コード例 #1
    def Process(self):
        module = '[FAILED-DOWNLOAD]'

        myDB = db.DBConnection()

        if self.nzb_name and self.nzb_folder:
            self._log('Failed download has been detected: ' + self.nzb_name +
                      ' in ' + self.nzb_folder)

            #since this has already been passed through the search module, which holds the IssueID in the nzblog,
            #let's find the matching nzbname and pass it the IssueID in order to mark it as Failed and then return
            #to the search module and continue trucking along.

            nzbname = self.nzb_name
            #remove extensions from nzb_name if they somehow got through (Experimental most likely)
            extensions = ('.cbr', '.cbz')

            if nzbname.lower().endswith(extensions):
                fd, ext = os.path.splitext(nzbname)
                self._log("Removed extension from nzb: " + ext)
                nzbname = re.sub(str(ext), '', str(nzbname))

            #replace spaces
            nzbname = re.sub(' ', '.', str(nzbname))
            nzbname = re.sub('[\,\:\?\'\(\)]', '', str(nzbname))
            nzbname = re.sub('[\&]', 'and', str(nzbname))
            nzbname = re.sub('_', '.', str(nzbname))

            logger.fdebug(module + ' After conversions, nzbname is : ' +
            self._log("nzbname: " + str(nzbname))

            nzbiss = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from nzblog WHERE nzbname=?",

            if nzbiss is None:
                    "Failure - could not initially locate nzbfile in my database to rename."
                logger.fdebug(module +
                              ' Failure - could not locate nzbfile initially')
                # if failed on spaces, change it all to decimals and try again.
                nzbname = re.sub('_', '.', str(nzbname))
                self._log("trying again with this nzbname: " + str(nzbname))
                    module +
                    ' Trying to locate nzbfile again with nzbname of : ' +
                nzbiss = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from nzblog WHERE nzbname=?",
                if nzbiss is None:
                        module +
                        ' Unable to locate downloaded file to rename. PostProcessing aborted.'
                        'Unable to locate downloaded file to rename. PostProcessing aborted.'
                        "self.log": self.log,
                        "mode": 'stop'

                    return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
                    self._log("I corrected and found the nzb as : " +
                    logger.fdebug(module +
                                  ' Auto-corrected and found the nzb as : ' +
                    issueid = nzbiss['IssueID']
                issueid = nzbiss['IssueID']
                logger.fdebug(module + ' Issueid: ' + str(issueid))
                sarc = nzbiss['SARC']
                #use issueid to get publisher, series, year, issue number

            issueid = self.issueid
            nzbiss = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from nzblog WHERE IssueID=?",
            if nzbiss is None:
                    module +
                    ' Cannot locate corresponding record in download history. This will be implemented soon.'
                self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log, "mode": 'stop'})
                return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)

            nzbname = nzbiss['NZBName']

        # find the provider.
        self.prov = nzbiss['PROVIDER']
        logger.info(module + ' Provider: ' + self.prov)

        # grab the id.
        self.id = nzbiss['ID']
        logger.info(module + ' ID: ' + self.id)
        annchk = "no"

        if 'annual' in nzbname.lower():
            logger.info(module + ' Annual detected.')
            annchk = "yes"
            issuenzb = myDB.selectone(
                "SELECT * from annuals WHERE IssueID=? AND ComicName NOT NULL",
            issuenzb = myDB.selectone(
                "SELECT * from issues WHERE IssueID=? AND ComicName NOT NULL",

        if issuenzb is not None:
            logger.info(module + ' issuenzb found.')
            if helpers.is_number(issueid):
                sandwich = int(issuenzb['IssueID'])
            logger.info(module + ' issuenzb not found.')
            #if it's non-numeric, it contains a 'G' at the beginning indicating it's a multi-volume
            #using GCD data. Set sandwich to 1 so it will bypass and continue post-processing.
            if 'S' in issueid:
                sandwich = issueid
            elif 'G' in issueid or '-' in issueid:
                sandwich = 1
        if helpers.is_number(sandwich):
            if sandwich < 900000:
                # if sandwich is less than 900000 it's a normal watchlist download. Bypass.
                'Failed download handling for story-arcs and one-off\'s are not supported yet. Be patient!'
                ' Unable to locate downloaded file to rename. PostProcessing aborted.'
            self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log, "mode": 'stop'})

            return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)

        comicid = issuenzb['ComicID']
        issuenumOG = issuenzb['Issue_Number']
        logger.info(module + ' Successfully detected as : ' +
                    issuenzb['ComicName'] + ' issue: ' +
                    str(issuenzb['Issue_Number']) +
                    ' that was downloaded using ' + self.prov)
        self._log('Successfully detected as : ' + issuenzb['ComicName'] +
                  ' issue: ' + str(issuenzb['Issue_Number']) +
                  ' downloaded using ' + self.prov)

        logger.info(module + ' Marking as a Failed Download.')
        self._log('Marking as a Failed Download.')

        ctrlVal = {"IssueID": issueid}
        Vals = {"Status": 'Failed'}
        myDB.upsert("issues", Vals, ctrlVal)

        ctrlVal = {"ID": self.id, "Provider": self.prov, "NZBName": nzbname}
        Vals = {
            "Status": 'Failed',
            "ComicName": issuenzb['ComicName'],
            "Issue_Number": issuenzb['Issue_Number'],
            "IssueID": issueid,
            "ComicID": comicid,
            "DateFailed": helpers.now()
        myDB.upsert("failed", Vals, ctrlVal)

        logger.info(module + ' Successfully marked as Failed.')
        self._log('Successfully marked as Failed.')

        if mylar.CONFIG.FAILED_AUTO:
                module +
                ' Sending back to search to see if we can find something that will not fail.'
                'Sending back to search to see if we can find something better that will not fail.'
                "self.log": self.log,
                "mode": 'retry',
                "issueid": issueid,
                "comicid": comicid,
                "comicname": issuenzb['ComicName'],
                "issuenumber": issuenzb['Issue_Number'],
                "annchk": annchk

            return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
                module +
                ' Stopping search here as automatic handling of failed downloads is not enabled *hint*'
                'Stopping search here as automatic handling of failed downloads is not enabled *hint*'
            self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log, "mode": 'stop'})
            return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
コード例 #2
ファイル: config.py プロジェクト: yonkyunior/mylar
    def configure(self, update=False):

            if not any([
                    self.SAB_HOST is None, self.SAB_HOST == '', 'http://'
                    in self.SAB_HOST[:7], 'https://' in self.SAB_HOST[:8]
                self.SAB_HOST = 'http://' + self.SAB_HOST
            if self.SAB_HOST.endswith('/'):
                    "Auto-correcting trailing slash in SABnzbd url (not required)"
                self.SAB_HOST = self.SAB_HOST[:-1]

        if any([self.HTTP_ROOT is None, self.HTTP_ROOT == '/']):
            self.HTTP_ROOT = '/'
            if not self.HTTP_ROOT.endswith('/'):
                self.HTTP_ROOT += '/'

        if not update:
            logger.fdebug('Log dir: %s' % self.LOG_DIR)

        if self.LOG_DIR is None:
            self.LOG_DIR = os.path.join(mylar.DATA_DIR, 'logs')

        if not os.path.exists(self.LOG_DIR):
            except OSError:
                if not mylar.QUIET:
                        'Unable to create the log directory. Logging to screen only.'

        # if not update:
        #     logger.fdebug('[Cache Check] Cache directory currently set to : ' + self.CACHE_DIR)

        # Put the cache dir in the data dir for now
        if not self.CACHE_DIR:
            self.CACHE_DIR = os.path.join(str(mylar.DATA_DIR), 'cache')
            if not update:
                    '[Cache Check] Cache directory not found in configuration. Defaulting location to : '
                    + self.CACHE_DIR)

        if not os.path.exists(self.CACHE_DIR):
            except OSError:
                    '[Cache Check] Could not create cache dir. Check permissions of datadir: '
                    + mylar.DATA_DIR)

        ## Sanity checking
        if any([
                self.COMICVINE_API is None, self.COMICVINE_API == 'None',
                self.COMICVINE_API == ''
                'No User Comicvine API key specified. I will not work very well due to api limits - http://api.comicvine.com/ and get your own free key.'
            self.COMICVINE_API = None

        if self.SEARCH_INTERVAL < 360:
                'Search interval too low. Resetting to 6 hour minimum')
            self.SEARCH_INTERVAL = 360

        if self.SEARCH_DELAY < 1:
                "Minimum search delay set for 1 minute to avoid hammering.")
            self.SEARCH_DELAY = 1

        if self.RSS_CHECKINTERVAL < 20:
                "Minimum RSS Interval Check delay set for 20 minutes to avoid hammering."
            self.RSS_CHECKINTERVAL = 20

        if not helpers.is_number(self.CHMOD_DIR):
                "CHMOD Directory value is not a valid numeric - please correct. Defaulting to 0777"
            self.CHMOD_DIR = '0777'

        if not helpers.is_number(self.CHMOD_FILE):
                "CHMOD File value is not a valid numeric - please correct. Defaulting to 0660"
            self.CHMOD_FILE = '0660'

        if self.FILE_OPTS is None:
            self.FILE_OPTS = 'move'

        if any([self.FILE_OPTS == 'hardlink', self.FILE_OPTS == 'softlink']):
            #we can't have metatagging enabled with hard/soft linking. Forcibly disable it here just in case it's set on load.
            self.ENABLE_META = False

        if self.BLACKLISTED_PUBLISHERS is not None and type(
                self.BLACKLISTED_PUBLISHERS) == unicode:
            setattr(self, 'BLACKLISTED_PUBLISHERS',
                    self.BLACKLISTED_PUBLISHERS.split(', '))

        if all([
                self.AUTHENTICATION == 0, self.HTTP_USERNAME is not None,
                self.HTTP_PASSWORD is not None
            #set it to the default login prompt if nothing selected.
            self.AUTHENTICATION = 1
        elif all([self.HTTP_USERNAME is None, self.HTTP_PASSWORD is None]):
            self.AUTHENTICATION = 0

        #comictagger - force to use included version if option is enabled.
        if self.ENABLE_META:
            mylar.CMTAGGER_PATH = mylar.PROG_DIR
            #we need to make sure the default folder setting for the comictagger settings exists so things don't error out
            mylar.CT_SETTINGSPATH = os.path.join(mylar.PROG_DIR, 'lib',
            if not update:
                    'Setting ComicTagger settings default path to : ' +

            if not os.path.exists(mylar.CT_SETTINGSPATH):
                except OSError, e:
                    if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
                            'Unable to create setting directory for ComicTagger. This WILL cause problems when tagging.'
                        'Successfully created ComicTagger Settings location.')
コード例 #3
ファイル: config.py プロジェクト: claym/mylar
    def configure(self, update=False):

            if not any([self.SAB_HOST is None, self.SAB_HOST == '', 'http://' in self.SAB_HOST[:7], 'https://' in self.SAB_HOST[:8]]):
                self.SAB_HOST = 'http://' + self.SAB_HOST
            if self.SAB_HOST.endswith('/'):
                logger.fdebug("Auto-correcting trailing slash in SABnzbd url (not required)")
                self.SAB_HOST = self.SAB_HOST[:-1]

        if any([self.HTTP_ROOT is None, self.HTTP_ROOT == '/']):
            self.HTTP_ROOT = '/'
            if not self.HTTP_ROOT.endswith('/'):
                self.HTTP_ROOT += '/'

        if not update:
           logger.fdebug('Log dir: %s' % self.LOG_DIR)

        if self.LOG_DIR is None:
            self.LOG_DIR = os.path.join(mylar.DATA_DIR, 'logs')

        if not os.path.exists(self.LOG_DIR):
            except OSError:
                if not mylar.QUIET:
                    logger.warn('Unable to create the log directory. Logging to screen only.')

        # if not update:
        #     logger.fdebug('[Cache Check] Cache directory currently set to : ' + self.CACHE_DIR)

        # Put the cache dir in the data dir for now
        if not self.CACHE_DIR:
            self.CACHE_DIR = os.path.join(str(mylar.DATA_DIR), 'cache')
            if not update:
                logger.fdebug('[Cache Check] Cache directory not found in configuration. Defaulting location to : ' + self.CACHE_DIR)

        if not os.path.exists(self.CACHE_DIR):
            except OSError:
                logger.error('[Cache Check] Could not create cache dir. Check permissions of datadir: ' + mylar.DATA_DIR)

        if not self.SECURE_DIR:
            self.SECURE_DIR = os.path.join(mylar.DATA_DIR, '.secure')

        if not os.path.exists(self.SECURE_DIR):
            except OSError:
                logger.error('[Secure DIR Check] Could not create secure directory. Check permissions of datadir: ' + mylar.DATA_DIR)

        #make sure the cookies.dat file is not in cache
        for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.CACHE_DIR, '.32p_cookies.dat')):
                 if os.path.isfile(f):
                     shutil.move(f, os.path.join(self.SECURE_DIR, '.32p_cookies.dat'))
             except Exception as e:
                 logger.error('SECURE-DIR-MOVE] Unable to move cookies file into secure location. This is a fatal error.')

        if self.CLEANUP_CACHE is True:
            logger.fdebug('[Cache Cleanup] Cache Cleanup initiated. Will delete items from cache that are no longer needed.')
            cache_types = ['*.nzb', '*.torrent', '*.zip', '*.html', 'mylar_*']
            cntr = 0
            for x in cache_types:
                for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.CACHE_DIR,x)):
                        if os.path.isdir(f):
                    except Exception as e:
                        logger.warn('[ERROR] Unable to remove %s from cache. Could be a possible permissions issue ?' % f)

            if cntr > 1:
                logger.fdebug('[Cache Cleanup] Cache Cleanup finished. Cleaned %s items' % cntr)
                logger.fdebug('[Cache Cleanup] Cache Cleanup finished. Nothing to clean!')

        if all([self.GRABBAG_DIR is None, self.DESTINATION_DIR is not None]):
            self.GRABBAG_DIR = os.path.join(self.DESTINATION_DIR, 'Grabbag')
            logger.fdebug('[Grabbag Directory] Setting One-Off directory to default location: %s' % self.GRABBAG_DIR)

        ## Sanity checking
        if any([self.COMICVINE_API is None, self.COMICVINE_API == 'None', self.COMICVINE_API == '']):
            logger.error('No User Comicvine API key specified. I will not work very well due to api limits - http://api.comicvine.com/ and get your own free key.')
            self.COMICVINE_API = None

        if self.SEARCH_INTERVAL < 360:
            logger.fdebug('Search interval too low. Resetting to 6 hour minimum')
            self.SEARCH_INTERVAL = 360

        if self.SEARCH_DELAY < 1:
            logger.fdebug("Minimum search delay set for 1 minute to avoid hammering.")
            self.SEARCH_DELAY = 1

        if self.RSS_CHECKINTERVAL < 20:
            logger.fdebug("Minimum RSS Interval Check delay set for 20 minutes to avoid hammering.")
            self.RSS_CHECKINTERVAL = 20

        if self.ENABLE_RSS is True and mylar.RSS_STATUS == 'Paused':
            mylar.RSS_STATUS = 'Waiting'
        elif self.ENABLE_RSS is False and mylar.RSS_STATUS == 'Waiting':
            mylar.RSS_STATUS = 'Paused'

        if not helpers.is_number(self.CHMOD_DIR):
            logger.fdebug("CHMOD Directory value is not a valid numeric - please correct. Defaulting to 0777")
            self.CHMOD_DIR = '0777'

        if not helpers.is_number(self.CHMOD_FILE):
            logger.fdebug("CHMOD File value is not a valid numeric - please correct. Defaulting to 0660")
            self.CHMOD_FILE = '0660'

        if self.FILE_OPTS is None:
            self.FILE_OPTS = 'move'

        if any([self.FILE_OPTS == 'hardlink', self.FILE_OPTS == 'softlink']):
            #we can't have metatagging enabled with hard/soft linking. Forcibly disable it here just in case it's set on load.
            self.ENABLE_META = False

        if self.BLACKLISTED_PUBLISHERS is not None and type(self.BLACKLISTED_PUBLISHERS) == unicode:
            setattr(self, 'BLACKLISTED_PUBLISHERS', self.BLACKLISTED_PUBLISHERS.split(', '))

        if all([self.AUTHENTICATION == 0, self.HTTP_USERNAME is not None, self.HTTP_PASSWORD is not None]):
            #set it to the default login prompt if nothing selected.
            self.AUTHENTICATION = 1
        elif all([self.HTTP_USERNAME is None, self.HTTP_PASSWORD is None]):
            self.AUTHENTICATION = 0

        if all([self.IGNORE_TOTAL is True, self.IGNORE_HAVETOTAL is True]):
            self.IGNORE_TOTAL = False
            self.IGNORE_HAVETOTAL = False
            logger.warn('You cannot have both ignore_total and ignore_havetotal enabled in the config.ini at the same time. Set only ONE to true - disabling both until this is resolved.')

        #comictagger - force to use included version if option is enabled.
        if self.ENABLE_META:
            mylar.CMTAGGER_PATH = mylar.PROG_DIR
            #we need to make sure the default folder setting for the comictagger settings exists so things don't error out
            mylar.CT_SETTINGSPATH = os.path.join(mylar.PROG_DIR, 'lib', 'comictaggerlib', 'ct_settings')
            if not update:
                logger.fdebug('Setting ComicTagger settings default path to : ' + mylar.CT_SETTINGSPATH)

            if not os.path.exists(mylar.CT_SETTINGSPATH):
                except OSError,e:
                    if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
                        logger.error('Unable to create setting directory for ComicTagger. This WILL cause problems when tagging.')
                    logger.fdebug('Successfully created ComicTagger Settings location.')
コード例 #4
ファイル: Failed.py プロジェクト: ruinit/mylar
    def Process(self):
        module = '[FAILED-DOWNLOAD]'

        myDB = db.DBConnection()

        if self.nzb_name and self.nzb_folder:
            self._log('Failed download has been detected: ' + self.nzb_name + ' in ' + self.nzb_folder)

            #since this has already been passed through the search module, which holds the IssueID in the nzblog,
            #let's find the matching nzbname and pass it the IssueID in order to mark it as Failed and then return
            #to the search module and continue trucking along.

            nzbname = self.nzb_name
            #remove extensions from nzb_name if they somehow got through (Experimental most likely)
            extensions = ('.cbr', '.cbz')

            if nzbname.lower().endswith(extensions):
                fd, ext = os.path.splitext(nzbname)
                self._log("Removed extension from nzb: " + ext)
                nzbname = re.sub(str(ext), '', str(nzbname))

            #replace spaces
            nzbname = re.sub(' ', '.', str(nzbname))
            nzbname = re.sub('[\,\:\?\'\(\)]', '', str(nzbname))
            nzbname = re.sub('[\&]', 'and', str(nzbname))
            nzbname = re.sub('_', '.', str(nzbname))

            logger.fdebug(module + ' After conversions, nzbname is : ' + str(nzbname))
            self._log("nzbname: " + str(nzbname))

            nzbiss = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from nzblog WHERE nzbname=?", [nzbname]).fetchone()

            if nzbiss is None:
                self._log("Failure - could not initially locate nzbfile in my database to rename.")
                logger.fdebug(module + ' Failure - could not locate nzbfile initially')
                # if failed on spaces, change it all to decimals and try again.
                nzbname = re.sub('_', '.', str(nzbname))
                self._log("trying again with this nzbname: " + str(nzbname))
                logger.fdebug(module + ' Trying to locate nzbfile again with nzbname of : ' + str(nzbname))
                nzbiss = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from nzblog WHERE nzbname=?", [nzbname]).fetchone()
                if nzbiss is None:
                    logger.error(module + ' Unable to locate downloaded file to rename. PostProcessing aborted.')
                    self._log('Unable to locate downloaded file to rename. PostProcessing aborted.')
                    self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
                                           "mode": 'stop'})

                    return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
                    self._log("I corrected and found the nzb as : " + str(nzbname))
                    logger.fdebug(module + ' Auto-corrected and found the nzb as : ' + str(nzbname))
                    issueid = nzbiss['IssueID']
                issueid = nzbiss['IssueID']
                logger.fdebug(module + ' Issueid: ' + str(issueid))
                sarc = nzbiss['SARC']
                #use issueid to get publisher, series, year, issue number

            issueid = self.issueid
            nzbiss = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from nzblog WHERE IssueID=?", [issueid]).fetchone()
            if nzbiss is None:
                logger.info(module + ' Cannot locate corresponding record in download history. This will be implemented soon.')
                self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
                                       "mode": 'stop'})
                return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)

            nzbname = nzbiss['NZBName']

        # find the provider.
        self.prov = nzbiss['PROVIDER']
        logger.info(module + ' Provider: ' + self.prov)

        # grab the id.
        self.id = nzbiss['ID']
        logger.info(module + ' ID: ' + self.id)
        annchk = "no"

        if 'annual' in nzbname.lower():
            logger.info(module + ' Annual detected.')
            annchk = "yes"
            issuenzb = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from annuals WHERE IssueID=? AND ComicName NOT NULL", [issueid]).fetchone()
            issuenzb = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from issues WHERE IssueID=? AND ComicName NOT NULL", [issueid]).fetchone()

        if issuenzb is not None:
            logger.info(module + ' issuenzb found.')
            if helpers.is_number(issueid):
                sandwich = int(issuenzb['IssueID'])
            logger.info(module + ' issuenzb not found.')
            #if it's non-numeric, it contains a 'G' at the beginning indicating it's a multi-volume
            #using GCD data. Set sandwich to 1 so it will bypass and continue post-processing.
            if 'S' in issueid:
                sandwich = issueid
            elif 'G' in issueid or '-' in issueid:
                sandwich = 1
        if helpers.is_number(sandwich):
            if sandwich < 900000:
            # if sandwich is less than 900000 it's a normal watchlist download. Bypass.
            logger.info('Failed download handling for story-arcs and one-off\'s are not supported yet. Be patient!')
            self._log(' Unable to locate downloaded file to rename. PostProcessing aborted.')
            self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
                                   "mode": 'stop'})

            return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)

        comicid = issuenzb['ComicID']
        issuenumOG = issuenzb['Issue_Number']
        logger.info(module + ' Successfully detected as : ' + issuenzb['ComicName'] + ' issue: ' + str(issuenzb['Issue_Number']) + ' that was downloaded using ' + self.prov)
        self._log('Successfully detected as : ' + issuenzb['ComicName'] + ' issue: ' + str(issuenzb['Issue_Number']) + ' downloaded using ' + self.prov)

        logger.info(module + ' Marking as a Failed Download.')
        self._log('Marking as a Failed Download.')

        ctrlVal = {"IssueID": issueid}
        Vals = {"Status":    'Failed'}
        myDB.upsert("issues", Vals, ctrlVal)

        ctrlVal = {"ID":       self.id,
                   "Provider": self.prov,
                   "NZBName":  nzbname}
        Vals = {"Status":       'Failed',
                "ComicName":    issuenzb['ComicName'],
                "Issue_Number": issuenzb['Issue_Number']}
        myDB.upsert("failed", Vals, ctrlVal)

        logger.info(module + ' Successfully marked as Failed.')
        self._log('Successfully marked as Failed.')

        if mylar.FAILED_AUTO:
            logger.info(module + ' Sending back to search to see if we can find something that will not fail.')
            self._log('Sending back to search to see if we can find something better that will not fail.')
            self.valreturn.append({"self.log":    self.log,
                                   "mode":        'retry',
                                   "issueid":     issueid,
                                   "comicid":     comicid,
                                   "comicname":   issuenzb['ComicName'],
                                   "issuenumber": issuenzb['Issue_Number'],
                                   "annchk":      annchk})

            return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
            logger.info(module + ' Stopping search here as automatic handling of failed downloads is not enabled *hint*')
            self._log('Stopping search here as automatic handling of failed downloads is not enabled *hint*')
            self.valreturn.append({"self.log": self.log,
                                   "mode": 'stop'})
            return self.queue.put(self.valreturn)
コード例 #5
ファイル: PostProcessor.py プロジェクト: EbreeT/mylar
                    issueid = nzbiss['IssueID']
                    logger.fdebug("issueid:" + str(issueid))
                    sarc = nzbiss['SARC']
                    #use issueid to get publisher, series, year, issue number

                annchk = "no"
                if 'annual' in nzbname.lower():
                    logger.info("annual detected.")
                    annchk = "yes"
                    issuenzb = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from annuals WHERE IssueID=? AND ComicName NOT NULL", [issueid]).fetchone()
                    issuenzb = myDB.selectone("SELECT * from issues WHERE IssueID=? AND ComicName NOT NULL", [issueid]).fetchone()

                if issuenzb is not None:
                    logger.info("issuenzb found.")
                    if helpers.is_number(issueid):
                        sandwich = int(issuenzb['IssueID'])
                    logger.info("issuenzb not found.")
                    #if it's non-numeric, it contains a 'G' at the beginning indicating it's a multi-volume
                    #using GCD data. Set sandwich to 1 so it will bypass and continue post-processing.
                    if 'S' in issueid:
                        sandwich = issueid
                    elif 'G' in issueid or '-' in issueid: 
                        sandwich = 1
                if helpers.is_number(sandwich):
                    if sandwich < 900000:
                        # if sandwich is less than 900000 it's a normal watchlist download. Bypass.
                    if issuenzb is None or 'S' in sandwich or int(sandwich) >= 900000:
コード例 #6
ファイル: config.py プロジェクト: BenBeyond/mylar
    def configure(self, update=False):
            if not any([self.SAB_HOST is None, self.SAB_HOST == '', 'http://' in self.SAB_HOST[:7], 'https://' in self.SAB_HOST[:8]]):
                self.SAB_HOST = 'http://' + self.SAB_HOST
            if self.SAB_HOST.endswith('/'):
                logger.fdebug("Auto-correcting trailing slash in SABnzbd url (not required)")
                self.SAB_HOST = self.SAB_HOST[:-1]

        if any([self.HTTP_ROOT is None, self.HTTP_ROOT == '/']):
            self.HTTP_ROOT = '/'
            if not self.HTTP_ROOT.endswith('/'):
                self.HTTP_ROOT += '/'

        if not update:
           logger.fdebug('Log dir: %s' % self.LOG_DIR)

        if self.LOG_DIR is None:
            self.LOG_DIR = os.path.join(mylar.DATA_DIR, 'logs')

        if not os.path.exists(self.LOG_DIR):
            except OSError:
                if not mylar.QUIET:
                    logger.warn('Unable to create the log directory. Logging to screen only.')

        # if not update:
        #     logger.fdebug('[Cache Check] Cache directory currently set to : ' + self.CACHE_DIR)

        # Put the cache dir in the data dir for now
        if not self.CACHE_DIR:
            self.CACHE_DIR = os.path.join(str(mylar.DATA_DIR), 'cache')
            if not update:
                logger.fdebug('[Cache Check] Cache directory not found in configuration. Defaulting location to : ' + self.CACHE_DIR)

        if not os.path.exists(self.CACHE_DIR):
            except OSError:
                logger.error('[Cache Check] Could not create cache dir. Check permissions of datadir: ' + mylar.DATA_DIR)

        ## Sanity checking
        if any([self.COMICVINE_API is None, self.COMICVINE_API == 'None', self.COMICVINE_API == '']):
            logger.error('No User Comicvine API key specified. I will not work very well due to api limits - http://api.comicvine.com/ and get your own free key.')
            self.COMICVINE_API = None

        if self.SEARCH_INTERVAL < 360:
            logger.fdebug('Search interval too low. Resetting to 6 hour minimum')
            self.SEARCH_INTERVAL = 360

        if self.SEARCH_DELAY < 1:
            logger.fdebug("Minimum search delay set for 1 minute to avoid hammering.")
            self.SEARCH_DELAY = 1

        if self.RSS_CHECKINTERVAL < 20:
            logger.fdebug("Minimum RSS Interval Check delay set for 20 minutes to avoid hammering.")
            self.RSS_CHECKINTERVAL = 20

        if not helpers.is_number(self.CHMOD_DIR):
            logger.fdebug("CHMOD Directory value is not a valid numeric - please correct. Defaulting to 0777")
            self.CHMOD_DIR = '0777'

        if not helpers.is_number(self.CHMOD_FILE):
            logger.fdebug("CHMOD File value is not a valid numeric - please correct. Defaulting to 0660")
            self.CHMOD_FILE = '0660'

        if self.FILE_OPTS is None:
            self.FILE_OPTS = 'move'

        if any([self.FILE_OPTS == 'hardlink', self.FILE_OPTS == 'softlink']):
            #we can't have metatagging enabled with hard/soft linking. Forcibly disable it here just in case it's set on load.
            self.ENABLE_META = False

        if self.BLACKLISTED_PUBLISHERS is not None and type(self.BLACKLISTED_PUBLISHERS) == unicode:
            setattr(self, 'BLACKLISTED_PUBLISHERS', self.BLACKLISTED_PUBLISHERS.split(', '))

        if all([self.AUTHENTICATION == 0, self.HTTP_USERNAME is not None, self.HTTP_PASSWORD is not None]):
            #set it to the default login prompt if nothing selected.
            self.AUTHENTICATION = 1
        elif all([self.HTTP_USERNAME is None, self.HTTP_PASSWORD is None]):
            self.AUTHENTICATION = 0

        #comictagger - force to use included version if option is enabled.
        if self.ENABLE_META:
            mylar.CMTAGGER_PATH = mylar.PROG_DIR
            #we need to make sure the default folder setting for the comictagger settings exists so things don't error out
            mylar.CT_SETTINGSPATH = os.path.join(mylar.PROG_DIR, 'lib', 'comictaggerlib', 'ct_settings')
            if not update:
                logger.fdebug('Setting ComicTagger settings default path to : ' + mylar.CT_SETTINGSPATH)

            if not os.path.exists(mylar.CT_SETTINGSPATH):
                except OSError,e:
                    if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
                        logger.error('Unable to create setting directory for ComicTagger. This WILL cause problems when tagging.')
                    logger.fdebug('Successfully created ComicTagger Settings location.')
コード例 #7
ファイル: PostProcessor.py プロジェクト: glcarter/mylar-1
    def Process(self):
            self._log("nzb name: " + str(self.nzb_name), logger.DEBUG)
            self._log("nzb folder: " + str(self.nzb_folder), logger.DEBUG)
            logger.fdebug("nzb name: " + str(self.nzb_name))
            logger.fdebug("nzb folder: " + str(self.nzb_folder))
            if mylar.USE_SABNZBD==0:
                logger.fdebug("Not using SABNzbd")
                # if the SAB Directory option is enabled, let's use that folder name and append the jobname.
                if mylar.SAB_DIRECTORY is not None and mylar.SAB_DIRECTORY is not 'None' and len(mylar.SAB_DIRECTORY) > 4:
                    self.nzb_folder = os.path.join(mylar.SAB_DIRECTORY, self.nzb_name).encode(mylar.SYS_ENCODING)
                #lookup nzb_name in nzblog table to get issueid
                #query SAB to find out if Replace Spaces enabled / not as well as Replace Decimals
                querysab = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=get_config&section=misc&output=xml&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY)
                #logger.info("querysab_string:" + str(querysab))
                file = urllib2.urlopen(querysab)
                data = file.read()
                dom = parseString(data)
                sabreps = dom.getElementsByTagName('replace_spaces')[0].firstChild.wholeText
                sabrepd = dom.getElementsByTagName('replace_dots')[0].firstChild.wholeText
                logger.fdebug("SAB Replace Spaces: " + str(sabreps))
                logger.fdebug("SAB Replace Dots: " + str(sabrepd))
            if mylar.USE_NZBGET==1:
                logger.fdebug("Using NZBGET")
                logger.fdebug("NZB name as passed from NZBGet: " + self.nzb_name)
            myDB = db.DBConnection()

            nzbname = self.nzb_name
            #remove extensions from nzb_name if they somehow got through (Experimental most likely)
            extensions = ('.cbr', '.cbz')

            if nzbname.lower().endswith(extensions):
                fd, ext = os.path.splitext(nzbname)
                self._log("Removed extension from nzb: " + ext, logger.DEBUG)
                nzbname = re.sub(str(ext), '', str(nzbname))

            #replace spaces
            nzbname = re.sub(' ', '.', str(nzbname))
            nzbname = re.sub('[\,\:\?]', '', str(nzbname))
            nzbname = re.sub('[\&]', 'and', str(nzbname))

            logger.fdebug("After conversions, nzbname is : " + str(nzbname))
#            if mylar.USE_NZBGET==1:
#                nzbname=self.nzb_name
            self._log("nzbname: " + str(nzbname), logger.DEBUG)

            nzbiss = myDB.action("SELECT * from nzblog WHERE nzbname=?", [nzbname]).fetchone()

            if nzbiss is None:
                self._log("Failure - could not initially locate nzbfile in my database to rename.", logger.DEBUG)
                logger.fdebug("Failure - could not locate nzbfile initially.")
                # if failed on spaces, change it all to decimals and try again.
                nzbname = re.sub('_', '.', str(nzbname))
                self._log("trying again with this nzbname: " + str(nzbname), logger.DEBUG)
                logger.fdebug("trying again with nzbname of : " + str(nzbname))
                nzbiss = myDB.action("SELECT * from nzblog WHERE nzbname=?", [nzbname]).fetchone()
                if nzbiss is None:
                    logger.error(u"Unable to locate downloaded file to rename. PostProcessing aborted.")
                    self._log("I corrected and found the nzb as : " + str(nzbname))
                    logger.fdebug("auto-corrected and found the nzb as : " + str(nzbname))
                    issueid = nzbiss['IssueID']
                issueid = nzbiss['IssueID']
                print "issueid:" + str(issueid)
                #use issueid to get publisher, series, year, issue number
            issuenzb = myDB.action("SELECT * from issues WHERE issueid=?", [issueid]).fetchone()
            if helpers.is_number(issueid):
                sandwich = int(issuenzb['IssueID'])
                #if it's non-numeric, it contains a 'G' at the beginning indicating it's a multi-volume
                #using GCD data. Set sandwich to 1 so it will bypass and continue post-processing.
                sandwich = 1
            if issuenzb is None or sandwich >= 900000:
                # this has no issueID, therefore it's a one-off or a manual post-proc.
                # At this point, let's just drop it into the Comic Location folder and forget about it..
                self._log("One-off mode enabled for Post-Processing. All I'm doing is moving the file untouched into the Grab-bag directory.", logger.DEBUG)
                logger.info("One-off mode enabled for Post-Processing. Will move into Grab-bag directory.")
                self._log("Grab-Bag Directory set to : " + mylar.GRABBAG_DIR, logger.DEBUG)
                for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.nzb_folder):
                    for filename in filenames:
                        if filename.lower().endswith(extensions):
                            ofilename = filename
                            path, ext = os.path.splitext(ofilename)

                if mylar.GRABBAG_DIR:
                    grdst = mylar.GRABBAG_DIR
                    grdst = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR

                grab_dst = os.path.join(grdst, ofilename)
                self._log("Destination Path : " + grab_dst, logger.DEBUG)
                grab_src = os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, ofilename)
                self._log("Source Path : " + grab_src, logger.DEBUG)
                logger.info("Moving " + str(ofilename) + " into grab-bag directory : " + str(grdst))

                    shutil.move(grab_src, grab_dst)
                except (OSError, IOError):
                    self.log("Failed to move directory - check directories and manually re-run.", logger.DEBUG)
                    logger.debug("Failed to move directory - check directories and manually re-run.")
                    return self.log
                #tidyup old path
                except (OSError, IOError):
                    self._log("Failed to remove temporary directory.", logger.DEBUG)
                    logger.debug("Failed to remove temporary directory - check directory and manually re-run.")
                    return self.log

                logger.debug("Removed temporary directory : " + str(self.nzb_folder))
                self._log("Removed temporary directory : " + self.nzb_folder, logger.DEBUG)
                #delete entry from nzblog table
                myDB.action('DELETE from nzblog WHERE issueid=?', [issueid])
                return self.log

            comicid = issuenzb['ComicID']
            issuenumOG = issuenzb['Issue_Number']
            #issueno = str(issuenum).split('.')[0]
            #new CV API - removed all decimals...here we go AGAIN!
            issuenum = issuenumOG
            issue_except = 'None'
            if 'au' in issuenum.lower():
                issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum)
                issue_except = ' AU'
            if '.' in issuenum:
                iss_find = issuenum.find('.')
                iss_b4dec = issuenum[:iss_find]
                iss_decval = issuenum[iss_find+1:]
                if int(iss_decval) == 0:
                    iss = iss_b4dec
                    issdec = int(iss_decval)
                    issueno = str(iss)
                    self._log("Issue Number: " + str(issueno), logger.DEBUG)
                    logger.fdebug("Issue Number: " + str(issueno))
                    if len(iss_decval) == 1:
                        iss = iss_b4dec + "." + iss_decval
                        issdec = int(iss_decval) * 10
                        iss = iss_b4dec + "." + iss_decval.rstrip('0')
                        issdec = int(iss_decval.rstrip('0')) * 10
                    issueno = iss_b4dec
                    self._log("Issue Number: " + str(iss), logger.DEBUG)
                    logger.fdebug("Issue Number: " + str(iss))
                iss = issuenum
                issueno = str(iss)
            # issue zero-suppression here
            if mylar.ZERO_LEVEL == "0": 
                zeroadd = ""
                if mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N  == "none": zeroadd = ""
                elif mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "0x": zeroadd = "0"
                elif mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "00x": zeroadd = "00"

            logger.fdebug("Zero Suppression set to : " + str(mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N))

            if str(len(issueno)) > 1:
                if int(issueno) < 10:
                    self._log("issue detected less than 10", logger.DEBUG)
                    if '.' in iss:
                        if int(iss_decval) > 0:
                            issueno = str(iss)
                            prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss)
                            prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(int(issueno))
                        prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss)
                    if issue_except != 'None': 
                        prettycomiss = str(prettycomiss) + issue_except
                    self._log("Zero level supplement set to " + str(mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N) + ". Issue will be set as : " + str(prettycomiss), logger.DEBUG)
                elif int(issueno) >= 10 and int(issueno) < 100:
                    self._log("issue detected greater than 10, but less than 100", logger.DEBUG)
                    if mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "none":
                        zeroadd = ""
                        zeroadd = "0"
                    if '.' in iss:
                        if int(iss_decval) > 0:
                            issueno = str(iss)
                            prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss)
                           prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(int(issueno))
                        prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss)
                    if issue_except != 'None':
                        prettycomiss = str(prettycomiss) + issue_except
                    self._log("Zero level supplement set to " + str(mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N) + ".Issue will be set as : " + str(prettycomiss), logger.DEBUG)
                    self._log("issue detected greater than 100", logger.DEBUG)
                    if '.' in iss:
                        if int(iss_decval) > 0:
                            issueno = str(iss)
                    prettycomiss = str(issueno)
                    if issue_except != 'None':
                        prettycomiss = str(prettycomiss) + issue_except
                    self._log("Zero level supplement set to " + str(mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N) + ". Issue will be set as : " + str(prettycomiss), logger.DEBUG)
                prettycomiss = str(issueno)
                self._log("issue length error - cannot determine length. Defaulting to None:  " + str(prettycomiss), logger.DEBUG)

            logger.fdebug("Pretty Comic Issue is : " + str(prettycomiss))
            issueyear = issuenzb['IssueDate'][:4]
            self._log("Issue Year: " + str(issueyear), logger.DEBUG)
            logger.fdebug("Issue Year : " + str(issueyear))
            comicnzb= myDB.action("SELECT * from comics WHERE comicid=?", [comicid]).fetchone()
            publisher = comicnzb['ComicPublisher']
            self._log("Publisher: " + publisher, logger.DEBUG)
            logger.fdebug("Publisher: " + str(publisher))
            #we need to un-unicode this to make sure we can write the filenames properly for spec.chars
            series = comicnzb['ComicName'].encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()
            self._log("Series: " + series, logger.DEBUG)
            logger.fdebug("Series: " + str(series))
            seriesyear = comicnzb['ComicYear']
            self._log("Year: " + seriesyear, logger.DEBUG)
            logger.fdebug("Year: "  + str(seriesyear))
            comlocation = comicnzb['ComicLocation']
            self._log("Comic Location: " + comlocation, logger.DEBUG)
            logger.fdebug("Comic Location: " + str(comlocation))
            comversion = comicnzb['ComicVersion']
            self._log("Comic Version: " + str(comversion), logger.DEBUG)
            logger.fdebug("Comic Version: " + str(comversion))
            if comversion is None:
                comversion = 'None'
            #if comversion is None, remove it so it doesn't populate with 'None'
            if comversion == 'None':
                chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$VolumeN','',mylar.FILE_FORMAT)
                chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+')
                chunk_file_format = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f)
                self._log("No version # found for series - tag will not be available for renaming.", logger.DEBUG)
                logger.fdebug("No version # found for series, removing from filename")
                logger.fdebug("new format is now: " + str(chunk_file_format))
                chunk_file_format = mylar.FILE_FORMAT
            #Run Pre-script

            if mylar.ENABLE_PRE_SCRIPTS:
                nzbn = self.nzb_name #original nzb name
                nzbf = self.nzb_folder #original nzb folder
                #name, comicyear, comicid , issueid, issueyear, issue, publisher
                #create the dic and send it.
                seriesmeta = []
                seriesmetadata = {}
                            'name':                 series,
                            'comicyear':            seriesyear,
                            'comicid':              comicid,
                            'issueid':              issueid,
                            'issueyear':            issueyear,
                            'issue':                issuenum,
                            'publisher':            publisher
                seriesmetadata['seriesmeta'] = seriesmeta
                self._run_pre_scripts(nzbn, nzbf, seriesmetadata )

        #rename file and move to new path
        #nfilename = series + " " + issueno + " (" + seriesyear + ")"

            file_values = {'$Series':    series,
                           '$Issue':     prettycomiss,
                           '$Year':      issueyear,
                           '$series':    series.lower(),
                           '$Publisher': publisher,
                           '$publisher': publisher.lower(),
                           '$VolumeY':   'V' + str(seriesyear),
                           '$VolumeN':   comversion

            for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.nzb_folder):
                for filename in filenames:
                    if filename.lower().endswith(extensions):
                        ofilename = filename
                        path, ext = os.path.splitext(ofilename)
            self._log("Original Filename: " + ofilename, logger.DEBUG)
            self._log("Original Extension: " + ext, logger.DEBUG)
            logger.fdebug("Original Filname: " + str(ofilename))
            logger.fdebug("Original Extension: " + str(ext))

            if mylar.FILE_FORMAT == '' or not mylar.RENAME_FILES:
                self._log("Rename Files isn't enabled...keeping original filename.", logger.DEBUG)
                logger.fdebug("Rename Files isn't enabled - keeping original filename.")
                #check if extension is in nzb_name - will screw up otherwise
                if ofilename.lower().endswith(extensions):
                    nfilename = ofilename[:-4]
                    nfilename = ofilename
                nfilename = helpers.replace_all(chunk_file_format, file_values)
                if mylar.REPLACE_SPACES:
                    #mylar.REPLACE_CHAR ...determines what to replace spaces with underscore or dot
                    nfilename = nfilename.replace(' ', mylar.REPLACE_CHAR)
            nfilename = re.sub('[\,\:\?]', '', nfilename)
            self._log("New Filename: " + nfilename, logger.DEBUG)
            logger.fdebug("New Filename: " + str(nfilename))

            src = os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, ofilename)

            filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(comlocation, True)

            if mylar.LOWERCASE_FILENAMES:
                dst = (comlocation + "/" + nfilename + ext).lower()
                dst = comlocation + "/" + nfilename + ext.lower()    
            self._log("Source:" + src, logger.DEBUG)
            self._log("Destination:" +  dst, logger.DEBUG)
            logger.fdebug("Source: " + str(src))
            logger.fdebug("Destination: " + str(dst))

            os.rename(os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, str(ofilename)), os.path.join(self.nzb_folder,str(nfilename + ext)))
            src = os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, str(nfilename + ext))
                shutil.move(src, dst)
            except (OSError, IOError):
                self._log("Failed to move directory - check directories and manually re-run.", logger.DEBUG)
                self._log("Post-Processing ABORTED.", logger.DEBUG)
            #tidyup old path
            except (OSError, IOError):
                self._log("Failed to remove temporary directory - check directory and manually re-run.", logger.DEBUG)
                self._log("Post-Processing ABORTED.", logger.DEBUG)

            self._log("Removed temporary directory : " + str(self.nzb_folder), logger.DEBUG)
                    #delete entry from nzblog table
            myDB.action('DELETE from nzblog WHERE issueid=?', [issueid])
                    #force rescan of files
            logger.info(u"Post-Processing completed for: " + series + " issue: " + str(issuenumOG) )
            self._log(u"Post Processing SUCCESSFULL! ", logger.DEBUG)

            if mylar.PROWL_ENABLED:
                pushmessage = series + '(' + issueyear + ') - issue #' + issuenumOG
                logger.info(u"Prowl request")
                prowl = notifiers.PROWL()
                prowl.notify(pushmessage,"Download and Postprocessing completed")

            if mylar.NMA_ENABLED:
                nma = notifiers.NMA()
                nma.notify(series, str(issueyear), str(issuenumOG))

            if mylar.PUSHOVER_ENABLED:
                pushmessage = series + ' (' + str(issueyear) + ') - issue #' + str(issuenumOG)
                logger.info(u"Pushover request")
                pushover = notifiers.PUSHOVER()
                pushover.notify(pushmessage, "Download and Post-Processing completed")
            # retrieve/create the corresponding comic objects

            if mylar.ENABLE_EXTRA_SCRIPTS:
                folderp = str(dst) #folder location after move/rename
                nzbn = self.nzb_name #original nzb name
                filen = str(nfilename + ext) #new filename
                #name, comicyear, comicid , issueid, issueyear, issue, publisher
                #create the dic and send it.
                seriesmeta = []
                seriesmetadata = {}
                            'name':                 series,
                            'comicyear':            seriesyear,
                            'comicid':              comicid,
                            'issueid':              issueid,
                            'issueyear':            issueyear,
                            'issue':                issuenum,
                            'publisher':            publisher
                seriesmetadata['seriesmeta'] = seriesmeta
                self._run_extra_scripts(nzbname, self.nzb_folder, filen, folderp, seriesmetadata )

            return self.log
コード例 #8
    def Process(self):
            self._log("nzb name: " + str(self.nzb_name), logger.DEBUG)
            self._log("nzb folder: " + str(self.nzb_folder), logger.DEBUG)
            logger.fdebug("nzb name: " + str(self.nzb_name))
            logger.fdebug("nzb folder: " + str(self.nzb_folder))
            if mylar.USE_SABNZBD==0:
                logger.fdebug("Not using SABNzbd")
                # if the SAB Directory option is enabled, let's use that folder name and append the jobname.
                if mylar.SAB_DIRECTORY is not None and mylar.SAB_DIRECTORY is not 'None' and len(mylar.SAB_DIRECTORY) > 4:
                    self.nzb_folder = os.path.join(mylar.SAB_DIRECTORY, self.nzb_name).encode(mylar.SYS_ENCODING)
                #lookup nzb_name in nzblog table to get issueid
                #query SAB to find out if Replace Spaces enabled / not as well as Replace Decimals
                querysab = str(mylar.SAB_HOST) + "/api?mode=get_config&section=misc&output=xml&apikey=" + str(mylar.SAB_APIKEY)
                #logger.info("querysab_string:" + str(querysab))
                file = urllib2.urlopen(querysab)
                data = file.read()
                dom = parseString(data)

                    sabreps = dom.getElementsByTagName('replace_spaces')[0].firstChild.wholeText
                    errorm = dom.getElementsByTagName('error')[0].firstChild.wholeText
                    logger.error(u"Error detected attempting to retrieve SAB data : " + errorm)
                sabrepd = dom.getElementsByTagName('replace_dots')[0].firstChild.wholeText
                logger.fdebug("SAB Replace Spaces: " + str(sabreps))
                logger.fdebug("SAB Replace Dots: " + str(sabrepd))
            if mylar.USE_NZBGET==1:
                logger.fdebug("Using NZBGET")
                logger.fdebug("NZB name as passed from NZBGet: " + self.nzb_name)
            myDB = db.DBConnection()

            nzbname = self.nzb_name
            #remove extensions from nzb_name if they somehow got through (Experimental most likely)
            extensions = ('.cbr', '.cbz')

            if nzbname.lower().endswith(extensions):
                fd, ext = os.path.splitext(nzbname)
                self._log("Removed extension from nzb: " + ext, logger.DEBUG)
                nzbname = re.sub(str(ext), '', str(nzbname))

            #replace spaces
            nzbname = re.sub(' ', '.', str(nzbname))
            nzbname = re.sub('[\,\:\?]', '', str(nzbname))
            nzbname = re.sub('[\&]', 'and', str(nzbname))

            logger.fdebug("After conversions, nzbname is : " + str(nzbname))
#            if mylar.USE_NZBGET==1:
#                nzbname=self.nzb_name
            self._log("nzbname: " + str(nzbname), logger.DEBUG)

            nzbiss = myDB.action("SELECT * from nzblog WHERE nzbname=?", [nzbname]).fetchone()

            if nzbiss is None:
                self._log("Failure - could not initially locate nzbfile in my database to rename.", logger.DEBUG)
                logger.fdebug("Failure - could not locate nzbfile initially.")
                # if failed on spaces, change it all to decimals and try again.
                nzbname = re.sub('_', '.', str(nzbname))
                self._log("trying again with this nzbname: " + str(nzbname), logger.DEBUG)
                logger.fdebug("trying again with nzbname of : " + str(nzbname))
                nzbiss = myDB.action("SELECT * from nzblog WHERE nzbname=?", [nzbname]).fetchone()
                if nzbiss is None:
                    logger.error(u"Unable to locate downloaded file to rename. PostProcessing aborted.")
                    self._log("I corrected and found the nzb as : " + str(nzbname))
                    logger.fdebug("auto-corrected and found the nzb as : " + str(nzbname))
                    issueid = nzbiss['IssueID']
                issueid = nzbiss['IssueID']
                logger.fdebug("issueid:" + str(issueid))
                sarc = nzbiss['SARC']
                #use issueid to get publisher, series, year, issue number
            issuenzb = myDB.action("SELECT * from issues WHERE issueid=?", [issueid]).fetchone()
            if issuenzb is not None:
                if helpers.is_number(issueid):
                    sandwich = int(issuenzb['IssueID'])
                #if it's non-numeric, it contains a 'G' at the beginning indicating it's a multi-volume
                #using GCD data. Set sandwich to 1 so it will bypass and continue post-processing.
                if 'S' in issueid:
                    sandwich = issueid
                elif 'G' in issueid: 
                    sandwich = 1
            if helpers.is_number(sandwich):
                if sandwich < 900000:
                    # if sandwich is less than 900000 it's a normal watchlist download. Bypass.
                if issuenzb is None or 'S' in sandwich or int(sandwich) >= 900000:
                    # this has no issueID, therefore it's a one-off or a manual post-proc.
                    # At this point, let's just drop it into the Comic Location folder and forget about it..
                    if 'S' in sandwich:
                        self._log("One-off STORYARC mode enabled for Post-Processing for " + str(sarc))
                        logger.info("One-off STORYARC mode enabled for Post-Processing for " + str(sarc))
                        if mylar.STORYARCDIR:
                            storyarcd = os.path.join(mylar.DESTINATION_DIR, "StoryArcs", sarc)
                            self._log("StoryArc Directory set to : " + storyarcd, logger.DEBUG)
                            self._log("Grab-Bag Directory set to : " + mylar.GRABBAG_DIR, logger.DEBUG)

                        self._log("One-off mode enabled for Post-Processing. All I'm doing is moving the file untouched into the Grab-bag directory.", logger.DEBUG)
                        logger.info("One-off mode enabled for Post-Processing. Will move into Grab-bag directory.")
                        self._log("Grab-Bag Directory set to : " + mylar.GRABBAG_DIR, logger.DEBUG)

                    for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.nzb_folder):
                        for filename in filenames:
                            if filename.lower().endswith(extensions):
                                ofilename = filename
                                path, ext = os.path.splitext(ofilename)
                    if 'S' in sandwich:
                        if mylar.STORYARCDIR:
                            grdst = storyarcd
                            grdst = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR
                        if mylar.GRABBAG_DIR:
                            grdst = mylar.GRABBAG_DIR
                            grdst = mylar.DESTINATION_DIR

                    filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(grdst, True)
                    grab_dst = os.path.join(grdst, ofilename)
                    self._log("Destination Path : " + grab_dst, logger.DEBUG)
                    logger.info("Destination Path : " + grab_dst)
                    grab_src = os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, ofilename)
                    self._log("Source Path : " + grab_src, logger.DEBUG)
                    logger.info("Source Path : " + grab_src)

                    logger.info("Moving " + str(ofilename) + " into directory : " + str(grdst))

                        shutil.move(grab_src, grab_dst)
                    except (OSError, IOError):
                        self._log("Failed to move directory - check directories and manually re-run.", logger.DEBUG)
                        logger.debug("Failed to move directory - check directories and manually re-run.")
                    #tidyup old path
                    except (OSError, IOError):
                        self._log("Failed to remove temporary directory.", logger.DEBUG)
                        logger.debug("Failed to remove temporary directory - check directory and manually re-run.")

                    logger.debug("Removed temporary directory : " + str(self.nzb_folder))
                    self._log("Removed temporary directory : " + self.nzb_folder, logger.DEBUG)
                    #delete entry from nzblog table
                    myDB.action('DELETE from nzblog WHERE issueid=?', [issueid])

                    if 'S' in issueid:
                        issuearcid = re.sub('S', '', issueid)
                        logger.info("IssueArcID is : " + str(issuearcid))
                        ctrlVal = {"IssueArcID":  issuearcid}
                        newVal = {"Status":    "Downloaded",
                                  "Location":  grab_dst }
                        logger.info("updated status to Downloaded")
                    return self.log

            comicid = issuenzb['ComicID']
            issuenumOG = issuenzb['Issue_Number']
            #issueno = str(issuenum).split('.')[0]
            #new CV API - removed all decimals...here we go AGAIN!
            issuenum = issuenumOG
            issue_except = 'None'
            if 'au' in issuenum.lower():
                issuenum = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", issuenum)
                issue_except = ' AU'
            if '.' in issuenum:
                iss_find = issuenum.find('.')
                iss_b4dec = issuenum[:iss_find]
                iss_decval = issuenum[iss_find+1:]
                if int(iss_decval) == 0:
                    iss = iss_b4dec
                    issdec = int(iss_decval)
                    issueno = str(iss)
                    self._log("Issue Number: " + str(issueno), logger.DEBUG)
                    logger.fdebug("Issue Number: " + str(issueno))
                    if len(iss_decval) == 1:
                        iss = iss_b4dec + "." + iss_decval
                        issdec = int(iss_decval) * 10
                        iss = iss_b4dec + "." + iss_decval.rstrip('0')
                        issdec = int(iss_decval.rstrip('0')) * 10
                    issueno = iss_b4dec
                    self._log("Issue Number: " + str(iss), logger.DEBUG)
                    logger.fdebug("Issue Number: " + str(iss))
                iss = issuenum
                issueno = str(iss)
            # issue zero-suppression here
            if mylar.ZERO_LEVEL == "0": 
                zeroadd = ""
                if mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N  == "none": zeroadd = ""
                elif mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "0x": zeroadd = "0"
                elif mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "00x": zeroadd = "00"

            logger.fdebug("Zero Suppression set to : " + str(mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N))

            if str(len(issueno)) > 1:
                if int(issueno) < 10:
                    self._log("issue detected less than 10", logger.DEBUG)
                    if '.' in iss:
                        if int(iss_decval) > 0:
                            issueno = str(iss)
                            prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss)
                            prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(int(issueno))
                        prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss)
                    if issue_except != 'None': 
                        prettycomiss = str(prettycomiss) + issue_except
                    self._log("Zero level supplement set to " + str(mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N) + ". Issue will be set as : " + str(prettycomiss), logger.DEBUG)
                elif int(issueno) >= 10 and int(issueno) < 100:
                    self._log("issue detected greater than 10, but less than 100", logger.DEBUG)
                    if mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N == "none":
                        zeroadd = ""
                        zeroadd = "0"
                    if '.' in iss:
                        if int(iss_decval) > 0:
                            issueno = str(iss)
                            prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss)
                           prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(int(issueno))
                        prettycomiss = str(zeroadd) + str(iss)
                    if issue_except != 'None':
                        prettycomiss = str(prettycomiss) + issue_except
                    self._log("Zero level supplement set to " + str(mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N) + ".Issue will be set as : " + str(prettycomiss), logger.DEBUG)
                    self._log("issue detected greater than 100", logger.DEBUG)
                    if '.' in iss:
                        if int(iss_decval) > 0:
                            issueno = str(iss)
                    prettycomiss = str(issueno)
                    if issue_except != 'None':
                        prettycomiss = str(prettycomiss) + issue_except
                    self._log("Zero level supplement set to " + str(mylar.ZERO_LEVEL_N) + ". Issue will be set as : " + str(prettycomiss), logger.DEBUG)
                prettycomiss = str(issueno)
                self._log("issue length error - cannot determine length. Defaulting to None:  " + str(prettycomiss), logger.DEBUG)

            logger.fdebug("Pretty Comic Issue is : " + str(prettycomiss))
            issueyear = issuenzb['IssueDate'][:4]
            self._log("Issue Year: " + str(issueyear), logger.DEBUG)
            logger.fdebug("Issue Year : " + str(issueyear))
            comicnzb= myDB.action("SELECT * from comics WHERE comicid=?", [comicid]).fetchone()
            publisher = comicnzb['ComicPublisher']
            self._log("Publisher: " + publisher, logger.DEBUG)
            logger.fdebug("Publisher: " + str(publisher))
            #we need to un-unicode this to make sure we can write the filenames properly for spec.chars
            series = comicnzb['ComicName'].encode('ascii', 'ignore').strip()
            self._log("Series: " + series, logger.DEBUG)
            logger.fdebug("Series: " + str(series))
            seriesyear = comicnzb['ComicYear']
            self._log("Year: " + seriesyear, logger.DEBUG)
            logger.fdebug("Year: "  + str(seriesyear))
            comlocation = comicnzb['ComicLocation']
            self._log("Comic Location: " + comlocation, logger.DEBUG)
            logger.fdebug("Comic Location: " + str(comlocation))
            comversion = comicnzb['ComicVersion']
            self._log("Comic Version: " + str(comversion), logger.DEBUG)
            logger.fdebug("Comic Version: " + str(comversion))
            if comversion is None:
                comversion = 'None'
            #if comversion is None, remove it so it doesn't populate with 'None'
            if comversion == 'None':
                chunk_f_f = re.sub('\$VolumeN','',mylar.FILE_FORMAT)
                chunk_f = re.compile(r'\s+')
                chunk_file_format = chunk_f.sub(' ', chunk_f_f)
                self._log("No version # found for series - tag will not be available for renaming.", logger.DEBUG)
                logger.fdebug("No version # found for series, removing from filename")
                logger.fdebug("new format is now: " + str(chunk_file_format))
                chunk_file_format = mylar.FILE_FORMAT
            #Run Pre-script

            if mylar.ENABLE_PRE_SCRIPTS:
                nzbn = self.nzb_name #original nzb name
                nzbf = self.nzb_folder #original nzb folder
                #name, comicyear, comicid , issueid, issueyear, issue, publisher
                #create the dic and send it.
                seriesmeta = []
                seriesmetadata = {}
                            'name':                 series,
                            'comicyear':            seriesyear,
                            'comicid':              comicid,
                            'issueid':              issueid,
                            'issueyear':            issueyear,
                            'issue':                issuenum,
                            'publisher':            publisher
                seriesmetadata['seriesmeta'] = seriesmeta
                self._run_pre_scripts(nzbn, nzbf, seriesmetadata )

        #rename file and move to new path
        #nfilename = series + " " + issueno + " (" + seriesyear + ")"

            file_values = {'$Series':    series,
                           '$Issue':     prettycomiss,
                           '$Year':      issueyear,
                           '$series':    series.lower(),
                           '$Publisher': publisher,
                           '$publisher': publisher.lower(),
                           '$VolumeY':   'V' + str(seriesyear),
                           '$VolumeN':   comversion

            ofilename = None

            for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.nzb_folder):
                for filename in filenames:
                    if filename.lower().endswith(extensions):
                        ofilename = filename
                        path, ext = os.path.splitext(ofilename)

            if ofilename is None:
                logger.error(u"Aborting PostProcessing - the filename doesn't exist in the location given. Make sure that " + str(self.nzb_folder) + " exists and is the correct location.")
            self._log("Original Filename: " + ofilename, logger.DEBUG)
            self._log("Original Extension: " + ext, logger.DEBUG)
            logger.fdebug("Original Filname: " + str(ofilename))
            logger.fdebug("Original Extension: " + str(ext))

            if mylar.FILE_FORMAT == '' or not mylar.RENAME_FILES:
                self._log("Rename Files isn't enabled...keeping original filename.", logger.DEBUG)
                logger.fdebug("Rename Files isn't enabled - keeping original filename.")
                #check if extension is in nzb_name - will screw up otherwise
                if ofilename.lower().endswith(extensions):
                    nfilename = ofilename[:-4]
                    nfilename = ofilename
                nfilename = helpers.replace_all(chunk_file_format, file_values)
                if mylar.REPLACE_SPACES:
                    #mylar.REPLACE_CHAR ...determines what to replace spaces with underscore or dot
                    nfilename = nfilename.replace(' ', mylar.REPLACE_CHAR)
            nfilename = re.sub('[\,\:\?]', '', nfilename)
            self._log("New Filename: " + nfilename, logger.DEBUG)
            logger.fdebug("New Filename: " + str(nfilename))

            src = os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, ofilename)

            filechecker.validateAndCreateDirectory(comlocation, True)

            if mylar.LOWERCASE_FILENAMES:
                dst = (comlocation + "/" + nfilename + ext).lower()
                dst = comlocation + "/" + nfilename + ext.lower()    
            self._log("Source:" + src, logger.DEBUG)
            self._log("Destination:" +  dst, logger.DEBUG)
            logger.fdebug("Source: " + str(src))
            logger.fdebug("Destination: " + str(dst))

            os.rename(os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, str(ofilename)), os.path.join(self.nzb_folder,str(nfilename + ext)))
            src = os.path.join(self.nzb_folder, str(nfilename + ext))
                shutil.move(src, dst)
            except (OSError, IOError):
                self._log("Failed to move directory - check directories and manually re-run.", logger.DEBUG)
                self._log("Post-Processing ABORTED.", logger.DEBUG)
            #tidyup old path
            except (OSError, IOError):
                self._log("Failed to remove temporary directory - check directory and manually re-run.", logger.DEBUG)
                self._log("Post-Processing ABORTED.", logger.DEBUG)

            self._log("Removed temporary directory : " + str(self.nzb_folder), logger.DEBUG)
                    #delete entry from nzblog table
            myDB.action('DELETE from nzblog WHERE issueid=?', [issueid])
                    #update snatched table to change status to Downloaded
            updater.foundsearch(comicid, issueid, down='True')
                    #force rescan of files
            logger.info(u"Post-Processing completed for: " + series + " issue: " + str(issuenumOG) )
            self._log(u"Post Processing SUCCESSFULL! ", logger.DEBUG)

            if mylar.PROWL_ENABLED:
                pushmessage = series + '(' + issueyear + ') - issue #' + issuenumOG
                logger.info(u"Prowl request")
                prowl = notifiers.PROWL()
                prowl.notify(pushmessage,"Download and Postprocessing completed")

            if mylar.NMA_ENABLED:
                nma = notifiers.NMA()
                nma.notify(series, str(issueyear), str(issuenumOG))

            if mylar.PUSHOVER_ENABLED:
                pushmessage = series + ' (' + str(issueyear) + ') - issue #' + str(issuenumOG)
                logger.info(u"Pushover request")
                pushover = notifiers.PUSHOVER()
                pushover.notify(pushmessage, "Download and Post-Processing completed")
            # retrieve/create the corresponding comic objects

            if mylar.ENABLE_EXTRA_SCRIPTS:
                folderp = str(dst) #folder location after move/rename
                nzbn = self.nzb_name #original nzb name
                filen = str(nfilename + ext) #new filename
                #name, comicyear, comicid , issueid, issueyear, issue, publisher
                #create the dic and send it.
                seriesmeta = []
                seriesmetadata = {}
                            'name':                 series,
                            'comicyear':            seriesyear,
                            'comicid':              comicid,
                            'issueid':              issueid,
                            'issueyear':            issueyear,
                            'issue':                issuenum,
                            'publisher':            publisher
                seriesmetadata['seriesmeta'] = seriesmeta
                self._run_extra_scripts(nzbname, self.nzb_folder, filen, folderp, seriesmetadata )

            return self.log
コード例 #9
ファイル: PostProcessor.py プロジェクト: citrusy/mylar
            annchk = "no"
            if 'annual' in nzbname.lower():
                logger.info("annual detected.")
                annchk = "yes"
                issuenzb = myDB.action(
                    "SELECT * from annuals WHERE IssueID=? AND ComicName NOT NULL",
                issuenzb = myDB.action(
                    "SELECT * from issues WHERE IssueID=? AND ComicName NOT NULL",

            if issuenzb is not None:
                logger.info("issuenzb found.")
                if helpers.is_number(issueid):
                    sandwich = int(issuenzb['IssueID'])
                logger.info("issuenzb not found.")
                #if it's non-numeric, it contains a 'G' at the beginning indicating it's a multi-volume
                #using GCD data. Set sandwich to 1 so it will bypass and continue post-processing.
                if 'S' in issueid:
                    sandwich = issueid
                elif 'G' in issueid or '-' in issueid:
                    sandwich = 1
            if helpers.is_number(sandwich):
                if sandwich < 900000:
                    # if sandwich is less than 900000 it's a normal watchlist download. Bypass.
                if issuenzb is None or 'S' in sandwich or int(