww-1,ww),mode='edge')
    #Figure out which bits of the spectrum have signal/glitches
    med_std = np.median(stds)
    std_std = np.std(stds)
    sigma_x_bar = med_std/np.sqrt(ww)
    sigma_s = (1./np.sqrt(2.))*sigma_x_bar
    #Mask out signal for baseline
    masked = ma.masked_where(stds > med_std+sigma_cut*sigma_s,orig_spec)
    xx = np.arange(masked.size)
    ya = ma.polyfit(xx,masked,2)
    baseline = ya[0]*xx**2+ya[1]*xx+ya[2]
    sub = orig_spec-baseline
    #Filter out glitches in baseline-subtracted version
    final = im.median_filter(sub,filt_width)[::filt_width]
コード例 #2
def make_local_stddev(orig_spec, ww=300):
    Make an array that encodes the local standard
    deviation within a window of width ww
    import my_pad
    ya = rolling_window(orig_spec, ww * 2)
    y = my_pad.pad(np.std(ya, -1), (ww - 1, ww), mode='edge')
    return (y)
コード例 #3
ファイル: fix_ramps_parallel.py プロジェクト: jfoster17/ramps
def baseline_and_deglitch(orig_spec,
    (1) Calculate a rolling standard deviation (s) in a window
        of 2*ww pixels
    (2) Mask out portions of the spectrum where s is more than
        sigma_cut times the median value for s. This seems to 
        be mis-calibrated (perhaps not independent?). A value 
        of 1.5 works well to remove all signal.
    (3) Downsample the masked spectrum (to avoid memory bug)
        and find the minimum order polynomial baseline that 
        does a good job of fitting the data.
    (3) Median filter (with a filter width of filt_width)
        to remove the single-channel spikes seen.
    ya = rolling_window(orig_spec,ww*2)
    #Calculate standard dev and pad the output
    stds = my_pad.pad(np.std(ya,-1),(ww-1,ww),mode='edge')
    #Figure out which bits of the spectrum have signal/glitches
    med_std = np.median(stds)
    std_std = np.std(stds)
    sigma_x_bar = med_std/np.sqrt(ww)
    sigma_s = (1./np.sqrt(2.))*sigma_x_bar
    #Mask out signal for baseline
    masked = ma.masked_where(stds > med_std+sigma_cut*sigma_s,orig_spec)
    #Down-sample for the polyfit.
    #For speed, but mostly for memory
    masked = im.median_filter(masked,filt_width)[::filt_width]
    xx = np.arange(masked.size)
    npoly = find_best_baseline(masked,xx)
    basepoly = fit_baseline(masked,xx,ndeg=npoly)
    #Some kludgy code to refactor the baseline polynomial to
    #the full size spectra
    xxx = np.arange(orig_spec.size)
    params = np.asarray(basepoly)
    rr = filt_width
    newparams = []
    for i,p in enumerate(params[::-1]):
    newparams = newparams[::-1]
    newpoly = np.poly1d(newparams)
    newbaseline = newpoly(xxx) 
    #Subtract off baseline
    sub = orig_spec-newbaseline
    #Filter out glitches in baseline-subtracted version
    final = im.median_filter(sub,filt_width)[::filt_width]