コード例 #1
ファイル: test_api.py プロジェクト: Jimmy-INL/myia
def test_myia_struct_arg(backend):
    def f(pt):
        return pt.x

    x = f(Point(5, 6))
    assert x == 5
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_api.py プロジェクト: Jimmy-INL/myia
def test_myia_return_struct(backend):
    def f(x, y):
        return Point(x, y)

    pt = f(5, 6)
    assert pt == Point(5, 6)
コード例 #3
def test_myia_return_struct(_backend_fixture):
    backend = _backend_fixture

    def f(x, y):
        return Point(x, y)

    pt = f(5, 6)
    assert pt == Point(5, 6)
コード例 #4
def test_myia_struct_arg(_backend_fixture):
    backend = _backend_fixture

    def f(pt):
        return pt.x

    x = f(Point(5, 6))
    assert x == 5
コード例 #5
def test_from_canonical():
    def _convert(data, typ):
        return from_canonical(data, to_abstract_test(typ))

    # Leaves

    assert _convert(True, Bool) is True
    assert _convert(False, Bool) is False
    assert _convert(10, i64) == 10
    assert _convert(1.5, f64) == 1.5

    # Tuple -> Class conversion

    pt = Point(1, 2)
    assert _convert((1, 2), Point(i64, i64)) == pt
    assert _convert(((1, 2), (1, 2)), (Point(i64, i64), Point(i64, i64))) == (
コード例 #6
def test_hypermap_python():
    # Normal
    assert hyper_map(scalar_add, 10, 20) == 30
    assert hyper_map(scalar_add, (1, 2), (10, 20)) == (11, 22)
    assert hyper_map(scalar_add, [1, 2, 3], [3, 2, 1]) == [4, 4, 4]
    assert (hyper_map(scalar_add, numpy.ones((2, 2)), numpy.ones(
        (2, 2))) == 2 * numpy.ones((2, 2))).all()

    # Broadcast
    assert hyper_map(scalar_add, [1, 2, 3], 10) == [11, 12, 13]
    assert hyper_map(scalar_add, Point([1, 2], (3, 4)),
                     Point(10, 100)) == Point([11, 12], (103, 104))
    assert (hyper_map(scalar_add, numpy.ones((2, 2)), 9) == 10 * numpy.ones(
        (2, 2))).all()

    # Provide fn_leaf
    adder = HyperMap(fn_leaf=scalar_add)
    assert adder((1, 2), (10, 20)) == (11, 22)
    assert (adder(numpy.ones((2, 2)), numpy.ones((2, 2))) == 2 * numpy.ones(
        (2, 2))).all()
コード例 #7
def test_build_value():
    assert build_value(S(1)) == 1
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    assert build_value(S(t=ty.Int[64]), default=ANYTHING) is ANYTHING

    assert build_value(T([S(1), S(2)])) == (1, 2)

    loop = InferenceLoop(errtype=Exception)
    p = loop.create_pending(resolve=(lambda: None), priority=(lambda: None))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        assert build_value(S(p, t=ty.Int[64])) is p
    assert build_value(S(p, t=ty.Int[64]), default=ANYTHING) is ANYTHING
    assert build_value(S(p, t=ty.Int[64])) == 1234

    pt = Point(1, 2)
    assert build_value(to_abstract_test(pt)) == pt
コード例 #8
def test_repr():

    s1 = to_abstract_test(1)
    assert repr(s1) == "AbstractScalar(Int[64] = 1)"

    s2 = to_abstract_test(f32)
    assert repr(s2) == "AbstractScalar(Float[32])"

    t1 = to_abstract_test((1, f32))
    assert repr(t1) == f"AbstractTuple((Int[64] = 1, Float[32]))"

    a1 = to_abstract_test(af32_of(4, 5))
    assert repr(a1) == f"AbstractArray(Float[32] x 4 x 5)"

    p1 = to_abstract_test(Point(1, f32))
    assert repr(
        p1) == f"AbstractClass(Point(x :: Int[64] = 1, y :: Float[32]))"

    j1 = AbstractJTagged(to_abstract_test(1))
    assert repr(j1) == f"AbstractJTagged(J(Int[64] = 1))"

    h1 = AbstractHandle(to_abstract_test(1))
    assert repr(h1) == f"AbstractHandle(H(Int[64] = 1))"

    kw1 = AbstractKeywordArgument("bucket", to_abstract_test(1))
    assert repr(kw1) == f"AbstractKeywordArgument(KW(bucket :: Int[64] = 1))"

    ty1 = Ty(f32)
    assert repr(ty1) == "AbstractType(Ty(AbstractScalar(Float[32])))"

    e1 = AbstractError(DEAD)
    assert repr(e1) == "AbstractError(E(DEAD))"

    f1 = AbstractFunction(P.scalar_mul)
    assert repr(f1) == "AbstractFunction(scalar_mul)"

    fa = AbstractFunction(value=ANYTHING)
    assert repr(fa) == "AbstractFunction(ANYTHING)"

    tu1 = AbstractTaggedUnion([[13, s2], [4, to_abstract_test(i16)]])
    assert repr(tu1) == "AbstractTaggedUnion(U(4 :: Int[16], 13 :: Float[32]))"

    bot = AbstractBottom()
    assert repr(bot) == "AbstractBottom(⊥)"
コード例 #9
int1_np64 = np.int64(17)
int2_np64 = np.int64(29)

int1_np32 = np.int32(37)
int2_np32 = np.int32(41)

fp1 = 2.7
fp2 = 6.91

fp1_np64 = np.float64(3.3)
fp2_np64 = np.float64(7.23)

fp1_np32 = np.float32(3.9)
fp2_np32 = np.float32(9.29)

pt1 = Point(10, 20)
pt2 = Point(100, 200)

    mono_scalar(int1, int2_np64),
    mono_scalar(int1_np64, int2_np64),
    mono_scalar(fp1, fp2_np64),
    mono_scalar(fp1_np64, fp2_np64),
    mono_scalar(fp1_np32, fp2_np32),
    mono_scalar(int1_np32, int2_np32),
def test_prim_arithmetic_np_same_precision(x, y):
    def test_prim_mul_np(x, y):
        return x * y
コード例 #10
def test_to_canonical():
    def _convert(data, typ):
        return to_canonical(data, to_abstract_test(typ))

    # Leaves

    assert _convert(True, Bool) is True
    assert _convert(False, Bool) is False
    assert _convert(10, i64) == 10
    assert _convert(1.5, f64) == 1.5
    assert _convert([], []) == ()
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _convert([], [f64])
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _convert([1, 2], [])

    # Class -> Tuple conversion

    pt = Point(1, 2)
    pt3 = Point3D(1, 2, 3)
    assert list(_convert(pt, Point(i64, i64))) == [1, 2]
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _convert((1, 2), Point(i64, i64))

    assert list(_convert((pt, pt), (Point(i64, i64), Point(i64, i64)))) == [
        (1, 2),
        (1, 2),

    li = _convert([1], [i64])
    assert (isinstance(li, tuple) and li[0] == 1
            and isinstance(li[1], TaggedValue) and li[1].value == ())

    # Arrays

    fmat = np.ones((5, 8))
    imat = np.ones((5, 8), dtype="int32")

    assert _convert(fmat, af64_of(5, 8)) is fmat
    assert _convert(imat, ai32_of(5, 8)) is imat
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _convert(imat, ai64_of(5, 8))
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _convert(imat, ai32_of(4, 8))

    # Misc errors

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _convert(10, f64)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _convert(1.5, i64)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _convert(10, (i64, i64))
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _convert((1, ), (i64, i64))
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _convert((1, 2, 3), (i64, i64))
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _convert((1, 2, 3), [i64])
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _convert(pt3, Point(i64, i64))
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _convert(10, ai64_of())
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _convert(10, ai64_of())
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _convert(1, Bool)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _convert(1, D(x=i64))
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _convert({"x": 2.0}, D(x=i64))
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _convert({"x": 2.0, "y": 1}, D(x=i64))
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _convert({"y": 2.0}, D(x=i64))
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _convert("x", 1.0)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _convert(1.0, to_abstract_test("x"))
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _convert(1.0, to_abstract_test(HandleInstance(1.0)))

    v = to_device(22, None)
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        _convert(v, f64)
コード例 #11
ファイル: test_compile.py プロジェクト: tor4z/myia
        *args, expected = test
        assert myia_fn(*args) == expected

@mt(run(None), run(42))
def test_is_(x):
    return x is None

@mt(run(None), run(42))
def test_is_not(x):
    return x is not None

    run(1, 1.7, Point(3, 4), (8, 9)),
    run(0, 1.7, Point(3, 4), (8, 9)),
    run(-1, 1.7, Point(3, 4), (8, 9)),
def test_tagged(c, x, y, z):
    if c > 0:
        return tagged(x)
    elif c == 0:
        return tagged(y)
        return tagged(z)

@mt(run("hey", 2), run("idk", 5))
def test_string_eq(s, x):
    if s == "idk":
コード例 #12
ファイル: test_validate.py プロジェクト: tor4z/myia
import pytest

from myia.abstract import AbstractFunction, TypedPrimitive
from myia.operations import partial, primitives as P
from myia.pipeline import scalar_parse, scalar_pipeline, steps
from myia.testing.common import Point, i64, to_abstract_test
from myia.validate import ValidationError, validate, validate_abstract

Point_a = Point(i64, i64)

pip = scalar_pipeline.with_steps(

pip_ec = scalar_pipeline.with_steps(

def run(pip, fn, types):
    res = pip(input=fn, argspec=[to_abstract_test(t) for t in types])
    return res["graph"]

コード例 #13
def test_arithmetic_data_python():
    assert Point(1, 2) + Point(10, 20) == Point(11, 22)
    assert Point(1, 2) + 10 == Point(11, 12)
コード例 #14
from ..test_algos import make_tree
from ..test_infer import infer_scalar

hyper_map_notuple = HyperMap(nonleaf=(lib.AbstractArray, lib.AbstractUnion,
hyper_map_nobroadcast = HyperMap(broadcast=False)

    infer_scalar(i64, i64, result=i64),
    infer_scalar(f64, f64, result=f64),
    infer_scalar([f64], [f64], result=[f64]),
    infer_scalar([[f64]], [[f64]], result=[[f64]]),
    infer_scalar((i64, f64), (i64, f64), result=(i64, f64)),
    infer_scalar(Point(i64, i64), Point(i64, i64), result=Point(i64, i64)),
    infer_scalar(ai64_of(2, 5), ai64_of(2, 5), result=ai64_of(2, 5)),
    infer_scalar(ai64_of(2, 5), i64, result=ai64_of(2, 5)),
    infer_scalar(ai64_of(1, 5), ai64_of(2, 1), result=ai64_of(2, 5)),
    infer_scalar(i64, f64, result=InferenceError),
    infer_scalar(ai64_of(2, 5), af64_of(2, 5), result=InferenceError),
    infer_scalar(U(i64, (i64, i64)),
                 U(i64, (i64, i64)),
                 result=U(i64, (i64, i64))),
    infer_scalar(U(i64, (i64, i64)),
                 U(i64, (i64, i64, i64)),
        "x": i64,
        "y": i64
    }, {
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_validate.py プロジェクト: tor4z/myia
 def f2(x, y):
     return Point(x, y)
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_lang.py プロジェクト: tor4z/myia
def test_dict(x):
    return {"x": x}

def test_tuple(x):
    return x, x + 1, x + 2

@run_lang((1, 2, 3, 4))
def test_getitem(x):
    return x[1]

@run_debug(Point(x=5, y=2))
def test_getattr(pt):
    return pt.x

@run_debug(Point(x=5, y=2))
def test_getattr_function(pt):
    return getattr(pt, "x")

@run_debug(2, 3)
def test_method(x, y):
    return x.__add__(y)

コード例 #17
ファイル: test_validate.py プロジェクト: tor4z/myia
 def f3(x, y):
     return Point(x, y)
コード例 #18
ファイル: test_compile.py プロジェクト: tor4z/myia
import pytest

from myia.operations import tagged
from myia.testing.common import Point
from myia.testing.multitest import Multiple, mt, run

run_relay_debug = run.configure(
            ("relay", {"exec_kind": "debug"}),

@mt(run_relay_debug(0, 1.7, Point(3, 4), (8, 9)),)
def test_tagged(c, x, y, z):
    if c > 0:
        return tagged(x)
    elif c == 0:
        return tagged(y)
        return tagged(z)
コード例 #19
 def f(x, y):
     return Point(x, y)
コード例 #20
def test_struct(x, y):
    return Point(x, y)
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_lang.py プロジェクト: tor4z/myia
def test_record(x):
    return Point(x, x)
コード例 #22
def test_struct2(x, y):
    p = Point(x, y)
    return p.x + p.y