コード例 #1
def fuzz_effect():
    BLOCKSIZE = 1024  # Number of frames per block
    p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
    WIDTH = 2  # bytes per sample
    RATE = 44100  # Sampling rate (samples/second)
    mix = 1
    gain = 11

    number_of_devices = p.get_device_count()
    print ("There are {0:d} devices".format(number_of_devices))
    property_list = ["defaultSampleRate", "maxInputChannels", "maxOutputChannels"]
    for i in range(0, number_of_devices):
        print ("Device {0:d} has:".format(i))
        for s in property_list:
            print " ", s, "=", p.get_device_info_by_index(i)[s]

    stream = p.open(format=p.get_format_from_width(WIDTH), channels=2, rate=RATE, input=True, output=True)

    output_block = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2 * BLOCKSIZE)]

    q = 0.0
    X = 0.0
    y = 0.0
    z = 0.0
    r = 0.0
    max_z = 0
    max_r = 0
    # k = 0.0

    output_all = ""  # output signal in all (string)

    num_blocks = int(RATE / BLOCKSIZE * RECORD_SECONDS)
    print ("* Playing...")

    # Loop through wave file
    for i in range(0, num_blocks):

        # Get sample from wave file
        input_string = stream.read(BLOCKSIZE)

        # Convert string to number
        input_value = struct.unpack("hh" * BLOCKSIZE, input_string)

        X = np.fft.fft(input_value)
        max_val = abs(np.max(X))
        # print type(max_val)
        max_val = max_val.item()
        # print type(max_val)
        # max_val = int(max_val)

        for n in range(0, BLOCKSIZE):
            x = input_value[2 * n]
            q = x * gain / max_val

            if q == 0:
                z = 0
                z = -q / abs(q) * (1 - math.exp(-q * q / abs(q)))

            if z > max_z:
                max_z = z

                r = mix * z * max_val / abs(max_z) + (1 - mix) * x
            # k = np.asscalar(r)
            if r > max_r:
                max_r = r

            if abs(max_r) == 0:
                out = 0
                out = r * abs(x) / abs(max_r)
            output_block[2 * n] = clip16_flt(out)
            output_block[2 * n + 1] = clip16_flt(out)

        output_string = struct.pack("hh" * BLOCKSIZE, *output_block)

        # Write output to audio stream

        output_all = output_all + output_string

    print ("* Done")

コード例 #2
def fuzz_effect():
    BLOCKSIZE = 1024     # Number of frames per block
    p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
    WIDTH = 2           # bytes per sample
    RATE = 44100    # Sampling rate (samples/second)
    mix = 1 
    gain = 11 
    number_of_devices = p.get_device_count()
    print('There are {0:d} devices'.format(number_of_devices))
    property_list = ['defaultSampleRate', 'maxInputChannels', 'maxOutputChannels']
    for i in range(0, number_of_devices):
        print('Device {0:d} has:'.format(i))
        for s in property_list:
            print ' ', s, '=', p.get_device_info_by_index(i)[s]

    stream = p.open(format = p.get_format_from_width(WIDTH),
                    channels = 2,
                    rate = RATE,
                    input = True,
                    output = True)


    output_block = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2*BLOCKSIZE)]

    q = 0.0
    X = 0.0	
    y = 0.0
    z = 0.0
    r = 0.0
    max_z = 0
    max_r = 0
    # k = 0.0

    output_all = ''            # output signal in all (string)

    num_blocks = int(RATE / BLOCKSIZE * RECORD_SECONDS)
    print ('* Playing...')

    # Loop through wave file 
    for i in range(0, num_blocks):

    	# Get sample from wave file
        input_string = stream.read(BLOCKSIZE)

        # Convert string to number
        input_value = struct.unpack('hh'* BLOCKSIZE, input_string)

        X = np.fft.fft(input_value)
    	max_val = abs(np.max(X))
    	# print type(max_val)
        max_val = max_val.item()
        # print type(max_val)
        # max_val = int(max_val)

        for n in range(0, BLOCKSIZE):
            x = input_value[2*n]
            q = x * gain / max_val

            if q == 0:
                z = 0
                z = -q/abs(q) * (1 - math.exp(-q*q/abs(q)))
            if z>max_z:
                max_z = z

        	r = mix * z * max_val/abs(max_z) + (1 - mix) * x
            # k = np.asscalar(r)
            if r>max_r:
                max_r = r

            if abs(max_r) ==0:
                out = 0
                out = r * abs(x) / abs(max_r)
            output_block[2*n] = clip16_flt(out)
            output_block[2*n+1] = clip16_flt(out)

        output_string = struct.pack('hh'* BLOCKSIZE , *output_block)

        # Write output to audio stream

        output_all = output_all + output_string

    print('* Done')

コード例 #3
def fuzz_effect():
	BLOCKSIZE = 1024     # Number of frames per block
	p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
	WIDTH = 2           # bytes per sample
	RATE = 44100    # Sampling rate (samples/second)

	stream = p.open(format = p.get_format_from_width(WIDTH),
					channels = 2,
					rate = RATE,
					input = True,
					output = True)

	output_block = [0.0 for n in range(0, 2*BLOCKSIZE)]

	q = 0.0
	X = 0.0	
	y = 0.0
	z = 0.000001
	r = 0.0
	max_z = 0.000001
	max_r = 0

	output_all = ''            # output signal in all (string)
	num_blocks = int(RATE / BLOCKSIZE * RECORD_SECONDS)
	print ('#####  playing Fuzzy #####')

	# Loop through wave file 
	for i in range(0, num_blocks):
		if app.MODE != "Fuzzy":
		# Get sample from wave file
		input_string = stream.read(BLOCKSIZE)

		# Convert string to number
		input_value = struct.unpack('hh'* BLOCKSIZE, input_string)

		X = np.fft.fft(input_value)
		max_val = abs(np.max(X))
		max_val = max_val.item()

		for n in range(0, BLOCKSIZE):
			x = input_value[2*n]
			q = x * parameters.fuzzy_gain / max_val

			if q == 0:
				z = 0
				z = -q/abs(q) * (1 - math.exp(-q*q/abs(q)))

			if z > max_z:
				max_z = z
			r = parameters.fuzzy_mix * z * max_val / abs(max_z) + (1 - parameters.fuzzy_mix) * x
			# k = np.asscalar(r)
			if r > max_r:
				max_r = r

			if abs(max_r) ==0:
				out = 0
				out = r * abs(x) / abs(max_r)
			output_block[2*n] = clip16_flt(out)
			output_block[2*n+1] = clip16_flt(out)

		output_string = struct.pack('hh'* BLOCKSIZE , *output_block)

		# Write output to audio stream

		output_all = output_all + output_string

	print('* Done')
