コード例 #1
    def radio_action(self, file_name):
        On click function for radio button
        :param file_name: name of the fits file

        # Get pixels and header from a fits file
        self.pixels, _ = mylib.get_pixels("../data/%s" % (file_name))

        # Process to the fit of the background
        _, _, _, self.background, self.dispersion = mylib.modelling_parameters(self.pixels)

        # Remove the background
        filtered_pixels = mylib.remove_background(self.pixels, self.background, self.dispersion)

        # Update the picture
        self.axis.cla() # delete the previous imshow
        self.axis.set_title('Use of both slider and radio button')
        self.fig.canvas.draw() # redraw

        # Define the slider widget
        threshold_min = max(0, self.background - 6.0 * self.dispersion)
        threshold_max = self.background + 10.0*self.dispersion
        threshold_init = self.background + 6.0*self.dispersion
        if self.my_widget is not None:
        self.my_widget = widgets.Slider(self.slider_axis, 'threshold', threshold_min, \
                                   threshold_max, valinit=threshold_init)
コード例 #2
    def radio_action(self, file_name):
        On click function for radio button
        :param file_name: name of the fits file

        # Get pixels and header from a fits file
        self.pixels, _ = mylib.get_pixels("../data/%s" % (file_name))

        # Process to the fit of the background
        _, _, _, self.background, self.dispersion = mylib.modelling_parameters(

        # Remove the background
        filtered_pixels = mylib.remove_background(self.pixels, self.background,

        # Update the picture
        self.axis.cla()  # delete the previous imshow
        self.axis.set_title('Use of both slider and radio button')
        self.fig.canvas.draw()  # redraw

        # Define the slider widget
        threshold_min = max(0, self.background - 6.0 * self.dispersion)
        threshold_max = self.background + 10.0 * self.dispersion
        threshold_init = self.background + 6.0 * self.dispersion
        if self.my_widget is not None:
        self.my_widget = widgets.Slider(self.slider_axis, 'threshold', threshold_min, \
                                   threshold_max, valinit=threshold_init)
コード例 #3
    def update(event):
        Action on slider change
        :param event: the event
        # Find the clusters with the selected threshold
        cluster_list = mylib.find_clusters(header, pixels,
                                           background + thresh_slider.val)

        # clear the previous image

        # Display the number of sigmas above threshold selected with the slider
        if not cluster_list:  # If max recursion depth reached, cluster_list is empty
            nb_clusters = "Error: max recursion reached"
            nb_clusters = "Number of clusters found : %i" % len(cluster_list)
        pads.set_title("Pixels above background + %d sigma. %s" \
                  % (thresh_slider.val / dispersion, nb_clusters))
        # Display the image with selected background removed
        # (we remove 'thresh_slider.val', with a threshold = 'thresh_slider.val - background'
            mylib.remove_background(pixels, background, thresh_slider.val))
        # Draw the image
コード例 #4
    def update(event):
        Action on slider change
        :param event: the event
        # Find the clusters with the selected threshold
        cluster_list = mylib.find_clusters(header, pixels, background + thresh_slider.val)

        # clear the previous image

        # Display the number of sigmas above threshold selected with the slider
        if not cluster_list: # If max recursion depth reached, cluster_list is empty
            nb_clusters = "Error: max recursion reached"
            nb_clusters = "Number of clusters found : %i" % len(cluster_list)
        pads.set_title("Pixels above background + %d sigma. %s" \
                  % (thresh_slider.val / dispersion, nb_clusters))
        # Display the image with selected background removed
        # (we remove 'thresh_slider.val', with a threshold = 'thresh_slider.val - background'
        # Draw the image
コード例 #5
def event_handler(header, pixels, background, dispersion):
    Event handler
    :param header: header of the FITS file opened
    :param pixels: The image to display
    :param background: mean value of the image background
    :param dispersion: dispersion of the background, fitted on the image

    # plot zone
    fig, pads = plt.subplots()

    # Add margins to gain space for the slider
    plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.25, bottom=0.25)

    # Plot the image a first time with no threshold (0)
    pads.imshow(mylib.remove_background(pixels, background, 0))

    # pad containing the slider : left, bot, width, height
    pad_slider = plt.axes([0.25, 0.1, 0.65, 0.03], axisbg='white')

    # Default value for slider: 0
    # Minimal value: 0
    # Maximal value: max value in 'pixels' - background
    thresh_slider = widg.Slider(pad_slider, "Threshold", 0,
                                np.max(pixels) - background, valinit=0)
    # Initialize the displayed text
    pads.set_title("Pixels above background + %d sigma" \
                  % (thresh_slider.val / dispersion))

    def update(event):
        Action on slider change
        :param event: the event
        # Find the clusters with the selected threshold
        cluster_list = mylib.find_clusters(header, pixels, background + thresh_slider.val)

        # clear the previous image

        # Display the number of sigmas above threshold selected with the slider
        if not cluster_list: # If max recursion depth reached, cluster_list is empty
            nb_clusters = "Error: max recursion reached"
            nb_clusters = "Number of clusters found : %i" % len(cluster_list)
        pads.set_title("Pixels above background + %d sigma. %s" \
                  % (thresh_slider.val / dispersion, nb_clusters))
        # Display the image with selected background removed
        # (we remove 'thresh_slider.val', with a threshold = 'thresh_slider.val - background'
        # Draw the image

コード例 #6
def main():
    Take datas (2D numpy.array) from the fits file specific.fits
    and display the associated picture without background,
    the threshold can be ajusted with a widget,
    calculate the number of clusters

    # Get pixels and header from a fits file
    pixels, _ = mylib.get_pixels("../data/specific.fits")

    # Process to the fit of the background
    _, _, _, background, dispersion = mylib.modelling_parameters(pixels)

    # Remove the background
    filtered_pixels = mylib.remove_background(pixels, background, dispersion)

    # Display the picture without the background
    fig, axis = plt.subplots()
    plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.1, bottom=0.25)
    axis.set_title('Picture without background')

    # Define the slider axis and the widget associated
    slider_axis = plt.axes([0.2, 0.1, 0.6, 0.105])
    threshold_min = background
    threshold_max = background + 30.0 * dispersion
    threshold_init = background + 6.0 * dispersion
    my_widget = widgets.Slider(slider_axis, 'threshold', threshold_min, \
                               threshold_max, valinit=threshold_init)

    # slider_action function definition
    def slider_action(threshold):
        Function called when the threshold value is changed,
        the filtered_pixels array is recalculated
        and the canvas is redrawn
        axis.cla() # delete the previous imshow
        filtered_pixels = mylib.remove_background(pixels, background, \
                          dispersion, threshold=threshold)
        try: # if too many recursion, say that threshold is too low
            cluster_array = mylib.get_cluster_array(pixels, background, dispersion, threshold)
            axis.set_title('Picture without background : number of clusters = %s' % \
        except RuntimeError:
            axis.set_title('Picture without background : threshold is too low')
        fig.canvas.draw() # redraw

    # Use event handler

    return 0
コード例 #7
def main():
    We read a FITS file, find the clusters,
    and convert their centroid coordinates to WCS coordinates.
    Then we display the WCS coordinates on the image,
    following the mouse movement.

    input_file_path = "/Users/npac09/PycharmProjects/npac09/data/specific.fits"
    output_file_path = "/Users/npac09/PycharmProjects/npac09/src/ex4.txt"

    # open file and retrieve data and header
    header, pixels = mylib.open_fits(input_file_path)

    # creation of the histogram from the data
    bin_number = 200
    bin_values, bin_boundaries = np.histogram(pixels.ravel(), bin_number)

    # apply the fit (no need for the amplitude (first parameter))
    _, background, dispersion = mylib.gaussian_fit(bin_boundaries[:-1],
    # We define the threshold at 6 standard deviations above the mean bkg value
    threshold = background + (6.0 * dispersion)

    # plot
    fig, pads = plt.subplots()

    # visualization of the image after bkg removal
    pads.imshow(mylib.remove_background(pixels, background, threshold))

    # find the clusters.
    cluster_list = mylib.find_clusters(header, pixels, threshold)
    cluster_dico = mylib.build_cluster_dico(cluster_list)

    # find the maximum-integral cluster
    max_integral_key = mylib.find_max_integral_cluster(cluster_list)

    # call the event handler
    event_handler(fig, header, pixels)

    # display

    # write result to output file
        with open(output_file_path, 'w') as output_file:
            output_file.write('right ascension: %.3f, declination: %.3f' \
                              % (cluster_dico[max_integral_key][0].centroid_wcs))

    except IOError:
        print "File not found :", output_file_path
        return 2

    return 0
コード例 #8
 def slider_action(self, threshold):
     On changed function for slider
     :param threshold: value of the threshold
     self.axis.cla() # delete the previous imshow
     filtered_pixels = mylib.remove_background(self.pixels, self.background, \
                       self.dispersion, threshold=threshold)
     self.axis.set_title('Use of both slider and radio button')
     self.fig.canvas.draw() # redraw
コード例 #9
def main():
    Take datas (2D numpy.array) from the fits file specific.fits,
    find the clusters array, find there WCS coordinates, display it

    # Get pixels and header from a fits file
    pixels, header = mylib.get_pixels("../data/specific.fits")

    # Process to the fit of the background
    _, _, _, background, dispersion = mylib.modelling_parameters(pixels)

    # Get the list of clusters
    my_wcs = library.WCS(header) # Instantiate WCS conversion object
    cluster_array = mylib.get_cluster_array(pixels, background, \
                                            dispersion, my_wcs=my_wcs)

    # Remove the background
    filtered_pixels = mylib.remove_background(pixels, background, dispersion)

    # Display the picture
    fig, axis = plt.subplots()

    # Move function definition
    def move(event):
        Function called when the event 'motion_notify_event' occurs,
        the wcs coordinates of the pixel pointed by the mouse are
        then displayed at its location
        x_position = event.xdata
        y_position = event.ydata
        if x_position != None: # if we are not outside the picture
            rad, dec = my_wcs.convert_to_radec(x_position, y_position)
            text = axis.text(x_position, y_position, 'ra: %.6f, dec: %.6f' % \
                            (rad, dec), fontsize=14, color='white')

    # Use event handler
    fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', move)

    # Find the cluster with the greatest integral
    main_clust = mylib.find_main_centroid(cluster_array)

    # Write informations about WCS coordinates on ex4.txt file
    results = 'right ascension: %.3f, declination: %.3f' % \
              (main_clust.centroid_wcs[0], main_clust.centroid_wcs[1])
    with open("ex4.txt", 'w') as output_file:

    return 0
コード例 #10
 def slider_action(self, threshold):
     On changed function for slider
     :param threshold: value of the threshold
     self.axis.cla()  # delete the previous imshow
     filtered_pixels = mylib.remove_background(self.pixels, self.background, \
                       self.dispersion, threshold=threshold)
     self.axis.set_title('Use of both slider and radio button')
     self.fig.canvas.draw()  # redraw
コード例 #11
def main():
    Take datas (2D numpy.array) from the fits file specific.fits,
    find the clusters array, find there WCS coordinates, display it

    # Get pixels and header from a fits file
    pixels, header = mylib.get_pixels("../data/specific.fits")

    # Process to the fit of the background
    _, _, _, background, dispersion = mylib.modelling_parameters(pixels)

    # Get the list of clusters
    my_wcs = library.WCS(header)  # Instantiate WCS conversion object
    cluster_array = mylib.get_cluster_array(pixels, background, \
                                            dispersion, my_wcs=my_wcs)

    # Remove the background
    filtered_pixels = mylib.remove_background(pixels, background, dispersion)

    # Display the picture
    fig, axis = plt.subplots()

    # Move function definition
    def move(event):
        Function called when the event 'motion_notify_event' occurs,
        the wcs coordinates of the pixel pointed by the mouse are
        then displayed at its location
        x_position = event.xdata
        y_position = event.ydata
        if x_position != None:  # if we are not outside the picture
            rad, dec = my_wcs.convert_to_radec(x_position, y_position)
            text = axis.text(x_position, y_position, 'ra: %.6f, dec: %.6f' % \
                            (rad, dec), fontsize=14, color='white')

    # Use event handler
    fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', move)

    # Find the cluster with the greatest integral
    main_clust = mylib.find_main_centroid(cluster_array)

    # Write informations about WCS coordinates on ex4.txt file
    results = 'right ascension: %.3f, declination: %.3f' % \
              (main_clust.centroid_wcs[0], main_clust.centroid_wcs[1])
    with open("ex4.txt", 'w') as output_file:

    return 0
コード例 #12
def main():
    We read a FITS file, find the clusters,
    and convert their centroid coordinates to WCS coordinates.
    Then we display the WCS coordinates on the image,
    following the mouse movement.

    input_file_path = "/Users/npac09/PycharmProjects/npac09/data/specific.fits"
    output_file_path = "/Users/npac09/PycharmProjects/npac09/src/ex4.txt"

    # open file and retrieve data and header
    header, pixels = mylib.open_fits(input_file_path)

    # creation of the histogram from the data
    bin_number = 200
    bin_values, bin_boundaries = np.histogram(pixels.ravel(), bin_number)

    # apply the fit (no need for the amplitude (first parameter))
    _, background, dispersion = mylib.gaussian_fit(bin_boundaries[:-1], bin_values)
    # We define the threshold at 6 standard deviations above the mean bkg value
    threshold = background + (6.0 * dispersion)

    # plot
    fig, pads = plt.subplots()

    # visualization of the image after bkg removal
    pads.imshow(mylib.remove_background(pixels, background, threshold))

    # find the clusters.
    cluster_list = mylib.find_clusters(header, pixels, threshold)
    cluster_dico = mylib.build_cluster_dico(cluster_list)

    # find the maximum-integral cluster
    max_integral_key = mylib.find_max_integral_cluster(cluster_list)

    # call the event handler
    event_handler(fig, header, pixels)

    # display

    # write result to output file
        with open(output_file_path, 'w') as output_file:
            output_file.write('right ascension: %.3f, declination: %.3f' \
                              % (cluster_dico[max_integral_key][0].centroid_wcs))

    except IOError:
        print "File not found :", output_file_path
        return 2

    return 0
コード例 #13
def event_handler(pixels, background, dispersion):
    Event handler
    :param pixels: The image to display
    :param background: mean value of the image background
    :param dispersion: dispersion of the background, fitted on the image

    # plot zone
    fig, pads = plt.subplots()

    # Add margins to gain space for the slider
    plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.25, bottom=0.25)

    # Plot the image a first time with no threshold (0)
    pads.imshow(mylib.remove_background(pixels, background, 0))

    # pad containing the slider : left, bot, width, height
    pad_slider = plt.axes([0.25, 0.1, 0.65, 0.03], axisbg='white')

    # Default value for slider: 0
    # Minimal value: 0
    # Maximal value: max value in 'pixels' - background
    thresh_slider = widg.Slider(pad_slider,
                                np.max(pixels) - background,
    # Initialize the displayed text
    pads.set_title("pixels above background + %d sigma" \
                  % (thresh_slider.val / dispersion))

    def update(event):
        Action on slider change
        :param event: the event
        # clear the previous image
        # Display the number of sigmas above threshold selected with the slider
        pads.set_title("pixels above background + %d sigma" \
                  % (thresh_slider.val / dispersion))
        # Display the image with selected background removed
        # (we remove 'thresh_slider.val', with a threshold = 'thresh_slider.val - background'
            mylib.remove_background(pixels, background, thresh_slider.val))
        # Draw the image

コード例 #14
 def slider_action(threshold):
     Function called when the threshold value is changed,
     the filtered_pixels array is recalculated
     and the canvas is redrawn
     axis.cla()  # delete the previous imshow
     filtered_pixels = mylib.remove_background(pixels, background, \
                       dispersion, threshold=threshold)
     axis.set_title('Picture without background : threshold = %s' % \
     fig.canvas.draw()  # redraw
コード例 #15
 def slider_action(threshold):
     Function called when the threshold value is changed,
     the filtered_pixels array is recalculated
     and the canvas is redrawn
     axis.cla() # delete the previous imshow
     filtered_pixels = mylib.remove_background(pixels, background, \
                       dispersion, threshold=threshold)
     axis.set_title('Picture without background : threshold = %s' % \
     fig.canvas.draw() # redraw
コード例 #16
def main():
    Reading a FITS file and determining the background parameters.

    input_file_path = "/Users/npac09/PycharmProjects/npac09/data/specific.fits"
    output_file_path = "/Users/npac09/PycharmProjects/npac09/src/ex2.txt"

    # open file and retrieve data
    _, pixels = mylib.open_fits(input_file_path)

    # creation of the histogram from the data
    bin_number = 200
    bin_values, bin_boundaries = np.histogram(pixels.ravel(), bin_number)
    bin_lower_boundaries = bin_boundaries[:-1]

    # apply the fit
    maxvalue, background, dispersion = mylib.gaussian_fit(
        bin_lower_boundaries, bin_values)
    threshold = 6.0 * dispersion

    # visualization of the histogram and the fit
    _, pads = plt.subplots(1, 3)
    # 0: image before bkg removal; # 1: image after bkg removal; 2: histogram and fit
    pads[2].plot(bin_lower_boundaries, bin_values, 'b+:', label='data')
    pads[2].plot(bin_lower_boundaries, \
                 mylib.gaussian(bin_lower_boundaries, maxvalue, background, dispersion), \
                 'r.:', label='fit')
    pads[2].set_title('Flux distribution')

    # visualization of the image before and after bkg removal
    pads[1].imshow(mylib.remove_background(pixels, background, threshold))


    # write result to output file
        with open(output_file_path, 'w') as output_file:
            output_file.write('background: %d, dispersion: %d' %
                              (int(background), int(dispersion)))

    except IOError:
        print "File not found :", output_file_path
        return 2

    return 0
コード例 #17
def main():
    Reading a FITS file and determining the background parameters.

    input_file_path = "/Users/npac09/PycharmProjects/npac09/data/specific.fits"
    output_file_path = "/Users/npac09/PycharmProjects/npac09/src/ex2.txt"

    # open file and retrieve data
    _, pixels = mylib.open_fits(input_file_path)

    # creation of the histogram from the data
    bin_number = 200
    bin_values, bin_boundaries = np.histogram(pixels.ravel(), bin_number)
    bin_lower_boundaries = bin_boundaries[:-1]

    # apply the fit
    maxvalue, background, dispersion = mylib.gaussian_fit(bin_lower_boundaries, bin_values)
    threshold = 6.0 * dispersion

    # visualization of the histogram and the fit
    _, pads = plt.subplots(1, 3)
        # 0: image before bkg removal; # 1: image after bkg removal; 2: histogram and fit
    pads[2].plot(bin_lower_boundaries, bin_values, 'b+:', label='data')
    pads[2].plot(bin_lower_boundaries, \
                 mylib.gaussian(bin_lower_boundaries, maxvalue, background, dispersion), \
                 'r.:', label='fit')
    pads[2].set_title('Flux distribution')

    # visualization of the image before and after bkg removal
    pads[1].imshow(mylib.remove_background(pixels, background, threshold))


    # write result to output file
        with open(output_file_path, 'w') as output_file:
            output_file.write('background: %d, dispersion: %d' % (int(background), int(dispersion)))

    except IOError:
        print "File not found :", output_file_path
        return 2

    return 0
コード例 #18
 def slider_action(threshold):
     Function called when the threshold value is changed,
     the filtered_pixels array is recalculated
     and the canvas is redrawn
     axis.cla() # delete the previous imshow
     filtered_pixels = mylib.remove_background(pixels, background, \
                       dispersion, threshold=threshold)
     try: # if too many recursion, say that threshold is too low
         cluster_array = mylib.get_cluster_array(pixels, background, dispersion, threshold)
         axis.set_title('Picture without background : number of clusters = %s' % \
     except RuntimeError:
         axis.set_title('Picture without background : threshold is too low')
     fig.canvas.draw() # redraw
コード例 #19
 def update(event):
     Action on slider change
     :param event: the event
     # clear the previous image
     # Display the number of sigmas above threshold selected with the slider
     pads.set_title("pixels above background + %d sigma" \
               % (thresh_slider.val / dispersion))
     # Display the image with selected background removed
     # (we remove 'thresh_slider.val', with a threshold = 'thresh_slider.val - background'
         mylib.remove_background(pixels, background, thresh_slider.val))
     # Draw the image
コード例 #20
 def update(event):
     Action on slider change
     :param event: the event
     # clear the previous image
     # Display the number of sigmas above threshold selected with the slider
     pads.set_title("pixels above background + %d sigma" \
               % (thresh_slider.val / dispersion))
     # Display the image with selected background removed
     # (we remove 'thresh_slider.val', with a threshold = 'thresh_slider.val - background'
     # Draw the image
コード例 #21
def main():
    Take datas (2D numpy.array) from the fits file specific.fits
    and display the associated picture without background

    # Get pixels and header from a fits file
    pixels, _ = mylib.get_pixels("../data/specific.fits")

    # Process to the fit of the background
    x_array, y_array, maxvalue, background, dispersion = \

    # Remove the background
    filtered_pixels = mylib.remove_background(pixels, background, dispersion)

    # Plot both histograms and picture without background
    _, axis = plt.subplots(1, 2)

    # Plot histogram of data luminosity and result of the fit
    axis[0].plot(x_array, y_array, 'b+:', label='data')
    axis[0].plot(x_array, mylib.modelling_function( \
             x_array, maxvalue, background, dispersion), \
             'r.:', label='fit')
    axis[0].set_title('Flux distribution')

    # Display the picture without the background
    axis[1].set_title('Picture without background')

    # Write informations about background and dispersion on ex2.txt file
    results = 'background: %i, dispersion: %i' % (background, dispersion)
    with open("ex2.txt", 'w') as output_file:

    return 0
コード例 #22
def main():
    We read a FITS file, find the clusters,
    and convert their centroid coordinates to WCS coordinates.
    Then we display the celestial objects names on the image,
    at click on the corresponding object on the image.

    input_file_path = "/Users/npac09/PycharmProjects/npac09/data/specific.fits"
    output_file_path = "/Users/npac09/PycharmProjects/npac09/src/ex5.txt"

    # open file and retrieve data and header
    header, pixels = mylib.open_fits(input_file_path)

    # creation of the histogram from the data
    bin_number = 200
    bin_values, bin_boundaries = np.histogram(pixels.ravel(), bin_number)

    # apply the fit (no need for the amplitude (first parameter))
    _, background, dispersion = mylib.gaussian_fit(bin_boundaries[:-1],

    # We define the threshold at 6 standard deviations above the mean bkg value
    threshold = background + (6.0 * dispersion)

    # define an accetance radius around a given position to get the name from Simbad
    radius = 0.003
    cluster_list = mylib.find_clusters(header, pixels, threshold)
    cluster_dico = mylib.build_cluster_dico(cluster_list, radius)

    # plot
    fig, pads = plt.subplots()
    # Display the image without background
    pads.imshow(mylib.remove_background(pixels, background, threshold))

    # Display the boxes around clusters
    for cluster in cluster_list:
            patches.Rectangle((cluster.box_xmin, cluster.box_ymin),
                              cluster.box_xmax - cluster.box_xmin,
                              cluster.box_ymax - cluster.box_ymin,

    # find the maximum-integral cluster
    max_integral_key = mylib.find_max_integral_cluster(cluster_list)

    # call the event handler
    event_handler(fig, header, pixels, cluster_list, cluster_dico)


    # write result to output file
        with open(output_file_path, 'w') as output_file:
            output_file.write('celestial object: %s' %

    except IOError:
        print "File not found :", output_file_path
        return 2

    return 0
コード例 #23
def main():
    Take datas (2D numpy.array) from the fits file specific.fits,
    find the clusters array, find there names, display it

    # Get pixels and header from a fits file
    pixels, header = mylib.get_pixels("../data/specific.fits")

    # Process to the fit of the background
    _, _, _, background, dispersion = mylib.modelling_parameters(pixels)

    # Get the list of clusters
    my_wcs = library.WCS(header) # Instantiate WCS conversion object
    cluster_array = mylib.get_cluster_array(pixels, background, \
                                            dispersion, my_wcs=my_wcs)

    # Remove the background
    filtered_pixels = mylib.remove_background(pixels, background, dispersion)

    # Display the picture
    fig, axis = plt.subplots()

    # Put bounding boxes
    for cluster in cluster_array:
        axis.add_patch(patches.Rectangle(cluster.bounding_box[0], \
                                         cluster.bounding_box[1], \
                                         cluster.bounding_box[2], \
                                         fill=False, \

    # On_click function definition
    def on_click(event):
        Function called when the event 'button_release_event' occurs,
        if the click was made on a bounding box, the name of the
        corresponding celestial object is displayed
        x_position = event.xdata
        y_position = event.ydata
        if x_position != None: # if we are not outside the picture
            for clust in cluster_array:
                if clust.is_in_bounding(x_position, y_position):
                    text = axis.text(x_position, y_position, clust.star_name, \
                                     fontsize=14, color='white')

    # Use event handler
    fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', on_click)

    # Find the cluster with the greatest integral
    main_clust = mylib.find_main_centroid(cluster_array)

    # Write the name of the main celestial object on ex5.txt file
    results = 'celestial object: %s' % (main_clust.star_name)
    with open("ex5.txt", 'w') as output_file:

    return 0